A New Excuse

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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A lovely commission for Sexy_Mare

"Oh bother..." Mei let out a long sigh that sputtered out through her lips as she rocked back in her desk chair, letting it fall back with a clunk of the battered wood floors in the outdated college dormitory room. As the sound echoed and faded in the room, she gave a soft puff and exhaled,"I am not getting anything done..."

For a second, her gaze turned back to the computer that was flooded with tabs and half-started paragraphs and research materials. Her eyes lingered on the flashing of the cursor waiting for her to keep typing, but then she upturned her chin and looked away. "Oof, too much..."

She pushed her chair back further, setting her feet up against the edge of the bed with a groan as her fingers ran up through her short, shoulder-length hair to push the stray bits that'd escaped her ponytail back behind her ears. For a moment, she worked her head side to side, working out the kinks in her neck from hours spent sat in front of the computer. At the same time, she raised her arms up and rolled her wrists around, wiggling all ten fingers to break the stiffness gathering. The movement jostled her chest slightly, wobbling her full chest. "I feel like I've been staring at this thing for hours... I'm tense all over..." She gave another groan, pushing the chair back and this time standing up.

She stretched her hands up above her head now, giving a slight wiggly dance to loosen up her entire frame. As she moved, her short red skirt fluttered around, flashing the creases in the pleats over her bare white legs. The panda turned away from the desk, pausing to look at herself in the mirror opposite.

She stared a moment, rubbing her hands over her furry face and tracing out the black circles around her eyes beneath her glasses before she combed through her hair again and settled the black rimmed glasses back onto her nose neatly. She wore a long, soft peach sweater that hung down over most of her short, red skirt so only the bottom hem of pleats showed at the bottom of the knit top. As she looked at herself, she fixed up the creases in her sweater and gave her tall socks a little tug to fix them back into place up to her knee. Her curvy legs loved to shove the socks down to her ankles, put a little yank fixed them back into place. "I think I need a break-"

She pulled out her phone, swiping through the apps absently before opening up Snapchat with a flick of her thumb. Her eyes, full and warm brown, stared down at the screen as she swiped through her followed people until she saw him.

"Hm, wonder what John is doing..." She squinted a bit at the small icon preview before she selected him, awaiting his small video log to play what he'd shared in the last 24 hours. As the video started, Mei began to idly wander through the room. She refilled her water and the fridge first, sloshing water into a mug from a jug in the fridge as it started with a blast of crackling loud music leftover from his uploads last night, then his face swam into the screen's view.

"Oh my gosh! Finally Friday night!" His mane was crazily mused down the length of his neck and a flush glowed through the stallion's thin fur, but then the video clip ended and the collection skipped forward to earlier that same day shortly after noon. It was merely a snapshot selfie of his long, slender muzzle with the streaming light of the afternoon casting a strip down the length of his muzzle.

"Oh he's just so... yummy!" Mei squeaked with a little laugh. She gave a long sigh, clicking through the rest of his story and a few shots of coffee as he rolled out of bed late in the day, his boots as he strolled somewhere, and another selfie in the softer, fading afternoon light.

"He must be outside somewhere..." She thought aloud, murmuring to herself. "Maybe I should go for a walk for my break..." She mused with a small, cheeky flush. As silly as she thought it was to head out into the chilled campus air just in the hopes of stumbling onto her crush, that didn't stop her from wandering over to the small line of shoes she kept by her door and sliding her stocking covered feet into a pair of mary janes.

"I'll just get some fresh air, then back to my paper. It'll be good to walk outside." She grabbed her keys and ID badge, shoving them into the pockets of a light jacket that hung low past the hem of her little skirt before she slipped out the door of her dorm and into the brightly lit hallway.

"Besides, maybe I will run into John... and then," Her thought trailed off with a flush of shyness. "Oh bother, it's not like I'll talk to him! I never do!" She gave a long sigh, reaching the front door to free her from the interior of the dormitory building and into the cool air of afternoon blending into night.

"I just can't help it! Every time I see him he's just... intimidating!" Her mind flooded with the image of the stallion, who she'd instantly noticed out of the throngs of older students when she'd arrived to campus earlier that fall. Everything about him looked classic to Mei. He had a long, loose mane that blended in with the crop of slightly grown out hair atop his head, all of it in a reddish chocolate hue that contrasted just enough to the dark tan of his fur. She knew he must be trim and athletic under his button up shirts because he was constantly heading back from the gym, she'd seen him many times out her window returning to the dormitory beside hers with his mane mused with sweat.

Mei started to make her way around some of the buildings that lead into the main center of campus around which were clustered gardens of landscaping meant to make havens of peace for overworked students. She strolled slowly, keeping the bouncing of her ample chest to a minimum as her lungs drank in the crisp, cool air of the quiet weekend campus. "I love when everyone goes home for the weekend, it leaves campus so quie-"

Before she could finish her thought, a sudden noise jostled her. A little squeak came out from one of the gardens to her right from past the cover of the bushy landscaping. "What was that?" She thought, though now she didn't want to make a noise, something in her gut told her to be quiet.

Instead, she crept forward, heading towards the garden on the balls of her feet so as to avoid her heels clicking on the cobblestone. Reaching the edge of the garden's treeline, she peered in through the clusters of branches, the cover lessening as leaves were falling off in preparation of winter. There, framed by a few bare branches, she spotted a familiar form: John.

But he wasn't alone.

"Oh my!" She thought, though thankfully she covered her mouth before any sound escaped as her eyes drank in the sight of what was happening in front of her.

"Fuck, yes! Harder, John. Don't wimp out on me now!" A voice hissed out, muffled by the way her head bent down behind the side of the tree she leaned into, but as she shifted, Mei could recognize the face of John's sister, Gwen! She slumped into the smooth bark of a birch tree, clinging to it with both hands high on the trunk and her full, heavy breasts jammed into it, squishing out on either side as John's broad hands grabbed onto her ass behind her, pulling it back onto him.

"Shut your mouth-"

"Make me."

A chorus of muffled moans rustled out from the bushes as John grabbed harder on her hips, indenting the skin on either side as his fingers went slightly white from the strength of the grip on her. He held her like she was merely a toy to be used, yanking her ass back onto him, letting the hot slit of her pussy sink around his cock to counter the cool air all around them. His mane was streaked already with sweat, making it cling in little strings to the side of his furred neck, which was taut with the straining of his body to keep Gwen stable in their precarious standing lean. Both his legs jammed into the piles of leaves, crunching slightly with every hard thrust that rocked his sister into the sturdy tree in front of them, supporting her as he hammered in from behind.

"Fuck me harder, John! You're not supposed to burn out by round two,"

"Oh you-"

Mei's eyes were wide as saucers behind her glasses, which were slightly fogged with the outdoor air and she didn't even have the mind to clean them off. Her lower lip jutted down slightly, sticking out in shock as she stood stock still to the side of the little wooded area. "I cannot believe..." She thought, though it petered off as her mind faded back to focusing on the action in front of her.

The wet, lewd sounds of Gwen arousal were starting to escape through the leaves, not loud enough to be noticeable to anyone rushing past in the nearly empty weekend campus, but audible to Mei standing stock still in its range. Each thrust was followed with a wet schlick as her sex sucked eagerly in on her brother's thick, lengthy cock. Though the view of him was obscured heavily through the leaves, Mei could see enough to tell each thrust took several seconds for him to feed all of himself into the glove of his sister's cunt.

"Hsss.... ffft... yes... better, John... Better..." Gwen let out a long moan, muffling it by biting hard on her lower lip and clinging harder to the tree she clung to. Her head went right against it, not even minding the rough texture of the bark rubbing to her cheeks. Her entire focus was entirely on the action behind her as John plowed into her sex, holding her with both arms and straining to keep her still for him.

Mei, still frozen in place, started to turn red. The realization she'd been watching for several minutes by now hit her like a pile of bricks. "Oh... Oh! I shouldn't- Well, they shouldn't- Oh..." She gave a little dance backwards, moving a bit more off the main path, though she didn't stray from the garden. Something was holding her in place, a morbid curiosity, she thought though in actuality it was the tingling beneath her skirt as she heard the muffled moans of the two siblings.

With every thrust she witnessed, she could feel a slight rush of warmth low in her stomach as her sex dampened from the sights, but she didn't acknowledge it. She just let herself watch, drinking in the sight with wide, shocked eyes.

