Second Curiosity

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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Second Curiosity

It was just another normal day for Rappy Pluckings, who sat around playing on his game console. Rappy was a yellow avian, almost like a chicken. His scaled hands clacked away on the buttons the controller had, one of his hands moving to scratch at his face. Around his beak, a growth of green had started to grow in. It itched a bit as it grew. The hand ran over his pointed crest between his green eyes, sighing softly at a part in the game he was stuck on. Rappy lightly tugged on a green tipped ear as he thought over the best course of action for the current puzzle. Sticking his tongue out, he dove back into the game.

His scaled legs uncrossed from the position in his chair as he leaned forward, focusing harder. After a few minutes, the yellow bird let out a sigh as he grinned from winning. Scratching at his chest, where more green was growing, he looked upon his sleeve like arm. Yellow on top and green on bottom, looking almost like a sleeve too big and hanging loosely. He shivered a bit, feeling the cool air on his slightly heated feathered body. A flush came to his face as he shifted, sitting around completely naked at this point. With internal genitals, being clothed didn't do much in terms of keeping modest and he wondered why he should bother if he was in his house. His parents sometimes went naked, more his father than mother but it was a very open house.

As if on cue, a knock on the door came. Rappy paused his game, looking over at the open portal to his room to see his father, Batro. The older bird cleared his throat, looking a bit flushed himself. "H-Hey son, may I come in?"

"Yes, papa. Let me save real quick."

The young bird saved his game within a few moments and turned off his game system. His father had taken a seat on the bed, patting next to him for Rappy to sit near. Rappy indeed sat on the bed next to his dad, leaving a little distance for personal space. With rapt attention, he took in the visage of Batro, noticing again the differences between them. The older bird's ears stood up from his head, whereas his own were floppy. The crest was rounded and the beak was longer. No green around the beak either. His father wore his usual business shirt with a red tie. Nothing adorned his lower half, but that was nothing unusual with the Pluckings.

"I wish to talk to you, my son." Rappy sat with rapt attention to his dad. Seeing this, Batro continued. "...It is about what had happened previously between me and Denima." The young bird's face turned, looking off towards something else as his cheeks tinged red. He couldn't help but think back to what his father was talking of. Walking in on his dad and mom having sex. How they decided to teach him, how it felt to enter his mother, how short lived the experience was due to his first sexual encounter with another. A shiver ran down Rappy's spine as he felt himself stirring in his loins.

"I-I remember."

The young avian felt a hand land on his shoulder, squeezing it. "It's alright Rappy. I just wanted you to learn more about sex."

Rappy returned his attention to his father. "Papa, is it good to have sex?"

"Sure it is! You are old enough for it and it shouldn't stop you from being more curious. Like me!"

"Ah, I can see that! But..." Rappy took a moment, his breathing a bit heavier. "D-does it only work for a male and female?"

"Of course not Rappy. You see, sex comes in many ways no matter what gender it is. Even..." The young bird saw a slight flash of something cross his father's eyes. Shivering, Rappy had a strange instinct to both fear and desire that look. " and I could."

"Papa...Will you teach me about how two males have sex?"

A strange smile was on Batro's beak. "Of course I will, my son. As you may already realized is that with two males, the normal way to have sex with a female is not an option. Therefore, there are other ways to please a male."

"Like what papa?"

"I'm sure you remember what Demina using her tongue?"

"Y-yes papa."

"That is one way of doing things between males. Some even say males do it better. But I want to focus on the other intrusive way. But first, we need to prepare." With that, Rappy tensed up from Batro's hand placed directly between his legs. It started to massage around the young bird's genital slit, making him shiver and grow aroused. His head leaned back as he let out a soft moan, eyes closing as his father's fingers brushed along the tip of his sensitive length. More and more his dick slipped free from it's home while Batro's hand grasped and tugged it to full length.

Rappy opened his eyes to look at his father with a flush, his eyes darting down to see his father slightly aroused and sticking out. With a shaky hand, the young avian reached out and brushed it along the flesh. Batro let out a groan himself before he grinned a bit. "It doesn't bite." Needing no further encouragement, Rappy gripped it and slowly stroked it, watching as it grew bigger from his simple touches. Batro moved his hand to grab at Rappy's.

"That's enough. Now the next bit is another way to please a male to cum, but it's going to be a little foreplay."

