She Wolf

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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When you're out and about on Halloween tonight and you meet a strange girl, you'd best replace her candy if you make her lose any.

This story has been up early on my Patreon, join now for rewards. And stuff. Okay, really I just want money.

Halloween had gone through all kinds of changes over the years. At this day and age, it was actually hard to find houses that gave away candy, unless you lived in a rich neighborhood. Luke was not one of those people. Then again, at his age, he just bought a bunch of candy anyways. He just recently left a small store that had a surprisingly large amount of candy left for sale- nothing too major or fancy, Mellowcreme pumpkin bags and Butterfingers, mostly. Luke wore an orange shirt that simply said 'This is my costume' in black words, with normal blue jeans and black shoes. His hair was an odd whitish color for someone of 20 years old. With one hand carrying the candy, he pulled out his cell phone with his other hand and started to text while walking. It was about the proper time children would normally trick or treat, yet Luke couldn't see anyone on the sidewalk.

The sidewalk was mostly empty; except for one small girl with blond hair that was so long it went down to her knees. She looked MAYBE about eight years old. She wore a bright red costume that resembled a leotard that covered her from shoulders down to her waist. Below that were red stockings- and she had two long red sleeves on her arms- as well as black demon horns, and red eyes, and a short spaded tail. She looked almost like some sort of child demon, except her skin color wasn't quite red- just the outfit. Her eyes were also an emerald green in color.

The girl carried a small reusable grocery bag filled with candy, and she skipped along the sidewalk. Both her and Luke met at a corner, but not in the way either intended- the pair bumped right in to each other and the small girl's bad dropped down, and quite a bit of candy flew from her bag onto the sidewalk. "H-hey!" she shouted with a pout quickly on her face, just after she landed on her butt.

Luke felt a bump. That caused him to raise his eyes from that phone momentarily, and notice the girl. "Oh. Sorry." He said with a shrug before he went back to his phone and kept walking. It wasn't like it was his entire fault, they bumped into each other at the corner of the sidewalk and there was a large wall on the inner part of the sidewalk, they couldn't see each other coming.

The girl let out a frustrated sigh. She glared at the man with a pout on her face before she gathered up that candy she had accumulated earlier- it wasn't much in this neighborhood, but she couldn't be fussy. Unfortunately, her bag felt lighter- some candy was missing! She glanced around behind her, in front of her, anywhere that candy might have gone off to, yet she couldn't find it. She raised her head and noticed Luke had a few bags of candy on him- surely he wouldn't mind sparing a few, especially since he cost her some candy to begin with.

The girl rushed up to the casually walking Luke and she tapped him, just above his rear. "Sir? You made me lose some candy. Can you help me replace it?" she asked in a sweetheart voice, and she gave him the infamous puppy dog eyed look.

Luke paused in his footsteps when he felt that light tap. It wasn't like there was a large amount of foot traffic that it was a big deal to stop in the middle of the sidewalk like that. "What?" he half turned around with his eyes still glued on his phone. "It's your fault. You should really pay attention to where you're going. Not to mention, all that candy you got was free- I actually PAID for this. Go find some free candy elsewhere." His eyebrows furrowed as he turned back around and walked away from that girl.

The girl's puppy dog eyed look quickly turned into a grimace when Luke turned his back to her. She followed behind him with her arms stiff at her sides, her hands balled into fists, and a cold hearted stare up at Luke. "You're a very big mean man." She stated, as cold as her stare. "I'll give you one more chance- just even a single piece of your candy to help replace what I lost thanks to you."

"Or else what? You'll tell your mom?" Luke said with a roll of his eyes. "Or my mom?" he added. "Go ahead. I don't have time for kids like you." He did have to pause in his steps though- if only because the next street was a stoplight, and he had to wait for his light to turn green.

"I don't know my mom, but my dad will be pretty upset. I don't need him to do what needs to be done to you though." The girl replied. "Just a moon- any moon works." Sure enough, the sky was clear and revealed a full moon in the sky, along with stars. "So, are you going to give me any candy?"

