Ms. Schafer's Family 1 - 2

Story by fredwirtz on SoFurry

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#1 of Stonebury Chronicles

the Walton family moves from big city living into a smaller, quieter town so that the father, Frank Walton, can be closer to his new job. The required travel, however, means that he'll be away from home rather often...thankfully, their next door neighbor, Annabelle Schafer, is more than happy to help out with the kids.

She just has to make sure that they're pure of mind and body before she'll approve of them, and only her peculiar breast milk can make sure of that...once ingested, it has strange effects on Carla, Jack and Sarah alike, but only one thing is common among them: they're all becoming werewolves, and their family life will never be the same.

This is the first part of a longer commission written by Joshiah

This is an effort to collect all the parts into a single location.

Chapter 1

Annabelle Schafer was the kind of neighbor that anyone would have been happy to have.

She was entirely gorgeous, but she didn't present herself in such a way that would make men jealous: she dressed down and respectful, allowing her natural beauty to shine through, instead of forcing the issue. She was a true and proper socialite, and always had just enough to say without gossiping, so much to the point that people wondered how she was so knowledgeable about so many topics, while seeming to be nothing more than a widower.

She was just a little bit older, getting up in her years, and living the kind of life that she did meant she had plenty of free time to mire about the house, relax, and take in the sights of the day. Even on a busy and bustling weekday, when everyone else seemed to have something to do, it wasn't uncommon for Annabelle to be sitting on her front porch, relaxing with a glass of lemonade and enjoying the feeling of the summer sun on her skin.

Relaxing in just such a way and nearly drifting off the sleep, the sound of a car pulling up to the vacant house next door and the doors slamming as a family of four climbed out of it were the only things that kept her from dozing off, but at the sound of company, she brightened right up, rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and waltzed down the front steps of her Victorian home to greet her new neighbors.

"The house looks even more beautiful in person...oh, honey! I can't even imagine how happy we're going to be here!"

The voice was that of a happy housewife, one who had been eagerly awaiting their arrival at the property after days of an agonizingly boring drive. She ran around the front of the car to hug her husband, and just behind them, her son and daughter stood to the side, the daughter smiling gleefully, and the son glancing away in disgust at the affectionate gesture.

"Oh, I'm sure the four of you will be very happy," Annabelle said, as she intruded on the situation. She stepped across the narrow yard of vibrant, green grass and smiled, presenting herself as politely as she ever did. "The last family who lived there absolutely loved it...a bit of a fixer-upper, to be sure, but that means it's just waiting for you to make it your own!"

"You almost sound like you could be a realtor," the husband replied. He pressed a small, dainty kiss to his wife's cheek as the pair released each other and turned to face their new neighbor. "We're the Waltons! It's great to have such friendly neighbors, Miss...?"

"Schafer. Annabelle Schafer, and the pleasure is all mine, I assure you! What a darling family you have!"

Annabelle often spoke in tones that were older than she actually was, herself, and it helped to give her a disarming and gentle appearance, one that allowed anyone to feel safe around her, even an overly bubbly daughter and a disenfranchised son. "Thank you so much, Annabelle! I'm Frank, this is my wife Carla, and our two children, Sarah and Jack."

"It's nice to meet you!" Carla jumped in, though Jack merely offered a slow, quiet nod, not giving any sort of a verbal greeting.

"Wonderful to meet you as well, dear," Annabelle replied to Carla, while giving Jack a half smirk. "I suppose he's a bit more the brooding type?"

"Jack...he's just upset about leaving all of his friends, I think. It wasn't an easy decision for us to move, but...I had to take the job. I'm sure you can understand."

"Oh, but of course!"

"I just wish my son understood it so well," Frank muttered under his breath, but he kept his smile.

"I'm sure he'll come to understand why you did what you did in time, Frank. You seem like a good man...tell me, Jack. Have you ever been the new kid in a new place?"


"Well, you'll find this little town to be as friendly as they come, young man. I'm sure you'll make a load of new friends in no time."

It came across as an empty sentiment for Jack, who shrugged and walked up the stairs to the new house. "I guess that we'd better get you three inside...and I'd better get to work!" Frank declared, having come in with just enough time to let his family into the new house. "Kids, be good for your mother. You'll both be back in school starting tomorrow, so no staying up too late!"

"Those darling children are still in school?" Annabelle asked, raising a curious brow.

"Eighteen years of age a piece...twins, y'know? Such a pain in the neck, but I wouldn't trade them for anything," Frank explained, as he got back into his car. "It was nice meeting you, Annabelle. Take care!"

