Mind Control Tales - Christmas Edition

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#15 of Mind Control Tales

Three quick and simple mind control stories for the Christmas period!

This is the first bit of writing I've done in weeks. Been doing a lot of extra hours at work in the run up to Christmas which left me with very little free time and not enough energy to work on anything creative. Now that's finally over with, I can start getting back into the swing of things and this seemed like an interesting thing to try and write. I wrote this over the course of a day and I'm glad I got it done in time for Christmas.

I hope it's good and enjoyable!

Mind Control Tales - Christmas Edition

by Cyberklaw

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To Serve Santa

"I'm still trying to process this... You're real!"

The big bearded polar bear in the red suit laughed. "I know it can come as quite a surprise. But yes, I am Santa, and I am very real!"

Derek glanced at his surroundings, a large and lavish study, coated in festive decorations. The two of them were sat in large leather armchairs in front of an elaborate fireplace containing a roaring fire. "And this is really the north pole?" The tiger asked.

"Yes, we are in my magically hidden mansion home at the north pole." Santa explained. "I'll give you a full tour later..."

"And..." Derek said, hesitantly. "How did I get here? I... I don't remember... My head feels a little fuzzy..." He shook his head, trying to clear it a little.

"Why I used my power to bring you here, of course!" Santa laughed, his big belly jiggling. "No one can enter my realm unless I allow it..."

"But why?" The confused tiger wanted to know. "Why am I here?"

The bear didn't answer, simply shooting him a leering smile. He then turned towards the room's door and called out. "Comet! Drinks!"

A moment later, the door opened, and a reindeer entered, carrying a tray. Derek couldn't help but stare at him.

The reindeer was huge, with thick bulging muscles all over. He was barely wearing anything, just a red silk thong and a red leather collar around his neck.

"Have some eggnog!" Santa said, cheerfully.

Tearing his shocked gaze away from the reindeer's impressive physique, Derek saw that the tray he was carrying held two glasses. The tray was first offered to the bear, who took one. As the other was offered to Derek, he saw the glint in the reindeer's eye, the smirk on his face. It made him slightly nervous. He took the drink and the big reindeer stood back, holding the empty trap behind his back and standing to attention.

Taking a gulp from the glass, he found the eggnog to be excellent, very delicious. He couldn't help but take another gulp immediately afterwards.

He was about to compliment Santa on the quality of it, but the bear spoke first, smiling at him.

"As to why you are here..." The bear said, setting down his glass on the small table between them. "You may not be aware of this, but I am retired from the gift giving business. Have been for many decades."

Derek frowned, putting down his glass. "Really? Why?"

Santa waved a paw vaguely in the air. "Oh, I grew very weary of it. Year in, year out, the same routine. And with the population of the world growing more and more rapidly, it was involving more and more work every year."

He sighed. "So, the day came when I decided to give it up. I decided I had done plenty of good in the world and had earned my rest, my retirement. Anyway, I had managed to establish the tradition of giving gifts at Christmas, that would carry on just as well without me. I was happy with becoming just a legend, a story."

"And you've just hidden away here ever since?" Derek said.

"I have been spending my time enjoying myself." Santa explained. "Indulging myself and my baser desires that I spent so much of my existence supressing for the sake of my job and image. Revelling in pleasure and debauchery. Which brings us to you..."

Suddenly, the tiger didn't like where this was going, he didn't like the look of desire Santa was giving him.

"I have decided to expand my stable of servants, my sex toys." He gestured to the reindeer standing nearby. "Bring in some fresh blood to spire things up. And I have chosen you to join us!"

"What?" Derek spluttered. "Why me?"

"I wanted to reward someone good." The bear said. "Reward someone with an eternity of fun and pleasure serving me. So, I used my innate ability to tell who has been naughty and who has been nice to search out the best males in the world, and randomly chose one. You!"

He should have been afraid, he should have tried to escape, Derek knew that. But he was feeling very strange, his mind getting hazy. It was getting tougher and tougher to form coherent thoughts.

