Ms. Schafer's Family 3 - 4

Story by fredwirtz on SoFurry

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#2 of Stonebury Chronicles

Tina and Jeff Walton are invited to join Carla and Frank to celebrate her recent pregnancy, not knowing the incestuous way that the child was conceived. Kyle, the son of the former, goes to greet his cousin Sarah, only to find her heavily pregnant, as well, and just as shocking as the sight is the fact that no one seems to care.

This is the first part of a longer commission written by Joshiah

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This is an effort to collect all the parts into a single location for easy reading.

*Chapter 3 *

"I've got to admit, I'm still shocked to hear that Carla decided to have another child."

"Sometimes the bug just hits, sweetie. You and I both know that."

"Yes, but...I remember she and Frank were quite adamant about just having two children and calling it quits."

"Who knows, dear. It's kinda weird, but if they're happy, that's all that really matters, isn't it?"

"I...I suppose."

Uncertainty was still plain on the face of Tina Walton. She'd married into the Walton family years ago when she met Jeff Walton, the older brother of Carla Walton. She was smitten on first sight, and not surprisingly, the pair rushed into a marriage and having kids almost as soon as they could.

What was surprising was the fact that they'd lasted as a couple, and even into their early 40's, they were still entirely happy together. They were a model couple, caring for each other and keeping the romance alive, no matter how many times they shared the same kiss, used the same pet names, and made love in the same old all still felt fresh to them, every single day of their lives.

They had only one child, and were happy to stop there, with the handful that he was in his younger years. He was one Kyle Walton, born just a year ahead of his cousins, Sarah and Jack. Being an only child, he was a bit shut off from the world, and always envied his cousins for having each other to talk to and hang out with, but all the same, when he saw them, he treated them like his own siblings, and at each family gathering, they spent so much time catching up on each others lives that they scarcely left time for any other activities.

"Isn't Aunt Carla a little old to be having children?" Kyle asked, finally joining in the conversation from the back seat of the sedan. "I mean...can't that be dangerous for a woman her age?"

"Your Aunt Carla has always taken very good care of herself," Tina pointed out. "If there's anyone who could safely have a child into her later years, it would be her, no doubt. It's sweet of you to worry about her, though."

"I...I wasn't worried!" Kyle tried to backtrack. He was just on the verge of his 20's, and wasn't quite ready to embrace adulthood in the fullest; he still had to cling to the visage of being a teenager and not having a care in the world. "It just seems kinda weird to me, too."

"It's their decision to have the child. We shouldn't judge," Tina replied. "And I expect you to be fully supportive of your Aunt and her decision."

"Not like I have a lot of a choice," Kyle muttered, as he crossed his arms. He was getting impatient, as he often did when the family was on a long car trip.

This one was much longer than any other he'd ever known, however. It was only recently that Carla and Frank had moved away from the state that they grew up in, so what used to be a two hour trip had suddenly turned into an eight hour excursion, meaning that there was no way the family could afford to drive out, visit and drive back in the same day. In a sense, it excited Kyle, as he'd get to associate with young adults his own age for once, but he'd always known his Uncle Frank to be a bit of a square, and his Aunt Carla was always prying into his personal life, something that he didn't quite feel comfortable sharing with the average adult.

"Oh, I'm sure this is going to go fine," Tina tried to encourage her gruff child. "It'll be great to see some extended family again, and I know your cousins have missed you. I'm sure a visit will help them feel more at home in their new place," she suggested, though only moments later, she was scratching her head. "Still kinda weird that the GPS system couldn't quite pick up on the town, though. Seems like it isn't on the road atlas, either."

"It's probably a fairly new subdivision that they're calling a town," Jeff pointed out. "New constructions do that all of the's probably a post office, a gas station, some railroad tracks and a neighborhood out in the distance. Hardly qualifies as a town."

"Yes, but Carla has had nothing but good things to say about it. I'm excited to see just how friendly everyone is!"

Born into the age of technology, Kyle was the one most unsettled by the fact that the town wasn't listed on any map. He'd done his research ahead of time, and there wasn't anything he could find on the internet about it, either. There were no population records, no landmarks, not even a description of the area around it to work seemed only the people that lived there were able to give out addresses to others, making it feel more like a hidden compound to Kyle than an actual town.

When they finally reached the edge of the city limits, however, his mood softened up a bit.

Farm land spread out for a ways around the city, dotted with typical barns and farmhouses that one might expect to see in such an area. The roads slowly improved and grew wider as they came closer to the city, and the last bits of gravel disappeared under proper asphalt.

"There...doesn't this look like a cozy place?" Tina asked, looking back at her son with a smile. "We're almost there...I'm sure that Sarah and Jack just can't wait to see you!"

"I...yeah. I guess it does look kinda nice," Kyle replied, though his voice was still just a little unsure. Something inside of him wasn't ready to accept the town at face value...and it was a voice he should have listened to.


"Goodness, Carla! You look like you're about to burst!"

