After Change Day, chapter 2

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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Dan and Marlin, male teenage friends who where transformed into female and male malamute on Change Day, continue their relationship as Marlin knocks Dan up while she is in heat. Dan starts to realize she is heat, and that she will get pregnant with Marlin's pups, but she is falling in love with him....

Dan and Marlin stood on Lookout Hill, overlooking the town. The summer air was warm, a slight updraft carrying all the scents of the town to their keen noses - mostly asphalt and car exhaust smells mixed with the earth, the green of the plants, and the wood of the trees.

"Can you run?", Marlin asked. "I know in like, porn and stuff they say things like walking funny after sex..."

"Sure, I can run! My... my pussy sort of aches, but it wont stop me from running". She was feeling an aching, empty feeling in her vagina now that his cock was gone....

She licked him on the ear.

He licked back, and immediately broke off into a run. A look at his balls from behind gave different feelings now, no longer making her aroused. Perhaps - in a way, these were now - her - balls, she grinned.

She chased after him, watching his furry balls from behind....

They charged down Lookout Hill, their paws pounding into the earth as they sped down the trails towards Marlin's house.

Checking for traffic, they crossed the road and got onto the sidewalks, running as fast as their four feet could carry them. In minutes, they where in the neighborhoods, running down the sidewalks, sometimes giving little bumps against each-other and playful lickings and nippings.

They came to Marlin's place, and he nosed open the gate and led her into the back yard.

The both stopped to catch their breaths briefly.

"My guest house is empty right now", Marlin said. She knew where it was - a two story building behind his home on the same lot, usually rented out as an AirB&B place.

"Hey, didn't you have some anime you wanted to show me? Can we watch that?", asked Dan.

"Oh, yea, definitely! The last episode or did you not watch the series at all?", Marlin replied.

"I haven't seen any of the series", Dan said.

"You do any old normal stuff like watch anime? Or is it all doggy things now?", Marlin asked.

"I still watch TV", she said.

"Wow. that's something I hardly do. Internet's too good these days", he said.

"I have too much trouble using the computer with my stupid paws...", she replied.

"On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog." He couldn't help it. It was awful. "But more seriously - my website auto-completes everything and I can still use the mouse. I rarely need to do more than press two buttons. Just type in the letter 'k' and bam, my anime website's there."

"So what's the anime about?", she asked.

"So there's this world where like, 80 years ago or something some people started getting super powers, but it's getting more and more common. And in the modern day almost everyone seemingly has powers."


"So point is its about this kid trying to be a really bad-ass hero, and the struggles he goes through. Also there's like hero universities or high schools or whatever, where students study under professionals."

"Having super-powers would be cool. Lead on!", she exclaimed.

"Can you stay the night or your parents gonna kill you?" Well, they'd probably kill him and her when they found out he maybe got her pregnant in two weeks, but it seems neither of them were hardly concerned.

"Damn straight my parents would kill me. I plan to be on my bed by 5:30 at the latest."

"It's like 1 or 2 AM - shouldn't you go home then?"

"Naw, we can stay up till wee hours", she licked him on the muzzle. "Besides, I want to do it again before I go home", her tail wagged.

Marlin grinned. "I'd offer sex in the shower but maybe that's awful if we have fur."

He headed on to the back house - up the stairs on the outside, tail wagging a bit.

"It's been weeks since my last dog bath...", Dan said.

"What? Dan, you being real here?" He stopped - suddenly sniffing her again - trying to get a feel for that. "And your parents want you home every night but didn't bathe you for weeks?"

"How often do your parents bathe you?", she asked.

"Jesus Christ dude I almost wish I was on two legs just to take care of your sorry ass." He was kind of ripping on her a bit there.

"Well, dogs don't need to bathe!"

"They don't - I bathe every like three days myself! Bubble baths are easy to manage, really. Showers are doable, but are now more effort than baths. And take longer too."

"Well, I don't sweat anymore!", she exclaimed

"What do you do with all the rabbit blood in your fur then? Doesn't that like, really really stain? And we're both covered in dirt and stuff now!"

"I lick it off!"

"What are you a cat?" he had to joke.

"Let's just go watch anime."

"I think you mean let's go take a bath!", he said, going up to the door, and got on his hind legs to turn the handle with his two paws clasped beside it, letting it swing open inward and walking on in.

She came in after him. "You really want me to take a bath? Okay, then."

They entered the guest-house.