"Unfortunately, you are a tiger." Santa said with a shrug. "And as you may have noticed, I mainly have a thing for big muscular reindeer. But that's easily solved..." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a small vial. "In a moment, you will drink this transformation potion of mine, and you will become just like Comet here!"

A spark of defiance rose in Derek. "I... I won't!" He stammered.

"You will." Santa said, grinning. "Once the mind control potion that was in the eggnog takes full effect and completely enslaves your mind, you will happily do whatever I tell you to do..."

The tiger looked at his glass, shocked. He felt like he should say something, to protest. But he couldn't summon up the energy for it... It was so difficult to think...

But then he realised that it would be wrong to protest what Santa had done. He was Santa after all! His Lord and Master! It was his place to serve and obey him, now and forever!

Smiling broadly, Derek slipped out of his arm chair, sinking to his knees on the floor. "Santa, I am ready to serve you!"

"Of course, you are." Said the bear, handing him the vial. "Drink all of this. Become a reindeer for me!"

"Yes, Sir!" The tiger happily took the potion and quickly poured it all down his throat.

It took effect in seconds, Derek's body expanding, his clothes tearing along the seams as his muscles bulged outward. His fur rapidly changed colour, the orange and white and the black stripes disappearing under a wave of brown. Twin points sprouted from his head, quickly growing into a pair of impressive antlers.

The transformation took barely a minute. And then, where there had been a kneeling tiger, there was now a muscle-bound reindeer, a look of blissful contentment on his face.

"Now, that looks much better!" Santa said, approvingly.

"Thank you, Sir!" Derek beamed.

"Comet, take this new addition to the herd to meet the others." Santa commanded. "Get him ready for tonight's celebration orgy."

"Yes, Sir." Comet rumbled, helping the new reindeer to his feet and leading him away.

The big polar bear watched them go, casting an appreciative eye over his newest servant. "I am very much looking forward to fucking that cute ass..."

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A Kinky Christmas Gift

Ramsey tore off the last of the wrapping paper, allowing him to finally see what his boyfriend had bought him for Christmas. It was definitely not what he'd been expecting.

"What do you think?" Kyle asked, expectantly, his whiskers twitching anxiously.

"I'm not sure what to say..." Ramsey said. It was an honest response. He once again looked at the box in his paws.

It was a gift set of basic leather bondage gear. Numerous black leather collars and cuffs and harnesses.

His fox boyfriend giggled. "I know it's a surprise. But you did say you might like to try something kinky sometime..."

Had he? Ramsey wracked his brains as he opened the box to take a better look at the contents. And suddenly the badger remembered. "That was more than a year ago!"

"Then it was about time I did something about it, right?" Kyle said. "This could spice things up between us in the bedroom..."

Ramsey wasn't sure how much he wanted that. Not that he wouldn't enjoy it, but it would be weird doing it with Kyle... But he put on a smile anyway. If it was what Kyle wanted, he would just have to give it a try. His guilty conscience wouldn't let him say no.

As the badger fingered the various leather straps, Kyle suddenly reached over and snatched one of the collars. Before Ramsey knew what was happening, the fox was placing it around his neck.

"Here, try it on!" Kyle laughed. "See how it feels!"

With a sigh, Ramsey didn't resist, letting his boyfriend fasten the band of leather, a part of him enjoying the familiar feeling of getting collared. Once it was securely in place, Kyle sat back, watching him intently.

He had to admit that this collar was kind of comfortable, the leather soft and snug against his neck. It was... almost relaxing in a way...

No, it was very relaxing. All the tension was flowing out of him. All the thoughts seemed to be fading from his head and it felt wonderful. With every passing moment, he was feeling more and more relaxed, more submissive and subservient and mindless. What a lucky slave he was to have such a fantastic collar around his neck...

What? Slave? He wasn't a slave... Was he?

