Tides Ch. 5: Rain's Worst Day

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#6 of As Certain as the Tides

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex.

Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Rain, Kera and Dove (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Rain leaned against a tree, eyes closed in peace and hands cupping her bare midriff, which was swollen with a week short of five months of a twin pregnancy. She sighed in contentment, enjoying a little time to herself and her pups, planning to go for a swim in a little while, though now she was considering a skinny dip instead.

The trees behind Rain rustled as if disturbed not by the wind, but something larger. A well-built male fox stepped out, wearing denim shorts and a t-shirt, looking sweaty and dirty, sand covering his legs. He saw the otter, taking in her scent and noting the unique smell of pregnancy, though he couldn't tell how far along she was from behind her. He slowly approached, hoping to not startle her as he walked up beside her. "Hello, there," he said, looking upon her swollen abdomen, feeling his loins stirring with arousal.

She nearly jumped in surprise at hearing this strange voice. She looked up at him and subconsciously kept her belly covered with her hands but now out of protection. She was a rather friendly girl, but she was getting some really bad vibes off of this fox. "Wh-...what are you doing here? This is private property."

"Oh, um, my boat ran out of gas and I took it ashore over there." He pointed through the trees, gaping his muzzle at her while his shorts bulged with his swollen sheath. "My name's Zeke...what's yours?" He slowly reached a hand towards her belly, eager to touch the pregnant swell.

Her heart leapt into her throat as he reached for her, but still didn't outright swat his hand away. She just turned and stood up, not yet answering his question. Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of his arousal, her fear growing.

The fox leaned in as she stood, brushing his hand across her stomach, and stepping closer to her while his other arm encircled his shoulders. "You're very beautiful," he said, caressing her belly, pressing his body up against her side while his musk became stronger. "So what's your name?"

Rain whimpered a bit. She liked to be complemented but she still didn't know if Zeke wanted more than just a tummy rub. "M-My name's Rain...and I'd like it if you'd ask permission to touch first, sir."

"With you showing off that belly like that, it looks like you're offering it...." He grinned and nuzzled her ear, sliding his hand down her belly over her shorts, pressing his crotch against her hip. "Wish I could have put it in there...." His hand popped the button of her shorts with the aid of her girth and he began sliding it down.

She whimpered again in fear, but once her then her protective instincts flared when he made his intentions clear. She quickly pushed his hand away and stepped back. "Please, I don't know what you may be assuming but the father's still in the picture." Her heart was beating in her ears and her adrenaline was starting to flow.

"As if that mattered," he growled softly and took her wrist when she pushed his hand away, pressing her back up against the tree and his front against hers, nuzzling her neck and between her breasts. "It may not be mine, but you could be...." He wagged his tail, starting to tug on her wrist.

Rain yelped in fear: she had never been in such a situation against her will before and the thought always frightened her. This time, however, she didn't just have to protect herself. "Get away from me! My pups and I are my lover's and his alone!" She didn't slap the fox; she punched him outright.

The big male grunted, the punch from her smarting a bit but not really hurting. He tightened his hold on her, sliding his hand down between her legs over her swimsuit while his other hand gripped her shirt, starting to tear the neck from the back. "Pups? How many you got in there, babe?" He bit her neck firmly, pulling her away with him.

She yelped, this time in pain and panic. She beat her fists against the big fox even though that made the grip on her neck hurt even more. "Let go of me and leave right now or I'll scream!"

"No you won't." He clasped his muzzle around her mouth, starting to pick her up but finding her heavier than expected with her pregnancy, the otter's shorts having fallen to her feet by now while the fox led her towards the tree line.

She mmfed into his muzzle, trying to keep hers shut but not having much success as she felt his velvety tongue intrude into her mouth. She pushed at it with her own tongue as she tried to claw at his back and squirm against him.

Zeke grunted and stumbled, losing his footing and falling back onto the ground with Rain in his grasp, losing his grip on her mouth and having the wind knocked out of him as the surprisingly heavy otter girl came down atop him. His hands ripped her shirt off when he tried to catch himself. "Ow!" he exclaimed, gasping in surprise.

Rain, now in only her swimsuit, punched him again as she started to get to her feet, definitely not as easy as it used to be nowadays, in fact in her panic she slipped on the wet ground and fell on her back. "Hobie! I need you!" she called.

