The Bait and Switch P2

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Sometimes life isn't easy when you work for an extra-dimensional creature of the nexus, even if it's only part time. A human's life is already affected by one of them, what happens when another happens to cross paths with him?

Edited by texotic

If you like what you see please feel free to take a look at my patreon for more fun stuff!

By the time Jake's shift ended the otter had turned back to human and walked back to his apartment with a plan. He had not talked to Famjin quite yet, and though he wanted to keep the option open, he wanted to make sure that he wasn't wasting his boss's time for nothing. Since he didn't have work tomorrow Jake planned on staying up the entire night with the television on to see if anything happened. If he still fell asleep and had the strange dreams then he would go to the demon shark; if nothing occurred while he was awake it meant that his brain was just playing tricks on him.

When he got into his living room he laid the weapons of war against sleep on the table, consisting mostly of caffeinated energy drinks as well as new games that he had been wanting to play for some time. While he had originally wondered if he should even turn the television on or not he knew he would likely fall asleep if he just tried to cruise the internet on his computer. He also had his dinner on the coffee table, nothing too heavy as he turned on the screen and popped in his first game to play. As he looked over at his clock he saw that it was still around six in the evening, which meant he had a long way to go...

By the time the numbers on his digital clock read three in the morning Jake had pushed his way through most of the first game and thought about switching over to the second as he finished his second drink. With the compelling storyline of the game he had gotten he found himself not as tired as he thought he would be, especially since he had fallen asleep so easily the last few nights. Part of him wished he could still be in his otter form as he lounged on his sofa, though he imagined that it would be hard to play games with webbed fingers and stubby claws. When he had finished a particularly hard battle he set the controller down on the table and popped another drink, only to find when he looked up that there was a message overlaid on his screen.

"Please turn to channel R for further instructions," Jake read out loud, unsure of what to do. He wasn't even aware that channels had letters and the message felt like the very thing he was looking for that was wrong. Despite the warning bells in his mind he found himself reaching for the remote to the television, looking down at it as he felt his eyes grow heavy. When he found the button he was looking for he began to press it, the number that indicated what channel he was on slowly going up.

Since Jake had no inputs other than his gaming system he found that most of the channels were nothing but static, the electronic snow changing its patterns across the screen as the speakers hissed with white noise. In the back of the human's mind he knew something was wrong but he couldn't help but keep going up, his eyes focused on the swirling black and white pattern as the hissing penetrated into his subconscious. By the time he finally reached channel R the only thing that still moved on his body was the finger that had pressed the buttons on the remote, the rest of him was slumped on the couch as he looked forward with his jaw slackened.

Unlike the rest of the channels the screen was pitch black, not even radiating the usual light most televisions had as the hissing noise grew louder. As Jake continued to sit there he began to hear words in the noise, a whisper that he couldn't quite comprehend except to continue to stare forward and relax. The loud hissing from the speakers was suddenly joined by a second one, this one mechanical in nature as a black-tinted vapor was released from the television itself. The gas ignored everything else in the room but the prone male, and as it swirled around him the clothes he wore began to dissolve away as though they had been soaked in acid.

When the black particles landed on Jake's bare flesh he felt the area begin to tingle, a sensation that managed to pull him out of his hypnotic stupor long enough to look down at his hands. A shot of fear-induced adrenaline immediately woke up Jake as he saw the flesh of his hands turn shiny and black while the tattered remains of his clothes turned to ash that fell around him. By the time he stood up he was completely naked, his tanned skin covered with rubbery splotches that began to assimilate the surrounding area. This was definitely not a dream, Jake thought to himself as he saw his phone on the floor where it had been in his destroyed pants.

Jake dialed the number to Eli as quick as he could, though it became harder as his fingers began to stick together. He managed to complete the call but by then he was holding onto the phone with a pair of rubber mitts, his fingers completely coated with the lustrous latex that kept them together. He realized this would probably be the only chance he got to actually reach out and try to contact someone for help. The phone rang several times and he was just about to give up hope when he heard the line connect.