"You... fucking slut..." John hissed, bending his mouth to his sister's neck and teasing his teeth down the line of her smooth throat. "Letting just anyone fuck you in the woods, your own brother..." He gave a soft chuckle, hilting himself inside her and then grinding forward, using his cock to push her body harder to the tree as his tip jabbed against her cervix. "Not worn out yet, I'm surprised with the amount of fucking.." His let out a long huff, catching his breath. "Just let anyone do ya, right? Dirty girl..."

Gwen let out a long moan, pressing her face into the bark of the tree to muffle out the sound, but it escaped louder than intended. She shoved her ass back into her brother's grasp, putting all her energy in keeping herself right there for him. She shuddered with every passing second. Her entire body was starting to tense and shake.

"Yes, cum for me. Gwen, cum." John grabbed onto her body, wrapping an arm around to grab a fist full of one heavy breast, tweaking and grabbing for the nipple as he thrust his entire body into her, jamming his cock as deep as it would go just as she started to clench on him. She locked him inside like a vice, squeezing and milking around his length until he started to spurt madly inside her.

Mei, watching from the sidelines, could barely tell what was happening as the two clung together in orgasm. From her perspective, it was like they'd suddenly paused, though their bodies were trembling with the urgent desire to continue, but then, all too slow she realized what was happening.

"Oh! I need to-" She did an awkward spin, realizing that their orgasms might mean the end of the show and she'd hate to be caught!

"Fuck, John! You're like a hose-" Gwen laughed, rolling her hips back into him with a little whine. "Now I'm nice and wet,"

"Oh, don't even think you're done yet. I'm not done with you-" John muzzled down her neck, biting at her before he rolled his cock up into her, starting to slowly grind against her once more. "I'm just getting started with my little cock sleeve-"

"O-oh," Mei squeaked, flushing. "I should go!"

She pivoted around, fleeing out of the garden's range, though she could still hear their puffing voices for a few more minutes if she strained to catch them, which she did until they had entirely faded out too far. "I can't believe! John and-and Gwen?! Siblings?!" She muttered to herself the entire way home, no longer savoring the air, but instead rushing home.

She went in, right back into her room, and right back to the computer, but as she sat down in front of her paper and placed her fingers on the keyboard she couldn't think a single word of literary theory. Instead, her mind was flashing with images of the two horses caught in a passionate embrace together in the garden, fucking up to one of the aged birch trees.

"Oh bother-" She let out a long hiss, kicking off her shoes and checking the time to find night had fallen in her attempt at getting any more work done. She stood up, absently starting to peel off her long sweater and slip out of her pleated skirt until her breasts were freed from her bra and only her tall stockings and dainty white panties remained.

"I wonder how he felt..." She mused, realizing fully now that she hadn't stopped thinking of the pair. She idly brushed her teeth, hearing his teasing dirty words to his sister in her mind.

"Just let anyone do ya, right? Dirty girl..."

She blushed, drooling out some toothpaste foam as her mind worked over the scene instead of paying any attention. Her panties were starting to grow a small dark circle of wetness in the center as her sex dripped with need after hours of picturing the two together.

On the air, thick in the room, was her own musky need. Breathing it in, she almost relished in the scent of her own lust, though her cheeks with red with a shyness around the topic.

As she settled into bed, she tried to shut her eyes and slip into the next day, but her sex clamped and squeezed on nothing and pulsed with impatience. She found her fingers naturally pulled down her stomach, stroking the smooth fur of her soft stomach leading down to her full thighs to trace along the edges of her panties.

"Mmm... John-" She mused, letting her mind start to churn with her memories and fantasies together, mutating them into a scene of her own creation. Her head tipped back into the soft cushion of her pillow, supporting her as she rolled her hips up into the air. Mei felt her breath starting to catch in the back of her throat, as much as she tried to control it and slow it down.

Her fingertips delved further down, grazing over her thigh once more as they tried to work closer to the mound of her sex, but she hesitated before she stroked full over the top of her panties. Yet, even so far still from her clit, it gave a little beat and her stomach clenched tight. Her back arched up, pushing her hips towards nothing as though that'd make something appear.

At the same time, her other hand tipped down to the soft mounds of her chest, finding a rounded breast with a small squeeze. "Mmmff-" She sucked in a breath of air through her teeth, rolling her head back harder with a weak whine.

She rolled under the covers, for a moment considering trying to just go to sleep, but as her legs pressed together she only felt her pussy pulse harder in response as her clit swelled with rushing blood. The panda bit at her lip, whining as her legs fell apart beneath the covers to give her the space to feel the heat radiating off from her sex.

From where her hand sat on the top of her thigh, tracing over the soft, furry flesh, she started to let it slip lower. She followed the curvature of her soft belly, slipping down until her fingers started to trace over the top of her panties. The supple fabric muffled the pressure of her touch, but her clit still throbbed with want as she skidded her fingertips lightly over the little nub.

In her mind, Mei found herself re-living those moments tucked behind the bushes to see that taboo pairing. She could hear the catch in Gwen's voice still and see the way her breasts shoved into the tree's relatively rough bark, squashing flat until they spilled around it's width. As the image flashed in her mind, her hand's grip tightened on her own tit, squeezing it harder.

Her nail started to rub over the nub of her clit, just giving it a little, teasing scratch like a tiny rub would make her swelling desire disappear. As she touched herself, starting to circle around over her clit in slow, tender strokes, her mind returned back to her walk, but she saw John's broad hands sliding down over her thighs. She felt the thickness of each finger, the strength in his grasp there, being so gentle but with the possibility for so much roughness.

A breath puffed past her lips as her finger pushed down harder, tracking a line of soaking dampness down her panties as her wetness started to escape through the barrier of the fabric. She gave a wriggling squirm, dragging her fingertip away from her clit only to catch the side of her panties in a downward yank, peeling the wet sticker of her crotch down from her hot body and over her thighs. Then, her feet took over, dragging them away from her with a toe grasp until they dangled on one calf and let her spread her thighs further apart to reveal the hot gash of her sex to the warm, protected air beneath the covers.

Now, bare-skinned and free of the protective barrier of her panties she drew her nail back of the hot heat of her pinky button. "Oh!" She squeaked out, as the sudden sensation forced her to buck her hips up into the fuzzy block of her blanket. Her mind flashed with the image of John's strong frame and the sweaty strands of his mane, how they stuck to his toned neck as he leaned into Gwen's sides and ground into her. She started to roll her fingers in a circle around her clit, focusing in on this zapping sensation from the sensitive spot as her mind closed in on the repeating loop of John's pounding hips memorized in her mind. Her lips went flush together, pressing in to muffle the increasing speed of her breathing as moisture started to leak from her bare, lower lips, sticking to the soft fur surrounding them as her body prepared to take something in, something more than a plump finger.

Her other hand squeezed harder on her breast, kneading into the soft flesh as two fingers grabbed for her swelling nipple and pinching it harder. The flashing memory in her mind skipped forward, honing in on the detail of John's fingers seeking out Gwen's taut nipples with a practiced memory. They'd done it before, she realized with a flash of arousal.

The taboo coupling, the siblings, were filling her mind. She couldn't see anything except the pair of them framed in the dying branches of coming winter as her pussy continued to drool with want between her thighs. She grabbed at her pert nipple, twisting the nub with a zap of shocking arousal that only made her want more. Her other fingers pressed into the soft mound, kneading into the tissue with a mewling moan she muffled behind a half bitten lip.

"How often do they?" She wondered, picturing John's face again, the cheeky knowing smile he always flashed. "Does it amuse him? Fucking his sister and having no one know?" She felt her cheeks starting to grow red, but in the privacy of her room she let herself blush and let her mind keep running. Her fingers started to dip lower, teasing the inner walls of her cunt to squeeze tighter as they searched for something to hold onto. She rolled her hips up, feeling the tempting presence of her fingers hovering there at her entrance.

As her fingertip pressed to the opening of her sex, finally giving herself what her body was begging for, her mind jogged into fantasy with an image of herself in Gwen's place. Her full breasts shoved into the tree's bark, she could feel it scratching there as her long curved nails raked down the soft flesh of her breast.

"Rff!" She pressed her finger forward, feeling it slip easily inside along the walls of her wet, slick walls as she whimpered with the relief of that first squeeze down around something with decent girth inside her gave. Her legs tremored, writhing beneath the blanket with the force of her need, rising now as she clamped down around her finger.

