The Trials of Tish and Cass: Part 1 - Submission

Story by CaptainSaicin on SoFurry

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#1 of The Trials of Tish and Cass

_ Author's Notes:

My second work of fiction, The Trials of Tish and Cass (title still disputed) was a story that had been brewing in my mind for several months, partially inspired by a suspension picture I had seen once by furry artist Ted Vollmer. I wanted to assign my own story to that position, and the details kind of spun out from there. Ted, if you're reading this, I want to thank you for sharing your beautifully twisted ingenuity and excellent art; I also want you to know that I did not intend to rip off your ideas in any way, and above all, I hope you enjoy the story!

This first installment was written throughout the nights of four consecutive days. I've suffered through sleep deprivation and multiple hangovers to get it churned out, since once I started, I simply couldn't put it down for long. Both the first and second installments were conceived together, but I thought it best to break them apart. I'm not sure how the second one will end yet, so I don't really know if there will be a third somewhere down the road. This first chapter is called, appropriately, "Submission."

As of now, I fully intend to revisit some of the descriptions in this chapter and supply drawings or schematics, since I know they can be rather hard to follow. This is partially due to popular demand with my first story, and partially because I simply had a difficult time putting into words the things which I envisioned.

As usual, if anyone would like to draw accompanying illustrations to the story, or would otherwise like to depict scene of this writing, they are welcome to do so, provided that they inform me of it and allow me to see the results =)

This version has been modified from its original format to accommodate ease of reading on Yiffstar. Creative spacing is a result._

**The Trials of Tish and Cass

Part I: Submission**

A Short Story by Captain Saicin

Moonlight streamed down upon the metallic rooftops of the complex, bathing them in a blue light and sifting down between the buildings to be scattered and lost in the shadows of the undergrowth-filled alleyways. The serene night seemed somehow menacing to the golden fox that dashed along the darkened alley, pursuing a shadow ahead. Stumbling on some rubble in the darkness, she let out a yelp and steadied herself by grabbing a nearby branch. Her name was Cassie, though all her friends just called her Cass. Her fur was a light golden yellow, with slightly darker golden brown marking her paws, hair and tail. She was a smaller fox, with a proportionately average build for a female of her species, and presently clad in blue jeans and a T-shirt. Pausing to regain her breath, she called out into the darkness.

"Tish, wait up!"

Turning back and emerging from the shadows, her partner responded.

"Alright, don't worry, we're almost there."

Cass gave her friend what she hoped was an annoyed look. Cass always seemed to be angry with Tish for something, though they had been best friends since childhood. Her anger was never extreme, but her friend was always doing something that annoyed her, be it embarrassing her in public, or convincing her to tag along on some adventure she really did not want... today was one of those days.

Tish was a vixen of about the same size as Cass, though her appearance always seemed bolder. Perhaps it was her curvature, or perhaps her red-orange fur with silver-grey highlights, most of which was usually exposed beneath attire such as the short shorts and top which she wore today. Whatever it was, she had the personality to match. She and Cass were opposites; where Cass was quiet, timid and shy, Tish was bold, rebellious and extroverted; while Cass liked solitude, Tish was socializing with all manner of strange friends. Cass was 17, and Tish was a few months older, nearing 18. Both lived and worked in the same area, and so had many opportunities to stick together. Sometimes Tish would tag along where Cass went, though it was usually the other way around. Cass looked up to Tish, although she would not admit it, so when Tish asked her to come along on some outing or other, she would always agree, if a bit reluctantly. Still, Tish had a talent for making Cass uneasy around others -- she was always putting the spotlight on Cass when she would prefer to shrink away from the crowd. Then there was that issue with her sensuality -- Tish had lots of it, and she was always flaunting her figure in public; in smaller groups, she was always talking about sex. While Cass could not deny her interest in the subject, hearing her friend talk so openly about it embarrassed her, especially when Tish's other friends were around to hear the conversation. Tonight though, they were alone.

