Summer Fling

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#48 of Commissions

Commission for starring him and , based off a picture starring them as well. Had some fun working this one out and building up to the grand finale.

Luster stood at the railing that separated the lot from the beach. The unicorn stallion dropped his shades a bit and let out a low whistle as his gaze swept over the assembled masses. He let a low whistle slide from his mouth as he laid his eyes upon the bounty before him. A trip to the beach was always a good thing. Good for the soul and easy on the eyes. Well, most of the time it was easy on the eyes.

Still had those few that would make even the hardest of horn dogs balk. Until they had a few drinks in them that is. He wasn't looking to get drunk though. Not with what he was seeing out here.

And considering that he was wearing a speedo, it wouldn't be too long before the people around here got a view too. Especially not if there were more of the nearly-naked beauties that he was spying lounging around. He let out a soft whicker and rubbed his fingers over his chin slowly as he thought. It was like putting a hungry man before a buffet. So many choices and only so much of an appetite.

He let his gaze sweep back and forth along the beach to see what he had to offer. A hand dipping behind the railing to adjust himself. There was that problem with being a stallion with a speedo. Only so much room to grow. A smirk stretched across his muzzle as he spotted a flash of electric blue. Interesting.

Lone was stretched out on a lounger. The winged wolf was dressed about as simply as one could get, only wearing a baggy pair of swim trunks. White wings splayed on either side of him as he simply basked. Letting the sun bake into his dark pelt and gray underside. Didn't get out to the beach too often. He'd hit the water before too long, but he just wanted to get some good sun bathing in first. Let the wonderful heat just soak right into his very bones. He let out a tired yawn and lay there, scrubbing fingers through electric blue hair before wiggling down into the seat further.

The wolf was half-dozing there when a shadow fell over him. "Looks like you've got a good spot, mind if I join?"

"It's an open beach," came the reply before he even rolled his head to look. Nudging his shades up, he looked over the tall stallion that hovered nearby. Close as the male was standing Lone got an eyeful of that bulging, skimpy little speedo that barely contained the male. He felt embarrassed warmth flash along his neck and creep along his ears. Pinning back as the electric blue inner shells began to darken once he realized how much he was staring at the bulging swimwear. "Yeah," he coughed to cover it up, pulling his stuff off the sand next to him. "Just drop where ever." That flush flared harder when his brain clicked. Oh fuck, dropping is what they called it when a stallion...

"Thanks," came the easy, happy response. Luster flicked his towel out. "Mind if I throw up this," he shook the umbrella.

Lone leaned back in the low-slung lounger, "Yeah, was gonna put mine up in a few." He waved towards the pack he had sprawled next to him. "Well, probably not until after I'd taken a dip though. You know, help me get dried off without getting too much into the sun. Don't wanna wind up sun streaked or anything..." he trailed off, realizing that he was rambling a bit. Eyes darting over the unicorn's body. And yeah, it was a unicorn. Hard to mistake that spiral horn jutting from his head for anything else.

A deep chuckle rolled up the stallion's throat, "Yeah." Shoving the umbrella into the sand, he got it seated. Throwing it open, he gave the pair plenty of shade to lounge in. "Don't think you'd look good with sun streaked hair." Head angled and ears stood tall. "Would it give you blond highlights, or would it just turn that shock green?"

Now that caught him off guard. The wolf blinking a couple times before laughing. A grin bloomed across the stallion's muzzle before he joined the laughter. "Name's Luster, by the way." He stretched to hold his hand out.

Taking the hand, he shook it briefly, "Lone."

Ears twitched before perking forward, "Well, not so Lone right now." Dropping back, he just lay out on the towel he'd brought and stared up at the multicolored fabric casting cooling shade down on them.

He was thankful for the shade as well. The darker areas of his pelt had been starting to heat up a fair bit. Plus, rolling his head to look at it, the umbrella was a bit bigger than his. Sitting closer to the ground at the back and creating a almost private little area for the two of them.

But speaking of bigger.

