Fated Scales: The Madness of Doubt

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Fated Scales

A novel by Cheetahs(Aryn Storm)

Chapter Description: With his transformation almost complete, Alex wrestles with the final vestiges of his humanity that fetter him to his old life, preventing him from embracing his future as a dragoness.

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Chapter 8: The Madness of Doubt

Who was he?

The note underneath his paw said it clearly: Alyreth. He had but slide his toes off it to reveal Doran's calligraphic writing, so infuriatingly stylish. For somebody who preached efficiency in everything, he sure loved to take his time to write these notes to Alex in the fanciest way possible on deaf, uncaring paper.

Tucked in the two persons bed of one of the dormitories on the first floor, with a blanket spread over his wings to keep them warm, Alex inched his now fully developed snout closer to the piece of paper, breathing in its stale scent mixed with the prickly touch of ink.

"Sweet Alyreth, once again, you have the morning to yourself. I'm out in town to conduct some business related to Mardo Corp, but I should be back in time for lunch. I have prepared you five dishes to choose from in case you are hungry, conveniently laid out for you in the kitchen. I suggest you eat and rest. You're almost through with your transformation, and my pride knows no bounds. You're always in my heart and my thoughts, which makes these chores all the more difficult for me to solve. Take care of yourself, Alyreth, for once I'm back, I'll take utmost care of you."

Alyreth....Alyreth...who was this Alyreth Doran had grown so fond of? He wrote heart-touching notes to her, pampered her, caressed her in the most pleasant and suave of ways. He had done more for her than she deserved, and she had never--not even once--reciprocated his affection.

Which only convinced Doran to increase the extent of his efforts.

Alex' snout snaked forward. In one lightning-fast move, he seized the paper between his fangs, flung it into the air with a swing of his sinuous neck, and incinerated it with a thin stream of light orange flames. As the motes of ash settled onto the white sheets, the aftertaste of his doing made Alex' lips tense up and his features to scrunch, his tongue folding in upon itself as he coughed and spat and hissed.

To breathe fire, Alex had learned to tense up the flame sacs located right behind his jaw. These sacs, swollen with an acrid-bittersweet and downright nasty concoction, squirted odorless vapors of chemicals that ignited when exposed to oxygen. It was almost ironic, that regulating the amount and density of the vapors became a second nature to Alex, while squeezing the sacks shut in time before they spilled their load into his mouth seemed like a daunting chore.

The object of his torment gone, Alex' head collapsed on top of his forepaws, exhaling a drawn-out sigh through his flared nostrils.

Who was he? More importantly, what was he? A human trapped in a dragon's body? Or a dragon cursed with a human's mind? This dilemma had taken its toll on him ever since the pains of his transformation had stopped. His wings lacked full mobility, the diamond tipping resembled more of a spade than its characteristic shape, and his dewclaws still felt loose rather than rigid. He might not have been fully transformed, but the brunt of the deed had been done. From now on, Alex existed only in spirit, for this body reflected no proof of his existence.

Was he Alyreth, then? Doran's prized pet that he wrapped in blankets and rubbed her cheek fluff while he watched movies? Or was he the dragon who slunk into the wilderness in the middle of the night to seek the solace of the starlit sky?

No. That couldn't be. He didn't know how to truly be a dragon. He didn't know where to start, what to do.

Or if he even wanted this in the first place.

His gaze hovered to the darkened motes that used to be Doran's note. They littered the blue and silver coverlet of his bed, mingling with the arching patterns decorating it. Before Alex burned it, that piece of paper had a meaning, a purpose, one that the soot couldn't hope to match.

How ironic, for Doran's note to go through a transformation of its own. It used to be a thing of beauty in its own right, but then, the fire came, and with it, change that stripped it of its very identity.

Ironic indeed.

Without the paper to keep Alex company, dejection settled in, his only landmark gone. Why did he burn it? What sort of madness overcame him?

The madness of doubt, Alex thought, tucking his hind paws under a wing that he sprawled over himself.