Earlier that day, Tish had called Cass and asked to meet her near the woodlands at sunset. Wanting to know what her friend had in mind, Cass had inquired her relentlessly, though Tish refused to say, and just insisted that she would enjoy it if she agreed. Cass knew she had a long weekend ahead of her and so once again found herself going apprehensively to see what adventure her friend had thought up. Come sunset, she found Tish alone and wearing a backpack at the meeting place they had agreed upon, and was soon following her off into the woods. It was not until more than an hour after sunset that they came upon the sprawling complex. It was a patchwork of low buildings, most constructed of weathered aluminum, many falling apart, deconstructed by the elements, though amongst them were scattered a few of cement and cinderblock which had stood up to the test of time. Between the buildings, the alleys were overgrown with grass, weeds and other forms of foliage encroaching from the surrounding woodlands. As best she could tell, the entire complex was in the middle of nowhere, and had lain abandoned for a long time. The entire place had an ominous atmosphere to it, probably brought on by the fact that she knew she should not be there, and although there was no evidence of the owners, she feared being caught trespassing.

Tish led the way again, turning a bend and heading deeper into the labyrinth of buildings and alleys. Cass tried to keep up in the darkness, pausing now and again to peek into the aluminum buildings through open doorways or gaps in the siding. They all appeared empty, their bare dirt floors sometimes covered in grass.

Finally, Tish halted, and Cass nearly collided into the back of her. They were standing before the closed doorway of one of the aluminum buildings.

"Okay, here it is," Tish said, reaching up and opening the latch. Pulling one side of the double door outward, she stepped inside. As Cass followed, a flashlight flickered on in her friend's paw, illuminating the scene.

The inside of the building was filled along all the walls with furniture and crates. Some rusted tools and other equipment lay upon the crates in one corner. Stopping in front of a crate, Cass addressed her friend. "So, what is all this anyway?"

"I don't know, but isn't it cool?"

Cass turned and gave her friend a questioning look. "Well, what are we doing here then?"

Tish smiled and replied as she walked over to a wooden table, "I thought we could spend the night here and explore it a bit more tomorrow." She seized the edges of the table and started dragging it away from the wall, still talking. "With a bit of work, this could be a fun place to hang out." As she spoke, a rusted pair of bolt cutters fell from where it had been pinned against the wall. Immediately, Tish stopped and picked it up. "I just had an idea. Follow me."

Cass followed Tish back outside into the moonlight and to one of the cinderblock buildings. Unlike the aluminum buildings, this one was built solidly upon a cement slab, and had a steel door with a knob handle, and a padlock above the knob. Tish approached the door and lifted the bolt cutters, speaking to herself, "I wonder what's in here...."

"Come on Tish, don't." her friend interjected, but it was too late. Throwing her weight against the handle, Tish cut the lock. As Tish opened the door and took a step inside, Cass held back, hesitant. "Tish, wait, you're going to get us in trouble-"

"With who? There's nobody here! This place has been abandoned for... ages!"

"What if they come back?"

"Don't be silly... what makes you think they would do that now?

Cass had to admit, her friend had a point. The place did look like it had been undisturbed for years, and it was rather absurd to assume they would return tonight.

Turning back inside, Tish shone her light around the inside of the building as Cass followed her in.

The building appeared to be a just another store room, though the things lining the walls in here were different. As Tish cast the beam about, Cass counted several lights, some tripods, clothes racks and various other unidentifiable objects leaning against the walls or resting upon crates, which covered most of the dry cement floor around the edges of the room. As the flashlight beam turned back around toward the way they had come in, it fell upon a light switch by the door. Tish reached out and flipped it. Cass winced and shrieked in surprise as the sudden flood of bright light assaulted her eyes.

"Wow," said Tish, rubbing her eyes, "they even have electricity out here still."

As Cass' eyes adjusted to the light, she turned to the door. Picking up the bolt cutters and lock from the grass, she set them on a crate beside the door. Then she self-consciously pulled the door closed, locking it from the inside.

Turning around, Cass took stock of her surroundings. There was a lot more in this room than she had noticed by the light of Tish's flashlight. It looked as though whoever was here last had used this room to store studio equipment, and perhaps at one time, even used it as a studio. As for what had been filmed here, Cass could only guess by the manacles, chains and whips hanging from the wall that it was not a romance. In fact, the whole room had a sort of dungeon feel to it, and now that her eyes had acclimated to the light, the dimness of it helped instill that feeling with one of unreality. Near the middle of the room, four chains hung down from the ceiling, two of them holding up a horizontal steel bar from both ends, below which two dark, pod-like objects hung at roughly chest-height. The other two chains ended in slightly smaller pods, a bit higher up, at eye level. Overcome by curiosity, Cass walked over to it for a better look.