The fox growled and started to get up, straddling the otter girl and grasping her swimsuit top, ripping it off and leaning in to lick at her breasts, his tail flicking happily as he reached down to undo his shorts, panting softly. "Oh, you're so tasty, Rain," he murmured with a grin.

She kept clawing at his upper torso but could tell that she wasn't going to overpower him. She mewled in fear and unwelcome pleasure, too frightened and angry to call out again. She whispered more to herself than to her attacker, "No...my pups know only him as my lover..."

Zeke's shirt was ripped off, exposing his strong upper body. He merely kicked off his shorts and started working on his underwear, soaked with pre as he ground his body against hers, his belly to her own and tearing his briefs off, letting his firm dick slide against her swimsuit. "I'm gonna fuck you good, otter...."

She started crying openly from her lack of power to change her situation, trembling as she felt him touch her where only Hobie had gone. She whispered again, "Please...don't...." She was pretty far withdrawn into herself at this point.

The fox tore off her swimsuit and removed his shirt, leaving them both buck naked as he slid his cock against her thigh, spreading pre into her fur as he licked her neck. "Mmmm, don't worry, it's not like you'll get pregnant again...."

Rain couldn't even speak anymore. She felt her stomach clench; she would have closed her eyes, covered her ears, but she couldn't block out these sensations. She tried to keep her legs closed but she was fighting a losing battle. Zeke pushed her legs open firmly and held them open with his weight, getting ready to push his cock into her pussy while their bellies pressed together, sliding his tongue into her mouth while lifting his tail, swollen balls between his thighs full of his seed.

Not until she was fully backed into a corner did Rain finally snap. She took a few hissing breaths and, with a muffled "Rrragh!" leaned her head forward and bit down. The taste of blood flooded her mouth, along with the feeling of the fox's now-disembodied tongue.

The fox gasped, his eyes going wide as he flew back, holding his muzzle while blood poured out of it and over his hands. "Mrraaagh!" He gasped, trying to form words but unable to, giving the otteress a firm kick in the side in anger before falling on his side in pain, eyes closed tightly.

Rain spat out his tongue and screamed at the kick, holding her side. "No...don't hurt them...they're too young for any of this...." She finally started to feel faint from the rush of emotion and her vision began to fade.

The fox whined and moaned, becoming dizzy before Hobie rushed out of the house in just his underwear, pouncing on the fox and pinning him down with his weight, growling angrily as he looked at the bloody anthro. "What the fuck are you doing to my girl?" he hissed, the fox looking up at the pregnant otterboy with surprise and pain.

She whined loudly and held out a hand to Hobie, the other at her side where she had been kicked. "Hobie...get Kera..." she said before she finally passed out, overwhelmed by the physical and emotional strain.


The first thing Rain was able to perceive was a dull pain where she had been kicked. The second was that she was lying on her back on something soft. She couldn't hear anything yet and she didn't want to open her eyes until she could gather her thoughts.

Kera sat next to Rain on the bed Rain shared with Hobie, listening intently to the fetal heartbeats with her microphone and holding Rain's hand. Hobie held her other hand gently as he looked at her, lying nude on his side, his belly thumping gently against hers with the pup inside him. "Rain, love? Are you okay? You're safe now," he whispered.

Rain's eyes slowly started to open and she squeezed both of the hands comforting her. "Where am-" She stopped, her eyes shot open in panic and she placed both of her hands on her belly. Seeing Kera nearby, she diverted her attention to the Latias morph. "Are they okay? Please tell me they're okay."

Kera nodded and gently kneaded Rain's hand. "Yes, they're okay. He kicked you in your side and bruised your uterus, but he kicked you more in the back than your side. You're very lucky."

Hobie whimpered a little, nuzzling his lover's face. "Will the bruise heal?" he asked, caressing her lovingly, shying away from her injury.

Kera smiled at him and nodded again. "Yes, she'll heal by her due date, but her back is more damaged than her uterus, so she's going to have to take it a good bit easier for a while, especially since the pups are going to put more strain on her back."

Rain whimpered and then gagged for a second, looking a bit panicked again. "Hobie hand me the trash can, quick!" she said, clutching her abdomen and getting on her side.

