Gifts and Curses: Chapter 1

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When a woman picks up a new idea for the bedroom, it starts out with good intentions, but it doesn't end that way as she develops a taste for it.

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The Magic Mile wasn't the sort of place that Cheyenne normally would have found herself in, it wasn't at all interesting to her as a general rule, but it was the place she found herself one early Sunday morning. It was so early that the sun was just barely creeping up over the horizon and painting the world in brilliant purples and reds. It was a beautiful morning that made her lips quirk up in a happy smile as she glanced at the shops that were opening up one after another. There was only one place in the city that one could come to find any sort of magical potion or book or help, all locked in a small mile long street that was zoned to allow for such use with the help of a rather specialized police force that knew how to tell when magic was going wrong. She'd never actually come down to the Mile on her own, she'd only come here on a few bachelorette parties to the strip clubs that boasted the use of magic on stage.

It was early enough that the streets were mostly empty, letting her take her time to linger in front of shops that interested her. She didn't know precisely what she wanted to pick up, but she knew in general what she was after. Her eyes flicked at a few displays, most of them talking about wealth or personal changes such as weight loss or hair growth. They were a mix of well to do shops with ones that one had to be desperate to go into, but today she had something particular in mind as she made her way towards the few business' that were known for their transformative spells as a matter of course. She was after something for her husband, but not a normal sort of gift.

She had been living with her husband, Brian, for nearly five years, a life that had been pleasurable for both of them. They had both gotten along from the moment they'd first met, though it hadn't been love at first sight, they had grown together into a strong couple. It was the sort of love that would last as every year they learned more about one another. They had never gotten married, though she doubted they could be any closer than they were now. They were as close as any couple that had paid out a small fortune to become man and wife, and they both considered themselves as good as wed. Now that they had hit the fifth year of living together, she decided the occasion called for something special, something unique, to celebrate one another, and when one spoke of unique, one spoke about magic.

She knew her husband well enough to know that his interest in transformative spells had begun to grow more intense over the last few years. His computer was filled with videos and stories of people who had undergone dramatic changes. She'd watched a few of them, rather flustered to see how erotic such changes could be when measured up to the more mundane changes. She had certainly had young dreams of being a horse or something similar, day dreams of being fast and sleek, but his dreams were far more sordid and interesting. They were stories and videos of people changing sex or species, pairing together with real animals or being used with human women. She had been slightly flustered first seeing them, but she could appreciate why he was developing such an intense interest in them. They were erotic and extreme, stories that wound around a mixture of pleasure and humiliation both.

I knew that he had interests that were a little out there, but these I hadn't dreamed of. She thought with a soft sigh, slipping her eyes along the shop windows measuring which ones held promise.

Cheyenne had spent time researching, finding herself drawn into the strange world of change and power, a dynamic that intrigued her more than a little bit as she had raided Brian's folders quite happily. It had given her the idea of surprising him with the reality of what he wanted. She was a little flustered by it, but still, it was an intriguing idea that made her pulse speed as she walked along walkway that led up towards one of the shops that had been recommended by quite a few people. It was tucked out of the way of the gaudier places and didn't have the signs that announced miracle cures or more depraved spells. It was well lit and mild looking, making her unsure of just what they would have as she approached it.

The light was on inside, people were moving around inside, but no so many that she was daunted by them. Most seemed to be looking at books, row after row of books, not the potions that she was used too. She drew in a breath and nudged the door open with a hip, hearing the bell ring, but no one really glanced at her as she made her way into the cool interior that smelled of herbs and old paper. She wrinkled her nose up a little bit, but it wasn't a bad taste, merely a different one that lingered as she walked around to see a small store clerk restocking a shelf filled with small powders and bottles that were neatly sealed and labeled.

"Excuse me?" She asked softly, seeing the man's eyes flick up to her before a smile crossed his face. "I was hoping you could help me find something specific."

"Of course!" The man jumped up onto his feet, his hair showing an edge of grey as he set the box on a table. "Did you know the title or the book or potion."

"Oh no, only.. I'm looking for something workable with beginner transformation work." Cheyenne tried not to flush a bit as she said it and the man's smile grew a bit wider.

"Your other half?" He asked, that amusement showing in his eyes as she did her best not to flush any further before she gave a little nod of her head. "We have several books that will work, most of them are meant for beginners or casual users with a low level setting that creates the energy needed rather than more advanced cases...."

The man began to talk in a calm knowledgeable voice as Cheyenne walked along behind him, following as he gestured at rows upon rows of books. She'd never done anything like this, but seeing the intricate illustrations on the outside of the books she felt her interest growing. It was a warm flush that curled through her belly as she began to plan out exactly what was going to happen with and to Brian. It was going to be an interesting time, and by the time she was done, she would explore entirely new parts of her husband, learning to know him at a whole new level. She could think of no better way to surprise him.

He went through list upon lists of book, most of them gave all of the control to the person who wielded the spell, such as what shape the person would take and how it would play out. She had some use for those sorts of spells, but they weren't exactly what she was after. She wanted Brian to be the one to choose the spell, she wanted him to be the one to subconsciously change his body into another form. She wanted to see what was lurking in the depths of his mind, explore it, bring it out into the light where he could confront it and examine it. It was a thrilling idea that made her giddy feeling as she considered what was being offered by the clerk.

In the end, it was a small book barely larger than her palm. It was one of the beginner books that required only a small bit of work to bind it to her husband. It wasn't a harsh sort, it mostly had the same stipulations that all transformations came with. It was exciting to imagine him when he realized what was happening, the rush of arousal, desire, all of it surging together. Her hands had been shaking slightly as she made her purchase, her mind already filled with what exactly it would mean for her husband, and for her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Brian kept his head tilted, listening to his wife as she puttered through the house for the seventh time that morning and fussed with their dog. Cheyenne was up to something, though he wasn't entirely certain what, she had been acting oddly all day and he'd begun to track her movements through the day to try and puzzle out just what she was doing. He wasn't the only one either, their husky Snow was sprawled out on the couch and watching her with interest. His ice blue eyes moving back and forth as she trotted about and kept cleaning the house as if it could get any cleaner with yet another pass of a rag or duster. He leaned back and reached over to rub along the dog's ears lightly, feeling Snow pushing harder into his touch.

"Are you trying to tell me that I've been dirty lately?" He finally broke the silence with an edge of amusement to his voice. "Because if you clean the counter one more time you might just wipe it away."

"What?" Cheyenne stopped and glanced back with a little bit of a startled expression on her face.

"That counter, you've cleaned it at least four times." He pointed out and twitched his lips up in a wider smile. "You are distracted today!"

"Oh, damn.." Cheyenne flushed a bit and tucked the rag into her back pocket, the jeans hugging against her in the perfect manner. "I'm sorry, I suppose I was just in my own little world there."

"I'll say." He snorted a little bit, eyes dancing with amusement while she came in closer towards him, her eyes drifting down a little bit. "Or maybe you're just making sure this place is clean so I don't mess it up while I'm off."

She laughed at that, just like he knew she would, lighting up her whole face as she moved to sit near him. Her eyes flickered over him lightly, the little movements turning brighter by the moment as she ran her tongue over her lower lip in a thoughtful manner. She often did that sort of look when she was thinking of something, the little swipe of the tongue as she measured what it was she was rolling through her mind and it made him smile a bit wider at her in response. He moved to slide his arm along her shoulders lightly, caressing just a little bit, so that he was able to brush his fingers down along her opposite arm and draw her in against his side. As he did so, he felt a faintly warm prickle slide over her skin, quite like the sensation of a limb falling asleep, but it was only on his skin.

He dismissed it, his attention on his wife as she leaned into him and drew her fingers along the broad spread his chest. She swirled her touch in circles while her head was tucked down low on his upper chest, making his eyes start to slide down her body and towards the curve of her hip. She was just as lovely as ever, stirring his desire in such a way that made him shift on the couch. He didn't feel embarrassed, they'd been together too long to feel any sort of shame when it came to how she could make his body respond. Even as he slid his hand along her hip their dog hauled himself up onto the couch to join them, the big snowy white dog flopping over her legs so that she let out a squeak and laughed, pushing him with her feet to get herself comfy.

"Daft dog." She laughed and then curled a finger along his chest. "You know, we really should get him into some training classes, teach him manners."

"Snow has plenty of manners, dog manners." He said with a grin, rubbing his thumb back and forth lightly. "Nothing wrong with them."

"Says you." Cheyenne said with a short snort and then tipped her head back a little bit, her hand slipping into her pocket just out of sight. "Must be nice to be a dog, just sprawling where ever you like, doing what you please."

"Mmm..." Brian agreed and nuzzled his way down along the line of her neck, tasting the scent of her with a little happy sigh.

"Ever wish you were one?" She asked and shifted, pulling a bit further so that she was slipping right into the warm hold. "Thought about what it might feel like to have soft thick fur and a fluffy tail."

He laughed a little and rubbed his lips back and forth with a gentle rub, trailing along the line of the shoulders while there was a flex of her fingers along his belly. "I suppose so, might be interesting feeling to at least try it once or twice I think."

