Whispering Twins (Part 2)

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#2 of Whispering Twins

This is the second part of Whispering Twins.

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Zayra woke and rubbed her eyes as she sat up. Her alarm hadn't gone off yet, it was still pitch black outside Zays window. She looked at him beside her, fast asleep still. 'I have to pee...' She slipped from bed and pittered into the hall.

Once finished she returned to Zays room and curled up with him again. 'He's right, it was just an honest mistake. I shouldn't have freaked out on him... Shouldn't have hit him.' Her paws gingerly touched his chest, curling closer and laying her head on the pillow, while lying her side on his arm

He shifted and rolled to his back, arm flexing as he pulled on her, paw on her back. Lifting her to his chest and sighing heavily. His large paw moved to wrap around her ribs, holding her close.

She blushed and laid her head on his shoulder, 'It's been a month since we slept together... not since that last storm.' She put her right paw on his bare chest, and closed her eyes. She drifted and lifted her leg to straddle his, her tail sweeping the sheet and covering her toes.

While she laid there, drifting in and out of sleep, she wondered about school. Before she could fully fall asleep again her alarm went off in her room. She got up and walked into her room, turning off the alarm and sighing. She gathered her outfit for the day and went to take her morning shower.

After her shower she dried her fur and then opened the door and passed Zay in the hall. She gathered her school things, shoved her phone in her back pocket and trotted down the stairs for breakfast, greeting her parents warmly.

Zay joined them about five minutes later, fur a bit damp as usual. He sat and sighed at the pancakes before him, his tail curling and pressing against his sisters. He buttered and syrupped them and was two bites in before his father cleared his throat. With an obvious eye roll he flattened his ears and ignored him.

Mary sat with her plate and a cup, "Did you two sleep alright last night?"

Zayra nodded, her mouth full.

Henry set down his coffee cup, "Zay..."

He swallowed and licked his teeth a little, "What..."

He rose his brows, "Did you do your homework last night?"

"Most of it, I've got another essay to do and I'm more or less caught up," he lowered his nose again and took another bite.


He huffed, "What?"

"Don't you have something to say to your mother and I?"

Zay swallowed his bite, shoved the last of his breakfast in his mouth, chewed as he placed his dishes in the sink and swallowed loudly as he turned, stalking out, "Morning mom, fuck off dad." He picked up his bag and slammed the door.

Zayra watched him go and sighed heavily. 'He'll wait for me in the car...' She continued her breakfast.

"Is it so hard for him to say 'Good morning'?"

Her mother sighed, "It's only an issue because you demand it of him. Maybe if you weren't so demanding first thing in the morning for something so simple. Try saying it to him first instead."

"Zayra does it with no problem," he said gesturing at her.

"Zayra is a daddy's girl. Zay is male and coming of age. My brothers had the same issues with my dad," She said. "Zayra hurry up and finish your breakfast."

She nodded and shoveled faster.

"You aren't the least bit mad that Zay doesn't say anything?"

"What do you want me to do, cough at him until I annoy him like you do."

Zayra got up, put her plate in the sink and hurried out with her bag. Down the steps and slipping into the car. "They're arguing I wanna leave..."

He started the car, "Don't have to tell me twice." He backed out, and the tires squealed before flying down the street.

Zay sat in his home education class, listening to the teacher talk about a food competition in class on thursday. He flicked his ears back, 'Hopefully the girls make something decent and don't keep coming to me to sample...'

"The food we will be making is a dessert," the teacher said, a pretty golden and brown collie. "Now get in your groups, you have thirty minutes to talk over what you will be making, and who is bringing what. Make sure you make a list!"

Zay didn't have to move, crossing his arms as the five girls in his kitchen swarmed him gleefully. "Mornin' ladies."

From his left to his right he made sure to eye them all. Taking in the eager to please girls.

Sibi sweet husky mutt girl, her brown curly hair between her ears had a pink to purple streak among the bangs.

Catherine, or Cat, a pink poodle girl with bows in her afro like hair.

Stacy, an average orange, white, and brown colored fox, with long brown hair that dangled down her back.

Maranda, a blue parrot with black 'scaled' arms and legs.

Finally, and clinging to his arm, Verri, another fox. She was always flirting with him, eager for his attention, and to get Kathy away from him. Her big blue eyes gleamed up at him.

He sighed and looked at the girls again, "So, what are we making?"

Cat squeaked, "I was thinking of a really simple, but totally awesome dessert my mom makes."

"Those gross kibble bites," Stacy asked.

"It's not kibble," she growled.

"I was thinking something more simple, and something everyone would know. Sugar cookies," Sibi giggled.

Maranda snorted, "They're so... basic. There's no way we'll win the competition with those."

Zay pulled out his phone, and opened his internet app.

"Great idea Zay," Verri cooed.

He searched 'desserts' scrolling through the many recipes, holding his phone in view of all the girls.

They giggled and commented on a few as they scrolled.

Zay licked his teeth, 'Too sweet, too messy, needs frozen, alcoholic, too sweet...' He put his phone down.