"Hello?" Jake heard his friend say.

"Oh thank god you picked up," Jake replied with a sigh of relief. "I need your helpb... tobbb... the teebeee..." As Jake continued to try and speak he felt something thick drip out from his mouth and down his nose as he tried to speak, droplets of black dripping onto his phone from his face as his tongue and mouth began to transform from the aerosolized rubber in the air. In mere seconds the rubber around his lips sealed them shut, save for a small hole for his tongue to push through, which as he did he could actually see it grow thinner and the tip split into a point.

Jake hoped that he had gotten out enough of his message to at least make Eli concerned enough to come over or get help. "Haha, just kidding," Eli's voice said, Jake's eyes widening as he suddenly realized what had just happened. "I'm either at work right now or unable to answer the phone, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Peace!"

When it clicked over to the otter's mailbox Jake made a mental to note that if he got out of this he would strangle his friend as he tried to somehow vocalize what was happening to him. A few seconds in, though, the phone slipped through his slick synthetic-coated hands and hit the coffee table before skittering to the floor. With nearly half of his body completely coated with the black material he tried to kneel down to grab it, only to have his hand stick to his converted thigh like glue. When he tried to reach over to pull it off it made contact with his side and adhered completely down to his elbow.

Jake was unsure what to do as he knelt there, still feeling the rubber creep over the unaffected areas of his body. His scalp tickled as he felt the thick latex engulf his hair completely, melting it and leaving him with a smooth skull as the rubber changed him from the inside as well as the outside. When he looked down at his stomach and groin he found that his cock had already been completely covered but it had also mutated, the tip completely tapered as the rubbery flesh thickened all the way up until it reached the base where a slit formed around it. His nostrils flared as he felt the sensitive flesh throb, almost causing him to fall over from the sensations as he struggled not to touch any part of himself and get back to his feet.

Just as he managed to get one latex-covered foot on the carpet once again he realized the entire time he had been changing the hissing noises had grown more intense, and as he grew aware of the change he realized it had grown more organic as well. Slowly his partially transformed head turned and saw figures moving in the darkness of the screen; not just one, but several snake headed creatures bobbing and weaving in the television. "Join us..." the words felt like they were hissed directly into his ear as he found himself standing up shakily as he couldn't help but watch their swaying bodies.

As Jake found himself slowly inching closer to the screen of the television he couldn't help but remember what Cody had said about a brother of Famjin who loved rubber. While the orca had thought that being ensnared in such a trap was impossible it certainly seemed to be the case, but with every step he took towards the screen the less he cared about it. The snakes... vipers, the word coming unbidden to his mind, were more than welcoming him into their fold. He could feel his face begin to stretch forward as though an invisible force was pulling it outwards as it grew into a serpentine muzzle. As he stood only a few inches away from the television he had let his arms go completely limp, and as soon as they touched his rubber-covered sides the material knitted together until there wasn't even a divot that once indicated he had the appendages.

When he got close enough that his new muzzle was only an inch or so from the screen he found himself gasping and realized that he had a fully functioning mouth once again. The moment of realization was enough for him to break his gaze from the mesmerizing males that danced in front of him and he turned back to look at the phone that was still on the ground, then back at his body. By now his chest and abs had swelled out into a tubular shape that had completely integrated his arms, the muscles underneath spreading out to give him control over every inch of his new form. His legs, which even in his hypnotic daze he had continued to try and keep apart, had started to press together to the point where his latex-scaled thighs were completely fused together. Even if he could somehow move away from the television to where his phone was he had no way to grab or dial it, if it wasn't completely broken in the first place.

Jake turned back around to face the television and nearly fell backwards when he saw a similar serpentine face as his own staring at him, the creature flicking his forked tongue at him as it let out a low hiss in his direction. "What are you waiting for," the snake suggested as it slithered backwards. "We're waiting for you, come and be embraced into the fold with your new kin."

