Parasitic Apocalypse

Story by Nesetalis on SoFurry

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I imagined an alien with ejaculate like hagfish slime filled with macroscopic sperm cells. This was the result.

I'd just gone down for a nap, long overdue after a night of drunken debauchery and dancing. I say nap, what I really mean is a hope of waking up to my alarm for work in under three hours. I know, I know, foolish to party on a work night slash morning, but hey! You only live once, right? So yes--with head still spinning and body charged with hormones and not-quite-legal compounds--I laid down, dizzy, and grinning. Goodness what a night it had been!

I woke again, way too early it seemed, so terribly groggy and brain still sloshing with chemical displeasure. What time was it? My alarm... why hadn't my alarm gone off? Shit, if I missed today they might fire my dumb ass! I jerked upright and twisted about to check the time... well I tried to anyway. I jerked up, and gagged as something halted me right quick; a tightness about my throat that yanked me back to the bed. I say bed, but it wasn't my bed, it was covered in a layer of slippery fluid a couple inches deep, and squelched as I slapped back down. It was soft too, but not like fabric and upholstery, more like... Oh god, it felt like flesh! It even pulsed almost in time with my own frantic heart!

There was nothing to see either, as dark as it was. No crimson glare from my clock, no streetlight outside my window. In fact, I might as well been blind for all I could see! I struggled to bring hands to my face, but those two were held fast in the slimy mush I was sloshing in. Something about my wrist and twined between my fingers; it felt glued to my skin! The thing at my throat had loosened again, but it too felt thoroughly glued down, no gap at all.

"Okay, come on Deb, think, this can't be reality," I told myself aloud, but my own voice echoing back to me, muted and close was enough to bring it all home; cold and stark. This was reality, it felt real, it sounded real; it smelled... oh sewers did it smelled real. Where in the hell was I!? Also, why was I naked, and tied down... Glued down?

I had plenty of time to contemplate my situation and fate, plenty of time for the night's debauchery to wear off, plenty of time to grow thirsty, hungry, and sore. I even considered twisting my head to slurp of the mush that surrounded me, but the stench suggested that plan was a poor one. I held out long enough, long enough for someone to come for me. Well, I say someone, I mean some_thing_.

The light struck me first, blinding, burning my poor starved eyes. It was a tiny crack, a brilliant slit of opalescent pain. That crack expanded, yawned, gaped even. It moved like a mouth, lips stretching wider. Then the light faded some as a figure moved into view. I was torn between the sight before me, and the sight above me; myself, and--it. I was bound in a filmy, slippery mass of something translucent and strong. Bands of it wrapped here or there, like tangles of snot, faintly luminescent-blue in the light. It was a sluggish creature upon two legs, dragging the rest of its plump and slippery body through the yawning entrance. It sloshed as it moved, gurgled, pulsated. Fleshy tendrils wrapped it's torso, dangling down from above, and swam it toward me while feet dragged it.

Its front though drew my attention, a puckered muzzle ringed in twelve tendrils that knotted and writhed about its faceless face. Behind, the light began to fade as the entrance began to close, but I witnessed with my own eyes, that pucker spread open, sticky mucous strands clinging to wrinkled lips, and something emerging to fall and dangle, tangled in those strands. It writhed, squirmed, and thrashed in an attempt to break free. It looked like a tadpole as long as my index finger.

The light vanished just as the tadpole-ish thing worked its way free, and I felt it land, heard it as a faint splattering smack--upon my stomach just below my navel. It continued to squirm, flailing its way through the mucous that held me trapped and made a way through, between my thighs. "N-No!" I cried out as it wriggled its way between my labia, smearing my inner folds in sticky slime, then it vanished inside of me. Instead of an expected passage, it burrowed it's way straight up my urethra, stretching it painfully until it forced its way into my bladder.

I was still focused on that horrible sensation when that puckered maw lowered to my face, in something like a kiss, if you could call it a kiss at all, as those tentacles wrapped my head and held me tight. The mucous bathed my face first, then that puckered hole mashed into my lips and began to expand, contract, clench, and squirm, forcing slime between and into my mouth. The slime was tough and fibrous, like snot you couldn't bite through, and tasted both nasty and familiar; nasty, because it tasted to me of half unwashed bodies; familiar because it smelled like my ex boyfriend's semen after he'd drank a whole six pack.