That brief flicker of doubt disappeared almost instantly, washed away by a wave of happiness and contentment. He was a slave. He knew that now. He was a happy collared mindless slave, his only purpose to serve and obey his Master.

"What are you, Ramsey?" Kyle asked.

"I am a slave." Ramsey replied.

The fox clapped his paws together, laughing. "Excellent! That weird old bear who sold me this set told me that the enchanted collar would be just the thing to get you under control..."

Ramsey didn't say a word, he just sat staring into space, awaiting commands from his Master.

"I'm sorry to have to do this too you, hon." The fox said. "But it's your own fault. I don't want you running around cheating on me again. You probably didn't know I knew about that, right?"

Still only silence from the collared badger.

"But hey, this could be fun!" Said Kyle. "You as the happy slave, me as your Master..."

The badger interrupted him. "You are not my Master."

"What?" Kyle spluttered. "But that bear said..."

Ramsey frowned at him, knowledge appearing in his mind. "I know what you are. You are one of Masters other slaves. And you are not wearing your collar. That is not allowed!"

The badger moved fast, snatching up the other collar from the gift set and leaping at the fox.

A struggle ensued as they grappled each other, but Ramsey proved the stronger, managing to overpower his boyfriend and slip the collar around his neck.

The fox's struggles ceased instantly as a wave of powerful happiness washed over him, the collar feeling so wonderful and relaxing. It wasn't long before he realized that he too was a slave, meant to mindlessly obey his Master.

Together, the badger and the fox both knew exactly what to do next, stripping off their clothes and donning the other leather items from the gift set, so they were properly dressed for when their Master arrived...

A few hours later, there was a knock at the door and they opened it to find their Master was there. A big bear who strolled in, looking at them and their leather gear, a huge leer plastered across his muzzle. The two slaves dropped to their knees, prostrating themselves before their new owner.

"I see it all went according to plan!" He laughed. He looked at the fox. "I guess this wasn't the outcome you were expecting when I sold you that gift set, right?"

He then turned his attention to the badger. "And you, Ramsey. This was hardly the outcome you were expecting when you cheated on your boyfriend. With me. Of course, Kyle here only knew you cheated, not with who. It might have made it a lot more difficult to convince him to buy my enchanted gift set otherwise..."

He laughed. "But you made him sound so nice when you told me you were going to stop seeing me, stop indulging in kinky fun with me..." The bear explained. "I just knew I had to have him. And of course, you were always a lot of fun too. And this way, you get to stay together, and I get myself a pair of mindless slaves to play with! It's a great solution, don't you think, my slaves?"

"Yes, Master!" Ramsey said, happily.

"Whatever you say, Master!" Kyle added.

The bear threw off his overcoat, revealing the skimpy leather gear he wore underneath. He rubbed his paws together. "So, which of you two should I tie up and fuck senseless first?"

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The Spirit of Christmas

Lance watched the intruder, warily backing away as he did so. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

The tall and muscular intruder on the other side of the room laughed heartily from his place in the shadows. "I can go wherever I please, especially on today of all days..."

Lance frowned. "Christmas?" The lanky wolf said. "What's so special about Christmas?"

"Well, that's the question isn't it?" the intruder said. "Why don't you think Christmas is special?"

How did this guy know about that? Lance wondered. He'd always looked on Christmas as nothing special, an over-commercialised waste of time full of meaningless empty messages of peace and goodwill. He never celebrated it, and tended to look down on those that did...

"Who the hell are you?" Lance demanded. "What do you want here?"

"Who am I? Well, that is a difficult question to answer..." For the first time since Lance had suddenly noticed him in his living room, the strange shadowy intruder moved, stepping towards him and into the light.

The wolf gasped in horror at what he saw. With every step, the intruder seemed like a different person. He seemed to change species and appearance in an instant. One moment, he was a reindeer, then a polar bear, then a camel... And endless succession of species and faces, but each of them wearing some form of festive outfit, from Santa costumes, to Christmassy sweaters.