He flushed just a little bit, just a bare trail of red running along the upper portion of his cheeks as he thought about it briefly. His mind immediately went back to one of his videos, one of the ones that he'd smuggled away as a favorite to watch when he had the urge to. It was of a man changing into a eskimo dog, a slowed down version that showed the slow luxurious spill of fur that had grown over the naked skin. He had even slowed it down further, making sure that he had been able to savor the way the changes had happened, taking the shocked looking man changing in detail that he had been quite flustered over until a white small dog had stood there with a thickly curled tail.

It hadn't just been the fact he had changed from a smooth skinned man to a well furred dog, it had been the sight of more erotic things changing on him. It had been the sight of nipples forming along the lines of the chest, standing out in pairs that ran all the way down towards the sweep of the belly. The stiffened nubs had been shocking look while the nipples had perked up and grown more defined. The changes below the waist had been even more thrilling as the man had slowly and erotically shifted from that of a male to a female, the camera well trained enough that he had seen it and felt his body heating up. No matter how often he watched it, he always reacted the same way.

The remembered imagery made him shiver in place, an immediate response to the teasing feel of warmth that was creeping through his belly and he felt his girlfriend shifting against him. She moved, not must, just a little bit, but he caught an odd knowing smile looking up at him in response. He felt the heat running to his cheeks, shifting a little bit as his body had tightened as he recalled just what he had been thinking of. Even as he tried to pull his mind away from that video and what it had meant to him, he felt that prickling warmth sliding over him again, curling through his body strangely. It made him shiver a little bit as she shifted against his side and gave a small little smile, lips parting open with a sly little expression.

"What are you smiling about?" Brian asked and trailed his fingers along her hair, twisting lightly.

As he lifted his fingers up to stroke through her hair, he realized that the warmth wasn't stopping as it danced over his skin. It was tingling and sharp, electric feeling as the hairs curled along the tips of his digits, but that wasn't the only thing happening. There was a spark of fire that hit him, the fingers growing more sensitive by the moment as he realized that it wasn't just an odd sense of parts of his digits falling asleep. Instead, there was a sheen of cinnamon looking hairs that were growing from the tips of his fingers, spreading outwards over the edges. With a jolt he saw the coppery sheen almost glowing in the light as there was a trail of hairs that ran up along the curve of his wrist.

He jerked his hand back as if he had been burnt, his eyes going wide and frightened as he moved his hand into face while there was a trail of short hairs that ran down the inside of his wrist. The fine play of them were dancing outwards and rushing up towards the crook of the elbow and that wasn't the only hand that was starting to change. Where the hairs sprouted, there were splashes of white forming, markings that hadn't been there as he jumped off the couch and nearly tumbled his wife down to the ground as she let out laugh and moved back towards the other end of the couch where Snow had his ears up and brows furrowed slightly, regarding him with an increased amount of interest.

"What's... what's happening?" Brian's voice came out breathy, he didn't mean for it to come out that way, but that's still how it escaped as he stared down at himself.

"A small surprise." Cheyenne commented, her voice deepening into a sultry sounding tone. "I thought you might enjoy something to spice up things a little, we both might enjoy it."

"Spice it up?" He stammered and shivered as he watched his nails starting to grow darker, thickening on the tips of fingers that were starting to grow stiffer by the moment. "Y-you picked up a spell?"

"A spell book." Cheyenne answered with a little tip of her head, licking her lips as Snow whined and shifted a little bit, sitting up with the ears perked up high in the air. "I told you I wanted to try new things, things I knew you were interested in."

"Y-yes, but.. you... " Brian started and shuddered as his fingers grew even stiffer, harder to bend, he was struggling with them as the rest of his body ran hot. "How did you... I didn't see anything.."

His body was going hot as if he had stepped out into a too hot summer day, muggy and stealing the breath from him as his ears began to twitch and ache slightly. The tips of his ears were going hotter, burning achingly so that he wasn't quite able to make them obey him. They gave little twinges and jumps, muscles weren't there were starting to form as they grew warmer along the tips and he immediately ran up to try and feel along the changes. The ears were growing longer, lifting up in the air rapidly, tapering right at the very tip before he let out a guttural noise and shuddered. It wasn't with pain, it was a strange pleasure that rose up in the curl of his stomach while his fingers began to grow shorter.

Cheyenne stood up, one hand dipping into her pocket before she pulled out a book that gleamed with magical writing embedded into it. There were bits of ruins carved out, hints of ancient words and it had a faint glow of magic that was reflected out and seemed to call his name. Magic, real magic, it was sitting there so harmless looking as he gulped down a breath and then let it out again. It came out in a breathy whine as he felt his fingers losing definition and his shirt began to grow heavier around him. It was growing looser, his shirt was falling further down while his pants were starting to sag around his waist. He was struggling to hold them up, but it was a losing struggle as he couldn't quite hold onto them properly.

His ears burned a hot red as he felt his wife's hands sliding along his hips, touching them and slowly pulling them down. It was a sensuous movement, teasing downwards to reveal legs that were being covered in a thin coating of the hairs. The way she did it was so sensual, deliberately making sure that she was drawing out the sensations of pleasure for him as his breathing caught in his throat. His eyes closed and he tipped his head back a little bit as she moved her hands up to trace his bare hips and the start of fangs began to curl form his canines.

"It just required touching you and the book, to release that energy." She murmured softly, nuzzling along his neck before the fingers gave a little tug against his shirt. "This is what you've been looking at, right? Changing this way?"

"Y-yes.. but what are you changing me into?" He asked, feeling those sharp canines with a tongue that was growing broader.

She lifted her hands up, drawing the shirt off his chest with a slow smooth pull, lifting it above his head so that he couldn't do more than let out a soft muffled sound of pleasure as it was pulled above his head. His chest was bared to her, the fur now coating over his body in a fringe that hid the human beneath. He was keenly aware of the heat on him, the fact that his shaft was hardening almost painfully quickly in reaction to the sensation of fur caressing him. It was the fur that aroused him, kept him on edge, caused him to bask in the sensations and give himself over to it as his shirt was left on the back of the couch. The toss slipping it away entirely before she kissed the spread of his chest, fingers running down to smooth the fur.

She didn't answer, but she didn't have too, his nose was pushing out to make a muzzle, jutting out into the air inch by slow inch as his tongue spilled outwards. It was a dog tongue, broad feeling and lolling free to spill past his lips that were starting to grow darker. The nose was darkening before the world erupted in a sharp mixture of scents that he had never picked up before. They were covering his taste buds, making his breathing come out in shallow pants as he felt overwhelmed with the sensory input. His ears were growing longer as well, starting to extend out to either side of his head and growing tapered as they rose up. He folded them back, feeling the muscles reacting before the fingers on his chest began to linger to either side.

Brian felt Cheyenne carefully tracing against the soft nubs that were growing, warming as they perked up as a line of nipples began to form along his chest. The touch made his entire body tighten, his eyes widened as he watched them starting to form and his mind went back to his favorite video, how he had often wondered about what they had felt like. Now he knew, they felt hot and tender, the touch of the fingers sending a shock of pleasure through him as he nearly stumbled forward. His feet were changing, growing more compact as his ankle began to lift up higher in the air, extending and growing higher and higher by the moment.

It made it impossible to actually balance the way he wanted to balance, his nostrils flared wide, gulping down a breath and then letting it go in a shuddering rush. The fingers curled along a growing nipple and pulled with just enough force that he cried out and felt his cock twitching upwards in reaction. The sudden quiver was an electric burst of sensation that broke over him. His eyes closed tightly and Cheyenne ran her fingers around the nub, teasing it in circles to make sure he was put on edge. Her soft murmur of pleasure made him open his eyes while she traced the lower set of nipples before there was a sudden strain along his arms as they began to stiffen up and grow stranger.

His hands were forming paws, the fur was growing heavier down his chest, thick snowy white at the bottom but going cinnamon red towards the top. He gave his head a little shake, wheezing out a breath and then gulping down another breath as the ache grew worse by the moment. The fingers grew short and stiff, tipped with thick hooked claws as the fur swallowed up all of the smooth pink skin and turned it into sleek fur. His arms weren't bending the way he wanted them too, starting to shift and adjust into something like forelegs as he felt the sudden pressure starting to build up right between the legs. It was a sharp immediate sensation, his body arching as his cock began to twitch harder.

There was a squirt of precum against his belly before hands caressed him, his wife smiling at him with parted lips and lidded eyes that showed her own enjoyment of his changes. He whined out, a sound that was quite appropriate sounding for a dog instead of a human. He felt the slide and rub of the fingers rubbing against the tip of his cock, tracing in circles to dance against the glans, gathering up the strands of precum as his cock began to grow slicker and warmer by the moment. He looked down as his nose began to push outwards, his face forming a more muzzle like appearance, but he could see that his cock was growing smaller by the moment.

It was withdrawing back towards his body, the sudden heat of it rushing over the edges to make him shudder in place. His lips twisted back, showing sharp teeth with a moan while his legs began to shift as well, growing more balanced towards hind legs instead of something he could walk on. His eyes flashed, showing an edge of white as her hands dipped downwards towards the base of the cock. The finger tips cupped just beneath the underside, lifting them upwards to play with the weight of the balls, rolling them back and forth against each other. The pressure began to mount by the moment, stomach bunching up strangely as steadily the orbs smoothed down as they were withdrawn into his body.