"Look, you...whatever your name is." Luke didn't even bother to turn around to face her. "This candy costs money. Money is hard to come by these days- the sheer fact you got ANY free candy? You should be thankful for that, get going, and stop pestering me." Luke was terrible with children. He had no plans to have any of his own either, just as he was terrible with kids, he didn't like them at the same time.

"My name is Annie." The girl told Luke. "And if you're going to be that way, then fine. You're going to soon regret it." Not that Luke could see what Annie did behind him- but her eyes flashed blood red before they returned to their emerald green. That stoplight soon turned green, and Annie continued to follow Luke.

"Isn't it a little late for you to be out here?" Luke let out a frustrated sigh. "You should go home and get ready for bed- it's a school day tomorrow." Luke felt something hit his back though- it wasn't something physical, it just if something passed right through him, something cold, like a gust of wind- although there was no breeze today. It made him shiver lightly. Luke finished crossing the street and he paused at the corner of the sidewalk. He looked down and saw...a fire hydrant- a plan, normal, everyday fire hydrant. Luke wasn't sure why, but something inside of him told him to just do what he did next- he leaned down and smelled the bottom of the fire hydrant before he raised his head back up. It was a strange sensation, and he scratched the back of his head for his own actions. Why DID he do that? He didn't even notice the extra body hair that grew out from his body. At 20, he wasn't very hairy- but that changed when silver hairs grew out of his chest, his back, anywhere a man could develop body hair- he developed it. He turned back around and just saw that girl smiling innocently up at him. With a roll of his eyes, he just continued to walk back home.

"People don't normally sniff fire hydrants." Annie said behind Luke. "People also don't have that much hair on their body. If you give me some candy now, I'll make it stop." She spoke in almost a sing-song voice behind him. She went from glaring and cold, to happy and skipping in nearly a heartbeat.

Luke paused again when he walked. He turned around to Annie and let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know why I did what I did- but what I DO know is that it's none of your business why I do what I do!" How did she even know about the hair? He had to open that shirt of his briefly to see quite a bit of hair on his body- more than he knew he had. "So just go home and leave me be." He added, he just tried to ignore all of that hair- he was a guy, it was normal...wasn't it?

"You don't get it, do you?" Annie replied. "I bet you won't even make it home before you give in to your vices and start sniffing other people's butts or something- and that tree over there, doesn't it look tempting to mark with your territory?" The girl spoke to him as if he were an animal of sorts, like a dog. All the while her eyes flashed again when Luke turned looked away.

Luke glanced over at that tree. "Sniff other people's butts, yeah right." He said with a roll of his eyes. Still, that tree...he walked onto the grass and went to that tree. It was out of his way, but there was something about it that just tempted him. He didn't pay attention to the top of the tree- it was fall and many of the leaves from it was gone, but he paid more attention to the bottom instead. He leaned down and smelled it, much like he did that fire hydrant. It smelled...well, like a tree. It didn't have any sort of special scent or anything. It smelled...actually quite perfect. It was then and there that he felt a VERY strong urge to use the bathroom- right on that tree. He couldn't even begin to describe the sensations before he opened up his pants and, just like the girl suggested, mark his territory. He turned back to see the girl behind him, and he blushed lightly. "W-what? I just...I just REALLY had to go!" That must have been it. Even though he had felt so perfectly fine just moments before he had gotten to that tree. Deep down, part of him felt relieved that the tree now belonged to 'him.' He zipped up his pants and glanced down at the tree, but his eyes turned to his own hands- those fingernails turned as black as coal. "What the..." he muttered. He raised his hands up and turned them back and fourth. It looked as if he had just gotten a manicure- his nails from top to bottom were pitch black, and they looked much sharper at the tips as well. "Weird..." maybe it was just that dirty? Either way, he'd have to clip his nails when he got home. His own shoes felt weird, so he could only assume the same had to be done with his toenails. "I don't know what's going on, but you won't catch me sniffing butts anytime soon." He muttered, before he then started to walk home once more.

"You're already sniffing fire hydrants and peeing on trees." Annie replied, she saw him the entire time. "It wasn't that you had to go- you had to mark your territory like puppies do. You'll sniff butts, shoes, and do all kinds of weird puppy things."

