22nd December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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22nd December

"Did you like the Sauna?" Maia nodded with her cheeks full of breakfast. Her aunt was the one asking. "Nice to hear. I was sure you would like it. We also have a natural hot spring close by. To you want to go there this evening?" she asked. Maia hastily chewed and gulped down the ham and eggs. "Yes." She replied and her eyes sparkled. "I have never been to a hot spring." Her aunt smiled and nodded. "I thought so darlin. I will tell the village that we will make the tour, maybe someone else will join. The more the merrier. Over the day all of the village sent someone of the family to tell Sophie, that they would join in to the hot spring visit. It seemed to Maia, that all of them just waited for her aunt to organize it. Maia was excited the whole day and on the suggestion of her aunt went to sleep in the afternoon, because the visit might take until after midnight with going to the hot springs, bathing and returning. "Why are we going there so late then?" asked Maia and her aunt chuckled. "Well, it is so that everyone can join in. We do not go that often and usually it is an event for the whole village." Maia did not quite understand why the whole village had to be present, but she accepted this answer of her aunt. When the sun slowly started to go down, more and more people from the village came to the Lansters to wait for the depart and finally it was time. Like her uncle had set the rule, Maia only wore the warm coat while she was naked below it. Other than that, she had not encountered any signs of her situations on this day. The walk up the hill was very long and hard. They walked for over an hour and now Maia understood a bit, why they would not do this very often. They had to walk through the forest and Maia heard the sounds of a lot of different feral animals. Maybe one of the reasons, why they went in a group, was also because it was safer, she thought.

When they arrived at the hot springs, Maia did not think about the reasons for the whole village coming with them anymore. There was a small lake in the rock before her with steaming water. She saw water gushing down from a small waterfall on one end. "We build this." Her uncle said proudly and now Maia saw, that the rock at the edge showed signs of hammers and pikes. "You know Maia, a few years ago, there was just a river here just like there." He showed her the water, which flew out of one side of the lake and then downhill. "We made a big hole in the rock here and had it fill with the water. This is how this bath here formed. At first, we wanted to find the original spring, but it is far above us and the water was too hot, so we decided to do it here, after the waterfall. It cools down a bit in the air and therefore it is the perfect temperature." Maia had to agree to him, that the water should not be any warmer. With her experience the day before, she did not feel much embarrassed when she lost her coat and entered the water with her uncle. The rest of the group stripped down as well and soon all of them relaxed in the water. The adults even had some alcoholic drinks with them, that they drank from tiny glasses, while Len, Derick and Anthony played a game of splash with Arthur and Chris.

"Maia?" the girl opened her eyes and looked at the young Fred Park, who had touched her arm. "What is it Fred?" she asked and the boy seemed a bit embarrassed and hesitant. "I... erm... I mean..." the boy fidget and her uncle, who still was next to her, smiled. "Why don't you sit on the edge here Fred?" he asked and lifted the boy and sat him on the edge of the water. The lower body of the bear cub was exposed and Maia saw that the boy spotted a slightly erect member. She understood what the boy wanted to ask her and why her uncle grinned. She knew that she could not refuse, even though for her it was a bit of a perfect moment ruined, but her training had been so thoroughly, that she directly went to work and licked over his member, making the boy moan. "Mama? What is Maia doing there with Fred?" Maia heard the voice of Dorothe and she felt the blood rush into her head. She could not understand the answer of Mrs. Riley, but she could feel the eyes of all others move to her and witness her actions. It was Matthew Riley, Dorothe's father, who made the first move. Maia yipped surprised, muffled a bit by the tiny dick in her muzzle, when he lifted her and placed her on the rocky surface next to the lake on all fours. The way he turned her, she still had her head towards the bear cub who moaned strong in the closing in climax. Maia felt the water dripping from her fur and then some wet fur gliding over her back until she felt the pierce in her neck and the parting of her folds. She heard that Dorothe asked another question, most likely, what Maia was doing with her father, but it all was washed away by the voiced of the men that now gathered around her. For Maia this was still a bit embarrassing to do it in front of all the people, especially the women and the girl. The boy in front of her climaxed, but because of his young age, nothing came out of his member. He was pulled away and Dorothy's brother Anthony sat down in front of Maia. She knew what was expected from her and she knew from experience how hard it was to resist and how much it would hurt, so she did what she learned and submitted. Not all took a turn with her. She heard the voice of her uncle in the middle explaining that everyone would only get one go in either her pussy or her muzzle. A wave of warmth filled Maia's heart. Her uncle stayed true to his word of protecting her and making sure she got some slack. This did not prevent him and Derick to take her as well, both in her vagina, while she was sucking on Mr. Holler's cock. Maia saw, that some of the men settled in with their wives while watching the vixen girl getting fucked by the others and soon the hot spring area was filled with moans and the continuous question of Dorothe, who was the only one left out on the action.

When all of them headed down the hill, Dorothe was pouting. She had not got the answers that satisfied her curiosity and all of them "had fun" like she said, "without her". Maia was not able to say anything to her, because she was moaning with every step her uncle did. She had been too exhausted to walk after all these actions and therefore her uncle offered to carry her. His carrying turned out to be him pushing his member into her, as last of the men, and picking her up. With her coat around her shoulders, her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist and her nether lips tightly wrapped around his knot she was carried by her uncle like a backpack, which was carried on the wrong side. Each step made both moan from the slight movement of his member and knot inside her. He had spurted into her twice already, but his knot seemed to not plan to go limb any time soon. Maia just had her head rested on the strong chest of her uncle and concentrated on the good feeling that the stimulation sent through her exhausted and relaxed body. "I am so happy that you came to visit us." Whispered her uncle and licked over her head. Despite all the actions she had have this day and despite the fact that she had not liked this kind of activity just a few days ago and just came around slowly now, Maia had to smile and snuggle her head into the chest of her uncle. The relaxing warmth of the hot spring water, that still soaked her fur, the heartbeat of her uncle, the exhaustion, not only from the actions but also from the bath, and the pleasure, that his knot caused her by rubbing her clit from the inside and from his rod vibrating on her g-spot, mixed with his words and caresses into a feeling of happiness, that Maia felt from the bottom of her heart.