He went right into the bathroom - cock starting to harden again, and moved to grab a bath bomb in his mouth - covered in a thin layer of a paper-like substance, biting into it with his teeth as he held it still with his paws - taking off the wrapping at the bottom of the large two person tub his family had in here, and left it there.

They both climbed into the tub, and Marlin worked the faucets with his jaws. Warm water swirled around their paws, and soon the tub was full of soapy water.

They ducked their heads and bodies in the soapy water, getting completely soaked, and finally Marlin pressed the handle that drained the tub. Then Marlin turned the shower on so they could rinse.

Clean, they stepped out of the tub and shook themselves off. He licked her. "Now, don't you feel better?", he asked.

"Cleaner", she said with a smile, licking him back.

Together, they walked into the living-room, and sat in front of the TV. Marlin picked up the remote control in his jaws, set it down in front of the TV, and put on some anime.

They watched for hours, laughing and giggling together at the antics of the super-hero, agreeing that it was a cool show.

Slowly, Dan began to become aroused again, sitting next to Marlin and inhaling his male scent, her vagina and womb starting to ache with an empty feeling. She would occasionally squirm, warmth filling her underbelly and teats, her nipples eventually coming erect. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, and as the the current episode ended, she got up and and looked at the clock: it was almost four AM.

She licked Marlin on his ruff. "Marlin, it's almost time for me to go home... but before I go, I want to do it again!", she said with a smile, her tail wagging.

Marlin got up, yawned, and stretched, the sight of his masculine body stretching out, and his dong hanging beneath him, sending shivers through her. She felt herself grow slightly wet at the thought of having sex with him again. She whined in frustration at the empty feeling inside her.

"Yeah, right now?", he replied, tail wagging enough times against his balls to get him hard. And as a boy when your cock's hard, you probably don't mind sticking it into something, he reflected.

"Yeah", she grinned, "right here in your parents guest-house living-room."

"I mean, there's also my bedroom", he said. But he heading to the bathroom, grabbing a towel in his teeth and bringing it over - dropping it for a moment to speak. "Gonna put this under us - you know - in case we make a mess."

"Good thinking", Dan replied. "Wouldn't want to leave a wet spot on the carpet."

It was the size of a beach towel and took a little bit to unfold and open up and spread wide.

Marlin moved onto the towel, and rolled over - giving her a sight of the cock that fucked her to orgasm.

She grinned and walked over to stand next to the beach towel. She spread her legs slightly apart, swished her tail to one side, and looked down at him. "Get up Marlin. I accept your surrender", she said, and licked him on the upper belly.

"Eh, at least you really love sex." He giggled, standing up and giving her a nose boop as he moved behind her - leaning forward and licking at her spade.

She moaned as he licked her wet spade, sending pleasant tingles up her spine. Her pussy loosened a little, and she grew even more wet, drenching the fur between her legs. The aching empty feeling returned to her vagina and creeped into her womb....

He kept it up - unless she told him to stop or he could get her to cum - if she came then he could fuck her without stopping, or so he thought.

"I guess dogs have a clitoris, you could try licking that...", she breathed.

"Do they? I wouldn't know." He'd be finding out with some deeper exploratory licks though.

"Yipe!", yeah they do!, she thought as bright bolts of sensation shot straight to her brain and she started to squirm and shiver. "Oh, oh fuck Marlin, s... stop! Ahhh...!", she exclaimed as she began to ache for penetration.

He stopped - pretty confused actually - licking his lips of her fluids. "Stop? Why?"

"God I need you in me! Hurry!", she whined.

He decided on his actions - giving her another few moments of licks before he suddenly and quickly mounted her, before the sensations of these new licks faded - and he fucked her hard and fast, huffing breaths to keep up with the effort, cock spearing deep in and sliding back out....

She cried out and pounded her paws into the blanket, curling her claws as he fucked her, "Oh God yes fuck me!" she exclaimed as the pleasure he give her started to grow more intense, her pussy getting so hot it felt like it was melting her brain....

He had a while to go now, knot only slightly growing, still hardly felt, some pre dripping into her as he thoroughly enjoyed her body.

"Ahhh.... Marlin... it feels so good....", she cried out. She had a brief fantasy of herself being pregnant, her belly swollen with Marlin's puppies, and she shouted "Fuck me pregnant Marlin!"

"What the hell?" He had a bit of cockiness in his voice - but he didn't stop fucking her either with his long deep thrusts, balls smacking against her as his knot grew larger and larger each time.