The pods were made of leather or some other substance very similar to it. The tops of the pods tapered to a point, where they were attached to the chains by metal links. The bottoms of the pods had openings in them, circled by a leather strap with a buckle. Reaching up, the vixen pulled down on one of the small ones; the chain held it fast, and it did not move. Suddenly, she felt her paw thrust into the pod. Momentarily stunned, she watched as Tish pulled the strap tight through the buckle, trapping her paw inside. She had not noticed her friend behind her until that moment, and as realization dawned on her, Tish seized her other paw and pulled it up.

"Hey!" Cass shouted, struggling against her friend as she slipped the other pod over her free paw. "What are you doing?!"

Cass pulled hard against Tish's grip, but it was too late, as her friend had already finished cinching the buckle around her other paw as she replied, "Settle down, we're going to have some fun."

Something about her friend's smile and the look in her eyes scared Cass. Now Tish looked down, unbuttoned Cass' jeans and began to pull them down, exposing her soft, golden fur. "No, don't! Stop! Let me go!" Cass protested.

"What did I say?" said Tish, as she moved on to removing Cass' panties, "Calm down. You're going to enjoy this."

Cass was not so sure. She felt exposed and helpless before her friend, whose behavior was suddenly strange to her. She whined quietly and looked down at herself as she felt the air on the fur of her exposed legs and on her clit. Tish walked over to the wall and started turning a crank. As she did so, Cass could feel the mitts that held her paws lowering on their chains. The steel bar in front of her was also descending. When it had almost reached the floor and Cass's paws were hanging at her sides, Tish stopped turning the crank.

"Sit!" Tish commanded.

Cass obeyed silently, surprised by her friend's tone of voice. Using the chains to support her weight, she lowered herself to the ground and sat upon the cold cement floor. Tish returned to her side and grabbed her right footpaw, lifting it up and slipping it into the pod that hung from one side of the steel bar. With quiet aversion, Cass allowed the vixen to tighten the strap and secure her paw inside. Then Tish moved on to her other footpaw. Spreading Cass' legs, Tish fastened it inside the pod at the other end of the bar. Cass was now stuck with her legs forced apart and all four of her paws enclosed, her limbs hanging from the chains. She watched nervously as Tish went back over to the wall, and pulling a lever, began to turn the crank in the other direction. Cass felt her arms and legs lifted high into the air, until they were stretched to their limit and her rear lifted off the ground. Tish continued turning the crank until she was hanging with her butt at roughly shoulder level from the floor. Cass hung there helplessly, her legs forming a 'V' in the air, and her front paws together above her as she swayed gently in the air. Walking back over to Cass, Tish began stroking the golden fur of her thigh. Cass whined again and Tish smiled at her, still stroking.

"You like that, don't you?" said Tish.

Cass did not reply, but glared at her friend, immediately hoping she looked stern and not pleading.

"Well, let's see how you like this." Tish moved her paw down to Cass' nether regions, and let her digits slip inside, wiggling them around. Cass moaned quietly in pleasure as she felt her friend's fingers inside of her. Her noise seemed to encourage Tish, who pushed in deeper and started lightly massaging her labia with the other paw. Cass was getting aroused now, and her juices were beginning to flow as she moaned more loudly in response to her friend's stimulation. Suddenly Tish pulled her paw out and began licking her sex. Tish's rough tongue snaked in and out teasingly until Cass was close to climax, and then she stopped, Cass' exited moans of pleasure petering out quickly into an insistent whimper.

Cass whined pleadingly, "Don't stop," but Tish just smiled.

"I'm going to look around a bit more. I'll be back soon."

"No! Don't go!" Cass whined, "Come back!"

Tish moved off to the other side of the room and started picking her way amongst the crates, examining various objects in and around them.

"Please come back, Tish!" Cass howled in frustration as her friend stooped to look at a piece of furniture.

"Quiet down!" Tish said, raising her voice.

"Please, let me go."

"You're not going anywhere, so stop asking."

"Come on, Tish, Please! Just let me go!"