"You okay Zay? You don't seem as thrilled as before," Verri said gently, holding his bicep and gently pawing at the muscle under his fur.

He sat back and tilted his head, flattening his ears, "I don't really want to make something... sweet."

"You don't like sweets?"

"I don't mind them, but I can only handle so much sweet food," he said. Then he smiled, "Sweet girls are completely different."

The girls cooed and squeaked happily, blushing and squirming.

"So what should we make for a dessert then," Sibi asked.

He shifted his tail around, "Could do a bread pudding with a side of fresh fruit..." He could hear the hesitation in their voices as they somewhat agreed but didn't want to offend him by calling it 'odd'.

Regardless they agreed and Zay pulled up the recipe and they all picked a few ingredients to bring. Zay had conveniently put himself in charge of fruit and the type of bread they would be using. 'I'll have to have Zayra make me some of her pumpkin bread... Or maybe banana?' He looked at the girls, "Pumpkin or banana?"

The girls mumbled among themselves, "Banana sounds good."

He picked up his phone and went to his messenger, 'What do you need for banana bread? I need some for class.'

After a few minutes his phone vibrated, 'Mom's got a recipe for it at home. What are you making with it?'

'Bread pudding,' he answered. 'I'll try to save you some.'

'Shopping trip after school?'

'Yup,' and he put his phone down.

Verri leaned toward him, "Why were you texting your sister?"

"If you want good bread pudding, you start with good bread. Zayra makes great bread." He lifted his ears as the teacher clapped her paws.

"Alright class, finish up and get back to your seats," she said with a smile. "We'll continue where we left off yesterday."

Zayra plopped into her seat in her Study Class, a class specifically for every student to get a little extra study time. She pulled out her math homework and started working on it. Deep in thought she didn't notice Zay as he sat beside her. Her nose twitched and she could smell arousal on him. She pulled her sleeve down and covered her nose, "Really?"


"Least you could have done was let it air off first," she scoffed quietly. She put her paw in her lap and squirmed a little. 'Damn it Zay... My heats coming up and your musk is turning me on...' She blushed heavily and shook her head. 'Eewww my brother is turning me on!'

She put her head down and kept her nose in her book, but the musk was still very noticeable to her. Her legs squirmed a little, 'Going to have to masturbate tonight...'

Zay was looking over his book when a draft made his nose flare. His head turning toward his sister. 'She's aroused,' he thought to himself. 'Probably should have let it air off more before showing up to class. Teachers don't care, enough hormones going around from girls in heat.' He inhaled quietly, 'She smells amazing...' His jeans felt a little tighter. 'Crap... Great now I've got a boner from sniffing my sister. Fuck how the mighty fall. Break up with one girl and now it's like I'm just noticing my sisters hornyness...'

He dropped his nose and looked back at his work, 'Fuck... I'm going to have to jerk off as soon as we get home. Just take a deep breath Zay... Just another four hours...'

Zay got home and dropped his bag in his room, his bulging jeans tight on his cock and knot. He perked his ears as he heard Zayra rush to the bathroom with her clothes in hand. 'Damn... has to wait... That's fine, gives me a chance to take a breath.' He laid on his bed and his paw rubbed his jeans, 'Fuck I'm hard.' He bit his lip and kept gently rubbing until he heard the shower fall quiet. He got up, gathered his clothes, and started for the bathroom.

He could hear her ruffling her fur with the towel, and then the clip of her bra with the shuffle on her other clothing.

She opened the door and jerked, "Geez Zay, eager much." She walked to her room and shut the door.

He stepped in and kicked the door shut, stripping off his shirt. He stood in front of the toilet and directed his hard on down and sighed, 'Fuuck that feels good.' He blinked and noticed a fabric by his foot. One he knew wasn't his. He finished and bent over, picked it up and looking at it.

His nose flared as it took in the potent scent of arousal. It was so heavenly. He shifted the fabric around, it was cotton, and the crotch of the panties was wet. 'Z-Zayra forgot her underwear...!' He listened for her, but her music was playing in her room. He lifted it and inhaled deeply. His left paw slipped to his cock and stroked firmly. 'She smells delicious...'

His paw stroked him harder, breaking away for only a moment to drop his pants and boxers, and then turn on the shower. He got in and leaned back against the wall, just out of the water. His paw slammed back on his knot, 'Oh fuck, ohh fuck it's so good.'

His body filled with heat and pleasure. 'Fuck Zayra... Fuck...' His eyes rolled back and he imagined her tiny slit taking his cock, moaning loudly for him. 'That's it Zayra, take it. All of it...' He muffled a groan with her underwear, 'I'm gonna cum... Oooh fuck it's... shit...' His paw hit his knot hard, just as it swelled and his hips bucked, eyes opening but rolling back as waves of pleasure crashed over him. His knees shook a little and he panted as it rolled to a finish.