"Oh... fuck!", she cried out, curling her claws into the towel, and let out a huge groan and came. She could feel her vagina spasming around his cock as she creamed, her juices dripping on the towel.

That was his go-ahead - leaving the knot in, going for shorter thrusts - he'd be lasting longer this time, knot not quite large enough to tie them together... the spasming and long orgasm of a bitch however was doing wonders - "Fuck I love this!", he exclaimed and near the end of her orgasm, his came, balls twitching and cock throbbing into her as the now familiar sensation of being filled with puppy-batter rushed to her mind, toes curling in pleasure as he let out a long soft 'howl' of a moan.

"Oh God... oh God...", she breathed, panting as she came down from her orgasm. "Oh Marlin... that was wonderful...."

"Feel free to crouch and lie us down", he said, forelegs rubbing lovingly up and down her belly. "Looking forward to puppies then?"

"No! Marlin! I... don't know why I said that!", she exclaimed, although it was a very hot fantasy at the time. And then it occurs to her - what if Marlin really did get her pregnant? What then? Oh fuck, she thought. "What the fuck am I doing?!", she wondered aloud.

"Calm down! You're not in heat - I'm pretty sure dogs don't breed not in heat, right?" He didn't really have a clue.

"Um, Marlin? Maybe we shouldn't be doing this", she said. "What if I really do have puppies?"

"Then you'll have puppies! I mean, they're just dogs - you can breast feed them for a little while" - the thought of doing so gave her tingles again - "and then put them up for adoption!"

She whined. "Are you serious?! How can you say that!", she stood there, impaled on his penis and knot, his cock feeling huge inside her. "I don't want to have fucking puppies!"

"I really don't want to sound like an asshole here, but I think it's going to happen. Not now - but to you and everyone else when heat comes - think about how amazing this feels right now - now imagine that but way more, and your body is just craving it. And yea that means Brad's going to have puppies", he said, bringing up the dumb jock that used to beat her up after gym class when she was a guy, that got turned into a female poodle.

"We aren't even real dogs! We have people brains! Maybe it works like it works for people! Although I have to admit Brad getting pregnant would be funny...", she trailed off. "God, I'm going to ask my parents to have my tubes tied!"

"Probably a good idea, yea.", he replied. "I don't know if they do vasectomies for dogs... probably? But there's more than just me who might impregnate you, so...."

"God, being a girl sucks! Except for the sex!", she exclaimed. She shook her head.

"Yea. I know... tough cards on you. Do you want me to try to get a vasectomy?"

"Look, it was only twice. Nothings going to happen", she said. "I'm sorry I freaked out on you."

"One time's enough. If you say that then this isn't going to end well. If you're alright with puppies, we get puppies. If not let's do something about it."

"Do you really think you can get your parents to have you spade? Or is that where they remove your balls? Or is it neutered for boys and spade for girls?", she asked.

"Spayed is where they take out a girls thing. And taking off my balls is called neutering - I'm talking about a vasectomy", he replied. "Which is a reversible thing people - I mean uh, humans can get. Males that is. They inject you with some chemical in your balls - yea it sounds really painful but anyway - it rips apart the sperm as they try to leave."

"Well, that's neat. But I think I'm going to need my tubes tied anyway. I just hope my parents can pay for it!"

"If they can't... I think I can convince my parents maybe."

"I'll talk to them tonight", Dan said.

Marlin nodded and tugged out out of her - the conversation was sobering and long enough that his knot deflated for it - pulling out and licking her ruff.

She sighed as he pulled out of her, leaving an empty aching feeling in her vagina. She turned to face him, and licked him on the muzzle. "Thanks for that Marlin, that was great! I love making love to you", she said, licking him on the nose. "Marlin, if I do have puppies, at least they will be yours", she said, rolling over on her back, her paws in the air.

"Yea, that's true." he nuzzled into her belly. "I love you, too. Now get up, you have to get home."

"Aw, Marlin! That's so sweet!", she said, blinking at his admission. She rolled back over. "Come on, walk me home", she said.

They left the guest house, and together they walked back to Dan's house. They licked each other on the muzzle a few times, and Dan went into her back yard, through the doggy door, and to her room, her parents still sleeping soundly in bed, their deep breathing audible to her perked ears. She climbed into her bed, and went to sleep.

She slept, and dreamed she was nursing a litter of puppies from milk-swollen teats. Marlin's puppies.

Before noon, the next day, Marlin let himself into Dan's back yard, and squeezed through the doggy door into her living-room. "Dan, you here?", he called. Not getting an answer, he went to her room.

