Why am I here chapter 1

Story by FeatherFang1699 on SoFurry

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#1 of Why am I here?

A story I've been working on that follows the story of my OC Sam.

Our story begins in Sam's bedroom as Sam watches an episode of "Breaking Bad" almost on the verge of tears. His jerk of a brother hears Sam sniffling in his bedroom and barges in without knocking.

Sam: Would you fucking knock please?! What if I was jerking off?! *throws a pillow at his older brother*

Jake: Maybe you shouldn't be crying in here, then I wouldn't barge in here.

Sam: I wasn't crying, just watching Breaking Bad.

Jake: Really? Your watching that shitty show? *looks at the TV*

Sam: Just go away and leave me alone. Forever. *turns the TVs volume up so he can't hear Jake*

Jake: *yells over the TV* Well, fuck you too! *goes to his bedroom and slams his bedroom door*

Sam: *gets up and closes his bedroom door*

Later that day, Sam and his family are having dinner together as Jake won't stop kicking Sam under the table.

Sam: Stop, I'm trying to eat.

Jake: Well, I'm sorry. I'm bored and need someone to talk to.

Sam: You have mom and dad to talk to. *points over to their parents who are having their own conversation*

Jake: They talk about shit that I can't stand. *he then gets slapped on the head* Ow, what the hell?!

Jeff: Do not use that language at the table.

Jake: That's such a stupid rule. You let us cuss in the house yet we can't at the table? Why's that?

Jeff: It's so that you can more respect at restaurants and family gatherings.

Sam: *finishes his dinner* May I be excused?

Jeff: Yes you may.

Sam: *picks up his plate, puts it in the sink, washes it and goes to his room*

Sam gets ready for bed for the night.

Sam: *checks his phone before going to bed* Did I get any messages from my friends? *none of his friends have responded* God dammit. *he tosses his phone on his bed and flops down on the bed afterwards*

End of chapter 1.