Stories From Greenwood Academy: Andy

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories From Greenwood Academy

The first in a series of stories from a private school with some unique rules

As usual Andy sat at the back of the class, slouched just low enough in his seat to hide himself from Prof. Jones. The fox thought he was clever, that his little tactic would save him from asking any question and let him spend most of his time staring out the window. He was wrong. Andy bolted upright in his seat as a gruff voice called his name.

"Mr. Wilson! Come up here and finish the equation. It shouldn't be too hard it was part of last nights homework after all." The fox swallowed the lump in his throat and climbed out of his chair on shaky legs. He made it to the front of the class as slowly as he could without making it obvious he was stalling, the big old rhino hated when people took too long. Andy grabbed a piece of chalk and pressed it to the board with a trembling hand, he was sweating badly. To him the equation on the board looked like numbers and squiggles left by a toddler but that was why Jones picked him, he knew he'd get it wrong and then the professor would have his fun. As Andy marked a five on the board there was a loud snorting laugh behind him followed by a sharp gasp and silence. The fox smiled then looked to Prof. Jones in confusion. He had been saved, if there was one thing the rhino hated more than wrong answers it was speaking out of turn. The fat leathery rhino motioned for Andy to put down his chalk then pushed his glasses up his nose. He looked over the class with a glare and cleared his throat.

"Abigail! Is there something you would like to say." A quiet squeak of a reply came from the back of the room.

"N-no sir." He stepped away from the podium he had been leaning on and rubbed his hands together.

"So you don't know the answer then?" When no Reply came he shook his head and continued.

"Well then I guess we need to go over this again. Andy, take notes this time boy! You might need to share them with Ms. Winters She's going to be a little busy." As he walked back to his desk he heard a zipper and the jingle of a belt and Abby passed him on her way to the front. He gave an apologetic look to the busty skunk and she discretely ran her finger through the fluff of his tail as she stalked by him. Prof. Jones started his lesson with his student bent over in front of him, he worked his cock with one hand and lifted her skirt with the other. Andy had a hard time taking notes as Abby's moans and the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

This is Greenwood Academy, a prestigious private college hidden away in a scenic mountain valley. The graduates where highly sought after and the schools reputation was known world wide. The school has a secret known only to the few allowed inside it's large stone walls. The students and their parents must sign a wavier giving the faculty free use of the student's bodies. Most use it as a reward or punishment to guide their students while a few have a reputation for taking full advantage of the rules. Andy was halfway through his first year and was all too familiar with the punishment aspect of the rules. The fox had the lowest marks in most of his classes and he usually found himself in Abby's position as their way to encourage him to work harder. The skunk let out a cry and staggered forward after Jones let out a satisfied grunt. She panted and her body trembled as cum dribbled onto the floor between her legs. The fat old rhino stuffed himself back into his pants and dismissed the class seconds before the bell rang.

Andy gathered up his and Abigail's books and helped guide her out of the room, noticing on the way out that his five on the board had been turned into a fifteen. The skunk fell back against a locker with a sigh and looked to the fox with a forced smile.

"Thanks Abby, but you didn't have to do that." The Skunk stood back up and took a wobbly step into his arms.

"I wish I didn't. Jones is huge! I don't know how you do it!" The fox didn't want to admit that he was used to it by now so he shrugged.

"They say it builds character and once you've gone a round with Jones or Barker you definitely learn your lesson. Want me to come over tonight?" The skunk nodded and stepped back.

"Yeah I'm going to need help forgetting this morning." The two parted ways with a quick kiss and headed to their next classes, this one Andy always looked forward to. The fox took his seat at the back of the room and flipped his textbook open to the newest chapter and waited patiently for class to start. Ms. Lenox stepped into the room just as class started and the lioness greeted the class with a smile. She started by moving around the room handing out the test from last week and as usual came to Andy last with a big grin on her face. Instead of handing him his test she rested her ass on the edge of his desk and addressed the rest of the class. Ms Lenox's usual attire for class was tight black blouse, black mini skirt and fishnets with nothing else underneath. Only a few buttons were done up on the blouse and her skirt was so short it didn't really cover anything. As she spoke Andy had a hard time doing anything but staring at her ass.

"Ok everyone, you know the drill anyone who doesn't have a perfect score on their test has to swap with their neighbour and use the textbook to fix their mistakes. And remember eyes forward until I come to collect them. As the rest of the class grumbled and shuffled their papers the lioness spun around and handed Andy back his test with a wide grin. Andy took the test and grinned back, as usual there was a purple condom wrapper paper clipped to the corner of his test.

"Only one perfect test this week thank god." Andy laughed as he wiggled out of his jeans, there were three perfects scores on the last test and the Swift twins had decide to double team the professors ass at the same time. Andy sat on his desk and worked his cock with one hand while Ms. Lenox freed her tits from her top. The fox smacked his cock head against her offered tongue then let her wrap his dick with her chest. The lioness sucked on his thumb as her student tit fucked her and the two stared into each other's eyes. She blew him a kiss and stood when he held up the condom with a wink. She back into him and wiggled her ass against his cock while the fox grabbed her waist and kissed the back of her neck. Andy hopped off his desk teased her cunt with his cock, slapping his girth against her lips and making his teacher whimper. She guided him into her with one hand and braced her hand against another student's desk. The squirrel looked up at the two and the fox winked at him before slamming the length of his cock into her and making her cry out.

She gasped and moaned while his knot pounded against her labia her body was stretched out by the throbbing cock. The fox grabbed her tail with one hand and pulled his teacher up onto her toes and jammed his thumb into her asshole as her cheeks jiggled hypnotically. Lenox reached her free hand between her legs and massaged her student's balls and let out a moan. Suddenly Andy froze and slowly backed out of the lioness, the fox was breathing heavily and he sat back on his desk. Lenox let out a disappointed sigh and climbed up into his lap. She slipped his cock into her and purred as she ground against his cock. She nibbled at his ear and slowly raked her claws through the fur of his back.

"You know if we forget the condom next time and you put a bun in my oven you get a pass on all your classes this year." Her purring whispers were just loud enough for him to hear and his ears stood straight up. Andy grunted and nodded then wrapped his fingers around her firm as and pulled her closer. The lioness let out a weak growl as the fox forced his knot into her ravaged cunt and his cock throbbed inside of her. His balls tightened and pumped as he let out a loud moan. The fox reached between them and massaged her clit as Lenox ground her trapped pussy against his crotch and let out a whimper.

"Well I'm free at lunch." She nodded as her eyes watered and her own orgasm shook her body and she moaned while biting her lip. The two sat panting and locked in a kiss before slowly untangling themselves. Andy freed his knot with a sloppy pop and held his teacher as her knees threatened to give out. Ms. Lenox moved around the room and gathered up the tests using the desks to steady herself. Andy eased back into his seat and slowly dressed himself, giving the jackalope sitting to his right a wink as she stared at his cock and her cheeks flushed. As the lioness tried to start the class Andy held up his test paper, dripping from sitting in the puddle of fluids the two had just left on his desk.

"Uh Ms. Lenox? You forgot to collect my test." The teacher glanced at the clock then fixed him with a mischievous look.

"Hold onto it Mr. Wilson, there's a few things we need to talk about before I let you go for lunch."