"I'm not becoming a dog." Luke replied with a grimace. He kept looking down at those fingernails, and then the hair on his arm- there was quite a lot of silvery hair, more than a normal man might have. "And I'm not giving you candy, no sir-e. I'm not giving you any, so leave me be." Maybe some sort of rhyming would help make this girl go away- or...well, he wasn't sure WHAT to do about her. She was just becoming more and more annoying that, deep down, he wanted to growl and bark at her.

"You're right. You're becoming a wolf." Annie replied. "But they kind of behave the same- you know? They mark territory, sniff butts, and do weird things- well things that are weird to people, not so weird to animals. You know why they sniff butts? I don't know- but maybe once you do it, you can tell me."

"Enough of the sniffing butts stuff!" Luke shouted to her as he stomped along. The way back home felt a lot longer than it did on the way to get candy- he swore he should have been home by now, yet each block he went down was as unfamiliar as the last. "And people don't turn in to wolves- at least unless it's in a movie or a book or something, and usually that's werewolves- and they don't exist." He paused as they reached a park- but not just any park, a dog park of all things. Why would a wolf even be interested in such things? He shook his head and tried to move on, but the scent of a trash can out in front of the park lured him over. Something in it smelled...good- like a fresh hamburger. Sure, all he was doing all night were smelling things, but...that was normal, wasn't it?

"You already see those nails and all that extra hair- but there's still plenty more to be done there." Annie almost rhymed herself. "Like teeth and ears and a tail soon- you'll be like that every moon."

Luke tried his best to ignore her. Thankfully, finding that good smelling food wasn't hard- it was right on top, folded in a tin foil wrapper. Luke dug it out of the trash and unfolded the burger- it was a half eaten burger from...well he couldn't make out the label, nor did the burger itself look familiar. It was a bit cold too, but the smell was intoxicating. He reached down with one hand, and before he could even stop himself from what he did next, the burger went from the trash, right to his mouth. He gobbled up the entire thing sloppily, and licked his fingers clean afterwards- sure his face was a mess, but he just wiped it with the back of his hand, and then licked his hand. His tongue went around his whole mouth to lick it clean- but his tongue paused when he felt sharper than something should have been in his mouth. He didn't have a pocket mirror, but the park did have a public bathroom nearby that he rushed towards. He glanced at the dirty mirror inside the bathroom underneath the dim lights, and he saw sharp canine teeth instead of his own normal teeth. "Am I...really..." he paused and looked around inside the bathroom. It was surprisingly clean for a public place- no lemony smell, but no awful smells either. The lights lit up the bathroom, but fairly poorly. It was lit up enough for him to see the toilets though, and he was kind of thirsty... "No...I'm not some kind of animal. Plus, all of these behaviors...they're DOG behaviors- not a wolf one." He muttered.

Even though Luke had just eaten a burger, and saw those canine teeth, he slowly approached the toilet bowl. Maybe he had to use the bathroom? Maybe that was it- but he had just peed on a tree moments ago. "Gah." He turned around and grabbed onto his head. "S-stop it, whatever's going on." At the very least, the little girl didn't follow him into the bathroom- but something told him that she was just right outside the bathroom, waiting for him. If he stayed in the bathroom, that toilet bowl would likely get the better of him, but if he went outside- then he'd have to put up with that girl again. All of this distraction, and he glanced down at his hands- where did all of his candy go? "That girl...she must have taken the candy somehow." He mumbled.

Luke turned around and walked away from that toilet bowl. Even if he did drink out of it, even if he did anything to it, he'd still be stuck in that bathroom- he'd have to go outside sooner or later. By the time he went outside, there Annie was- with her candy bucket in one hand, and his candy bag in the other. "When did you get a hold of that? I paid for that candy."

Annie giggled up at him. "Puppies, wolves, whatever- canines can't eat chocolate, it's bad for them. Bad for their teeth, too." She stuck her tongue out at the last bit- as if she knew exactly what Luke had behind those lips of his.