"Impressive, isn't it?" The ever-changing figure said. "Just a look at some of those held in my thrall... As to who I am.... Let's just say I am the personification of the spirit of Christmas, an entity born out of the love of this time of year, empowered by the collective worship of this holiday."

Stunned into silence, Lance continued to back away, thinking only of escaping this... whatever it was.

Suddenly, the form of this 'Spirit' stopped changing, settling on an athletic reindeer wearing only some skimpy red shorts, with tinsel wrapped around his antlers.

"There." He said. "This is better. The changing thing is very impressive, makes a great first impression, but can be somewhat distracting..."

Lance had made it to the door. He desperately pawed at the handle, but it wouldn't move an inch.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere, Lance." The Spirit giggled. "Not until I'm done with you. I believe you asked what I want here?"

The wolf looked fearfully back at the spirit ads he strolled casually towards him. "Yes?"

"I am here to show you the error of your ways." The Spirit explained. "To get you to love Christmas. You see, my power is dependent on large numbers of people loving the holiday, so this time of year, I like to visit people like you and change their outlook, make them believers. Which in turn increases my power..."

"So, this is a 'Christmas Carol' kind of thing?" Lance asked. "You're going to show me the past, present and future and convince me to change my ways?"

"Oh, I used to do something like that." The Spirit said, with a roll of his eyes. "But do you have any idea how much time and effort goes into that kind of thing?" He arrived in front of Lance, fixing him with a steely glare. "No, these days I find it much quicker and easier to simply use my power to brainwash my targets..."

The spirit shot out a big hand, planting it on Lance's forehead. The wolf briefly attempted to struggle, but quickly found himself frozen in place as the Spirit's power flowed through his brain.

His head was suddenly awash with new thoughts and feelings. The love of Christmas burned itself into his mind, ingraining into him a deep and unconditional appreciation of everything to do with the holiday. He suddenly knew the joy of giving and receiving gifts, the beauty of decorations and snow, the warmth and comfort of spending time with family and friends. His brain was overloaded with everything to do with Christmas. And he loved it.

It was a sudden realization. He absolutely loved Christmas, completely and whole-heartedly! On some level, he knew it was because of this Spirit altering his mind and reprogramming his personality, but he didn't care. Christmas was just so wonderful!

Suddenly, he was released from the Spirit's grasp and fell to the floor, slumping against the door, his head spinning with all the newly instilled feelings.

"That's better, isn't it?" The Spirit smiled down at him.

"Oh, yes!" Lance babbled, ecstatically. "Thank you so much! Thank you for opening my eyes to the wonders of Christmas! I was so blind and stupid before, but now I understand how glorious and amazing a holiday it is, thanks to you!"

The spirit closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "And I can already feel the increase in my power. Wonderful!"

"This is such a wonderful gift you have given me!" Said Lance, before he sagged a little. "And I don't have anything to give you in return. Is there anything I can do to thank you?"

The Spirit laughed. "Why, I'd thought you'd never offer! You can suck my cock for me!"

Lance was surprised at that. "Really?"

"I may by a powerful supernatural entity," The Spirit explained. "The personification of a much-loved holiday. But that doesn't mean I'm above a little earthly pleasure now and again. Besides, there is a chance that the changes I've made in you may fade over time. But an infusion of my essence, delivered through some of my cum down your throat, will permanently bind your mind and soul to an intense love of Christmas. You will forever be one of my most devoted followers..."

Then and there, that sounded like a fantastic thing to Lance. "Then it would be an honour and a pleasure to suck you off!"

The spirit dropped his shorts, unleashing his large meaty reindeer cock. "Then by all means, get to work!"

Soon, the wolf had the massive cock in his mouth, blissfully sucking away, wanting the Spirit's essence-infused cum to pour into him.

The Spirit stood there as the wolf worked his meat, revelling in the moment. Not just in the pleasure of the blowjob, but the satisfaction that he had created another new follower, someone who would forever love Christmas. In more ways that one...