The honeyed words slid smoothly into Jake's mind as his face grew slack once again while the mental conditioning took over. Had he realized that the speakers had been seeping subliminal messages into his mind the entire time he owned it he might not have used it too much, but the smirk on the muzzle of the other viper was one that Jake had seen on Eli when he first ensnared him, as well. The hesitation and fear of the situation melted away and finally he felt himself press his new muzzle against the screen, which had the same consistency of a thin goo as he continued to push through.

There was a loud hissing of approval as Jake slid through the portal into the realm on the other side of the television, the thin layer of rubber sealing against him like a sheet of vacuumed plastic. At first he felt a tremor of panic as it covered his mouth and nose, but it appeared the transformation had already completely affected his insides as he no longer felt the need to breathe. After his body pushed in where his shoulders would have been he felt the coils of the viper that had watched him from the other side wrap a coil around and assist in pulling him in the rest of the way. As the tips of his feet passed through any hope that he could retain the use of his legs vanished as the suction of the latex film on his body bound them together.

"There we are," the largest of the vipers hissed as he looked eye to eye with Jake. "I see we're still cooking on our transformation a bit, why don't you let your new brothers help you slip into something more comfortable... and help you relax at the same time."

All Jake could do was nod numbly as the thick rubber coils of the large serpent continued to slide around his own body. The feel of latex on latex was indescribable as he tried to let out a low moan, only to hear a hiss escape from his mouth instead. The others were not one to stay idle as they approached him, though after about a minute the light in the large pit began to fade away. Jake looked over to the square of light to see it closing, his apartment fading away until there was nothing left but blackness. When it became pitch dark Jake thought he'd no longer be able to see, but after a while he began to see everything as grey save for the vipers themselves that glowed with a bright red light.

Jake let out a grunt as the main viper's body wasn't the only one that had started to wrap around him. Several others squirmed their way around them as the coils of the main viper shifted lower, the reason for his move unclear until he felt something press up against his backside. He had wondered if the solid layer of rubber scales that completely encased him allowed for any openings, but it was clear that the other male had as something began to press into him. It felt similar to when Cody had let him and the other otters try on an orca suit temporarily, the walls of his tailhole were completely vulcanized and allowed the serpentine cock to easily spread them open.

As soon as the viper had penetrated him over halfway Jake suddenly felt his body get turned over, letting out a gasp as the bigger male easily got him onto his back. As the heavy muscles of the other serpents wrapped around and massaged him he got the surreal sensation of his own frame... stretching, as though with every twist of their coils they kneaded his body out a little longer like rolling dough. At the same time one of the more amorous serpents twisted their body around and engulfed his cock with his slick maw. The feeling of the soft rubber of the snake's mouth was surreal, like when he had sex with Cody or another of Famjin's orcas, except slicker.

The viper beneath him continued to let the weight of Jake's new body slide him further down on his throbbing member, and as he did the former otter couldn't help but think back to when Eli threw him the party that caused all of this in the first place. In a way the snakes here were like the otters in his apartment, welcoming him into a new place for the first time with their bodies pressed against his own. Only instead of fur and cocks it was rubber scales and cocks as he felt something bump up against his snout. With his newfound flexibility he was easily able to turn himself around and sink the needy member into his own maw, a shudder running down his body as it slid all the way into his throat without a second thought.

As time wore on, which Jake had no way of keeping track of, his transformation continued to proceed slowly under the careful massaging of the other vipers until his slightly-less-than-six-foot frame was stretched into nine feet of rubber viper flesh. The one who had taken control of his body initially, whom he found out his name was Viper ironically enough, made sure that every inch of Jake's rubbery scales were caressed at least once by his own body as the others joined in, as well. While it wasn't the furry form he was used to Jake found several distinct advantages of being a synthetic creature instead of a flesh and blood one, especially since it appeared he had been permanently transformed unlike when he needed a pair of swim trunks.

Permanently transformed... the thought pushed his mind out of the fog of pure lust that he had been ensnared in for so long with the other vipers. He realized that he may never see his friends again; he didn't even know where he was anymore, and in all likelihood even if he did know, there was no way to escape. But as his mind began to sink back into the pleasured embrace of the sensations of his cock being sucked on while Viper continued to hump into his rear made him wonder if he even wanted to anymore. His entire being felt like it was on fire with bliss; eventually he became incapable of even thinking about his predicament as his focus turned to his stuffed orifices and the pleasure he got from them.

