Grounded for Summer Vacation (Part II)

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I'll make no excuses, this is totally just self-indulgence for me. Matthias's summer of locked bits and teasing from his dad and bro continues, now with a creative solution to the tendency of locked boys to leave sticky puddles around the house!

Grounded for Summer Vacation

Part II

Matthias couldn't catch a break, it seemed. The end of two months of summer school was in sight, but the white rabbit's unconventional grounding was not. The teen had been locked in a chastity cage since the beginning of his summer vacation, and his dad seemed ready to keep him in it until the summer was over.

To make matters worse, Matthias, his brother Leo, and his dad Hugo all had a rather liberal attitude to what constituted appropriate homewear and behavior. When at home in the hot summer they regularly abandoned their regular clothes, opting for their underwear or, increasingly regularly, their bare fur. The casual nudity alone was enough to keep any teen riled up, but the house as a whole had a rather touchy policy - a few slaps on the rear, a grope to the balls, a friendly handjob before bed, everything was just normal for that family of bunnies.

While Matthias was grounded from his own dick, his brother and dad didn't let up at all on that behavior - in fact they seemed to delight in making a show of it to the poor locked bunny. One movie night Hugo sat between his two nude sons and spent the whole movie fondling the two. While his brother got to spurt all over his stomach, Matt only got to strain inside his cage and leak pre all over his dad's paw.

In fact, after nearly two months of fairly regular teasing, Matt found himself leaving little puddles of pre in many places. The couch, his clothes, his bed, the kitchen floor, everywhere in the house was prone to have the pent up bunny dribble from his cage. Hugo was forced to come up with a more creative solution that didn't involve letting his boy off early from his punishment, and started making Matt wear pull-ups regularly. Naturally the teen bunny rejected the notion of having to wear them, but the threat of having his grounding extended to winter break drove him to compliance, much to Leo's amusement. The elder bunny loved making sure his bro wore his pull-ups often, to the point where if Matthias wasn't nude at home, he was wearing the padded training pants.

"Wish you could come camping, but it's for big kids only!"

Leo taunted his little brother as he packed his bag for a camping trip with his buddies. Not that Matt wanted to come - the last thing he needed was a weekend of being tormented by his brother's friends. He watched Leo leave in the early afternoon on Friday and sauntered back over to the living room, turning on the TV. He sipped on a can of cold, refreshing Dr Pepper, and watched some incomprehensible anime about cooking.

As the characters in the show had their clothes fly off from flavor alone, Matthias felt a pressure in his bladder. He checked the time on his phone, blushing at even considering what he was planning. His dad wouldn't be home for at least another 90 minutes, he could totally get rid of any evidence by then. Matt stood in front of the couch in just his tight blue pull-up and folded his arms behind his back. If there was anything Matthias missed after two months of chastity (besides erections), it was being able to pee standing up. He felt his long ears burning and he wet the front of his pull-up, feeling it start to swell immediately around his caged cock. He closed his eyes and shifted in his feet, letting loose until his bladder was empty.

Matthias sat back down, feeling the pull-up squish under him. He had managed to fill the training pants to capacity, and honestly they felt a bit more comfortable if anything. When wet and swollen they cradled his cage that much better, holding his bits in place. The bunny rested a paw on the front of the padding, rocking his hips forward a bit and feeling the wet squish around his cage and groin. He hated that it actually felt kind of good, and as he rubbed at the front of the swollen pull-up, feeling another wet sticky spot form in the front, he considered for a moment the idea of keeping the training pants around after his grounding was up.

The bunny didn't remember dozing off on the couch. He hadn't been reeling tired but he just remembered rubbing at his wet training pants. Now as he woke up, he noticed he had a blanket pulled over him. His ears perked up as he sat right back up, not remembering anything about getting a blanket. As he sat up, rather than the squish of a wet pull-up, he felt a dry crinkle coming from between his legs. He pulled the blanket away and saw that, at some point, his wet pull-up was replaced with an actual diaper. There was only one way this could've happened... and that one way was now strolling out of the kitchen.

"Well good morning sunshine," his dad sung, ambling out of the kitchen in just a black and blue jockstrap, "Had a real nice nap I see."

Matthias felt his cheeks burning. He must've dozed off, and his dad had come home to see him passed out of the couch, legs spread, in a wet pull-up! What's more, he changed him into an actual teen-sized diaper, thick enough that the white rabbit had to actually work to touch his knees together.

"What the hell, Dad?" He yelped, pulling the blanket back over himself, his cheeks burning furiously.

"It's okay, your old man knows what's up," his dad plopped down on the couch next to him, his thick body sinking into the cushions, "when I got home early I saw you zonked out on the couch with a paw on the front of your wet pull-up and figured you could use a clean one. And I figured that if those things were going to be used for accidents beyond just small sticky leaks, a little more protection was needed."

