Mansion in the Woods: Monsters

Story by thestarwarrior on SoFurry

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#3 of Mansion in the Woods

Dominatrix Hunter: The owner of the mansion, she lays traps for her victims to fall in and if she catches you she will slowly corrupt you and break your will.

Activity: Active


Dominatrix: Can slowly bleed away your will if captured, adds +10 to will each time she works with a camper.

Bondage Queen: Has bondage equipment that she uses to keep campers confined. No escape role if captured.

Guard Dog: Rescuing campers are much harder to do if she is around. +30 to Rescue

Mistress: If Hunter is the one that corrupts a camper they will see her as their mistress and will fall in love with her.

Last known location: Unknown

Living Latex:** **A black pile of goo that will disguise itself as clothing to lure its victim in. This monster is very dangerous and impossible to remove once it's on you.

Activity:** **Dorment


Living Latex: Impossible to get off and dangerous to grab +20 to escape and rescue. Will take rescuer if she false.

Mind Altering: No will role, if girl escape they are corrupt, if girl dose not escape they become a sex zombie.

Symbiotic: First host it climes become it thrall and its ability to corrupt is slowed.

Goo: If trapped it can escape easily -30 to Monster Escape. Loses if it gains a thrall.

Last known location: Unknown

Living Rope:** **A simple piece of rope that slither's around like a snake. It will grab its victim and hold them until something comes to corrupt them.

Activity:** **Dormant


Immobilization: +10 to escape.

Grinding: adds stat Slightly Aroused if girl has a related fetish.

Can't Brake Will: No risk of tuning into a sex zombie.

Last known location: Unknown

Female sex bot with hypnosis: A robot sex girl or herm depending on what mode it chose. If you look into its eyes then your mind is toast.

Activity: Dormant


Incredibly strong: If trapped it is a bit easier for her to escape. +30 Might make some noise while doing it though.

Hypnosis: Will instantly turn girl into a Sex Zombie if the girl looks the bot in the eyes. Happens after failed Escape role

Batteries: Needs to recharge for three chapters.

Last known location: Unknown

Floating Hunted Sheet: A floating bed sheet with some very grabby ghosts inside. The sheet will bag its victim while the ghosts inside have their way with the camper.

Activity: Dorment


Immobilization: +10 to escape

Ghost: Can't trap, Becomes inactive for one chapter if a girl escapes.

Phantom Hands: Fondles you once you are inside, adds stat Very Aroused

Possession: Can break your will by getting inside your head +10 to will

Last known location: Unknown

Dominatrix Enforcer Tiger Shark: A tiger shark that has given its life and sole to his dominatrix. He stalk the halls in search of campers, broken or not, and brings them to his mistress.

Activity: Dorment


Dominatrix Pet: Doubles Dominatrix's abilities if he is nearby.

Incredibly Strong: If trapped it is easier for him to escape. +30 to monster escape. Might make some noise though.

Big: Can't fit inside small areas.

Last known location: Unknown

Giant Spider: A large spider with the upper body of a woman. She has a web in the lower parts of the mansion as well as spiderlings that searches for girls. If she lays eggs inside you then it is only a matter of time before you become a spiderling.

Activity: Dorment


Web: +30 to escape if you end up in her web.

Venom: Ads trait Extremely Aroused if she stings you

Eggs: If she lays eggs inside you, you will slowly be corrupted. Once the eggs hatch you will turn into a spiderling. +10 to will each turn.

Last known location: Unknown

Bee Harpy: A bee girl that lives in the attic, she will track down campers and try to sting them to arouse them then force feed them mind altering honey.

Activity: Dormant


Venom: Ads incredibly aroused trait if she stings you.

Honey: If you eat her honey you will become addicted. If you escape from her you will go up one corruption level and will have no will power. If you don't escape, you will become hers.

Last known location: Unknown

Kaz Drezzer: A lizard that can turn invisible and sneak up behind his pray. He also has a poisons bite that arouses his target.

Activity: Dormant


Chameleon: Can turn invisible, +20 to attack.

Venom: Adds effect Extremely Aroused if he bits you.

Last known location: Unknown

Jasper Rat: A large rat that coils his pry in his large tail and drags them back to his lair. If he mates with a camper they will be infected with a virus and can pass that virus to others if they mate with them.

*Activity: * Dormant


Virus: Slowly corrupts and takes away will. Is contagious.

Immobilization: +10 to escape

Lair: +20 to escape and rescue

Last known location: Unknown

Jackal Mummy: A royal mummy that can wrap up his victims in bandages while he brain washes them. He is also a bit vain so he might lose focus if there is a mirror nearby and had a weakness to fire and water.

Activity: Dormant


Immobilization: +10 to escape

Mind Altering: No will role. If Escape is successful girl is Corrupt, if not she is a zombie

Vain: -10 to all roles if mirror or shiny object is available.

Hates Fire and Water: -10 to all roles if fire or water is available.

Last known location: Unknown

Changling: This monster will appear after the mistress has captured a camper without the others knowing. It will then slip into one of the groups and try to lure them into traps.

