Silly Filthy Colts (extreme scat play and other filth)

Story by Clockworker on SoFurry

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The circus has arrived in Ponyville! However something is a bit off only stallions are allowed in and there seems to be something a bit more to it. The clowns are quite sexy and there is a strange stink in the air. Probably nothing serious though~

Big Mac trots down Ponyville's main street, the now empty cart he was pulling thumps behind him as he hit a dip in the road. The stallion turns around to check to see if any damage was done, after seeing nothing was wrong he turns back, only to be greeted by a face covered in thick white make-up. Mac jumps back a bit, eyes wide. "Hello there, we would love to invite you to see our show today!~" The clown pony says smiling as he fishes a flyer out of his bag before handing it to Mac, who looks at it quizzingly. "Just show that flyer to the pony in front of the entrance and you'll be let in, however the show starts soon so please hurry~" Mac goes to say something only to find that the pony had disappeared. Looking back down to the flyer he thinks for a bit.

Arriving on the field mentioned on the flyer the stallion looks around, seeing a massive circus tent in the center of the field. It was a bright pink and white with a rainbow flag on top, surrounding it were many banners that showed images of clowns, Jesters and many other funny characters. He can't help but smirks a bit, having decided to take a little break from work and check out the act that was starting soon. Unhooking his cart and leaving it by the entrance he heads in showing the flyer to the stallion in front of the tent. As he walks in he notices that quite a few other ponies are here, though they're all stallions. He can't seem to find even one mare in the crowd. However what he did notice were all of the clowns trotting around, all of them wore baggy, very oversized clothing their faces were painted a pale white and their manes were dyed a stunning rainbow. They each walked with a bit of a skip as they conversed about their acts, and after show plans.

"Howdy cuz!" A familiar voice shouts from behind Mac, turning back he would see his rather excitable cousin, Braeburn walking in. "Here ta see the show too huh?" He asks smiling as the two of them headed towards the stage.

"Eeyup." Mac replies as the two of them take their seats in the front. Looking around Mac would see a few other stallions that he would recognize; Shining Armor Captain of the Royal guards, and Soarin who was apart of the Wonderbolts. "Ah guess everypony is showin up ta this." He says looking to Braeburn.

"Yeah though there ain't any mares here only stallions, ya notice?" Brae asks as a spotlight turns on in the center of the stage. "Ah, hey it's startin." A thick Cloud of pink smoke fills the air, obscuring the stage. As it fades a rather toned and powerful looking stallion, dressed in a rather scanty suit and top hat appears head down. Slowly the stallion raises his head removing the hat.

"Welcome darling stallions! Thank you for attending our show, we hope you shall enjoy!~" He exclaims happily a pink mist still floating around the circus tents, causing all the stallions to breathe it in. The circus progresses rather normally each act being introduced with another blast of the pink smoke. Many of which involved the clowns in baggy clothing performing some kind of silly acts, from throwing pies to one stripping down to a tight latex suit and diving into a pool of water below. The suit was very revealing showing off the stallion's rather large rump, along with the very obvious bulge in the crotch area. Mac began to feel a bit warm and flustered by this as well as being surrounded by so many, nice, good looking stallions. He didn't feel right about that, he liked mares didn't he why was he getting so excited around these stallions?

At the end of the show the ringleader appears once more taking a bow as he talks to the crowd. "Once more, thank you for coming to see us here, we hope you shall return tomorrow and see our next show. We promise it'll be even more exciting!" He says staying in his bow as the lights switch off as he disappears with the rest of the mist. Mac stumbles out of the tent, head swimming a bit from being inside of the small, musky area. Brae appears a bit after chuckling a bit.

"Wow that was great! Don't you agree cuz?" Brae ask getting a nod in reply as the two of them bump right into another two stallions also leaving. "Oh, horse apples, sorry about that, you two okay?" Brae asks before seeing the two laying in front of them were Soarin and Shining Armor.

"Ah no worries, we're good." Soarin says standing up, Shining nods in agreement as he gets up. "Actually me and Shining were about to maybe get something to eat and hang, maybe you two would like to join us?" He asks

"Yeah it would be great to have some others join us. Maybe discuss the show?" Shining adds in blushing slightly. "Though we don't really know any place to go." Brae looks to Mac gives a small shrug.

"Sure we'd love to join you!" Brae says happily, "Ah'm not too familiar with this place though so Ah don't think Ah could help."

"Ah know a pretty good place nearby." Mac says with a nod. "Just follow me." The toned stallion begins to walk away making sure to grab his cart as the other three follow behind. They soon arrive at The Hay Burger, and head inside taking a seat. "So what dija guys think of the show?" Mac asks curious to think what Soarin and Shining had to say.

