Reality Bites - Candy Cane Cunny

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Reality Bites

Reality Bites - Single-bite servings of the things that we rarely deal with in stories. No fantasies. No pulled punches. Just the unexpected side effects of all the things. These are not for the faint of heart or the fappers of cock. But you might find them amusing.

Today's Episode: An excuse to say peppermint pussy.

The wrapper came off the candy cane so easily and the smell of peppermint was fresh and strong.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked her boyfriend.

"Yeah! You see it in art all the time. It'll be great. Good picture and then tasty for me too."

She showed off sharp teeth in her smile and nodded. She was pretty wet with the idea. Right then! Turning around to show off her tail, she reached back and slipped the end of the candy cane between her moist folds and pressed it in.

* * *

"This is worse than prior years," the doctor told his associates.

"There's been a lot more drawings of people doing it. It's probably influencing impressionable people."

"Well, all we can do is try to help them, but if this keeps up, we might want to request a public health alert."

"What's on the patient list today then?"


19 year old female feline complaining of painful tingling and irritation of the labia and vagina. Direct examination revealed a peppermint odor and inflammation. Patient advised she inserted a candy cane and tried to work around the discomfort until it became too strong.


24 year old female raccoon complaining of severe pain, itching, and burning sensation of labia and internally. Evidence points to an acute yeast and/or bacterial infection. Currently awaiting lab results. Review of patient history included insertion of a fruit-flavored candy cane into her vagina for sexual purposes. Sugary candy provides an excellent environment for growth of infectious agents.


22 year old male coyote arrived at emergency services with extreme pain and rectal bleeding. Female accompanying him told medical personnel that he'd been sucking on a candy cane while watching a porn movie with her and then reached behind himself with the candy cane before vocally expressing substantial pain, so she transported him to the hospital. Patient was discovered to have inserted the long end of the candy cane into his anus and perforated his rectum with the small tip. Reaction to the pain caused him to pull the candy sideways, breaking it off inside with a sharp point. Further muscular responses to pain generated a second perforation. Emergency surgery was performed to stabilize and patient is under observation and recovery.


The doctor shook his head. "We have way too many cases of peppermint pussy this year. I really wish people would think before sticking stuff in the inappropriate places. Art can make anything look fun, but the people who know anything look at the picture and cringe."

His nurse snorted derisively. "You were just looking for an excuse to say 'peppermint pussy'."