Finally Viper's slow, deep thrusts became harder to contain and Jake could feel those thick, rubber-covered coils tighten against his own serpentine body until he came hard. Jake let out a loud, long hiss as he felt the waves of pleasure cascade through his beautiful new body, every inch of his muscles twitching and spasming in pleasure as he climaxed a few seconds later inside the vent of another viper that had slid his slick anal vent on top of his own cock. It started a chain reaction that seemed to spread throughout the entire pit, those that had been watching or were coiled up with another fed off the energy of their climax and came as well until the every snake there was completely spent.

When they were finished Jake found himself panting heavily despite his lack of need to while the others withdrew from him and slumped around the pit. The only one that maintained a coil lock on him was the original viper, who continued to keep his still half-hard cock inside of Jake as their muzzles rubbed against one another. "Was it everything you ever hoped for?" Viper asked.

"I have to say this wasn't what I expected when I bought a television from the pawn shop," he admitted, causing the other serpent to chuckle. "But I suppose if I'm going to be somewhere, a place where I can find endless pleasure in the rubber coils of others isn't too bad. Had I know it felt this good I would have possibly taken Cody up on his offer to become one of those neoprene orcas earlier."

There was a slight pause as Viper tilted his head back, the glowing red orbs that indicated his eyes looking straight down at him. "Neoprene orca," he repeated in a slightly dumbfounded tone. "Like one of the orcas that Famjin creates? As part of his security team?"

"Yeah, one of those," Jake confirmed. "I had actually just talked to him before all this happened and he made a pseudo-offer of having me become one of them instead of joining the otters, though I don't think I could betray the others like that. Of course I wonder what would happen if they found out that I was a big, rubber viper now... which I suppose would mean that I'm a part of Renzyl's crew now?"

Even without the thermal vision he could tell that Viper's jaw hung open in shock, shaking his head before he looked at the others who just tilted their heads back at him. For what felt like a minute Viper appeared to be deeply contemplating something before he finally let out a sigh. "I'm going to ask you something that I really don't want to in case I'm right," Viper admitted. "Is your name Allen?"

"My name isn't Allen," Jake replied, hearing a few hissing gasps around him. "It's Jake." When there was no response Jake grew concerned, especially when he felt the other male quickly slide off his body. "Is something wrong?"

"Crap..." the viper replied as he slithered over to the other end of the pit where Jake could see something glowing softly with a blue light in his enhanced vision that pressed his muzzle against. "Hey Rairn, could you please get Chrono? Yes, I know this line of communication is only to be used for emergencies, but I think what you're about to hear qualifies. We have a situation with our new guest in that, well, he's not supposed to be our guest."


Renzyl hummed to himself as he walked through the halls of his manor, the rubber reptiles bowing to him as he passed by and him returning the gesture. Unlike most days where he would go out into the nexus realm for any potential new targets he was given an urgent summons from his second in command Chrono to meet him at The Viper Pit. When he got down the stairs and into the large circular room that contained the pit he found the silver raptor there with Rairn, the naga who controlled the elevator that could be lowered and raised into the deep hole. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I just went down there to perform the count as usual," Chrono explained as he nodded to Rairn, who bowed and slithered out through another door. "Looks like we got one more down there since last time."

"Well of course," Renzyl mused as he looked down into the darkness, his enhanced vision able to make out the outlines of the rubber vipers that writhed and slithered at the bottom. "You know that we were going to have a new arrival, one that has been lusting for such confinement for quite some time. We had set it up so that he would be properly... conditioned for such a life before he got here last night."

"Yes, a fine convert he would have been, Lord Renzyl..." Chrono replied anxiously as he bit his lower lip when the visage of the rubber dragon stared straight into his mirrored eyes. "But master... that's not him down there." A frown appeared on Renzyl's muzzle as he turned and looked back down once again, Chrono leaning over and doing the same. "From what I have gathered someone named 'Jake' somehow got into the pawn shop where we left the item and managed to get it first before our intended target."