"I thought it was pretty good, might have to see tomorrow's show as well." Shining remarks with a bit of a chuckle. "It's weird though I don't think I've heard of them before, I guess they must be new or something." He adds in looking over the menu .

"It was awesome in my opinion the acts were so cool, I'm definitely going tomorrow!" Soarin exclaims happily pumping his hoof a bit. "Though and I hope it's not weird to say the ringleader and some of the clown ponies there were pretty good looking. He says looking down and blushing heavily, though after no reply he looks up to see the others doing the same. "Heh glad to see I'm not alone with that." Soarin smirks a bit before blushing even deeper as his body begins to tingle. "H-hey I'll be right back." He says quickly getting out of his seat and heading towards the bathroom.

"M-me too." Big Mac says getting up heading out as well, as he walks into the bathroom Mac trots over to the sink and splashes his face with water. As he stood there collecting himself he would hear small, muffled moans coming from one of the stalls. The sound causes something to click in his mind, Mac is suddenly drawn to the stall. Biting his lips he opens the door only to see Soarin rubbing his cock with one hoof while attempting to muffle himself with the other. Normally Mac would be in shock, embarrassed by seeing something like this, but for some reason he can't help but grin. "Heh need some help there partner?~" He asks moving the other pony's hoof away who just looks down in anticipation. Big Mac smirks lower his muzzle around Soarin's large, throbbing cock and begins to suck him off. Slowly he begins to speed up wrapping and running his tongue up and around the other's shaft looking up to Soarin with a teasing look as if to say. "Are you really enjoying this?~" Mac gives a wink before taking in all of the pegasus's length deepthroating him like a pro, even though it was his first time doing anything like this with a stallion. As he continues to suck Soarin off he would start to rub and grope at his body with his front two hooves.

"M-Mac I think I'm gonna-!" He's not even able to finish as he blows his load into Mac's mouth who drinks it down greedily before removing his mouth off the saliva covered cock that now hung flaccid in front of him. "T-that was.. Amazing Mac, w-wow." He says unsure of what to say.

"Eeyup, glad ya enjoyed it~" He says softly using his front hoof to give Soarin a pat on the rump. "Now let's clean up and head on back ta the others. H-heh also maybe let's not tell them about this quite yet." He says with another wink and lick of his lips. After cleaning themselves and the bathroom stall up they head back out, discussing the circus a bit more while eating soon parting ways for the night deciding to meet up tomorrow and see the next showing as well.

Mac soon arrives back home, feeling very full, and having a growing need to use the bathroom. Letting out a small *Frrrpt* he murrs lightly blushes as he rushes up the stairs. He quickly stumbles into the bathroom letting out another wet fart as he clumsily plants his flank of the toilet seat. With a sigh of relief Mac begins to push out a massive and foul smelling load, as he pushes log after log out the stallion would find his cock growing hard. He wraps one hoof around his cok as he begins to stroke himself, thick glops of pre drooling from the tip and running down his shaft.

As he finishes up dropping his massive load Mac continues to jack himself off, as he gets up to flush. However as he stands up, the stink of his load flows from the bowl and into his muzzle. With a gulp he leans down pressing his snout into the toilet bowl as he starts to take deep, heavy breaths putting both of his front hooves on the bowl as he starts to hump and grind his dick against the dirty bathroom, covering it in grime and sweat. He pushes his muzzle a bit more, feeling it press against one of the large logs of crap in the water. With a lightly moan he opens his maw, licking at it. The taste was foul and bitter, something seems to click in Big Mac's mind as he comes to his sense, blushing deeply and pulling his face out he quickly flushes and head to his room, forgetting to clean himself up at all.

The next morning Mac awakes with a yawn, stretching his front legs a strong odor would hit his nose, his own musk strong as ever. With a bit of a groan he thinks of whether or not to shower. After a bit he decides to wait till he gets home, sure the others wouldn't mind too much. After grabbing something to eat he lets Applejack know that he'll be busy. Regrettably she lets him leave, deciding not to let him know about how much he stank. It didn't take long for him to get to the circus, deciding to head there early to get the best seat. Though it seemed like everypony had that idea, there was a massive line of stallions outside just waiting to get in. "Hey, cuz over here!" Braeburn calls from nearby. Him, Shining, and Soarin were standing near the front of the line also anticipating the next showing. Mac smiles a bit and gallops to them, "glad ya could make it again, we were worried ya wouldn't show~" His cousin beams looking forwards as the same ticket stallion from before walks up to the booth.

"Looks like they're almost ready~." Shining says with a smirk. "Let's try to get some really good seats, oh also when the show's over, you guys want to head back to where I'm staying, it's nice and big, being captain of the royal guard has it's advantages~" He offers with a grin looking to see the others nodding happily.

