My Love My enemy

Story by Frying Pan Assault on SoFurry

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#1 of A Kit Tribute

My love, My Enemy

Chapter One

Frying Pan Assault

A Kit Tribute

"Because the wolf has always been the enemy of the fox." A little boy with short black hair on top, white, long hair underneath that's in three braids states. His huge eyes are green, bright, and full of life as he speaks to the elder in front of him. The two have red, pointed ears and red fox tails, but looks human aside from that. The younger fox boy seems to be in his teens somewhere. "It always has been that way for as long as anyone could remember. If a wolf and a fox were to meet unexpectedly, the two are to fight until one is either exhausted, runs away, or kills the other. Also, the fox would never ever run from the wolf, for the wolf would follow them, and kill them."

"Correct, Kit." The elder said with a smile. "The fox and wolf have been enemies for as long as anyone could remember. No one is certain about a fox running away. Sometimes they too know if they are out numbered."

"Well, I'm not going to run away! I would rather die before I run away!"

The elder fox knew the pain that Kit is suffering, having lost his family. He was the only one left, and don't wish to run away, like his mother and sister did. It ended in their death. His father was killed by the wolves before they searched the for the family. What wolves were doing killing a family of foxes confused many, for before that incident, neither one seek the other's family. Kit was hurt.

"Well, Kit. I'm certain that you feel you can take on all the wolves, but you still are very young, and have much more learning to do."

"Yes Sensei! I can take them on! I know I can!"

"But your training comes first." The elder fox gave Kit a quarter staff, teaching him defense and offence when facing off a wolf. All foxes learn how to fend for themselves starting at a young age. Even the female foxes learns, incase they are out by themselves. Their training isn't as long as the males though, but they are still quite the opponent to face when cornered.

After training, Kit went to what's left of his broken home. It looks nicer on the inside, with only one chair and a blanket on the couch. Kit never went back to his room after that incident. He had a fear that a wolf was still there, but he knew now that none are in the house. To know and to have this fear felt different to him.

Kit wasn't unarmed in his home. He has a short sword, quarter staff, and his fathers bow and arrows. Each item he looks and cared for. Keeping them as great as the day he received them. Shortly after he ate, he went outside with his quarter staff. A half moon is out, meaning that he would be safe this night.

Kit always wonders in the woods by himself. Once or twice he brought some of the other foxes his age to play games and to train. He's never walked in the woods at night though. It felt weird for him to do so, but he was really angry for being belittled by his sensei. He's never heard him say such things before, and it pissed him off. He managed to find a creek in the forest while he walked, looking in it with relief. He knows where he is, and he's happy to know it too.

While he sat in silence, he didn't notice the yellow eyes watching him from across the creek. Nothing came to his attention for a while, until he heard the bush move. Stepping out is a wolf. Black ears, black tail, black, long hair. His yellow eyes look over Kit, trying to figure him out. His human-looking nose moved up and down, trying to sniff him. Kit grabbed his staff, standing ready to fight off the wolf. The wolf looks to him, his eyes caught now on the beautiful, cherry wood staff in the fox's hands. To him, the fox looks rather adorable trying to act tough. That won't save him though. Since the fox insists on fighting him, he will fight back.

Kit felt a shiver down his spine when the wolf advanced onto him, clearing the water in a single jump. He took a step back, almost paralyze with fear on how this wolf would kill him. He won't die yet, not until he avenges his family's death!

"Get back!" Kit growled, again trying to look fierce. The wolf just chuckles.

"Why should I listen to a fox?" He asks, advancing on him step by step. From his voice, he isn't but a couple years older then Kit. Kit stepped back, trying to circle the wolf, and failing.

"You will regret not fleeing, wolf!" Kit growls again, swinging the staff at the wolf. Something caught the staff in mid air, and Kit couldn't see what. He struggles to pull his staff free to attack again, but is pushed back by the wolf into a tree. With the staff out of his hands, Kit sees it floating, as well as a silver shimmer that passed just as sudden. Confused, Kit looked to the wolf, noticing he's advancing again.

"Don't move." The wolf orders him with a threat in his voice. Kit jumped up, trying to get into a fighting position, but something pulled him back down at his shoulder. "I told you not to move, fox." Kit looks on his shoulder, seeing nothing there, but he knew he felt something pull him down. What? Again, Kit tried to stand, this time only slower as he watches the wolf move closer to him. He watched his hand jerk at something, then again felt himself go back down. "You don't listen very well, do you."