Lone's eyes darted over, thankfully hidden by his shades, as he looked over the male's body. Luster was toned and fit. Fine, silvery-gray pelt stretched across well toned muscles. And that tight, red speedo wasn't doing much of anything to hide what the stallion was packing either. Really he wouldn't even call it a speedo, it was little more than a meat sling. Skimpy a it was, it did very little to hide the outline of the unicorn's hefty sac and even heftier sheath.

As he watched it, the fabric shifted as the length within it began to twitch. Eyes darted up to Luster's face. The stallion was laying there with his eyes closed, just soaking in the atmosphere. Was he day dreaming then? Lone quickly glanced up and down the beach, spotting several gals wearing about as much as the unicorn was. Not beyond the realm of possibility that he was thinking about them. But why was he here then?

Luster gave a slow stretch. Smooth muscles rolling under that glossy hide. Speedo riding just a bit lower as he rolled his frame in that lazy motion. Didn't take any detective-level snooping to spot the male's fat tip as it strained against the restraining fabric. As he stared, the cock twitched again and as it started to force its way past the band of his swimwear. No matter how determined the elastic was, there was still only so much it could take.

"Gonna stare at it all day?"

He nearly jumped out of his skin, fur bristling in surprise. Luster chuckled and rolled onto his side, bracing his cheek on a fist as his too-blue eyes sparkled playfully. Lone blustered and stammered, "I wa..I mean I... Uh... I ..."

Luster chuckled softly, "It's okay. Ever seen a unicorn stallion? Or any stallion really? And I don't mean in porn, those guys are... oof." Lone shook his head quickly. "Do you want to?" The question was a near hypnotic purr, drawing him in. The wolf's ears ticked back as he glanced around quickly. No one was really looking their way, and with the umbrella shelter giving them cover...

"Can I?"

There was that soft laugh again, "I wouldn't ask if I didn't want you to, Cutie."

Ears ticked again, "Is that why you came over here?" He asked even as he shifted to lay on his side as well, propped up by the back of his lounger.

"Scoot a little." Luster shifted closer, prompt Lone to shuffle back a little. The lounger back was wide enough to support both of them, so long as they didn't mind the supports poking at them. Lone didn't really mind since he had other things to focus on. Namely the warmth that was radiating off the stallion right now. "Yeah, thought you looked really cute, so I came over to say hi. You know the rest of the story." He smiled as he reached out to stroke over Lone's hip gently. "Now, at your own pace sweetie. I don't know about you, but I've got all day and night." He winked and grinned.

There was something about that casual air to the stallion that made his own trunks tighten. Hips rolling in a little squirm. The easy confidence and gentle tone doing more to the winged wolf than the sight of that cock could have.

Speaking of which. He started to look around again as his fingers drifted along the stallion's six pack. "Keep looking around and someone will think we're up to something." Luster's voice just loud enough to carry to him and not a fraction higher.

"We are up to something," Lone hissed, ears pinning back with his blush. Despite the protests, he found his fingers readily pushing the hammock down.

While the elastic had failed to contain the tip on his back, shifting to his side had caused the unicorn to lip back into the clothing. It held, but only just. So when he pulled down, the heavy cock catapulted free of its prison and landed across his arm.

It was so warm and smooth, pulsing against his hand as he wrapped both hands around it. A quiet little whuffle sounded from the stallion, but that was the only noise as the wolf began to pet the flesh. Stroking up and down slowly, he watched as the length pulsed and firmed. Reaching its full size within seconds of being freed.

It was big.

He kind of expected that. But it was one thing to expect it, have an idea spawned from too many nights watching too many porn videos, and something else entirely to have it in his hands. Thumbs tracing a thick vein as it pulsed with the stallion's lust. Nostrils flared as he took a whiff, catching the stallion's scent over the ocean's brine. Rich and heavy, the aroma making him squirm slowly. Tail just starting to wave behind him as both hands swept down the flesh. No full pumps yet. Just letting his fingers play over the flared tip before sliding down that throbbing length. Smooth, steady, just playing with the hardness as he breathed out a little murmur to himself.

Luster's hand swept along his hip to grab the base of his tail. Velvety lips brushing over his ear, "Keep wagging your tail and gonna give us away."