"Oh dear, that is a problem..." Renzyl muttered as he scratched his chin. "Well the only thing that can disrupt events we've put into motion is the interference of one of my brothers, but from what I was told the only thing in the area was Famjin, and he was strictly confined to the facility he had built. Now is this true, or will you soon be joining them down there, my dear pet?"

Chrono swallowed hard and looked down at the touchpad he had. "There is nothing to indicate that Famjin or his minions would have been able to leave the center for any extended period of time," the silver raptor said as he looked at the data he called up. "The only thing that could have possibly happened was that he transformed one of them back and they were able to walk around as human, but in all the time we scouted that location we thought the veil was too thick to perform something like that."

"Well it appears that a talk with my brother is in order to try and get this whole thing straightened out," Renzyl mused before he placed his hands on Chrono's shoulders. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Could you please be a dear and try to figure out which one is Jake and try to get him separated before he loses himself too much down there?"

The silver raptor breathed a sigh of relief and started to nod, but before he could say anything he suddenly felt himself toppling sideways over the edge of the pit and sliding down the slick surface after being pushed. The dragon watched with bemused interest as his second in command continued to slide and roll down the side of the pit until he arrived at the bottom, where he hardly had time to get up and move before his body was coiled around by several of the latex creatures. "Rairn, please lower the elevator in a bit to let Chrono and hopefully our misplaced guest back up from the pit." Renzyl said to the returning naga, who nodded in agreement before Renzyl left the room.

Half an hour later Renzyl laid on the black sands of his realm's beach, wearing a red speedo and sunglasses while sipping a drink. It wasn't long after he had sent the summons to Famjin that he saw the neoprene shark emerge from the surface of the water and begin to walk towards him. Behind him five more shapes appeared, three of them belonging to otter men while the other two were neoprene orcas in gear similar to their master. Once they all approached, Renzyl sat up and motioned for them to walk to a nearby beachside café that his minions had set up for themselves and were quickly served by the naga that ran it.

"So I take it you didn't call me here just so that we could have a lunch on your beach," Famjin said as the seam in his mask opened and revealed rows of jagged teeth so he could eat. "I'm also curious on why you specifically asked for friends of Jake, especially since he did not show up for work today on the facility I run on his home planet."

"Well let me first put your fears at ease," Renzyl replied with a smirk. "Your servant Jake is in my realm, where he got... let's just say... wrapped up in something he shouldn't have, which is why I wanted you to bring his friends here since he couldn't have interrupted such things himself."

Famjin's head slowly turned to the five that had been grouped around him, all of them stiffening as he gazed at them. "I quite concur brother..." the neoprene shark agreed. "One or more of you snuck out of the Aquatic Center without my permission, thus changing the flow of events in a world that one has to be very careful about meddling with. Now... which one of you was it?"

There was a few moments of silence as they all looked at each other before Eli and the other two otters lowered their heads. "It was us Master Famjin," Eli admitted. "We're sorry, we were just so excited to have Jake joining us that we snuck out to have a night of fun with him."

"Come now Famjin," Renzyl spoke up as the three otters looked down at the ground. "I know that they got put one of your servants in my clutches, but it wouldn't be the first time that we had such a misunderstanding. Why, I remember when one of Modino's servants accidently sent a crate of those zentai suits he so enjoys to the wrong planet that Tarien happened to have a foothold in and it ended up converting about seventy percent of the population. Such is life in the nexus, why don't we all go down to The Viper Pit and see if my second has found your friend yet."

Famjin nodded and together the group made their way into Renzyl's manner, the dragon and shark in front while the otters trailed behind and the orcas brought up the rear. The entire time Eli visibly shook with each step he took, though both brothers assured them they had nothing to fear. A few minutes later they arrived at the edge of the pit, the rubber naga slithering over to their group as soon as they came in. "Master Renzyl, I didn't expect-"

"I realize that we have arrived a bit early," Renzyl interrupted as he waved a hand in the air. "Has Chrono managed to differentiate our new arrival from the others yet?"