"Give it back, now." Luke reached out to grab that candy- but he froze when his hand reached out to that bag. His hands felt...weird. Luke's fingers, his thumbs, each digit on each hand were stuck together, and they would not split apart. It made grabbing things significantly harder- especially that candy. Not to mention, Annie had surprisingly fast reflexes for a small child, and by the time he reached down, she had pulled back and shook her head.

"No, no. Bad puppy." Annie stepped back. "Bad puppy wolves like that get punished- like not wearing clothes. Animals don't wear clothes." Her eyes flashed a brief red- this time directly in front of Luke. It didn't matter whether or not he saw it- the affect was still the same on his body.

"W-what are you?" Luke saw that flash, and his body felt hot- unusually hot. It was a cool summer day, cold enough for a sweatshirt, but Luke's own clothes, despite that short orange shirt and jeans, he found it very hot. "I'm not an animal." He raised one foot and tried to scratch his leg with it, but those jeans, those shoes, they were just so much in his way that he couldn't stand it anymore. He took off those shoes and socks, and reached underneath his pants with those bare feet to try to ease that scratching. He was able to get a good look at his feet, and found his toes were much like his hands- they stuck together and had those black nails. At the very least, it made scratching much easier barefoot. "How are you doing all of this?" There was no beating around the bush- this girl was definitely doing something to him.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. What I would worry about are those hot pants- animals don't wear pants like that- it's just too hot and uncomfortable with all of that fur underneath." Annie couldn't help but giggle. "They show off their butts without much worry. It's so weird."

Luke recalled all of what she kept telling him- about full moons, and wolves. "A werewolf?" he said quietly. "But werewolves have hands- not big paws...and...and..." it was hard for him to focus. Just as Annie had said- those pants, even that underwear, it felt uncomfortable on him. He couldn't take it anymore; he wiggled out of those pants. Without moveable fingers, it was much more difficult, but he managed- and he was stuck in black underwear with orange webbing as a design- appropriate for Halloween. His legs were covered with long strands of silvery hair that measured a quarter of a foot long- all the way down to those toes. "And they're vicious and stuff!"

"You're pretty vicious." Annie replied. "You're downright mean. And werewolves sometimes are like big giant wolves- like big giant paws and everything! I'll let you keep the shirt on though, because the words on that shirt make sense- but you got to lose the underwear and show off that butt."

Luke growled at Annie for a comment like that. His underwear felt so itchy too- both front, and back. It wasn't just his crotch that felt itchy, it was his thighs. Plus, the underwear felt incredibly tight on his body. He swore he didn't get bigger- but maybe the underwear got smaller? " people won't think that it's weird...that it's weird to see...argh." He rolled onto his back on the grass below and scratched at his crotch before he just couldn't take it- he tore off that underwear and tossed it to the side. His thighs and his crotch were just as hairy as his own legs. They weren't so hairy that they hid his butt and own penis though- at least they were relatively normal, except his balls were as white as his fur.

"Hehe. See- pantsless and underwearless like an animal and...oh- what is THAT?" Annie's eyebrows lowered when she saw Luke's crotch, as if she were innocent enough to not know the difference between a man and a woman. "Eeww- Get rid of that thing." She put her hands together and jumped around in place. "It's so weird on you I don't like it."

"It's a penis." Luke replied, trying to remain as calm as he could as he stood back up. At the very least, the itching stopped. "If you don't like it, then maybe you can fix it so wearing clothes down there isn't so itchy." His legs looked so...weird when he glanced down at them. The fur that covered him from crotch to toe- his own feet looked like giant paw pads. The grass underneath those paws even felt strange. He raised his fur covered foot and noticed pink paw pads underneath his foot, and each toe that was frozen in place. He put that foot back down and grimaced at the girl. "And then fix the rest of me while you're at it. You have my candy."

"Candy or not, you're still a bad puppy wolf. You're even worse for showing off your thingie to me- and you're going to lose it, now." Annie's eyes flashed red and sent a shiver down Luke's spine.