She pumped it deeper, starting to press into the soft walls of her body, digging deeper into herself and searching out for the trigger points of her sensitive tunnel, but as she clamped down it just didn't feel like enough. Her pushed her hips up harder, whining into the darkness above her.

She started to shove her finger inside deeper, harder. She could see John's form in her mind's eye, pounding into Gwen cunt in the wooded garden. She longed to recreate that with just her digit pumping in, she clenched her eyes tight, trying to create enough friction inside her to lose herself to the imagine fantasy. Her hand grabbed harder, squeezing her breast as a counterpoint to the pounding of her finger into her virginal sex.

Finger still buried inside, she cupped her hand around her sex, looking for the warmth of something slapping into her and the contact of another body colliding with her. That curve of her hand, feeding the finger into her still, gave just a taste of what she longed to have. She started to buck up, riding into her own hand with a wild abandon now, unbuffered by shyness in this point of need and this hour of night.

She started to feel it finally, the tingling lingering of an orgasm in the distance. She felt the pressure rising, building in the low point of her gut as her sex squeezed tighter. A moan burbled from her lips, a mewling whine from the panda that warbled out and echoed back in her empty room as she swapped breasts, leaving it pulsing with a faint imprint of her firm grasp as she attacked the other.

Her blankets were spilling from the bed by then, starting to tangle and flip off from her legs as they scrambled around, scuffling through the covers as she tried to keep them still and lock herself in place for her pounding hand.

Another moan escaped, breaking out from her lips as she lost herself into this singular moment. The blood in her body coursed madly. The pounding of her heart seemed to beat from her hears to the tip of her clit. She felt so connected to her body, to her fantasy that it was like a ghost of John hovered over her, imbuing her finger with some of his girth, some of his power.

She pounded into herself, mewling out another moan as her fingers naturally curled, hunting out that spot that'd send her over. She moaned out now, cracking through her own silence as her head trashed back, slamming into the pillow with a muffled squeak. Her hips went up, locking in place as orgasm smashed into her, crashing like a wave as she suddenly felt it all. Tension locked her sex tight before she began to contract madly, sending a little spurt of cum out from her lower lips, catching the glistening liquid on her fur before she trembled through the remaining moments of her peaking pleasure.

Her climax left her panting, weakly and gently into the air before she curled over in bed. For a brief moment, she pondered getting up and tidying herself before she fell asleep, but the temptation pulled her in harder than she could resist and sleep settled in quickly like a heavy quilt.

As her eyes shut, she finally fell asleep in the course of mere moments tumbling into the dark, warm embrace of a drained body's slumber.


"Mei?" The panda twitched slightly at the sound of her name from the low, gravelly tone behind her. It was such a surprise to hear her name break the silence of the library floor that she nearly gasped at the noise. She twisted around, contorting in her seat at the worn, wooden desk to see the speaker's face only to come nose to nose with John's long muzzle as he bent down to talk to her where she sat.

"J-John!?" Mei squeaked back, looking up at him with a wide-eyed expression as he stretched back up to his full height and grinned down at her. She could already feel her cheeks starting to color with warm, pinky heat beneath the coverage of her fur. "W-what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" John retorted back, leaning close to her as he put his weight onto the sidewalls of the small, cubicle-esque desk she sat at in the bright, brick library space. "Why do you seem so surprised to see me? We've got a class together after all, isn't that what you're up here working so hard on?" His eyes swept down, peering over her laptop with a scrutiny that made her skin flicker with nervous goosebumps as his gaze seemed to waver from her paper on the screen, hovering in a frozen word document as he moved his eyes instead to peer down at the full swell of her breasts pushing forward into the knit of her sweater and swelling it out.

"I-I.. You've never-I mean. I'm not surprised!" She finally blurted, giving a little squeak of nerves as she realized what a nut she seemed like. Her cheeks had bloomed fully now, blossoming into a full, rosy red shade beneath the thin barrier of her white fur, but she knew the heat would be radiating out in a visible pink glow.

"You sure seem surprised," John chuckled, shifting his weight a bit so he fully leaned into her desk. She could distinctly feel the presence of him there beside her, hovering so close to where she sat, yet not touching her but the space between them felt almost solid it was so thick with tension. "Am I bothering you? Breaking up a writing streak? Should I let you get on?"

"No!" She instantly reddened. "I mean, Jesus-"

Then, she didn't even know what was happening. Warmth pressed into her mouth, soft and tender, but then a hand grabbed her breast with a firm grasp that was the opposite of tender. She felt her lip flutter against the pressure of his own mouth, moving with the moan that pushed out of them.

Her brain flashed with her gut reaction, "What are you doing?" But the words didn't make it to her mouth, instead she felt herself kissing him back with abandon. She didn't even hesitate. She puffed out her chest, letting her breast shove into his hand more, inviting that hard grip that seemed to take ownership over her body, seemed to say, "This is mine, you're giving it right up."

She mewled out into his mouth, letting the flicker of his tongue part her mouth open for his exploration while his fingers dipped down further, tracing over her body in the tight form of her knit. The fabric's thickness taunted her, thick enough to mute his finger's pressure but not enough to fully hide the track of his journey down. Her spine tingled with rising excitement to his fingertips motions the further down he went until he skimmed the top of her thighs and she felt like melting.

"Am I distracting from your studying?" He mumbled into her mouth, but she only felt the words in his mouth instead of really hearing them outloud. Instead of responding, she let him pull her up onto her feet, though seconds later he pushed her right back off them, instead pulling her up enough to notch her ass atop the smooth top of the desk. She felt her laptop slide out of the way behind her, but it was half-forgotten as he leaned over her, covering her body with his own as the hand on her breast shifted, grabbing instead for her wrist and pulling it high above her head, pushing it up to the cool concrete walls that lined the support walls of the building. The chill of it send a shudder down her spine when juxtaposed to the heat of his abdomen pressing into her stomach.

She shifted, pushing apart her thighs so the width of his body could fit closer to her, letting the tenting package of the front of his jeans rub right over the mound of her sex. Thin tights hovered beneath her long sweater, buffering the teasing grind through a thin layer of fabric. Her breath stuttered out from her lips when he broke from her, letting her gasp at the air in between kisses as she heard the sheer depth of silence on this the upper floor of the library. Every sound, every breath she let out and every squeak of the desk from her weight came echoing back to her, ringing through the walls of books stacked on shelves down the length of the room.

Were their other students seated around the perimeter at desks beside windows wondering right now what those noises were? Were their students already judging? Peeking at her through spaces in the stacked texts?

Did she care?

Fingers cupped around her sex, grabbing the shape of her and guiding a thumb with expert precision to the swelling nub of her clit. "You're going to cum for me, right here."

Suddenly, the hot rush of his breath flooded her ear as he started to kiss down her neck, intermixing sharp nips to her soft scruff as he went. All the while, his fingers were starting to massage along her covered slit, teasing her with that little blockade of her tights.

"Are you're not going to even try to stop me?" He chuckled at her, the sound of it tickling in her ears as her blush only darkened. "Of course you're not, because you're dying to become my pet, just like Gwen does ... though she'd never admit it. You want me to put you right into your place? Make you my puddle of panda?" He sneered, playfully down at her before lowering his mouth to her own panting lips.

Her mind struggled to come up with the right words to respond to him, so when his lips broke from her again and he looked down at her face expectantly, she only gave a little nod and quietly whimpered out, "O-okay."

"Oh, very good. So easily corrupted." He chuckled at her, leaning down at, this time closing his body even tighter over her as he pushed her back into the desk more firmly. "How much would you let me get away with? Up here, next to the biggest, tallest windows on campus? In the quietest room in the building? Would you moan for me? Scream for me? Call my name?" Her cheeks were burning now, just pure red showing through the white fur of her face. While he spoke, his hand crawled up and down her thigh, always returning to the line of her slit which was growing damper and damper along her tights.

"Oh, all of the above then? Anything for some relief right?" John's teeth flashed at her with a teasing, cheeky sneer, but it was all playful. He wasn't forcing her, he was merely mocking the fact that she was coming right along for this game. His eyes glittered with self-aware mischief that only made the blush starting to spread down her neck move faster towards coloring all her white fur with a warm, pinky glow.