Alex didn't feel like Alyreth, nor did he feel in touch with his human side any longer. He didn't feel...anything, which horrified him a great deal. The pain he had endured during his transformation served to keep him on his toes. It reminded him, for every waking moment of each day, that he was still alive, that a part of him had lasted from day to day, night to night, never flickering, never faltering.

And now, that part of him was gone. Without the physical pain to keep his mind in check, Alex felt like a moth trapped in an endless night, without a beacon of light to guide him towards the horizon, towards better times.

The better times came a week ago, however, and contrary to Alex' expectations, they proved to be much worse than their predecessors. So, Alex had withdrawn into himself, trying--and failing--to figure himself out. It felt surreal, to have his human conscience locked in a body that wasn't his. To add to his predicament, his instincts guided his foreign body with pristine accuracy. He had never flown before, yet Alex knew how to do that. He had only breathed fire on two occasions, and still, he managed to adjust the fire stream to a short streak, perfect for the purpose of burning down Doran's note.

That was what Alex hated the most about his new body. He wasn't ready to forget and forgive everything that had happened and pretend that everything was fine. He wanted to work for his new gift, to earn it, to make it his, truly his, and not something that Doran had tricked him into accepting.

If that was true, if that was really the case, then Alex truly and unmistakably was his pet, a thought that still smoldered within his mind, preventing him from finding his inner peace and happiness. Being Alex meant being himself. Being Alyreth meant accepting Doran's gift and his new status as a pet. However, his human side had no body, while his dragon side had a conscience that loathed this form.

Truly wonderful...

Alex pushed himself onto his paws, leaped out of the bed, and strolled in front of the mirror. Just like yesterday, today, tomorrow, and for the rest of eternity, Alyreth's body greeted him. She looked spectacular, her hide lined with tiny and smooth black scales that had a subtle, purple sheen to them, their size giving them a soft, pleasant texture, almost like leather, but infinitely more resilient. Her body had a sleek, serpentine look to it, designed for dexterity, with supple limbs and a tail that easily matched the length of her body.

She blinked her golden eyes, the slits trapped within the center of the golden pools narrow, intense.


No trace of his past humanity lingered within them. Only primal instinct, kept in check by the tools that had made Alex' transformation possible. Were it not for her sumptuous white mane that stopped between her shoulder blades and fluff-lined cheeks, Alyreth would have looked ferocious rather than friendly. Alex would have smiled at this thought, but he couldn't, for Alex now bore the body of an adult dragoness. How quaint!

Her stomach scutes, colored a light grey, stopped at her chest and continued two thirds up her tail, where they eventually faded into scales which also covered what would soon be her diamond shaped tail tip.

Alex sat on his haunches, flexing his three toes, nuzzling the dewclaw located a few incher higher above his paw. Whatever role it served was lost to him, as his toes could already curl and fan out and grab small objects between them, or skewer objects with his short but sharp claws. Useful for handling food, but not so much for other activities. To conclude his daily check-up ritual, he unfurled his wings, running his snout over the dark grey membrane and humming in delight at the pleasant sensation his snout's touch elicited. Soft, electrifying sparks shot along the sensitive surface of his wings, making them twitch and rustle ever so lightly.

For a moment, Alex forgot why he was here. Lost in the thrill brought by those warm, pleasant tingles, he flopped onto his side, brought a forepaw under his left wing to support it, and began licking the sensitive membrane, the occasional growl and warble breaking through his monotonous purr.

Grooming never failed to help take his mind off things. It felt pleasant and strangely fulfilling, to slide his wet, moist tongue over such fragile and intimate part of his body. Scales helped protect him, but in the process, they reduced the receptiveness of his hide. Wings, on the other paw, were a different matter entirely, and Alex rolled around from side to side, huffing and gasping and trilling from the pleasure that coursed through his body with various and exciting intensities.

