Late to the Party

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Kinktober 2017

When a pair of pets take advantage of their mistress' trust to misbehave, they soon learn why it pays to stay on her good side.

This story was written for Day #3 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Orgasm Denial, and the story was written for Nicoya. It contains M/F sex and dom/sub themes involving consenting adults. :3

Late to the Party

Nicoya and Sella were good, obedient pets for their mistress. Most of the time.

They obeyed her without question, without hesitation. And even when she wasn't around, they tried their very best to respect whatever standing rules she had established at the time. Most of the time.

There were occasions however, not often, and not pre-planned by any means, when like any individuals living under a rather more strict than average set of rules, they slipped up. Occasionally they might called Cayes by her name rather than Mistress when under command to not do so. Sometimes they might simply glaze over a specific thing asked of them in the heat of a passionately dominated moment, disobeying consequently through a simple lack of attentiveness. And sometimes... only on the very rarest of occasions, they would simply find themselves in a situation where temptation proved too much, and the worry of being caught was trumped by the potential delights of getting away with that which was utterly forbidden.

"We shouldn't..."

They were meant to be getting ready for a big Halloween party to which Cayes had been invited. They were meant to be cleaning up, ensuring that they looked, smelled and in every possible way were at their most presentable when they arrived. Cayes had trusted them to do so without her attention being required, and had left the pair to their own devices as she went to get ready herself. It was only half an hour until they were meant to leave, after all, and how much trouble could two obedient pets like Nicoya and Sella get up to in just thirty short minutes?

"I... I know we shouldn't. But... d-do you wanna, a-anyway? How would she even know?"

Fifteen minutes had already passed when Nicoya heard a gentle, nervous knocking on his bathroom door, not even bothering to wrap a towel around his freshly showered self before padding over and pulling it open. On the far side, still glistening wet from her own shower and with a slight pinkness to her rich sea-green cheeks, was Sella. Aside from the golden jewellery hanging from the hybrid female's small horns, she was entirely nude just like the cat. Unlike Nicoya however, she had a hand between her legs. A hand brushing aside the lush fur that hung from her belly in a neat little tassel, a lingering remnant of her kirin heritage, and fondling with her swollen clitoris even as she swayed and shuddered slightly before the male's suddenly wide eyed gaze.

It was strange. Some days Sella could be in or around water and act perfectly normal, and then other days a swim, a shower, even seeing rain falling outside would awaken something inside of her. A playfulness. A need. An urge that longed to be fulfilled.

Nicoya shook his head, not even needing to hear what Sella was going to ask, and told her the exact truth. They shouldn't. He whimpered as she answered immediately, cruelly in her logic. Of course they shouldn't. But that wasn't the question. The question at hand was would they, or would they not?

And the answer, undeniable in its certainty, came soon afterwards to both pets at once.

"Ohhh N-Nico..."

Sella gasped as she peered down between her legs from where she sat resting upon the edge of the sink, ankles hooked together around the male's lithe torso as his face rested obscured in part by the mound of her pussy against which his muzzle was pressed, in part by her flowing fur draped across his eyes and the top of his muzzle. She stroked a hand through his own hair, scratching behind the cat's ears in gratitude as he massaged her scaled thighs and tongued lovingly at her pussy, every bit as devoted to pleasuring her as he would have been were Cayes here in her place. It felt incredible to be so wanted. To have such attention lavished upon her when normally Sella was in the position of giving, no matter how gladly and happily she did so. She didn't resent or feel any frustration towards Cayes for enforcing the rules they all agreed to live by as Mistress and Pets, but god, it felt good to break them.

"Ah. Ah. Sella. Oh god... t-that's... oh, that's amazing..."