Matt shifted nervously under the thin blanket as Hugo turned the TV back on. It was bad enough that his dad thought he was wetting his training pants on accident, but was the truth that he had done so on purpose because it felt good that much better? His dad had grabbed a beer from the fridge, which he opened with his keyring - the keyring that he kept the key to Matthias's cage. Matt blushed as his dad wrapped an arm over his shoulders, pulling the boy in close to his thickly built body, his tight jock the only thing hiding his thick flaccid cock resting on his pillowy balls.

"Don't worry, kiddo, I won't tell Leo about your little accident," Hugo reassured in the least reassuring way possible, "Well, at least as long as they don't become too much of a habit."

Matt grumbled to himself - it wasn't an accident, he thought. Nevertheless, he leaned into his dad's soft white fur, letting out a forlorn sigh. Even as his little teen cock stirred in its metal prison he couldn't help but to snuggle up against his oppressor given the opportunity. Hugo chuckled and passed a fresh soda to his son, letting Matt sip at it slowly as he turned on a superhero ensemble movie from the more mediocre of the two franchises. Matt huffed as he watched fast, jerky cinematography try to make up for lousy choreography, and rubbed up against his dad. Hugo had his own very strange sense of parenting, and a bizarre family dynamic that seemed incomprehensible from the outside looking in, that was for sure, but he and his sons definitely loved each other, and savored opportunities to get in close with each other.

Naturally, the well-hydrated bunny cub found himself squirming in his seat from a combination of tight cock cage and full bladder. While the first one wasn't going to go away, the second had Matt trying to calculate in his head just how long he could hold it. A wrench was thrown into his math by his dad reaching over and resting a paw on the front of his teen son's diaper.

"Well this movie lives up to the reputation of its predecessors," Hugo groaned, "How about you get up in yer old man's lap? I don't think either of us really care about the ending of this."

Matthias's cheeks burned - any attempt to argue would be akin to calling the movie enjoyable, which would be the least believable thing he'd ever said since he tried to play the "see if I care" game when his dad threatened to keep his cage locked for a whole year. Hugo slouched down on the couch a bit, the bulge in his jock unmistakable. The young bunny huffed, but acquiesced. He swung his leg over Hugo's lap, cringing a bit as he crinkled loudly. He sat back down in his dad's lap, the front of his diaper resting gingerly against the bulge his his dad's undies. Hugo wrapped an arm around the young bunny, resting a paw on his white padded bottom.

"Gotta admit, it's a good look for you," Hugo taunted as he tapped his fingers on the white plastic, "Hell, you may as well use the damn thing for now, make the most of it."

Matt squirmed a little in his dad's lap. He did have to go, but he felt like it would be admitting to enjoying it, which he just knew he would never live down. What was worse, even if he wanted to he was straining so hard in his chastity cage he wasn't sure if he could. As he blushed, Hugo pressed his hips upward, his jock starting to tent out in the front.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Leo about it," Hugo reassured, "Go ahead, it'll be fine. I'll even change you after."

His ears burning, Matt whined a little as he felt his bladder relax. Before he knew it the front of his diaper was expending, the padding swelling on the inside. If wetting his pull-up was like a wet hug around his caged groin, then the diaper was like falling into a warm moist pile of pillows. He shuddered as he leaned into his dad's chest, wet diaper pressed against his old man's thick cock. Hugo cooed and pressed his hips up, rubbing the bulge in his tight jock against the cub.

"See, that's not so bad is it?" He asked, reaching down to fish his now quite-erect cock out of the side of his undies. He let it press against the front of his boy's diaper, feeling it sink in just a bit, "Bet it'd probably feel great if you weren't... well, grounded. Want me to save some for when you're unlocked?"

It felt good even while caged, Matthias refused to say as his dad started to rub that thick pink dick against him. He shuddered, his little spadetail twitching behind him as he started rocking his hips forward, uselessly humping into the front of the wet padding. He squirmed as his dad rubbed his thick erection against his diaper, smearing precum onto the front of the plastic.

"D-dad..." Matthias moaned, throbbing and tensing in his tight cage, "Can't you... let me out... just for the weekend?"

For just a brief second, Hugo seemed to consider it. A brief, fleeting second before he leaned back, taking his thick length in his paw and stroking it in front of his son. Matt whined jealously, grinding his hips forward so his squishy bulge would press against his dad's tip.

"Feeling jealous are ya?" Hugo asked, "Well I can't wait to see how it translates into better grades next year."

Leaning his head back, Hugo moaned as he shot a few sticky ropes of cum onto his son's stomach. As it dribbled down, reaching his diaper's waistband, Hugo pulled the bunny in close, resting his big paw on his son's ass, pulling him up. Matt shuddered as he felt his dad's cum get pressed into his white fur, sliding up to straddle his dad's stomach, with his still semi-hard dick flipped against the seat of his diaper.

"Well then, guess I said I'd help get you cleaned up and changed... I guess I can do that... you know... tomorrow."