The Artaxes Family

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#1 of The Artaxes Family

The sun shines through the windows and into my vulpine eyes waking me up with its brightness. I roll over and kiss my, also naked, brother Ben, a white lion. At the same time I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. As he wakes to my kiss he opens his muzzle and our tongues start to explore at the same time our paws do... Only to be interrupted when one of our dads, Daniel a white lion, pokes his head through the doorway.

"Oh good, you boys are up, your other dad made breakfast, pancakes, bacon, and even fried some of the 'nuts' we got yesterday in the bacon grease. You better hurry downstairs before it's all gone!" He says before taking off downstairs again.

After another moment we break our kiss and giggle at our eager father before hugging and hopping out of bed. Neither of us bother to put on any cloths, we rarely ever do, and head down stairs together.

We come down the stairs and into the combination kitchen/dinning room to the sight of our dads, also completely in the buff, openly teasing and groping each other as they finish setting the table. They stop as soon as they see us to come over and give us both hugs and kisses, along with lewd gropes we all share.

"Good morning dads." we both say together when they break there kiss.

"I think we should have slept in a little longer." I say to Ben in order to tease our eager father Daniel, "If we had left those two here any longer we would have had some fox cream to go with our fried balls!"

I shamelessly laugh at my little joke before giving a little jump of surprise as my frisky brother walks up and wraps his arms around from behind me, just as I am about to sit down. I can feel his quickly stiffening cock against my ass fur as he reaches one paw down to give my little balls a gentle grope.

"I know a way we could still have some of that fox cream with breakfast Trevor." He stage whispers in my ear so our dads can hear and share in the fun.

I can see my father Daniel slide behind my other dad Todd trapping him in an embrace just like my brother had done to me. The plate of fried testicles was even placed between us; it was like they had planned this!

I can feel myself stiffening as my brother continues to play with my balls as well as kiss and lick the back of my neck as he slowly humps against me. I smile to both to myself and my dad Todd, another morning about to be rammed at breakfast, I love my family.

"Ready?" my brother says in his best attempt at seduction in my ear.

"Oh fuck, please! I can't take any more teasing" I blurt out my little fox penis completely out of its sheath knot already starting to show.

Thankfully my brother doesn't waste another moment before pulling his hips back, lining his cock up to my hole and plunging inside. Unfortunately, this also means he forgot to lube up; again.

I cry out as my wonderful brother spears every inch of his shaft deep inside my tight hole... who am I kidding, I love it. The pain of his rough insertion and barbs digging into my walls just as much as the pleasure of him hitting my prostate on every inward thrust. I am already dripping pre on the wonderful smelling fried nuts just beneath my nose, and my cock.

Of course my father is having a very similar experience to me across the table, I kiss him lovingly as we both place our paws on the table to bend over slightly and steady ourselves. Mercifully my brother grabs my cock and starts to stroke causing me to sigh into the kiss as I finally start getting some relief to my painfully hard rod.

As we break our kiss a few moments later I can feel my brother, who is panting behind me, as he continues to roughly destroy my ring once again, lean down against me. He reaches out with the paw that was stroking me, which causes me to moan in longing. He knew this though as what he reaches out for is one of the testicles beneath me, already covered in my dripping pre, and shoves it in my muzzle.

The flavor explodes over my tongue. I taste the familiar flavor of my own cum, the salty bacon grease, and the cooked crunchy outer membrane all at the same time.

Ben takes this opportunity to thrust in especially hard as he squeezes my knot causing me to bite down hard breaking the succulent ball in two and filling my mouth with more flavor as I can now taste the soft insides. I let out a small moan of delight as I start to devour the treat letting the flavors dance across my tongue as my horny brothers soft paws dance across my cock.

Soon both me and my fox father are panting along with our mates as we near our climaxes. I don't have the discipline of my father yet and neither does my brother who I can tell is as close as I am as he speeds up.

"Oh daddy, I'm going to cum," I manage to moan out.