Panting heavily he looked down and flattened his ears, 'Why do I cum so hard thinking about my sister? Shouldn't I be way more grossed out? I mean... I cum maybe half as much with girls at school, but this... the girls are fucking lucky, I'd break a condom with all that cum.... Then dad would really have a reason to be pissy at me...' He tossed her underwear to the floor of the bathroom and washed up, making sure all of his cum went down the drain.

As he dressed he looked at his sister's grey underwear. Basic ones he'd seen at the big grocery store in town. He folded them into his dirty clothes and walked out with them, taking them to his room and shutting the door. Digging them out he checked the door, 'I know this is so wrong...' He lifted his pillow away, and then the sheet, gently slipping the underwear under the sheet and then putting his pillow on top. 'There... That should be fine.' He got up and tossed his dirty clothes in the hamper. 'Well now what?'

He turned to his backpack and slumped, 'Guess I should...'

Zayra stuck her head out of her room and looked around, gently pattering to the bathroom to wash her paws and then her crotch to remove the scent. 'Damn it Zayra! Just because he smells like sex doesn't mean you have to have fantasies about it!' She pulled her shorts back up and walked out.

She walked down the steps and to the kitchen, looking through a recipe book and gathering ingredients on the counter. She was mixing the wet and dry ingredients with a large wooden spoon when she heard Zay walk down the steps. "Hey Zay, can you set the oven?"

He stepped over and smiled, "Thanks for this sis. I know it's a lot of work for you." He reached over to the stove and set the temperature, then checked the oven. "Mom... Ugh." He reached in and pulled out two pans and a bacon tray, leaving them on the stove top. "One of these days we're going to have melted plastic in the oven."

"Haven't yet," she said softly and poured the batter into a bread pan. As she poured she noticed Zays eyes on her. 'Is he... watching me?' She turned toward him with a brow raised, just as he looked up from her tail end.

"What," he said softly with a shrug.

"Are you staring at me?"

He stepped over and put his arms around her ribs, "Sorry. Just thinking..."

She scraped at the bowl a bit with the spoon. "Thinking about what? My ass?"

He growled a little, "You know I hate it when you cuss..."

She scoffed, "Oh but you can?"

"Yeah, I'm five minutes older," He stuck his tongue out a little. "You can cuss when you're older than me."

She snickered and turned, stepping from his grasp and placing the bowl in the sink, and leaning against the counter to lick the cup side of the spoon.

Zay took two steps, placed his hands on the sink on both sides of her and licked the back of the spoon just as she licked.

A blush crossed her face and their eyes met. A torrent of butterflies in her stomach. She blushed deeper as their tongues mashed together with their glob of batter and then pulled apart. She covered her mouth with a paw and tucked her tail. 'We haven't done that since we were kits!' She swallowed and looked up at him as he licked his whiskers. 'Dad made us stop because our tongues always touched.'

He lowered his nose and licked the spoon again, then his ears perked as he looked at her, licking his lips again. "What?"

"N-nothing," she turned and put the spoon in the sink, feeling the heat of blush on her face. She jumped a bit as his arms wrapped around her ribs and he rubbed his face by her head and let out a soft murr sound.

He nuzzled into her neck and his tail started to curl around her legs, "Best sister ever."

She ran water in the bowl, 'He's not usually so... touchy feely. Wonder if the lack of a girlfriend is the cause.' She turned a little and looked up at him, "Zay?"

"Hmm," he mused as he rose his head.

"Do you miss Kathy?"

For a moment he didn't reply, but then his ears drooped. "A little... I did have a bit of a thing for her but twenty bucks says she was cheating on me." He rose his left paw and stroked her cheek, "And she was being mean to my precious little sister. You're worth more than any girlfriend."

She blushed a bit and leaned into his paw, "I wanna watch a movie..."

He smiled softly, "How about I go rent one? I'm bored of the ones we have. We can drop it off tomorrow morning before school."

She nodded, "Okay. Just get something with-"

"Blood, guts and gore," he interrupted with a laugh, "I know what you like." He leaned toward her and put his forehead to hers, brushing his nose against hers. "My sweet little sister. Precious as can be."

She smiled and giggled.

He shifted a bit and kissed the corner of her mouth. "Be back in a bit cutie. Be good and don't burn the house." He turned as he dropped his paws. "Ima go get dressed."

Zayra put her fingers where he had kissed her. 'God if I didn't know any better he was kinda flirting with me...'

Zay shut his door and put a paw on his head, 'Fuck! I nearly kissed my sister on the mouth. And the spoon thing!? I haven't done that since we were five, licking her beater when mom still baked our birthday cake, and dad got all pissed off because I stuck my tongue in her mouth on accident!'

He leaned against his door, dropping his paw, 'Well... Half on accident... she had batter in her mouth and I was being greedy...' He shucked his shorts and pulled on his jeans, checking himself to make sure his 'around the house' shirt looked fine with his jeans before patting himself down. 'Keys, check. Wallet, check.' He trotted to the bathroom and quickly did his mohawk, smiling to his reflection. 'Lookin bad, check.'