He nodded softly and whimpered, reaching over for the trash with some difficulty from his belly and putting it over by his lover's side, looking to Kera with wide eyes. "Is she okay? What's wrong, Kera?"

Rain sat up quickly, yelping from the pain but holding her head over the trash as she sobbed, "He kissed me...and touched me...and he almost...ugh!" before she vomited in horror and revulsion.

Kera sympathetically rubbed Rain's shoulders. "I think that might answer your question. She's this repulsed by what happened."

Hobie held her gently, stroking her belly and rocking her slightly in his arms. "Damn it to hell...what's going to happen to that prick?"

Kera let Hobie comfort his lover. "I came out here with the police and he's in custody. I shaved off some of Rain's belly fur to use as evidence; it has the fox's semen on it, to say nothing of her injuries." She nodded at him, her expression becoming grave and convicting. "I have sonogram recordings of her as well. He's not going anywhere, and in court he's going to talk to me."

Hobie looked at the small patch of fur missing from his mate's tummy and gently petted it, looking up to Kera and nodding softly. "I see...if he can talk at all. Rain did a bit of a number on him." He kissed his mate, holding his arm around her shoulder.

Kera nodded. "Say, Hobie...can I talk to you in the hall for a little bit?" Rain didn't react, just holding her head over the garbage and taking deep breaths.

He nodded a little, looking at his mate longingly as he slid off the bed, holding his belly with some difficulty while his pup kicked, standing up and grunting a little. "Man, I'm getting big."

Kera led him out of the bedroom and closed the door before facing him. Her usually warm face was quite serious, as if she had to tell him something important. "It's about Rain. She's not in any physical danger, but emotionally, she's going to be very fragile...."

Hobie lowered his head, sighing. "This really hurts me to see her like this...why couldn't it have been me?" He began to whimper openly, holding his head with a hand and his belly with the other.

Kera put her index finger under his chin and raised his head to look at him: her eyes were stern and rebuking. "Hobie, I know you'd give your life for her and I know you don't mean that how I perceive it, but I don't ever want to hear you wish harm on either of you again. Understand?"

He whimpered more, sniffling a little, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "But...I don't mean that...I just mean I could have handled it better...I don't know what to say, it doesn't make any sense to me."

She nodded, her eyes softening. "I know, Hobie. Try to wish it hadn't gone so poorly, but don't wish that it had happened to anyone else." She put her hands on his shoulders and pulled him into a hug.

Hobie let himself be hugged while he sobbed, not really putting his arms around Kera but letting them hang at his sides. His belly pressed up against her, and the thumps of his pup could be felt to both of them.

She rubbed his back and held his face to her shoulder, crying a little herself. "Well, there can be some good to come out of even this. Rain's going to need you more than ever now. She might push you away without meaning to, but she needs you to be her anchor to both life and love. I'm going to set up a tent outside so I can be close should her injury worsen, and I'm going to call a counselor to come over as well; she will stay with me. Okay?"

Hobie nodded softly, looking up to her with his eyes and cheeks wet with tears. He put his arms around her slowly, and sniffled again. "Okay, Kera...you're always welcome in our home...but who will you be calling?"

Kera smiled down at him despite her amber eyes being clouded with sorrow and pain. "One of the most angelic women I've ever met. She's a Dragonair morph named Dove Dragonne. But don't worry, we won't wake you in the middle of the night: she's quite happily mated," she said with a wink.

He cocked his head a bit, about to ask what Kera meant by that but deciding to keep his muzzle shut. "I see...okay...." He looked towards the closed bedroom door. "Can I go back into her?"

Kera nodded, deciding to let him figure it out on his own. "Sure, I'll let you two be alone. Just remember that she's going to be really touchy."

"I will." He slowly opened the door, smiling as he saw his mate, pushing into the door while his belly brushed against the doorframe, and he held his belly lightly. "Oof, getting too big..." he quipped. Rain was sitting cross-legged on the bed, her only reaction being to raise her head a bit to look at Hobie. Her eyes had lost the spark of life they'd had not long ago; now they were just sad. Hobie slid gently back onto the bed (as gracefully as a six-months pregnant otter could). He crossed his legs with some effort, looking at his mate gently, putting his hand on the back of her neck, causing her to flinch a little and tremble slightly. "Rain...you know I am always here for you, my love...no matter what...anything you need at all."