Tish straightened up, grabbing an object that had been sitting on the furniture and started heading back to Cass. "I told you to be quiet," she said. In her paw was a leather gag harness with a solid steel muzzle cover.

"No, please-" Cass began to protest, but Tish pushed the rubber pouch of the gag between Cass' jaws and held her muzzle shut with one paw, silencing her as she buckled the gag in place with the other. Then Tish took the steel cover and fitting it over Cass' snout, snapped it into place on the harness, pinning Cass' jaws shut in the confines of the steel amidst her muffled protests. The gag in her mouth had three tubes, which now protruded from a small hole in a box on the tip of the steel cover. Tish produced a bulb, which she fit to the end of one tube and began pumping. The pouch between her jaws began to expand, exerting an outward pressure on the inside of her mouth and pinning her jaws more tightly against the inside of the steel cover. Luckily, she could breathe through the other tubes that ran through to the inside of her gag, since the metal covered her nose tightly. She could not speak, however, and the gag made anything more than a quiet moan impossible. Unable to protest, Cass looked beseechingly at Tish, but again her friend only smiled.

"That looks cute on you," she said, tapping the side of the steel muzzle.

Cass groaned exasperatedly, her eyes pleading for release.

Tish ignored her, grinning, and tickled her clit with a claw briefly before leaving her to look around some more. Cass whined into the gag, but she knew it was useless. Watching Tish rummage around in the corner, her thoughts fell to her predicament.

Cass was trapped. No matter how she struggled, she could not get out of this situation on her own. She was unable to resist whatever Tish might do to her, and now unable to object to it as well. She was aroused, and wanted release, but was beginning to realize that Tish was going to have her own way with her, and there was nothing she could do to change that. She was completely at her friend's mercy, and she was beginning to have doubts about what mercy her friend might have. She knew Tish would not keep her here forever, or at least, she thought she knew... but after tonight, she was not so sure the trust she had in her friend was still there. She had never seen Tish like this before, and it scared her; being stuck helplessly with Tish while she was like this scared her even more. She wanted to know what Tish was going to do to her, but she could not ask. She wanted to beg for release or to be let go, but she could not do that either. She could only watch Tish, and wait for her next move.

Tish's next move came soon enough. She returned to Cass carrying an odd-looking harness in one paw, and a plastic squeeze tube in the other. The harness had a leather waist belt, with a leather strap that hung down perpendicular to the belt on one side, connected to it by a large steel ring. On the other side of the waist belt, two chains hung down at opposing angles to meet up at the bottom with the leather strap. On the leather strap near the bottom, a medium-sized dildo protruded from the inside of the loop, and on the outside was a metal box, similar to the one on the tip of her muzzle. It did not take much thought to figure out what use Tish had planned for it. As her friend reached her, Cass began to squirm uneasily. Tish unfastened the waist belt and disconnected the chains from the strap, and then she opened the cap of the tube and squeezed some gel onto the tip of the dildo -- lubricant. Tish spread it around a bit before moving behind Cass and spreading some of the gel on the pucker of her tail hole. It was cold to the touch and made Cass shudder. Cass whined and squirmed more as Tish proceeded to push the dildo slowly into her anus. Cass had never experienced a butt plug before, and it felt uncomfortable at first as it filled her. She wanted to push Tish away and take it out, but her paws were stuck in the mitts high above her head. Once the dildo was completely inside of her, she felt very full; squirming uneasily, she began to wonder how long Tish would make her hold it there. Tish then took Cass' tail and fed it through the ring between the belt and leather strap on the back side of the harness, pulling it all the way through until the cold steel of the ring rested on her rear around the base of her tail. Cass felt Tish wrap the belt around her waist and fasten it tightly. Then Tish reached down, ran the chains through her crotch either side of her pussy and fastened them to the leather strap, holding it -- and the dildo -- firmly in place.

Tish looked up and winked at Cass, tickling her clit again, "Comfortable? I'll be right back."

No, Cass thought, she was not comfortable. She was tied up and immobile as a large object invaded her anus, her best friend was violating her, and she was hot and exited as hell yet unable to climax! She grunted into the gag and tried to push the dildo out, but it would not budge. She did not want it to arouse her, but it did.