"Sorry," he mumbled and dipped his head, looking at the hardness that he was cradling. Blue tongue sticking out as a fat drop of precum rolled from the wide tip. A soft whimper came from his throat as he gathered it on his fingers. Rather than spreading it across the stallion's spire, he lifted those sticky fingers to lick them clean. A shiver raced down his spine at the heavy taste. A little sweet, a little grassy, and thick enough to absolutely coat his tongue.

The hand on his tail didn't stop his hips from wiggling. Especially not as his own cock began to press against the front of his trunks. Really didn't help once Luster pulled the wolf against him. Pressing the base of his girthy rod against the length still hidden in those trunks.

"Should we get your trunks down too?" came the husky whisper right into his ear. His hand swept around and began to grope against the wolf's own bulge. His cock pressed tight between their bellies now. Lone's hand still playing over his towering flesh. "Make a big mess right here in the sand?"

He shook his head quickly, "No, um..." Lone trailed off, ears ticking back a little as his tail wiggled within that grasp. "If we're going to make a mess... Well if you're going to make a mess..."

"If?" came the playful snort.

"When," Lone corrected himself, "you make a mess, I'd..." ears flushed as they laid against his blue hair. "I'd kinda like for it to be in my mouth." He kept stroking the cock, thumb playing with the male's crown. The length pulsed, thumb following the next drop of precum as it rolled up the flesh and appeared on the tip.

Luster huffed, muscles twitching as he did his best not to thrust against the playing hands. "Well, if you want to get a load in your mouth, gonna have to figure out how. And fast."

Ears perked up and eyes dropped, watching as the stallion's balls began to lift and roll. The entire girth starting to throb within his grasp. "The showers?" he answered quickly. "Would be a mostly private area since they've got changing rooms."

It was Luster's turn to perk his ears as he chuckled. "The showers, hmm? Have you done this before?" The wolf began to stammer and stutter, caught entirely off guard. "I'm teasing. I'm just teasing." The unicorn lipped at the cute ears gently and put an arm around the wolf, huffing. "Well, you're either going to have to stop stroking, or bend down to lap at it now."

Took a lot more willpower than he thought it would to pry his hands off that cock. Luster rocked his head back with soft huff. "Good grief," mumbled the unicorn. "You were working me pretty good there." He chuckled and closed his eyes. "But hadn't gotten off in a few days. Kinda been saving up for this beach visit." Thick fingers stroked over the wolf's backside gently, combing through his pelt. Luster moved his head a bit to look over that tail, with it's electric blue fur tipping the end of it. "What about you? What brought you down here today?" He breathed out a little huff, trying to calm himself down. It was hard though, once he was worked up his body wanted to keep going until he was drained.

Lone thought it took a lot to get his hands off the cock, was taking even more to keep his hands from it. He kept himself busy with little touches to the stallion's hips. Just soft little pets as his tail twitched within that grasp a little. "Just needed to get away for a bit, you know? Come out, catch some rays, enjoy the water, just take a breath and do nothing." That flush crept up again, "Well... not nothing now."

"Good, was hoping I wasn't nothing." He chuckled, returning the pets against Lone's hips. Just soft little strokes as the pair of them breathed and tried to relax."

It was a few long moments of just idle conversation and gentle petting before the pair was able to shift. Luster moving to tuck himself back into his speedo. "So, gonna follow me immediately?" He teased, whickering, "Or gonna leave me waiting even longer to blow?"

"No, uh... I'll follow behind." He smiled, then blushed as the stallion gave him a quick kiss on the nose before getting up. Tail flicking behind him as he strode towards the shower and changing areas. There was just that moment of hesitation before Lone stood up and hurried after the male. He kept his shoulders squared and pace steady, wanting to be as casual as he can possibly be. Still felt like everyone was staring at him no matter how casual he tried to look.

No sooner had he stepped into the building than hands grabbed his shoulder, "I wasn't doing...!" Lone was silenced when lips pressed to his. Luster's strong hands driving his back to the door as the stallion kissed him with a low murmur.

Lone melted into the kiss, eyes fluttering with a soft huff. Pressing towards the stallion, he reached out to stroke over the male's hips. Luster didn't hold the kiss for more than a moment before breaking away with a playful, "Wasn't doing anything? Liar." With a wink, he pulled the winged wolf towards one of the shower stalls. "I know what you're up to."