Rappy watched as his dad moved, straddling his legs. His eyes were brought from staring at Batro's face to their dicks. Batro slid forward to run his spire against the young bird's own, causing them both to cry out. Rappy could only watch as his papa wrapped a hand around both the lengths before lightly pushing back and forth. The young bird moaned and panted, watching as his father explained the somewhat clear liquid leaking from their tips was called precum. It was wet and slick, helping as his dad started to pump a bit more into it. Rappy felt himself slowly rising to an orgasm. "P-papa..."

At the small voice, Batro stopped. "Ah, forgive me. I got a bit carried away." Rappy watched his dad slip a bottle from his pocket. "This is lube. While not needed in most male and female cases, it is nice to have. For males about to partake in anal, it is almost a required item."


"You'll see." Batro popped the lid and squirted some of the liquid into his hand. Replacing the tube into his pocket, lid capped, the older bird's hand moved down and grabbed the younger avian's dick. Rappy let out a gasp, the coldness of the gel hitting him hard. He shuddered as the hand started to move up and down, spreading it but also warming it. The young bird whined a little when the hand left.

"Alright son. Ready to play hide the sausage?"

Rappy looked confused. Batro wiped his hand along his shirt before placing a hand on the young avian's shoulder. Reaching down and grabbing the base of Rappy's dick, the older bird got himself into the relative position he needed. Using the hand grabbing the dick, Rappy shuddered as his dad moved it along the feathered recesses of his rear end before leaving it lightly kissing the hole. "Papa?"

The young bird saw the smile on the older avian's beak before he tensed and gasped, eyes wide. Batro lowered himself onto Rappy's shaft, sinking inch after inch with a clenched beak and hissing breath. Halfway down, the old bird stopped. Rappy felt on edge, toes curled as his eyes remained wide. He felt on a thin wire right now! Never would he have thought of using this hole for sex. A grin formed on Batro's beak at the expression on the young avian's face.

"Did you know that it was possible to do this?"

"I d-didn't think it would work like t-this..."

The old avian just smiled before sinking further down. Rappy groaned as his hand instinctively grabbed at his father's ass. His flush deepened when he realized he had, though it was more a passing thought as his cock was fully enveloped by silky warmth. It felt like when he was in females, but much tighter and less slick. A dry chuckle came from Batro.

"I guess I have stuffed buns now."

The young bird was lost, but assumed it was one of his father's many jokes. Rappy's green eyes gazed into his father's, a deep emotion in them as he smiled sweetly. Love. Both hands on the young avian's shoulders, Batro rose up the length to the tip before sinking back down. Rappy's hands squeezed his dad's rump at the feeling, his head leaning back as he let out a gasping breath. The sensation's running through his twitching dick was phenomenal. He was glad he had sex before, he was sure he'd already blown his seed if he hadn't. As it stood, he was still on the knife's edge so to speak. Batro left little time to adjust for either of them, rising up nearly the moment he hit bottom and dropping fast with gravity. That wasn't to say the older bird didn't hilt for a bit to grind against the young avian's crotch. Rappy could swear he heard croons at those times.

Even though it had just started, they both knew it would end sooner rather than later. Rappy felt the rising need to release. "Papa...I'm going to..."

"It's ok, my son. Do it."

Up and down his father rode, after the warning. His whole body shaking, Rappy's arms finally moved up to his dad's back, claws digging into the feathers. He really did try to hold back for Batro but still new to sex proved his efforts as futile. With a strangled moan, the young bird reached his cloud nine, shooting his seed deep into his father's awaiting ass. Batro wasn't done though, continuing to ride throughout the orgasm. It made the shaking worse for Rappy, who felt his cum splash out against his legs and groin while also coating his entire dick. The slapping sound grew wet before the older bird pulled out entirely, leaving the hard dick to throb and spurt out it's last little bit of seed onto the young avian's crotch.

"Guess I have a cream filled donut now."

Another joke, a part of Rappy's brain processed. As it was, the younger bird opened his eyes he hadn't realized he shut to look at his dad. A hand was behind Batro before he moved it, showing off white on a finger before it was licked off. Rappy wasn't exactly sure what he just saw completely but he heard a little chuckle and a smile.

"You taste good Rappy."

"T-thank you papa." His eyes drifted down to see his father still erect. "You didn't finish papa."

"I was hoping you'd let me give you a hands-on course on anal from the receiving position as well."