His nail found the seam of her tights and started to trace along it, rubbing to the thin, weak strands that tight her covering together. That was the only barrier between his hands and her soaking panties that were by now clinging to her flesh like a second layer of skin. She tremored with every pass of his touch running up and down that line that stitched her armor together right over top of the swelling nub of her clit. "What would you do if these tore open? If you didn't have this tempting little layer to hide behind? Why did you even wear these if you didn't want me to rip them off?" His voice had lowered into a whisper as his mouth pressed right to her ear, feeding her these lines in a low voice that rumbled right into her brain while her back started to indent with the shape of the desk's upper edges, but she didn't mind.

He planted a warm, slow kiss in the crook of her neck before he paused, letting her mind fully lock in focus on the sensation of his hand slowly rubbing up and down the line of her sex. She could suddenly hear everything around them. Her own breath seemed as loud as the thrumming of the lights rushing with electricity above. Every whisper of the air conditioning sounded like someone breathing at a desk hidden from view. Her heart pounded, sending a drum beat of her own pulse sounding out in her head every few seconds all while, in reality, silence hung around the pair like a thick blanket.

She sucked in a ragged breath, swallowing the air as her eyes flickered. Her clit was forming a hard pellet under her tights, so swollen his touch nearly hurt. "Rip them-" She croaked out, barely making a sound.

"What?" John whispered back, matching her volume now. His smile teased on the edges of his lips, pulling at the corners. "I couldn't hear that."

"Rip them," she repeated, a touch louder now. Her forehead tingled with fresh heat as the hairs on the back of her neck seemed to stand on end. Every breath seemed a labor. Every single noise she made echoed back in the room while her mind rushed with a million thoughts.

Some percentage couldn't stop wondering if someone else was studying in the far opposite corner, listening to their echoing sounds and tracking their actions through those reverberations. Was someone on their way up the stairs, blindly heading back to this shelf for an old tome on the second world war only to find her in a battle of her own? Was someone already downstairs, silently and nervously requesting some staff to remove this lewd pairing from the study hall?

Yet, those thoughts were losing out to a more animalistic part of her mind that couldn't even find the words to phrase what it needed. The side of her that didn't know how to communicate that she needed something inside of her. That her walls longed to feel stretched to their limit. That she wanted to feel sweat soaking her fur and the impressions of a sharp edge on her stomach from beneath pushed over from behind so roughly. That she longed to walk away from this library walking sideways because her ass ached from the gaping state of her holes. She didn't have words to describe it, but she wanted to start this day as her virginal self and leave as something more like the final clips of her latest night porn she made her blush and clench her legs together, cumming without even touching her fingers to her dark velvet lips because the mere idea of it, the mere concept of such thick cocks leaving her so abused left her gasping for air.

Finding those words wasn't possible, so instead she just raised her volume a notch and spoke, "Rip them off."

"What? What do you mean?" John echoed back, smiling at her boldly now, not even hiding how he toyed with her.

"Rip my tights off me."

Her cheeks burned with a blush as the words left her mouth, but each passing second left her caring less and less. Instead, she could feel the pulsing of her clit engorged with blood and the clenching of her sex still finding nothing inside.

"Why?" John's fingers were stroking along her thigh now, only every so often sweeping up and circling the lump of her buzzer button. He was mocking her now, relishing these moments before she gave in completely.

"So you can fuck me," she hissed out, finding her embarrassment lingering. She'd learned the one phrase, mastering the command for her tights to come off, but he was forcing her to expand her vocabulary so a fresh glow of pink lit up her face.

"Huh?" He smirked, nipping at her neck. "You have to speak up, darlin'"

"John-" Her voice caught in her throat as the pounding, racing of her heart almost sounded out her own voice in her ears. "John, please." She rolled her hips up, pressing herself to the bulge in the front of his own jeans. She grabbed for his shirt now, finally using her own hands as she pulled him in tighter to her and he moved with her invitation, pressing himself closer to her soft form. One hand slid to her lower back, starting to stroke into the top waistband of her bottoms.

"What do you need?" He whispered, lowering his mouth right to her ear again.

"I need you to fuck me-"


"John, please. I need something inside me."

"Oh very we- weeee, weeee, weeee-"

Suddenly, John's voice morphed into the shrieking, shrill sounds of an alarm clock blaring on the bedside table beside Mei as the vision of the library cracked in the center as her eyes opened up instead to the off-white ceiling of her dorm room while her legs clenched and tangled around her covers.

"W-what the..." She rolled, blindly grabbing for her phone to flick off the blaring sounds before she flopped back, still panting into the air as her eyes stared up in utter confusion at the sudden scenery change before her.

"I was dreaming?" She shifted up now, pulling her body into a slouched seated position as she felt her thighs sticking wetly to the layers of her blankets. "G-god I'm soaked!" She squeaked, blushing even here alone. She could practically still feel John's hands rubbing along her body, but in reality it was the tension of the pulling blanket tickling over her panties.

With a grunt, Mei rolled her legs towards the floor, jumping up onto the rug with a groggy rub over each eye before she padded towards the sink, mindlessly starting to scrub her toothbrush over each tooth while her mind still raced with the visions of the library in her dream.

By the time she reached the shower, her brain still felt foggy with the lingering haze of her dream the night before. Not even the blast of the steaming hot water could clear it.

"Mmmph, how am I going to get anything down with my brain riding in the gutter all day?" She murmured, rubbing through her hair, soaping up the thick locks as her eyes closed back into a dim darkness. "Mmm.... John..."

Soapy fingers started to track down her body towards her full, bare breasts as bubbles spilled in the rushing water spray down the space between them.

"Gah! No!" Her eyes abruptly opened as she shoved her face right into the spray. "I need to wake up! I need to focus! I need to get my work done and move on!" She cranked the water temperature down and blasted the chilly spray down her body, waiting until the tingling lust subsided before she stepped out.


"This is perfect. Silent. I'm going to get my shit down-" Mei let out a long sigh, looking out over the spread of her materials in front of her. The worn desk's scratched top was covered in her small laptop, already sitting open to her essay while her outline lay beside, marked up with thoughtful pencil and her agenda waited on the opposite side to mark this draft complete.

"I'll sit down. I'll work!" She took a long drink of water, settling her fingers onto the keys and starting to work.

At the bottom of her screen, utterly ignored, the hours on the small clock started to flick by in what felt like moments. As her document grew from three to 11 pages, the time passed from 9:30 to 12:45. Finally, with her fingers cramping, she looked up from the laptop with her conclusion paragraph still echoing softly in her mind.

"Oh.. man..." Her head rolled back, trying to free the kinks from her neck as she twisted to the left, facing the rows and rows of dusty books, then to the right, seeing out onto the chilly campus devoid of anybody-

"Is that John?"

Mei leaned towards the window, squinting out across the expanse of campus that spilled out from where she sat raised so high from the ground below. There, far below and walking at an angle towards her, was a familiar stallion. "It is John!" She thought, staring at him as he strolled through campus. His head was tucked down from the slight wind, letting his loose mane flutter out behind as he headed, rather briskly across the main quad.

"I wonder where he's headed?" She thought to herself, idly packing up her stuff as her eyes followed him. She started to feel her heart rate rising as she watched him heading closer to the library. She couldn't help but flash to her dream the night before, but then he turned and verged instead towards the garden space.

"He couldn't be?" Mei didn't even finish her thought. Instead, she scooped up her belongings and pushed them down into her bag before bee-lining towards the stairs. "I have to see if I'm right!"

She rushed down the stairs, emerging into the cool air with her cheeks already a bit flushed and her nipples tingling from the rushed way she ran, rubbing her small nipple piercings into the fabric of her knitted sweater. Rather than dislike it, she relished in the slight sensation from the tender nubs.

Once she reached the edge of the garden, she slowed considerably, trying to keep her footfalls quiet as she rounded into the slight cover of some trees herself so no other spies in the library could look down and catch her peeping. Instead, she ducked into the smaller, dirt path of the small library and crept towards the woodier patches where she'd spotted the siblings the other night.

"I don't know what I want to find..." Mei told herself, though her sex was already tingling with the idea of the two once more. She move carefully, trying not to catch her knee high stockings or her short, pleated skirt on any of the higher brush. Then, just as she started to step towards a slight clearing, she heard a noise.

"John, you bastard... I was in a test when you sent me that!"

Mei froze at the sound of Gwen's voice. She could clearly tell it now from last time. She stopped in her tracks, straining around to see if she could spot where the voice came from.

"Mmm, so you didn't like the surprise? I just wanted to give you a hint at what was waiting for you, after all, you were so busy last night-"

"Now, now. It's not my fault you've broke off with that other girl and you're feeling all blue-balled. I'm not in charge of keeping you sated-"

"Oh? You're not?"