The stall was like any one of a hundred you'd find in a public place. Only the cheapest of plastic curtains hiding them from any passer-bys. Lone shuffled to sit on the tiny, worn bench in the minuscule changing area before leaning forward and nuzzling the bulging speedo.

Luster snorter and perked both ears tall. "Eager aren't we?" He chuckled and leaned back against the stall's wall with a soft snort. "Mm, that's nice." That girth had only barely been contained within the garment. Now that his partner was nuzzling into it again, well there was only so much that it could handle. He could feel the elastic digging into his back as his cock began to strain against the ever shrinking space available.

A low moan came from the wolf as he breathed in that heavy scent. He'd gotten a sample of it earlier, but this was the real thing. No simple whiff or sniffing the pre could compare to the source of it all. It wasn't jut the cock itself, separated from him by this thin cloth; it was that the speedo itself was soaked by the stallion's precum. Nose pressed into the crotch, nuzzling the balls through that cloth as he moaned to himself. Wiggling on his seat as he peered up at the stallion with a smile and perked ears.

Teeth gently bit onto the hammock itself before pulling. Despite knowing it was coming, he couldn't help but flinch as the huge unicorn schlong sprang free. Both males breathed out a low moan once it was freed from the prison.

Licking his lips, Lone dove right in. He pressed his nose into those lovely balls and took a deep breath. Eyes rolling back as he let out a low groan. Working his nose against the sac, he nuzzled and breathed in that heavy, manly scent.

His tail began to wave slowly as he lapped at the cock. Quick little laps that flicked across those smooth balls, lifting each one slightly before he started his way upwards. Tongue following the same path his fingers had already discovered. A low groan came from the stallion as Lone traced a vein with his tongue. Feeling how it pulsed against the attention as he groaned. A thick glob of precum dripped rolled from the male's tip and began to slide down his flesh.

The wolf hurried to lap that up before it could get away from him. Hands stroked over the throbbing length as his tongue circled the fat crown. Both males groaned as the wolf's maw opened and he took the cock into his maw. Jaws stretched out over the thickness as he bobbed his head down. Tongue lashing back and forth as he uttered a moan that was muted as he pushed himself further down the length.

Luster had to bite his lip as Lone took his cock further with each bob of his head. Fingers wound through the electric blue hair as his cock pulsed, throbbing inside that muzzle. He was amazed that the wolf could take him as deep as he could. Especially as he felt that throat starting to slide around his tip. Already, he could feel that orgasm starting to churn and roll through his gut. Balls starting to pull upwards in short jumps. "Oh fuck," came the whisper, an ear twitching towards the door as it popped open.

Noises fell down, the stallion's hands resting on his partner's head. Lone let out, thankfully muffled, moans as he pushed his head up and down over the cock. Oblivious to the sound of someone moving into the shower area. Lone shifted, reaching down to undo the ties that held his trunks up.

A low murr rolled around the cock as his cock sprang free. Fingers wrapped around the vibrant, blue length, teasing over his pointed tip as thin precum spurted from his tip. Huffing, he bobbed his head further down the cock, feeling Luster sliding down into his gullet. Groaning, he rolled his tongue against the underside before rolling his head up with a soft slurp. Tongue danced around the tip as he breathed out a quiet huff that was answered by a quiet moan from the unicorn.

Four ears shot up as a heavy step trod down towards the showers. Lone paused mid-bob, Luster's heavy flared tip barely contained within his stretched jaws. The steps thudded towards them slowly. Each one sending a new jolt up each of their spines.

Thinking quick, Luster leaned over and stretched his arm out, jerking on the shower cord. Water began to cascade down mere inches from their bodies, drowning out any sounds they might make. Maybe, hopefully, one would pray. Hips squirmed slowly as lone glanced towards the curtain, ears straining towards the person outside the stalls. Didn't matter how nervous he was or how his heart was pounding, he couldn't stop his hand from stroking over his pulsing length. There was something about that risk that was just pressing his buttons.

Ears twisted as the stranger padded down a couple more stalls. The hiss of plastic on metal sounded the closure of a curtain. The pair relaxed with a soft huff, Lone looking up at Luster with relief.