The young bird was hesitant, but nodded all the same. Batro smiled softly. "Please get into the position you saw Denima do. Along the bed's length."

Rappy did as he was told, crawling on hands and knees as he turned to leave his rear facing the end of the bed. The young bird watched his dad over his shoulder, the older avian getting behind him. The lube was brought back out, used on the hand before the cool gel was felt under his tail and between his cheeks at his tailhole. Shivering, he spoke out.

"A-are you sure papa?"

"Of course Rappy." The finger lightly prodded at the entrance before it wiggled in. The young bird winced lightly at the unexpected sensation of something in his tailpipe. "Trust me, my son, you haven't felt anything like this before."

The finger was slid in and out, making Rappy's toes curl. A second finger was added soon after, eliciting a small cry of displeasure. It felt weird but nice. The young avian felt as his hole was spread from the two fingers, the finger wiggling inside him. A low groan came from him after a moment. When they were removed, Rappy had a strange sensation of relief and desire to feel them again.

A squelching sound behind him made Rappy look to see Batro sliding his lubed hand along his cock. The younger bird shivered, his face moving back forwards as he realized what he was about to do. When he felt weight shifting, he looked back at the older avian who happened to be getting behind him. It was then he felt it. The hard warmth pressing against his rump. Rappy gripped the sheets as he felt it shift around until the tip was pressing against his entrance.

"Alright Rappy. I'll slip it inside now, if anything doesn't seem to work for you, please let me know." The young bird nodded as he felt his father push against his resisting hole before his body allowed his dad inside. A shiver ran down the younger avian's spine, slight discomfort coming along with the feeling of fullness that seemed...nice. Batro spoke out.

"Do you feel it? How does it feel?

"It feels weird...but good. You're right, Papa..."

"This flower needed plucking." A chuckle came from his dad. Rappy was a bit too focused on feeling Batro's dick sink deeper into his awaiting tailhole. It felt like an eternity, though it was only a few moments, that the young avian felt the older bird's hips press against his own. The feeling of being full was different to say the least. When the cock started to pull back slowly, the feeling subsided but it was something Rappy didn't want. A whine came from him, his toes curling in want. It seemed Batro was about to pull out when the movement reversed and the dick started to slide back in. The discomfort was much less this time, it felt pretty good to the young avian. The movement was repeated a few times before Batro spoke out.

"So, Rappy, my son...Are you enjoying it so far?"

"Nngh...Yes papa...keep g-going!"

The young bird felt as his dad leaned over him, hands on either side. The pace quickened as a shlick sound echoed in the bedroom. Cum and sex permeated the air, a scent causing both birds to flush in arousal. Light grunts came from Batro as Rappy let out slight moans of pleasure. The young bird's flagging erection came back in full force, even starting to drip his pre onto the bed. When his father shifted when he was out and shoved back in, the young avian tensed up. Electricity shot through his body as he gasped loudly.

"Looks like...I found...your pleasure spot..." Batro spoke between pants. Both of the avians were heaving for air already, the new experiences feeling too good for Rappy to hold for much longer. Light growls came from the older avian as he spoke again. "Going to cum soon."

His father started to hump with wild abandon it seemed to Rappy. The surges through his body were becoming too much, though it was Batro who blew first. The young avian felt the pulsing of his father's cock, which had hilted, before the warmth splattered against his insides. The feeling was too much for the inexperienced bird as Rappy felt himself orgasm hands-free onto the bed. It took a moment before the young bird's conscious came back from it's high, realizing the feeling of liquid running down his underside a bit. He was hot and sweaty, feeling his father's heavy breathing on his neck. Light nuzzling was also felt now and then as Rappy heard Batro croon above him.

The two stayed as they were. After a few minutes, Rappy felt his dad's flagging length slip from his ass. A whine came as well as a cum leaking heavily down his feathers. Hands spread his cheeks as Batro chuckled again and spoke.

"Guess this burst cherry had to ooze."

Rappy was too tired to decipher his father's words currently. His mind was fuzzy as it was. His father lightly kisses his neck. "Get some rest Rappy. We can discuss more later." Footsteps before a door clicking shut. The young bird sprawled out on his bed, feeling his messy rump stinging a little now. His mind turned to how the world perceived sex. That it was male and female only. His dad had changed that. He mumbled to himself.

"Papa...thank you for teaching me."