The omega Promoted ch.10

Story by Rego on SoFurry

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(adults only)

It was finally time to go home and all there equipment was packed and ready to go. It wasn't as if they could stay any way. Turin had lost control of his powers the night before while they were having sex. When the smaller wolf climaxed his dark energy exploded sending the cabin thirty feet into the air only to smash into the snow in pieces. Silas asked Turin to be his boyfriend the next morning was over joyed when Turin said yes. Now they walked down the path through the woods back toward the clan of the Suruska.

"I can't wait to get home. I really want to see my father," Turin said letting his foot paw crunch into the snow as he walked.

"He's a nice guy. Very sweet. A real hard ass though. Nice build. Very, very, very sexy I'm sure you'll love him. Though he can be really stubborn at times," Silas grumbled.

"Really, how so," Turin asked quirking an eye brow.

"When the alpha asked him to be the leader of our defense he refused. Even though he is the second strongest member of the clan, he refused. It took three weeks for him to finally accept the title," Silas replied watching Turin as they walked.

Turin had grown a lot in the month and a half that they had been gone. His fur was long and shaggy do to the lack of grooming and care. His muscles were more pronounced and his abs looked as if they had been chiseled from marble and plastered to his chest. His calf muscles were firm and hard showing that the wolf could run fast and jump high. Turin's tail wagged behind him slow and gracefully as if it were a banner but Silas liked Turin's but better. Two stone cheeks that felt marvelous to the paw to the point Silas wanted to slap them.

Turin's appearance had changed drastically but so did his attitude. He was more calm and alert to his surroundings. The smallest chirp from a woodland bird caused his ears to perk in that direction. His mood had changed from a dark and gloomy to a simple relaxed state. Turin's energy level had risen far beyond Silas' expectations and knows Turin knew also knew he was powerful.

"First thing I'm going to do when I get home is take a nice long bath. I feel so dirty," Silas said breaking the silence.

Turin stopped and pushed his paw out stopping Silas in his tracks. The wolf looked a little confused and Turin looked around. The wolf growled and stomped sending a wave of dark energy shooting through the area in a large radius. Limbs and tree branches snapped and creaked as something fell from a tree.

"Come out and I'll make your death painless," Turin said looking to the spot where the noise had come from.

"How many do you think is out there," Silas whispered channeling some energy to his paws.

"Not sure. I don't sense to much energy so they must be hiding it," Turin said channeling his own energy.

The woods were quiet for a few seconds before more cracking of branches could be heard. Turin squinted his eyes and prepared to attack when he heard a yell.

"Big brother, help me. I'm stuck," a small voice called out.

Turin's eyes went wide and he dashed into the woods. Ekimo had problem come to watch him train. His ears had already pin pointed exactly where the voice had come from and jumped to a tree. he kicked off and bounced back and forth to the top. He stopped and landed beside a wolf who was laying on a tree branch.

"You still have much to learn young demon. You can not run head long into anything with out a plan. This could have been a trap," the wolf said smiling at Turin.

"I understand Alpha. For now on I will be cautious," Turin said bowing and looking around for Ekimo.

"Sorry about that. I tend to mimic others. Ekimo is at home waiting for your arrival. If you hurry we can start the festivities," the large wolf said rolling off the tree.

Turin watched the elder fall head first down toward the snow. The wolf vanished right as he was about to smash into the cold white snow not even leaving an imprint that he even touched the ground. Turin bent down then jumped high into the air. He flew up and out of the woods and somersaulted several times before landing next to Silas.

"What happened? I swore I heard Ekimo," Silas asked looking to Turin.

"It was the Alpha tutoring me. I still have a lot to learn before I can truly be considered strong. The Alpha spoke of festivities. Is today a holiday in our clan," Turin said looking up to the grey sky.

Silas walked side by side with Turin watching him intently. He knew the clan was celebrating the return of Turin to the family but also his completion of basic training. There would be a nice little party and lots of fun in the wolf's honor. There would also be a display of power which Silas loved more than anything. Wolves of all shapes and sizes powering up to the full potential. He closed his eyes and licked his lips as he imagined the wolves fur slowly rising on end as there power coursed through them..

"Low branch," Turin said simply ducking down.


Silas opened his eyes and smashed his head against the branch. he growled and quickly held his head to stub the pain. Turin hung his head in shame and walked ahead as his new boy friend held his head.

"I see the village. Pull your self together Silas," Turin commanded.

Silas whimpered and stood up as Turin looked back. Turin growled and aimed a finger at Silas. He fired and a jet of blackish-purple shot from his finger. It flew through the air and coiled around Silas' foot paws like a snake. Turin continued walking and pulled knocking Silas off his feet. Turin sighed and pulled Silas along as the wolf held his head.

"We need to start his intermediate training soon. All that raw power is building up fast. At this rate, his energy level will surpass yours," the seer whispered.