I gagged, thrashed, twisted, spat, bit, and chewed; it did not good, more of that slime filled my mouth as the pucker clenched and spat it into me. Those tendrils bit into my scalp, neck, and held with such force I feared for my poor skull. More of those tadpole things began to wriggle through my lips, slipping easily between the mucous. They squirmed about my tongue as I fought to push them out, nestled against my tonsils, causing my throat to seize and gag, and easily made their way down, against all my urge to vomit. With it, more of that mucous was dragged, coating my throat, clinging like the worst cold. I coughed, and it only filled my sinuses with the stench of funk and cum.

More and more bundled wads of slime were jammed between my teeth. It stretched my clenched jaw open; for I couldn't bite through no matter how hard I tried. Soon my mouth was gaped wide, helpless against the monster's force-feed. Then it... well... it sneezed is about all I can say. It made a gurgling rolling pulsation throughout its entire body, I could feel it's sticky sides heave against my legs and stomach. Then out came a gust of bubbly air, and a deluge of mucous, right into my mouth. The pressure was so high, and with my throat and epiglottis already wedged open; it flowed right down into my gut. I was drinking from a firehose of snot and tadpoles. I could feel them by the thousand, squirming in my mouth, throat, and even stomach.

I heaved, but it was a futile gesture; that mucous glued to me, in me, as tight as the bonds which held me to the floor. My lungs burned for air, my body twisted and thrashed, and it did no good. The horror sneezed again, more mucous, more and more wriggly tadpole things, then a flood of clear fluid that bathed my mouth and face as my head was released. I managed to clear my throat then; not by coughing, spitting, or vomiting... no. I cleared my throat by desperately swallowing and taking every last strand in to my aching gut.

It pulled away at last and left. I watched it go, the bulging abdomen now deflated and still. My own abdomen now jutted up, bloated, and bouncing slightly with the violent movement inside. Every shift, every bump made me heave; but nothing emerged, nothing at all. I could feel that mucous clinging to my insides, sealing the horror inside. The light faded at last, leaving me alone in the dark, with the monstrous issuance in my stomach to keep me occupied.

I woke to light, the door opening again. A different, larger slug monster entered, a number of those larva squirming from its puckered face already and splatting into the mushy ground. I panicked, screamed, thrashed to free myself, anything to escape a second round with the horror. My stomach was still bloated. Though the mess had shifted lower, into my intestines while I slept, my stomach still felt painfully full, and my whole gut churned with squirming life.

This time, that snout lowered between my trembling thighs and quaking knees to nudge at the crease of my sex and plump rear. "N-no nonono!" I begged. The monster paid my words no thought, face tentacles dragging my cheeks open, burrowing into both bowels and vagina, spreading them wide. I was exposed, horribly exposed, and already felt a couple of those slimy larva tadpoles writhing in between to enter me. He pressed that pucker against my vaginal passage first, stretched so painfully wide, wider than any boy I'd ever let inside.

A gurgling, sloshing sneeze started from his back end forward, I could feel him clench and thrash against my legs before the pucker disgorged a blast of snot and larva into me. It hurt, oh god did it hurt; I felt skin stretch and membranes pop. The pressure remained as that puckered maw was sealed to my entrance, mucous holding it all inside. Then the swarm of tadpoles began to squirm against my cervix, and... and I screamed in earnest as the first one tore my tight little entrance open and force its way through, into my uterus. Not a hole meant to be penetrated except after hours of intense labor pains; I felt flesh tear and gape, loose, ruined, as the mess swarmed its way into my womb.

After what felt like an eon of breathless agony, the monster shifted away from my now mostly empty vagina, just a wad of fibrous snot clogged in the back. Tentacles let it go, and dragged my aching anus wider which sent white hot sparks of pain up my spine. He sealed himself to my bowels, and the gurgling sloshing mess was ejaculated into a third hole. Tentacles held my colon and intestine open, and the tangled mess was dragged deep into my bowels, then wriggled deeper.