"C-come on. You wanted me naked like this- it isn't fair! You could at least give me a sheath or-" Luke paused when he heard a growl. He turned around and noticed a wolf behind him- a rather large gray wolf- about half his height with it's back arched and sharp teeth glaring. He turned to Annie with a casual look. "That's not a werewolf. That's a normal wolf. And I'm going to start running now." Before he broke his calmness, screamed, and ran out of that park.

Annie couldn't help but laugh at Luke as he ran like that- straight out of the park. "It could be a werewolf; you never saw a real one before!" She called out to him, before she turned to that wolf creature. "Go do what you got to do, Spot." She instructed the wolf. The wolf didn't need any more instructions, and ran after Luke.

Luke couldn't outrun a giant wolf- humans in general were slow, and even if Luke had some hairs and other minor details on his body, he still found that wolf on his heels. "S-stop it! Go away!" he waved one arm back behind him with his head turned to that wolf as he ran...straight into a cement wall. He fell right down and glanced up at the large building, and then back. He only went right across the street from the park. It felt like he had ran so much farther than that, and yet he had barely gotten anywhere at all- but his distance from the park wasn't as worrisome as his distance from the wolf...or rather, the lack of distance. "E-easy there." He tried to get back up onto his feet, but that's when the wolf pounced.

The wolf pounced onto his back and sent him back onto the ground belly first. It looked like they were in a mating position- in fact, that wolf lowered it's rear and pushed it's sheath right against Luke's ass. Saliva from the wolf dripped down right inches from Luke's head, and those bare fangs grinned down at him.

"Y-you can't do that! There's a girl watching and...and..." Luke struggled to get that wolf off, but the wolf was so powerful- he was pinned to the cement ground, and he felt that furry sheath against his ass. This was...this was a werewolf, wasn't it? He had no intentions of getting it on, let alone with a real werewolf. Those sharp claws of his own scratched the sidewalk fruitlessly as that soft furry wolf belly pressed on his back. "Get off of me!"

"You still got some fight in you I see." Annie commented. She took her time to casually walk over and see Luke pinned down- that wolf on top of Luke ready to stick that cock in him, but oddly that wolf seemed to be...waiting for something to happen. "You really just need to calm down and let the puppy love take you away. Come on Spot! Make some puppies!"

Luke already had a good feeling what Annie meant when she said that. He was...also pretty impressed how she got here just by seemingly being so casual about it. The moment Luke felt something pressed against his bare balls though was the moment he struggled even harder, his canine teeth grinded as he crawled forward. Every inch farther away he got from 'Spot' he felt that canine cock push against his balls another inch to make up for it. It felt strange though- as if that canine shaft was trying to push his own balls into his body. It was around then, that Luke knew what Annie had in mind for just how he'd change down there. With a quick rush of adrenaline, Luke pulled himself out from underneath Spot successfully, and crawled a few feet farther ahead before he looked back at his crotch.

Luke was still pantless, so it was easy to see between his legs- he reached down and felt his balls, and it felt like they had been pushed in at the center- and from where they were pushed in, he felt those balls continue to get sucked in. "W-what the hell. S-stop going in there." He tried to grab on to his own sex, but his own cock and balls felt slippery. Every time he grabbed on to them, they slipped out of his grasp and into his body. He soon found himself grabbing onto nothing- nothing but a small slit between his legs that widened just enough to become a cunt, turning him into a her- sort of. He still had a very male body, and he glared at Annie angrily. "Call back your stupid thing. I don't want that thing in me!" He covered that new...well, cunt of his. He still refused to refer to himself as a 'she', sure he no longer had a cock- but the rest of him was still male.

"You don't get a say in it. Spot wants puppies; Spot's going to make puppies. You'll only be this way every full moon though, so there's at least that. Now, go get her, Spot!" Annie replied with a grin.

Luke didn't wait around to see Spot lunge again. He ran- but this time rather than him running straight forward, he made a sharp turn into a building- thankfully the door was unlocked, and he was able to slam the metal door shut behind him moments before Spot slammed up against the door right behind him- Luke held the door with his body when Spot slammed up against it, and thankfully that was enough for him to keep Spot at bay.