He began to bob his head steadily, tongue bathing over the cock. A fat drop of pre was his reward for getting right back to it, the wolf happily lapping it up as he uttered a quiet moan. Just loud enough that the sound of their shower drown it out. Once the other shower started, he picked up the pace faster. Teeth gently brushing against the flesh as his hand flew along his cock. Teasing the growing bulge of his knot.

"Gonna cum," came the breathless confession. Luster's hips jerking as his heavy balls began to sway. Lone groaned happily and reached up, stroking those balls. Feeling as they tightened and drew against the male's body. Hips jerked quickly, both hands falling back to the wall as his body bowed forward. "Gonna..."

Body jerked, Luster burying a hand against his mouth to silence himself as he peaked. Heavy length jumping with each thick shot of cream fired down his partner's mouth. The wolf lunged forward the instant he felt that rush surging up the spire. His hand was flying along his cock now, other hand playing with those balls, all while his tongue was dancing across the shaft's underside.

That glorious length throbbed on his tongue as it began to pump its load right down his throat. Eyes rolled back in his head with a huff, his own balls tightening. Fingers clamped behind his knot, pulling and milking it as his entire form trembled. Just as his head was rocking back so he could taste the stallion's seed, his own orgasm hit him like a wave. Everything crashing against his senses and sweeping him away as the salty, sweet seed blasted over his tongue and filled his maw. Hand rolling against his knot to coax out his own cum so it could splash against the tiled ground.

Lone would have been happy to stay there and just let the cock rest in his mouth until it softened, but Luster was already pulling back. The wolf let out a soft huff and leaned back as well, swallowing before he licked up his lips quickly. Huffing, the wolf leaned back to tuck away his own cock, but a hand stopped him.

With a smile plastered on his face, Luster knelt before him and leaned in. Soft lips tickling the tip before the unicorn bobbed his long muzzle over the cock. Fingers gently ran around the knot. Squeezing just hard enough to coax some more of the wolf's thinner seed to fire into his mouth. Luster smiled up at Lone, tongue feathering ever so gently across the cock as he suckled. Gentle licks and soft brushes of his lips. Trying to get out that much more.

Lone shifted as the unicorn's hand dropped down to rub his balls. Pulling away when the fingers started to dip lower. Luster's eyes sparkled with a silent question. "It's tender," was the hurried, huffed reply as he stood and pulled his trunks into place as best he could.

"So," Luster licked his lips and smiled. He kept his voice low, "Lunch?"

"And I had no idea he was her husband!" Luster brayed the laugh, leaning back in his seat.

Lone nearly snorted the shake out of his nose. It took a bit of coughing before he was able to gasp, "You've got to be kidding. No way that could've happened." The stallion's smile widened more as his ears stood proudly. "No freaking way."

"Yeah, definitely way." He propped an arm up and smiled. "Granted. It made Halloween a bit weird next year but it was worth it." Craning his head back, he drummed fingers on his stomach and breathed out a soft murmur. It had been a good meal after a good blowjob and Lone was good company. He stretched out slowly and breathed a groan, head rolling to look at the sea.

It was starting to hit the later afternoon, people drifting away from the beach now. The unicorn found himself blinking at that. How long had he and Lone been here, chatting? Well, not just chatting. He lifted his hips slowly as Lone's hand snaked under the table to grope him again. Just that little pet that made him bump his shoulder against the wolf's. "And what are you doing there, huh?" His finger darted into the frosted glass and stole a dab of whipped cream, "And didn't you get enough cream earlier? Or is this a hint that you want more?" He grinned, snaking his own hand down to stroke the lupine's sheath through those trunks. All while slowly licking his fingers clean.

They'd grabbed a booth tucked into the corner of the little cafe, giving them a good view of the sea while also providing some privacy. Not enough to get the wolf courageous enough to play with either of them under the table. At least not much more than some groping and fondling. But maybe a hand job in the very public place was asking too much. However...

"You want to go take a dip?"

Ears perked, "But we just ate." He looked at the table, then the couple empty drink cups. "Didn't we?"

Both leaned over to peer at the clock perched over the counter. "A couple hours ago."