I'd never felt something as disturbing as that in my life, all those wriggling forms burrowing through my colon and intestines. It was want to drive me mad! I found myself weeping as my hips bucked and bowels clenched to unload the invasive mess while my stomach heaved again, all anew. The pain in my womb and anus mixed with the numerous other nightmare horrors was enough to strip all sanity from me for a time. I kind of blacked out.

I woke again, as if from a dream. I was clean, dry, in bed, and my alarm was blaring at me. My head hurt horribly, I felt dizzy and addled. The time said it was 7am, I'd set my alarm for 6:30. "Oh fuck!" I yelled, for I was going to be late for work! I scrambled out of my tangled blankets, finding myself still dressed, though my pants were on backwards for some reason.

I ran to the bathroom. The face in the mirror that looked back was a fright; dark circles under my hollow eyes, skin yellowed instead of tan, lips chapped. How much had I drank last night? And what the hell was that dream about... something to do with monsters and slime. I'd not had a paralyzing night terror since I was a kid...

My gut was swollen and aching; it felt like I was starting my period, cramps and bloating. I also really needed to use the facilities. So I sat my ass down, jerking off my backward pants. While I sat, I righted them and checked my pockets; wallet, keys, something sticky, something oblong... I'd deal with those mysteries later. No phone, where was my phone?

I was distracted from that question as I at last loosed my bladder. Instead of a trickle or spray or splash... there was a splut, then a sputter, and at last a couple plops... "What the actual fuck?" I muttered. IT happened painlessly, just a faint sense of movement. I shifted and glanced into the bowl, but saw only dark yellow water, and a bit of filmy whiteness floating therin. I clenched again, and this time pissed as normal. "Whatever, I don't have time for this shit... Where the hell is my phone?" I tried to remember but it was all a confusing blur.

Bowels weren't cooperating sadly, too much opiates perhaps? What had I taken last night? I could barely remember, felt like a million years ago... I shook my head, dried myself, flushed, jammed in a tampon, and re-dressed. Then it was a quick splash of water to the face, and out the door I went. Two blocks down, I grabbed a cup of joe and a muffin to eat on the run. Another block and I was really feeling my period coming on, cramps, and perhaps a bit of leakage; fucking el-cheapo brand tampons!

I arrived just in time to see my boss Janet flipping the open sign. When I entered, she stared at me with surprise, "Deborah? Good God girl, where have you been?"

I looked up at the clock behind the counter and frowned, "I'm only twenty minutes late... I'm sorry, please, please don't fire me! I slept right through my alarm this morning."

"Twenty... Deb, I haven't seen you in two weeks! Sure, I was mad the first few days, but... I'm just glad to see you're alive! Where have you been?" I could hear the honest concern in her voice. Two weeks?

"You... you're just messing with me, right?" I asked, confused and a little frightened. "It's Monday, yeah?"

"Yes, it's Monday."

"The thirtieth?"

She shook her head, "No, the thirteenth."

Sudden pain lanced through my stomach, and I clutched at it, hard, doubling over. Fluid trickled down my leg, then splattered on the floor, pearlescent and faintly blue--with streaks of clotted crimson. That... That wasn't normal. "Th-thirteenth? That's not possible! I... I..." the dream suddenly hit me, that puckered maw regurgitating that horrible tasting mucous down my throat. The larval tadpoles. Then it faded to just an imprint, a vague memory of fear, pain, and disgust.

My stomach heaved, nothing flowed up, heaved again, still nothing. The third time, something seemed to burst inside of me and a slimy familiar tasting mucous filled my mouth to overflowing. Tattered tangles of fibrous snot clung to my teeth, tonsils, and throat, wrapped around my tongue. I clutched a hand to my mouth as I heaved again, and the mess came flooding out in a violent shower, right onto poor Janet's lap.

"Good God Deborah! What the hell... Is that... How many men did you suck off, you slut? Yuck..." she smeared down the front of of her skirt and over her thighs, "Oh God I'm going to be sick."