Tish returned again, this time with a pair of scissors. Cass' eyes widened in fear as Tish slid the tip gently into her vagina and drew it out again. Tish smiled at her reaction and then dragged the closed tip of the scissors lightly up over her mound to her belly. Opening the scissors, Tish started cutting Cass' shirt. Cass whined an inaudible protest into the gag as her friend cut the shirt up the middle to her neck, severing her bra, then across to her shoulders, severing the sleeves and letting it fall with the scissors to the ground. Cass was now completely naked, her golden fur shining dimly in the light of the room. She squirmed and moaned as Tish began kneading her exposed breasts. After a few moments, Tish squeezed one of Cass' breasts and started licking her nipple. With one paw still squeezing Cass' breast, Tish slid the other down Cass' belly to tease her clit. Cass was overcome with lust as she felt Tish push her digits deep into her love tunnel and wiggle them, all the while sucking upon her hardened nipple. Cass felt herself nearing climax again and squirmed eagerly in her bonds.

Once again, however, Tish was letting her down. Tish withdrew from her again, giving her breast a few sharp nips for good measure, and then backed away giggling. Cass moaned loudly into the gag and struggled, furious that Tish was playing with her like this. She watched Tish with mounting frustration as she went back to the other side of the room to look at some other toys, and she knew that was what she was to Tish -- just a toy to be played with, and neglected, left hanging helpless from the ceiling. The torment of being left alone like this was almost more than she could bear. Cass sobbed dejectedly into her gag, tears running down from closed eyes to wet the golden brown fur of her cheeks.

A loud scraping noise brought Cass back to alertness. Tish had begun to move back from the myriad of crates lining the far wall, and this time she was dragging something big with her. As Tish got closer, Cass could see that it was an unusual piece of furniture. The front of it resembled a short pillory of sorts, only it seemed to be missing the hinged top half; a thick, horizontal wooden beam with three semi-circular grooves carved out such that a head and paws might rest in them. What looked like dark red padding lined the insides of the grooves, and there were decorative slit-like holes about an inch and a half long and a quarter inch wide in the wood on either side of each groove. A wide padded bench ran perpendicular to the beam, a couple feet below it and stretching to the floor. The bench curved ergonomically up into a seatback behind the beam, cresting at the middle, and then curving back down again on the back side, where there was a metal box with some switches and dials. Two large rubber dildos with metal bands circling them protruded from the base of the seat, the back one slightly smaller than the front, which was accompanied by a clitoral massager. Directly in front of the seat, two grooves were set into either side of the bench such that the thighs of the occupant could angle forward and downward on either side rather than outward. The grooves doubled back further down so that the occupant's knees could bend back with their lower legs nestled into the sides of the bench. Blocks at the base of the grooves were angled for the hind paws to rest on. More inch and a half long holes were present in the bench on either side of the leg-grooves at various points from the narrow ankle section to the wide thigh and hip section. An electrical cord snaked out from one corner of the base. Tish positioned the odd bench in front of Cass, facing her, and then took the cord and walked over to the wall, plugging it into an outlet. Moving over to the crank, Tish flipped the lever and gave it a few turns, lowering Cass' body slightly so that her clit hung a couple inches from the top of the bench's pillory beam.

Tish walked back over to the bench and flipped a switch on the metal box on the back side. The dildo inside of Cass sprung unexpectedly to life, pumping strong vibrations into her anus and sending waves of stimulation throughout her lower body. Cass yelped in surprise and began to squirm again, assaulted by the new sensations. Tish noticed her reaction and cooed to herself softly, "Ooh, that's nice," she said, "quite an interesting little toy we have here... let's see what else it can do." Tish flipped a couple more switches as Cass moaned, the steady vibrations beginning heighten her arousal. Cass could see that the dildos on the bench were now vibrating as well, independently from her own. The bench's rear plug vibrated strongly and steadily, while the front dildo and clit massager did so softly and sporadically. Tish turned a knob on the metal box, watching the rear dildo increase in power, until she was apparently satisfied, and she began stripping off her clothes.