Mei's eyes popped open wide, suddenly catching a glimpse of the two as they moved together. The motion rustled some of the branches enough she could place them though her view was obscured through the foliage of shorter trees even without their summer foliage.

"I think... right now at least, you're very in charge of my satisfaction-" John's fingers grabbed for his sister's side, pulling her tighter to him as she coyly looked away, still not playing into him. "Now, are you going to volunteer an idea for today or is it my choice?"

Mei shuddered at the sound of his voice. Since her dream last night, the rumble of John's low murmurs were on repeat in her head. She longed to hear that right behind her, tickling her neck with the proximity of his breath. She shuffled a bit closer, trying to see what they were doing during this back and forth, but so many trunks and branches hid them fully from view. She caught a snippet of a tail flickering, but she couldn't see how they positioned together now and their voices had softened into whispers back and forth between wet kisses.

"I can't see..." Mei thought with rising anxiety, stepping through the wooded space a bit quicker before she suddenly heard a distinct crunch and she froze. Panning down, she saw her own little, shiny mary janes firmly placed over a cracked stick.

"What was that?" John's whisper rustled out from closer than before.

Mei felt her hairs stand up on end as a shudder ran down her spine. As scared as she was to be caught, her sex was tingling with arousal.

"You heard that too then?" Gwen murmured back, followed by a brief rustling of something being straightened.

Mei could hear them so clearly. In their muted, near silence she hadn't realized how close she must have moved to them! Suddenly, with a slight shift, the small airy space through a few branches was filled with John's bright eyes looking right into her own!

"We've got a little spy," John intoned, starting to smirk at the sight of Mei's frightened stare. She didn't even know what to do! Instead, she just stayed frozen, quivering a little with nerves. "How long have you been peeping, Tom?" John asked, stepping through the cover between them so he could look over the curvy panda fully.

As his eyes paned over the girl's rounded figure beneath the rather tight-fitted, long sweater that hung over the top hem of her skirt, he started to smile with familiarity. "I know you. You're Mei, you're in my comparative literatures course."

"What are you doing spying on us, Mei?" He asked, looking at her now with a knowing glint in his eyes. "You don't seem very surprised to see Gwen and I-" He paused a moment, looking back at Gwen to check if she was following him now. At first, she was still just looking at bit confused, but then she started to grin.

"It's almost like," Gwen started. "You've seen us here before... so you're not surprised now-"

"Instead," John took over, stepping closer to the panda. "Instead, you've come back because you're interested."

Mei's entire frame felt like a leaf in the wind, quivering and shivering with every little thing. Her nipples were rock hard beneath her sweater and the piercings through them only made that more pronounced. Beneath her skirt, her sex plastered her panties up to every curve of her body with the amount of moisture dripping from her in her panicked arousal. "I-I..." She gulped, struggling to find words.

"Oh, shh... It's okay," John let out a long sigh, chuckling a bit. "Don't be so nervous."

Gwen was moving forward now, her own breasts jostling freely beneath her shirt with every step. Mei found her eyes darting between the two siblings. "What do you think, brother? Should we keep her outside right now or should be find a bit of privacy for this first encounter?"

Mei's cheeks were darkening, heating up with a flare of glowing pink that shown through her white fur while her eyes stared up at the taller two. Her stature being shorter and rounder, they hovered over her a bit staring down expectantly. "I-I... What?"

"Well, clearly," John stepped even closer to her now. She could feel his body hovering beside her, temptingly close. She gulped firmly, breathing in a puff of air through her parted lips. "Clearly, very... very clearly you're interested in this..." He let his eyes run down her body, lingering on the way her skirt was starting to cling to the mound of her sex. "But, we'd hate to overwhelm you if outdoors is a little bit too much... shall we move somewhere a little more private?"

Mei's eyes were wide, she couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. Was he really just inviting her over, ready to fuck her? Did she want that? She barely knew him, not really!

Obviously though, she knew the answer.

Yes, she wanted him. She knew all she needed to and that was that he was huge and that he'd take control of her and give her what she needed.

"N-Not out here," She finally croaked out, but as she spoke John sidled up a bit closer. He paused, looking into her eyes before he started to lean down towards her. His breath tickled the soft fur of her neck scruff before his fingertips extended, just barely hovering in front of the curve of her waist. "Are you sure though? It's at least a .... what?" He briefly looked back at his sister, teasingly drawing out this moment. "A three minute walk back to my place, five minutes to hers... do you want to, can you even wait that long?"

Mei gave a slight shiver, pulling in another ragged breath. "I-I..." She felt her chest swelling out, shifting her body without her totally realizing so that John's hand would graze against the rounded shape of her hip.

"I didn't think so-" John snickered, the sound tickling the inside of her ear as he shifted closer to her so she suddenly felt the grazing lump of his cock still trapped inside the prison of his jeans up against her thigh. At the same time, Gwen wandered closer, gently leaning towards towards the panda girl and running a finger down the line of her knitted sweater to bump into the slight shape of her pierced nipple beneath the fabric. "Now, now... are you really as sweet and good as you look with that little sweater of yours?" She started to circle her nail around the swollen nub, toying with the edge of the little ball piercing. "Because, this doesn't seem like something a sweet little girl would do..."

"I-I..." Mei blushed even brighter now, not knowing what to even say. Did she admit the piercings had been done mere months ago because she wanted to impress someone when she finally peeled off one of her long sweaters? Or did she pretend it was all an act to mask something more deviant?

John didn't give her an option.

"Gwen, look at her. She's clearly just trying to put on a good first look for someone. She aching for it in a way only a virgin could...." He looked right at her as he said it, daring her to correct his diagnosis, but instead she just flushed a brilliant red.

"Mmm... very good.... That's exactly what I was hoping for, Mei." His fingers seemed to slow even more, having had that verified. He stroked down the curve of her hip in what felt like half-time, letting only the very tips of his fingers run down towards her thigh and onto the pleats of her short skirt. She felt her thighs stiffen, clenching beneath the grazing motion of his touch as the base of her spine tingled with rising anxiety.

"I looked at you and I longed to find out if anyone had been under this skirt before me, because I'd love to be the first one... I want to break you in, Mei-" Once more, his eyes met her. This time, they bore into her, letting his words echo out in her head while her blushing face had to look right back at him.

Gwen chuckled softly, bending towards the panda's ear. "He's not kidding. He has been whispering about all the delectable freshmen on campus for weeks, hoping he could snag on of the fresh cherries for himself before some drunk frat boy got to all the fresh fruit." She started to stroke down the curves of Mei's full chest. "And this is a particularly fresh one.."

Mei could only blush in response to that, but her thighs were started to writhe and squirm now with the combination of both their hands stroking down her body. John's fingers still lingered on her thighs, starting to tease along the lower hem of her skirt though he didn't let his fingers touch down on the bare fur of her thighs, only through the buffer of the fabric. At the same time, Gwen was grazing her touch over Mei's full, swollen breasts with a firmer touch, but she was tormenting the girl's sensitive piercings, flicking over them through the fabric with a devious smirk.

"Mei, are you sure you can handle such an endowed first time... Maybe you'd like some... preparation?" She was starting to sink down lower, bending her knees so that her breasts grazed over Mei's stomach and she could lower down onto the soft, leafy ground beneath. Her muzzle brushed against the pleats of the other girl's thighs as her fingertips stroked along Mei's calves. "I think you need just a tiny bit of stretching to prepare for John, hmm?"

The panda girl opened her mouth, but no sound came out only a little whimper from low in the back of her throat from the teasing proximity of someone to her throbbing sex. She could almost feel Gwen's breathing where it tickled to her thigh every few seconds.

John's hands started to move up now, taking over his sister's territory as his soft touch started to grow more impatient as he wandered up the curves of her full breasts. He started to grab around the spilling underside, kneading them up against her chest, while his mouth shifted in closer to her neck with a hot wave of his breath across her scruff.

Beneath her, Gwen's fingers slide up her thighs, holding onto her in a steadying position his her muzzle nuzzled up to her thighs. The warm wash of her breath sent a shudder racing up Mei's spine before the girl grabbed for the bottom hem of her skirt, raising it up to reveal the soaked front of the panda's panties to the chilling afternoon air. "Mei, you're soaked-"

She raised a finger, running it over the girl's cunt as it was outlined in the thin, clinging fabric. She chuckled softly, rubbing her nail over the swollen lump of her clit without hesitation, relishing the way Mei started to writhe under the touch.