I heaved again, and up came something else, something horrific. It writhed and squirmed as it climbed up my gagging throat, and shot out toward my boss with another blast of alien semen. I'd been looking up at her as she spoke so it smashed her right in the nose and wrapped itself around her head and neck in a tight coil.

What I thereafter witnessed was one of the most distressing horrors of my life, even more than the faint memory of dreams. The long, thin sluggish thing used its tentacle limbs to tear Janet's mouth open, ripping her lips. Then it rammed its face between her teeth, shattering them, and forced itself down her throat. She thrashed and clawed at it, but all that came from her actions were smearing tangles of mucous and a tighter hold on her neck.

Below me, between my thighs, I felt more sloshing wetness pour from my folds, and with it a tangle of writhing forms filling my pants. That wasn't enough though, not for them. I could feel my whole stomach churning, trashing, and bulging as they fought to escape. One was squirming against my anus, but it wouldn't open; clenched shut in terror.

Blood spewed from Janet's mouth as she clutched at her stomach in obvious agony. She made a hoarse burble of pain that was obviously meant to be a scream, but her vocal cords were tangled in slime and blood. I crawled toward her, my own body in agony, and laid hands on her stomach. I could feel the movement in her bowels, thrashing, violent and disturbing; not unlike my own. Below me a puddle of red was beginning to form amidst the decomposed slime.

The pain grew worse and worse until I thought I was going to be torn apart. And perhaps, in the end I was for pain lanced through me stem to stern and I fell back onto the deli's floor in the puddle. My loins jerked up as my bloated abdomen clenched involuntarily. My pants split, and onto the floor came a flood of writhing purplish slugs, a meter long and thick as my wrist, each. They struggled, writhing tentacles dragging them from my vaginal passage into the open air. I stretched, strained, tore, and more just kept dragging themselves free.

Before me, as I writhed in a puddle of mucous, blood, and decomposed semen; Janet rose to her knees, then to her feet. She was unsteady, body jerking and bucking as she did. The eyes that stared at me were full of terror and tears, a soul trapped within a body no longer her own. From where I lay on the floor, I could see up her skirt; underwear stained with wetness, bulging, then pushing aside as a tiny bundle of tentacles ringing a wrinkled muzzle nosed it's way free. That maw opened, mucous strands clinging to tentacles and lips. A gurgle--faint and quiet--erupted, followed by a bubble of fibrous ejaculate, I watched it drool free.

I lost track of her, as she strode out the front door unsteadily, jerkily, like a marionette on strings. Then I lost track of everything as pressure built in my gut again, and I heaved; only to have this time a number of writhing bodies, like slimy snakes wriggle their way up my throat--assisted by my own vomitus impulse. I heaved and thrashed, spilling alien life out both ends, body uncontrollably emptying. Then, as a bare afterthought, my bowels loosed themselves with a third surge of life, adding to the mess on the floor and the dozens of writhing parasites climbing all over me.

I spent the next hour enduring the agonized miracle of birth. I barely noticed the chime of the door opening, only the brief scream before it was brutally silenced. I didn't get to see though, my face covered in regurgitated semen and head wrapped in betentacled spawn. Then it ended, my body was empty--almost.

A new pain lanced through my torso, this one an agony of tearing flesh followed by electric shocking impulses along my spine. I arched, I screamed a burbling splatter of a sound, and then I felt no more, numb from the mouth down. A hand, perhaps my own wiped my face clear and I looked down to see the ruination of my clothes, the deli, and a half dozen people clawing at their throats, stomachs and loins in agony. With utmost incompetence, I rose; but not under my own power, something else inside of me, drove me like a vehicle. I rose unsteadily, stood for a moment, then left without a glance back.

Outside was an apocalyptic scene, people in the streets, writhing in pain as they were invaded. A woman held down and raped--by Janet of all people. I could imagine the wriggling parasites sneezed into the poor victim's belly. I wanted to look away, but couldn't. I passed the pair on my way toward the park. I found a boy hiding behind a dumpster in a cross street; helpless to stop, I approached. Between my legs, from the torn crotch of my pants, a slug emerged, covered in blood and mucous, it's little maw yawned and reached for him. Inside; I screamed.