Tina wasn't sure just how long ago the seed had been planted, but Carla looked far too pregnant for how far along her estimate was. Her tummy was stretched out wide, and already, the poor woman was laboring to deal with a weight that stuck out rather sharply from an otherwise slim body and frame.

"Feels like I might set a new world record for the heaviest baby at birth," Carla joked right along, chuckling at the thought of her stomach gushing open, as morbid as it actually was. "It's so good to see you all again, Tina...and look at little Kyle! Guess I can't really call him little anymore!"

"Boy sure was a late bloomer," Jeff agreed, "But in that last year of high school, he shot up like a weed!"

With the gap between when they last saw each other, Jack and Sarah barely recognized Kyle, but seeing him get out of the car with his parents, the Walton children knew that he had to be their cousin. He was much taller than their last encounter, standing even higher than Jack, and his body was actually filled out, from the bean pole figure that he used to have.

"He sure turned out to be quite the handsome young man. I'm sure he's beating off the ladies with a stick," Carla offered him a compliment, and he turned his feet together before staring down at them with a bashful warmth in his cheeks.

"He's a little too quiet for most girls, but when one comes over, it feels like we can't get them to leave."

"Ugh... seriously, Dad?!"

"Oh, don't be so shy, Kyle," Tina half-nagged him. "Being popular with the ladies is nothing to be embarrassed about."

There was only a brief moment of pause as Kyle found himself too coy to reply, but a smile did cross his lips as he saw Sarah walking out of the front door of the impressively large house.

"L-listen, Kyle. Why don't you run inside and hang out with Sarah while we go set up the rest of the baby shower?" Carla offered, able to see just how uncomfortable her young nephew had become. "We shouldn't need too much more help over at Ms. Schafer's."

"It really was kind of her to offer her place for the event," Tina said, completely ignorant of the devious motives that prompted the decision. "You've had nothing but good things to say about her, sis. I can't wait to meet her!"

"She's very eager to meet all of you, as well!" Carla confirmed, as Kyle quietly snuck off to the porch and followed Sarah inside. "If you've got nothing else going on, Jeff, would you mind coming over to help us get some things fixed up over there?"

"It'd be my pleasure," Jeff replied. He and his wife walked across the small lawn between the two houses and headed inside, and Jack was quick to follow them, as Kyle followed Sarah into the kitchen. He hadn't seen her from the front properly, and the railing of the front porch was covering her stomach from view when he first set eyes upon her, so he was glad that he wasn't drinking anything when she finally turned around in the kitchen; he would have promptly spit it all over Sarah.

"'re pregnant?! What the hell?!" he asked, actually leaning against the kitchen table for a moment as he processed what he was seeing.

"What? It's not like it's that uncommon for girls my age to get pregnant, y'know."

"You're only 18! your parents know about this?" The interrogation continued, but Kyle quickly smacked his own forehead with his palm. "Who am I could they not know! You're almost as bulged out as your mother!"

There was a sense of pride in the bulge that stuck out from Sarah's body, one that she made clear as she rubbed her stomach gently with an open palm. It already felt odd to Kyle, who felt Sarah was too young to make such a heavy decision, but if he knew the full story behind how she'd been impregnated, he might actually faint from the shock of it.

"Yeah...I have gotten awfully big," Sarah agreed, as she smiled a warm, motherly smile and looked upon the flesh that encased her unborn child. "But I couldn't be happier about that...I do hope I'll finally pop soon. It's been hell on my back, carrying all of this weight around, but...enough about me, Kyle. What's been going on in your life?"

Kyle could barely manage a word. The instinct that told him to be cautious about the town was ringing fresh in the back of his mind once again, and the fact that everyone was so calm about such a young pregnancy was more than mildly disturbing to him.

They hadn't even brought it up.

"N-nothing...nothing really new in my life, Sarah," Kyle finally did reply, though his words were almost as shaky as he was. "Do y-you have anything I can drink? I think I'm a little dehydrated."

"Of course, Kyle," Sarah replied, her voice so nurturing that it was almost creepy to her cousin. "We've got some fresh milk...there's a local place that delivers it every week. It's kinda old fashioned, but it's so much better than the stuff you buy in the stores."

"Pregnant at this age...maybe there's something in the milk," Kyle suggested, trying to force a dry chuckle at his own weak joke. Sarah joined him, mostly to spare his feelings, as she pulled a carafe of the tainted liquid from the fridge and poured Kyle a healthy glass. "Good thing my girlfriend isn't here."

"You've got a girlfriend?" Sarah asked, listening to his next words with overly eager ears, and watching him take a full sip of the milk with curious eyes.

Kyle let out a gasp of delight, shocked at just how sweet the milk was as it washed over his taste buds. "I...uh...n-no. No I don't," he admitted. "Sorry that joke fell kinda flat."

"It's okay, Kyle. You don't need to impress your cousin, you know."

"Heh, I guess not. Things have just been kinda weird for me since I got into my first couple years of college. I feel stressed out and paranoid all of the time...kinda miss feeling young and irresponsible, I guess."

