17th December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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17th December

This morning, Sophie was back to her old caring self. She apologized to Mara for her behavior and told her that she knew it had not been Maia's intention. She just was frustrated and drunk, because her husband only cared about Maia since the party. Maia cried a bit, reminded about what happened the day before, but said she would forgive the vixen. In the shower, Maia thought about the whole situation and started to cry again. She still thought about the words of Sophie, that she should give in to the men as well, when she went down for the breakfast. Sophie was already there and the breakfast was peaceful, so that Maia already thought her trial in the last days were over.

"I talked to the other men." Said Patrick after the breakfast. "We decided, that you will not wear any clothes from now on for the tradition. Maybe this helps you to stop fighting it." Maia whimpered. At first, she thought she misunderstood him, but the grin in the face of her uncle and cousin made clear, that he meant it like he said it. "When we go out, you can wear the warm mantle, but nothing under it, do you understand?" Maia shook her head. She wanted to run, but her uncle reacted faster. Together with Derick he stripped her off her clothes, even her panties, and then put the warm mantle around her. Maia pulled the mantle around herself to cover her naked body. She wanted to get out of the grip of her uncle and leave for her room, but her uncle held her angles. "Where are you going?" he asked. "It is time for church." Maia had forgotten that today was Sunday. She did not want to go to church. She tried to resist a few times, but finally her uncle carried her outside the house and the cold air in her face made her wrap the mantle even closer around her. It was warm enough to protect her against the cold at least. Her uncle just put her down when they were just before the church. Maia took her place next to her aunt with a hot head. She was super embarrassed about sitting nearly naked in the church and every time she looked up and met the smiling face of one of the men, she quickly looked down again. She did not follow any of the speeches the pastor gave.

After church, the pastor called out for the Lansters. "Maia did not listen today. I think she had her thoughts somewhere else." He complaint and her uncle eyed her from the side. "This is possible." Replied her uncle. "Don't you want to come to my house and I can teach her a bit of that, which she missed?" Mr. Park asked and her uncle grinned. "Sure thing, pastor." He replied and even though Maia tried to resist, she could not escape the strong arms of her uncle. Her aunt and cousin waved and returned home and left her uncle and Maia behind, who were now following the pastor into the house next to the shed that was taken as a church room in the village. The house was warm and Maia directly started to sweat slightly in her thick mantle. "You should lose your jackets or you will get a heat stroke." The pastor said softly and smiled. Maia did not want to but her uncle was faster than she could react and peeled her out of the mantle, which ad her stand naked in the middle of the living room of the Parks. Next to Mr. Nick Park there were his two older sons, Simon and Arthur, while the youngest and Mrs. Park was not there. The pastor grinned when he turned around and looked at the naked girl. "The lord says: Love and you will be loved." He said but this was all that reminded of a psalm or something of the church. Maia knew, that this "lecture" would not be words, when not only the old man, but also his sons stripped their clothes. Where Maia had not been able to oppose her uncle, she had even less chance against the even stronger bears. She saw the penis of Mr. Park already poking out of his sheath when he approached her and even though she tried to fight, she tried to hit him and to push him away, he grabbed her and pulled her up into a wet and forced kiss. She felt his moist tongue in her muzzle and hated the taste of the wet muscle. She wanted to use her arms and legs to push herself away, but she just clashed with the body of Simon, who approached her from behind and pushed her against his father again. She felt his already half erect member brush against her tail, while his father's rod, now complete stiff, brushed along her folds and stimulated her clit, which had her pussy produce some fem juice.

"She is ready!" said Mr. Park, stopping to kiss her for a moment. Maia tried to close her legs, but with a yank of his paws, that were behind her hind now, the man pulled her closer to him, moving her legs left and right from his body and made sure she could not close them. Maia clenched her nether lips as hard as she could, but the tip of the man still wiggled in and he groaned as much as she did from the tightness. When his tip was in, she felt her lips quiver and there was not much strength anymore now, that they were spread painfully. She felt arousal mix with the pain of the tight fit and make her inside slippery and then with a hard push of the man, she screamed when he split her pussy in half and pushed up to her cervix. There were no more words, just nasty kisses, licks, touches and the pumping in and out of her love tunnel, until Mr. Park overpowered her cervix and came to a rest deep inside her and inseminating her womb. While he still spurted, she felt Simon Park lift her tail up and smearing pre of his dick over her tail hole, before he pushed in. She tried to resist and push him out, but her strength was not fully back yet after the fuck of Simon's father and she groaned again until Simon as well came into her ass and she still felt pain because she still tried to fight it. Both of them took her again until she also came with their second climaxes, but the girl still groaned and tried to fight them, even though her body got more and more exhausted. They let the girl down on the ground, but she had not time to rest. Arthur, the 15 years old cub, directly moved on top of her and bit her in the neck. The boy had learned how to get her into control instantly from the older men as it seemed and even though Maia still tried to trash around, an attempt that was too weak to even get the boy on her back out of balance, she felt the dick of the boy move in and out of her in a fast pace and soon spurt into her womb to add to the bear cum inside her. Maia did not lose consciousness this evening, because every now and then the bears gave her a rest, but her resistance got weaker and weaker, until all she could do was moan in protest and groan when the entered her. Her body had been rocked by a few orgasms already and her body was fighting against her will together with the bears. Later the evening, the 8 years old son Fred came back, with his mother, and while the mother prepared food, the boy joined his older brothers and father and they taught him how to subdue Maia. Maia felt horrible, dirty and nasty. Her pussy was constantly dripping juice as well as her tail hole. Her tail was a slimy and wet rod of fur and bones, that just hand down without power when no one was holding it up and her muzzle had the taste of the slimy content, that they poured into her. Only Mrs. Park, when she came in from the kitchen, stopped the boys and man from continuing like that and gave all her males a stern look and a big lecture, which stopped their action and had Maia get some rest. Mr. Park brought her back home, where her aunt waited with the dinner for her. Maia was very hungry, because she had not have had a proper lunch this day. Even though she was tired, she managed to eat two portions of stew and then went upstairs tired, not caring about her dirty and slimy fur and that she ran around naked anymore. She did not reach her own bedroom, because Derick intercepted her and led her to his own room, where he had her lay on his bed and then, after stripping, lay next to her. Maia was too tired to even realize that she was not in her bed. She felt his dick push through her slimy tunnel, but the next moment she already was asleep.