Hellhound's Toy (Vanilla Version)

Story by Declan Xavier on SoFurry

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Inspired by Triller's porn for porn's sake, I've decided to write some of my own. Many thanks to the wonderful Triller for the inspiration.

Warning: This story contains scenes of sex between adult anthropomorphic males. The acts involved are anal sex, oral sex, and double penetration. Some of the males involved are demons. If this offends you, then you should turn back now. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Hellhound's Toy

by Declan Xavier

"Rex, King!" came a soft voice from the gates. "I have a present for you!"

The two hellhounds raised their heads as their names were called, eyes focusing on the mist beyond the open gates to Hell. They saw an amorphous shadow moving back and forth. It wasn't until the figure was well in the glow of the molten brimstone that they could see it was a demon carrying a large sack over one shoulder like a twisted version of Father Christmas.

Declan grunted and struggled under the weight of the black canvas bag that he carried. He held his wings tight to his body so that the heavy load could rest on his back, even though it bent his slight frame. As he approached, he noticed the two hellhounds had roused from their slumber, eyes fixed coldly on him. It wasn't their decision; their eyes were always cold.

Hellhounds were to demons as pets were to mortals. Oh sure, they were proper anthros, when they wanted to be. They were malevolent energies all the same, crafted from the same stuff as demons, but they lacked much of a demon's powers. All a hellhound could do was transform between the form of a quadruped and the form of a biped. They were intelligent enough to speak, and intelligent enough to follow orders, but little else. They couldn't even go to the world of mortals without a proper demon's supervision and aid.

Rex and King, both modeled after Doberman Pinschers from a child's nightmare, shifted from their feral form to bipeds, walking over to help the demon with his burden. As they moved, Declan stopped to admire their forms. They were tall, standing at nearly seven feet tall each. They had the builds of soldiers, rock hard muscle over every inch of their forms, roiling beneath coal-black and muted tan fur. Despite their muscular frames, they retained a Doberman's sleek, smooth frame, marking them as superior hunters. They naturally possessed the kinds of bodies that anthros on the surface either dedicated their lives to sculpting, or gained through the use of illicit substances.

The two hellhounds certainly had never been exposed to those types of drugs, as they obviously didn't suffer from the side effects. Both dogs were decidedly male, and their genitals, like the rest of their bodies, were things that would draw envy from mortals. Thick sheaths covered in caramel-colored fur rested on top of black-furred globes, the size of each a mortal would find difficult to hold in one hand. Somehow, some way, the prodigious packages of these monsters did not detract from their tapered, muscular appearance.

"What's in the bag, boss?" Rex asked. Or perhaps it was King. Declan could never tell them apart, they looked so much like twins. He only knew that one had amber eyes and the other violet.

"Like I said, Rex, a present." Declan finished with a grunt. Repositioning the bag.

"I'm King," said the violet-eyed hellhound. His eyes, lacking both pupil and white, purple marbles in his head behind which a malevolent intelligence burned, turned toward the misshapen sack on the demon's back.

The demon, rather than apologizing, just flipped the sack over his shoulder and let it fall to the hard, stony ground of Hell. The contents of the sack let out a squeal of pain and twitched, drawing the attentions of both hellhounds. They focused on the bag and started sniffing it heavily, but the thick canvas blocked their senses.

"It is a new toy for you two. Just be careful with it, I do not want you breaking it like the last one. They are hard to get, you know."

Rex groped for the top of the sack, finding the drawstring and untying the knot. The black canvas fell away to reveal a small kangaroo male. The male was nude, and fully an adult, though he was dwarfed compared to the demons who circled him. He was a little pudgy, and average height for a male, covered with fur the color of faded leather and a belly of pure white. He was unconscious, the squeal of pain and twitch having been just a reflex.

King stooped over and sniffed at the male's throat. His eyes went wide and the nub of his tail started to wiggle at high speed. "What in the..." He looked up at Declan, who merely smiled back. "You brought us a live one?"

Declan nodded, petting both of the hellhounds on their heads. "Have fun you two," the demon smiled as he slid off deeper into Hell. Rex and King looked down at their new, unconscious toy, both of their tails wagging back and forth as physically possible. A live one in Hell was a very rare thing, and to be just handed one without any strings attached made it all the better. King reached out and roughly seized the roo's tail, but was stopped by Rex's hand encircling his wrist.

"What are you doing, he said not to break him."