"Yeah, that sounds great, man!" Soarin replies pumping a hoof in the air before smiling wide. "I picked up some pies last night, we could have some of those when we get there~" There's a small click as the ticket pony opens up the front of the tent as stallions, including the group of four rush in. Luckily they are able to get the last of the front row seats, right in front of the stage and close to the tubes that pumped the strange pink smoke into the air. "Man I hope this is as awesome as last time!" Soarin exclaims in anticipation. The lights dim and smoke begins to pour in, once again clouding the stage. Mac looks around, once again noticing there only seems to be stallions in the crowd, most grown up as well. Though his attention quickly shoots back to the stage as a spotlight clicks on.

"Welcome once more my lovely gentlecolts!~" A familiar, slightly effeminate voice says, revealing the stallion in a top hat, the ringmaster. "Wow, wow, wow I am so very happy that all of you have come back or have even brought some of your own friends to come and see our humble little show." He removes his hat and takes a bow, twisting the hat around in one hoof it seems to vanish into the air. "Today, we have a very, very special show. By the end I promise all who attend shall be receiving their very own, specially made, costume to celebrate our successful opening and 2nd day!" This is almost immediately received with applause and cheering from the crowd. "Now then, please quiet down and get ready for our act~" The lights dim again as the pink clouds erase the stallion from the stage.

The show continues as normal for most of the show, however something the stallions didn't notice were the baggy, colorful clown clothing that began to materialize on their bodies. Each laugh from the audience brings with it a bit more of the colorful and oversized clothing. Near the end of the show the crowd was filled with stallions wearing mismatched, colorful clothing that was much too big for them and yet it seemed like nothing was wrong, in fact the stallions even started to seem a bit more giggly and loud, roars of laughter filling the tent.

As the final act neared the now very silly looking crowd begins to quiet as the stage dims. By now not only did they have the clown clothes but their muzzles were decorated in thick layers of white, yellow, and brown makeup each face having a different design. Mac's pale muzzle was decorated with a brown star and yellow smile. Braeburn had yellow dagger like shapes under his eyes and brown smears at the ends of his mouth. Shining had a large brown splotch on his nose with large yellow circles around his eyes. As for Soarin his eyes were painted with yellow and brown diamonds, the top of the left was brown while the bottom was yellow. While the colors were swapped for the other eye. As the lights brighten again two stallions, both wearing clown make-up and tight latex suit, which outlined every part of their toned bodies including their thick ass and, very large, very obvious erections that pressed against their bodies.

"Hello everypony, glad you could come to our show, as a special treat we have one last special act for all of you~" One of them explains, "after all we have to keep our nice silly audience nice and happy don't we~" The other adds in with a warm smile "Indeed, now shall we start~" The both of them giggle lightly as they perform their act. The two stallions were acrobats swinging around their bodies glistened as a thick layer of sweat covered their bodies, their latex costumes shined brilliantly in the lights and their thick cock visibly throbbing underneath the skin tight costumes.

A strange stink began to fill the tent as their show continued it smelled like nopony in there had showered for a least a few days. Mac's head began to swim from the musk, the smell was just so wonderful, he felt his cock harden inside of the clothing though he was too captured by the show to even notice. The way they swung around and flaunted their bodies was so hypnotic each little drop of sweat that flowed off their bodies seemed to shine and glow, this in turn only made Mac even more horny, the musky stench was growing stronger, most likely from the two performers in the center.

As their act begins to finish up the two of them meet back in the center panting and blushing heavily. "Th-thank you for coming once again this will conclude our show today, please come back tomorrow for an even more fun and fantastic showing!~" They turn around shaking their rumps "And for a little tease of what's to come~" They coo in unison as they rip a loud a *BLLLAAARRTTT* The back of their latex suits begin to balloon out as they push out a large nasty load into them. This caused, oddly enough a roar of laughter and applause from the audience. Clapping and hollering filled the tent as the two stallions shit themselves. As they finish up they giggle and start to waddle away, only to slip up and fall on their messy rumps with a loud *SPLAT* causing the audience to giggle even louder. Picking themselves up the two bow as the lights fade and the show ends.

"Hehe that show sure was somethin huh guys?" Braeburn asks as they start walking out of the tent. The others nod in agreement still wearing their costumes and makeup. "So we still headin over ta your place Shining?" He inquires looking over to the clownified Captain.

"Yeah of course, I promise you guys didn't I?" He says with a bit of a chuckle. "Oh and what about those pies of yours Soarin? Don't know why but I'm suddenly craving some." Soarin thinks for a moment before beaming happily.