"That would explain the looks the waitress was giving us." Lone's ears fell back as he coughed, "Thought she might have..."

"Smelled me? Maybe, you were rubbing pretty hard." Luster huffed, turning to nip at one of the ears. He grabbed his wallet off the table and fished out some bills. "Just need to drop this in my car then we can swim." The unicorn rose up, "And by swim I mean "swim." Fingers cocked with the air quotes, tail flicking as he strutted out the side door. Waving to the waitress, who immediately hurried to the table while Lone was still hurrying to get the rest of his shake down.

Lone dropped a couple bills to cover his food before hurrying after. Smiling shyly towards the feline waitress as he rushed out. Heading for his car as well to drop off his wallet.

Luster caught him there, just as he was closing the door. Both of the stallion's hands came down on his backside with a firm double clap that made him jump with a yip. Spinning to face the crazed butt-slapper, he was pressed back to the car with a kiss. Seemed that the unicorn loved doing that. Not that he minded to terribly much. At least until the male started to push against him. Rubbing that heavy sheath against the wolf's, only their incredibly thin swimwear keeping them from a full frot.

The kiss broke quickly, Luster nuzzling into the male's neck with a murmur of his own. Lone let a whimper slip form his mouth as the stallion nipped, flat teeth pinching at his shoulder and neck. Body rolling smoothly, that bulge getting ever larger. Oh fuck, was the unicorn going to fuck him right here? Lone's head rolled, teeth chattering as his entire body began to hum with arousal.

Luster pulled away with a huff, before things could go too far. He couldn't help it, not when he'd seen Lone bent over, messing around in his car. Well. He'd tried to help it. Tried to avoid just walking over there, but the way that tail was waving? How could he. Especially not with the way that Lone had gotten him dripping in the cafe. Would have sworn that the wolf was trying to flavor his food with some unicorn if he was given the chance.

He smiled, "So, the water? Maybe cool you down a bit?"

It took Lone a moment to recover before he could pant, "Cool me down? Looks like you're about to pop free there." His ears ticked back with a smile as he pointed towards that bulging speedo.

"And proud of it," Luster stuck a pose and grinned. "At least I'm not peeking." Ears perked tall as he glanced down suddenly, seeing that blue tip peeking out of his trunks. The wolf yelped and pulled his trunks p to cover it, padding after quickly.

Luster trotted down to the beach, taking a path that lead them a bit away from where the other beach goers were lounging, swimming, and playing. The stallion cast a wink over his shoulder before charging into the water. "Come on in, feels great." He let the next wave hit him square in the back, falling into the water to let it draw him further out.

The wolf yelped, but hurried after, leaping and flaring his wings to get some distance before splashing down. Swimming after the stallion. Helped when the waves caught him up and surged him deeper into the water. Wet wings did weigh him down a bit.

He huffed as he tried to keep up with the more agile unicorn. Luster surfaced nearby and grinned, "Should've worn something a bit more streamline." Flipping around, the unicorn floated on the ocean's surface for a moment, speedo just breaking the surface. "Although this rudder here has been slowing me down a bit." He winked with a playful whicker. Hips flexing just enough to make his flesh shift and roll under that tightly clinging cloth.

"Streamline like no wings?" He panted at the stallion, flaring the soaked feathers and flicking them.

"Hm, good point. I think," Luster trailed off as he looked around, "yeah. Over there's a bit of a sandbar we can get up on looks like." Glancing around, he began to do a casual backstroke, rolling his hips upwards with each stroke to show off his package more. "Can't imagine how that must weigh you down."

Lone huffed, "Not bad unless they get really wet." He stretched and flicked his wings, doing his best to hurry along to that sandbar. He lifted his head and saw a rock jutting up ahead. Must be what Luster was talking about. The unicorn was making a slow pace towards that as it was. Good enough for him. If his partner swam out too far, he might have started to get a bit panicked. Especially since they were already getting to be fairly far from the shore.

He was panting as they approached the rock, his feet touching the sand first. Lone surged up out of the water, not noticing that the sudden act pulled his trunks down. Luster's ears perked at the sight he was given, back sinking into the sand as he let himself sink down. "Well, that's a nice sight to see. Been staring at me a bit?"