His stomach was twitching, small contractions and leaps were shuddering through him so he was having problems making his body obey itself. The heavier fur on his back was growing longer and fluffier, the distractions working against him as he realized that his body was growing smaller in front of his wife. He was losing weight and bulk, paws prancing in place rather nervously as a tail sprouted right above his ass and suddenly there was a flex against his hind legs. He gave a jump before his balls drew entirely into his stomach, shifting and changing as they went as the heat began to slide through him. He was panting, his tongue so long as it hung out from his jaws, bobbing up and down.

His changed arms, his fore legs, draped right over Cheyenne's shoulders and she braced against him as she teased. The gentle touches were designed to make sure that he was on edge while he whined out and felt his entire body begin to change shape. His spine was shifting while her hand pushed his cock backwards and he felt it starting to grow smaller as he lost the sensation of it truly being anything substantial. The flesh was melting away, the tip was growing almost maddeningly sensitive as he gaped his jaws and let out a ragged groan from low in his throat. He had to twist his head to one side to see the line of his cock as it faded away, being swallowed up in a fat pair of lips that were growing more and more sensitive by the moment. It burned and ached, the touch of her fingers both a torment and delight as he folded his head forward and pushed it against her chest.

_A female? She's changing me into a female? _ He thought wildly, feeling as though she had been reading her mind as the next shudder broke down the sweep of his back.

He clamped his jaws down tightly shut, doing his best to try and think past the pressure that was rising up in his belly. It was curling, warming him as his tail grew heavier beneath his hinds and swinging back and forth. He was putting more weight on his forepaws as his wife shifted, slowly dropping herself onto the couch with a sound that was almost like a purr. It sent a shiver rushing down the line of his back, causing him to arch up in the air and then relax again while he was pulled in close. His legs were shaking a little as they pulled up and the tremors of pleasure were running over him as his body changed shape. Her body changed shape. The vestiges of masculinity were being caressed away as his wife slid her hand down with a delicate stroke.

Her back arched upwards as her forming spade was caressed gently, lightly, trailing with a touch that was deliberately dipping just between the puffy lips and tracing along the soft inner skin between them. It caused her to jump up, her hind paws splayed open wide, toes stretched to the limits as she gaped her jaws briefly and then whined. The touch made her keenly aware of the fact that what had once been her cock was now a neat little nub settled between her folds. It was vulnerable feeling as her wife's fingers traveled over the edges, exploring with her nose nuzzled right against the nape of her neck. The gentle touches ruffling up the fur lightly with each breath as fingers dipped forward and the former man shuddered in place, her back bowing and jaws opened wide.

"This is much better, isn't it?" She asked, that voice a soft hush of sound, warm and making the former man swallow a noise. "I didn't expect female, but perhaps I should have."

_Didn't expect it? _ Brian thought and then tipped her head back as one slender finger gently and firmly began to push forward.

The silken walls began top up wider, an unfamiliar pressure formed right in the bottom of her stomach and spread outwards. It was sharp and immediate, making her eyes squeeze shut as untrained walls gripped down tightly and gave a caressing squeeze around the digit. She pulled along it, feeling the ridge of the knuckle and even the slight curve downwards. It was stimulating, sending jolts through her newly remade body as the changes began to come to a slow standstill. Her forepaws curled against her belly, tucked down a little as she twisted in place with her hind paws splayed open wide on the couch. Her breathing turning short and shallow as the finger began to push inwards, spreading her open deeper.

She was a large dog, the thick soft fur was warm and fluffy looking in a mixture of cinnamon and white, softer red streaks ran right along her inner hind legs and marked her. Her hind paws were quite large and the thick plume of her tail twitched against the bed as it gave little jump up and down. The pleasure began to unfurl low in her belly, making it harder for her to think straight as she began to breathe in shallow bursts. Her tongue lolled out from her slender looking muzzle, bobbing up and down with a series of little curls, tasting the scent on the air. It was her scent, a strange new scent that made her heart began to race in her chest.

There was a soft whine, one that wasn't her own and a white head poked up along side of the couch. Snow was staring with his pale ice blue eyes, ears twitched up high on his head and the pink black edged nose began to twitch faster. He rested his muzzle against the cushion, pinning it down in place while he shoved his chest against it in an attempt to crowd closer. Cheyenne carefully curled her finger at just the right edge, dipping down and then pulling backwards again with a little glide that caused her legs to twitch. Her untrained inner walls began to clamp down tightly, the contraction began to suckle with powerful movements, trying to draw the length of the finger in deeper. It sent a shudder rushing through her belly and it tightened.

"Snow!" Cheyenne laughed in a rich warm voice. "I think he likes the idea of a new friend, hmm?"

_New friend? _ Brian looked up to see the white husky stepping up with a large forepaw dimpling in the cushion.

"You make such a pretty husky bitch." Cheyenne praised and the finger drove back in again, the sudden pressure mounting so that her entire body began to tense itself up, her toes splayed open wide.

She ignored the dog that was trying to get closer to what was happening, her mind was on the sensation of pressure and delight as the finger began to sink forward with short heavy plunges. There was a wet sound, squelching out an edge of arousal as she grew slicker, coating all the way down towards the knuckle. The finger tip was delving itself through her quivering walls, stimulating and pulling along the outer lips so that there was a little bit of a tug. It was a pull outwards that came with a slippery trail of wetness that traced against the bud of her clit. It caused new feelings to pour over her, ones that she was struggling through as she clamped down harder. The finger tip swirled and began to work a second one up against the line of her puffy vulva.

She opened her eyes, watching as her wife's fingers spread open the pale pink mound and thinned it down a little bit as the second finger began to push forward. There was a sudden nudge that pushed inwards and started to part her open wider. The wetness began to slide down along the edges of the fingers, glistening wetly as her stomach gave a little jump and twitch. The contractions closed down, pulling the fingers in deeper inside of her body. The push and nudge sank itself through her walls, stretching her open wide with a smooth stroke before pulling back again. The tug pulled along her outer lips, stroking them outwards with her hind paws opening even further.

It was unlike feeling a hand wrapped round his cock, the sudden spasms that rippled through her were pleasurable and caused her to arch her back higher in the air. Those tremors that chased down her back made her clamp her jaws down tight. Her ears folded down as the way the fingers rubbed along the edge of her g-spot, just barely grazing it before there was a jolt of delight. She drew her hind legs in closer as she felt the warm breath running against her ears, the speed of it telling her that her wife was enjoying what was happening nearly as much as she was. The former man was alive with sensations, her very skin felt swollen and hot as the throbbing of her heart filled her ears. She bared her teeth a little bit before there was a breath of hot air rushing against her lower belly.

"I suppose this is a family affair." She murmured in Brian's ear as she snapped her eyes open to see their husky crouched on the other end of the couch. "He's of an age to take an interest, hmm?"

_Wait a moment..._Brian whined and folded her ears again, squirming just a little bit as the white muzzle slipped closer and Cheyenne slowly pulled her fingers free, slipping them out with a smooth movement.

There were strands of wet arousal that clung over the edges, joining the fingers together as they were offered towards the pure white husky. Snow's tail began to wag wildly, his ears tipped back flat to the head as he crept forward to sniff over the mixture. The nose crinkled up a little bit and his tail turned into a blur before the tongue snuck out and gave a slurping lick along the tip of the digits and scooped up the taste. It was rolled over the edges, exploring it eagerly while he shifted his weight back and forth on all four paws. He was creeping forward, inching along before the nose pushed against the hand and the long tongue began to lick with powerful curls and twists of the tongue to clean Cheyenne's fingers. Brian watched, her breathing still rapid, rising and falling rapidly as the sight made her feel trapped and confused with a mixture of anticipation and moral disgust.

Cheyenne didn't seem to feel any sort of dismay that the dog was cleaning her fingers, she spread them open to make sure that the long tongue could get between them. Her hand began to move back, not quickly, but just slowly enough to make sure that the dog was drawn along with her. The nose pushed forward further while the nose began to crinkle up a little bit further. There was a strange little growl that burst out, high pitched and then deepening before he stepped in closer and his eyes flicked down towards her. He had always looked intelligent with those pale eyes, but not the same intelligence of a human. The gaze took her in while the long pink tongue licked over his muzzle before the nose dipped down with a hot puff of air right along her bared glistening mound.

"We shouldn't deny him a bit of a taste, hmm?" Cheyenne said and held his paws firmly in her own, keeping them clutched down before the heat of the tongue suddenly pushed outwards.

It was hot, so incredibly hot, flushing over the edges and tickling her as the white muzzle tipped down between her thighs. There was a brush of the whiskers tickled her as she gave a little bit of a jump and her wife's hands became a bit more firm around Brian. She couldn't quite wriggle free, she could just barely shift her hips back and then lean forward again before the tongue stuffed outwards with a powerful caress. The muscular oral muscle was slipped outwards with a slurping noise, pushing out with a sweep that ran upwards that slurped messily to peel the walls backwards. The hot saliva coated her, pushing along the inner lining so that she gave a wild contortion and twist in place.