Luke looked around nearby and found a filing cabinet. It looked fairly heavy, but with what strength he had, he reached over and pulled it down. The cabinet crashed down in front of the door, and Luke watched Spot continue to slam against it for a minute- thankfully the door didn't open, and eventually the slamming stopped. Luke was finally free to look around inside that building.

There wasn't much light inside the building- a lone light bulb dangled overhead with the switch by the door. The room itself was quite compact- and Luke could make out a glass door on the opposite side of the room that led into another tiny room. It was...definitely a strange layout, but Luke couldn't complain. At least he was away from that wolf creature and Annie, now he just had to find a way out. "Hello?" He called out, although he was certain there was little point- he didn't want to be an intruder in a building and run into a different kind of problem. "Anyone here?"

It was as if Luke had gone from the atmosphere of a dark night of running away from a wolf, to one of isolation. Not a single response- just the glass door in front of him, the glass thankfully wasn't broken, but the floor was of cold steel- and since Luke was barefoot, it would be a cold walk for his feet. Nobody could see his...pants-less and cock-less situation, so there was at least that.

With a deep breath, Luke lowered his hand onto the handle and turned the glass door. Despite his digits being stuck together, the handle cooperated. Slowly, but surely, the door opened into that small room. Luke entered the room, and the door closed from behind. The room had a single stool planted right in the center- the room itself was tiny- a 6x6 foot maybe. It was surrounded by glass that Luke could see out of, but he couldn't see anything but darkness beyond it. There was another door of the same kind as the one he just entered, but he couldn't see what was on the other side. "What kind of building has a giant virtually empty room at the beginning, and then a room like this?" Beneath the glass along the walls was what looked like wooden paneling- very different compared to the concrete he saw just the room before. With a sigh, he entered that new room- and it resembled the exact same room as the one he was just in- the stool was just different. Rather than just a plain wooden stool, this one looked like it was made of metal bars on the bottom, with a red velvet top. The next door was also to the side. With a roll of his eyes, Luke took a seat on that stool, and he looked down at his crotch.

"Technically a she, but I lack the tits and got plenty of fur down there." Luke mumbled. He recalled what Annie said earlier about the full moon. "Not in sight of any moon. No stupid giant wolves, no little girls. This is an incredibly weird building, but I'll just hold out in here for a bit and she'll leave before I know it. Then maybe I can figure out this thing."

A bright flash suddenly lit up behind the dark windows and revealed...the moon- at least, what looked like the moon- the moon and stars on a night sky, each glass panel had the same moon, and each of them were aimed right at Luke.

Luke raised a brow at the sudden change- it looked so surreal, but he felt his body changing again. "You've got to be kidding me." He mumbled. He opened the door to the next room, and found much of the same- it looked the same as the previous rooms, but the seat was different. Not that he cared to describe it. He closed the door and went back the way he came to the previous room. This room had the same view as the last- moons pointed directly to the center of that room. With a groan, Luke opened the other door to get back to the entrance- only to find the glass door that once went to the entrance, now went to that same tiny room. "What the hell..." he shivered as he felt another change to his body. A quick glance down and he noticed two small spheres on his chest- boobs in slang- push outwards. " no no..." he could only conclude it was that moon- or those moons doing this to him. He picked up the pace and went into that next room that resembled the one he was in. That one had another door for him to go through that turned to the right. Luke went from that room to the new one- and each room he went to was identical, except the chair was a bit different. He eventually found that each room took him in a 90 degree turn- as if he were trapped in a square, with no way out. Each time he went into a new room, that chest ballooned out more and more. By the time he got through five rooms, he fell to the floor onto his knees, and panted heavily. His chest had grown into C cups- and his body looked more feminine than before- although he had quite a lot of fur all over his body, it was as if he was... "A female wolf..." he said quietly. His voice was still the same though- but now he was stuck. It felt like he was trapped in a nightmare. Each room, the same as the last, each room led to another identical room. All he had were the moon and stars to look out to. "D-dammit..."