"I'm not," King countered. "I'm just checking him out." He lifted the tail gingerly, catching the bottom of the roo's fuzzy white orbs underneath his pink pucker. Rex licked his lips at the sight, starting to pant with lust. His body responded to his thoughts, the pink, sharp tip of his erection poking out into the hot air.

Rex laughed at his fellow canine, but he too was starting to get aroused at the nude male at his disposal. He looked at King, whose attention was still fixed on the roo's tight, virgin tailhole. "So, which do you want first, heads, or tails?"

King dropped the roo's tail, which flopped against the ground. "A toy's no fun if it ain't movin'. I'm not the kind of male that plays with dolls."

Rex growled a bit at the perceived slight, but nodded just the same. "So, let's wake him up."

King smiled and went around to the roo's muzzle. He lifted it roughly with one chin, his snake-like tongue slipping out of his lips and licking the black button nose. "Wake up, wake up," he whispered softly, his deep bass voice rumbling like thunder in the distance. The kangaroo's eyes opened a little bit at first, then, catching a glimpse of the hellhound in front of him, tried to pull away in fear.

King held on tight, and Rex grabbed onto the back of the roo's head. "Calm down, toy, calm down. You're going to hurt yourself at this rate."

This did little to calm the roo's struggles, but the sharp growling from both of them made him freeze with fear. He looked up into the violet marbles of the one who held his muzzle, pleading with his eyes, assuring the Doberman that he'd be good.

"Good mortal, good. Now, if you do as we say, and make us happy, we won't have a reason to break you."

Rex snickered, leaning in close and licking one of the kangaroo's long, pointed ears. "But if you're a bad toy, and you break, we'll just throw you away. Got it?"

The roo nodded, closing his eyes. The hellhounds laughed, causing the marsupial to shiver. King let go of his toy's muzzle. "Let's see how good of a toy Master Declan got for us." King stood up, towering over the mortal who was still mostly on his stomach. The kangaroo tried to look into the Doberman's eyes, but was stopped by the massive male marbles.

"Start licking, toy."

The roo climbed to his knees, licking his lips to give them some moisture. He shook with fear as his tongue lapped at the orbs in front of him. He lifted one with his tongue, then let it drop to tongue-bathe the other. The hellhound growled with pleasure as more and more his erection slid out of his sheath, the tip succumbing to gravity and bonking the kangaroo on the nose.

"Good toy," King growled. "Take your treat."

The kangaroo knew what he meant. He nodded silently, taking the still stiffening stick of musky meat and wrapping his tongue around the tip. The doberman closed his eyes, putting his hand between the roo's ears and holding his head steady. The kangaroo watched as the thick pillars of muscle on either side of his face tightened, pushing those hips forward and shoving more of the cock into his mouth. It wasn't long before that monster salami in his mouth hit his gag reflex and pushed past it without so much as a second's thought.

Meanwhile, Rex wasn't content at watching his fellow hellhound getting a blowjob from their new toy. The Doberman demon lifted the roo's tail again, eyes focusing immediately on his rear passage. As soon as the kangaroo felt his tail being lifted, he clenched his muscles shut out of fear. The winking of the pucker made the hellhound drool. Rex took his long, slobbery tongue and ran up right up the kangaroo's balls and along the pink star of muscle.

The kangaroo moaned as best he could with the meat in his muzzle. King's cock finally hit the back of his throat, still a full half of his shaft outside of the mortal's mouth. The mortal's cheeks puffed out painfully as he accepted more meat, reluctantly. His throat spasmed as he gagged and coughed around the larger-than-normal penis in his mouth. He moaned again and again as he felt the slobbery tongue coating his tailhole with saliva, the cool feeling pleasant when compared to the sweltering heat of the atmosphere.

Rex wrapped his paw around the base of his growing shaft, his middle finger and thumb soon parting ways as his erection swelled. He almost felt bad for the toy, having an obviously tight hole about to be pierced by his demonic sausage. Almost was as close as the hellhound got to sympathy; however, as he was more focused on how much he was going to enjoy this. He put the tip of his cock against the slippery hole, not wanting to stretch it out before his cock got a chance to feel that velvety muscle sleeve. He wanted the kangaroo to lose his anal virginity on the end of his shaft, not on the tips of his fingers.

The roo screamed around King's cock, trying frantically to tell the dog behind him to stop. He closed his eyes, a tear or two streaming down his cheek. He knew it was going to hurt, and if the shaft at his ass was anywhere near the size of the shaft in his mouth, it was going to kill him. As he started to turn his head, he felt King's grip on the top of his head tighten.