It was unlike the finger entirely, it was hot and smooth feeling as it dipped inwards and then withdrew, sampling the tastes with an eager scoop forward. The wet arousal clung to his tongue as he seemed to be exploring it with his tail wagging faster. Brian couldn't do anything save push her hind paws out while Cheyenne carefully kept her pinned and rolled onto her back before the heat of the tongue began to push outwards against her again. It was a silken sweep of wetness spreading along the puffy outer edges and sampled with a delicate curl and sweep. The gentle touches making her jump in place with a short whine and yip as the tip began to stuff forward right between the lips and against the narrow opening.

It made her toes splay open wide as the warm heat began to stuff forward right into her passage, glutting the narrow walls open wider around the twisting length. There was a wet slurp and messy sound as it pulled backwards and pulled back again. The dark nose ground itself right up against her puffy clit and put a bit more weight into the movement. The tongue slurped backwards, dragging away so that a few inches slipped free before pushing in again, working and churning with powerful rolls of the tongue. The wet juices were coating his muzzle, trailing along the edges, droplets chasing along the line of the lips as Snow whined out and began to push his tongue harder.

It was more pleasure than any mouth around his cock, it was exploring and contorting itself, the little movements deliciously agile as they found the most sensitive spots and then ruthlessly played over them. The rolling movements built up, smoothing down and then pushing forward again. The hot breath hit against the line of the puffy lips, keeping her on edge as her muscles flexed and tried to grip down as tightly ast hey could. The movements were caressing, working along the swell of the tongue, feeling the tip that swept upwards and just caught the depths of her inner passage. The movements designed to try and pull it in deeper. They were muscles that she had never possessed, never trained, but they reacted instinctively and helped spark new surges of pleasure through her.

Her hind paws strained open, briefly, a stretch that splayed the toes as wide as they could go before the tongue slurped backwards. There were lewd wet noises, sounds that made her body seize up in short movements. Each time the length of the soft silken tongue slurped forward she let out a soft cry, pushing her head back against her wife as Cheyenne's fingers began to tease down along the line of nipples that ran down her chest and belly. The light stimulating touches made sure that she was set on edge, jolting through her in a roil of pleasure, building it up so that the tension began to spread along the lower belly.

Brian had never experienced pressure like the one building on her lower belly, it was like a great unseen hand pressed down against her. Her muscles were all tensing up, going tight as she leaned forward and kept her ears flat down against her head, teeth curled backwards in a slight snarl. The tongue pushed forward again, slurping out with a caress that flicked the tongue tip upwards and then drew back again. There was force in the way it was drawn backwards, her muscles were trying to hold him inside of her. Her mind was steadily starting to lose itself under the surges of fire and need that caused her hips to writhe upwards. The fingers pinched her nipples, light squeezes to stimulate while Snow seemed to grow more eager in the touches.

When the tongue drew backwards it did so with a slow twist, trailing right up against the line of the swollen bud of her clit. The unfamiliar feel of it causing her to jump in place briefly before dropping down again. She splayed her hind legs wide, no longer trying to kick out with her paws as she felt her inner walls began to quiver and leap. The small tremors that rocked through her were building up and crashing over her. The way they surged through her caused her to swing her hips upwards again and her head pushed harder down against the swell of the breasts. The pressure broke over her in a wave that set her body on fire.

Her cry was breathy sounding as it came out, the delight poured over her in wave after wave, covering her in liquid heat of pleasure as the orgasm hit her hard. Her walls closed down tightly, squeezing down greedily to suckle along the tip of Snow's tongue and even the trail of the fingers on her belly extended that pleasure. Her toes flexed, shaking a little bit as the tongue stuffed forward again with a wet squelching noise. The inner walls worked over him, each one a new spark of pleasure that traveled down the line of her back and kept her on edge. She basked in it, rolling through that lust and desire, her eyes seeing sparks that traveled over the edges of her vision. The contractions rippled low in her stomach, aftershocks before she dropped down to one side, whining softly.

"Well, looks like the whole family is going to enjoy this change." Cheyenne said with a soft lilt to her voice, caressing down Brian's belly again. "Though, hopefully you'll walk better on a leash than Snow will, or else it'll be a long month."

Brian rolled a little as Snow began to lick along her outer folds, cleaning her with powerful sweeps of a pink tongue. The touches almost painful thanks to the overly sensitive state of her body. A month, she'd be a dog for a month, transformations weren't an easy thing to change back and forth, it required time and energy. She flushed a little bit and suppressed a shiver of delight at the idea of being this way for that long, the experiences she'd get. A life as a dog could be quite enjoyable, especially with Cheyenne in charge.

~ ~ * ~ ~

A leash, a leash was a new part of Brian's life that she was not at all prepared for as the new collar around her neck felt rather heavy and jingled loudly with the tag that hung down from it. She felt a flush that was rushing along the line of her ears, burning quite hotly as she twitched her nose and felt the air sliding over her nude body. Her fur covered her for the most part, but there were certain parts that weren't covered. She made do by tucking her tail down between her legs, not quite curling it under her belly, but enough that her sex was at least hidden as Snow walked beside her in his normal high speed trot to try and get Cheyenne to walk faster.

Brian had never really fantasized about this part of life when transformed, but there was a strange sort of thrill that came with being taken out for the day on a long walk. Her claws clicked lightly on the ground, her paw pads rough feeling against the ground as the warm sun slid along her back. Snow's tags jingled beside her, the standard silver name tag offset with a bright purple rabies tag that any dog would wear. Her own collar had only a single diamond shaped tag, ringed with a reflective white that would flare bright at night. It was the tag any shape shifted human wore to identify themselves as being something more than animal in the case of an emergency. The plate was a brilliant looking orange that made sure that no one would miss who it was that was being walked.

That was the law, something that was set about because one too many people who had changed shape had been mistakenly treated like real dogs. They had been put into shelters or taken to vets offices or any number of things before they'd been able to turn back. Since the spell worked for a month, that meant that there could be quite some time in an embarrassing position before they returned to themselves. Of course, that also meant that anyone who saw her walking down the sidewalk also knew exactly who and what she was. That made her ears go hot a red, growing flustered as she was taken down past the park they normally walked their dog with.

Snow was doing his best to make sure that he was crowding her, happily sliding along her side as she picked up her feet and heard Cheyenne start to speed up a little bit. Her wife was cheerful today, she had woken up with a bounce to her step as if she were ready to face the day. She could taste the edge of lust on the air that morning, she knew that her wife had enjoyed the way things had gone between them, showing something like eagerness in her desire to command and be obeyed. Brian hadn't thought she had that in her, she had always been more an equal instead of showing any real aptitude or desire to take control of things. Yet, something in that balance of power had shifted, changed and Brian wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

The morning had been interesting, learning to stand and walk on four legs. Her night had been spent struggling to understand how to sleep without a bed or clothes, how to move her changed limbs. Her dreams had been strange, blurred with an edge of desire and heat that had made her uncomfortable and caused her to wake up several times with a wild little whine that had caused Snow to stir as well. The big male had loomed over her at times, keeping close to her and frequently sniffing her over as if she were some interesting new toy.

"Shall we go to the park, then?" She asked as she turned along a concrete path that led towards the open green area of the park. "Let you two stretch your legs a bit?"

I could actually run. _ Brian thought and wagged her soft thick tail, but wagging it meant that she was flashing the spade of her sex. _I always wondered what it'd feel like to run on four legs.

_ _

"Then to the park we'll go!" Cheyenne said and gave the leads a pull, Snow shoved right against her shoulder, the big dog snuffling a little bit with interest against one of her ears.

The moment they stepped onto the grass and down towards where the dog park was located, she found herself regretting the wag of a tail that had signaled she'd wanted to come. There were more people in the park than she had expected, certainly quite a few more than she could remember being there on a weekday morning. There were more than a few dogs running free, but her eyes were on their owners and she felt as if she were wearing a beacon on her collar. A few people gave a little glance over at her and she dropped her head a little bit so that she was partially hiding the tag that marked her as a transformed man. She had to wonder how many had seen the flash of orange as Cheyenne crouched down near to her.

Her head, tipped up high so that the leash could be taken off, but that left the tag visible again and she saw one of the people look and then grin a bit wider. The eyes were bright before she leaned into her companion to say something and the man looked as well. Brian felt his ears burning a hot red, flushing all the way down to the base while she hunched her shoulders a little bit and remained in place. Snow was much more eager to be let off the leash, the click of the lead coming undone was followed with a burst of white as the husky took off a run. The legs flashed wildly and she was left standing there while making sure her eyes were shifted to one side away from the people watching her.

"Go on, don't you want a run?" Cheyenne said and her fingers trailed up, sliding right along the perked ears.