Luke thought it was fruitless to try to go through any other door. Out of sheer frustration, he picked up that stool in the center of the room and tossed it against the glass- but the stool just fell down with a thud and the glass merely wobbled. "What a shocker. That didn't..." he paused as he turned back to the door- no longer was one door made out of glass, but it looked like a cage- a cage painted blue with diamond shaped holes- and the way to open it merely required moving a bar rather than turning a handle, it looked like a kennel door out of all things. Luke could feel more hair growing out from his back and chest, so he took his chances. The lock thankfully didn't require the use of moving his fingers- just that his fingers were bigger than paws- and thankfully they were. He opened up that kennel door, and went to the next room. It was pitch black from where he entered, but like those many rooms before, he figured it would light up once he got on the other side.

The lights lit up, one row at a time and revealed large kennel doors on the left and right- doors at least 12 feet tall, but about five feet wide. In each kennel, Luke could make out stone hardwood floors, but a tiny bed, as well as a bowl of dog food, and a bowl of water. Luke rolled his eyes and walked along the hallway to where there was a steel door at the end. "I thought it was a werewolf. The whole 'wolf' and dog' thing keep getting mixed up." He grumbled. He wasn't sure what this building was, but it was confusing, and it also was mocking. He went through that steel door. The good news was that he was finally back outside, the bad news? He was back outside the exact same door he went into.

"How is that building even possible?!" Luke shouted. The building was definitely more than one floor- but the rooms made no sense, it was like some kind of horror building. The wolf was gone thankfully though, and he couldn't see Annie anywhere in sight. With a frustrated sigh, he walked in the direction he thought was back home.

As Luke walked, his ears perked- those ears of his. He had never paid them much attention up until now. The only sounds he heard were ones he didn't want to hear, but if he were turning into a wolf like creature, he had a strong feeling of where those ears were- especially since they were picking up a loud howling noise from the top of his head, rather than the side of his head like normal human ears should. He reached up and felt two pointed furry ears on the top of his head. He hadn't even noticed that they changed like that. What Luke found more alarming than his ears being wolf ones though, was the noise of the howling he heard. It sounded like multiple wolves howled from a distance, and Luke felt something tingle in his head, something he knew he shouldn't do, but to resist, was to defy nature itself. He tilted his head back, and howled with them. His own howl sounded surprisingly a lot like a wolf's own.

As Luke did what his own head told him to do, his voice pitch increased. That low tone howl of his picked up bit by bit. By the time Luke realized, he closed his mouth and tried speaking again. "What..." he stopped- it sounded completely feminine now. Combined with that new sex between his legs, his chest, and now his voice, he wasn't quite sure he could refer to himself as a 'he' anymore. He didn't look at his face, but he didn't want to get a look- something told him he would have passed for a female, a hairy female with wolf traits, but a female nonetheless. "Dammit...why brain...why?" Luke asked, with a grimace.

Luke was confident she walked through the park to get to where she was now, so she went back to the park right across that street. It was quite dark- but the moon lit up her path. She had to give in and call herself a she- with the sex, the tits, and the voice, there was no mistaking it. Part of her wanted to get a better look at her in a mirror, but the other part of her loathed the idea- she'd be in the bathroom again, and she just didn't want to get inside any other building tonight that wasn't her home. She did however see a pond and the moons reflection off of it as well. Luke figured why not- she walked over to the pond to hopefully get a look at her body, or an idea of what she better looked like when it came to her face.

"At the very least, making me behave like a wolf is inconsistent." Luke mumbled to herself when she looked in that clear pond. Indeed she saw two silvery canine ears on top of her head- and a more feminine face compared to what she was used to. There was some stubble on her neck and chin, but it was slivery fur rather than black hair she was used to seeing. Her chest still had that C cup tits hidden underneath the orange shirt, but she saw fur from the neck down- it didn't quite cover her hands and feet, but it did cover her torso, legs, and the rest of her arms. She looked like some sort of hairy wolf with a humanish torso- a womanly human torso, and a woman's voice to boot. "So if it's every full moon...I just have to get back home and hide." She told herself. "I can live normally during the day. No problem." She still had black toenails and fingernails with her fingers stuck together, but they still resembled human hands at least- even if she couldn't split her digits apart. Even that thumb of hers was stuck to the side of her index finger.