"You too, Frank!" she called back, waving as the car pulled away, and smiling to such a degree that it might border on creepy, if they knew her a little better.


The Walton family was adjusting well to life in their new home, even if Frank was constantly gone for business.

He had to move to a new town to be closer to a distribution center that would be in need of his help most of the time, but when he wasn't working there, he was in a plane, flying off to do a trade show somewhere else in the country. Carla and Annabelle became fast friends, as one was a supposed widower, and the other, a woman who was happily married, but to a man who couldn't be around nearly enough for his children.

"It was so nice of you to invite us over for this get together, Annabelle. You really didn't have to, you know. I could leave the kids next door if you think that's for the best."

Alcohol was flowing in no certain degree at the party in the old, Victorian house, and though the kids had been to plenty of parties where it was passed around, Carla was still clinging to the hope that her children had never taken part in such a thing. If she lost sight of them for even a moment at this party, there was no telling what they might get into, in such a large house.

"Trust me, your children are fine, Carla! They're very well behaved...young Jack even helped me to move some furniture around my house the other day. I'm sure that the two of them can be trusted. You should really let yourself relax every once in a while!"

"Oh, I suppose's just hard to relax when Frank is almost never around. I don't think Sarah minds it so much, but I know it tears Jack up inside."

"He's a good boy, Carla. I think he just worries about becoming like his father and never being around. It's common for boys, his age."

"I'm just not sure what to do to cheer him up, anymore."

"Well, we have a local creamery that milks its own cows here in town, and they make some of the best, fresh milk that you've ever tasted. I know that my husband always cared for a glass when he got home from work."

Carla chuckled. "'re serious? You really think it'll cheer him up that much?"

"Always does the trick for me, Carla. Besides, I can slip a little brandy into your glass, if you like."

"Well, you know how to win me over," Carla replied, offering up her empty glass with a snicker. "I'll take a glass of 'milk,' in that, could you come in here?"

Among the noise of the crowd, it was surprising that Sarah and Jack could hear a thing, but somehow, they heard the piercing voice of their mother and came back to the living room, just as Annabelle returned with a tray, and three glasses on it.

"Thank you all so much for coming to the party," Annabelle said softly. "Enjoy...especially you, Carla!"

The pair shared a quick, playful wink as Carla took her glass and took a full, healthy sip. Sarah wasn't a big fan of milk, but she smiled all the same and took a drink, wanting to be polite, while a thirsty Jack took the glass and slogged it unceremoniously, having been looking for the alcohol at the party, but somehow, he came up empty every time.

"My husband used to work at the creamery when he was still alive. I'm sure it does his soul well to see people are still enjoying the product," Annabelle admitted. She waited for everyone to finish before leaving the room and taking the glasses with her, wearing a smirk that Carla chalked up to nothing more than mere alcohol.


The party was quick to think out, that evening, and all of it was by design.

The milk simply didn't sit right with Sarah, who Carla took back to their house and helped her into bed, while Jack stayed at the party and had another glass of milk, quietly hoping that Annabelle was putting some kind of alcohol in it. The milk was good, that much he couldn't deny, but there was definitely something unusual about it that he wanted to keep on tasting.

Curious as to what the secret ingredient was, he made the mistake of sneaking into the kitchen while Annabelle was refilling the bottle...only to see her breast popped free from her shirt, cupped in a hand as milk poured from the nipple.

" Ooh, oh man! I...I'm so sorry, Ms. Schafer! I didn't know! I m-mean I-

"Calm yourself, Jack. It's perfectly natural, after all. You've never seen a woman's breast before?"

The shock of the moment was so great that it took Jack a couple moments longer to make the connection, even as he looked right at it. He was drinking breast milk...right from his next door neighbor.

"Wait...Ms. Schafer, how could you...I mean, you're not pregnant, are you?"

"No, I'm not, though there will be a new baby coming to the block very soon, young man."

Annabelle was too slow to hide her breast before Carla made her way back to the house, only to widen her eyes in concerned shock as she saw Annabelle finally covering up. " Annabelle! What the hell do you think you were doing with my son?!"

"He simply happened upon me while I was refilling the milk, Carla! I promise, I wasn't trying to do anything twisted to him, or with him. That'll be your job."

"What kind of a family do you think we are?! How dare you think I would do such a thing with my own child!"

"Oh, you will. Give it a little more time, sweetie...that's all it takes."

"I would never! And what kind of twisted woman serves breast milk to her guests??"