"I'm afraid not yet m'lord," the naga quickly replied. "I've been hearing a lot of activity down there so far, but nothing that would indicate that Chrono is currently able to-"

Once again the naga was interrupted by a series of cries as Famjin's wide arms pushed the three otters into the pit, all of them trying to hold onto the slick sides as they disappeared into the darkness. Eli wasn't sure how long he or the others had fallen down the slope into the deep hole, but finally after what felt like ages the three of them landed with a loud thud on something thankfully soft as they loudly groaned from the impact. Though they were surrounded by total darkness they knew exactly where they were, which meant when the floor shifted underneath them they knew to quickly roll off until they found solid perches elsewhere. All around them they could hear low hissing noises and the three grasped around in the dark until they found one another and held on tightly.

"Jake?" Eli called out, unable to do anything in the darkness but stand there as the air shifted around them. "I just wanted to apologize for putting you here, you know that I would never actually do anything that would put you in harm's way, right? Just happened to be bad luck our actions got you the television that Lord Renzyl meant for another."

"On the contrary..." a familiar but slightly altered voice said in the depths of the black that surrounded the three males. "I think that it was quite the fortunate event that has brought me here, awakened a lot of things in me that I didn't even think I'd like before."

"Oh?" Eli asked, swallowing hard as he did so. "Like what?"

"Well I have to say that this rubbery body I'm in is quite spectacular," Jake mentioned with a dark chuckle. "Not only can I see you three quaking in the corner, but I've also been able to slither around you several times without you even knowing. I think I may volunteer to be one of those dolphins that like to swim around in front of everyone, or maybe join the orcas... or stay a viper. You could do that too, once you know how good it feels yourself."

Jake could see Eli and the others begin to back away from where his voice was, which caused the former human to grin as another viper came up from behind. Originally most of the other vipers had been preoccupied with their leader's wrapping around of Chrono, who despite his protections had begun to look a little more serpentine than saurian as their coils worked his body. Several had broken away when they heard more fall into the pit, and now at least half a dozen have turned their attentions to the new prey. The one that snuck around stood completely still as the otters continued to move until the second one of them made contact, which caused the snake to wrap his coils around the startled male as the other two fell backwards away from him.

"That's one down,' Jake chuckled as he watched the ensnared otter quickly get manipulated into position by the coils of the viper that captured him until the telltale gasp and widening of the other male's eyes told him that there was snake flesh between those furry cheeks. "Who's next?" While Jake watched as the other two scattered and grasped for some means of escape, he couldn't help but admit at the fun he was having as a viper. While he hadn't been serious about being a viper if he could help it, which considering the fact the three were there in the first place meant that Famjin was there to get him, he did like the dominant streak that it seemed to bring out of him to the point where he may give the orca body a try.

While Eli tried to sneak away to another section of the cave the other otter attempted to climb up the walls, his hands scraping against the rubber as several snakes slithered up behind him. He started to make some distance scaling the slick surface until the grade started to get the better of him. Even though it was dark the otter continued to look down at where he was, and that ended up being his downfall as he twisted his body too far and lost his footing. The sound of rubber against fur filled the air as he slid his way back down into the maw of a waiting viper, his latex saliva immediately coating and entangling the hapless otter as the other eagerly awaited the finishing of his cocoon.

That left only Eli left, which Jake had been stalking himself. His synthetic scales slid effortlessly and silently over both the floor and the bodies of his new friends, some of them even putting their bodies in the way in order to corral the otter into where he wanted him to go. Eventually Eli stopped when he put his hands in front of him and felt the other side of the pit, which allowed Jake to slither up behind him. He waited until his snout was right next to Eli's ear, then flicked his tongue so that the tines tickled the inside.

"You still owe me twenty bucks."