The fingers ran lightly, dipping against the inner ear and traced delicately so that a shiver ran down along the line of her spine. She sucked down a breath, her tongue tip just barely slipped out from between her lips as the fingers fondled lightly, travelling down against the ears towards the nape of her neck. Her body was far more sensitive to touch now, something that she had no hope of disguising when she was being caressed. She shifted her weight paw to paw, pushing backwards a little bit before the hands slid down along the side of the chest. The fingers ran lightly, pressing the nails against the curve of her back before the hand gave a swat right to her rump, startling her forward with a little jump.

She could feel other eyes on her, or perhaps that was only her own imagination, but there could be no missing the fact that her tag marked her as different. She felt self conscious as she picked up her paws and started to trot with her long legs, her tail bouncing behind her. She did her best to move towards the rest of the dogs, hoping that was a good bit of cover for her. The woman that had clearly saw her was still watching with interest, the way those eyes trapped her

Her ears pinned flat back to her head and she glanced backwards at her wife, nostrils twitching wildly before Cheyenne gave a few little sweeps of his hands. The gesture made her step forward at the urging and then trotted down into the park. She kept her head low, feeling more exposed as she tried to make the movements seem natural, surprised at her own pleasure at her legs stretching out beneath her. Her tail bobbed back and forth behind her, kept down low between her hind legs so that she was hiding the puffy spade. She moved her tail a little bit, flexing just a touch while Snow came bounding up with an eager wag of his own tail, crashing against her with a wild crash that hit against the shoulder to make her stumble slightly.

She yelped back, snapping her teeth a little bit, but the white husky was already on his way about her. Just seeing him move with that broad pink tongue lolling out made her squirm a bit at the memory of that tongue. She had been avoiding thinking about it, but god, she had allowed her own dog to eat her out until she had been cumming around that tongue. Her ears shifted a little bit, trying her best to push away those thoughts as she trotted towards a more secluded section of the dog part and was aware that her wife was following here. The hanging leads hung from her hands, bouncing against her upper thigh, her eyes bright and confident looking.

"I'm pretty sure that's her boyfriend.. or husband, that young fellow that normally comes here." Her sharp ears picked up and Brian flattened her ears and picked up speed to get away from them.

Everyone knew that transformation was becoming more common, especially living so close to the Magic Mile, she had seen a few people tagged while changed, but she hadn't thought about what they must think. There was something vulnerable about being on all fours and naked, unable to speak or even explain herself as she ran about with Snow. The only good part about the park was the fact that she was able to stretch her legs and actually feel how her body moved around her. The leap and flash of her paws putting on a small burst of speed while Snow gamboled about her eagerly, trying to get her to play.

It was hard to actually try and fend him off, he jumped and pawed wildly with a series of swats that made her jump to one side. She was having problems getting her paws beneath her, stumbling at times as she tried to get her body to respond properly. She moved like an overly large puppy, unsure of her own paws at high speeds, but she began to feel a little more confident in the way she was able to trot about. The further they got from watching people the more confident she became about her actions. Her legs stretching out and her tongue lolling out with a series of soft pants while her ears tipped backwards.

"Come on! Get the ball!" Cheyenne called before there was a flash of neon green as a ball went bouncing across the ground.

Snow was already off and running at full speed, the white dog streaking in front of her before she tried to catch up to him. Her tail was whipping back and forth with a series of wild wags, falling the ball with a surge, but she was too slow and Snow had the ball long before she caught up. She was left darting around on her heel to catch up as he ran back towards her wife. She was chasing the white tail before he skidded to a stop and dropped the ball down, already prance stepping eagerly. She jostled him and looked up at the ball, falling into her role as a dog, seeing her wife's smiling a bit wider before she tossed the ball with a fling that sent it bouncing across the ground rapidly and this time she was off and running.

She forgot about her earlier reservations in the face of being able to simply stretch her legs, not caring if others saw her. After all, they were up at the upper portion of the park and she was here on her own. She bolted and darted, her large paws hitting the ground eagerly as she ran and Snow fell in beside her. This time she was able to briefly grab the ball, tasting a bit of wetness before the larger dog snagged it out of her mouth and ran back to the woman. The proud prance step making her set her ears back as she followed and was rewarded with the curl of fingers along her ears, caressing and running down lower towards the line of her shoulders.

Snow dropped his ball and nosed it towards her, his tail a blur behind him as Brian leaned into her wife and felt the way the light tugs against her scruff made her tense a little bit. It was released in favor of the woman reaching out to tap her right on the dark padded nose. She licked out automatically, brushing long the fingers with a curl and twist that made Cheyenne's rich laughter fill her ears, a promising sound that caused her to squirm slightly in place, her breathing picked up the pace a little bit faster and she didn't know why. Her eyes were locked on the human face before the hand made a small gesture.

"Sit." The command came naturally, one they gave Snow often, but Brian's haunches dropped back down as well, feeling the big white husky sitting near her. "That's a good pair! Now down..."

Cheyenne dropped her hand down firmly, gesturing while the former man was suddenly dropping down as well. It was as easy as breathing to obey, but her eyes suddenly lit up in reaction as she kept her hand in the down command. Brian watched it and felt the warm brush of the male dog against her side. Her tail continued to wag before the fist turned slowly and she began to obey by rolling herself on the ground, thudding a little and squirming to actually roll over, but she managed it. Snow was far more graceful about it, but she at least managed with her tail wagging, feeling a surge of amusement at the commands. It was a new part of the game, one that made her loll her tongue out in a canine smile up at her wife before the woman gave the sit command.

She sat up again and got a light pet in response, a burst of praise that caused her to lift her head up higher in the air and lick at the finger tips. She whined out happily, her tail wagging so fast that her hips began to sway back and forth happily in time with the movements. Snow pushed his head up against her hand, trying to attention of his own from his mistress, their mistress. Cheyenne was now in more control of her than anyone ever had been, especially when considering that Brian couldn't even talk or defend herself properly.

"Alright, come on Bri." Cheyenne said, giving Snow a fond scratch and gave the down signal. She said Bri not like a shortened version of Brian, but more like a short version of Brianna. It made her flush hotly, but she began to drop down.

The moment her hind legs went down the fingers moved down to catch right beneath her belly and held it up so that she was only able to drop her forebody. Her legs splayed open a bit wider as she dropped her nose against her forepaws and she wagged her tail from her raised rump. She let out a happy whine as the fingers scruffled down along her shoulders, running lower towards the curve of her sides. Her nose snuffled a little bit up at her wife, wriggling in place before there was a sudden off of hot air brushing right beneath her tail. The sudden kiss of it shocked her and gave her give a little bit of a jump in place, but Cheyenne's hands on her shoulder kept her in place as Snow snuffled eagerly along her under tail.

"Stay.." Her wife said firmly, the voice the same one they used when training their dog, but it was equally effective on her as she shivered a little and felt the hot breath puffing right along the line of her spade shaped mound.

The tongue flicked out with a little glide, pushing out with a slurp that ran right along the puffy outer lips and gave a push higher up. The smooth movements gliding firmly so that she shuddered briefly and felt a stab of pleasure that made her whine out. The heat of the tongue pushed out and she rolled her eyes up to her wife, seeing the woman smiling slightly, her eyes fixated on their dog with an interest that made the former man shiver. And then the tongue worked up against her again, a wild sweep that pushed all the way up against the line of her belly so that she was forced to feel the tip gliding just between her folds before running higher up towards the spread of her pucker. It made her give a wild little jump in place and squirm forward as the heat of the tongue bathed around in circles.

Snow stopped to snuffle her and his paw raked against her haunch lightly while Cheyenne carefully kept a hand right down against the line of her shoulders, making sure that she couldn't get back up again. She swung her head back to see the dog's wildly wagging tail as the tongue scooped out again, slurping with a sweep that ran all the way upwards in a wet trail. It twitched a little bit as it reached the peak and then moved away again so that the cool nose brushed against her sensitive outer lips. She flushed, squirming beneath the hold of the hand on her back, feeling the way that her body was running hot and cold in turns. It was a surge of pure pleasure that was trying to uncurl itself through her body, making her lower belly tense as it had the night before.

"Stay." Cheyenne said, the voice firm and holding the edge of command that made Brian stay still as the hot tongue began to lick faster.

They were short slow strokes, ones that danced and pushed her lips open wider at the apex of each curl. It made her give a little jump and then relax again, her shoulders tensing themselves and then relaxing again. She splayed her hind legs for him, trying to ignore the way she could feel her heart hammering in her chest. The beat of it was growing faster, making her push backwards against the tongue that dug itself between her folds. They were pushed apart so that the tongue could graze right against the silken skin found there, probing with a wet trail of saliva pushing out. The tongue twisted and turned, wetting down the fur against her inner hind legs as she sucked down a breath and let it out in a low noise.

She was pushing herself backwards against him, hind legs shaking slightly, her tongue lolling out from her muzzle, when she realized that she could pick up the sound of laughter. It wasn't just laughter, it was that high pitched embarrassed laughter that people got when they saw something they couldn't believe. She jerked her head up a bit and then her eyes went shut as the tongue suddenly pushed forward. The curl of the tongue tip worked right up against the line of her inner passage, sinking itself home with a twist and caress. It was a shock of hot pleasure that made her body throb and her whine burst free as she stretched her toes open wide. The hand on her back left her and she didn't try to get up, she remained in place as Snow's cold nose rubbed back and forth against her.