"Just a woman who cares dearly about keeping her town pure...that's all."

Jack tilted his head a little bit. "...Pure?"

" see, my dear Waltons...this town stays small and quiet for a reason. We're very cautious about who we let in and out, and when we decided you were fit to stay, you had to be turned...there were no two ways around it."

"Turned? The only turn going on here is when I turn you over to the cops!" Carla shouted, her fists clenching at her sides in frustration.

"I wouldn't go to them, if I were you."

As if the words carried a certain power, Carla fell down to one knee, and her stomach turned over. She could feel the milk sloshing around inside of her guts as thick, grainy hairs began to sprout out all over her body, and her teeth chattered with a shiver that she couldn't fight.

"Right on time...I suppose you'll go to the police next, Jack?"

The question was pure mockery, as Jack gripped the counter, trying to fight whatever sickness he was overcome with. His hands gripped the counter fiercely, until it cracked under his grip, and his nails dug in...only, they were growing rapidly longer and sharper before him.

"Our kind is disappearing...we need more children to keep our village alive," Annabelle muttered. "That means we need babies to be born of pure, lupine other words, only a pair of werewolves can copulate in this town, and that means that your mother is now the only woman for you, Jack."

"You're sick!" Jack shot back, but his legs gave out on him as he did. His flesh was bending and his bones were contorting, all so that his legs could take on a purely digit-grade stance. Fur was tearing through his loose fitting clothes as his mother wriggled about on the floor in front of him, a small tail beginning to burst through the hem of her pants and leaving a perfectly opportune tear for a proper male to take advantage of. "I...I can't..."

"You can, and you must...the moment you drank from my bosom, it was already too late, Jack. Your mother will be aching with need any second...can you leave her in such a state?"

The transformation continued at a rapid pace as Jack failed to reply; his lips had pushed out into a muzzle, one that kept him from speaking normally. He grunted and growled in frustration as he fell over the haunches of his mother, only to feel her body pressing back up into his own as he did. She had the chance to run away...but instead, she reached back and unbuttoned her jeans, slipping them entirely out of the way as her growing body and expanding fur tore her panties around her folds. They were already dripping with a need that she couldn't control, and though her mind resisted the same, her body easily overpowered it.

It was a union that neither one of them had ever even considered, even in their most twisted realms of fantasy...but it was coming true, as Jack squirmed out of the tatters of his pants and gripped the base of his cock, finding it grew without his consent or proper arousal. It needed to be buried...and his mother's snatch was the only place that it could go.

Annabelle watched with wicked lust and enjoyment, having no shame about reaching up under her shirt to fondle her breasts as the incestuous pair began to mate on the floor in front of her, all while the transformation came to a peak. It was no longer two humans, but two full-bodied werewolves on the floor, grinding against each other with a quick, bristling pace; Jack slammed his hips down into his mother, pounding her haunches with an inhuman lust, while Carla did the best that she could to lift her rump into the thrusts, assisting her son in plunging her cunt as deeply as he could.

"That's the way, my children...don't fight what nature intended you to do. Fuck each other with all of the pent up lust that you have...breed your mother, Jack! Breed her for me!" Annabelle shouted at him, her lips curled up in a sickening grin as she dipped a hand into her panties and began to tease at her clit, watching with tasteless glee as Jack wrapped his thick, powerful arms around his mother and dug his claws into her flesh.

Carla whined in a low, pathetic whimper, unable to speak properly anymore. A small scrap of her mind still knew that it was wrong, but she bumped her hips into her son as rapidly as she could all the same, desiring nothing more than to feel his seed spraying across her insides and coating her womb...and in proper canine fashion, she didn't have to wait long.

A thick, rounded knot came forth, and Carla took it with ease in her sexual experience. She held still as Jack gripped her body like a vice, his claws tearing into her flesh and his knot filling her womanhood to such a degree that the pair couldn't move...they could only sit in place as Jack's orbs were emptied inside of her, and a flooding torrent of cum sprayed across Carla's womb, slathering her vaginal cavity with a coating of thick, creamy seed.

"Mmmnn...there's no way that he didn't knock you up, Carla..." Annabelle muttered, as she continued to finger herself, even after the couple finished.

"Aren't you so happy and proud? You get to be a mother your son's child..."

Chapter 2

Sarah Walton was wiggling around in her bed for literal hours after she'd been put there by her mother, that evening.

She didn't know that just next door, her mother and her brother were engaged in one of the most forbidden acts that they could, and worse still, that union had ended in her having a new sibling...though one that never should have been.