Eli nearly jumped out of his skin after Jake hissed in his ear, then turned around and tried to run in the opposite direction until Jake darted around and wrapped his coils around his body. Thanks to the rather vigorous training session he had with the other vipers Jake learned how to use his body well, even while the otter continued to struggle in his grasp, he maintained a firm and constant hold on his friend until he finally calmed down and allowed his scaly body to completely coil around him. "Don't suppose there's any chance I can bribe you to let me go," Eli asked with a chuckle.

"I don't think so," Jake retorted with a chuckle. "Plus, even though it seems like these scales are thick rubber I can tell that you are... throbbing with excitement at being in such a situation. Our friends are having so much fun... it would be a shame for you not to be a part of it."

Though Eli couldn't see what Jake was talking about, the viper could see with his thermal vision what had come of the other two. The first otter caught had a blissed look on his face as the viper who caught him continued to thrust into his body. A trail of thick black ooze had already started to drip from the otter's mouth as more of the rubber clung to his face and began to spread outward. A similar event was happening between his thighs, the latex pre that had escaped his stretched hole had begun to defy gravity and cover his legs as they began to merge together into a proper viper tail.

For the other otter the vipers that captured him had gone in a completely different direction. Only the muzzle of the captured male could be seen under the heavy layer of latex that the serpents had coated him with, effectively mummifying him as they took turns wrapping around him while one had a coil positioned so the otter's maw was bobbing up and down on his cock. Jake could tell that with every pass they made they transformed his body a little further, the thickness of the solidified rubber growing thinner as they stretched him out into a proper viper. He suspected that once the leader getting the blow job finished that otter mouth would be a proper snake snout as well, which caused a trill of pleasure to go down his spine as his gaze focused on his captor.

"So... what should we do with you, Eli?" Jake asked as he shifted his coils around, his impressive musculature rubbing up against the otter's fur to send tingles down both their bodies. "I'm told that this body has a variety of ways to change you, sex being the primary way of course. I could always just eat you, too, make you a snake in my belly. What do you think of that?"

"I think the time down here has definitely changed you," Eli replied as he looked down, Jake's thermal vision picking up increased body heat around the otter's face. "Since you're asking and all, I was wondering if I could request something that I heard one of the orca guards said happened to him with a naga, something I think your new body would be able to do."

Eli explained the details of what he wanted, and after Jake wrapped his head around what he was asking, he nodded in agreement and set the otter down, then went to Viper to ask a favor. By that point Chrono looked more like an Eastern dragon than a raptor and Jake couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before he told Viper what he needed. The de facto leader of the pit agreed wholeheartedly with his request and he once more wrapped his body around him, Jake relaxing as he let the other snake do its work.

For a few minutes the otter waited in the total darkness with nothing but the sounds of mating taking place all around him, though he knew soon it would be coming from him, as well. Just as he began to wonder if his plan was too complex he felt a slightly thinner coil wrap around his waist and pull him close, his body trembling with excitement as Jake slithered down and moved the coil to settle around his thigh. With his enhanced body Jake wasn't as stout as the others, but with that the length of his body increased greatly, enough to accommodate his friend's request.

Jake could feel the excitement growing in the otter as he wrapped his body around his other leg and behind his back, Eli's heart pounding felt against his latex scales as he finally positioned his cock between the furry globes that hid his tailhole. Eli tensed as the tip pushed inside him, then relaxed and allowed the thick rubbery length to slide into him. Once Jake was sure that he wouldn't accidentally slide out he continued to wrap himself around the otter's body until there was hardly any fur that could be seen between his coils. Once he had gotten up to his shoulders he stopped, looking down as his stretched latex scales that had enveloped every inch of the other male.

"It looks like someone should be putting in their application for the dolphin pool," Jake asked as he tightened his body slightly, pressing completely against Eli's muscles. "How does it feel?"

"Amazing," Eli gasped slightly as he tried to wiggle, only to find his body completely immobilized. "And no, the bondage those guys are in isn't the same as having something... alive around you, completely in control."