Before long, his scales simmered with a different crave. A more private and carnal one, specific to a female that had been teased until the point of no return. In his lust addled state, every thought and emotion turned dim. They didn't completely fade away; instead, they fled to a corner of his mind, nagging him, poking at him, demanding his attention.

Alex the human would have given them heed straight off the bat, but Alyreth the dragoness had other priorities. She leapt into the bed, urging Alex to roll around, kick his paws in the air, grapple his hind toes with his forepaws. All the while, she rubbed her neck against the sheets, closing her eyes and emitting a string of sounds so varied in pitch and intensity Alex managed to surprise himself.

Once fire bloomed within his underbelly, Alex' eyes shot open. He casually lifted a hind leg, sniffing at his swollen folds, breathing in the smooth, alluring fragrance oozing past his soaked lips. It had a sweet, slightly earthy undertone, and it tasted even better than it smelled.

The dragoness' toes and wings tensed up as her tongue trailed along her nethers, the wiggly tips probing at her swollen lips, past them.

Inside them.

Alex' legs spread further, his purr acquiring a rougher yet unbelievably elegant tint. Humans preferred to take it nice and slow, but dragons turned absolutely voracious when stricken with lust. He shoved his tongue all the way into his trembling canal, his snout bucking in unison with his hips. His dexterous lips allowed for soft, fulfilling nibbling on those swollen folds while his bifurcated tongue swept his aqueous, translucent nectar off his silky walls.

Alex drew back his soggy snout, slurping the juices off his nostrils, his intoxicating scent filling the room, an erotic miasma that would certainly attract unwanted attention from Doran.

Doran. The name alone was enough to blow away the clouds of bliss that engulfed Alex' mind. If he discovered that Alex had begun taking advantage of the little pleasures his body offered, his resolve would harden, and he would do anything in his power to push Alex towards the future he wanted for him.

"Nrrrrawwww!" Alex struggled to say, his vocal chords possessed by the last sliver of his humanity. "Nraww, nrrraw, nrrraw!"

No matter what the world had taken from him, no matter what Doran stole from him, Alex still had this one secret left; he still had something that was his--only his--that he would guard with every figment of his being.

With great reluctance to part from his blissful moment and a smoldering growl, Alex wrestled himself out of his pleasure-induced stupor. He rolled onto his feet, bounded off towards the window, grabbed the handle in his mouth and pulled it open. The room now aired, Alex went over to a chest of drawers, slid a claw around the handle to pull it open, and seized the dildo laying therein in his maw.

The feeling of the rigid yet malleable material trapped between his fangs made Alex' senses tingle. His tongue wrapped around it for a better hold, the soft barbs gently poking at his smooth organ, reminding him of why he liked this gryphon dildo so much.

First of all, its size matched the shape of his dainty slit to perfection, the barbed, tapered tip awfully stimulating to a dragoness' silken depths. Its thickness grew towards the base, where thin capillaries beribboned that satisfying girth. This crimson shaft was the perfect blend of stimulating tip and smooth base, so pleasant to Alex' overly sensitive lips.

Secondly, its appearance resembled that of a feline's penis, having nothing in common with Doran's half-prehensile, wriggly cock. The last thing Alex wanted was to imagine Doran inside him during his masturbation ritual, to see that smug, satisfied face and listen to his growls as he emptied his essence inside Alex.

The thought alone added a spring to Alex' steps, the dragoness nimbly maneuvering through the house. Four legs granted Alex surprising dexterity. They also made opening doors a real chore, which Alex had stopped doing altogether. Instead, he leaped through the first opened window he found, landing on the dew laden grass of the lawn with feline grace.

Once outside, Alex first approached the garage, the sensors in the door detecting his presence and rolling it up to reveal a single vehicle instead of two. Good. It meant Doran actually headed into town today.

That worry cast aside, Alex hurtled towards the line of trees rising in the distance across the meadow surrounding the mansion. Behind him towered a series of gently sloped hills and snowcapped mountains which marked one end of the reserve. The untamed wilderness also housed an assortment of predators, such as bears and wolves, that Alex had no intention of running into.