Sweating, feverish and transforming into a werewolf herself, only without the influence of Annabelle Schafer to make her do something she might regret, Sarah shook so violently in her bed that it was scraping the walls, all while the changes of her transformation took effect. Just like her mother and her sibling before her, she could feel the fur spreading up under her skin and then popping through, like grass through the freshly watered earth. Her limbs contorted as pain blinded her, and she could feel her flesh becoming uncomfortably warm and thick as the tainted breast milk sloshed around in her belly, the cause of the entire moment.

It was twisted and sickening all at the same time, and yet, somehow, Sarah felt an arousal building in the depths of her womanhood that she simply couldn't understand, and worse still, she couldn't control it. Even as she felt claws building up upon her hands, she couldn't resist reaching down between her legs to examine her nude form, able to feel a thin, peach fuzz layer of fur popping up around the petals of her most precious flesh. Curious fingertips turned to pawtips as Sarah brushed just one, lightly furred appendage over her clit, and from that meager touch, she thought that she might scream to the high heavens. She suddenly felt fortunate that her voice wasn't working, and even managed to overwhelm her own panic in the moment with a second stroke across the buzzing bud, knowing that it would keep her from passing out in fear.

As her musculature finished changing around her warped bone structure, Sarah was able to focus on the pleasure of the moment a bit more fully, not wanting or willing to question why a thin layer of fur now covered her body, or why she could feel her face growing longer with each passing moment. There was a new and sudden breeze between her legs as a tail began to grow from above the alluring curve of her rump, and she could feel the appendage wagging back and forth, providing a much needed relief to the natural, lustful heat that she felt upon her sex. It was an awful sensation to be unable to properly satiate, and still living with her parents at the tender age of 18, Sarah wasn't as lucky as some of her friends to have an older sister to get hand-me-down toys from. She had only her paws to work with, and they were taking longer to adjust to than she would have liked.

That being didn't take long for her to find her perky, erect nipples poking up from the fur that covered her modest breasts, and once she honed in on her clit, she refused to give it any sort of a break, massaging it with such ferocity that her hips began to thrust at the air, at the imaginary lover that was climbing atop of her and satisfying her every need. There had never been such a male in her life, and she couldn't think of who she might desire, but image was coming into her mind as fluids began to gush from her snatch, soaking her bed sheets and finally giving her reason enough to pause her fingering.

Goodness...this...what is this? What the hell has happened to me? she thought to herself as she panted. She could hear the front door opening and panicked, yanking the sheets up and over her body, all the way over her head in the hopes that she might be able to hide whatever had happened to her.

I'll go talk to Ms. Schafer in the morning...she'll know what to do. I can trust her.


When the first sunbeams came around to rouse Sarah from her sleep, the first thing she did was stroke an open palm along her arm.

It didn't matter that she could see the fur was all gone; she had to feel it to be sure that she wasn't dreaming, or perhaps, that last night wasn't a dream, itself. There was no fur on the bed, no claws on her hands, and her face felt entirely normal...but there was still a small stain down between her legs, right where she'd squirted out just a tiny bit of female ejaculate the night before.

"No way I'm talking to mom about that," Sarah muttered to herself, as she slipped out of her bed and pulled a camisole over her body. She normally tried to look presentable around the company of others, but this time, she barely got into her pajamas to go and see Annabelle Schafer...who was sitting on her front porch, as usual.

The way she gazed over to Sarah, it was almost as if Annabelle had been expecting company of some kind. "I'm so sorry that you didn't feel well last night, Sarah. Everyone really missed you at the party!"

Sarah smiled as politely as she could so early in the morning. "That's very sweet of them. I'm sorry I couldn't stay...I really would have liked to! I was having a lot of fun..." she hesitated to continue, before poking her fingertips together, trying to cautiously pick her next words. "But...I felt really strange, and I just had to go home...and things only got weirder from there."

"Weirder? Why, what on earth happened to you, dear? Did you tell your mother?"

"N-no, I...I can't, Ms. Schafer. Could we...maybe talk about this inside?"

"Of course, young lady. Come right on in," Annabelle offered, as Sarah marched up the small stoop to the front porch and right in the door. The moment it was opened for her, she rushed inside and took a seat on the big, cozy couch in the front room, wishing that she could curl up on it without arousing too much concern. "...Well, you certainly were in a rush to come inside. What's the matter, Sarah?"