"Oh yeah thanks for reminding me I'll catch up with you guys in a bit. I'll pick them up and then meet you at Shining's." He says flying off leaving the three of them alone. As they walked Shining and Brae walked together discussing the show, Mac walked alongside them blushing lightly as he thought about the ending. He couldn't get his mind off the image of those two stallions pushing out a massive load into their suits, something about it was so hot, though he wasn't into that was he? He was sure that he was into mares too, but anytime he thought of one while they walked it did nothing for him, but the thoughts of a nice thick stallion cock or dirty stallion ass turned him on to no end.

"Mac!" A sudden shout of his name snaps him out of his daydream as he looks around confused. "Where are ya goin silly, this is where I'm staying." Shining Armor says giggling a bit as he starts to walk back towards the two others. "But yeah what did you think of that ending Mac?" Pretty crazy watching those two, I was almost certain they would fall or something."

"Yeah I thought it was good." Mac replies blushing a bit more. "Have ta say they were lookin pretty dang nice in those outfits." He finds himself saying without thinking. The other two stallions look at each other before laughing.

"Ya think so too eh cuz?" Brae asks smiling widely, the thick make up making him look like one of the performers. "Me and shining were just talkin bout that."

"Yeah the two of them were pretty hot in those costumes, especially their sweaty bodies." Shining says closing his eyes and blushing. "A-anyways let's get inside." As he goes to open the door the three stallions hear galloping down the halls as they see Soarin running down the hall, somehow managing to carrying at least a dozen pies, balancing it on his nose and back like some kind of performer. As he comes to stop he sets the pies down and giggles before taking a bow.

"Ta-da!~" He says the other three clapping happily in response. "How was that~ pretty rad right. Don;t know why I just kinda wanted to try a little balancing act out, I guess I just have silly clowny stuff on the mind right now~" He giggles again before picking up the pies. "Come on let's get in and eat up!" He exclaims happily

"Yeah, yeah keep calm." Shining replies sticking out his tongue as he unlocks and opens the door. The inside of the room was massive, not too surprising for someone like Shining, he definitely got special treatment here. Two King sized beds laid against the wall with a large balcony overlooking Ponyville. "Welcome to my temporary humble abode."

"Woah this is amazing Shining!~" Brae says looking around, as the others trot in. Soarin sets the pies down on a table next to the bed as Mac stares around, having never seen such a fancy, and large room. "Ya think so too huh cuz?"

"Eeyup." Mac replies sitting down on one of the beds. "So uh what do ya guys want to do while we're here?" He questions, his nose twitching slightly at a slight, but noticeable musky scent in the room.

"Well how about we eat some of these pies and we can talk while we eat?~" Soarin replies with a smirk. The three respond in agreement grabbing some pies and walking over to the dining table located near the balcony window, as the four of them eat in the large closed up room the musky stink grows larger, causing the four of them to become a bit more giggly again.

"Heeeyy Soarin~" Shining starts picking up a pie, the pegasus looks over, cheeks stuffed with pie. "Think fast!~" He state before throwing the pie at Soarin, which in turn splats against his face. As the pie slides off Soarin blinks a bit as the others laugh after wiping it off he smiles and picks up a bit of his own.pie before throwing it at Shining, who was too busy laughing to notice as the pie hits him, causing him to lose his balance and tumble out of his seat. The other erupt into even louder, more crazed giggles and laughs as the group starts to throw pies at each other, getting it all over the room and themselves. As Mac tried to dodge a pie he slams right into Shining causing the two of them to tumble across the floor.

They come to an immediate stop as Shining slams right into the wall, quickly the wind out of him. Mac however lands right between the stallion's open legs, his snout pressed right against Shining large, musky and very hard cock. Mac moans light ignoring the laughing of the other two as he pushes his muzzle against the fabric, rubbing his snout against Shining's sweaty, swampy nuts. The stink was overpowering it was as if he hadn't showered for the past few days. No more like he hadn't showered in a lifetime.

"Hehe you like that cutie?~" Shining asks with a giggle wrapping his hind legs around Mac's body holding him in place. Mac starts to thrust his hips against the soft carpet, grinding against it as he huffed Shining's cock stink. As they started to go at it, Braeburn and Soarin started to enjoy themselves as well. Slowly Soarin slides Braeburn's baggy, patchwork pants off. Soarin's warm breath causes his cock to twitch as the pegasus gives it a loving kiss right on it's head. Now that it was out of those pants, a thick layer of smegma coated Braeburn's dick. Soarin licks his lips lightly before wrapping his maw around the dirty member, running his tongue around the head of the cowpony's cheesy cockhead, collecting as much of said cock cheese as possible.

