My Days at the Gym

Story by Sam Monroe on SoFurry

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#1 of My Days at the Gym

My Days at the Gym

Part 1

Walking into the large gym, I looked in amazement at how much equipment filled the room. I couldn't name half of the machines and contraptions they had. As I walked past the doors, I went to the counter to acquire some membership details. I have not done this before, so I was nervous about it. I walked up to the desk and saw two muscular guys -- a wolf and a fox-- and a hot female rabbit there. The three were busy talking about something, but I didn't know what. I cleared my throat to get their attention. They looked at me, and I almost got a feeling that they were annoyed with the fact that I interrupted them. Finally the female smiled and answered.

"Hello! Welcome to Joe's Gym. My name is Raine, How can I help you" asked the rabbit as she started to click away on the computer.

"H-Hi, I Am Chris, and I am looking to join a gym, but I am not sure about memberships. Can you tell me a little more about yours?" I stutter when I become nervous, and I was embarrassed the two guys chuckled behind her. I felt intimidated, and almost like I was the little guy.

"Okay Chris, Our membership here is 5 dollars for the first two months. If for any reason you don't like it, you won't have to renew by the third month. Though, if you wish to continue the membership you will need to pay 30 dollars a month. How does that sound?" The fit rabbit looked up at him, a smile on her face.

I smiled and nodded. "Yea Sure, That sounds like a good deal to me." I said with a smile on my face. My tail swinging side to side behind me.

She stood up and walked out from behind the desk, and waved her pretty paw at me. "Come along, cutie. I'll show you around, and get to know you a little bit more" she said and let out a giggle. I raised a brow at the giggle, but thought nothing of it. So I followed her with my gym bag hung over my shoulder. Listening to everything she told me about spotters, and the equipment. I wondered where the lockers were, because I would hate to lug this gym bag from place to place.

"This place seems great, and I know I will come to love this place to exercise. I just want to know, am going to have trouble with those two big guys over there" I asked her. Intimidation was a problem for me. I can never seem to feel motivated when someone makes me feel like the small weak guy.

I heard her giggle and saw a shake of her head, "Oh them? No. They just like to be stupid. They are really good guys once you get to know them. You'll see." She then led me to the back and down a short hall. There were two doors on either side of the hall marking the women's and men's locker room.

"Pretty far away for the locker rooms aren't they" I questioned the rabbit. The last few gyms I had visited seemed to have them at the front of the place.

Raine smiled and opened the door to the men's locker room, "Well this was the only place the architect could place it without making the front end of the store look bad. Besides, you are getting exercise by walking this far, so it helps you out in the long run" she giggled.

I started to walk into the locker room before I felt her hands on my back pushing me in faster. "H-Hey! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed. I was not sure what was going on. I came to a stop when I was pressed up against a wall, feeling the rabbit's big chest on my back.

I heard a giggle, but it wasn't the innocent giggle like before. It sounded more devious. Almost like she had this planned. "Oh don't worry, baby, this is my way of initiation."

I choked a little. "In-Initiation?"

"Yes, baby, initiation. Bringing you onboard to the team, you know, making you a member of this gym officially" she said in my ear with lust. Her body pressing even more against mine making me feel every outline of her body.

My Eyes went wide as I had felt something strange pressing against my butt. She must have seen my eyes, because she only grinned when she said, "Oh yes, I am packing some heat." I couldn't believe it. I had never had sex with a hermaphrodite before. I never even had sex with a male before. I became scare for my life. I was about to be raped. My body began to shiver, and I could feel those fingers of hers run down my back to my pants. "Don't worry, baby, you'll enjoy this. Everyone does eventually" she said with another lust filled giggle.

For a few seconds I could feel her hand remove from my body, but her chest pinned me to the wall. It was until I felt that hot, thick shaft press against my bare tail hole. "Please....No..." I pleaded her, but she refused by shoving her big rod into my ass. I let out a loud scream of pain as I had just given up my anal virginity to a hot herm rabbit. As she held it there, I whimpered from the pain. Then I felt her begin to pull out, and I could feel every inch of it slide out. It felt weird, almost like I was going number two.

I can hear her moan quietly, and then felt her shove it back deep into my ass. The pain had subsided enough to be bearable. I couldn't help but let out a moan myself. "See? I told you that you will like it," I heard her say. It was then I could feel her pick up the pace and really begin fucking me. I didn't say anything, because I was busy moaning from the constant battery of her cock. I slipped my paw down to my pants and started to stroke my own dick that had been aroused from all this. Our moaning came in tune, and I could hear her say, "Such tight ass" and "Fuck, this is good." I swear I felt like I was becoming her bitch.

I eventually stopped being scared completely, and started to thrust back into her. "Ohhh! Such a good boy" she exclaimed. "Does the little doggy want a treat" she asked with a grin shinning on her face. I took a deep breath as I felt her stop thrusting into me. I nodded to her question, feeling like I became her bitch. She pulled out of my tight ass, and said with a dominant voice, "Turn around, and get on your knees. You have to suck my dick to get your treat, dog." Although I was a wolf, she had degraded me as just another domestic household dog. I didn't hate it though. I actually loved being dominated by her.

I turned, and dropped to my knees as I was ordered. She was quick to press her large piece of meat at the entrance of my muzzle, and told me to suck. I opened my mouth and started to lick the head. I was expecting a foul smell and taste since it as just in my ass, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I licked the entire length before I would take it into my mouth. Her paws grabbed my hair and shoved her cock deep into my mouth and down my throat. I choked, coughing up spit as it was too soon. Eventually I was able to get used to it. I began to suck on the large rabbit cock as she would start thrusting it in and out of my mouth. She moaned louder, and I moaned with her.

"Oh I am cumming, doggy!" She exclaimed with a loud moan. I could feel her paws holding my head against her crotch, and my nostrils getting a whiff of her sweet musk. I felt her hot, thick cum shooting into my mouth and down my throat. I moan and swallow as much as I could before she pulled out and sprayed the rest all over my face.

When it ended, I looked up at her as she was panting with a grin on her face. She then stuffed her big cock back in her pants and closed them up. "Mmm welcome to the gym, Chris" she smiled and helped me up. She leaned in close to give me a kiss. She looked at me and then said, "wash up, and get changed. If you need anything, you know where to find me" She gave me a wink and left the locker room.

That is the first time I have ever been fucked in the ass, and I actually enjoyed it. I was left speechless after that. Hell, I forgot to shoot my load. So I quickly went to a shower stall to wash off her cum, and finish myself off. I stood there in the stall and pictured it as if it was happening again. I began to moan more and more as I shot off my own cum against the shower wall. I panted and slowly took the shower so I could look decent before I worked out.

Okay, so this is my first submission to sofurry.

I am thinking of continuing it, but I might just wait and see what the public has to say. What's in store if there was more? Probably some gay action between him and the other dudes. Maybe all three staff members will take turns fucking that small wolf ass! hehe, anyway. If the public approves, I will continue it.

I am also working on a different story, but that probably won't be up for a while. Anyway, thanks for reading! Rate, fave, and cum! =)