"It's...kinda personal," she admitted, immediately hiding behind her knees and crossing her arms over them. "But something strange happened last night. I h-had a dream that I was a werewolf...but...that's not the weirdest part."

Annabelle chuckled, as if she had no clue what Sarah was talking about. "How could a dream get much weirder than that?"

"It...made me feel...good. Y'know, in that way."

"For being such a mature, young woman, you sure are bashful about your body. We're both adults, can tell me what's really going on."

"It turned me on," Sarah suddenly blurted out, though she could feel her cheeks burning behind her cover. "What's weird, that some liquid came out of me while I was thinking about bed was still stained this morning. It all felt so real that I'm not sure it was a dream, and...I've never done that it normal?"

"Females can make a slippery mess the same way that males just doesn't get them pregnant!" Annabelle replied, trying to be as playful and lighthearted as she could, though Sarah was clearly shy about it, regardless. "It just means you were very aroused by the idea of being a werewolf...and we've all got things that make us tick, Sarah dear. You just have to be careful who you share those secrets with!"

"Y-you wouldn't tell anyone, right?"

"Of course not, Sarah! You can trust me as far as you can throw me...and I don't think a petite little thing like yourself could throw me very far," Annabelle explained. This time, she did get a chuckle out of Sarah, who looked up from behind her arms just slightly. Her eyes of ice blue sparkled with relief, and Annabelle took a seat next to her on the couch. "However..."


"That was no dream, young lady. I'm afraid you really did turn into a werewolf."

Sarah giggled and gave Annabelle a gentle nudge with her shoulder. "Okay, okay...I get it. You like cracking jokes to make me feel comfortable, and it worked."

"This is no joke, young lady...why do you really think your stomach was upset last night?"

"Be-cause...I'm lactose-intolerant?"

"Breast milk doesn't have any lactose in it, sweetie."

Sarah felt her stomach turning again in an instant as she bolted up off of the couch and stood over Annabelle, glaring. "You're joking. Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm afraid I'm deadly serious,, your brother, and your all drank from the same tainted batch, and now, you're all a part of the family, forever...there's only one piece of the puzzle that's still missing."

"You will never do that to my father!"

Annabelle was still giggling daintily behind her hand as Sarah ran for the door. "No, my dear...I won't...but you will. That need isn't going away anytime soon, and there's no other man in the world for you, anymore...just wait until he gets home from that business trip!"

"You're a sick, twisted bitch if you think I would ever sleep with my own dad!" Sarah yelled back, as tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She walked out of the house and slammed the door, but there was no reaction from the other side, or from the neighbors around. When she made it back into her own home, her mother and her brother were nowhere to be found...there was only the roaring of an engine as her father pulled into the driveway, returning from his trip earlier than anticipated.

She had to avoid him. She just didn't know if she could.


The evening couldn't have progressed more awkwardly for Sarah, who did everything she could to avoid so much as seeing her father, much less interacting with him. This was complicated even further by the fact that her sibling still hadn't shown his face all day, and her mother was nowhere to be found.

"And you're really sure that you haven't seen them?" Frank asked his daughter for the fourth time, trying to hide the sensation of panic that was starting to spread across his face.

Sarah scratched the back of her head aimlessly, playing with her hair and trying to come up with an excuse. "The last time I saw them, they were having a drink at Ms. Schafer's place. I think maybe Mom had a little bit too much, last night."

"She does have have a soft spot for the sauce from time to time, but...this...this just isn't like her. It's the middle of the afternoon!" Frank muttered, his frustration and concern starting to boil over as Sarah sat in the living room, trying not to make the situation anymore uncomfortable for her father than it already was.

For her, it was a struggle to see him in such distress, and thanks to the terrible effects of the tainted milk, she could think of only one way to fix the problem.

" never know. Maybe she isn't coming back," Sarah joked, managing a quiet and meager chuckle as she did.

Frank immediately turned his glare down to her and crossed his arms over his chest. "That isn't funny, young lady. Do you want your mom out of the picture or something?"

"If that means I get to have you to myself, then...hell yes, I do," Sarah spoke without realizing it, thinking that the words were still safely trapped in the recesses of her mind. Her hands flew up to cover her face in an instant, her eyes grew wide with despair, and her skin burned all the way up to the tips of her ears as she flushed with bashful warmth, unable to hide from the angered and disgusted gaze of her father.

"S-Sarah...what...what the hell did you just say to me?"

Annabelle Schafer was an honest woman, if nothing else, and she'd warned Sarah about what would likely happen if she saw her father. He was the head of the household, making him a natural alpha in Sarah's changed perspective, and no matter how she fought the urges that were bubbling up, she couldn't bite back hard enough against them.