Ears perked before the wolf looked down. The lupine letting out a yelp as he quickly tried to cover himself up. Luster laughed, "Played with my cock, we've both had each other's cocks in our mouths, and still nice and cute when you get shy."

A soft huff came from the winged wolf, "Yeah, but that wasn't exactly in public."

Luster stood slowly and moved towards the rock, cloven hooves sinking into the wet sand. "What public? Them?"

Eyes followed the gesture to look at the beach. It wasn't so far away it'd be scary, but it wasn't so close that he could easily make out what the people were doing. "At least let me get the rock between us and them? Kinda stand out here a bit."

Fingers darted out to stroke over his electric blue cock, "That you do." Luster smirked, pulling gently as he lead the wolf behind the rock.

Lone huffed, ears flushing as his ears pinned back, almost literally being led by the balls back behind the rock. It was just below waist high, lichen softening the rough edges as it clung to the surf that lapped against the sturdy rock. Luster leaned in and brushed his lips against the wolf's neck. Planting little kisses and nips as he breathed murmurs. The wolf moaned, groping back to the rock as the unicorn pressed against him. Lips fluttering on neck as the hand slipped up and down over his growing length. A shuddering huff came from the wolf as he arched, pressing into the hand.

Gentle kisses fluttered along the neck up towards the cheek as Luster pressed to his partner. Heavy cock springing free as he pushed the speedo down, smacking off the wolf's thigh. He jumped at the impact, but pressed closed to the stallion with a needy whimper. Lips fluttered against the ear as Luster breathed out a husky whisper, "Do you want to be on top, or do you want this inside?"

Ears tucked back away from the gentle kiss, "Well... errm... maybe there's something you should know about me first?" Luster perked his ears and leaned back, looking at the wolf curiously. Lone swallowed nervously as he shifted, turning in the seemingly microscopic space between the rock and a hard place. Pushing his trunks further down, he leaned forward to expose himself to the stallion. Even if it took a few seconds before his tail was lifted to show off.

Luster was expecting something really strange. Well, a wolf with a cock, balls, tight pucker, and a pussy was a little strange. But then again Lone also had wings and electric blue fur and parts. So maybe not that odd after all. But there was one thing he was certain of.

He had to get him a piece of that.

Lone's ears pinned back, looking out towards an empty spot of the beach as he put himself on display for Luster. Worry churned through his gut as he waited for Luster to say something. Anything. Just silence from the stallion. He squirmed slowly, feeling nervous as he waited for something.

Water sloshed behind him as the stallion shifted. In the space of two seconds, hands fell to his rear with a twinned pair of smacks. Fingers spreading his cheeks even before the ripples from the impact finished rolling through his backside. Coarse hairs of Luster's muzzle tickling his outer lips was the only warning before the unicorn's broad tongue drove into him.

He clapped a hand over his maw to keep from howling out in pleasure as the tongue drove into him. As worked up as he was from the nibbles and rubbing, his pussy was absolutely soaked. Usually he'd have to head somewhere private and work himself back there to get off, or it'd start to ache from being worked up. To have such a virile male eating him out so vigorously? Oh fuck, his eyes were rolling in his head as pleasure jolted up and down his spine. The tongue driving deep, sweeping against his walls, then pulling back with a hungry slurp. Need overcame shock and soon his hips were rocking back against the muzzle, feeling Luster's horn gliding against his rump. Add in that the unicorn's hand lifted to stroke over his cock as well? Fuck.

Body arched and rolled, grinding back into the stallion. Moans and whimpers getting buried into his hand. His spine bowed and rolled, driving himself into the muzzle. His entire body shook with a muted howl as walls clenched. His cock jumping within the grasp as his walls clamped and pulled at the tongue. Feminine side set off before the male side was. Orgasm shaking through him and making his eyes roll back with a muffled howl.

"Mmm," came a pleased mutter from the stallion as he pulled back with a slurp. "Looks like I hit the jackpot today. So glad I came out to the beach." He moved in, fat tip of his battering ram bumping against the wolf's pussy lips. "How about you?"

Lone pulled his hand away just enough to gasp, "So glad, now fuck me."