"Isn't that what college is all about? Being young and irresponsible?"

"I know that they make it look that way on television and in the movies," Kyle acknowledged, "But truth be told, it isn't a whole lot like that, if you seriously try. It feels like every single week is going to be the last week I'm enrolled, unless I bust my ass through every single class that I take."

Sarah frowned just slightly at her cousin's plight and crossed her arms over her bulging tummy. "Sounds to me like you need a serious stress release."

"Guess it wouldn't hurt, but I dunno what I can do, really. I gotta be honest, drinking doesn't really do anything for me anymore."

"Makes the milk a bit of a waste, then?"

"No, it's good," Kyle corrected himself, "I'm talking about booze, you dork."

" Obviously."

"Heh. Still...sounds like maybe you had something else in mind? I'm guessing you've got all kinds of techniques to get over the stress, being pregnant and all."

Sarah shook her head slowly. "No, not really...but you mentioned wanting to feel young again."

"What about it?"

"Well..." she trailed off for a moment, before shooting her cousin a coy, playful grin. "Do you wanna play a game?"

As an adult, it felt weird to have such childish interactions with his cousin, but Kyle couldn't help smiling back at Sarah at her suggestion. She truly had his best interests at heart, it seemed, and he was more than happy to abide her silly idea, especially with no one else around.

"Sure," Kyle replied. "Are you more of a racing game type, or a first-person shooter?"

"Not a video game," Sarah pointed out, as she started to walk out of the kitchen. "A different kind of game."

Kyle raised a brow as he stood up from the kitchen table and followed Sarah out of the room. She was heading up to her bedroom, and certainly, if they were still children, this wouldn't have been that unusual, but something about it felt a little strange to Kyle as he followed his younger cousin up the stairs to the second floor. The house was very properly constructed, keeping the floors from creaking or whining, even as Kyle rumbled up them to catch his sister; she was surprisingly quick, despite her pregnancy.

"You know, this is how a lot of weird stories start," Kyle said as he walked down the hallway. He only saw Sarah's backside heading into her bedroom as he turned the corner and followed her in. Her bedroom was just what one might expect for an 18 year old female: years of pink decor had given way to more sophisticated purple and grey tones that gave the entire area a fashionable look, and as if to signify a purity she no longer had, the sheets and covers upon her bed were a stark, brilliant white.

What was also white was the chair that she pulled away from the desk on her wall, before she patted the seat and gestured at Kyle. "Just what kind of stuff have you been looking at while you've been away at college?" Sarah asked, playing right along with his somewhat twisted statement. "C'mere. Take a seat."

He still couldn't shake the sense that something weird was going on, but Kyle was happy to take a load off of his feet and sit back in the chair. "You know, a lot of people would think that getting a massage from their cousin was really weird," Kyle pointed out, just before he felt Sarah resting her palms on his head...but it wasn't for a massage.

"That would be a little bit weird, yeah, but that's not what this is about," Sarah explained. In an instant, the room vanished, and everything turned black for Kyle...his cousin had blindfolded him, for whatever reasons she had. "This is a game, remember?"

Kyle gulped down a small lump in his throat, though he did his best to keep it quiet. He knew just how sneaky and mischievous Sarah could be from the times that they hung out as children, and she always seemed to have a prank or two up her sleeve. No joke was too elaborate for her, and Kyle was sure that he'd know what this one was about in just a matter of seconds.

He was right about his assumption, but he never would have guessed what was coming.

" S-Sarah! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

The sound of Kyle's zipper coming undone was that much louder on his ears, with his eyes deprived of their sight, and it wasn't just the fact that it was being pulled down that disturbed him. It was the subtle rubbing of delicate fingertips over the bulge in his boxers that truly worried him, and though he wasn't tied down to the chair, he was too shocked to properly move.

"Just relieving some of my cousin's stress...there's nothing wrong with that, is there?"

The question was asked in a manner that was somehow equal parts lewd and innocent, as if Sarah really didn't think there was any issue with her actions, and yet, she acknowledged just how sexual they were. "There's a ton wrong with that! W-we can't do this!"

"No one's holding you here, Kyle..."

"But...Sarah, y-you can't..."

"Can, and I will," she replied cheekily, knowing that her touch was all that she needed to keep her cousin planted in the seat. She kept fondling around until she fished the flesh of his cock out through the small flap in the front of his boxers, and she gave it a couple gentle squeezes of encouragement to help the blood flowing to it. "Besides, I still need to tell you how I got pregnant, don't I?"

Given the rather tame act of incest that was budding between the cousins, Kyle was already fearing the worst, as far as who might have been the father of this child. Clearly, moving to this town had done something weird to his extended family, and he wasn't sure that he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Worse still, he didn't think that he had a choice.

"Y-you could spare me those details, Sarah. That's your private life," he suggested, hoping that she might take his suggestion and release his cock, but it was already responding to her touch, and growing within the gentle grasp of her fingers.