Minutes later, still able to taste Sella's juices on his lips and with every ragged breath he drew in, Nicoya rocked his hips against the beautiful hybrid female's face while a single saliva-wetted finger probed at his ass from behind. His legs were spread out in a wide stance to secure himself as he stood without anything but the female kneeling between his legs to balance him. He held her by the horns for his own balance rather than to keep her working, trembling and curling his toes down against the tile floor as Sella bobbed back and forth upon his shaft, working her finger in and out of his spread, eagerly accepting ass in perfect time with the action of her maw. Each time she took the entirety of his cock into her mouth her single fingertip probed against the male's prostate, and she gurgled happily as he throbbed and flexed against the roof of her mouth and the back of her throat.

Nicoya knew they only had a small amount of time to finish things up before Cayes came looking for them if they seemed like they were going to be running late. It would have been so easy just to let Sella keep on sucking him, her finger in his backside doing a phenomenal job of driving him towards a rapid, potent climax. But even though this woman was not his mistress, even though he was under no command to pleasure her, nor indeed any expectation that she would cum many times more, or harder than, or before himself, he longed to see her face bunch up with pleasure. He longed to hear her screaming in blissful relief alongside his own mewling cries of rare, unexpected and unbidden release.

Yes, the cat wanted to cum. But more than that, if they were going to do this disobedient act justice for them both and screw the consequences, he wanted both of them to cum.

"Oh. Ohhhyes, r-right there. Right there Nico. Harder. Harder. Yes. Yes. Ohhhhgodyes... so close..."

They lay on the bathroom floor, not wasting the brief amount of time that would have been necessary for them to race to Nicoya's bed in the adjoining room or Sella's own across the corridor. Facing towards the shower, away from the bathroom's still open door through which the hybrid woman had entered, they lay together in shared rapture. Nicoya's hips were a blur as he fought to do as Sella was begging, huffing and moaning over her bliss-stricken and open mouthed, panting face. The cat had long since learned stamina and control from Cayes, but right now he was doing everything in his power to forget those rules. To unlearn every lesson he had ever had to protract sex and draw out the length of time before he came. He wanted to cum now. He wanted it so badly, and with every passing second spent trying desperately to achieve it as quickly and potently as possible, that desperation only intensified.

Sella was in much the same situation, half too caught up in the moment to think that anything could possibly feel better than this while simultaneously resisting her body's pleading urge to have her roll over and have Nicoya fuck her from behind. It wasn't that she thought he was any better at doggystyle compared to their current, passionate missionary effort, he was an incredible lover regardless of the position, but had he not been so tightly pressed down over her Sella knew that she would have had a hand feverishly grinding at her aching clit, and that with the addition of that stimulation she would already have cum once and be well on the way to a second. Even now though, it was hard to complain when she felt so good, and so fucking close to the kind of unplanned, unexpected peak that rarely showed itself during the time she spent under Cayes' dominant control.

"T-tell me you're... you're close too, Nico. Ahh... aaaaaaahhh, tell me t-that... that you're gonna cum with me. In me."

She stared up into the cat's flushed face, into his gorgeously wide, bright eyes, and whimpered gleefully as he gave a breathless, frantic nod and a grunt of assurance.

"So close, Sella. S-so... so... oh god. Sella... I... a-aah... I'm gonna... I... p-please! I'm... a-aahhhhhh, I'm..."

A loud crash of wood against tile rattled through the room as the bathroom's half-open doorway slammed back against the tile wall, and both figures writhing, whimpering, so desperately and giddily happy upon the floor froze as a sharp, deeply frustrated voice barked at them from close by.

"Pets. Stop. Now."

To Nicoya's horror though, he couldn't stop. He humped once against Sella after Cayes' voice rang in his ears, then again, and again. He saw the hybrid woman's face below him, half stricken with horror at realising they'd been caught disobeying, half desperately begging Nicoya to not let this happen. To grant her the orgasm, to grant them both the release they'd promised one another.

He humped her again, and she shrieked in delight, toes kicking out into the air, curling, flexing, both of them riding a high not just of near orgasmic pleasure now, but sheer lewd, taboo naughtiness too.