"Oh celestia you smell terrible~" Big mac teases giggling himself as he noses deeper into shining's body.

"You think that's bad huh, how about this?" Without any warning Shining rips a loud, and smelly *BRRAAAPPPT* right on Mac's nose, however he can't enjoy it for long as something even more foul, warm and solid starts to push it's way out of Shining's tailhole and against the seat of his costume. "Hehehe looks like I'm having an accident!~" He says in a sing song voice. The room had started to get rather hot and stuffy, causing all four of the stallions to start sweating more. The sweat mixing with their lewd fun smears their makeup, though it didn't really seem to bother him.

"J-jeez Shinin, you sure are nasty~" Brae remarks and Soarin continues to suck off his fat cock, with a small grunt he starts to push out his own load onto the carpet below. Soarin lifts his head off of Brae's cock causing him to whine a bit. "Awww comeon, I'm not even close to finished yet." He says squirming a bit.

"Well we can't just have ya shittin right onto the carpet now can we~" Soarin replies with a wink scooping up a hooffull of Brae's shit. Before he can't even reply Braeburn moans out as Soarin's hoof forces it's way into his tailhole, repacking the brown mush back into his anus. He continues to do this, pushing his hoof deeper and deeper into Brae's ass before pulling out with a wet *Slochrp* "Hehehe there we go you naughty colt!~" He praises before taking his wet, shit covered hoof as he starts to jerk Braeburn off, smearing the smelly brown all over his rod.

Big Mac used his nose to mash and smear Shining's load against his ass causing the stench of shit to fill the room more and more, causing each of the stallions cocks to throb and drool pre onto their already dirty members. Brae is the first to cum, blowing his load all over himself and Soarin, his cock was a patchwork of pink and brown flesh now. "Wow that was amazin Soarin~" He coos with a giggle.

Due to the overwhelming stench in the room it doesn't take long for the others to orgasm as well, coating the inside of their pants with their loads, which would most likely dirty their already nasty cocks even more.

After relaxing for a few more hours, nothing of note happening, however Shining's now dried dump had left a thick, heart shaped mark around his ass, inviting any stallion to come and give him a good pounding. As everypony was getting ready for bed, and talking about who sleeps with who, after all there were only two beds. They finally notice their smeared and running makeup. "Aw shoot, looks like we got our face paint all done messed up." Brae says with a sigh. "Should we fix up tonight?"

Mac shakes his head a bit. "Nnnnopppe, we'll probably just mess it up more in our sleep silly, we can apply it when we wake up tomorrow, before going to our show. He says with a chuckle. "Now then I call sleeping with big ol prince charmin here~" He says ruffling Shining's mane. The four of them laugh and giggle like a bunch of silly clowns. Before deciding the final sleeping arrangements, Shining with Mac and Braeburn with Soarin.

Mac is the first one to wake up the next morning, his snout buried deep in the other stallion's ass. He murrs lightly taking a deep sniff before wiggling his way out of bed. The air in the room was absolutely rancid. The smell of 4 unwashed stallions filled just about every crevice of the closed up, hazy room. "Mornin silly~" a voice says from behind, causing Mac to jump. Shining laughs a bit, his laugh becoming more goofy and clown like. "Got ya did I?"

"Heheh Eeyup." Mac replies giggling a bit as he licks Shining's nose picking up quite a bit of salty sweat as he does. "So what do ya'll have ta eat?" He asks curiously walking towards the kitchen. Shining thinks for a moment before pressing his hoof against his face in a very over exaggerated and comedic matter.

"Ah dang I forgot to pick food up for breakfast." He says, though almost right after his horn lights up and blinks for a moment., like a light bulb appearing over his head. "Though I have a small idea if you want to try something a bit new." Shining winks a bit walking towards the kitchen, curiously Mac follows behind, eyes staring at Shining's much thicker and wobbling ass.

As they get into the kitchen, shining begins to strip his baggy clothes off his rock hard, smegma covered cock throbbing against his belly the dried shit around his ass looking a lot like makeup in the shape of a large, round heart. "So what did ya have in mind?" Mac asks licking his lips lustfully as he stares at the other stallion's ass and cock.

"Well while I haven't gotten any food, however we do still have some pie tins left over from last night." Shining walks over to the counter grabbing one of the tins and setting it on the ground. "Want to help make some chocolate pies?~" He asks with a giggle. Grunting a bit the unicorn would start to push out a load of shit into the tin below. Mac watches on blushing lustfully as he grabs his own tin from nearby and begins to fill it. This goes on for a few more minutes until about half of the original tins were full of thick, creamy loads of horseshit. "Heheh I think that should be enough to hold us over, how about we go get the others up so we can eat and get ready?" Mac nods in repose and chuckles as he and Shining head towards the main room.

