Letting it Out

Story by Goddard on SoFurry

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Just a cat helping out a dog after a hard day.

Drawing belongs to yours truly.

If there was anything in this world Zack couldn't live without, it was peace and quiet. Sure, his owner and other furred companion within the household were "important" to him, but the sound of a dormant home was euphoric for the grey cat.

Stretching into a more comfy position, and rubbing his back against the soft bed (making it all static-y), Zack let the nothingness sink in. Sure it was stereotypical for a cat, but he frankly didn't care and probably would agree; he simply hates noise.

Which is why the sound of the doggy door opening made his whiskers flick in annoyance. Being the aforementioned "companion", Blitz and Zack didn't share the same opinion in regards to comfort; as a matter of fact they were quite the opposites. The cat stays upstairs when there's a get-together, whereas the dog is more than happy to let every human rub their hands all over him.

Despite that, however, they never were at each other's necks like pretty much every other cat-dog duo in the suburbs. They annoyed each other, but they also get one another pretty well. Zack liked to think it was because they had a mutual respect for each other, understanding the differences cats and dogs have. Zack knew the more likely reason, however, was that the doofus doesn't have a single ounce of anything that isn't joy in his big hairy body.

This is why the silence accompanied by the heavy paw pads hitting the wooden floor made him curious. When their owner isn't home (which is a lot), the mutt always waltzed to him to chit-chat (as irritating as it could be at times, especially during a nap). But this time he didn't even throw a "hello" his way, and just walked to his bed.

Both the idea of being rudely ignored and his admittedly-only comrade in a fuss drove the cat to move from his velvet comfort pillow, despite his claws practically dragging him across the barren house. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Blitz being upset is an unpleasant thought. He liked sticking to a schedule, and that schedule involved a husky who isn't capable of feeling complex emotions.

As he turned the corner into the living room, where rustling could be heard, Zack called out "Hey, kind of rude to come in unannounced, isn't it?"

"I live here too, you know, I don't have to announce anything."

Excuse me?! The cat thought, a grimace of pure offense on his face as he walked through the living room and to the mutt's bed. Blitz was sitting, facing the wall. Zack briefly took note of the moving forearm before the dog spoke again " I had a sucky day, alright? Look, sorry if I was being rude, I just...don't want to talk about it, is that okay?"

"Ha, no, what's up with you?" Zack said sarcastically, hopping over to Blitz side to get a better view of his face. During this however, he went wide-eyed as something red catches his attention. Immediately the big dog turned again, this time looking back at Zack and saying "Hey, come on! I asked you to leave me alone."

Zack was still visibly shocked, not responding even when Blitz waved his paw at his face.

"Zack? You okay there?"

"PENIS!" the cat shouted, startling the big dog. Zack continued in a rather exaggerating tone "You are pulling your pud! You filthy whore, you're-"

"SHHHH! Don't say it out loud!" Blitz yelled, blushing heavily as he turned completely to the cat, having been caught.

"There's no one here you doof! Barely anyone's ever here!"

"It still makes me embarrassed!"

"Well you should be, you were beating your meat!"

Blitz sighed, rubbing his paw over his muzzle. "Fine...I...I was masturbating-"

"You even use the technical term humans use for it-"


Seeing the cat's muzzle shut closed, he continued. "A lot of the girl dogs around have been in heat. Obviously, as you probably know, that causes urges. I've been trying to...get rid of said urges, with someone all day and it didn't work. That's why I'm flustered and letting off some steam, happy? Zack?"

Blitz saw that his eyes weren't at him, however further down. "You're, a...pretty big boy down there, huh?"

"WOAH! Dude!"

"Look at it, all red and pulsing. That's a pretty dark red, too, and it's all twitchy..." Zack said almost absentmindedly, slowly approaching the dog until he sat right in front of him, Blitz's red rocket bobbing lightly.

"You can even see the veins. Looks painful."

"It isn't sunshine and rainbows, no."

"When was the last time you...let it out?"

Blitz's face furrowed in concentration, to which Zack said "Dang, if you have to think about it like that it must have been forever..."

Blitz nodded, the disappointment of it all sinking in as they both sat there in silence. Blitz was recalling the annoyance of the day before feeling something rub against his most private area.

The dog shot a look of shock and pleasure to the cat's face, as Zack himself displayed little-to-no emotion at all. As corny as it may have sound, Zack felt bad for the dog. Seriously, he sees dogs going at it left-and-right throughout the area, he knows these mutts have a crazy sex-drive.

"Sometimes we cats like to lend a helping hand...I'm sure you guys do that too?"