"Oh, you thought I was bad? That I'd tease you?" John whispered, grasping a firm hold of Mei's breast. "Gwen is a mastery of torment. In fact, it's my favorite thing about her-" He chuckled, the sound ringing in the panda's ear as Gwen started to flick the tip of her smooth tail over her clit over and over, sending little zapping lurches up her spine.

"See, whereas I'd eventually get impatient to shove my cock up that little, tight cunt of yours... Gwen is content to just play and play, she'll torture you as long as she can even if it means going home horny, because she'll just invite someone else over to help. Gwen's not picky, she's my favorite little slut-" He grinned, letting his lips tease down Mei's throat with a shuddering of her hips.

Gwen hadn't even hesitated in her rubbing, flicking dance over the girl's clit. She still hadn't even moved her panties from the way. Instead, she was still just repeating the same motion and tracking every gasp and moan from the curvy panda in response.

"Mei, is this what you imagined when you came following into the garden? Is this what you wanted?" John prodded her, giving a slow nip at her neck before he grabbed at the back of her throat, squeezing gently until her head tipped enough to look up into his full eyes. "Is this what you fantasized about?"

"N-not exactly-" Mei's voice came out like a squeak, barely getting past her lips as Gwen below stared at her black lower lips, cupping them over her soaked panties. "She's so dark-" she crooned, tickling her clit still with a gleeful sort of focus.

"What did you picture then?" John asked, staring down into her eyes, starting to flick his finger over her nipple with his free hand. He tweaked and tugged at the pierced nub, working to be felt through the buffer of her sweater.

"Did you picture me romancing you?"

Mei gave a firm shake of her head.

"Mm, naughty." John smirked, sliding a hand down towards the bottom of her top and starting to peel it upwards. "What did you picture then, pet? Was it in your bed? Did you picture us on some silky sheets?"

Again, she gave a shake of her head while her cheeks started to darken to a fresh, glowing pink hue beneath her fur.

"Oh, so it was public, huh? Somewhere out in this garden?" He paused, letting his eyes raise up momentarily to the large shape of the library through the trees. "Or in your studious library?"

She blushed a brilliant rose, revealing herself before she even squeaked out a small, nearly silent, "yes."

"Oh, dirty girl... Pictured us slinking off in the library, hidden in the dusty books?" She blushed even darker, thinking back to her dream of him taking her right near the large view of the window, moaning into the silent air.

"Oh, no... it's even worse. We weren't hiding at all, we were right in the open-" John grinned, beaming at her. He almost looked proud, like a professor who's student has finally caught on. "Oh you're just a gem to have mined out from all the herds of freshmen." He started to knead her breasts harder, pressing into her chest with a grinding motion and a roughness in each grasp that seemed triggered by her reveal.

John shifted now, letting his cock's bulge start to rub and grind to her thigh. She marveled silently at the sheer size of it. It tented his jeans out, but it seemed to actually swell the denim like it'd pushed them past their natural limit. His breath was coming quicker now, tickling to her ear.

"Hey, Gwen?" John asked, voice gruff and rasping now. "I think you've had enough fun, hmm? I'd like a turn..."

"Oh? Really now?"

As the two went back and forth, Mei's mind was a montage of her memories and the current moment. She flashed between the now, seeing John's hands grabbed onto her tits and kneading them firmly like two mounds of dough in his palms and the memory of him shoving Gwen's up to the bark of a tree. She saw Gwen's long nails on her clit, tormenting the engorged nub before she saw John's cock, feeding into her drooling cunt. She longed to stay in the present because her burning cheeks and churning stomach couldn't handle anymore nervousness, but she needed that relief.

"Very well-" Gwen rose back up to her feet, shifting a few feet away and draping herself back onto a chiseled stump. She lowered her body languidly, like she was about to watch a show before she started to run her own fingers along the shape of her sex through her pants, settling in to enjoy her brother's performance.

At the same time, John turned his full attention to Mei. He knew his sister would relish the show and he didn't want her distracting him. He pivoted away from her, locking his eyes instead of the curves of the panda in front of him. He drank in the sight of her fully now, letting his eyes wander over her like she was a painting hung only for his sight.

She shuddered beneath this fierce gaze, feeling her body burning on the edge of anticipation, but he drew it out so he could look and see every bit of the sight before him. Where Gwen had muscles and tension, Mei was softer and rounded at every corner. Her breasts spilled into the threading of her sweater with massive, engorged size even beyond her usual bustyness. Her skirt was slightly askew, revealing more of her thick thighs and the dark black coloring that continued to all of her crotch. Her cheeks were white fur-covered, but they glowed with a pink blush like a neon sign hid beneath the fluff. Her hair was short, but thick black locks that sat just at her shoulders. "You're such a sight in a sweater...," John drawled. "I can only imagine what you are without one."

He stepped up, grabbing onto the hem of the top and peeling it up her body. He moved slowly, trying to control himself but some of his usual cool was fading. He was anxious to get into this fresh girl, this virgin. He wanted her. Mei could see the lust in the thrust out front of his jeans and the glimmering in his eyes. Even as he pulled up her sweater, his eyes continued to drink in the reveal of her stomach, soft and thick with fur up to the underside of her bra, a lacey black piece that spilled forward with the heft of her breasts inside. Then, finally, he pulled the neckline up over her face and then dropped her top onto the ground.

Cool air whispered up to her fur like a tiny reminder of the risks she took now, but she barely noticed. Her entire body felt hot, tingling with the built up, pent-up tension inside her from her teasing and tempting. When his fingers grabbed for the soft curves of her body, she leaned into him.

"Mmm, eager girl." He chuckled, leaning down to kiss roughly at her lips, only to leave a string of saliva from her chin when he pulled back, shifting his hands to grab onto the thin sides of her panties before he yanked them down. Her skirt fluttered up slightly, but he left it on as he tugged the panties right off her thighs, tearing through the cotton rather than tangled them off her calves. The sudden exposure of her cunt seemed to send her juices flowing even faster and she dripped onto the leaves below.

"Good thing we're outside, you're a leaky faucet." He sneered at her, starting to grab for her sides against as he shuffled her backwards, leading her until he back bumped into the smooth side of a birch tree. "You know you're mine now, Mei? You know? I'm going to ravage you, I'll take you like this, pinned to this tree or I'll push you down onto the leaves and take your ass once your pussy's been stretched to wide. Once I take you, you're mine. I'll break you in. I'll make any other fuck like an appetizer to this.." He grabbed at his own cock, starting to undo the front of his jeans to free the thick girth. "You think you're horny now, but you'll only ache more after this-"

Mei's breaths came in little huffs. She nearly licked her lips looking down at the bulge of his cock, so close yet so far from her clenching, needy cunt. "Come on," she whined, grabbing for the waistband of his jeans as he shucked them open. "Fuck me."

"Fuck me, I need something inside.."

"Very well-" John chuckled, grabbing for her side suddenly and freeing his cock so it sprang forward against her thigh. Instantly, he started to grind the hot flesh of his rod into the leaking lips of her sex, pumping himself along the mess of her sex to smear her juices onto him before the tip worked its way up against her virginal opening. Mei expected something, some pause then, some final question, but instead he just thrust upward hard enough that she bounced up against the tree and her feet slipped on the ground slightly.

"Oooh-" Her moan broke from her mouth with abandon. Never did she stop to think someone might hear. All she could think was how good it felt to be filled. Instantly her cunt sucked hard on him, pulling the thick cock deeper into her cunt.

"Oh fuck, Mei. You're like a vacuum inside." He grunted, trying to force himself deeper into the tight squeeze of her body, but she clenched so firmly he had to grind and thrust to even move another inch of his thick length.

"Oooh, fuck! Oo..." Mei whined, gasping up into the air as John pushed her into the tree. The bark scratched at her back, dragging through the fur with every thrust and her hair tangled into the lower branches when she pushed up to them, but she didn't care. Her cunt squeezed down and felt something firm and hot and hard inside her each time she contracted around him and that's all she needed. She moaned again, louder as his thumb ran down, starting to rub over her clit as John's free hand grabbed now for her hands, pulling her wrists up to lock them against the tree. "Mine-" He hissed into her ear, his low voice filling up her mind with the hum of the word. "You're mine, Mei. Mine until I share you with a buddy to experience this tight cunt. Mine until I tie you up in the center room at a party alongside the keg. Mine until I give you away for a month as a birthday present. You're mine unless I say."