"Calm down, toy. Like I said, we don't want to break you. We treat our toys real good. You'll come to like it."

Rex waited until King was done reassuring their yifftoy before proceeding. Without further adieu, Rex shoved a good inch of his thick meat into the tender tailhole of the kangaroo. The spit helped, but not much, as the pucker stretched wide to accommodate the veiny, throbbing member. The kangaroo screamed out in a pain as he felt something under his tail tear. For a minute, his coughing and gagging ceased. He swore he was about to pass out, not helping the fact that his airway was mostly blocked by demon dog dick.

The coppery smell of blood only fueled Rex's lust as he pushed against the resistance he felt. The sore muscles did little to hold back the invasion of the monster, or the tool he possessed. All he managed to do was provided a stuttering rhythm to the hellhound's entrance. King watched as his friend pushed himself balls into the roo, tongue lolling out and eyes rolled back in pleasure. Thick, heavy drops of drool hit the small of the kangaroo's back, making him shiver harder.

The two enjoyed the vibrations of the shivering mortal that was skewered on their cocks. The kangaroo was sure he could feel the two demon dicks meeting in his stomach, focusing all his efforts on just breathing and staying conscious. He couldn't even let himself think what these two monsters would do to him while he was passed out.

King let go of the roo's head as Rex began to pull his cock out and then shove it back in roughly. The mortal's nose was shoved forward with the thrust, the tip of King's shaft entering his throat. The muscles there hugged it tightly, even as it was pulled free when Rex pulled his own cock out. King was more than content to stand, letting his friend do all the work and getting a blowjob that had been a long time coming.

Rex felt the tunnel ease around his shaft, but never really let go. The tight, formerly virgin roo still tried to resist the invasion, even as the monster cock shot out thick, warm streams of precum, which mingled with the blood to provide a easier yiff. This only caused the hellhound to be rougher with the toy, having to shove against the token resistance to get his pole deep into the roo's ass.

The feeling of the roo's tight tailhole was too much for the pent up hellhound. He could feel his orgasm welling up at the base of his pubic bone at the same time he felt his knot start to swell. He started to giggle, which caused King to open his eyes. He snarled, which was hard considering how good he was feeling at the moment.

"Don't you dare," warned King. "If you knot fuck him, I'll rip your throat out. You're not going to ruin him before I have the chance to get at him."

Rex flattened his ears against his skull. His hormone-addled brain wanted nothing more than to shove that knot into the roo and tie with him as he filled his ass with demon cum. Still, King had a point. If he stretched the mortal too wide, he would be no fun later. Well, not without some creative thinking. He nodded, all he could manage to do in his current state.

The Doberman demon growled loudly as he felt another surge, signaling that his orgasm was near. He shoved his knot up against the roo's butt, resisting the urge to push it in further. The tool lanced forward a bit as it let out a torrent of hot seed, sending jet after jet of thick, viscous cum deep into the roo. The roo felt the warmness fill him and flow out. He felt the hot fluid drip down his tailhole and onto his own nuts before dropping to the ground between his knees.

King grabbed the sides of the roo's puffed out muzzle. "Finish me off," he growled. The roo nodded, working his tongue over the cock in his mouth. The smell of Rex's orgasm fueled King's own. He pulled his cock out until the tip was just inside the mortal's lips. The meat cannon fired off a round of cum, filling the roo's mouth with piping hot seed. He swallowed it down just in time for another jet to take its place.

The hellhound pulled his shaft free, firing off a third and fourth load onto the kangaroo's face while the mortal was still busy trying to swallow all the seed in his mouth and throat. The gel was surprisingly sweet, and the mortal couldn't help but feel that he wanted more. He began to lick the cum off his face, even as some dripped out of the corners of his mouth.

Rex pulled out of the roo, causing the built up cum to flow free, squiring out from behind the roo and splattering against the Doberman's groin. He looked down and smiled at the now red, abused pucker that leaked pink goo. "You want a go, King?"

King nodded, still coming down from his own orgasm. "Yeah," he said finally. "Then the real fun can begin." He grabbed the roo's cum-covered chin and lifted it again. "This little mortal will have to learn to be more active in his blowjobs. Isn't that right, toy?"

The roo nodded, tongue still working to clean off his muzzle in order to prepare for his next helping.