"...Just...don't leave me alone...I don't want to be alone...." She sniffled a bit, not turning her head to look at him. "And...please don't touch me where...he touched me...."

He froze at her second request, his ears flattening. "I...I won't until you give me permission, Rain." He gently pet her back, looking down, obviously heartbroken at the thought of not being able to share intimacy with his mate but hoping she would warm up to it again soon.

Rain covered her face with her hands, sobbing. "I'm sorry, Hobie...it's just too soon, and what he did was...so horrible." She sniffled. "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough...."

"Shh, honey, it's okay...I have my hand...I'll give you all the time you need." He nuzzled her cheek gently and kissed her. "And you were stronger than I could be. What you did to his tongue even made me sick." He winced a little and stroked his hand down to her belly, resting it there.

She flinched again, this time growling and pulling away before her somber composure returned. "I know you're not him, but..." she fell into his arms, "just promise me you won't let me hurt you, okay?"

He blinked a little, pulling his hand away from her belly and sighing, lowering his head. "I...I won't...just remember it's not just me you'd be hurting." He put his other hand on his thigh, deciding not to try touching her belly again.


It had been a week since Rain's attempted rape. Despite regularly talking to Hobie, Kera and Dove, she hadn't improved; in fact, she was slowly worsening. She'd become reclusive and overly protective of her body and her personal space and more edgy about being touched, especially on her belly. Her negativity had come to a head earlier today, when she outright snapped at Kera when Kera tried to touch her belly, then recoiled from what she had done and apologized profusely.

At the moment, it was almost 1:30 A.M. and she was sitting up in bed, staring into space. Hobie merfed quietly and rolled onto his back, yawning deeply, blinking awake slowly to see his mate awake. "Mm...Rain? Love? Are you okay?"

Rain kept looking straight ahead: her eyes were full of panic although her body looked calm. "I just had the worst dream of my life, Hobie."

He started to put his arm around her but hesitated, sitting up slowly and groaning a bit. "Mmf...what? Tell me about it, hon...."

She didn't move her head. Her fur was clammy with sweat although she had been lying still in bed. "I dreamt that you told me you'd had enough of me pushing you away and you gave me an ultimatum: either I allow you to hold me, or you'd leave. I was so frightened of you that I couldn't answer...I think you know that you left."

Hobie blinked. "Why would I...ever do that, Rain? If I couldn't hold you, I certainly wouldn't want to leave you...." He looked down at her tummy, wishing dearly he could touch it, but holding his own belly instead, his pup asleep. "Some of me in our pups is always with you."

She shook her head. "That wasn't all. Without you, I saw myself progressively waste away until I just...gave up on everything," she shut her eyes tightly and held her belly with both of her hands.

The otterboy took a risk and put his arm around Rain's shoulders, pulling her against him gently and sighing. "Rain, listen...I love you implicitly, no matter what. I'm always here and so are our pups." He laid a hand over hers, on her belly. "Our pups are here for you, and they love you too." He nuzzled her ear lightly and leaned back, looking at her pleadingly.

Rain looked down at her belly and felt a surge of love for her unborn pups, imagining them taking form inside her. "...I know. I...I've been feeling so hurt and lonely even though salvation's within my reach." She laid her head back and nuzzled the side of his face. "I know I've been given a scar that will probably never heal but I want to be able to trust myself again...can you show me the way back?"

Hobie's hand slipped between hers on her belly, gently caressing it as he kissed her neck and stroked her shoulder. "I will, my love...we are all counting on you...we know you can do it, sweetheart. All four of us." He gently laid his tail over hers, closing his eyes and licking her face softly. "I love you, Rain...."

She sighed in contentment, the first such sigh she'd let out in a week as she licked his cheek. "And I love you t-...." She stopped, her eyes wide in astonishment as something stirred inside her. She started crying tears of joy as she held Hobie's hand on that spot, feeling her pups move again. "And we love you too."

He squeaked softly and smiled, gently squeezing her tummy as she felt the movement, murring quietly and kissing her nose. "Oh, sweetie...now you're not going to get any sleep tonight." He smiled softly, flicking his tail. "Mmm, our children...."