"I don't listen to a wolf that uses sorcery!" Kit snapped. The wolf just laughed.

"I, Rune of the Heral Pack, don't use sorcery at all. I use wires, you blind fox."

"I don't care about your formality! Fight me!"

Rune was now over his body, still clenching something in his hand. His free hand he used to slap Kit across his cheek, leaving a very thin line to bleed. "You can't fight me as you are, little fox. If you move in the wrong way, you would surly be killed. You see your little stick over there? My wires are everywhere, like a spider's web. You're caught in my web, little fox. You can't escape me now."

Kit felt his arms being pulled into his chest against his own will. He struggled against what felt like fishing wire along his forearms, chest, shoulders, and wrists. His legs didn't feel like they were bound like his upper body, as he feels his arms crushing into his chest. It seems he's bound to the tree for support of the wolf to kill him. Still, he won't die today. He swung a kick that Rune didn't see coming, sending the wolf into the ground. No, he was caught in the wires as well. The wires on Kit had loosened though, making it easier for him to stand up, forcing himself to break the thin blades as he cuts himself in the process. Rune slides off the wires, watching the young fox get free from his entrapment.

"Your determined." Rune tells Kit who just glares at him. He smiles either a threatening or a sadistic smile.

"I will not rest until you are all killed." Kit growled with more threat to back up his words.

"Damn little brat. If you would have sat still, I could have made this more pleasurable for you." Rune snapped back.

"There is no pleasure on killing me."

"I didn't want to kill you, stupid little fox. Looks like I'm going to have to severally punish you." Rune got down from the wires, grabbing at the air. Kit thought him to be grabbing at the wires, to try and hold him down again. Rune threw the wires at Kit, some landing here and there. Kit makes a mad attempt to brush them off.

While distracted, Kit was punched into the stomach, causing him to keel over in pain, grabbing at his abdomen. He got back up, slightly, biting into Rune's leg. The wolf howled in pain, kicking Kit against a tree repeatedly to have him let go. The teeth dug deeper into the skin, not wanting to let go for certain that death would come to the biter. With the kicks getting harder, Kit found that he could no longer hold on with his jaw, and released his leg. He felt his back crash hard into the tree behind him, using it for support so he can start fighting again.

Rune pressed himself against the small fox boy, kissing him roughly and passionately. A hand of his reaches down, feeling his cock slightly gets hard while kissing. He breaks the kiss, smiling at him. "Do all fox's with spirit prefer it rough, or are you just that lucky?" He was using his other hand to wrap the wire around the fox's body to keep him from moving too much. He doubled the amount he used last time.

"You must torment foxes before you kill them! Is that it?" Kit snarled, glaring at Rune still.

"You can call it what you want. It is your punishment for not listening." With his last syllable hanging in the air, Rune pulls on the wires hard, making Kit cry out from the pain. He knotted the wires at one end, preventing Kit from moving almost at all as he struggles to break free again. "You can't escape me, little fox."

"I am not little! I am Kit! I also demand that you stop with your wire play, and let me go so we can fight like we're suppose to!"

"I never wanted to fight you, Kit. It was you who wanted to fight me. Remember that. I only acted out on defense. Now, hold still, and there might be a reward for you after all, little fox."

"I'm. Not. Little!"

Rune ignored his threat as he lowers his head to Kit's groin. Kit watched, not knowing the wolf's intentions. A wave of confusion swept over his face. Confusion and a sense of fear. Try as he might, Kit couldn't get free from the wires this time. His eyes close against the struggle, as Rune seems content on the torment he's giving to the young fox boy.

His hands move to undo Kit's long shorts, allowing them to fall to the ground around his feet. Rune's other hand brushed against Kit's ear gently, watching his face turn a soft shade of red. His black ears flicks, hearing Kit's heart beating heavily and hard. He did it again, enjoying the sight before him unfold. He leans in, licking the young fox's ear now, first along the edge to the tip, then along the back walling. Kit moans softly, not knowing why he did. It felt right to him somehow, and he didn't know why. He didn't know that the wolf who tied him to the tree with nothing more then wires was sliding a hand in his heart shaped boxers until he felt a finger slide in his only opening down there.