Jake let out a small hiss of surprise at what he had just learned about his friend, but his needy tail inside the otter's backside brought his focus back to more pleasurable matters. Every time he thrusted himself into Eli's tailhole he allowed the movement to shift his entire body, which caused Eli to moan even more. Once he was sure that every coil was secured against the other male Jake shifted his focus downward towards the only thing he allowed to poke free. The otter's cock jutted into the air like a spire as Jake used what was left of his length to position his muzzle over it. The second he slid his lips down the pink flesh he felt Eli try to buck his hips upwards, only to have Jake constrict even further and keep the otter still.

Once he was sure that he had Eli completely in control with his body he began to play with him a bit, teasing the otter by thrusting into him the same time he pushed his maw down. The otter gasped and moaned as his forked tongue tickled the sensitive flesh that had already started to thicken into a serpent cock. He hadn't realized that he would actually be capable of transforming his friend, but as he shifted his coils he felt the now-familiar feel of latex on latex. When he knew that Eli was about to become a snake the grin widened on his muzzle and he went back to his ministrations.

As Jake pushed deeper into Eli's tailhole his body continued to tighten around the transforming otter, at first the muscles and bones remained in place but after a few minutes he could feel them turn to jelly, or more accurately latex, and begin to displace. At first he could feel the other male squirming with every inch of coil that tightened around him but when Eli could feel his body stretching and his limbs merging his cock pulsated hard in Jake's mouth. Just like what Viper did to him he kept stretching his friend out with each time he slid in until they were nearly equal in length, Eli's body now able to be seen as Jake's coils had to spread apart to help the growth.

"Oh Jake," Eli hissed as the rubber that had been around his neck crept up over his shifting muzzle. "I'm gonna... ah!"

Jake's muzzle was filled with Eli's corrupted seed as the last of his fur was melted into the black rubber scales that covered the rest of his body. With the two wrapped around one another they were nearly indistinguishable as Jake let Eli finish his climax before he humped wildly into the other snake to finish, himself. Once they had both finished filling each other with their latex spunk Jake drew off the tapered member while leaving his own inside Eli, though after a while his softening tool slid out with a pop and retreated back into his own body.

"Say, when did Famjin say he was coming to get us?" Jake asked as their bodies remained completely entwined around one another.

"I don't know," Eli replied with a happy sigh. "He didn't tell us, probably a while."

"Good," Jake replied with a grin as their muzzles met with another kiss, their serpentine tongues wrapping around one another as they explored each other's muzzles. Around them any inclination that there had been a raptor or otters there were gone, the pit filled only with rubber vipers that cared only for their slick bodies pleasurably rubbing against or in one another in some fashion.

Meanwhile Famjin and Renzyl sat on the edge of the pit watching and listening as the three otters continued to writhe and squirm under the ministrations of their temporary captors. "I have to say that you and Haleon get top marks for using that technology to ensnare new converts," Famjin admitted, causing Renzyl to chuckle. "So you had someone in mind to become friends with the vipers and they got my otter instead, I hope they won't be too sore when I claim him back. Hopefully my little offering of his friends will help, though you know I'm not bringing four of your vipers back to my realm with me."

"Well the other vipers were expecting a long term playmate in exchange for helping one of my Generals out with a particularly sensitive mission," Renzyl explained. "Giving them a temporary one that they would need to give back is quite the cruel bait and switch for them. Nevertheless, they're going to have fun with the additional bodies once they've properly changed them, plus it will still give Chrono additional help to identify Jake and bring him back up once they've had their fun with him. If you had told me you were going to add your other minions, as well, we could have made a game out of it."

Famjin just chuckled and turned his back on the pit. "I think those three in the pit for a couple of hours will be more than sufficient payment for taking back what's mine," Famjin replied. "Speaking of games; however, we can pass the time with one of our own. If you still have that deck of cards, I would be very much interested in a rematch."

"Sounds good to me," Renzyl replied before he turned to the naga. "Once they've had their fun make sure that Chrono gathers up the other four otters, if not then grab a Collector and they can finish up. Once they're out of the pit then come grab us, we should be finished by then." As the two walked away from the pit, the only noise that drifted up from it were passionate hisses and moans...