"That's.... not possible. He's still a whelp. How can his body support that much energy?" the Alpha replied.

"He has a lot of hate built up in him that's holding the energy back. When he loses that hate, he will even surpass the great Kinoshi," she said a little lower.

The Alpha's eyes went wide eyed and he bit his bottom lip. His tail was wagging before but now it was unmoving. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Yes, what you are thinking is correct. If he is consumed by the hate. He will be a demon so deadly the world as we know it will cease to exist. He could rule the world with no one to ever oppse him. We have to keep him happy at all costs. A world of darkness and hate. It is near unspeakable,' she said a little louder.

"Seer, please tell me what you see in our future. I need to know," he said with a low growl.

"The future is very clouded through my eyes. I can not tell you one way or another. All I know is he must not be angered," she said softly.

Turin entered the village and looked around at his new home. Pups were playing with there energy throwing balls of it at each other like snow balls. Elders were watching idly chuckling at the cuteness in there wooden chairs. Most of the adults were setting up decor for the party but two were in there tent.

"Calm down Berick. Of curse he'll like you. It wasn't your fault," she said hugging him tightly.

"But I could have tried harder to find him. He's gonna hate me," the big wolf said sadly.

"Just show him you'll be a good father now. he can't hate you. Your his father. I'm sure he needs you as much as you need him,' she said tweaking his ear softly.

"That's why I love you. You always no what to say," he said lifting her off her feet and spinning her around.

"See you later hun," she said kissing him on the nose.

He kissed her back and headed out the tent flap. She smiled to herself and looked over to the two sleeping wolves on the floor. She smiled sweetly and padded over.

"Ekimo, Naroken. Wake up boys," she said tapping both of them on the forehead.

Naroken sat up first yawning and rubbing his eyes. Ekimo sat up second and looked up.

"Good morning mom. Today is the day Turin comes home!" Ekimo said jumping up.

"I know sweety. How about you too head to the lake and take a quick bath. Naroken, watch Ekimo for me please," she said ruffling his head fur.

"Yes Mistress," Naroken said grabbing Ekimo by the paw and racing out of the tent.

Turin walked into the camp and the pups all turned to look at the intruder. They all waved at Turin who waved back. Next thing he knew several balls of energy were flying towards him. Turin smiled and held out a paw in front of him. Slowly the balls of energy came to a halt. Turin twirled them in the air a bit and turned them around. They flew swiftly and thudded into each of the pups knocking them on there tails.

"Awww, no fair," one of the boys said standing up.

Turin chuckled and let go of his hold on Silas. The red and white stripped wolf stood up and glared at Turin. Turin pecked him quickly on the cheek and flew off towards his tent.

"I love you Silas. I'll catch up. I wanna see my mom," Turin called.

"I love you too," he called out.

The wolf looked around spotted his tent towards the back and sprinted toward it. He was so filled with emotions he was energy was making him glow purple. He entered the tent and saw his new mother tidying up with a broom made of wood pigeon feathers. He slowly snuck in sat down. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him sitting down and turned fast with a paw of fire. Turin's eyes went wide as she blasted him through the tent with a fiery blast.

"Sorry hunny. I thought you were your father sneaking up on me," she said bowing politely.

Turin lay sizzling in the snow with smoke rising from his body. He coughed and a cloud of smoke rose from his mouth.

"Mom you could have KILLED ME!" Turin gasped out sitting up.

"Sorry hunny. Your father could have easily stopped it. So i full powered the blast. You're okay though," she said pulling him to his feet.

She smiled as did he and they hugged. She patted his head and he sighed happily.

"Where is my father," He said looking up at her kindly features.

"He's around somewhere. How about you go find him? Ekimo and Naroken are down by the lake," she said kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh crap. I totally forgot about Naroken. Is he okay," Turin asked slapping his forehead.

"Naroken is fine. Your father took him in when you left. He said he was your friend so we should treat him as such.

"I'll be back later mom. I want to go find dad," Turin said taking off from the tent.

Turin was excited and couldn't wait to meet his father. He was sure he'd look exactly like him so he looked around. From one side of the village to the other he searched for the wolf that looked like him. He made it all the way to the outside of the Suruskan village when he spotted a huge wolf walking back towards the village carrying a large elk. The wolf looked like him and had a large scar across his chest.

"Father!" Turin yelled running towards the wolf at full speed.

"Son," the wolf called as Turin moved toward him.

Sorry that took so long to get to you. I've been really busy. Luckily the next chapter will be out this next week. If you enjoyed this story let me know. I love criticism.

Lonewolf here. Turin's mom is a hot fireball. I bet she can kick some ass too. Lets see... Ekimo has fire power.. and so does his mom.. so what power does Turin's dad have. Anyway... happy reading.