She gave a little mewl, moaning out her acceptance. Every word he said went right into her mind. Her cunt was squeezing so hard on him, she could already feel her orgasm coming. She had no frame for how long it'd been, no idea if it'd been five minutes or fifteen.

"Are you going to cum for me?" John asked, kissing a line up her throat, leaving a wet dot with each one. "Cum for me, Mei. Cum around me." Her stretched cunt ached, each inch he fed into her stretched her wider and wider, but she just kept squeezing tighter at the same time forcing him to shove himself even harder into her pussy to get inside, to keep feeding that long dick into her. She relished it. She loved it. Her cunt loved it.

She moaned out, arching her back hard enough she drove her head into the tree. A hollow thump rang out, but she felt nothing except John's hand tangling into her hair, steadying her as he started to pound up into her, bouncing her on the three or four inches he'd gotten inside so far. The rest of this long cock waited outside, waiting its turn to make it into her stretching sex.

"Oh! Oh!" She squealed, writhing and twisting in his grasp but a firm shove to the tree kept her steady as he protected her head from her spasming body. As she came, contracting madly around him, John dropped her onto his cock and let gravity sink her onto him, steadily feeling her stretching and then relaxing, sinking lower, and then squeezing all over again asd she came.

Even as she rode her orgasm, John didn't stop.

"Don't think this is it, panda girl. I haven't cum. I haven't shoved all of this into that tight little cunt of yours." His voice came in a ragged, broken amble as his breathing broke into choppy pants as he tried to keep up pace, thrusting her up into the tree. Sweat started to gather on his mane, dripping down his neck while every muscle in his body tensed. "I'm not going to stop fucking you until you're a puddle of our cum. Soaked in my cum and leaking with your own. You're not going to stop until you're glistening like a donut in my see and aching with the stretch on your cunt."

She moaned out a mewling cry, feeling orgasm stretching out and fading into a fresh build towards a second one as he just kept fucking her. In the background, swimming somewhere in her vision over his shoulder, she could see Gwen.

The other equine had her back pressed into the log she had sat on and she moved onto the ground, letting her pants spill down around her ankles as her fingers pumped up to the knuckle on four fingers into her cunt. A wet slurping sound came with every thrust as her eyes trained on a upwards angle towards the sight of Mei's cunt stretching out around her brother's cock. His thick meat still hovered so much outside of the freshly deflowered virgin, waiting to get into her as she stretched wider and wider with each and every thrust.

His thumb slipped down, starting to tweak at her engorged clit while his mouth bent over to a nipple, pulling one of the pierced nubs into his mouth and running the tip of his broad, flat tongue over the warm shape.

Mei panted, raggedly breathing onto the top of his head as she slumped into the tree. He supported her body weight now as her first orgasm drained her already waning energy. Now, she rode in a sort of post-orgasmic haze that made the distance between each peak shorter and shorter. Already, her sex seemed to be clamping and spasming more rapidly as though reaching another climax.

John just grabbed onto her breasts, using them like handles to support his firm thrusting and slammed more of his cock up into her wanton sex, using her more like a masturbator than a real being to pound himself into, each time spreading her virgin walls farther and farther to take more and more of this thick length.

"Take. It. All." He grunted, panting into her neck. "Take all of me, little Mei. Cum around me. I want to feel you cum around me, every inch of me. Cum."

She squealed out a breaking moan, crying into the garden as her orgasm tore through her. As it did, John felt himself reaching a dangerous peak. He started to pull back from her with the first streak of cum as it spurted into her before he pulled out and let it splash onto her stomach, shooting up onto the bottom of her chin as her own cum leaked into the leaves beneath her and her wobbling knees let her sink down towards the bottom roots of the tree that supported her.

"I-I..." She panted, searching for words, but John just silenced her with a firm kiss, licking up a glob of his own salty cum from her cheek and pushing it onto her tongue. "Good job, little virgin-"

Gwen looked up from her masturbating, looking over the tired girl with a glint in her eyes. "Mmm, my turn again?"


"Weeee. Weee. Weee-"

"Fuck, that thing is so loud."

Mei rolled over only to see the groggy eyes of a particular stallion staring back at her. She groaned, instantly feeling a wave of exhaustion at the realization that the day had to start now. She shifted her feet towards bed, giving him a slightly swat of greeting as she padded towards the sink with her small tail flicking above her naked, rounded ass.

As her toothbrush began to scrub over her teeth, she felt a sudden pressure against the curves of her rump. The prodding shape of John's thick cock rubbed against her ass, greeting her. "Good morning to you too," She mumbled, blushing slightly in the mirror at the sight of the stallion's full naked glory rubbing up behind her. But, before she felt too lovey and coy, his hand pushed firmly at her back and the other grabbed for the rounded shape of her ass cheek and he pushed he into a bent position at the sink.

"Excited for class?" He asked, ignoring his own vigorous groping of her ass cheeks as his hands kneaded into the soft dough of her rump.

"Not really, just reviews today so-" She gave a sudden squeak, feeling his finger writhing up to the pucker of her asshole with a tickling prod.

"I have just the thing to make it more exciting," John introduced, starting to rub a slick lubricant up against the puckered star while his free hand continued to grab at her ass cheeks, keeping them spread apart while his feet nudged apart her own to spread her thighs further. "Something that will get you allll ready for tonight...."


Before she could fully respond, a sudden firm pressure began to push against her asshole. The small curved tip of a buttplug began to feed into the small, clamped hole as John massaged at her ass, feeding each bit of the plug in chunk by chunk against the tightening push back of her tightly held rings of muscle. She gave a moan, leaning down into the bowl of the sink as he sex started to clench already, growing wetter with each moment of John's manipulation.

Then, just as soon as the plug felt too big to handle, it gave a small pop and sunk the rest of the way into her ass, settling there in the recess of her rump.

"I... now what?" She stammered, flushing with a sudden tingling in her sex.

"Oh, now you go to a very interesting class," He flashed her a grin, winking before he padded back to her bed and crawled into the covers.


"Oh my god...." Mei sat in the back of the class for the first time that day, shifting sideway as she felt the lump of the buttplugs presence in her rump. She almost let out a moan as it pushed at the tight muscles of her ass while her eyes rolled up towards the board, but she held it back.

"Today, class." The professor began, eyeing Mei's new seat with a raised brow. Mei feigned a little cough, hoping to explain her distance with a polite, "I didn't want to spread germs!" with that silent expression.

"Today we'll discuss the use of phallic representation throughout the text..." Mei's eyes seemed to blur out, all she saw was thick cocks throughout the presentations slides, all of them that made her cunt squeeze harder and her ass clench down on the girth within.

The minutes ticked by slowly, agonizingly as her cunt grew wetter and wetter inside her jeans. She could feel the fabric of her panties, steadily starting to stick to her more and more as the wet, warm moisture of arousal gathered between her thighs which she clenched, ankles together as she fought for some small relief from this rising need.

At the same time, the scent of her musky need started to spread out from her in a cloud that seemed to advertise how badly she needed a fuck. She could feel eyes rolling back as sneaky, furtive glances followed strong noses as the wolf in the front of the glass peaked back, sniffing at the air and the husky to her right looked right into her eyes as his nose started to twitch. He grinned with a sparkling look of knowledge before bending over his notepad, scratching out a small line before flashing her a look at the page.

"Someone's a bit needy today?"

She flushed as her eyes scanned it, the blush giving her away more than any response though she gave him a slight grimace back.

He chuckled, leaning over so that his voice tickled at her ear. "I could help with that, you know... Maybe, after this?" She blushed, biting her lip as she thought of what John might think of her picking up another playmate. She could already hear his prideful delight as his apprentice grew her slutship.

She looked over at him, giving a coy little shrug before she shifted a bit too quickly and a squeak escaped her lips.


"Oh Fuck...." The wolf's eyes instantly went wide as the door of the girl's dorm room opened only to reveal a long horse cock hovering in front of him in front Mei's ass, spread wide in her position on all fours in the center of the room and the glimmering center of the buttplug like a target in the center.

John gave a cheeky smile. "Sorry, I forgot my decency, but it's not usual for this one to invite company over..." The wolf started to flush, though already the front of his jeans were tenting from the sight of the shy, rounded panda all spread on the floor. Almost unceremoniously she was stripped down save for a pair of deep burgundy stockings and the plug in her ass. Her full butt was spread out, letting a clear line of setting at the glimmering, dripping line of her cunt.