Brae and Soarin were sleeping in a similar matter to how the other two were, however their muzzles were buried in each other's thick, swampy nuts huffing their thick, foul musk. Braeburn moves his head slightly. And as he does he feels a thick, warm and throbbing rod press against his mouth. Opening his eyes slowly he would be met by Mac's large dick right against his face, looking over the best he could he would also see that Shining had his flank against Soarin's face in a similar matter. "Morning cuz" Mac says releasing a blast a foul, acrid piss right into Brae's face, it fills his mouth and snout, causing him to cough and gag a bit. Mac giggles a bit before he feels Brae's mouth wrap around his own cock as he begins to suck him off.

"Morning silly~" Brae replies, his voice slightly muffled by Mac's horsedick. After giving him a nice blowjob as well as cleaning up his nasty cock a bit the four of them sat down at the table, the "chocolate" pies piled in front of them.

'Wow you made all of this for us?" Soarin asks staring in amazement at the pies.

"Of course, well me and Mac did. Now how about you eat up, so we can fix our makeup and get to the show~" Shining replies teasingly tapping Soarin on the nose. The pegasus giggles as he grabs one of the smelly pies as he starts to dig in, going in muzzle first as he scarfs down the mess, making sure to lick the tin clean. The other three smile and laugh a bit before doing the same. The taste was foul and bitter, the mess stuck to the top of their mouth as they chew and swallowed loudly

Soarin belches loudly as he finish rubbing his slightly large belly happily. "Mmm that was great Shining, thanks again Shining and Mac." He says looking over to the clock. "O-oh shoot, we should get ready the shows about to start." The four of them get up and are about to leave before Braeburn stops remembering something.

"Hey wait what about our makeup? It's still pretty messy?" He asks the three other stop and look around.

"Hmm we can wait till we get to tha circus, Ah'm sure they have somethin there." Mac replies, the others agree and they head out. They soon arrive back at the Circus, however as they are about to head in the four are stopped by a fellow clown pony who hands them a special pass.

"You four are welcome to join us backstage for a special performance." He says with a wink and giggle. "Follow me~" The pony starts to trot off the four look to each other smiling big as they start to follow the clown pony backstage. Entering the back of the tent a different guard would be waiting there, after checking the pass of the clown pony and then their passes he lets them inside. Stepping inside they were met with the sight of many stallions, most of which were either pounding sucking each others cock or practicing their acts for the day most of which were lewd, gross or a mix of both.

"Welcome my darling stallions." A familiar voice says from behind them. The ringleader chuckles patting the four stallions on the back. "Now before we get you four to work, how about we fix up your makeup?" He offers tapping his hoof as two stallion walk over both of them having very thick and over exaggerated layers of makeup caked onto their face.

"Darling, could you get us some more ingredients for these boys?" One of them asks with a very silly overdone accent. With a nod the other walks off as the one with an accent looks them over. "Ah yes I think I can work with dis~" he says with a chuckle, the other stallion comes back with a plate of thick, lumpy brown logs and a spray jar of a yellow liquid. "Thank you darling~" He replies taking the two items from his helper. First he dips his hoof into the logs, smashing them up before smearing it across Mac's face. The foul stink that it brought gave off what the "makeup" was and he could probably guess what the liquid was, not that he minded it felt great anyways~.

Once all four of the stallions were nice and dolled up the ringmaster walks over, grinning he looks them over. "Perfect, now then let's get you ready for your acts." He looks around, eyes falling on Mac. "You go first, after the opening act I want you to perform." Mac tilts his head a bit in confusion

"W-what should ah perform?" He asks looking to the ringmaster as he starts walking away. The lead stallion stops for a moment thinking before looking back.

'I think you'll know what to do~" He replies heading out to the main stage, roaring sounds of cheering fill the air, causing Mac to feel a bit excited for his upcoming performance. As time passes the ringleader comes back in smiling a bit, he pats Mac on the head sniffing the red farmpony's musky body. "Your turn kid, knock em silly." Mac gives a nod as he stands up and heads out.