Marlin opened the door with his jaws. The first thing that hit him was the scent: the smell of female dog and sex. He felt his penis harden a little. Dan was sleeping on her bed, a little smile on her muzzle. He could see that her nipples where erect under her fur.

Slowly, she stirred at the sound of him entering her room. She opened her eyes. "Marlin?"

"Hey, Dan", he said, wagging his tail. He sniffed the air again, his penis slowly protruding from it's sheath. He walked up to her bed, and raised himself up, his fore-paws on her mattress. "You're sleeping late", he said.

"Yeah", she replied dreamily. She slowly got up and shook herself. She looked at him, noticing his erection, and shivers went through her as she licked her lips instinctively. She grinned at him and licked his muzzle. "I can see you're glad to see me!"

He licked her back. "I am glad to see you, luv", he said, wagging his tail.

"Just a sec. I gotta go to the bathroom", she said. She walked to the door and out into the hall, heading into the bathroom. Martin waited in the hall. Finally, the toilet flushed and Dan walked back out.

"I had the weirdest dream last night", she said. "We had puppies together, and I was nursing them." She had a far-off look in her eyes.

His tail stopped wagging and he stared at her. "Are you serious?"

She giggled. "It was only a dream", she said.

He sniffed at her. "Dan, you smell like sex. Are you wet?", he asked.

She got a funny look on her face. She was icky wet between her legs, and a strange warmth filled her teats and underbelly. She had an aching empty feeling in her womb and vagina. "Yeah... yeah I am", she replied.

Then it hit him. "Dan, are you in heat?", he asked.

Dan's expression changed to one of shock as realization overcame her. "Oh... my... God!", she exclaimed. "Is that why everything smells like sex?!"

"I think so", said Marlin.

"Then... then last night... when we did it...", she gulped, "I was in heat?!"

He sighed. He leaned forward and licked her on the muzzle. "It'll be okay...", he started to reassure her.

"No it it is not okay!", she exclaimed. "How would you like to get pregnant?! To give birth to a litter of puppies?! I'm a fucking girl dog now!"

"Hey! Hey, calm down", he tried to reassure her. "I'll be here for you through the whole thing!", he said, surprising himself. Still, he realized, he couldn't believe he was about to be a father....

She started to whine and cry. "What are my parents going to say when they find out you got me pregnant?! They'll kill me!"

He shook his head: what where his own parents going to say when they got the news....

"Oh, Marlin, what am I going to do?", she whined.

"Hush. It'll be okay. We'll think of something. Maybe my parents can pay for an abortion...."

She stared at him in shock. "No way am I getting an abortion!", she said. She had always been pro-life, even as a guy.

He sighed. He should have seen that one coming. "Then I guess you'll just have to have our puppies!", he blurted out.

Tears where streaming from her eyes now. He saw her anguish, and he licked them off her.

"I... I guess I will", she said in a small voice. She collapsed to the carpet, and started to make small anguished crying noises. "I don't want to be a mommy", she cried.

"Shh...", Marlin said. He put a paw over her back, hugging her, trying to hold her and comfort her. "I'll take care of you. And if your parents kick you out, you can stay with me", he said. He started to lick her head and ears.

"Oh, Marlin! Our parents are going to kill us!", she whined.

"Yours might. I think I can get my parents to help take care of you, though. You can move in with me until I get a job and can take care of you", he said, then he began to lick her head, ruff and ears.

"Get a job?", she asked. "Doing what? We have no thumbs!"

"Police dog", he said. He had wanted to be a cop since he was a little kid, and he didn't see how being a dog would change that. Besides, his parents supported his ambition.

She grinned at him. "You still want to be a cop, then?" Her tail wagged slightly.

"Maybe searching for bombs and drugs, yeah", he said.

He licked and nuzzled her.

"Oh, Marlin! That's so sweet of you!" She got up and started licking him back. "You really want to take care of me and our puppies?"

"Yep!", he replied, booping her on the nose with his.

"Do you think our puppies will be able to talk?", she asked. She licked him on the muzzle.

"Maybe. I dunno. They could just be ordinary dogs. But we'll love them anyway", he said, licking her muzzle. "Just like I love you, Dan."

He rubbed against her. She rubbed back. Both of their tails where wagging.

"Let's make love again, Marlin", she said, her heat heat piloting her thoughts. The fur around her pussy was a wet mess, and her vagina ached to be penetrated, her womb aching with an empty feeling. Her tail continued to wag as she looked him in the eyes.