He smiles at me letting me know he is ready too and at that moment Ben squeezes my knot hard causing me to gasp and start shooting my load all over the still cooling balls. A moment after I feel Ben bite my scruff as he starts to unload inside me as my dads join him.

After a few minutes of cumming, panting, groans, moans, and finally few humps we all slowly separate. Both of us foxes end up leaking a little on the floor as our lion tops leak a little to form a couple of small puddles at our feet. The plate of fried testicles in front of us is gloriously covered with ropes of white cum like it was frosted by a fine restaurant.

"Your balls taste so good dad," I compliment him as we all start to come down and take our seats.

"I know, but how did you like the fried testicles I made this morning?" he teases.

"Oh those?" I say playing along, "those are pretty good too."

He chuckles and we start to make our plates. Breakfast goes on with more fun, love, teasing, and a little joking lewdness (my brother putting on a show by slowly and sensuously licking some of the fox seed from one of the fried balls before popping it into his muzzle comes to mind) before we all finish our plates. We all compliment my dad Todd's always amazing cooking and lean back in our chairs stuffed.

After a moment we all head into the living room, flip on the TV, and cuddle up together on the couch, our dads sit next to each other while I climb up in our dad Daniel's lap and Ben Hops up into our dad Todd's lap giving him a big sloppy kiss before we all cuddle up together as a family.

"You boys have any plans today?" my dad Daniel asks.

"Well I should probably grab a shower soon," I reply, "I am still a little messy from breakfast."

"Yeah I need to join you, _somebody_made a mess of my ass." our dad Todd replies poking our other dad in the shoulder playfully.

Everybody laughs and we keep cuddling until the show we are watching is over.

As the end credits pop up our dad Daniel says "well it seems we are all in need of a good shower so we might as well share," he says with mock disappointment.

We all giggle and start to get up, I cling to my dads chest to let him know I want to be carried and he happily obliges. We all head up stairs to the big group bathroom in the house. Many families have the "close" relationship ours does so it is pretty common for one of the bathrooms of a house to be large with a giant shower and sometimes a giant bath too along with a couple of toilets and sinks.

We all walk in and my dad Daniel puts me down and he goes to turn on the shower and adjust the temperature. Soon the hot water flows from the many holes in the ceiling of the shower and we all climb in together. There are some appreciative minor groans and moans from all of us as we get use to and start to enjoy the hot water.

After we all get wet our horny little family inevitably starts to get frisky again. My dad Daniel pulls me over to him and I come face to face with his plump lion sheath. He looks down at me with a smirk knowing I can't resist, and I don't even want to try. I reach over and gently retract his sheath and pop his slowly growing cock into my muzzle and start to suck. I can immediately taste some remnants of my dads cum and my other dad Todd's musk.

As I let my tongue explore and clean dad's cock I can vaguely hear my brother giving similar ministrations to our other father on the other side of the shower. I focus on my task though working to bring my dad up to full mast I cup and play with his ample balls which easily fill my young paws. Feeling extra playful I even slip a paw around back and a finger gently into his back entrance.

My dad moans and strokes the back of my head lovingly letting me know how much he is enjoying this as I do my best to fit all eight inches in my little muzzle.

"Hold on honey," I hear my dad moan softly as I suddenly feel pressure on the back of my head.

Slowly he works his cock down into my throat as I do my best to suppress my gag reflex. Even after doing this with my dads since I could barely talk, I still gag on my dads big meat as he feeds it down my small throat. But I enjoy every moment of it, I always have; I even enjoy gagging on his cock.

We can thank science for that. Several breakthroughs have been made in the last few years, one of them a voluntary and reversible treatment that causes you to enjoy pain no matter how severe. It still hurts and you still react the same to pain it's just that now other parts of you react as well. My, and my families, other favorite is major advances in nanite technology that allows you to regenerate any damage done to you over time. As long as your brain and heart stay connected and undamaged you can repair pretty much anything over time. They are also set to repair and protect your vital organs first and more than everything else too so you can stay conscious and take much more trauma then should be physically possible for even the luckiest fur.

