
Story by Kaeryn on SoFurry

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#5 of Draenor

The leader took one look at Adahey before turning to his mate. Her eyes were on the bull and never leaving. The leader grunted and pointed out of the tent. The general looked to Adahey, and motioned with his head to get out. The moment they were outside, the leader, also known as Zian, roared out angrily.

"You! You mated with my wife! You will pay.. you will know what it is like to be with anothers mate around here!" He growled and spit at the ground. Adahey just looked at him and back to the female, the one that he didn't mean to mate. He also wondered what would happen to him as two larger Saberon came over to him. They grabbed his arms and forced him to walk, the leader following behind.

Everyone was now watching him as he was taken to what looked like an arena, a fighting arena. There was a post in the middle of it. While his mind was on the post and what it was for, the Saberon who had him, spun him around and tied him to the post.

"You will know all soon, you will be humiliated in front of everyone." He motioned around as hundreds of Saberon started to form around the arena, even though it was small, it was out in the open.

Zian moved forwards, holding a whip in hand. "Shall we begin?"


Ada braced himself for the hit, but the hit never came. "Wait!" Kiira called out, before being interrupted by another Saberon. His hand was held high, different trinkets of teeth and bone rested at his wrist like a bracelet, they moved together, bumping into one another, making noise as he waited for the nod from his leader to speak. Zian looked over at him, annoyed, but gave his hand a wave and his head a nod before letting him say what he wanted.

"Let's keep him a few days, show him what it means to be a true mate to someone. Show him the loyalty and respect that he lacks." He looked down at Adahey, grinning. "If he has a female somewhere, we will send him home bloody and scarred.. then she will know how he has failed." All the Saberon around started cheering once he finished speaking. Zian rolled his eyes, he was the leader, but this did sound like a good idea. He looked to the other male, he was known as Kor. He was still annoyed with Kor.. but agreed. He started lowering the whip in his paw before giving the ground a slash, he was still leader, his word was more then others were. "The night is almost done, keep him tied to the post. No food or water." He huffed, eyes moving to slits before he stomped off, mate in tow.

Ada just sat there in the dirt, confused but alive. He had noticed as well, that Kiira as well was left outside, though she was being fed by some female Saberon, likely not in as much trouble as he was, even though the crime he did, he was unaware of until the morning after it had happened. How was he to know that a female would be sleeping next to him that night, brushing up against him in such a lewd fashion. He knew he was a handsome bull, that is how he got his mate, and soon to be life-mate, but a Saberon? He looked around a bit, the trinkets on his antlers still attached. He had thought they would take them off, but seeing as most of them have trinkets like this of their own, they left them alone, maybe in a ceremony way or something, knowing that the trinkets were of his people, something close that they shared even if they both looked different. He also noticed that a few Saberon stayed behind after their leader had left for bed, they looking over at him. At first he didn't recognize either of them. They were talking between one another, not even hiding what they wished to say, Ada could hear them clearly as they just calmly spoke back and fourth. "He could use a bath.." One chuckled, as the other nodded. Their eyes landed on his own, then he remembered. They were the two that brought him here to the post, to the arena filled with other Saberon. When Ada lifted his head higher to see around the arena, everyone was gone. Since Zian had said that things would happen in the morning, no one had anything keeping them here, but these two.. why did they decide to stay?

.. Bath.. they said something about a bath. He knew from the words spoken that he would be getting no food or water, but bathing requires water. Would they really disobey their leader to give him a bath? As they stepped closer, their facial markings and features became more clear. This would not be a normal bath as he was thinking. There would be no water involved in this one. It was clear with that when they grinned and started to lift up the front cloth on their fronts. Neither of them were hard, which is where his mind went first. They both held their own tightly though before looking to one another. No other words were said before the spray came. It was warm. Kiira watched from her post, her head shaking as the bull was drenched head to two in urine. The females with her just watched and laughed, they figured this would be good enough punishment for taking their friend and raping her. But it was not rape that he did, Kiira knew this. The look on his face in the morning after it happened showed all, he didn't mean to mate her, he has a loving mate and has no need for another. To get that through these beasts heads however, will be hard to do. He may as well die instead of being tortured and used like he will be.

Once finished, the two males left Adahey sitting in a pile of their urine, strong smelling.. that made Adahey cough and gag each time he wanted to take a breath. Both he and Kiira thought it strange they would be left alone in the arena all night, but they were wrong. There were others watching. They were not guards, but more bored villagers who wanted to watch the new village idiots wallow in their own filth. Or, with Adahey.. Saberon filth.

By morning, Adahey's fur was all dried and smelling putrid. Kiira looked like she had been awake for some time. She was already riding a Saberon, likely not her choice as the look on her face showed. Ada's eyes scanned the arena after watching Kiira for a time, she was still tied down, the Saberon was just positioned well for best mating. He wondered if that would be his fate as well. Being bred like the female he was, or what they wanted him to be for the moment. His answer would come shortly, as four Saberon of different sizes and ages walked towards him. His eyes landed on each of them, taking in their view, trying to figure out which of them did what. Maybe one was going to cut him free, one to drag him to areas to be beaten or shown off or do some stupid things for them to get back at him for what he did. As his eyes trailed along the males heading towards him, taking in their colours, trinkets and clothing, something behind them caught his eye. Zian.