Sarah grinned, loving the feeling of her cousin's member growing thick and full in her palm. "But it's one that I'm happy to share with you, my dear vivid detail."

"Sarah, do not -

"It was daddy...daddy fucked my brains out," Sarah cut him off, leaning right into the back of his ears and letting her lips tease the ticklish flesh with her every word. "It took a little coaxing from me, of course, but once he was as into my new body as I was, he was quick to catch on...he pinned me right into the wall and fucked my tight, dripping wet pussy and filled me up with all of the cum I could handle..."

Kyle felt the blood rushing from his face, though he couldn't see just how pale he really was. I'm not hearing this, he thought. I'm not hearing any of this. I fell asleep in the car on the way here, and this is some kind of fucked up dream...some kind of horrible dream!

"He thought it was so weird, just like you do now...but when he saw my thick, luscious fur and my dripping fangs, I think it turned him on even more...didn't know that your cousin was a werewolf, did you?"

"...You're a what?!"

"Mmhm...and my brother, my father, and my mother... all of us have been turned," Sarah confirmed for him, much to his continually growing terror. That fear fought in an slowly losing conflict with the shameful arousal that he felt at the mental image of Sarah being pressed into a wall and fucked rotten by her father, and as her touch hastened and stroked back and forth faster over his member, his fear was almost completely replaced with impassioned lust and a budding curiosity to know more about what had happened. "And you,'ll be turned soon, too."

"I would never want that," Kyle shot back, and though he tried to sound confident, Sarah could hear that all of the conviction was drained from his voice. Her fingertips were covered in a clear shimmer of endlessly flowing precum, and she could feel every vein pulsing and bulging into her palm as she began furiously pumping at her cousin's flesh. "I c-can't...can't believe any of this! F-fuck...I won't!"

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, Kyle. You've already had your fair share of milk, after all. It's only a matter of time, now."

As if Sarah was in control of the transformation, Kyle could feel a strange itching sensation crawling across the surface of his skin. The hairs upon his arms were always rather thin and light, but they began to darken and thicken as Sarah squeezed around the very tip of his manhood, happily stroking him close to an orgasm so that his focus would be divided. The cock in her hands was already shifting, however, drawing closer to something that was more canid than human, as the rounded tip of Kyle's length began to tapered and glow a delicate shade of red.

"You?! You d-did this to me?" Kyle whined as he found his cousin to be the source of the betrayal. No doubt, she acted as part of a larger plan, but all the same, Kyle couldn't help a grimace of anger crossing his lips for a moment, before the act felt entirely unnatural. He couldn't see why, precisely, but he could feel his face stretching out just slightly as the bones in his face began to melt and reform around his nose, and then, they extended away, all of their own accord.

Kyle didn't have to see the changes to know that he wasn't just being pranked by his cousin, anymore, and he was trembling against the chair as he felt his body drawing close to a completely forbidden and incestuous orgasm. He should have been more resistant to the sensation, even from the start...but he'd gone right along with it, and though he believed he should feel some shame, it was fading fast, behind the arousing idea that his own cousin was rubbing him off.

If he could only think straight, he might be able to feel a little shame for it, but lust was the only thing crossing his mind.

"Tell me, my dear cousin," Sarah murmured into his ear, as she felt a small layer of fur beginning to cover it, all while the flesh underneath grew thicker and taller, right against her lips, "Have you ever thought about fucking your own mother? Would that turn you on at all?"

Sarah was panting just a little bit from her sexual efforts, and she knew that her womanhood was simply dripping with liquid desire as her cousin began to pant in time with her. His precum was flowing like a gentle stream, and she knew that he was on the verge of his release, but she wouldn't quite grant him the right, just yet.

"N-never..." Kyle grunted, though already, his voice was inhuman. There was a thick, throaty growl behind it, and he struggled to speak as he felt sharp, curved fangs peeking out from where flat teeth used to be. His body was somewhere between human and canine, but Sarah loved the feel of his cock turning into the latter, and the thick knot that rested at the base of his crotch was smooth and divine against her fingertips. She held it, knowing it was the key to his climax, but she predicated her next move on his final answer.

"Not even once, hm? That's a shame...would you do it now, though? Now that you know what you know about us?"

Hard as it was to think, Kyle was trying to envision the thought, and though he struggled through it, he gave a very subtle nod, and when he did, he felt the blindfold come up from his eyes.

The first thing he felt was shock, as he saw fur encompassing his face, and a pair of canine eyes looking back at him. He wasn't fully transformed, but he was close, and it was a sanity questioning moment for Kyle...who looked deeper into the mirror and saw his mother in the corner of the bedroom, tied up and gagged, completely nude.