Finally he trotted down the stairs to see Zayra on the couch watching a cartoon.

He perked his ears, "Reruns again?"

"Next episode starts in twenty minutes, it's new," she said blankly as she stared at the T.V.

He put a paw on her tuft, "I can almost hear your brain pleading for mercy."

She giggled and ducked away, but her eyes barely strayed from her cartoon. "Oh, mom called, she's working late again."

He snickered "Kay, don't forget about the bread. Be back in a few." He walked out and down the steps to his car, backing out of the driveway and into the street. 'Grab a couple movies, cuddle up with sis. Probably going to have her zonk out in my bed again.' He stopped at a stop sign as another car pulled up to the one on his right. He put a paw on his chest as they started away, 'Why am I so giddy? Like my chest is all fluttery and weird. Haven't been this way in forever.'

He parked in a small video rental parking lot and got out, locking the doors behind him. He trotted up to the door to enter the store when he spotted a particularly welcoming sight coming his way. "Verri?"

She smiled and trotted toward him, "Zay? I didn't know you lived in town."

He chuckled, "I don't, I live just outside of it."

She looked at the window a little, "Getting movies for a date?"

"Nah, been spending quality time with Zayra. Got bored of all the good movies we have at home."

Verri put her paw on his forearm, "Not with Kathy anymore I hear. Does that mean you're... Open to new girls?"

He opened the door for her, smirking a bit, "Suppose... But I'm kinda enjoying the single,life. God knows I've got girls all over school hounding me for a turn..."

Verri twisted an ear as they walked into an aisle, picking one up and looking at the back of it. "From what Kathy's been saying you've already given.... Who was it... Meg? The human?"

He chuckled, "Least she was tighter than Kathy."

She rolled her eyes, "T.M.I."

"Sad but true," he picked one up and turned it over. "Been thinking about hittin' Miranda."

Verri scoffed, "Her? She was dating Greg from my algebra class just last week."

"They ain't dating now," He said tilting his head as he put the movie back. "And Greg's not that big. He talks like he is but..."

"So you know how big he is? Didn't think you were into guys."

Zay picked up another and bobbed his head to either side, "Kathy dated him last year. She says he's really small, couldn't get in her... areas... I personally found it funny, because I can pull my knot out of her..."

Verri turned, whispering urgently, "You knotted her?"

Zay shrugged, "I took her to get tested before I did it. I wasn't impressed with her, cute as she was..."

Verri stepped beside him, putting a paw on his arm, "Did you actually like her?"

He turned and shrugged again, "No point in dating if I don't at least like them as more than a cock sheath. That's what friends with benefits are for."

"How many of those do you have?"

"I had like three but two moved out of town and one of them's dating somebody. Stopped talking to them a couple years ago."

She was quiet for a minute and then elbowed him a little, "So... you've fucked two girls so far since breaking up with Kathy... You need anyone for tomorrow?"

He put a paw on the shelf and leaned over her, "How about now?"

"Now...? Like... Here? Do you have..." she looked around and lowered her voice to a whisper, "Yah know... Protection?"

"Always keep a few on me," he said softly bending over the almost head shorter vixen and twisting his tail. "Won't knot but... for fair warning..." He rose his left paw and touched her face. "I do tend to bite."

She smiled and put her paws on his chest. "Just don't be too gentle with me. I like it a little rough."

"Good," he put his nose to hers and whispered against her lips, "I hate being gentle."

She gently kissed his lips, her eyes glowing gleefully.

'God that look never gets old,' he thought to himself. 'Overwhelming desire to let me stuff em. I bet she'll brag to Kathy about every minute of it.' He tilted his head and closed his eyes, pulling her deeper into the kiss. 'She's pretty good so far.' He pulled away and smirked, "Better grab movies first."

She got off her toes and put her paws on his cheeks, whispering to herself. "Oh my god I kissed Zay Reynolds..."

He picked up a movie, turning to put his side to her as he looked at it, his smirk still on his face. After about ten minutes of looking he had picked out three decent movies and brought them to the clerk and paid.

Verri clung to his arm the whole time, and waited anxiously as he put the movies in his seat. "Now?"

He chuckled and shut the door, "You're so eager." He locked the doors and took her paw, leading her around to the back of the building, out of sight from the road, parking lot, and pressed her back to the wall by the dumpster.

She squee-ed quietly and pulled him into a feverish kiss.

He turned her as he broke the kiss, "No time for romance, Zayras home alone." He pulled out his wallet and tore out a condom, ripping the wrapper and opening his pants and pushing down his boxers to reveal the throbbing cock that bounced lightly between her legs.

She had lifted the skirt she had been wearing and pulled her pretty yellow panties aside. She turned back and blushed, "Kathy never said anything about it being purple..."

Zay grabbed her hips and gently ran the covered tip over her wet folds. "Kathy never paid much attention to it. More interested in having it buried in her."

Verri lifted her tail a bit, "You look bigger than she said too..."