She opened her eyes, her tongue lolling out the entire way as she let out a series of short pants and heard the wet tongue slurping against her. When her eyes opened the whole way she saw someone watching, a red faced looking woman and rather amused looking man. Their eyes were entirely too knowledgeable as the former man jerked her head up and remembered exactly where she was. She was in a park of all places. She was out in public! She backed up a bit further in an attempt to get away, twisting a little before Snow's tongue pulled out and she jumped forward. Brian's wet tail tried to tuck down against her saliva coated haunches while she felt dizzy with embarrassment, the orange tag hanging down like a bullseye to make sure that everyone knew exactly what she really was.

"I think that's enough park today." Cheyenne said, leaning down to clip a lead directly onto the collar. "Snow, come!"

The big white husky happily sat down, his tongue hanging down low from his muzzle with an all too pleased expression on his face. It was the sort of expression that made her stomach twist in embarrassment of what she'd just been doing. How had she forgotten herself? Cheyenne didn't look embarrassed at all, her wife looked thoughtful and pleased as she stood up with the two leashes and gave them a firm tug, bringing the former man to her feet. She wasn't entirely sure she was comfortable about that, but what else could she do? She had to obey, and she began to follow along with her tail quirked down, all too aware that Snow's licking had left her even more naked feeling.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Brian found it harder, not easier, to control the desires that were rising up in the heat of her belly and starting to grow worse by the moment. The heat crept upwards, sometimes it could be ignored, other times she felt unsettled by it as the days slid around them. She knew she would be in this form for a month, she had time to adjust to her new body and the way that it worked, but her body seemed to run hot from the moment she had changed. Each day it grew a bit worse, starting to become a constant in the back of her mind as her days continued. She found her mind changing, something that she hadn't thought about being part and parcel with her transformation. Her thoughts and reactions were all lightly coated with the instincts of a dog, not simply that of a man. It made her vulnerable to commands, more submissive and her memories slightly foggy feeling.

It wasn't that she didn't remember who and what she was, it was the fact that she was having problems remembering how many days had passed. When she was tired she slept and when she was hungry she ate so it didn't quite seem important to pay attention to what time was passing. She had no work to go to or any set schedule to march her days with, she was stripped down to simplicity. It could have been weeks, it could have been only a handful of days, she wasn't sure and it didn't really bother her. Through it all she had two constants, Snow and her wife.

She was treated as a mixture of pet and sex toy, Cheyenne growing more and more confident as they days continued. She seemed to relish the control that came with having her husband as a bitch, testing the limits and her own position. The way she behaved was quite unlike what she had grown used to in her wife, but at the same time, even that was enjoyable. It made that curl of desire in her grow, because some part of her enjoyed the treatment. She responded to it in a shocking fashion that almost made her wonder just how effective her transformation had been. The quiet woman that was her wife became more vocal, more demanding, teaching her how to use her tongue in a way she hadn't really mastered as a man.

Her name was now Bri, just Bri. She was never treated as a thinking creature, instead she was treated as she was, a dog. By now the neighbors all knew it was really Brian in the guise as a dog. No one asked about it, but the smiles, the sly side looks, all said that they knew exactly what was going on and found some level of amusement about it. Cheyenne didn't seem to mind, if anything, the woman seemed pleased by the turn of events, frequently going out of her way to walk Brian past people they both knew.

It was the need to please her that dictated her days, especially when she was given an order and kept on such a short leash. She was a dog, treated so much like one that she wondered at how much of this had been planned from the start. The depths of her fetish explored in such a ruthless fashion that she was wondering just how much of her hidden pleasures would be tucked away and kept out of sight of the probing questions and the way that the woman was trying to reshape her. She whined softly under her breath, something that stirred the woman beside her, feeling the fingers that had been idling sliding along her scruff tightening lightly.

"Bored, girl?" Cheyenne lilted softly, tilting her head down and Brian's tail began to wag immediately in response, shifting her head over to rest on the lap.

Just hearing that voice was enough to make her go nearly limp in happiness, especially when she considered that she was going to be given attention. She crawled in closer, feeling the bare skin against her as she rubbed her nose down against her wife's lower belly. Her tongue flicked out to rub a hot wet line there before the woman's laughter filled her ears, something rich and touchable that caused her to stretch out a bit further. Her nostrils flared open wide, tasting the air lightly, the warm scents making her lick out with a drag that curled right along the dip of the navel. It was a light touch, leaving a wet trail to grow down before the hands slid along her haunches, tracing near the base of her tail.

It was only a gentle touch and Brian found herself responding with a shiver that pushed her ass up higher in the air, her tail swinging all the way to one side. It was an electric jolt that was entirely outside of her control. She wasn't used to that, having no control, but this body was growing more out of control with each and every day. She was losing her sense of pride as the fingers slid down and she whined out to feel finger tips gliding downwards just between her legs. The lust she felt wasn't even close to the lust she'd felt when she'd been a virgin and seen her first woman naked. This was heating up her gut, making her toes curl against the ground and nearly cry when the fingers finally glided along her vulva.

The finger pads traced the puffy mound, a mound that had felt too hot lately. It was larger than when she'd first changed, the skin strained tight and swollen so that even the lightest touch stimulated her to white hot need. Even now, the light caresses against her body were making it hard to think why this was odd. Instead she licked her wife's bare stomach, humiliatingly grateful for the touches that rubbed her, working and teasing until she was rolling against the bed, presenting herself to those fingers as avidly as animal might. Animal? An animal had shame, she wasn't sure she had it any longer.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You know, I would have thought your time this past two weeks would have started to calm you down a bit." Cheyenne said softly as the warm furred body sprawled across her lap, the tongue rubbing her stomach.

She used her fingers on that delicate spade, watching her husband begin to shake and squirm, starting to tense and then relax again, the movements showing clearly just how much she was enjoying the sensations. Her finger tips traced the edges of the puffy vulva, starting to push upwards with a little curl so that the husky let out a high pitched whine and seemed to almost be lost in the moment. The hind legs were splayed open wide, allowing her to examine the soft outer lips as she pushed forward with a gentle curl that began to just barely nudge into the passage to feel her jump a little bit, the hind legs kicking out wildly. Her eyes lifted up high in the air, watching Cheyenne closely as she continued to tease.

It wasn't the fifth time or even the tenth time she had explored the canine body, but each time seemed to only make the dog want more. The lust in those eyes were wild looking as she began to dip her finger inwards. The inner walls started to clutch and squeeze, each movement was timed perfectly to close around her. The little tremors made her body shake in place, nostrils flared wide as she was twisting in place. The contortions were making her feel a surge of control. There was something about the way the husky behaved made her want to exert control over the canine, a heady sensation for her that had only been more addictive over the last few days. She had never expected to be the one in control, Brian was normally so well put together that he took the lead.

Her fingers pushed forward, just one sliding into that tight passage and felt the heat wrapping around her. She was slowly turning her finger when she heard the scrape of paws on the outside door, rattling it loudly as the dog on the other side began to whine under his breath. She jumped a little, her finger driving deeper than it had so that her husband let out a yip. The red and white husky was squirming, pushing onto her finger without any hint of shame as Snow started to paw at the door harder. The dog's breathing could be heard at the crack as he stuffed his nose down and tried to sniff into the room loudly.

She had begun to have to keep Snow separated from Brian. The dog had gone from playfully eager to try and make friends with the new dog in the house to pushy and almost aggressive. The change had begun a few days ago and grown worse as he had given Brian no peace, it had gotten to the point that she worried that there might be an actual fight if she didn't put a stop to it. The husky had never had another dog in the house, so she supposed it was just natural dominance issues, but it made her wary of letting them alone together. She hardly wanted to see her husband trying to put the other dog into place or end up at the losing end. Just imagining taking her to the vet and explaining how her transformed husband ended up with a few choice bites was more than she wanted to deal with.

"Do you hear that?" She moved her other hand up, tipping the muzzle down so that she saw the large brown eyes staring at her. "Snow really does miss his favorite bitch."

The look those brown eyes gave her was elegant, causing her to smile a bit further, enjoying the edge of humiliation in his eyes. She twisted her finger a little bit, her husband gave a high pitched burst while the toes splayed open wide. She curled upwards, just barely stimulating the inside of the passage, the steady pressure starting to mount higher as she savored the way the canine squirmed in place. Her body could be played so easily, just the smallest touches pushed her on edge as the second finger began to sink forward. She felt those so hot walls straining wide, so soft and malleable as they clutched and suckled. The way they were working on her, it made it easier to ignore the dog pawing on the door to build up those movements. The soft slow touches playing over her until she heard the soft whine bursting free from the former man. The paws flexed down tightly, squeezing tight to the chest as she contorted herself.

There was a desperation to that eagerness, something that made her linger in her play to make sure that the canine was constantly moving around. The small humps and shifts of the body were desperate, not simply pleasured, there was a wild edge to the way she was growing so slick and hot. The lips were so puffy looking, swollen tight with desire as there was a squirm of the hips and the slip backwards of the head. The tail was twitched all the way to one side, making sure that there was no way one could avoid seeing that aching cunny. That was the pose that finally made things click, a sudden realization dawning on her that brought a slight flush to her ears as she curled her finger up and watched the dog's belly hunch upwards sharply in reaction.