Beneath her, sparkling on the floor was a puddle of her own making.

"She's been waiting for you," John explained, chuckling. "Since she said to come over whenever, I thought she best be ready when you did so she's been like this since you texted sure,"

The wolf's eyes went wide, silently counting backwards to the two hours before when he'd sent that before heading into the cafeteria to eat. The idea now that he'd been eating a slice of pizza as this girl stripped down and began waiting for him, dripping on the floor made him pulse with need.

"John, by the way."

"Ah, Ash-" He offered a hand, but then awkwardly dropped it before he started to stalk forward, seeing after a closer look that Mei's chin was slick with saliva and droplets of sparkling cum drying into the fur.

John smirked, "You didn't think she did nothing for two hours, did you?" He grinned, before moving back to the bed as he sat, crossing his legs casually. "Go ahead then, she's waited long enough."

"G-go ahead?"

"Yeah, go." John rolled his eyes at the freshman boy, chuckling. "She's yours for now, do what you want."

The boy looked at him with wide eyed, looking baffled for a moment at the mere idea of being able to do anything he wanted to the panda in front of him, but the longer her looked the more his confusion passed and turned into arousal. He stepped towards her, shifting so that his bulging cock would rub into the round of her ass as his eyes stared down at the slit of her pussy between her full ass cheeks. "I can do anything?"

Mei giggled a little, still burning with a hot blush, but she gave a nod. "Anything you want!"

He breathed in a long breath, sucking in her musky scent that hung around in the air like a cloud. It was even stronger than in class, much stronger now. He dropped his hands onto her waist, pulling at her slightly as he sidled up to her, rubbing and grinding himself to the back of her rounded body.

On the bed, John was watching with a rare silence, but he didn't want to spook the newcomer. He was watching Mei though, relishing the impatience that showed in her entire body. She trembled with every grind of the shy boy's frame to her ass while her pussy continued to drip onto the floor.

Ash stared down at the sight of the girl. Her ass spread out wide in front of him with the sparkling of the butt plug tantalizingly bright between her dark furred cheeks. He licked at his lips, finally starting to open up the front of his pants as he shucked out his cock into the open air. Mei breathed heavily, sucking in the musky smell of him freeing himself. She panted with impatience, longing for him to finally give her what she wanted so badly. She scratched at the ground, pushing her ass back against him.

"Fuck me," She invited, whimpering softly. She pushed back against him, grinding her ass towards his cock. As he flopped out against her ass, she let out a little moan. She pushed back to him again, silently pleading with him. Ash took a final look at her full ass before he grabbed her hips, sliding his tip up against her pussy and slamming forward into her. Finally, finally something filled up her sex, now with the extra stretch of the plug in her ass. She moaned, grabbing at the smooth ground as every thrust slipped her forward on her furred knees.

Ash slammed into her now, losing himself to the musky smell of her need in the room and the open invitation. Every motion started to echo with a loud slap of his body meeting hers in the room, echoing out inside the closed four walls. She moaned instantly, relishing this fresh filling while her ass stretched now even more as every thrust of his cock rubbed against the plug through her insides. "Ooooh," She groaned, pushing back on him. "H-harder."

"Louder," John reminded her, smirking a bit as he watched his apprentice.

"Harder!" She repeated.

Ash complied with a grunt of his own, but his hands were wandering now. He grabbed at her sides, pulling her back onto him with a rough tug, over and over again. He kneaded at her ass, using it as handles to pull her back onto his cock before he started to toy with the plug in her ass. He gave it a wriggling tug, teasingly twisting and tugging until it started to slip out from her rump.

"Oh!" She gasped, squeaking out a little cry as it slipped out from her ass, but Ash didn't waste a second before he pulled out from her sex and pushed his tip to her ass. He didn't speak a word, but he shoved up into her virgin asshole without hesitation, plunging himself into the tight squeezing depth with a rumbling moan.

"Hey!" John gasped, laughingly jumping up. "That was my hole!"

Ash just laughed, sinking himself in deeper with a low, guttural moan. "It's mine now."

Mei just rolled back her head with a moan, feeling him sink deeper into her ass while John moved over, grabbing forward her breasts and leaning towards onto his own knees to he could pull her into a sloppy kiss. "He's a thief, you've picked bad one-" He taunted her between kisses, letting her catch her breath a moment before he pulled her back up to his mouth again, squeezing onto her nipple as he did.

Ash gave a grunt, starting to moan a bit louder. Every second brought with another firm pulse of his cock inside the squeezing confines of the girl's cunt. She was so needy, so on-edge already that she was hugging him like a glove. With each thrust he slapped her ass backwards onto him sending the echoing sound of their bodies meeting up into the air. She moaned with these motions each time feeling him slam deep into her tight ass, spreading her out around his pointed shaft.

As he continued to pump forward, his breath came faster and faster. Mei could feel her own orgasm building, finally relief hovered in her future. She pushed back against him, encouraging each and every thrust with a counter motion of her own body, making sure to push herself backwards and pierce her ass onto the jutting length of his cock each time he thrust up. She moaned out with each of his own little breaths so her voice rang out in his ears.

She could feel her orgasm building. Her legs started to clench, trying to squeeze tighter together to lessen the rising intensity of the pressure building, but John wandered closer, pushing them apart with his foot and swatting her side with a small click of his tongue, "Naughty girl, stay open to it."

She let out a hissing cry, trying to fight of the mounting sensation in front of her. She rolled her eyes up, letting out a hard sigh. She sent air puffing out from her lips, trying to exhale this rising pressure with air, but it didn't let up from the clenching sensation in her lower stomach. Her nipples were rockhard, burning red in the air as her engorged breasts started to smack into her body with the increasing speed of Ash's thrust. He fucked her ass with abandoned, forcing her to gape open wide for his swelling base as the knot of the canine cock started to swell and grow with his own incoming orgasm.

She arched her body, contorting as much she could in the confines of this position. Her head rocked back, hair spilling on her shoulders before she pushed her forehead towards the ground, moaning into the wood flooring as her ass shoved back against him. She tried to push back even harder onto the wolf boy, but her ass already smacked into his groin with every thrust and he pushed her forward off with as much force as she shoved back onto him. They both were fighting each other to fuck as hard as possible against the cool, hard wood floor beneath. Her knees, smooth from her fur, slide with each and every thrust so he pulled her back each time, yanking her around like an oversized doll to keep her in place for his flying cock.

"Fuck me!" She moaned out, clutching at the slick floor as she tried to keep herself steady. Her legs were tensed, steadying herself with her butt and thighs squeezing hard. "Fuck! Fuck me! Harder!" As she cried out, John grabbed onto her breasts, twisting at the soft, sensitive nubs of her nipples again, heightening her mounting pleasure as the canine behind her thrust himself deeper into her, grinding the growing balloon of his knot into her. "I-I... I'm going to get stuck-"

"I don't care! Fucking cum! Fill me up! Fill my ass!" She let out a yowling moan as her sex began to spasming, contracting on nothing inside of it as he filled up her ass with the wide stretching bulging of hit knot. A howling moan left his lips as the only warning before strings of cum began to shoot off inside her painting the walls of her ass white as she slumped into the floor, shuddering with her release finally. She felt the first spurt explode inside her ass with a rush of warmth before the rest just started to feel like filling spooging inside of her, pumping into her without a telltale sensation from each individual shot from his cock.

"Oh... Ooh..." She whimpered, moaning softly in the final moments before she gave a shrill, warbling cry as her orgasm finally, fully hit her. Her sex began to contract harder, squeezing down with all the power in her muscles while her entire body tensed and shook with the rush of pleasure hitting her. Inside her walls, Ash would have been stuck even without a knot with the tightness of her body's grasp on his length, milking his length with each and every squeeze before she started to calm, her voice quivering as her breaths slowly began to slow to a soft, steady panting. "Heh.... heh...."

Behind her, Ash grunted softly, rubbing over her ass with a glossy far away look of post-orgasm haze already settling over the freshman. He looked drained as he slumped against her ass, feeling his knot fully inflate to lock him inside while his seed stirred in her ass.

John cleared his throat, checking the time with a little chuckle. "Hey, uh.... Mei?"

She looked up, sweat streaking through the fur of her face as she panted in ragged little gulps. Her eyes swam over his face with curiosity as every breath shook her breasts beneath her. "Yeah?"

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," John intoned, snickering. "But you've got a night class in 15 minutes-"