He leaned over her and breathed into her neck, "It's still growing too." He slipped his flesh into her heat and moaned with her. "Fuck that feels good." He put a paw around her stomach and another on the wall as he thrusted, keeping in mind his measurements as he drilled.

She whimpered from time to time, but stayed pretty quiet.

'I expected her to be a little louder...' He lowered his maw and grabbed the scruff of her neck. He grunted a bit as she came on his cock, 'She's an okay tightness I guess.' He continued a short while until he huffed, "Shit..."


"I'm about to cum," he moaned quietly. "Fuck Verri..." He lowered his right paw and groped one of her breasts. He rose his nose and moaned lightly into her ear, "Moan for me... I want to hear you moan my name."

She blushed, ears lowering as she panted, "Zay... Ohh fuck Zay."

He closed his eyes, 'Yeah. That's it...' He grunted a bit, imagining his uncovered cock blowing rope after rope of cum. 'Fuck... If I wasn't so worried about getting some disease or knocking a chick up I'd fill her to the brim with cum.' He moaned her name, then gritted his teeth as he pictured Zayra, taking his uncovered cock, pressed against the sink and moaning like a whore. He bit his lip as he imagined her saying 'Don't stop bubby... Don't stop!'

He felt his knot start to swell, "Uh oh..." He grabbed Verris rear and lifted her, popping himself out and whimpering as the condom filled and then exploded with a wet smack on the wall and pavement.

She looked down, "Holy shit Zay."

He whimpered as his cock still throbbed throwing a few extra ropes into the puddle. He gasped a bit, arms shaking as his knees threatened to buckle under him. "Fuck..."

She swallowed hard, "Fuck Zay, I didn't know you'd cum so much."

His cock twitched and he turned and set her on the ground. He whoozed a little and put a hand on her.

She grabbed his arm, "You okay?"

He nodded, panting and looking back at the puddle. "Yeah... I'm not even sure how I managed to cum at all..."

"What's that supposed to mean," she half growled.

He lifted his ears, "That's the third time I've cum today and the second time in the last two hours."

"Who'd you fuck before me," she asked.

"No one, I jerked off," he grumbled. He stood straight, tucking his cock away and panting lighter as he started to catch his breath. 'That means that I have to be more careful at school. If I let Zayra on my mind when fucking a girl I'm going to not only bust the condom, but make a big ass mess.'

He pulled Verris skirt back down over her hips and took her paw, leading her out into the light, "Sorry about that."

"No it's fine," she said softly. "I'm just glad you pulled out." She hugged his arm and cooed a little, "It was fantastic, with a surprising finish I've never seen anyone cum so much."

He rubbed the back of his mane a little, "It's becoming more often... Swear to god I blew that much when I jerked off."

"Thats a lot of cum," she said. "Maybe on one of my off weeks you could take me to get tested so you can blow it in me."

He snickered, "You on the pill?"

She shook her head and held her paws in front of her skirt, "No, my parents took me to the doctors for an implant. It's my second one..."

"They started you awfully early for birth control," he said.

"It's suppose to help with my periods," she said. "I use to have really bad migraines and cramps, but I was always too busy to remember to take a pill every day. So they gave me an implant instead."

He shrugged, "Makes sense." He smiled at her, "So... How'd you get here?"

"Oh, I walked," she said softly. "Was looking for some afternoon entertainment, but I guess it found me instead."

He smiled, "Want me to take you home?"

Her tail wagged and she squeaked, "If it's not an issue..."

He opened the passenger door, "Wouldn't have asked if it was." He let her sit in the seat and tuck in her tail by her feet out of the way before closing the door and walking around. Once buckled in he started the car and backed out, tossing the movies in his back seat.

She looked around and sniffed a little, "Wow..."

He glanced at her from the side, "What?"

"It's clean... my ex's car was never this clean. And it smells good."

He smirked and flicked the small charm hanging from his rear view mirror. "Zayra made it for me. Every month I have to soak it in oils overnight. I've been messing with the scents for a year and still haven't found one I quite like yet."

"That's actually kinda cool..." She reached over and gently held it in her paw to look at it, "What's it made out of?"

"Some kind of dense foam material she molded into a pentagram."

"You're a satanist?"

"I prefer atheist," he said softly, "But I still go to church because Zayra likes to go."

"She never seemed like a religious type," she said softly.

He shrugged, "Which way?"

"Left, it's on Enderson Street," she giggled.

He turned his paws and pulled into the street, "She's not religious, she just likes to go because it gets her out of the house. My moms Christian and my dad was raised Catholic, so they think church is a must." He turned his paws again. "I only go because she goes."

"Take a right up ahead, it's a blue house."

"This is awfully far to walk," he stated.

She shrugged, "I'm use to it."

He turned right and pulled into a small driveway, as he came to a stop he noticed a red male at the door.

She whined a bit, "Crap, he wasn't home when I left. He's probably going to think we're dating and lecture me about boys again."