My family enjoys using this a lot, but for no reason more than being able to regrow our naughty bits. That's right those balls this morning were from furs like ourselves. Those particular ones were just nuts that had been sold by furs to the local supermarket deli, but I wasn't kidding when I said my dad Trevor's balls tasted good, and mine don't taste half bad either!

While I was thinking off all this my dad had finally got every inch down my throat and into my muzzle so I was kissing his sheath. I was unable to breath with his cock blocking my airway and my lungs screamed for air burning, fuck it felt good. I looked up at him and nodded the best I could a smile in my eyes as I gave him permission to throat fuck me as hard as he wanted.

I planted my feet, the best I could in the shower, as he took his paws and placed them on both sides of my head gently caressing me before squeezing tighter getting ready (as I run lower and lower on air). Finally he takes my head and pulls it off to the very tip of his cock and I am able to take a deep breath through my nose. As soon as I do he slams every inch of himself back down my throat with one quick thrust. I start to gag again and grab my own cock starting to rub my small vulpine length as he takes my muzzle as if it were a tailhole.

My dad starts a process of slowly pulling out before slamming back in each time, blocking my airway and making me gag around his length for as long as possible before letting me breath and shoving his rod down my throat again. I suppress my bodies natural desire to fight him, it isn't too hard with how good this feels and not just the pain, I love being a little bitch for my brother and fathers to use.

I can tell my dad is enjoying himself too as I feel his slippery pre slide down my throat and taste it each time he pulls out. Quickly he starts picking up speed giving me less and less time to get a breath in with each thrust. My own stroking of myself picks up and keeps speed with my dad letting him set the pace. Every few thrusts he holds my face onto his crotch tight for a few seconds longer before pulling out and I squeeze my knot as my lungs beg for air. Soon though I am only getting the tiniest amount of air as my dad Daniel face fucks me as fast and hard as he can.

Suddenly I feel him grab onto my ears with his thumb and finger as he starts to quickly slam me forward again. I know this means he is about to dump his load down my throat so I quickly grab and squeeze my own knot hard. At the same time as I feel the first hot globs of my dads seed dumped into my stomach I start shooting my own load all over the floor of the shower. My orgasm is intensified as my air is yet again choked off and I know I won't be getting any more until I swallow every drop.

As my dad cums he continues to make short sharp humps into my muzzle as he pumps out his load. I start to feel light headed from lack of oxygen and my own powerful orgasm. My little cock still twitches in my paw as I continue to orgasm, mostly dry now though as I can't match my dads large cub makers. Just as I am about to black out I feel my dads cock twitch for the last time and he finally pulls out. I must admit I am a little disappointed he didn't last just a little bit longer, I love that feeling of helplessness as you black out from lack of air. He lets the last of his cum squirt on my tongue on the way out giving me a little treat before I take a deep breath and start to try and catch my breath.

"Trevor I love you so much," My dad Daniel moans as he comes down, "you are just so good at that."

A big smile spreads across my face at the praise. I wrap my arms around my dad and hug him as I recover.

"Thanks dad, you know how much I love making you cum," I say between pants.

When I catch my breath my dad leans down and we share an intimate kiss. He gently breaks it after a moment and points to draw my attention over to where my brother is held up against a cum covered shower wall by my other dad Todd, Ben's tight ass filled with my other dad's big fox knot. With a grunt from my dad, and a cry of pain from my brother Ben, my dad pulls his still engorged knot out with a loud pop and a little tear in my brothers hole.

I listen to Ben whimper both from the pain of the tear and from the second orgasm to shoot through his extremely sensitive cock in only a couple of minutes.

Soon we all sit on the floor of the shower together and catch our breath. Ben's tear is minor so it's already starting to heal although it will be a few hours before it is good as new. When we all manage to recover a little more we all get up and help each other wash up. Then we all get nice and clean our dad Daniel turns off the shower. We finally all get out and start to dry off.

When we leave the steamy bathroom I look over at a clock on the wall. It's only 10am. The day is far from over.