She turned to lean on her side and pressed her tummy against his. "I know it's late, kids, but say hi to your brother or sister." She let them touch for a moment before she felt a strong thump, most likely both of them moving at once.

Hobie moaned softly and kissed her again, holding her close as his baby kicked. He blushed a little, his sheath getting a little firm from Rain's renewed amorous mood. "Oh, now I'm not going to get any sleep either...." He chuckled softly and murred, leaning in, intending to kiss her.

Rain shrugged happily as their children kicked at each other. "Then maybe we should start making up for lost time, huh?" She put her arms around his neck and let him kiss her, slipping her tongue into his mouth for a moment before pulling back. "Y'know what, Hobie? You kissed me as only you can kiss me, and I...I didn't feel scared at all when I did that. He...he wasn't there when you kissed me."

He moaned softly and closed his eyes, his cock peeking out of his sheath under his rounded belly. He opened his eyes as she pulled back, smiling to her. "That's wonderful to hear, sweetie...I think things will be getting better." He kissed her nose gently.

She nodded, smiling radiantly. She looked down at their wriggling bellies and giggled. "I could stay like this all night, dear." The pregnant lovers were, of course, too tired to stay up for long, but they had some of the most needed cuddling they'd had in a long time.

The next week saw the departure of Kera and Dove. Rain was still slow to allow anyone but Hobie to touch her belly but with Hobie's support she slowly but surely started to rebound from her depression and self-isolation, finally even going so far as to ask Kera and Dove to touch her belly, especially when the twins moved. Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief when Kera performed an ultrasound on Rain the day before she and Dove left and found that there was no serious damage to Rain's body or to the pups: as long as Rain took it easy and made sure to carefully exercise, she would be fine. Kera made sure to emphasize that they call her if they had any questions.

After waving goodbye to the two dragonesses, Rain and Hobie made their way back into the cabin. Hobie was about to ask Rain what she wanted to do, but a grope of his bottom and an amorous smile thrown his way gave him his answer. They went into their bedroom and lay down on the bed. "Well, one question remains: with my back injury and our pups taking up room, how're we gonna do it?" Rain asked.

Hobie flicked an ear, looking down at his tummy and then hers, leaning back in the bed, his cock standing rigid between his legs. "Mmm...maybe some...mmm, mutual muzzlefucking.... if you like...."

"Merrrrf...but I want you to really take me...and we aren't getting any smaller...." She looked around a bit. "Isn't there some way I can lie on my back and have you take me?"

He pondered this, looking at their bellies. Her belly was smaller than his but not by much. "Uhh...maybe. I don't even know if we'll fit together." He started to get up, straddling Rain's legs and pushing his cock against her folds, finding their bellies were getting in the way already: he could probably only get half his length inside of her, if that.

Rain whimpered in desire. "Awww...." She patted her tummy. "Enjoy this until my creativity catches up with me," she said, receiving a kick in response.

Hobie grinned softly, pressing their bellies together, reaching forward and stroking her breasts as his cock slid firmly inside her folds, spreading and slicking her up while he rocked his body against hers, their babies kicking against each other as Hobie rocked his hips against hers. "Mmmf, this is...gonna be impossible soon...."

She mewled in the pleasure of being filled again, two weeks of zero sex whatsoever contributing to her being incredibly sensitive and her repressed need for Hobie erupting to the surface of her mind. "Then take me now, claim me as yours and yours alone, because you're the only one who'll ever get to sleep with me."

"I know, lover...and that means everything to me," he groaned as his cock flared, pulsing pre inside his lover's tunnel. Knowing no source of pleasure but his own hand for two weeks left the otterboy craving his girl's warm depths. He buried himself as far as he could, growling a bit in annoyance at his girth, wishing he hadn't been quite so big so he could fill her the way he used to.

She panted at her sensitivity; maybe being pregnant wouldn't be so bad for sex after all. She groped at her own breasts, marveling at how busty she was becoming: she had recently passed a C-cup and she still had some four months. She had certainly flaunted them in front of Hobie; that got him by her side in no time flat.