"That's good, my darling cousin...because you don't have a fucking choice," Sarah told him, as she turned the wheeled chair around and pushed Kyle right over to his mother, just in time to squeeze his knot, stroke his girth, and force her own cousin to released his seed upon his mother's face. She winced her eyes closed and cried around her gag as Kyle let out a literal howl of orgasmic delight, and seed that was much hotter than the average human yield covered her cheeks. It spilled down over her nose, lips and neck as more and more of the canine cum squirted out, and Sarah looked over her cousin with a gleeful smirk as her fingers were coated in the sticky mess...though they were dry in comparison to her Aunt, who felt streak after streak of ejaculate spilling across her face, until the soft, weaker bursts of it spilled upon the cleavage of her breasts, making a proper mess of her bust.

On the verge of becoming a full werewolf, Kyle could only pant in ecstasy, even as he looked over the horrible thing he'd done to his mother. It didn't help to think that he'd just gotten a handjob from his own cousin, and worse felt amazing for him.

"Oh, don't look so worried," Sarah whispered, as the kissed the back of her cousin's now canine ear. "You're probably scared of what'll happen when your father finds out, right?"

Again, Kyle could only nod in reply.

"He's got his own problems to worry about, Kyle...and since he's too busy having fun with Ms. Schafer, we can keep having our own fun here..."

Chapter 4

It was unclear whether Kyle or his mother was in a greater state of shock.

" can't be serious..." Kyle said, his voice a low, somber groan as he looked down at the cum stained face of his own mother. He'd simply covered her, and he couldn't begin to fathom how ashamed she felt to have raised such a twisted child.

While Kyle knew it wasn't entirely his fault, he put the blame exclusively on himself, even when he heard his younger cousin giggling at the sight of mother and son looking horrified about what had happened. "For how much you were enjoying yourself a few minutes ago, you sure look like you've just seen a ghost, Kyle."

"Why...why is she here like this? How did this happen?!" Kyle exclaimed, his voice equal parts shock and anger as he turned and glared at Sarah. She was smiling as cutely as she could, of course, trying to deflect any disdain from her person. "And what the hell do you mean, 'my father is having fun with Ms. Schafer?'"

"You've been able to tell that something was weird about this place since before you got here, I bet," Sarah claimed, and she was right on the money. "Your parents didn't much care, but I could see it in your eyes, the moment that you thought this place was a little strange."

"This is more than a little strange, Sarah! Y-you just made me cum on my mom!"

"I didn't make you do anything, my dear cousin," she replied, giggling quietly at the way that Kyle could look so fearful, even when he was the one who'd turned into a beastly werewolf. "You just did what came natural to your new body...and your father is doing the same thing just next door."

"My dad would never cheat on my mom. You don't know what you're talking about!" Kyle shouted back at her, and despite his ferocious appearance, she didn't so much as flinch. After all, she was capable of the same transformation, and worse still, she was much more experienced with that form. "None...none of this is real! I'm still in the car, dreaming about getting here! This is just a nightmare!"

Sarah crossed her arms over her plump, pregnant tummy and sighed sarcastically. "Oh, Kyle...this is no nightmare. This is a dream come true, and I'm a little hurt that you're rejecting our generous hospitality."

"Giving your family members a handjob isn't hospitality! It's just fucked up!"

"So, things are a little bit different around here...we have to learn to embrace different cultures and customs, Kyle. It's wrong to judge people just because they're different than you are, and thanks to what you've just done...your mother will be just like us, soon."

Despite it being so obvious, somehow, Kyle didn't realize that Sarah must have already been a werewolf, herself, but no doubt, she was every bit as tainted as Kyle was, and thanks to the cum that was still dripping off of his mother's face, her fate was sealed, as well.

"Help me change her back," Kyle demanded. "Tell me how to change her back!"

"There's no cure for this, cousin. There's no antidote. The sooner you embrace your new form and allow it to fulfill you, the sooner you'll feel a whole lot better about what's coming next."

Sarah had confessed to Kyle that it was her own father who impregnated her, but he was still feeling delusional at that moment, and while that feeling hadn't faded too much, he realized that he wasn't just convincing himself it was false, anymore. It was a terrible truth, and if he could infer anything, he had a feeling that he knew the next step in his werewolf initiation.

"...I'm not doing it."

"Doing what? Embracing your wild side?"

"No, I'm not going to fuck my mother. That's what they made you do to your father...well, I'm not giving in so easily!"

Kyle was strong in his convictions, and what he'd done already was more than a step too far. He'd have to learn to live with the consequences of his actions, but just from his outburst, Sarah could tell he wouldn't be so easily swayed.

"All right, Kyle. You win...I told Ms. Schafer you'd be impossible to turn, but she didn't listen to me. There is a way to change yourself back and keep your mother from turning, but you'll have to do exactly what I say if you want to save you understand?"

It was almost impossible for Kyle to trust his younger cousin after what she'd done, but there was literally no other option for him. He couldn't go to anyone and tell them of his story, he couldn't make a break for the city limits, and he was much too far from home to make a cry for help. Even if he felt like he couldn't, he had to trust Sarah with his life, now, and pray that there was still some scrap of good in her soul.

"Just...tell me what I have to do, Sarah."