Cass was squirming in full gear now as the vibrations racked her helpless body. They excited her mercilessly, keeping her hot and aroused, yet without clitoral stimulation she could not climax. Cass writhed in frustration as the dildo continued assailing her relentlessly. She whined and looked to Tish, her eyes pleading for release, but Tish was looking elsewhere and did not notice her. Tish was naked now, her silky orange-red fur shining like fire in the room's dim light. Cass had never seen Tish naked before; had she not been so preoccupied by the intense sensations of the object stuck inside her, she would have wanted to observe the beauty of her friend's nude figure more closely.

Cass watched powerlessly as Tish picked up the tube of lubricant and began applying it to the vibrating dildos on the bench. Once they were wet and shining with the lube, Tish straddled the bench. Splaying her legs and lowering herself slowly, Tish guided the front dildo into her vagina with one paw as she steadied herself on the bench with the other. With the tip of it inside her, she moved her paw to the other dildo and centered it against her tailhole. Slowly Tish lowered herself to the bench, allowing the dildos to fill both her cavities. Sitting firmly upon the bench with the full length of the dildos penetrating her, Tish placed her paws on the corners of the pillory beam and leaned forward over it. Cass felt Tish's nose pushing against her crotch and writhed in pleasure as Tish's tongue snaked out to lap slowly at her sex. Her friend was teasing her now; with slow, deliberate strokes, Tish caressed Cass' clit with her tongue, keeping her on the brink of orgasm. For Cass this was torture. Moaning loudly, she squirmed and twisted violently in her bonds, trying to bring herself to climax, but Tish was not delivering enough stimulation to push her over the edge. This went on for several minutes, with Tish teasing her ruthlessly until she was exhausted, tears streaming freely down her cheeks. As Tish stopped licking her, Cass groaned and shook, sobbing into her gag. Her friend was sitting up and looking her in the eye now. Her paws were in her lap and her legs were set into the side grooves of the bench, squeezing it gently between her thighs. Then she spoke, smiling.

"You're doing quite well," Tish said, and Cass wondered what she meant by that.

Cass did not feel she was doing well at all. She was exhausted and desperate, pushed to the limits of her sanity, and she knew that if she was not permitted to climax soon, she would surely break. She wanted to orgasm, to touch herself, to be free. She wanted anything but to be hanging there helpless, aroused and wet with that vibrator stuck inside her. The release that she so desperately needed was being denied her, and she did not know how much longer she could take it. Her mind was ready to snap. Meeting Tish's gaze, she whined meekly, begging inwardly for release.

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough" said Tish, and with that she broke her gaze and sat back, pawing herself.

All Cass could do was watch as her friend rocked on the bench, heaving and moaning, building momentum until she came, howling in orgasm. Cass seethed with resentment as Tish laid back panting for a few moments to regain her energy. It hurt and angered Cass to see her friend gratify herself like that when she had waited so long and was still yearning desperately for orgasm. Cass stared at Tish, whimpering as she endured the ceaseless vibrations of the dildo stuck inside her and waited for her friend to move again. Cass was on fire. Her golden thighs burned with unreleased sexual tension. She wanted nothing more now than for her friend to take her. She stared at Tish's heaving chest and willed her to get up and ravage her where she hung.

Finally, Tish stirred. Straightening up, she leaned forward, this time resting her wrists in the pillory depressions on the beam as she shifted her weight, thrusting her nose hard into Cass' sex. Cass felt her arousal rising again as Tish rubbed her nose up and down in her vagina. Pulling back out, Tish started licking her again, harder this time, as she lowered her head to the beam. Suddenly there was a loud Clang of metal, and she heard her friend gasp, stopping. Cass opened her eyes, not knowing when she had closed them. What she saw made her freeze in wide-eyed terror; she felt her heart leap into her throat, choking her with fear. Tish was squirming on the bench, grunting with exertion. Thick iron bands were wrapped over the top of her neck and wrists, pinning them to the beam. More bands had sprung out of the slits in the bench to pin her thighs, legs and ankles to the sides of the bench, and two more held her hips down over the seat. Tish was struggling furiously, but could not budge the iron bands that held her in place.

Cass panicked, head reeling as she realized that Tish was stuck and they were both trapped. Her fear and anger overwhelmed her and she screamed mutedly into the gag, fighting her arousal and struggling with all her might against her bonds. The chains held her fast, however, and she quickly exhausted her energy to hang limp from the ceiling, crying.