Instead, he headed south, towards a copse of trees rising along the increasingly flat ground. Bird song greeted his ears, along with the staler, more humid air of the forest. At first, the myriad of stimuli used to overwhelm Alex' overly keen senses, but after the second trek, his body had already adjusted to them. Today, listening to the cacophonous cawing of the birds across half of the reserve failed to make Alex' muscles tense up and shudder. The musky scent of wolf markings and bear urine no longer unmanned him, the washed-out smell hinting at the sheer miles that stood between him and these lesser predators.

Every time he entered the forest, a primal part of him roused to life, filling him with a perverse, subdued thrill that nagged him to challenge the other predators who shared his territory. It felt right and wrong at the same time; it felt empowering and terrifying, words alone unable to properly describe it.

His uneventful trek ended in a dried gully, the same he had used for his previous self-pleasuring sessions in order to keep his scent rooted to one place. The bedding of dried leaves and moss Alex had prepared on his first visit was still here, shielded by a huge boulder at the end of the gully.

He lowered himself upon the bedding, his instinctive purr flaring to life from the pleasant caress of leaves brushing against his flanks. His swishing tail scattered some of the bedding materials, and no matter how hard Alex tried to keep it from moving, he couldn't, for he was no longer in control of his body.

Alyreth took over, her instinct to breed overlapping Alex' judgment, slowly but surely pushing him at the back of her mind. Out here, in the middle of nowhere, sprawled upon a comfortable bed built by herself, the dragoness' instincts were at their strongest, fueled by the lust throbbing within her tunnel, stoked by the promise of relief trapped between her jaws.

She carefully placed the drool covered dildo within reach, above her head. Then, she rolled onto her back, spread her wings, and began to rock from side to side, trilling in utter glee at how good those clumps of moss and leaves felt upon her sensitive wing membranes. Unlike humans, dragonesses needed physical stimulation to get in the mood. Memories were fleeting, mental images dull and inconsistent.

The pressure her scales exerted upon the uneven, natural and organic surface of a dust-ridden bed, however, was real. The suave prickles of the crumpled leaves made her wings flinch and twitch from that exquisite sensation, halfway between a tickle and a sensuous massage.

As she continued to bask in the shifting dapples of light slithering through the boughs, Alyreth's breath grew ragged, replaced by steady panting. Her tongue lolled to the side of her maw, her muscles so relaxed her need felt pressing by comparison. Without dallying a moment longer, she grabbed the dildo in her mouth, secured it between her forepaws, and sought to adjust her grip on it, so that she could have an easy time pushing that delightfully tight surface into her soppy canal. With the dildo secured sideways on the left side of her jaws, Alyreth huffed contentedly to herself and arched her neck inwards to direct the faux cock towards her glistening nethers.

She spread her legs for as much as she could, pointing a hind paw towards the sky while the other curled around the ground, her wings shuddering in their joints from the promise of immediate relief. Unlike Alex, Alyreth knew better than having seconds thoughts. She brought the dildo's tip upon her lips, a guttural warble rumbling in her throat as she rubbed the surface of her sex with those tiny yet sophisticated barbs. That prickling sensation that traversed her vulnerable lips had her huff and pant in mere seconds, her toes clenching and relaxing, all at the same time.

The prelude finished, she prepared for the actual penetration through light dabbing motions meant to loosen her overly tight entrance, tracing the dildo's tapered tip over her crevice and inserting it past her clamping muscles only an inch at a time. The tingles flared a tad brighter, spikes of pleasure prodding at her pussy, begging her to lodge that latex cock deeper into herself. In her highly aroused state, her cunt swelled as if she was in heat, oozing a fragrance so pleasant Alyreth's purr attained a richer pitch. The hefty, natural lubrication of her body helped the dildo's head slide effortlessly along the edges of her flower and inside it, breaking through Alyreth's resolve.