She's in heat... Cheyenne thought, and almost dismissed that idea, but then she pushed her finger forwards with a slow push and strain that began to open up the walls and felt the supple inner walls clutching down greedily.

She was so damn tight, so hot, her body so ready. Heat. She hadn't thought that Brian could go into season like a real dog, it just hadn't occurred to her while they had played their games. The first thought that came behind that realization was one that made her flex her finger upwards to just barely curl through the narrow walls. She pulled backwards, the trail of wetness coated over her finger, the scent of it had to have been driving Snow crazy. Their husky wasn't fixed and he had been growing so pushy with her that she had assumed that it was just a dominance issue, but it wasn't, he'd been wanting to actually breed her. She felt a pang of sympathy for the dog stuck in the house with all of those scents of a ready eager female he couldn't get too.

She knew, somewhat, that a transformed person could breed and be bred, it was something that just happened with the way animals were built. Her mind lingered over the stories of those that had decided to really give the whole experience a chance and gave into those urges. They were fertile, really fertile, there had been a few cases of people becoming pregnant. Magic wouldn't allow them to simply change back either, once they were pregnant they would not only remain in that shape while growing the offspring, they would also remain in that shape for as long as it took to wean them. It was something that made people shy away from it simply because it could be months, or even a year, until a person was able to walk away again as a human. She didn't mind months, not when her mind was curling through the thoughts of what would happen when Snow was brought into the room.

"What do you say we invite Snow in, hmm?" The words came out softly, even before she had even finished that thought. Brian, pinned under their dog, being pumped full and stretched with a glassy smooth shaft.

_Why not? I wanted to give him everything this experience had to offer, why not this? _ She curled her finger backwards, drawing inch by slow inch, messily covered with those heated juices. She was beginning to like this turn about.

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

Brian got up slowly, her entire body felt as if she were laden and heavy, too swollen to think. She heaved upwards onto all fours as her wife stood up and moved towards the door. Her eyes were swinging towards the door while she whined under her breath as she moved towards the edge of the bed and then jumped off. She was more graceful now, but arousal made her unsteady as her tail twitched back and forth. She didn't care if the dog was allowed in, all she cared about was that need burning deep inside of her as she paced and twitched her tail. She twitched her tail to one side, keeping it held well away from her puffy swollen mound. Her tongue lolled out with heavy pants, almost vibrating as the door swung open to let the husky in. She was grateful to see him, the warmth of the tongue something she craved more than breath.

_ _

_I really shouldn't be thinking that. _ She thought with a nervous twist in her belly, hunching her back a little bit up.

_ _

The ears were pricked up high as the snowy white dog trotted in with his eyes on her, his tongue swept right up along the muzzle. The low whine so eager as he barely wagged his tail at Cheyenne and instead came right towards her, snuffling eagerly before reaching up to paw right against the haunches. There was a scrape against the line of the hind legs, making her jump a little bit and then swing her hips around towards him eagerly. She didn't try to evade him as his nose ducked down and he stuffed it under her tail without any preamble. There was something wild about the way he acted, pushing his nose down and immediately starting to lick. It was desperate as one large paw draped against her haunches and pinned her in place.

_ _

She felt a vague sense of alarm growing, just in the back of her mind, something that was niggling her that there was a reason for her to be wary of this attention. There was something about it that caused her body to run hot and wild despite those dull thoughts as the tongue pushed over her painfully swollen folds. She spread her hind legs, offering herself over to him as she felt Cheyenne running her hands down along her back with a caress. She whined softly as Snow pushed his head against her, pawing against her haunches with a rake of blunt claws that made her stumble to one side. She was nearly dropping back, her hind legs splaying before he pushed his nose up again and her body felt a rush of electricity. It was crashing over her, parts of her stomach were knotting up and relaxing as the thick scent of dog filled her nose. No, not dog, male dog, the scent of which was making her draw in deeper breath as she struggled to turn her head towards him.

_ _

His hips were cocked up slightly, but that wasn't enough to hide the fact that he was reacting with a need of his own. Before, it had been more behavioral, something that he did with a strange dog, nothing like this. His white sheath showed a flash of red as an inch of stiff cock was visible sliding free and then his tongue was delving into her. The heat of it sharp and immediate, making her body convulse as her walls clamped down tightly to welcome him. Oh god, she was in season, that's why she'd been acting this way and growing more distracted with her own need for pleasure. That's why she'd been acting so strangely, it was something that she couldn't control as her body was reacting to the fertile state. Oh god, no no no no!

_ _

NO! _ She yelped and tried to buck away as the dog's tongue caressed her swollen passage, stimulating parts of her body that ran white hot. _NO NO NO NO!

_ _

"Easy now, easy.... That's a good girl." Cheyenne murmured, her wife so sweet sounding before her neck was suddenly gripped in firm hands, her scruff drawn back.

The hold kept her still and she scrabbled a little, looking suddenly panicked as she couldn't get away when the paw pushed heavier on her haunches. Her hind legs were splayed open wide, straining under the weight of the larger dog while the free hand moved to cup right beneath her belly to keep her hips up high. For a brief moment, she remembered arguing quite vehemently against getting Snow neutered. She hadn't wanted to see the perfectly intact male having his balls removed, at the time, it'd been a very masculine reason. She hadn't wanted the dog to be made less of a male, since she wouldn't have wanted her balls removed either. Now, oh god, now she regretted every argument she'd had over keeping Snow intact. If she was in season, there was every chance he could father a litter of pups on her.

The weight of the husky pushed over her, pressing down right against her haunches as he swung his body around. She tried to drop her hips again, but Cheyenne kept her up in the air while there was a sudden jab against the line of her haunches. The boned cock tip hit hard and left a smear of wetness that matted along the fur as she was knocked forward. Her paws scrabbled harder as the weight pushed forward and the nose ran along her shoulder, puffing hot breath against her messily, making sure that it was running up high towards her neck as he rocked his hips wildly back and fort against her haunches.

The hind legs were a painful grip along her stomach, clamping down and raking lines and welts against her. She was given another yank backwards, pulling her in closer as the dark red length dragged and pushed back and forth. It rubbed beside her tail wildly, dribbling precum out against her in messy spurts, letting it fall down against the underside of her tail to kiss right against her pucker. The claws bit harder as suddenly that hard boned cock hit against her pucker and slipped down. It battered against her wildly, jabbing with short movements that bruised right against the line of her puffy mound. It was being crammed forward and dimpling against her painfully as he let out a grunt and the hand on her belly pushed her up higher.

The fingers slipped backwards, refusing to let her drop as the cock tip tried to find purchase. She felt the fingers sliding right up against her swollen puffy lips and split them open with her finger tips. The outer folds splayed wide to show the line of the wet glistening inner walls. She squirmed and shuddered as the way she was splayed allow the cock to rub against her, bouncing off either side as the thrusts became more desperate. She heard Snow whining out under his breath, as if he were just as frustrated her own body was.

The wild movements slipped it down lower and suddenly she felt it grinding up hard, the hips shivering slightly before there was a jab of hot slippery heat prying into her. The jolt ran down the line of her spine, making her head snap up high in the air as the cock tip drove home and the hips suddenly snapped into place. The sharp powerful movement drove the breath from her lungs, causing her ears to go down tight as the boned length drove home into her body. Her walls were stretched open wide, forced open around the violet red shaft that glutted her open wide, straining her walls gaping wide as she yelped out and tried to swing around towards him.

Even through the ache, her body reveled in the sensation of being opened up, feeling the thick heavy spire stuffing forward and forcing her walls to the widest point. Her ragged breath became short and heavier, lips curled back as she was able to look back and see the blinding tremor of the hips as the entire cock sprang out of the sheath and was fed into her body. It forced her open to the widest point, the tip delving deep through her heat swollen walls to make sure that she was filled all the way down to the swell of the base that crashed against her. The force pinned her aching folds down, bruising her while she squirmed in place, twisting and contorting herself in an attempt to writhe free, but he kept her in place with a snarl.

The boned shaft pulled back again, a wet slurp that pulled free before she was rocked forward again and her walls pried open with a squirt of hot feeling precum. It was churned and pushed deeper into her body, making her struggle to hold up the weight on her back. Her breathing came out in short yelps as the hips turned into a blur of movement, pumping wildly against her in ragged bursts that rocked her back and forth. She wasn't able to keep herself in place, she was stumbling forward under the sheer weight of the dog on her back. The tip battered all the way back towards the line of her cervix, striking hard with the base shoving forward with a powerful swell that popped inwards before pulling back out again.

It was too large feeling, filling her entire body up, making her jump slightly as the cock twitched upwards and squirted out a flush of precum through her passage. Her own juices were churning together, mixing together, slipping backwards with a wet slurp. She heard it, her ears flushed while she twisted and braced herself, paws leaping a little bit to try and brace herself properly when the paws flexed and scrabbled harder against her. They moved to grab her, making sure that she wasn't able to squirm away as the short rapid thrusts sawed the length in and out of her. Each movement perfectly designed to stimulate her body, his shape made to caress her and keep her on edge.