The leader was in the stands with a bunch of other Saberon. It was like they were getting ready for a show to start. Cages were on either side of him, one empty and one with an Ogre inside. Maybe he was to fight it to the death? His head tilted in thought, as he was unable to move his hands to scratch his chin, though he did try.. and got a laugh out of the crowd gathered. He remembered though, that Zian.. or Kor, said that he would be brought home battered and bleeding, scarred.. so why have an Ogre if he was to be kept caged?

His thought was interrupted by his pants being ripped, cut and removed. He was being made naked in front of a good hundred other Saberon, and even his own commanding officer. It seems that any who did not make it into this compound area, was found and brought in for the show.

Soon enough Ada was pushed to his hands and knees, his binds being given enough length to where he could move around freely, but not too freely. He heard a whip in the background somewhere, before a sharp pain ran through his body. It was Kor. He was the first Saberon to take his prize. Ada gripped at the ground hard with his hands as the male wasted no time in thrusting his cock into him. No prepping, no moisture to down the pain he felt, and no warning. Something was different to his then all the others he had taken, it was spiked... and the spiked hurt, specially with nothing slick inside of him first. They raked his insides and made him feel as if they were ripping them out. Kor was enjoying himself, being lost in the motion of the mating as another Saberon came around and opened Ada's jaw forcefully, making him take his entire length in one gulp. This was one of the same Saberon that pissed on him last night, and now he was stuffing his cock into Ada's throat. The bull gagged, only to be pulled closer against the Saberon's waist. "Mmm, that's right, suck it bitch." He growled out. Adahey obeyed, as only he could. Kor grabbed his tail and tugged hard, making the bull cry out in pain as he started to jackhammer in and out of him. Over and over again, as blood started to drip from his ass hole as it was being used. Ada just whimpered as his friends, commander and other Saberon watched. Even as he bled, the Saberon didn't stop.

Two more Saberon soon came into the picture. Another joined Kor at his back end, getting himself ready, he turned and slid under Adahey, positioning himself well before joining in a thrust and burying himself into Ada's tail hole with Kor. Ada's eyes started to water, his body shaking hard as now both males were pounding him. But they moved separately, grinding their cocks against one another, groaning and making his ass even wider then before. Their spines raked, scraped and ravaged his insides. There was a part of him that hated this, but another part that had been enjoying it, being humiliated and taken advantage of in front of all these people.

Ada raked at the ground as the fourth Saberon came into play. His ears perked as he heard a sound through all the moaning, it sounded like a whip. Before he was able to comprehend what exactly it was, he was hit hard on his back with it. It left a mark on his back, only seen at a certain angle with the light because of how dark his fur was. The male grinned and did it again before Kor spoke up in between pants. "Mmn, Zhar, whip his ass.." He grinned out as the Saberon complied and gave his ass cheeks a good whip. He gave three whips making the bull cringe and whimper before he stopped. He went for another before he was called off by Zian. All of them were then called off, for the moment. They stood and moved to the side while Zian called over someone else. "Our present to you." He said, before stepping aside.

An Ogre took their place and grabbed the bull, pulling hard enough, making his binds break. Ada tried to grab onto the ground, the pole.. or anything to keep him from being lifted.. no luck. The Ogre lifted him high in the air to get a good look at him. His ass was bleeding and sore, his mouth and tongue were sore from the thick cock he was made to suck on. He licked his lips, watching this beast of a creature eye him like a piece of candy. The Ogre, Gorp, spun him around and gave his tail hole a good sniff, making all the trinkets on his antlers bang into one another. He held him with one hand, rather clumsy like as he stuck a finger within his tail hole, making him scream out loudly before a moan escaped his lips, out loud for all to hear. Gorp grinned and did it again, wanting to hear his new toy moan for him. He wanted to get the reaction out of him that the Saberon could not. Pleasure.

To be pleasured by someone like him, in front of creatures he knew little about and his commander and well..everyone else, is not something that anyone would like. Gorp took his time in pleasuring his little toy before moving him down towards what he really wanted. He had a good grip on him as he speared him with his cock, it was big.. but fit rather well between the split and stretched hole that was now his tail hole. Ada couldn't help but moan louder and louder as he was pumped faster and faster against him. Sloshes, slurps and moans from both of them rang out into the arena as they fucked. Blood started to cover Gorp as their movement became even faster. Once Gorp couldn't handle anymore and came. He came so hard, so fast and drenched the bull in his seed. His fur went from onyx to white within seconds.

Then it was over.. and Adahey was left to lay in a pile of his own blood and the cum of an Ogre. The scars and things they spoke of would not happen, at least.. not against his fur. He was scarred now within his tail hole, mouth and pride. He lifted his head up just at Zian spoke again.

"Tomorrow, he will meet my prize pet." He grinned down at Adahey before everyone cheered.