Stepping out onto stage Mac's snout was filled with the hypnotic pink gas, as it fills his nose and mind, the stallion starts to giggle a bit looking up to the crowd. "Why howdy stallions, thank y'all for comin to our special show. I hope y'all will enjoy our special show~" He says as if knowing what to say and do, at least a dozen stallions run out and towards mac. Mac stiffens up and chuckles a bit as the stallions climb onto Mac causing his legs to wobble as more and more pile on, once they are all on Mac starts to feel a strong pressure in his bowels only strengthened by the weight he was carrying. But he could handle it, he is the circus strongpony after all. A loud *Braappptt* fills the air as one of the stallions on top of Mac begins to fill his pants, this is soon followed by the others until Mac was carrying a tower of messy stallions. Mac can't help but giggle a bit under his breath as his legs grow a bit weaker. However the smell was what finally made him let go. The foul stink was euphoric to Mac, he breathed it in lovingly. Suddenly his legs let go, as well as his bowels as the tower comes crashing down causing all of the stallions on top of Mac to fall each of them landing on their rumps with a loud *Squish* most of which landing on top of mac burying him under loads of smelly stallions crap, one of which landed right on the stallion's snout causing him to breathe in even more of the stench. Laughter fills as the performs start to grinding their asses and bodies against each other still keeping Mac nice and warm under all of the filth. Once the stallions clear out, a daze Mac slowly gets up giggling helplessly as he waddles away, the large messy bulge swaying behind him, his body stained with the thick sense of horseshit.

As the lights come back on two other stallions are standing high above the ground, Brae and Soarin wave from either side each standing on a platform, and each holding a trapeze rope with a large, ringed butt plug attached to each. Both were also not wearing any clothes from the waist down leaving their lower bodies open to the view audience."Howdy Everypony!~" Braeburn starts causing everystallion to cheer loudly. "We're the amazing sluteze duo~"

"Our act is very special, we will perform while only uses out nice sexy asses to hold onto the rope." Soarin explains giving his plot a nice firm smack causing some stallions in the audience to "ooo" in response. With a nod and giggle to each other they each take the trapeze rope and slam the thick plug up their tailholes causing them to gasp out loudly in pleasure. After getting nice and comfortable they step back, running forwards as they jump off the platform swinging across the tent. Brae grunts a bit clenching his hole feeling it pull a bit on his anus. Soarin reaches out his hooves to Brae, who unclenches his tailhole feeling it slide off the plug with a wet *Sllcorch* however as he slides off a loud moan escaped his lips as his anus prolapses along with it, the long fleshy prolapse throbbing with pleasure as he grabs Soarin, pulling himself up to give the pegasus a lewd kiss on the lips. The two of them hold there for awhile grinding their musky bodies together. Soarin tosses Brae up into the air as he flips around. His hind legs are caught by Soarin as his face is pressed right against his friend's cock. Brae liks his lips suking on the cock cheese covered rod licking off the filth and sucking him off. Soarin on the other handle slowly wraps his maw around the cowpony's prolapse causing him to gasp lightly.

"O-Oh Soarin~ how naughty of you~" He teases with a giggle removing his head from the pegasus's cock "You're such a nasty stallion aren't you?" He smiles showing off all the filth that covered his teeth. Soarin chuckles a bit giving the prolapse a nice long lick before removing his head.

"Says the one cleaning up my cock~" He replies causing Brae to nod proudly before going back to cleaning up. After some time Soarin finally lets go both of them landing back on the platform, both of them now having heavily prolapsed anuses and still in the 69 position. Cheers, laughter and moans fill the air most of the stallions in the audience either shitting themselves, jerking off, having sex or a mix of most. The circus was quickly devolving into a lewd nasty tent filled with silly lustful stallions, and the show wasn't even done yet!~ Brae and Soarin giggle and stand up. "Oh but don't think we're done yet everypony!~" Soarin shouts as the spotlights flash on at the ground, revealing a small kiddie pool filled with shit below.

"For our disappearing act the two of us will dive right on into tha pool below!~" Brae explains with a giggly laugh. "No strings attached or tricks." He adds in winking to the sex crazed audience. "Ready ya dirty colt?" He asks Soarin with a chuckle

"Only if you are, you nasty stallion." He responds kissing brae on the lips again pulling him into a bear hug as they fall back, off the platform and into the pool below. The two of them land with a loud *Splash* Shit splatters everywhere all across the floor and some on the audience in the very front. The pool was definitely deeper than it seemed as Soarin and Brae stayed under for quite a bit, though as they resurface the two hop out their bodies coated in filth, as well as their still prolapse tailhole which swung loosely behind them. Cheers roar out from the crowd applauding their act as the both of them give a bow before heading off.

"Wow you guys were great!" Soarin shouts as the two of them come back in, Mac himself and the other performers were watching from a screen backstage. "Especially that last part at the end, it was hoottt~" He adds getting a blush and chuckle from Soarin and Brae. "By the way are you two hungry at all?" He asks, instead of having an act Shining was "hired" on the circus chef. Taking out a few hotdog buns he places them near his plot and pushes out a large log right between the buns.

'Heh sure that sounds great!" Soarin replies walking over grabbing a shit dog from Shining. Brae grabs one as well and the both devour them quickly. As they eat the two of them start to shit themselves as well causing Shining to chuckle a bit.