Her walls clamped down tightly, clutching and suckling, trying to draw more inside of her as the squirt of hot feeling precum flushed into her belly. It traveled in deeper, spreading over the edges and starting to curl in deeper while the hips gave a series of little thrusts. The movements rolled and caressed, tugging backwards so that time and again the thickness of the base popped free of her clutching lips. Her walls began to tighten around him, molding along the stiff boned length as the tip prodded in deep inside of him. The hot squirts were hitting her and causing her to give little jumps and leaps in reaction.

Her body caressed him, suckling and pulling, trying to lock him in place because that's what her body wanted. Briant wasn't in control of it, her fertile body was parted open for him, the narrow cervical opening spread wide so that every thrust worked to plunged home. THe precum was already being pushed into her lower belly, weighing her down as she let out a muffled whine when the knot pushed home. The stretch and strain blossomed wider, the swollen lips began to thin down to swallow around the base. It was sinking home, the impact jolting through her and she clutched along him. The hands on her body kept her in place as it began to stretch wider and wider, blossoming to the widest point so the yanks back were a struggle.

The pull backwards, yanking harder as the lips began to split wider open, forming a tight wide O as her body was yanked backwards. Her paws scrabbled a little, but her aching cunny didn't open up enough, it was bulging with a knot that sent a jolt through her. Her walls tightened themselves, locking around the knot as it grew wider and wider, swelling itself so that there was no ability to move really, but his hips kept pumping. Those heavy balls slapped up against her inner thighs, hitting firmly against her while there was a scrabble, the paws straining before the cock tip began to twitch upwards. The stiff length was quivering along her inner passage, causing her to whine out as the jerks yanked against the knot, pulling backwards and stirring forward again.

Her pussy was straining so wide that she was wheezing out heavy breaths as the hind legs bunched up slightly as she gaped her jaws wide. There was no stopping the feel of pressure and pain together. The aching shifts of the hips pulled and yanked back again, tugging at that knot before the next thrust forward sank home. Her legs were shaking, her body seized up as she saw stars before the cock began to twitch and quiver. The way that it began to twitch worked with the churning of the balls as the first hot stream of rich cum poured out of him. Brian whined out, her tongue lolling out while her own dog twitched against her back, another streamer flushing outwards with heavy sperm rich splatters flushed along her dilated cervix.

She could feel the heat of it, it was churning inside of her lower belly while she whined out again, feeling Snow panting against her shoulder. The tongue lolling out and bobbing a little bit as the hips shifted against her, the knot locked deep inside of her. Her own muscles worked against her, the way her walls held him wouldn't let him pull out as spurt after liquid spurt of that mixture pumped itself into her lower belly. It was making sure that there was no evading what was happening as her fertile body was growing heavy with his seed. The big white dog let out a happy whine under his throat, letting out a little bit of a groan as his forelegs loosened up and began to relax with a slip backwards.

The body slipped off her from the side and then a hind leg was cocked up and over her haunches, the balls shifting to push up against her ass and cushioned against the burrowed shaft and her puffy mound. She tipped her ears back to her head and lowered it, dropping it as close to the ground as she could get while she heard her wife moving. She jerked her eyes up to see Cheyenne's eyes studying them both, the tip of her tongue just barely poking between the lips. The cock kept working inside of her, no escape, not when all of that seed was flushed outwards through her, puddling in deep. It was rushing towards her ripe ovum, seeking them out where she couldn't do a thing to stop it.

"I am starting to like this spell..." Cheyenne said finally, drawing in a breath and letting it go. "And now we can have a good deal more fun, hmm?"

_Fun?! _The idea was abhorrent as she considered just what sort of fun that meant, especially with the millions of sperm flushing through her belly, already conquering those waiting eggs.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Several Months Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

Brian waddled, not walked, she waddled, because there was no other word for it as she was taken down along the line of the sidewalk and tried to keep up with Snow. The big dog was gamboling along as if there was nothing wrong in the least little bit, his tail wagging back and forth. Brian's swollen belly was drawn tight, making it awkward to pick up the pace while her ears tipped backwards lightly. Her nose twitched a little, tasting the morning scents and doing her damned best to make sure that she didn't lift her head to see people glancing at her. There were too many people staring at her, the eyes fixated at times as they saw how her body was changing over the past few months as she grew heavy with a litter of pups.

Everyone at this point had either guessed or confirmed just what had happened to her, they knew she was human, and what was worse, as her pregnancy progressed it became obvious what she'd been doing. She didn't think she'd be able to meet her neighbors' eyes after this, not when so many of them knew she had been well and truly fucked by a dog. And they were surely going to end up figuring out that it was Snow that had done the deed with her. How many people ended up being transformed into something like this and then went so far as true bestiality? The shame made her quicken her steps a bit as they turned towards home.

"Nothing like a walk, hmm?" Cheyenne said, not as if she thought either of them would understand or answer, just a cheerful offset voice in the background.

In the last few weeks her nipples had even gotten larger, standing out against the underside nearly as thick around as the tip of Cheyenne's finger. Her wife was enjoying the situation immensely, taking no attempt to hide as she held the other end of the leash in her hand. She felt her too full teats swinging a little bit, the state of them so tender and hot feeling lately that they were an added torment. Her stomach shifted a little bit, tightening when she reached the door and her wife moved to open it. Getting out of the public eye was a relief, especially since on this walk one person had actually begun to make a few snide comments once he'd seen the orange tag and the too heavy teats.

The moment she got into the house the leash was unclipped from her collar and she was set free, but today she just wanted to pad off to the basket that had been recently bought for her. Snow followed her, more than happy to jump about her, pawing a little bit to try and get her to play, but she couldn't, she was so tired and her body weighed down. He haunches swayed back and forth behind her, little movements that shifted about awkwardly as she tried to position her too heavy swollen belly. The litter felt as if it were a big one, or perhaps it was just her own mind playing tricks on her as she felt her wife watching her finally drop down into the basket with a bit of a groan.

She was breathing heavily, the little relief she felt was offset with the sounds of her wife getting her dinner ready. Dinner for Brian would be kibble again and that made her squirm a little bit uncomfortably. She had been a dog now for months, her life shifted entirely into being treated as an animal as her wife began to show more and more aptitude for taking charge of things. There was no denying that she had a talent for being dominant, but there was more than that, she enjoyed it. She enjoyed being the one in charge, to be in control, every aspect of life carefully put into place so that Brian hardly recognized her own wife. After all, she never would have imagined Cheyenne would let her get pregnant by the family dog.

"Don't want anything to eat?" The woman said in a sing song voice, sweet sounding, it made the former man's tail begin to wag and thud firmly against the line of the basket in answer. "C'mon girl." Brian wagged her tail harder.

She didn't feel like food, her belly already felt heavy enough as it was! She adjusted her legs again, trying to find a comfortable position before heaving a heavy sigh. She tucked her nose down and licked against her teats, feeling their tender tips lightly before there was a twitch and ripple along her belly. She had grown used to the pups moving themselves, it was just a part of life at this point, they were always trying to find a better position since their growing bodies had overfilled her womb and they were all crowded together. It wasn't a kick or a shift of a puppy that made her ears fall back to her head, it was the painful rippling sensation that ran over her.

It was so sharp and sudden that she yelped out despite herself, jerking her head up as the muscles twitched downwards and tightened. She could see them quivering slightly as she whined out in a higher pitch and braced herself for the sudden pain that caused her to hunch further over her stomach. Her nose nearly touched it as she felt a surge of fear that came with the pressure resting against her stomach, like a great hand pressing down against her and making her breath come out in a rush. It was a pressure that built from the inside instead of the other way about. There was only one real reason for that pressure, only one possible conclusion that could be happening to her.

Brian stood up, her stomach hanging down as she stiffened a little and turned in the basket, trying to swallow down the fear and confusion she felt as the uterine contractions struck her. The pain causing her to tuck her tail down until she could drop back down in the basket on her side. She adjusted the puppies inside of her, but even feeling that made the pressure crest right along her cervix as they began to align themselves inside of her. Her heart was racing before a hand lightly brushed the nape of her neck. It was a sensual hand, one that lingered there for a moment and caused her to tip her head back up into her wife's eyes.

"Oh my, time already?" Cheyenne said, her voice slightly husky sounding as the fingers curled along her nape. "Excellent, I was starting think this day would never come..."

I can't give birth! Not really! _Brian let out a guttural noise as she curled around her heavy stomach tightly. _There has to be a way out of this.

_ _

"Don't worry, I'll be right here.." Cheyenne murmured softly, sweetly, the fingers rubbing towards the ears. "I wouldn't miss the next step of our adventure for the world."

The way her words rolled off her tongue were suggestive, making them sound far more alluring than they should have been. Brian swallowed, her mouth going dry as she felt that tightness building inside of her. Cheyenne had found her niche in life, the only question was, how far was she willing to go with it? For that, he had no answer.