Zay chuckled, "That's nothin. I get lectured just for not saying 'Good morning' to my dad." His eyes shifted as he caught movement and then rolled. He hit his door lock, but rolled down his window.

"Who the hell are you?"

He smiled as gently as possible. "Zay Reynolds, I was only bringing her home from the video rental place in town."

His nose twitched, obviously looking for a particular scent, but he relaxed. "Verri, house. Your brother needs his diaper changed."

He unlocked the door and watched her get out, careful not to eye her body.

She turned and leaned over a bit, "Thanks for bringing me home Zay."

"No, problem. See you in class on thursday."

She nodded and stood, peeking over the hood, "That reminds me, dad I need to go to the store. We're cooking something in home education."

He shrugged, "Change your brother first, he reeks."

She closed the door and started into the house.

Her father stooped back over, a hand on the door over the window. "She's not allowed to date, so don't get any ideas."

Zay huffed, "I've just recently broken up with my girlfriend. I ain't lookin for another one anytime soon."

Her father nodded, "Good." He turned away and started back to the house.

Zay rolled his eyes and backed out of the drive, and went home. As he stepped through the door he noticed Zayra sitting on the couch with glazed over eyes as she stared at the cartoon. He pet her tuft and went into the kitchen to see the bread on the stove. Satisfied he trotted up the steps and changed back into his sleep pants, then went to the bathroom and washed the hair gel out of his mane.

He was on his way back when Zayra trotted up the steps with the movies in hand. "Show over already?"

"Yeah," she said as she pushed open his door.

A tingle of fear washed over him, 'Shit, if she catches the scent of the underwear I'm screwed.' He acted casual and watched her turn on his TV and open the console. 'Just play it cool,' he told himself as he laid on the bed. He put a hand under the pillow, gently lifting his sheet and tossed the cloth down into the darkness under his bed. 'Phew.'

She crawled into the bed and laid down beside him, laying her head on the pillow and sniffing a little. She sat up and looked at him with a mildly bewildered look.

His ears flipped back, "What?"

"You smell like sex, again..."

He huffed, "Verri was at the video store and eager for a go... Now lay down." He pulled her close to his chest and cuddled her. "It'll air off before dad gets home."

She squirmed a little and put her paws over her nose.

He picked up his controller and hit 'play' before setting it aside and laying his head above hers, resting his jaw on her tuft between her ears. It didn't take long before he noticed a heavenly scent drifting around them. His nose twitched and flared to take it in, his sheath starting to feel tight. 'There is no way I can do a fourth time today... If I do anymore cumming like that last one my balls are going to ache like a mother fucker tomorrow.'

She let out a weak whimper, but he ignored it.

After a half hour the scent was no longer noticeable and both foxes calmed down from their arousal.

After the credits started rolling from the first movie, Zay sat up, "I'm kinda hungry."

She looked back at him, and then looked away, "I'm not..." However her stomach made a very clear 'I'm hungry' gurgle.

"Really? Cuz your tummy's saying differently." He rolled over her and got off the bed. "Come on Zayra, let's go make something to eat."

She shook her head, "I don't wanna eat..."

He tilted his ears back, "Zayra, whats wrong?"

"I'm just not hungry," she said softly. Her stomach making another gurgle.

He put his paws on the bed and leaned over her form to look at her face, "Zayra, somethings wrong. Now spit it out."

She whimpered, crossed her arms and pulled her feet up a bit.

He could see the glimmer of tears in her eyes. He sat on the bed and put a paw on her shoulder, leaning over her face and tenderly kissing her cheek. Her fear swirling in his own chest. "Zayra, you know I won't let it go until you say it."

She sniffled, "There's a few girls in my gym class... they... they've been... they called me pudgy... and said that I hold you back. And then at lunch yesterday I heard them talking about how I was fat compared to you and... a loser..."

His ears drooped a bit, but he could feel his lips twitching. 'Call my sister fat... 'pudgy' maybe but fat!? And to talk behind her back, calling her a loser...' He kissed her cheek, "I'm going to make you something to eat, and you're going to eat it. Start the next movie, I need to make a call." He got up and grabbed his phone, walking rather calmly from his room and down the steps.

He dug through the freezer and pulled out frozen fried chicken and set the oven to the correct temperature. He then opened a cabinet, 'Potato flakes... where did mom put them?' He opened a lower cabinet with flour stuff and sugar, "Bingo." He pulled out the large tin can and set it on the counter. He picked up his phone and started scrolling through his contacts, pressing one of them and hitting the speaker button before setting it on the counter while he dug in the fridge.

It rang for a bit but then a girl's voice answered. "Hey Zay, whats up?"

"Hey Madeline, I need a favor," he pulled out the milk from the fridge, and then the tub of butter, setting them on the counter with the potatoes.

"Oh? What do you need done?"

"I've got a couple girls in Zayras gym class. I want info on them. Names and anything else you can tell me. They're talkin' shit."

The girl made a grimace noise, "About sweet little innocent Zayra? What class period?"