The next time Nicoya tried to buck his hips forward however, drawing back and ready to let loose the thrust that would surely send both him and Sella into uncontrollable and unstoppable ecstasy, he felt pain. Not absolute agony by any means, but a sharp discomfort as something wrapped tight around his balls and yanked firmly backwards to keep him from moving his hips even a fraction of an inch forward. Sella shrieked in misery, in sorrow, and tried desperately to buck up against Nicoya's trembling form and throbbing cock as it rested with only an inch or so inside her, trying to deliver from her end the thrust that would set them both off as they hung on the edge of rapture.

Nicoya mewled helplessly as Cayes' other hand wrapped around the base of his cock though, and squeezed, pinched it so tightly that he knew in that moment it was over for him. He'd felt this before, this hold, this grip of the turtle upon his shaft, and he knew that when she applied it he could thrust and buck all he'd like, but he wouldn't be able to make himself cum. She yanked him back, out of Sella entirely, and stared down over the trembling, mewling cat with a savage glare at the other woman.

"Sella, if you touch yourself... hell, even if you don't, even if you cum through no fault of your own whatsoever, I will be very, very disappointed in you. This won't be about punishment if you cum. It'll be about broken trust."

Cayes dragged Nicoya about a metre back from Sella's trembling body, the smooth scaled female shaking like a leaf where she lay, gasping, gulping down air as her fingers flexed by her sides and her thighs trembled. She was obviously on the very brink, and now finding herself forced into a situation where she had to stop herself from cumming even though it would be so, so easy to push herself over the edge with just a single caress from a finger, a single squeeze of her legs together, hell, maybe even just a stray lewd thought.

"Stay here you two. Clearly you can't be trusted to get into costume alone, so I guess I'll have to dress you up completely myself."

The turtle turned on her heel and left, stalking out of the room with shoulders raised and back straight, stamping her feet in pure and genuine anger at her pets' obscene violation of their rules. Cayes could be the most wonderful, loving, caring Mistress when her pets earned that care. But on the rare occasion when they openly and wilfully disobeyed her, she made sure that they knew how serious those breaches of trust and faith were to her.

She left them alone.

Alone and sitting, trembling a metre apart, still naked, still desperate to cum, still all too aware that if they sprang together once more while she went to fetch their punishment, they would be done, spent, satisfied before she could get back.

Yet much as they stared at one another in longing, much as they whimpered, much as they silently hoped that the other pet would decide fuck it and force them into going all the way with a few quick humps before they could do anything to stop them, both Nicoya and Sella remained absolutely still just as Cayes had demanded.

They whimpered in sorrow, though not surprise as she returned soon after bearing not one but two chastity devices. A cage for Nico to keep his cock locked away and unable to even harden, a solid metal set of underwear for Sella to ensure that no external stimulation of any kind or from any source could reach her pussy to stimulate it. The worst part of seeing those devices however, worse even than having them put on, was the waiting. Waiting for Nicoya's erection to subside, waiting for Sella to be far enough from orgasm that Cayes touching her to apply the bondage into which she was about to be locked wouldn't set her off.

The two pets sat in sorrowful, increasingly rueful and guilty silence before their mistress, not just sad and apologetic for having disobeyed her rules and broken her trust, but also because every few minutes they would see her check her phone and sigh in frustration. She had been so looking forward to this party, raving for weeks about how she didn't want to turn up late in case they ran out of these amazing canapes that the venue served each year. And now, thanks to them, they were going to be late to the party. Thanks to them, they had not only spoiled one another's chances of any sexual satisfaction for probably many days, perhaps even weeks to come, but far, far worse than that, they had potentially spoiled Cayes' mood, and Cayes' whole evening too. And that knowledge, for the two pets who truly did love their mistress dearly, was a far worse punishment than any lack of orgasms could ever be.

By Jeeves

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