Constant jolts of heated bliss assaulted her frame, forcing her to relinquish control and savor everything the dildo had to offer. Her teeth practically rattled in her maw with impatience, her lips scrunched into a snarl from the overwhelming pleasure. Unable to hold herself back, Alyreth rammed the rest of the dildo into herself, yelping in surprise when stars speckled her vision. The barbed tip speared through her tightening muscles, loosening them with an audible squelch, forcing them to spread to the sides to accommodate that thickening girth.

It felt too intense, even to Alyreth's wild senses. With abrupt, sporadic jerks, her maw rocked and twisted the dildo inside of her to urge her muscles to clamp down upon it, the sensation of being filled by a tight, squirming appendage overpowering to her lust addled senses. That dildo stretched her dainty passage to the point of refuse and, due to the way she wriggled it, her body mistook it for the throbs of an eager male gryphon, ready to spill his load inside her fertile depths.

Alyreth's aloft hind paw began jerking and kicking at the air out of its own accord. Her wings stretched to their limits, and a sharp YIP echoed through the forest, making the birds flee their perch and scatter.

Her first orgasm struck Alyreth with a vengeance, forcing her to relinquish control of the dildo and squirm on the ground, roaring and growling her guts out. She could practically feel her muscles clenching around the dildo, squeezing it in a wet, sweltering grip for a few seconds before she had to let go. As soon as her muscles relaxed, the first wave of femcum oozed out of her, ushered by the relentless shudders that seized her cunt. It leaked past the narrow gaps around the dildo, her essence clear, slightly viscous, and smelling a tad sharper than her arousal.

It didn't stop there. Several more gushes followed, each of them adding to the soothing inferno raging within Alyreth' body. Her insides felt aflame; not consumed by a vicious fire, but caressed by gentle tongues of flame, their tug urging her to spend all of that lust trapped within her body in the form of viscous strands of femcum.

When her neck muscles relaxed enough to allow her to breathe again, Alyreth felt both spent and itching for more. This first orgasm happened too quickly, too suddenly, preventing her from depleting all that liquid passion trapped within her body.

Once her senses regained partial clarity, Alyreth pulled the dildo out of her, hissing softly at the way its barbs dragged along her insides gently on the way out. Her femcum clad the entirety of the dildo, granting it a translucent and fragrant sheen that she first sniffed, and then licked. Each tongue stroke along that taut shaft, along those rows of tiny spines, stoked her lust and made her walls shudder at the prospect of having that cock back inside her velvety confines.

Alyreth grabbed it as close to the base as possible, so that she could plunge it deep enough to experience those barely noticeable capillaries upon her sensitive lips.

Her face scrunched, lips twitching, eyes half closed from the deep, tantalizing, fulfilling thrust. She pushed in the dildo in a slow, deliberate manner, her muscles tightening progressively the more its girth stretched her insides. Halfway through the penetration, Alyreth held her breath to better enjoy the full extent of the stimulation brought by the rapid tremors wracking her cunt. The tip prodded at her fleshy depths, poking at them, urging her muscles to contract around the toy, thin yelps accompanying the lewd experience.

Everything became much more intense when that tapered tip began knocking at the door to her egg chamber. Alyreth's whole frame jerked, her claws tearing gashes along the ground as she insisted on stronger, deeper pushes.

"Grrrrrrrrr......" Alyreth's muffled growl filled the gully, trying to get accustomed to the feeling of being stuffed up to the brim. She felt so close to soaring towards a second peak, an unfathomable one that promised infinite pleasure. However, this second time around, she intended to prolong the bliss; to keep herself on the edge, without going over it. Take it slow, so that she would cum harder than she ever did in her life.

She almost had it, if the searing jolt that traversed her spine didn't trigger her instinct to breed with harder, more fulfilling strokes.

Against her better judgment, Alyreth began ramming the dildo in and out of her, pleasurable winces creeping past her fangs as the dildo came loose, coated with his glossy essence, only to plunge back into her dainty crevice. Instead of waiting for the head of the dildo to emerge, Alyreth pushed it back in, hard enough for the barbs to have maximum effect, an audible squelch suggesting the force of the thrust.