"Well...y-yeah, but-"

"Yeah I know, cat and dog, it's weird as hell. But hey, you've been at it all day and yet you still got this" Zack said, motioning to the throbbing dog-dick in front of him. "It goes without say that I'll claw your eyes out if you tell anyone, but...if you want, I'll help you out. We could even talk about what happened as I do it."

The nonchalance in the cat's voice only made his dick throb harder. Nodding slowly, Zack positioned himself a bit closer, using both paws to rub around the big red member in front of him. "So...what happened?"

Blitz gulped, trying to steady his ever-rising heartbeat. "It started with the poodle-"

"The one on Maple Street?"

"Yeah, her. We talked for a little bit, and at one point it sounded like she was moaning when she talked. It sounded like she was ready to get it on, so I...uh, opened my legs to show her my thing, and she got grossed out and told me to leave."

"Damn, that sucks. And disgusted? She probably got intimidated, I doubt she could fit your dick in her, she's skinny as hell" Zack said, putting a bit more pressure into the rubbing. A glistening drop appeared at the tip, and it slowly dribbled down the shaft and onto his paws.

"What about Betty, that plump german shepherd that lives at that big blue house? You two get along great."

"Yeah, s-she...ohh" Blitz moaned, closing his eyes as his pre mixed in with Zack's paws, creating a slurping sound that lightly echoed through the room.

"She went on vacation with her owners a few days ago. I would have went to her place first otherwise."

"Think she would do it with you?"

"N-not to sound cocky, but, y-yeah. She was always really sweet to me, rubbing herself on me sometimes. We, uh..rubbed noses last week."

"Aw, that's sweet. A nose rub is a pretty big commitment, you know. Plus, she has that big tongue."

"Yeah, she does. But not in the gross kind of way..."

"Oh no, not at all gross. It's the kind of tongue that can wrap around your hard shaft, pumping it all nice..."

Zack figured some dirty talk would spice things up. It seemed to prove effective, as Blitz began lightly thrusting into his paws.

"I bet you she could make you cum with just her tongue. Rubbing, slobbering all over that warm red meat of yours. I bet you can almost feel it, huh?"

Blitz thrusted faster, lightly panting through his nose.

"Oh yeah, you'd feel her saliva running down your shaft, running down the curve of your aching nuts as she-"

Blitz let out a moan, pre shooting out of his dick and splattering against Zack's eyebrow.

"Woah there, ever heard of aiming?"

The big husky was panting at the sudden stop, replying in-between breaths "You had...your face...in front of it."

"Yeah, because...I...you have a really nice dick. And hey, your knot is showing." This caused Blitz to glance down, chuckling awkwardly as he replied "Y-yeah. You really got me going there..."

There was a brief moment of silence, in which Zack looked at Blitz's member like a predator. The way it was thrusting to him, almost beckoning him. It twitched heavily, throbbing as even more pre began forming at the top. The way it shimmered over his dick just looked...so...

Blitz gasped as he felt a rough tongue lick at his sensitive tip. The dog now noticed the cat's own member, a lighter shade of pink and already beginning to pre on the floor. Zack stood up, licking all over the hot meat.

"Zack...that feels so...ah..."

The cat's mind was racing. On one paw, this was disgusting. Vile. A sin in the four legged world, and half an hour ago he would never even consider such a thing. It was against his honor, his code.

And yet, bad as it may be, something about it was just so damn hot. Creatures like them were never straight arrows, but the amount of lust he had for this dumb mutt was as surprising to Zack as it was to Blitz. He put his muzzle against the tip, parting his mouth as it slowly slid in.

"Oh...oh god, don't stop...ah....ah"

Damn it, even his moans are hot...the cat thought as he gently suckled the hot dick in his mouth. He begun to smoothly bob his head over it, feeling spurts of pre hit his tongue.

Blitz couldn't help but thrust (gently) into the hot maw of the cat. After the disappointment that was today, such good treatment was a blessing. He began panting, tail wagging violently as he thrust a little bit faster, a little bit deeper, into that hot cavern of a mouth. His knot began bumping against Zack's nose.

He felt that sweet, delightful pressure build deep in his groin, slowly growing as Zack went faster. Strong, distinct slurps echoed in the room, the sound only making this experience even hotter, if that was possible. It was all proving too much for him. His shaft began twitching violently, his knot swelled, his balls churned hot spunk as he approached the edge.

"Zack...oh, oh, Zack, I'm...gonna..."

At that, the cat immediately slid off the dripping shaft. "Woah there! I'm a tiny cat! What, are you trying to drown me?!"

