Rome in Gaul

Story by Lost In Lore on SoFurry

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Another short story, this being about what a roman does to his new slave.

Bevan didn't know what went wrong, one second he was leading a mighty warband in the name of his father against the hated roman invaders, the next he found the broken and bloody bodies of his fellow gauls surrounding him. The great black wolf had sat in roman chains for a month, the battle constantly replaying over in his mind. Despite this, he was still quite the looker, the very essence of rugged, celtic beauty. His fur wild with little done to groom it; his eyes a fierce blue that currently filled itself with hatred, the hatred of rome.

The worst part of his imprisonment was not the awful food, the embarrassment, or even the fact he was kept naked. The worst part was the strange, awful device that caged his cock most horribly. It firstly had a ring at the bottom of it that uncomfortably cradled his balls. The cage was somewhat similar to a cell door, in that, it was a cylinder made of a series of thick bars, they were just spaced out enough to poke a claw through and touch his member, but not enough to properly jerk it. A padlock secured it, making sure he couldn't do anything to remove the bloody thing!

His father would get him out, he knew it. Orelox is one of the most powerful chiefs in western gaul, he had to get him.

So in thought was the wolf that he didn't notice the two guards and a centurion that had walked into the dreaded room and stopped directly in front of his cell.

"Your daddy has a message for you," The deep voice of a Eagle jolting him out of his thoughts.

The guard tossed a letter through the bars, Bevan caught it before it hit the hard floor.

All it said was: If you were weak enough to get captured, you don't deserve freedom!

"Lies!" Bevan suddenly shot towards the cell door, gripping the bars and snarling angrily at the smirking eagle.

"Your father has refused to pay ransom. Under traditional roman law you would be treated as one befitting your noble status... your father has however, disinherited you, making you no more special than the average barbarian,"

The wolf shot his hand through the bars, only the tips of his fingers being able to reach the guard.

"It would be such a shame to waste someone such as you by crucifixion, the governor owes me a boon, you will be that boon,"

"Gauls, my father hated gauls, even before they took out his eyes!" Spat a fellow soldier that stood next to the eagle, a ram.

"Take him to my chamber," said the eagle as he walked towards the exit.

The ram and eurasian lynx guards simultaneously turned to look at each other as Bevan snapped and snarled.

"We're gonna need more men." They said in unison.

It took five of the strongest roman soldiers stationed at the town to drag the beast into the officer's office, all the way he shouted, snapped, and growled untill the romans thought it best to muzzle and chain him to the rather large bed.

The room was mostly plain, a desk covered in books and scrolls sat in front of a large bay window. Some weapons hung from the walls, but the bed clearly had coin put into. The king sized mattress was filled with feathers and the sheet that the wolf lay on was the most comfortable and soft he had ever felt. The silk felt amazing against the rough and calloused fur and skin of Bevan's.

"I'm ready!" A singsongy voice suddenly called out from another room, the damn eagle walked into the chambers completely naked! His brown feathers were preened to perfection, he was slender with lightly toned muscles covering him. Bevan's eyes trailed to the eagle's fully hard penis, it was surprisingly comparable to his as it stood at six inches to his seven and a half. The elders had always told the us that romans had the dick size of women, that even a newborn child of gaul was better endowed than rome.

"I think you can imagine what's going to happen to you," smiled the eagle.

He casually walked to the madly struggling beast and gently pulled his muzzle off.

"I would never let my cock be tainted with your disgusting roman hole!" He snarled.

The roman gave a long and hearty laugh at that.

"You cute little fool, I'm not going to let you fuck me," He placed his arms on his hips.

"Silly boy, it is your barbarian hole that is going to be graced by my pure roman member, he chuckled.

This took Bevan back by a century, while he had experience with men, this was only in ceremonial areas. His tribe having a strong tradition of 'taking' the leaders of the enemy. After a military skirmish, the highest ranking warrior in the group, whether that be male or female, is to feel the mighty cock of the better warrior. As a result, Bevan's cock had made more than a couple men cry. He was straight in all other areas however, being taken by a male would be the ultimate shame, especially by rome's dandies.


"Touch!" The infuriating bird poked his arm.


"Ya, ya. My name is Tiven by the way," The eagle climbed on the bed, not paying any attention to the wolf's unyielding shouting and cursing.

"I hearby sentance you to be crucifixed on ma'dick,"

Tiven slowly rubbed his slave's legs, they stood in a v-shape position with rope that connected to the ceiling, it wrapped around both ankles, making sure he couldn't move them around much. Tiven leaned over his charge's body, his face just out of range of Bevan's snapping jaws. His member's tip toying at his hole with abandon.


Tiven shoved his cock into the wolf with little in the way of lubrication, about three inches finding their way into the hole.

"So... damn... tight...." grunted the eagle.

Bevan failed to suppress his screams, he tried in vain to stop the tears from falling off of his face, he flailed as much as he could under the oppressive power of the ropes.

The roman roughly humped into Bevan, getting in inch by inch; the wails of the wolf only getting louder and louder. With much effort, the birdie dick was fully in the wolf; Bevan was openly crying, he had never felt a pain like this. The eagle suddenly and ungracefully pulled out, causing a yelp in the middle of the crying.

It wasn't the end as Tiven jammed back in, than out, than in. Bevan teared and his blood along with the eagle's pre-cum finnaly added a little lube to what previously had none, making the fucking a little more bearable. Despite all the horror, a very small part of Bevan enjoyed his as evidenced by the penis that was half out of its sheath, preparing to painfully strain against the cage.

A sudden warmth hit the wolf as he soon realized the bird was licking his chest, exploring him.

Tiven spasmed as his humping grew faster, he panted and moaned loudly. Just a bit more and... with a roar he pulled completely out and covered the gates of the gaul with glorious roman cum.

"Good boy, keep this up and I'll take the cage off." The eagle gently patted the crying wolf on the head, with a smile he left the bedroom, licking precum off of his claw as he did so.

Art thou a witch?

It was dark, cold, and the chair was hard. Joel's back cramped horribly, the red fox slowly opened his eyes; a large, blackish figure sat in a wooden chair that was just like Joel's, it was directly in front of him. The fox shook his head and blinked...

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