Hobie growled and arched his back, pushing out his belly while it rubbed against hers, kneading her breasts and rubbing at her nipples as more pre sprayed into her cunny. He howled suddenly as his cum shot into her womb, feeling his baby kick eagerly while he came hard. "Ooooh yeah, baby...!"

Rain yelped and clenched her jaw shut as she wrapped her legs around his waist, wincing a bit from her bruise and putting her legs down. "Mrrf, I know you have more than that Hobie, we have to make up two weeks of celibacy!"

The maleherm moaned louder and pumped his seed into her, leaning over her body and kissing her gently, panting and looking into her eyes and stroking her breasts firmly. "Mmmmf, I know, baby...we're gonna get the sheets all wet...mmurrr!" he groaned while honey dripped down his balls and cum leaked out of her cunt.

She grinned lustily as their pups tossed and turned inside them, rubbing her belly. "Calm down you three, you're going to get a nice break in a little while but for now, your mommies need to have sex." She got on all fours, his cock slipping out of her and releasing their juices onto the bedsheets. "Hope you don't mind snuggling on the couch; this bed's going to be filthy...."

Hobie grunted softly and grinned, sitting up as she pulled back, getting in a doggystyle position, smirking at her and stroking her rump. "Not at all, love, we can wash the sheets...mmmf, want to be mounted now, lover?" he said, stroking two fingers over her slick, wet cunny.

Rain nodded enthusiastically, growling at him. "Yeah! Show me what you can do!" She spread her palms and knees to better anchor herself on the bed and turned to face the headboard, panting hoarsely in lust.

He sat upright on his knees, stroking his slimy cock firmly as it stiffened quickly, sliding it up against his lover's sex before plunging inside her, his belly pressing against her rump but overall he was able to fill her more deeply, gripping her hips but being careful of her bruise. "Ooooh yeah, this is even better...."

She bit down on her pillow and groaned into it. "Yesss..." she hissed as she looked over her shoulder, her pups kicking either in annoyance or agreement. "Shh, you'll get your share of snuggles, now's our time."

Hobie thrusted firmly and bounced against the bed as he fucked her eagerly, stroking her belly gently while keeping her injury in mind, feeling the kicking pups and his own moving around making him all the hornier. He reached up to grope her breasts while he moaned in pleasure. "Ooooh yeah, baby, c'mon and make me cum...again!"

She met him thrust for thrust, almost instantly picking up their rhythm. "Rrrgh, I must have your seed in me!" She decided that now was the perfect time to show off her new nearly-perfected skill: she flexed her vaginal muscles and gripped his cock as hard as she could with them, this time able to keep it consistent as she cried out into her pillow.

He yelped and gasped as he felt her cunny squeezing and massaging his dick, squeezing her breasts in return before his balls tightened and he shot his load inside of her again, filling her already full belly with more of his potent cream, growling in pleasure and clenching his teeth in lust. "Ooooh fuck yeah...I love you, baby...."

Rain strained and relaxed her muscles to compress his shaft and then let it go, over and over, pleasuring him in a way that neither his hand nor her mouth or even her cunny without practice could reproduce. She cried out again as she came, gripping him harder than ever before as her pups thumped away in her belly, causing her to come even more.

Hobie strained his body as he pumped the last of his cream into his lover, trembling and holding her against him while his climax subsided, resting against her back with care not to put too much weight on his belly or her back, closing his eyes and panting softly while kisslicking her neck. "Mmmm, you're amazing, Rain...I've missed you...."

She turned over to lay on her back again and catch her breath and pant; the sheets underneath her were soon soaked with her sweat, and the area under her cunny with more of the mixture of their cum. "Likewise...I think we both need a breather...."

He nodded and sat up, grunting and holding his tummy, panting softly and taking a deep breath. "Mmm, I think I need a snack, honey...what about you?"

Rain sighed deeply from being nearly numbed with pleasure. She shook her head. "No, I think I'm good for now...but I'm gonna work up an appetite, trust me."

Hobie rubbed her belly gently and smirked at her. "Going to, eh? How is that?"

She grinned as a pup kicked his hand. "I think you know."

After story disclaimer: This is not meant to trivialize or even accurately depict the effects of rape, successful or attempted.

Also, the Dove in this story has no relation to the Dove in my Mateship story series.