"Fifth," He opened the potato flakes and pulled down a big glass measuring bowl. "They're training for their mile in the auxiliary gym."

She was quiet for a moment, "I'll have the info by the end of gym class on friday hopefully. Give her a kiss and a cuddle for me would ja'?"

He smiled, "Can do." He paused and leaned over his phone. "You alone?"

"Yeah," she said shyly. "Once I get the info... what do I get?"

He let out a pleasure filled growl, "Depends, have you been a good girl?"

She squealed quietly, "Uh huh."

"If you have the info by friday, then we can meet up saturday if that works for you. Or... Sunday."

"I've got a ballet thing saturday, so how about sunday? At church?"

He smiled, his tail flicking across the floor, "Such a naughty girl. Wanting your pussy pounded in the house of the lord."

She let out a whimpering gasp and moaned quietly, "Fuck Zay you're such a turn on."

He snickered, "I just like hearing you whimper. Bet you're a squirmy mess now."

She giggled, "What color panties do you want me in?"

"How about that pretty red pair," He said softly.

"You always ask for those," she replied softly. "The ones with your cum stains."

He could feel a bit of a boner forming, remembering how many times he'd cum in her and made her walk around church in the cummy red laces. "What can I say, they're my favorite," He smirked.

"I'll see what I can do," she giggled. And then there was a pause, "My parents are home, gotta go be innocent."

He snickered, "Kay, have fun with that. Later Madeline."

"Later Zay," and she hung up.

He returned his attention to dinner. Once the fried chicken was baked and hot, he put two legs on a plate for her and two breasts on his own. Then gave each plate a likely unhealthy serving of mashed potatoes, placing an extra dollop of butter on both and the pulling out the ranch dressing and making a heavy circle over Zayras share. He then opened a can of green beans, drained them and warmed them up, splitting the can between the two of them. Once he cleaned up the kitchen a bit he grabbed two forks and took both plates to his room.

She was laying down, but a new movie was playing.

He sat beside her and held out the plate, "And you better eat it all."

She looked at him and sat up, pulling the plate into her lap and picking up the fork in her mashed potatoes.

After eating Zayra set her plate aside, licking her lips and scooting toward Zay. She leaned against his shoulder, his plate empty besides the well picked bones. She pulled away a little as he shifted his right arm behind her and rested his cheek on hers. "Thanks Zay... For dinner."

With a smile he rubbed his cheek against her head and sighed happily, "You're welcome sis."

Zayra felt the butterflies swell in her stomach, 'I'm so lucky to have Zay as a brother. Handsome, strong, sweet when he wants to be, but always looking out for me.' She turned her head a bit and smiled slightly, looking into his equally red eyes and their gentle, calming glow. She blushed heavily, 'I wanna kiss him. That's so wrong of me though, he's my brother!' She swallowed hard and let out a weak but ragged breath.

He advanced her, tilting his head.

Her spine froze and her heart started to pound in her chest and ears, body tingling in confusing emotions. She closed her eyes tightly and balled her fists in her lap, and then suddenly it was calm.

With her eyes closed she could feel Zays furry lips against hers their whiskers brushing together.

He pursed gently in a small kiss, and then pulled away slowly.

She blinked her eyes open, face hot as her eyes rose from his scarred nose to his red eyes. She could easily make out what could only be explained as an animalistic hungry glow. Her body tensing as her fur raised on end, but it wasn't true fear. Her chest quivered as he leaned back toward her, putting his paws on her upper arms and pushing her down to his pillows and bed, his lips finding hers again.

The sudden calm returned, and then butterflies of pleasure until it swarmed in her stomach. She pursed her lips and kissed back, lifting her paws slightly to grab his arms. Her whiskers tickled as his mouth tilted and he pressed harder. Her paws tightening on him and she opened her mouth to pant lightly.

Zay held her firmly and his rough tongue slid over hers, the mix of chicken and potatoes still on his tongue.

Her hips squirmed and she let out a weak whimper. 'I-I just gave my first kiss to my brother! He's... he's so good at this...' She tried to match his movements hips continuing to squirm as his knees shifted to part her legs and he half laid over her. Her tail brushed against his, and slowly started to twist.

His grey gym shorts rubbed against her sleep shorts. A firm hot bulge just under his fabric. He broke the kiss and lowered a paw as he breathed into her mouth. His paw rubbing against her shorts as he ground into her. "Z-zayra... Fuck." He lowered his nose and kissed her again, pulling his hips away as his paw rubbed firmly on her shorts.

She lifted her nose away and bit her lip, moaning, "Zay... We shouldn't..."

He licked along her neck and growled lightly, "Shut up Zayra. I need this more than you know." His fingers danced over her shorts, then over her underwear, pressing against her wet heat until his fingers shifted left and roughly pulled her panties aside.

She let out a small gasp and let out another moan, "Z-Zay I-"

He growled against her neck, "Zayra I said shut up." His fingers traced along her folds, claws brushing over the soaked fur. Then he plunged his two middle fingers knuckle deep in her hole. "Oh fuck Zayra you're so hot."