"First, remove the gag from your mother's mouth."

Kyle reached down and found his strength to be superhuman, as the tiniest tug with his clawtips was enough to easily rip the gag to shreds and pull it from his mother's mouth, despite the buckles that kept it in place. "Mom, I...I'm so sorry about this..."

Tina took a few moments to catch her breath, and Kyle was sure that she would admonish him for what he'd done, but when she looked up and saw a creature who was truly remorseful for his actions, that being her own son, no less, she didn't have an ounce of hate in her body for him. "You weren't in control,''s okay. This is all going to be okay. We're stronger than this as a family, and we're going to move past it all. As soon as I'm free, I'm going to march over there, get your father, and we're going straight to the police about this!"

"You might want to reconsider those words," Sarah cautioned, as she reached over her vanity and pulled a crystal from the center of it. "Look into this scrying crystal...if you see the truth of your husband's plight, Aunt Tina, it'll keep you from changing, and your son will turn back to normal...but you cannot look away, and if you attempt to free yourself, I'll smash the crystal and keep the both of you like this, forever!"

The same of being trapped by her own niece was something that Tina wasn't sure that she could bear, but to save the life of her son, and possibly her husband, she'd be willing to try anything. "Just let us see it, Sarah...and pray that I have mercy on you when I'm out of these God-awful ropes..."

Grinning just a little bit, Sarah held the crystal aloft, and as the light overhead poured through it, an image began to play before the mother and son, one that showed Jeff Walton in a room by himself, relaxing with Ms. Schafer in her impressively large house.

Watching as hopefully as they could, Kyle and Tina looked on, as they saw Ms. Schafer closing the door to her bedroom and locking it. Though Kyle remained steadfast, the hope immediately washed away from Tina's face as she saw her husband sitting on the bed in front of the older woman...she was approaching him quickly, and her expression was one of pain.

At least, it was supposed to be. "It's's just not fair, Jeff! To see Carla and Sarah pregnant as they are, while I have to sit back and only wish that I could have another's a fate that's simply too cruel to bear!"

A proud father of a single child, Jeff Walton had never considered having another kid, and he found the way that Ms. Schafer spoke to be a little strange, but he also knew nothing of what she was really like, or the terrible act that had occurred just one house over. "I'm very sorry to hear that, Ms. Schafer. I know that women at your age aren't nearly as likely to conceive a child, and if I'm not mistaken, there's not a Mr. Schafer?"

"There isn't anymore," she confirmed. "He's been long gone, and my children have all since grown up and gone to start families of their own. I just wish I could know that feeling of being a mother be so filled with love, and know that a life was growing inside of my tummy; I know that you can't fully understand it, as a man, but there's something so very special about feeling their little legs kicking inside of you, and the subtle throb of their heartbeat as their body grows within you."

The conversation was just a little uncomfortable for Jeff, who had only agreed to join Ms. Schafer in private under false pretenses. She said that she had a secret surprise to keep from Carla and Frank, one that she didn't want slipping through the walls, and yet, here she was pouring her heart out to Jeff, who could only sit and feel a little uncomfortable, thinking that there was nothing he could do to help.

He didn't know how wrong he was about that.

"I really am very sorry, Ms. Schafer, but there isn't anything I can do, other than offer you my condolences," Jeff admitted, unaware of the grand plans Ms. Schafer had for him. "So if there's nothing else, I should probably go back and help ou-

"There thing," Ms. Schafer suggested, as she paused to think of it. She didn't seem to care that she'd cut Jeff off in his words. "I do dearly miss the feeling of a newborn baby sucking the milk from my breasts...if you could, just once, Jeff, I would never ask for anything from you, ever again."

Jeff was too stunned by the request to reply. He could never imagine cheating on his wife, and something like this was well beyond the boundaries of his marriage. " Ms. Schafer! How could you make such a request of me!"

"It'll only be for a moment," she explained, as she began to slip her dress down and away from her swollen breasts. She wore no bra underneath, and despite her age, her bosom was full and swollen with milk, something that Jeff had only ever seen in his wife's chest before. "Just one, tiny sip, and I'll let you back into the other room."

There was no motivation for Jeff to do what Ms. Schafer was asking of her. He didn't get anything out of the deal, other than getting to play with the breasts of an older woman, and he wasn't entirely keen on that, anyway. Her expression was so pitiful, however, and the air about her was so broken that Jeff felt a horrible sympathy for her, and could only imagine what he would do if it was his own wife in her place. He hated to see anyone in such pain, even someone who was still a stranger to him, and based on the way that she carried herself, Jeff worried that she might even be in the early stages of dementia. It was hard to tell exactly what was wrong with her, but Jeff couldn't rightly call the police on her, given her age and position, and he didn't want to call out to anyone else in the house; they might not understand what they found.