"St.... stop!" Kit called, gaining some sense of sanity back for a brief moment. He can feel the finger curl in him, searching for something. It brushed against something he never knew existed, sending a shiver of pleasure to every nerve in his body. He again moans, feeling his face burn, glowing into a darker shade of red when a second finger slid with the first. "AI! Stop..... Wh...."

"Shhh, little fox. You'll get more of this after your punishment." Rune again kisses him deeply, sending Kit into a field of fear, pleasure, and confusion. Kit can feel something trying to force it's way into his mouth, then his own mouth betraying him by parting, allowing Rune's tongue to enter. He couldn't move his arms, since one is held against his chest and the other to the tree, and he couldn't kick him off since his ankles are tied to the tree roots this time. Most of all, he knew that he didn't want this wolf on him. He struggles to get free, wiggling to get Rune off of him, only to feel a third finger slide into him. It caused him to stop wiggling all together as his eyes started to fill with tears. Kit jerked his head away from the kiss, turning it to one side and holding it there.

"What are you doing to me!" Kit demanded to know. Get.... get me down...."

"I said to be quiet." Rune responded, cupping Kit's chin into his hand, forcing the young fox to look into his eyes. Kit's glare darted off to one side, not even going to look back into the yellow pair. "Look at me when I talk to you, little fox."


The young fox is quite a bothersome, but Rune didn't seem to be faltered by his response. He would expect much coming from someone who he's suppose to see as the enemy. "Obey my words, little fox. And this will be your reward." He moved his fingers in and out of Kit's opening, making him writher in the pleasure of ecstasy. He didn't realize it until the pleasure seemed to stop with the fingers still in him. "Disobey them, and I will punish you far worse then death. Understood?"

Kit's red face is bright, burning everything but his own brain. He can hear himself pant, like he's been training really hard, but his body felt like he really wanted whatever it is that this wolf is doing to him. He never saw himself that way. Sure, girls don't interest him yet, but what Rune is doing isn't what a vixen in his village would do. He didn't think that any of the boys in his village would try to do this to him.

"Look." He hears Rune say. Kit looks down, not really knowing where to go. He sees how his groin is reacting to this, starting to stand out on it's own like a snake coming out from the grass. His face goes darker as his eyes half closes. Rune moves his hand, feeling something brush against his cock, making it go harder. It took a while for Kit's cock to actually tell him that it's throbbing in the strange way of pleasure. Even longer to realize that Rune is using more wire to do this. "I should keep you here all to myself, little fox."

Kit starts to moan, his vision starting to blur. He can hear Rune speak, but didn't understand anything that he's saying. His body became more begging for him to touch him, to move his fingers again. He felt himself starting to move up and down, trying to ride Rune's hand instead since he wasn't going to do anything himself. Rune just pulls his fingers out from Kit, looking at the completely lost fox that really doesn't know what he wants, just knows that he wants something.

Rune grins. He stokes a finger along Kit's cock which sends the fox in more pleasure, wanting to be fucked more. By anything that would help him with this strange wave of pleasure. Just as long as it would end as well. Rune watches Kit grinding on nothing, moving the wires with Kit's movements to intensify the pleasure until his cock started spurting out the fox's white seed, soiling the forest floor. The young fox shivered, still half out of it as his body rests in the bindings of the wires.

Rune drops the wires that were on Kit's cock, undoing his own pants, allowing them to fall. He presses his body against Kit's, nipping at his neck just to hear him moan again. He slides into the fox as he bit, not letting go until he was fully in him. Slowly, he starts to fuck the virgin, making him writher again, waking up that pleasure deep inside of him. He went slow so the fox could get use to him, and before long, his own seed flows in the fox. Marking Kit as his.

He pulls out of the fox, cutting him free from the wires. The fox falls into his arms, too tired to even realize what's going on. Rune grabbed the quarter staff, the fox's clothes, and then his own. He carries the fox to the creek that he found him at, lying his body next to the softly flowing water. His clothes and weapon are on the other side. He then backs up, heading back to all the wires that he left around. Every now and then, he would stop in his clean up, listening for any other sounds. He knew of the war, but he doesn't want to be a part of it.