"But you'll be a she wolf in heat at night." Annie spoke from behind Luke. "So you'll get to have lots of fun with dogs and other wolves while you make lots of puppies!"

Luke didn't need to turn around to know who was speaking to her. That light hearted girl voice alone told her enough. "I'm already so much damn wolf. What else is there to do?" At least she didn't think like one- well, it felt on and off moments with the instincts. She was lucky that she resisted those instincts for as long as she had. Perhaps the terror of everything that went on was enough to distract her? She didn't know, but she wasn't going to complain.

Luke heard the response "Your muzzle" from Annie before she felt a hard push at the back of her head. She didn't know who else could have been back there. Those canine ears of hers just made it sound like it was only Annie. Regardless, she fell face forward into the water and landed with a splash. Luke wanted to say something about it. She was barely even shocked at this point though- her face was stuck partway into the water, yet surprisingly, no other part of her body was- it floated just above the water for some odd reason, as if it wasn't easy to get into that water to begin with. Luke pressed those claw hands of hers into the water, and she found she couldn't pull her face back up so easily. It was as if the water itself was made of glue, but only specifically with her face. The more Luke tried to pull up, the more she felt her face pull and stretch. She could tell what was going on by now- the muzzle was forming. Letting that muzzle form was difficult to prevent though- she couldn't exactly breathe in water.

Eventually, Luke pulled herself free with a sickening 'schlorp' sound from the water. She fell back, and went cross eyed- a silvery muzzle right at her face. That tongue of hers explored the muzzle and found various sharp teeth. She looked so much like an anthro wolf now- except her fingers and toes were largely fused together, and by now, had shortened quite a bit. Luke opened her mouth to speak, but little more than a growl escaped that primitive muzzle of hers. She turned around to Annie, and bared those sharp teeth of hers. Maybe she was a werewolf of sorts now, but with those claws and teeth, she could do some serious damage to Annie. Maybe she was a little girl, but she deserved such punishments.

"Hehe. Now you can't even talk like a human! You look so much like a puppy now; you just need to think more and more like one. You haven't sniffed a butt yet, have you? Come back here spot!" Aside from the lake, it was nearly pitch black all around the park- Spot making that entrance of his was easy, and soon that large wolf creature stood right beside Annie, coming out from the darkness. The creature, shortly after it made its appearance with it's extremely sharp jagged teeth and large yellow eyes, turned around out of all things, and raised it's tail. "Come on puppy, do what puppies do." Annie taunted Luke.

Luke shot a glare at Annie, before she turned back to Spot. It was so...weird. Annie taunted Luke so much about looking at another behind- what the hell was her obsession with it? Cats did the same damn thing too. Still, she saw that tail up, and that rear of Spots- as well as two furry balls between his legs. Luke's body slowly stepped towards Spot, as much as Luke wanted to step away, she found her own body disobeying her. Her arms, her legs, and her body- she looked like a fuzzy werewolf, and now she was getting near another wolf creature- a wolf creature far more wolf than she was, enough to be called feral. She put that muzzle of hers right to Spot's balls, and breathed deep. The musk of Spots was just so enticing- the salty sweaty smell of those balls, the feeling of the furriness of that huge package of his. She couldn't give in though, she shouldn't. And yet, it was so hard to resist. Luke found her body continued to disobey her. She turned up that tail of hers, and she whined back at Spot...

Luke's entire memory after that was a complete blur. He'd awake early in the morning- around 6AM, just when the sun started to rise. He was still in that park with that orange shirt on, but he lacked pants. He stood up and looked at himself. He was normal, he was himself again. And yet, he felt something deep within him that was different- something deep that changed. As Luke raced home as fast as those bare feet would take him, he had a strong feeling he should lock himself up in his room for the next moon...

Myu's Little Pony

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Crazy Cat Lady

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The Dick Lion

Night time in the big city wasn't necessarily a dangerous thing; it depended on where in the big city one lived or visited. Myu visited one of the more dangerous places alone, after midnight. She walked down a barely lit back alley and wore her typical...

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