The euphoric feeling brought by that thrust elicited a moan laden with desire from her. Alyreth's legs sprawled further, and she slapped her tail against the ground, thumping it repeatedly.

More. She wanted more. To have that, she had to push Alex even deeper into her mind, that stubborn side of her begging to take it slow and steady. Her body, however, had its own needs, governed by his instincts. And, right now, Alyreth surrendered wholly to the blaze burning deep within her, doing everything in her power to flare it. That translated into increasingly faster and harder strokes, the momentum brought by them forcing sharp, lewd cries out of her.

"Rrrahhhh," she cried out, her body rocking from the rapid pace of this fake yet strangely satisfying mating.

Her eyes focused on the mesmerizing motion of the dildo. She stared at the way her canal stretched, at the way her lips were forced to the sides by that meaty girth. She listened to the wet sounds filling the creeping silence, and breathed in her thick miasma, heavy with pheromones.

She enjoyed this. More than she cared to admit. Alyreth found it not only fascinating, but highly arousing to watch the dildo dip into her, to work its way into her heated, needy depths. One moment, her maw was filled by that lengthy, latex rod; the next, her pussy took it all in, her fangs kissing her lips in her attempts to bury it in as deep as she could.

As much as she wanted to witness her climax, Alyreth found it increasingly hard to focus on the stimuli received by all of her senses. Some, like sight and sounds, paled in comparison to the deep pleasure welling between her haunches. To fully focus on the latter, Alyreth closed her eyes and growled her continuous bliss, unable to stop, unable to slow down.

Shlick, shlick, shlick, came the sounds of the dildo ramming into her, spearing through Alyreth's increasingly tighter muscles. Every fiber within her body turned taut in anticipation of her climax. Breathing became a laborious process. Her focus slipped more and more, drowned by the winds of ecstasy sailing through her body.

The closer she got to her peak, the harder she mated herself with the dildo. Her neck began to ache a little, and her fangs bit harder into the latex, puncturing it from the force exerted upon it. Her mind began to swim with euphoria, bringing Alyreth on the verge of passing out from that too intense pleasure.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrarrrrr!" she finally roared when she could no longer take it, her back arching, hips lurching into the dildo. In the same instant, her femcum sprayed out of her, the squirt so strong it pushed the dildo halfway out.

"Hrrrarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" her cry continued, Alyreth's voice only mellowing down when she had no more liquid lust to spurt.

As her orgasm subsided, her body felt utterly spent, drained, apart from the constant throbbing of her cunt. Those muscles constantly clenched around the dildo in a milking sort of fashion, keeping Alyreth in a constant state of arousal, light headed, almost dizzy.

"Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr," Alyreth purred. Stars still speckled her vision, made bearable by the flight membranes draped over her eyes. This must have been the greatest orgasm she had ever experienced, more intense and drawn-out than her previous ones by far. Even after five minutes, ripples still surged through her tense muscles, making them clench and wrap around the dildo. As long as that faux penis remained inside her, Alyreth would keep trickling rivulets of femcum, and therefore, get more and more fatigued.

She wrapped her tail around it, pulled it out, and clutched it between her forepaws, breathing in her pleasant scent. It had a calming effect on her, soothing her frayed nerves, lulling her to sleep. She would have done that, were it not for the cold winds caressing her exposed sex, reminding her of her duties.

Lick yourself, so that you leave no scent trail. Stir up your bedding, so that you muffle the scent of your juices. Bathe in a river, so that Doran smells nothing and suspects nothing.

Duty was the death of instinct. That human, rational side creeped into her mind, filling it, taking over the carefree nature of a dragon. As soon as that happened, a pressing weight shifted over Alex' heart and soul, blotting out the joy, washing away every trace of that ubiquitous pleasure, making him painfully aware who he was, and what he was.

To put it short, he was back to being the wretch he solemnly detested.

** ***End of Chapter 8*****

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