*Activity: * Dormant


One of us: Instead of attack, it just adds de buffs to the group that it is with. When it first appears it has to blend in. This will determine if it becomes part of that group or not. This will be determined by a dice role, if it gets over 50 (plus buffs and debuff) it wins and is now part of the group. If a camper doesn't know that the camper it is disguised as is missing then it will get a -10 to the role.

Blend In: Most campers won't notice that it's not one of them unless it slips up. In order for a camper to notice that it's not who it says it is they have to get a role over 90. Once they hit a role over 90 they then have to get a role over 80. It will continue to drop until the fifth role. It will be then that the campers will realize that it isn't who it says it is. If a camper who knows that the changing isn't real, such as by finding the original, the changing will instantly be exposed. Also every time it helps trap a girl the role to notice her will drop by -10.

Mistrust: Once the changing is discovered the camper who discover her will gain the Mistrust trait as they are no longer sure who is real and who isn't. This will add +10 to all rescue attempts. This also makes it a little easier for camper to notice it so instead of the notice role dropping by -10 it drops by -20 and only takes three roles for a camper to notice that it isn't who it says it is.

Can't Corrupt: It's job is not to corrupt but miss lead and make girls venerable.

Inside Man: Takes away Not Alone and adds +20 to Alone.

Last known location: Unknown

Shadow Monster: A being that lives in...well the shadows. It hides and waits for its victim then pounces and holds them down with shadow tendrils. Once he is done with the camper he leaves them for the mistress to find with a blank mind. Flashes of light can easily remove him.

Activity: Dormant


Shadow: Turning the light on and off can get rid of him. Rescues work instantly but will not work if there are no lights to work with.

Blank Canvases: For one Chapter a campers mind is a completely blank. This has the same effect as passed out as the camper can't defend themselves against a monster that can carry them and will lose no Will but it also has the added effect of giving anyone, even another camper, the ability to change their personality.

Can't Corrupt: Can't corrupt a camper.

Last known location: Unknown

Queen Breeder: A large reptilian alien bug with huge boobs and wings, she stalks the mansion for mates. (Copy right Xpray)

Activity: Dormant


Insect Queen: If she finds a male or herm she will try to catch them so she can reproduce with them. When attacking a group she will always go for the herm or male first no matter who she is stalking.

King Maker: If a herm or male mates with her they will be slowly corrupted until they turned into a king drone.

Hive Queen: After the queen lays her eggs they will hatch into hatch into reptilian insectoid versions of the herm or male she has just mated with. They will then explore the mansion in search of girls to mate with and turn into egg drones, they in turn will lay more eggs of reptilian insectoid versions of themselves.

Last known location: Unknown

Corrupting Licid : An odd looking insect that will attach itself to a camper from behind, wrapping its arms around them and biting into the back of the neck. The bite send an arousing venom that sends libido into overdrive and slowly corrupts them. It then holds the camper in place until they are collected or rescued.

*Activity: * Dormant


Immobilization: +10 to escape

Venom: Adds effect Extremely Aroused if it bits a camper.

Mind Braking: The venom it uses can slowly break the will of a camper. For every chapter the bug is attached to a camper it ads +10 to the will role.

Last known location: Unknown

*Tentacle Monster: * You knew one of these had to be in here somewhere. It stalks the maze in search of pray. Once it finds them it uses it's tendrils to plant a seed inside them. It first injects them with an aphrodisiac making them hot and horny if they someone manages to escape, and then it tries to break them. Once it lays it seed inside a camper it slowly turns them into a plant girl or boy.

*Activity: * Dormant


Immobilization: +10 to escape

Venom: Adds effect Extremely Aroused if it injects a camper.

Plant Thralls: Plant thralls are another form of sex zombie. Once a camper is injected with a seed it grows inside them and turns them into a plant girl or boy. The thrall can then use it's tendrils to find more campers. The seed ad a will roil once per chapter and slowly drains the campers will by +10

Last known location: Maze

*Alune: * Is a flower girl that lives in the heart of the maze. Unlike most monsters she can't really move. Instead she controls the maze to coral her pray towards her. She also controls the tentacle monster. After the monster implants its seed inside the girl it then delivers her to the Alune. The Alune will then focus on turning the newly infected girl into a plant thrall.

*Activity: * Dormant


Maze Pheromones: If you are exploring her maze you will run into a bunch of budding flowers. These flowers will slowly arouse the camper one point per chapter.

Super Pheromones: If a camper is wondering the maze and runs into her, where the pollen is strongest, they will become extremely aroused.

Plant Thralls: Plant thralls are another form of sex zombie. Once a camper is injected with a seed it grows inside them and turns them into a plant girl or boy. The thrall can then use tendrils to find more campers. The seed adds a will roil once per chapter and slowly drains the campers will by +10

Last known location: Maze

*Lamia: * A large snake girl that wanders the grounds in search of pray. Once she finds someone she tries to constrict them then please them. She then injects them with a venom that arouses the but slowly changes the girl into another Lamia.

*Activity: * Dormant


Immobilization: +10 to escape

Venom: Adds effect Extremely Aroused if it injects a camper.

Lamia Poison: It will slowly corrupt a girl over time and will take away their will by +10. Once they are fully corrupted they will turn into a Lamia.