24th December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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24th December

Maia felt crushed when she woke up. Derick still laid beneath her and Milo lay half on top of her with his head next to her shoulder and Anthony was upside down on top of her, his balls laying heavy over her eyes. She felt the urge to pee but she could not move with all of them piled up on her. She just managed to get one arm free and get a bit space between herself and the lower body of Anthony. His crowth was just above her nose and she took in his strong musk. None of them seemed awake and Maia looked at the pouch of Anthony, which hid his member. The light outside was starting to get brighter and so did the room, because the curtains were not in front of the window. Maia wondered how she could wake up the boys and then got an idea, when her nose poked a bit into the pouch. She extended her tongue and started to lick around the pouch and even pushed it into the hole where she knew the dick was nestled in. She felt the tip of his dick and licked around it, until it slowly crouched out. Anthony moaned and seemed to slowly wake up, but it took Maia a few minutes, and his member to get completely erect, until the boy woke up and moaned loud. "Do you mind moving down from me and help me get out of here?" She asked with an angelic voice. "I need to meet the bathroom." The boy was understanding and did not only stand up but helped her to roll over his friends so that she could leave the bed as well. They were still out cold and continued to sleep. She quickly ran over to the bathroom, where the toilet was located next to the shower, and when she wanted to close the door, she saw Anthony's paw hold it open. She had no time to think about it, because she had to go really urgent and just rushed to the toilet. When she sat down and looked up she saw the full erect member of Anthony in front of her face and when she looked up he had an expecting grin on his face. With a sigh she leaned forward and took his member into her muzzle, while she let her urine go, as she could not hold on any longer. It felt embarrassing to pee in front of the boy, even more than suckling on his member. She was used to the last action already. She even fondled his balls softly and made him moan and he came into her muzzle the moment she was finished with peeing. "What a wonderful morning kiss." Anthony said and looked down on her. "But I also have to pee now." And before she could move down the toilet or say anything, she felt the warm yellow water splash on her forehead and then the stream was directed lower to her throat and then her chest. The urine of him flew for half a minute, showing that he had been holding it in for some time, and ran down her fur, over her dugs and into her crotch, until it dripped down from her clit into the toilet. "I am sorry. I just had to go very urgent." He said but she did not believe him that he was sorry. His grin told her otherwise. He admired her yellow strained white fur a while and then the door flew open. Her aunt entered and directly scolded Anthony for what he did. Maia did not understand everything but she heard something about an agreement and the boy backed away from Maia and apologized before he stumbled out of the bathroom. Her aunt did not explain Maia anything or pursued the matter any further. She just grabbed Maia, pushed her into the shower and started to rinse her up. Then she laddered the girl up in soap and rinsed her again. Sophie repeated this action again and again, until Maia felt like every hair and part of her skin had been scrubbed, and then pulled the girl out and helped her to dry off. "Today evening is Christmas eve. You want to be clean for that, don't you?" her aunt just remarked and Maia understood that it was the 24th already. Time had gone by so fast for her. She reminded the day she had celebrated her coming to age as if it was yesterday and so much happened since then, not the least being that she discovered that she was pregnant. Even though her aunt helped her not only to get cleaned up and groom her fur but also to perfume herself and make herself look presentable, she did not give the girl any clothes and so Maia walked down to the breakfast naked like any day before. Her uncle and Derick greeted her as well as Milo and a very meek Anthony. After the breakfast, Dericks friends left and Sophie got Maia to help her with the Christmas decorations that were left to put on the tree and into the room. Maia just now noticed that they had a wonderful tree. She really did not have much attention to her surrounding the last weeks.

Church was for once quite nice for Maia. She sat there, in a soft and warm coat that she got from Sophie, and listened to the Christmas story pastor Park told them. After the church, all wished each other merry Christmas and they visited the Parks for tea after church. Maia had been afraid, that she would be the center of the family taking her nonstop again like the last time she had been incited to their house, but none even touched her once and they just admired her white fur, the coat had to be taken off because the house was so warm and as she still was requested to run around naked under it, she was bare furred in front of them, and talked with her about different topics. Despite the girl being naked, there was nothing out of the ordinary and Maia had become so used to run around naked, that she was only bothered by it a bit. After the visit. The Lansters returned home and Maia helped to prepare the dinner. She was surprised and excited about the happy celebration of Christmas in this town. With her parents she had been mostly alone at home, singing a few songs and then going to bed, but here it seemed that they visited each other, played some games, sang songs as well and read Christmas stories. The day was far too short in Maia's opinion and she smiled the whole day. "Did you like our Christmas?" asked Sophie very late in the evening, when all guests had left and they were for themselves. "Yes, it was very nice." Said Maia. She even had got some presents. Most of them were clothes and Maia wondered when she would be able to wear them, but then remembered, that she would return home soon as well. It felt a bit off for her, because she had become used to the life in this village so much, that she could not imagine going back to her old life in the city. A part of her wished to return there and live her old life, forgetting everything that happened here. But with a caress over her belly she knew, that there was something she would not be able to forget so soon and she was a bit scared what her mother would say when she noticed that Maia was pregnant.

"This is my last present for you." Her uncle said and winked her with one eye. When Maia unpacked the small present, she held a neck band in her hand with the name "Maia" stitched on it. It was made out of leather but it was soft leather that felt good on her fur and skin. On the back, where the buckle to close it was located, there was a metal ring, that went through the middle of the lather and Maia wondered for what this would be good. Two similar rings were at the side and when her uncle put it on, the neck band fit her perfectly. It was not to tight, but it also did not have much free space between her fur and the neck band. "Thank you." She just said with a smile, still wondering what this was for. Maybe some sort of accessory. She reminded having seen some girls in school with a similar neckband, just that it had pikes around it and no name on it. Maia was too tired to think about it and yawned so wide, that her aunt told her to go to bed. When she already was close to sleeping, she heard someone enter her room and then she picked up the smell of Derick, who crawled under her cover. He put an arm around her body and caressed her belly while his member pressed into her back. He did not say anything, but just kissed her cheeks and then she felt him grind slightly in her back until her fur became wet from his spurts. Maia snuggled into his chest and felt secure, because he did not attempt to enter her. It seemed, that he just wanted to have her close to him and she, for once, was happy to have someone laying in her bed and hold her. Her heart was filled with love and affection for her cousin and a night full of dreams pulled her into its arms.