It was only a matter of time before she lost control, and tufts of fur were already starting to sprout up from her flesh.

"Mom has had you all to herself for the last 24 years, Dad...don't you think it's only fair that you get around and see what else the world has to offer?"

Frank nearly spat at the ground as he listened to his usually bubbly and innocent daughter lay an accent on him that was thick with lust and deceit. "Of course not! I'm beyond happy with your mother! Why on earth would I risk losing that, and with my own daughter, no less?!"

"Oh, if you only knew what I was capable of, Daddy dearest...that might change your mind a little bit."

Wrought with concern for his daughter's behavior and the whereabouts of his kin, Frank tried to keep a cool head as Sarah crawled off of the couch. His jaw opened to speak, but then simply hung there as fur began to spread over Sarah's was growing even faster than the night before, and her claws were already to their fullest length when Sarah stood up in front of her father and started pushing him back to the wall. "To leave a female like myself in a state of need could be a deadly mistake for you, Daddy...why don't you just do the right thing and pound my tight, eager little pussy?"

" Sarah! Where did you learn to talk like that? N-no, heavens NO! I couldn't!" he continued to protest, but he underestimated just how strong his daughter would become as she changed. Her muscles grew to proportions too great for her own body, and she lurched forward, slamming her father into the wall harshly and digging her claws into his dress pants. The smooth, silky fabric didn't stand a chance against sharp, jagged claws, and Sarah was grunting with delight when she saw the bulge resting within her father's briefs. "Please...p-please, stop this, Sarah! Stop it right now!"

Frank couldn't bring himself to strike or harm his own daughter, and for a moment, he began to wonder if she really was his own flesh and blood...but her eyes, as they gazed up at his, were still her own...the eyes he'd seen the very day she was born. They never changed, but now, they were glazed over with a lust that Frank hoped he would never see in them.

Sarah, however, wasn't giving him a choice.

"You're the last one left, father...just give me this cock..." she paused, reaching forth to grip the bulge as she coaxed his length through the front flap of his briefs, "And it'll all be over soon, I'll love it..."

Frank was trapped in a moment of true despair...he couldn't possibly defile his own daughter, but if she didn't, she might end up killing him, and who knew what else might come of it. Slow, reluctant blood began to fill his member as his own daughter burst from her clothes in a flash, fully transformed into a werewolf, and pressed her burning, drooling folds to the tip of his manhood. He did his best not to squirm as she held the shaft tight and pulled it in further, pressing a leg up to the wall to create a perfect angle for standing penetration.

Regret couldn't describe how Frank felt about what he'd done, but pleasure couldn't describe how amazing it felt, either.

"Sarah...we...we can't..." he weakly protested, but the fight was entirely out of him as his daughter slammed her hips forth and hilted his cock, her body moving with a level of experience that betrayed her innocent appeal. Frank felt his breath fade into shivering gasps as Sarah pounded in against him, literally milking him of what she so desperately needed.

His final protests faded as he felt his teeth growing too sharp and long to speak around, and his face began to distort...and he knew that it was too late to look back.

With shaking hands that started to cover over with fur, Frank gripped his daughter by the hips and pulled her in closer, until she was able to wrap her other leg around him. He held his daughter up to his hips and finally fucked back against her, finding his body overwhelmed with a new sense of strength as the infection of lupine blood mingled with his own. Sarah leaned over his standing frame and bit down harshly upon his shoulder, all while his musculature grew out of control, and his insides fluttered with a delightful, canine pleasure.

His mind was fading just as quickly as Sarah's had the night before, and soon, he was acting purely by what his physical body demanded, as fur spread across his form like a plague across the slums.

That's it, daddy... Sarah thought, as she clung to her father, her swollen breasts heaving into his chest as she was literally bounced on his cock. Her own orgasm was hardly a concern; all that mattered was that she could work her inner muscles skillfully enough to bring her father to orgasm...and she didn't realize how skillful she was.

There was no sudden cry of ecstasy, or even a warning, as Frank continued the process of his change. There was, however, a telltale POP as the knot around his newly changed cock speared into his daughter and stuck the pair together, and a joined howl of father and daughter as his full, swollen orbs drained themselves into her, pumping her womb full to the brim with a veritable flood of incestuous cum.

The next door over, Annabelle Schafer could hear the powerful, sensual moans of a father and daughter who had just crossed a line together...and added another pure member to the growing werewolf family.