"...For one second," Jeff repeated those words, as he leaned forward from his seat on the bed and sealed his lips around the full, erect nipple on Ms. Schafer's left breast. He had no idea that his son and wife were watching closely, their faces twisted up in horror as Jeff's cheeks sunk in with one quick suckle, something that immediately coated his face with regret. His winced his eyes shut and pulled back, gasping for air as a plentiful amount of milk spilled forth, just from that subtle touch, and he gulped it down to keep himself from choking. Even as he moved away, excess milk spilled down from Ms. Schafer's breast and stained her dress, showing off just how much volume she truly carried.

"I would think a grown man would be able to hold his milk, but it seems you've still got some learning to do, Mr. Walton," Ms. Schafer taunted him, as she allowed the rest of her dress to spill to the floor in a pool of crimson threads. "One little gush, and you're already a terrible mess!"

Jeff was still coughing at random as he tried to clear the last of the milk out of his throat. It was strangely sweet and warm, not at all what he had expected, and he was immediately overcome with guilt at what he'd done. "T-that...that can't be normal! Ms. Schafer, you need to get to a doctor, right away! A woman your age shouldn't be lactating, especially without any prompting! God...jeez, I...I need to get outta here. I need to go tell my wife what happened, right now, and get the hell out of here!"

"Leaving so soon? The fun is just getting started!" Ms. Schafer declared, as she stepped closer and closer to the king sized bed in her massive bedroom. "Besides, it doesn't matter if you leave now or's already too late for you to turn back."

To take a drink from the flagon of milk in the fridge meant that one would transform into a werewolf in due time, usually over the course of a few hours.

To drink it straight from Ms. Schafer's supple, overflowing breasts was a death sentence to your humanity.

Jeff immediately felt his ears traveling north on his head, and his lips, as he tried to cry out, began jutting away from his face rapidly. The shape of a muzzle took in mere seconds, as opposed to the longer transformations of his niece and nephew, and his teeth shot down from his gums into deadly, razor sharp fangs in the next instant.

"You see, Jeff, your visit this weekend wasn't for the reasons we said, but it was certainly no accident. My family is growing once again, and yet, I'm not lucky enough to be the mother of any new werewolf children, so I needed someone from outside of the village to breed me properly," Ms. Schafer began to explain, her voice a completely nonchalant drawl, in total contrast to Jeff's constant yelling. "My body has been crying out every night with a need to be filled, but your brother in-law and your son were already claimed, which left only you to satiate my desires."

Fur sprouted up from Jeff's already hairy flesh in massive clumps, and the gaps between those spots were quick to fill. It moved along his body life a flowing river of hair, until the flesh beneath was entirely buried, and Jeff fell off of the bed as he felt his skeletal structure literally melting inside of his flesh. His bones broke down to a dusty, calcium fortified liquid and moved around in his body as the flesh at the base of his spine stretched out to accommodate the coming of his tail, and his hands grew wide and thick as claws sprouted out form his nails.

It was a horrifying process to watch at such a rapid rate, as Kyle and Tina looked on helplessly, but Ms. Schafer kept entirely calm, even as Jeff shuddered and trembled on the floor of her bedroom. "I'm actually quite fortunate that fate decided you should be mine, Jeff. You're turning into quite the lovely specimen, and I can't remember the last time such a young, virile beast had his way with me," she teased, letting her words taunt his ears as she tried to flood his mind with images of her sexuality. His eyes were winced shut with the pain of his rapid transformation, but as they crept open, they were a burning shade of gold, no longer anywhere close to being human, and they were focused right on the naked woman before him, as if he were going to pounce her...but he was fully under her control, thanks to the influence of her corrupting milk. "Now then, Jeff, it's time for you to declare your obedience to me, as your new wife."

Such a thing would have been well beyond Jeff's imagination before, happy as he was in his relationship with Tina, but his old mind was fading fast, replaced by the corrupted essence that was flooding every inch of his body. "My n-new wife?" he still managed to ask, though his voice carried with it an ethereal echo, as if his vocal chords were an entire orchestra, rather than a single violin.

"That's right, Jeff. You're mine now, and I want you to prove it," she said, as she gestured toward the crystal on the dresser in her bedroom. "Your old wife already watched you suck the milk right from my breast. She knows you did this to yourself, willingly, and that you want to take me as your why don't you just tell her that, yourself?"

Jeff knew that it was already too late to try and cling to whatever fibers of humanity he could find. The better part of him was gone and faded, replaced by the beast that he now saw when he looked into the crystal. "It''s true," he grunted, speaking in a human tongue, but with a deep, thick voice that was purely canine. His transformation was already complete, as his tail wagged slowly behind him, and his cock began to grow free from the protective flesh of a lightly furred sheath of black. "I want you, Ms. Schafer...more than any other woman in the world..."

"Not good enough," she snapped at him, as she climbed upon her bed and rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs at such an angle that Kyle and Tina would be forced to see the spread, glistening lips of her womanhood. "Tell her that you're going to knock me up, right here in front of her...tell her that I'm better than she is in every possible way!"