"Having a bit of an accident? Here let me help you out." Shining offers walking out from behind the counter first picking up soarin's shit as well as his sensitive prolapse. Using his hoof he repacks both parts back into Soarin getting in nice and deep, making sure to do the same to Braeburn. Leaving them both gaping wide while staining his hooves and legs a deep brown.

"Mmmf thanks Shining!~" Braeburn says with a smile his loose anus throbbing and clenching a bit "Hooh boy we are gonna be sore tomorra." He says with a chuckle. The sound of the backstage flap opening rings through all of the performer's head. Looking up they would see the Ring leader smiling to the stallions in the room giving a small nod and bow.

"Thank you all so much for helping me throughout all of this~ However it is time for our goodbye, please come out and we can perform our farewell act." He says giving a small wave towards him. The stallions nod following the ringleader out. Stepping back onto the stage everypony would see how the circus had now completely devolved, The stands were filled with stallions sucking dicks, riding eachother, eating each others shit and so on and so forth. "Hellooooo my darling stallions we are sad to say that this is our last showing here, however we promise to leave you with a show you will never forget." He explains grinning a bit as the pink mist fills the air. Soarin shakes his head a bit finding himself staring at Brae's cock, the mist fogging his mind and filling him with more and more lust. With a grin he grabs Brae and pulls him onto the ground. Licking his lips he places his ass right above Braeburn's hard throbbing cock, as he begins to ride the cowpony.

"A-ahh yeah you're disgusting cock is such a great ride!~" Soarin shouts, though even then it was barely audible due to all of the other lustful moans and disgusting noises filling the air. "Mmm I'm going to be riding you like the cow clown you are~" He giggles a bit starting to bounce himself up and down and Brae's cock. Mac on the other hand had begun to lovingly eat out of Shining's ass who had provide quite the buffet for the hardworking strong stallion.

"Mmmm glad I could provide such lovely food for everypony~" He moans out as Mac stuffed his face while shitting himself as well. The mix of the smell of musk, and filth along with the Pink haze in the air caused Mac to go into a bit of a daze, everything was becoming a blur all that he knew was that he was a dirty, nasty clown fag. The taste of shit, the feeling of cock up his ass, and the silliness of being a clown, brought nothing but pleasure and euphoria to the stallion, and he wouldn't have it any other way.~

The next morning Big Mac woke up in his bed, there was a horrible taste in his mouth and his body was very, very sore. Groaning he climbs out of bed making his way downstairs. It seemed like nopony else was up yet, or at least not in the house. Yawning he cleans out his mouth and gets something to eat. While eating he couldn't get over the fact that something was wrong. The clean feeling first off didn't feel right, he wasn't sure why it just did. As for the food, it was alright he guessed nothing special, though he was craving something but he wasn't sure what yet. After eating he heads out grabbing his cart which was overflowing with apples by this point. "Shoot what was ah doin?" He mutters seeing how behind he was on his work. Sighing a bit he heads into town taking a look around, he noticed a lot of the stallions in town, like himself seemed quite tired and overall out of it. "Must be some kinda bug or somethin." He thinks to himself, passing by the station he looks over to see two stallions boarding a train. Soarin and Shining Armor, of course he knew them they were both rather famous all across Equestria, though what were they doing here.

"Howdy cuz!~" A voice shouts causing Mac to jump looking around he would see Braeburn galloping towards him.

"O-oh hey Braeburn, what're ya'll doin here?" Mac asks curiously finding himself looking over his cousin's body, though to both of them something about it seemed okay, like it wasn't weird at all.

"Nothin much, just pickin some stuff up for home, guess I lost track of time though, been here a bit longer than I thought." He explains "Actually I need ta be goin anyways it was nice see ya Mac, I'll catch ya at the next reunion." Brae starts to gallop off towards the station as well, carrying his bag with him. As he ran Mac couldn't help but stare at Braeburn's loose ass and heavy swinging balls. Shaking his head a bit he caught a whiff of something mighty powerful. It took a moment to realize it was coming from him.

"Oh dear Celestia, Ah stink." He says blushing heavily though at the same time, finding it kinda nice. "Ah'll hafta wash when Ah get home." He says going on to continue his work. As the sun starts to set after working all day he happens across a small costume shop on his way home. On display was a stereotypical clown costume complete with red nose and everything. "Heh looks kinda good, Ah might have ta pick one up sometime." He think aloud before going to return home, after all working all day had cause quite a strain on his bowels and he needed to use the bathroom fast. Though it might not be so bad if he didn't make it on time. He thinks to himself with a bit of a silly giggle. Might be fun to play around with sometime.