Marlin licked her nose. By now, his erection was so stiff it was painful. He walked behind her as she spread her four legs slightly and swished her tail aside, revealing her wet spade.

He mounted her, and with a few tries penetrated her, making her gasp, sliding his warm firm cock up her wet vagina in a single slow motion until he was hilted in her, his balls against her cunt. "Oh, fuck yeah!", he exclaimed.

Dan closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of having his cock filling her completely, the long hard weight of his manhood filling her vagina. "Oh Marlin, please...", she begged.

And he began to hump her. Dan began to make small cute sexual noises as Marlin slid his erection through her vagina past her slick inner walls, his balls bouncing off her cunt as he rode her.

Dan's small cries became moans as he fucked her for several minutes, and soon she was crying out his name as his thrusts drove ever increasing waves of pleasure through her body. Lost in a world of sensation, she couldn't take it anymore and she came. Orgasmic pleasure built in her pussy and then ripped through her body, and she made a groaning, howling sound for about a dozen seconds as she saw spots and white light, feeling weightless and unable to feel her paws or tail-tip. She creamed around his dick as her vagina spasmed, her fluids dripping onto the carpet.

Marlin continued to hump Dan, hearing her orgasm - but he wasn't anywhere near finished. His knot was only starting to grow. He wondered if he could give her a second orgasm... could he hold out that long?

Dan was coming down from her orgasm now, the sensation draining away. She imagined herself nursing Marlin's pups from milk-swollen teats like in the dream she had, and she smiled and licked her lips. It was really going to happen! She was going to have Marlin's puppies!

"I love you Marlin!", she exclaimed as he continued humping her, feeling his cock sliding through her. "I love you too, Dan", Marlin replied, continuing to fuck her.

She thought about being a mommy to a police dog as she went through her post-orgasmic low, hoping it wouldn't be too dangerous to him. She didn't want to lose him. And, she realized, she really did want to have his puppies. She wanted to raise their family, even if it meant being pregnant and giving birth....

And slowly, the pleasure of being fucked started to come back to her as Marlin continued to fuck her. She started to make sexual sounds again as she felt Marlin's knot grow in her. "Make me pregnant, Marlin", she begged as he fucked her, imagining herself with a litter of puppies suckling from her teats.

"I'm trying!", he replied, fucking her as hard as he could. He still couldn't believe that Dan actually wanted to have his puppies....

But then, she was in heat.

Finally, Dan started to moan and cry out as she approached her second orgasm, pounding her paws into the bed and bucking and squirming. Then she came for the second time, this time being deeper and longer lasting than the first, making her howl.

Marlin couldn't control himself when he heard her cum a second time, and he pushed his knot all the way into her, as far as it would go. Dan cried out as he she felt something thick slide past her vulva, realizing she was was being tied. And then he came in her. Dan was panting in short gasps as Marlin spilled his seed in her, his sperm shooting from his penis in a series of pulses.

He collapsed on her back, breathing hard. She was panting beneath him. Their cum was dripping down her legs to the carpet. Marlin's cock was still slowly pulsing his seed into her.

Slowly, they got a hold of their breathing.

"Oh, Marlin!", she breathed. "That was even better than the last time! I came twice!"

"Yeah, I know", he replied with a grin, feeling male satisfaction at having done his job right. He licked her on the back of the head.

They stood there for a few moments, linked. "How many do you think I'll have", Dan finally asked.

"Puppies?", Marlin licked her again on the back of the head. "According to the Discovery channel, the average litter size is three to five."

Dan sighed. "That, I think I can handle. As long as it's not a dozen or something", she said.

Marlin laughed at that. "So you're good with three to five?", he asked.

"Hey, it's not funny!", she responded. "Even giving birth to three puppies sounds hard!"

"Sorry. I know this is tough for you."

"Yeah", she said. "You try being being on the receiving end."

Marlin just licked her. "Hey, when I dismount you, you want to go watch anime with me?"

"Can we just go into the woods and hunt rabbits instead?", she replied.

"Whatever you want to do", he said.

They stood there as Marlin's penis and knot slowly shrank in her, until he could finally dismount her. He got off her, and as soon as he was beside her, she turned around and started to lick him. "I love you Marlin", she said.

"I love you too", he replied.

"Let's go play in the woods", she said.


Together, they walked out of her room, down the hall, and through the doggy door out into the backyard. They hopped the back fence, and walked into the Appalachian woods.