Without a proper mind to process what he was being told anymore, Jeff was quick to jump up on the bed after her. He looked down across her nude, eager body and his tongue lolled out from the side of his jowls, showing just how excited he was to try his first foray into her body. "I'm gonna do it," he replied quickly, the tone of his voice changing just slightly as the topic of sex dominated his thoughts. "I'm leaving you, Tina...leaving you behind so I can fuck Ms. Schafer and impregnate her, whenever she wants me to...she's smarter than you, funnier than you, prettier than you..." Jeff trailed off, as he lowered his hips, and Ms. Schafer lifted her own to meet with the transformed werewolf, until the tip of his cock slipped inside of her sex with the kind of ease that was so entirely soothing. "And she's a way better fuck than you are!"

Gritting his fangs and slamming his hips forth, Jeff verbally and physically trampled on the sanctity of his own marriage, and on the other end, Tina felt the most terrible mixture of heartbreak and arousal as she watched her husband, now a massive, girthy wolf, pounding his cock deep into the folds of a desperate, older woman. Even the sounds carried through the portal of the crystals, and Kyle tried to flatten his sensitive, canine ears as he heard the lewd sound of vaginal juices being squeezed out of Ms. Schafer by the thick, powerful presence of his own dad's cock.

There was no escaping the moment, however, as Sarah held the crystal and watched, grinning at the sight of her cousin and her aunt trembling the way that they did. She knew it must have been a harrowing experience for them, but she felt it was one that they would appreciate, when all was said and done.

Ms. Schafer certainly did, as she threw her head back into the thick, fluffy pillows upon her bed and cried out in ecstasy for her new, canine lover. In the other parts of her house, she knew that Jack, Carla and Frank were grinning with the knowledge of what was going on upstairs, and likely getting into their own incestuous trouble as the mating continued. "Ooooh, gods yes! You're a big, thick wolf, aren't you, Jeff? Fuuuuuuck me, th-that's it! That's what I've been missing! Y-yes... yes!"

Crying as if the crystal were recording her performance for a home video, Ms. Schafer bucked her hips back against the massive werewolf that tore through her sheets with his claws and bit down on her shoulder, keeping her body in place so that he could simply ravage it. Knowing that his former wife and son were watching only made his hips slam into her body that much harder, as her inner walls stretched and strained to accommodate as much of the thick, impressive cock that they could, to the point that her labia made a nearly perfect circle around the very base of the flesh, right where the bulge of the knot began.

For any woman, such a passionate romp would be a thing of beauty, but for Ms. Schafer, it was something even more, as she knew it would mean that she could finally be a proper mother again, when Jeff's body finally gave out. She kept waiting and waiting for him to climax, expecting his performance to be truly canine, both in ferocity and nature, but somehow, he continued to last longer than her expectations, until she began to lose count of her own orgasms. Under their bodies, the bed was stained with each and every gush of female ejaculate that sprayed from her sex, not to mention the excess that had gotten stuck in Jeff's fur, right around his crotch and his lower tummy.

The bed would be completely soaked through before they were done, and Tina finally forced herself to look away as she felt the start of her own transformation, and as wise as she was, she figured out the truth; watching that crystal was never going to save her, or her son. Their fate was sealed the moment that they pulled into town.

"Gimme, Jeff! G-gimme that fucking cum...don't make me wait! M-make me a mother again!" Ms. Schafer demanded of her brainwashed werewolf, who was growling in deep, inhuman grunts as he completely wrecked her body. Her inner walls could barely cling to the filling, canine shaft, and her womanhood was stretched to the very brink when she finally felt the knot bulging forth, threatening to split her in half. " YES! T-that's what I need! Fill me w-with you puppies, Jeff! Fucking fill me! she cried out, as her demands were finally met. Her body was screaming at her to stop abusing it, but she ignored the plea and wrapped her arms around Jeff's lower back, forcing his knot to tie with her body so that his cum wouldn't leak from her.

The burst of volume was so great that Kyle thought he could see the bulge in Ms. Schafer's tummy as Jeff poured his essence into her from thick, swollen orbs. His sack was quite massive in his werewolf body, and even with the knot acting as a plug, thick, white seed spurted free and oozed out over the bed as Jeff pinned Ms. Schafer to the bed with his weight, keeping his throbbing member inside of her for the entirety of his long, drawn out climax. No matter how much he seemed to have, there was always one more fresh burst of cum to follow, and Ms. Schafer giggled the entire time as her vaginal walls were completely painted with virile, productive ejaculate.

A line had been crossed that no one in the Walton family could come back from, and Kyle was fearful of what might come next as the display from the crystal finally disappeared. He was at a crossroads with himself, unsure how he should feel about what he saw, but that became the last of his concerns as he saw the first stages of his mother's transformation.

She's still your mother, he thought, as her body very, very slowly began to take on more of the canine qualities that he already had. What dad did doesn't make this okay...s-stop...stop thinking like this!

The internal conflict was painted across Kyle's muzzle, and Sarah was already excited and aroused for the show that she knew was coming soon.

Chapter 5