"S-Sorry!" Blitz said loudly, panting heavily as his heart went haywire at a million beats per minute. His dick throbbed as the sensation of orgasm slowly left.

"Dang, you're good at this."

"I can tell. Just about ready to blow, huh pup?"

Pup? That's new Blitz thought, respond "Yeah, I a-am."

"Sorry for stopping before the big finish, but swallowing sounds kind of scary considering my size."

"No no! I get it, completely. Umm, if you want, you can just use your paws to m-make me finish..."

Blitz pushed his hips a bit forward, making his dick gently bob, causing a drop of pre to fall. That alone gave the cat chills, and he only now realized the big puddle of his own pre below him. Now that he acknowledged it, he was on a hair-trigger as well.

Wrapping both paws around Blitz's piece, Zack eagerly began pumping. The pre made an excellent lube, and soon the dog was panting and lightly thrusting all over again.

"You're throbbing heavily right now. Man, you must be eager. When does Betty come back?"

"In three days...m-maybe two..."

"What are you gonna do when she gets back?"

"Um...t-tell her how I feel?"

"No dumbass, I mean what do you want to do?"

"That's a mean word-"

"Killing the mood! What do you want to do to her?"

"I...I want to touch her..."

"Great description Shakespeare-"

"I...I want to...fuck her..."

There we go Zack thought, smirking as he pistoned his paws even faster over his dick. Unable to hold himself. Zack opened his mouth and hovered his muzzle just above the tip, stroking him eagerly as pre shot into his mouth.

"You want to shove this meat into her, don't you?"


Hot breath ran across the shaft, causing Blitz to shudder and hump faster.

"You want to sink your dick into her? Feel her clenching against your knot? I bet she would cum before you. You'd like to feel her juices all over you, huh?"

"Yeah...f-fuck yeah..."

"And once she's satisfied, that's your cue. Thrust into her faster, like your doing right now, until you let it all out. You want to do that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I want to fuck her until I c-cum inside her."

"You want to cum puppy?"


"Cum for me. I want to see you shoot Blitz, come on."

Blitz thrusted wildly into his hands, every now and then bumping Zack's nose. The cat had an iron grip on the shaft, aiming the pre-ing tip into his gaping mouth.

It was going to happen. Blitz could almost feel his balls filling with cum as that sweet pressure built faster, harder, and for a second he could almost feel himself sliding into Betty's wet cunt...

"Zack! Zack I'm gonna...gonna..."

"Let it out, Blitz!"

"I-I-I'M CUMMING!" Blitz shouted, howling as his shaft throbbed erratically, and the first spurt of white spunk hit Zack's tongue. He gulped it eagerly, and he kept his mouth open as Blitz shot continuously, covering his face. Zack quickly brought his paw to his own shaft, tugging at it fast.

He already knew this was going to be quick, but the feeling of hot cum dribbling down his face only accelerated the process. When he felt his whiskers shuffle as a drop fell off them, he couldn't hold it in anymore (as if he was trying to).

A loud moan left the cat's mouth as he came, his dick gushing out hot spunk on the floor.

The two sat there, huffing as the orgasmic-high left them. It seemed like an eternity of silence before Zack spoke "W-we have to clean this."

Blitz looked at the mess both he and Zack made. He got up, walking next to Zack and began lifting the bed up with his teeth. He walked backwards, dragging it until it plopped right on top of the mess.


"First and foremost, you are disgusting, this is why cats are better. Two, I am still covered, so-"

Before he could finish, Blitz leaned forward and gave Zack's entire face a hard lick, cleaning up most of the spunk on him in one fell swoop. He gulped it down, and smiled at the cat's dumbfounded gaze.

"You...are vile. James is going to punish you if he ever looks under your bed, hell God will punish you just for being so filthy-"

"Thanks, Zack. This...was a lot of fun. I needed that."

The cat replied with an empty stare. As Blitz went to speak, Zack spoke "You don't need to thank me, you mangy mutt. That...was a lot of fun for me too. Remember, tell anyone, James won't have to pay to get you neutered."

Expecting some kind of comeback, Blitz simply smiled that dopey-smile of his and said "That's fair. I promise I won't tell; as a matter of fact, I swear it!" To emphasize this, the husky made a cross-motion on his chest with his paw.

There's the happy idiot again Zack thought, smiling a rare genuine smile. "Welp, I have to go to bed, and sleep. You know, cat stuff" and fight off the impending thoughts of sin from my mind he wanted to add.

As he began to turn the corner to get out the living room, he heard Blitz call out "Think we could...do that again?"

Zack paused, pondering that statement before turning around, and replying with a soft smile "Hell no".