A hand came down on his ass with a smack, "So needy," Luster chuckled. Both hands gripped tightly on the thighs before pulling back. Hooves dug into the sand as he drove forward, burying most of his cock in with that first thrust.

There was no containing the yelp as the stallion's thickness spread him so wide. Walls fluttering around the cock as he let out a deep huff. Back arching and driving back before he could even think. A snort puffed against his neck as the unicorn began to thrust. Hard, long strokes that jarred the lupine to the core each time. Body dropped forward against the rock, nails scrabbling off the unyielding surface.

Luster threw himself forward, planting a foot on the rock to get some more purchase. Wrapping arms around Lone's body, he pulled the wolf up into his thrusts. Burying his muzzle into the male's neck, he breathed out huffs of his own as his eyes narrowed. The new position kept his cock mostly buried within his partner. Heavy balls smacking off the male's backside, tapping Lone's as he managed to fit every inch within the wolf's tight walls.

Inner folds clenching and rolling as deep moans started to lift up. Lone would have grabbed his muzzle to silence himself again, but he could only braced himself and hold on for the ride. Walls grabbing and sucking at the cock that was threatening to split him in half. It battered his deepest reaches with each thrust, the stallion wild and uncontrollable.

There was no holding back the low howl as his hips jumped and drove back. Cock jumping under him as he painted the lichen with his thick cum. Love tunnel grabbing and pulling at the stallion's ram as his howl rolled on.

Luster let out a whinny of his own, driving so deep. Hips pounding the wolf's backside. It wasn't that he couldn't work more, but that he didn't want to. There were few things that felt nearly as good as a tight cunny grabbing him. Especially when his partner was being so nicely vocal under him too. It was just the right set of circumstances to really set him off. Being teased for a couple hours didn't hurt either.

Driving his body hard against the wolf, grunting as he exploded. Tip flaring wide to try and hold back the flood of his cum as he poured that thick cream so very deep into Lone. Hips rolling back and slamming in with each hard burst. Was only a matter of seconds before that hot, thick spunk began to leak out around the tight seal made by the wolf's muscles trying to milk him. Luster huffed, bracing himself on the rock as best he could with shaking arms. Groaning softly.

The pair sat there for a very long moment. Both barely moving as they rode out the highs. It was only when Luster began to soften up that the pair did more than pant and hold on. A shiver raced down their spines as the stallion's thickness softened until it popped free with a wet slurp. A rush of cum drooling down from the stretched opening.

"Oh fuck," Lone gasped, reaching back as if to try and hold it in.

"Oh fuck indeed," Luster agreed as he staggered and sat his bare ass down on the rock. Leaning back, the unicorn uttered a groan. Just letting the cool water lap at his legs and splash up across his naked flesh. "That was really good, cutie."

Lone's ears ticked back before he smiled softly. "Yeah, that was just full on amazing." Shifting slowly, he moved to sit beside the unicorn. An arm curled around his waist, drawing him in. He tucked in against the stallion's side and closed his eyes. "Best fuck I've had in a very long while."

"Well, the blowjob wasn't too shabby either, but yeah. Hard to compare the two." Head turned and nuzzled into the wolf's electric blue hair. Breathing in the scent and whuffling a bit. Now this was the great thing about sex. While not as good as the act itself, there was nothing wrong with some great cuddling and gentle talk afterwards. The gentle touches and words as they ride out the euphoric high was just bliss.

Luster stretched both arms over his head before laying back. Just ignoring the uneven edges of the rock that dug into his body. He huffed and groaned with a soft stretch. Lone moving to lay with him, both staring up into the beautiful blue sky. Moving a hand, Luster drew Lone in closer again, petting over his neck and cheek. The wolf nuzzled into his chest lightly before closing his eyes with a soft murmur, just letting the sun bake into his fur again and dry off his body. Legs kicked against the water as they just enjoyed the sound and feel of the water lapping against their love rock.

"Luster?" Head nuzzled against his neck.

"Hmm?" The stallion tousled his hair with a nuzzle, "What is it?"

"My trunks fell into the water."

Head lifted, "My speedo too."

"Well, fuck me."

A chuckled, "If you insist."