She squirmed and put her left paw over her mouth a bit, "O-oh Zay.... Yes."

He sat up a bit and untied her shorts, wiggling them down and up over her feet before tossing them aside with her panties. He shoved his shorts down and pressed the tip of his raging hard cock to her slit, rubbing it up and down along the wet folds.

She whimpered and panted lightly, the folds twitching against his flesh. "Be gentle Zay, please."

He grabbed her legs and lifted them, pressing her knees together and pushing her legs over her head to tighten the sloppy wet, glistening pussy. His cock pressed against the folds and he thrusted deep, and hard enough to make his knot 'pat' on her heat. He let out a loud moan as she cried and started thrusting hard. "Zayra! Oh fuck yes, it's so much better than I imagined!"

She whimpered and wrapped her arms around the back of her knees. "Z-Zay yes! Ohh it feels so good! Harder! I want it harder!"

His ears fell back as his head rose, eyes rolling back as his knot slapped on her harder, feeling her textured walls clench on his cock. He shifted her legs a bit and put a paw around her throat. "Beg for me to cum in your hole!"

She jerked a bit, and gasped, "F-Fill me Zay! Please! I want it all!"

Zay shot up from his bed and put both paws on his crotch as his cock erupted into his boxers. He whimpered and his legs shifted, humping lightly and putting a paw over his mouth as he noticed the sleeping form of Zayra beside him. He whined and his eyes rolled back, breathing heavily until the thick cum stopped blowing in ropes in his boxers, soaking them and his sleep shorts.

He flushed with fear and embarrassment, rolling carefully out of the bed and yanking a towel out of the hamper to hold on his crotch to help control the cum. Grabbing another pair of boxers and sleep shorts as he waddled to his door. He kept his tail tucked around his body as he peeked down each hall, and then sneaked to the bathroom. He stripped and dumped the pooled cum in the toilet then used a rag to wash the cum from his gut and legs before pulling on his clean clothes. He made sure he flushed and washed his paws.

He wrapped the cum soiled clothes in the towel and returned to his room to see Zayra rubbing her eyes, sitting up.

"Zay? Is something wrong?"

He blushed darkly, "N-No I just had to take a leak." He tossed the towel in the hamper and paused. 'I can't believe I dreamed that!' He sat on the bed softly and took a breath. 'Just push it aside. I'm okay...' He laid down beside her and panted lightly.

She cuddled to his side, "Zay? Are you sure you're okay?"

He nodded, swallowing roughly, "Yeah I'm fine..." His eyes darted toward the open floor and he rolled to put his back to her. 'Sorry sis... But after cumming like I did with you beside me, I'm really not in a touchy mood.'

She cuddled to his back.

He laid still and closed his eyes, but was unable to sleep. The memory of his vivid dream still fresh in his mind. As he remembered it, dreading each second his body tickled with butterfly pleasures. The memory of their tongues tangling together, making his tickle where he remembered hers touching. He could feel her fur under his paw pads, feel her paws over his hide.

He swore he could smell the sickening sweet scent of fertility and arousal around him. His cock throbbed in his sheath as he remembered penetrating Zayras tight folds, filling her and the feel of her throat under his right paw.

He took a breath and huffed, 'I need to find a new girlfriend. That has to be the cause of this. I was fine until I broke up with Kathy. Verris cute enough but I doubt she'd leap into a relationship with me... And it has to wait until monday regardless... Because of Madeline.' He pulled up his feet and hugged himself tightly, 'She's my sister... Twin or not she's blood. I shouldn't be attracted to her at all! We share similar DNA, more than most in-between twins. Docs said that we share almost ninety percent of the same DNA, for unexplained reasons. I shouldn't be attracted to her at all but I am!'

He sat up and put his feet on the floor, body restless and his mind heavy with fog. He put his hands on his face as his elbows pressed to his knees, 'She's my sister but I can't stop thinking about breeding her... It's only getting worse. At this rate I'll be trying to rape her within the month...'

His ears flicked up as she sighed in her sleep, mouth gaped slightly. He watched her carefully. Her occasionally twitchy paw, or a soft twitch of her whiskers. Her ear flicked from time to time. He could hear her whispy breath, and as he found himself laying back down and shifting close to her front he could hear her heart beat quietly in her chest. An odd calmness fell over him, his fears and worries fading from existence.

He rose a paw and tenderly stroked along her cheek, eyes locked to the blue fur of her eyelids. He shifted down and put his nose near hers, matching her breathing. He felt as if his room fell away, that all that existed was him, her, and the bed they laid upon. He watched for a few minutes, and then he heard her breath become raspy and he lifted his ears, returning to reality.

She rolled a little and gasped lightly in her sleep, chest rising high as she did.

He kept an eye on her until her breathing became normal. 'Thats right... With her asthma she needs fresh air, me breathing so close she wasn't getting enough...' He wiggle close to her side and cuddled her, pulling her close to his chest and he buried his nose in her neck.