red wolf

Story by otterwolf on SoFurry

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a short story with werewolves and Nazis enjoy

warning this is comedy and has puns and bad spelling

a short story

its WWII

location:nazi headquarters

time:6.40 am

the nazis have a new enemy and a new purpose

their enemy : werewolves

thier pupose: kill them all

on the base

seargent: Ok men vee are going to do ze drill practice today.

seargent: *Walkes down the row of soldiers stopping at one looking at him then continuing*

seargent: Werewolves are ze most fearsome beasts we have yet to face, but we shall not let them know that.

We must eradicate them all zay are ze one thing that stand between us and total domination!

*walks back*

you are dissmissed.

troops: in unison* HAIL HITLER!(HOWL HITLER! oh wait fuck)

seargent: walkesback* looks at offending soldier.

|a new recruit obviosly nervousbut well built with a strong odor.|

what di you just say?

soldier: hail hitler? he suggested nervosly.

seargent: no no you said HOWL hitler, come to think of it i dont remember any new recruits signing on.... and your facial hair is terrible

are you a werewolf? *points gun at soldier*

werewolf: kicks the guy backwards and grabs his most valuble assett.

seargent: Mine ass! its got mine ass!

troops: point their guns treatiningly*

werewolf: put your weapons down!

or your seargent here will have to explain to his wife why his ass is coverd in wolf jizz!

i can shoot a load faster than a machine gun can loose a bullet!

in fact.

points his junk at the nazis.*

shoots them all in the face with pin point acurracy doing little more than blinding and humiliating them*

runs into the forest and is never found*

a howl is heard in the night followed by screams then more howls.

it has spread*

the end