After School Break

Story by Krance on SoFurry

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It's short, it's bad, it's non-canon, but it's a submission. I think about doing this stuff all the time, but my schedule suddenly overflowed, and I was worried about writing something non-pornographic. So this is what you get.

Alan anxiously slammed his key into the lock of his bedroom door, unzipping the fly of his pants with the other hand to let his rock-hard cock breathe a little. He'd been locking his door recently, as his little sister had started to run into his room and root through his belongings when he was gone. No big deal or anything, but he wanted to stay on the safe side. He hid the most important object in his room from plain sight. He had to duck his head down as he pushed through the door.

He was a grand total of 6'7", and had very broad shoulders. The bull was well-muscled, even if he didn't admit to it. Alan was a deep black, and had moved here sophomore year from Georgia. His accent was extremely thick, practically thick enough to warrant a translator to follow him around. He slung down his bag as he walked into his room. He'd been around a large amount of men all day, and it had driven him crazy. Usually he was pretty tame, but he'd been popping stiffies right and left all through school. It was hard to conceal his, because he was, admittedly, a little bit larger than a lot of the guys at his school, and when they tried to show him up, he let them know it. Alan's room was fairly plain, decorated with a bare black bed, a desk with an old computer sitting on top, and a TV without cable jammed into a corner.

The bull immediately dropped his pants, removed his shirt and undershirt, and locked the door behind him. He slipped his boxers off cautiously, and his eight inch dick sprang out into the open. It was moving a little too much for Alan to appreciate, so he grabbed hold of it, feeling the warmth in his hand. His black tail swished in the air as he looked at it and the large, yet proportionate, balls hang down. He was proud of little Alan, that was for sure. He got on all fours, and reached a hand under his bed. He felt around for a moment, and soon found the familiar blue box. As he retrieved it, he shook it once to ensure the contents. The long package made a series of satisfying thuds. Alan smiled, and placed the box on his bed. He removed the lid, and held the long, thick object in his hands.

It was a dog knot dildo that Raph had gotten him as a joking birthday present. It was a six inch, round dildo with a soft outside and a hard inside. The smooth curves were meant for stimulation, and it had been Alan's good friend as of late. The bull placed it on his bed, and began to softly rub his hole. He had made sure to use the restroom, and clear out his asshole of any material that would make it awkward to use. He slowly lowered himself to the dildo, and the soft head rubbed up against his loose pucker. The dildo gently eased its tip into Alan. A soft, low moan escaped his lips. It ran out slowly, and it eased its way up into his moist ass. As he lowered it down, his cock began to throb. It was an intense experience, one that he had undergone more than once. The dildo edged its way up to the knot before Alan stopped. He hadn't used it yet before, but he was interested in how it could feel. He gripped it softly, rubbing the knot with care. He knew no result could come of it, but it was a fair idea to get used to it in case he ended up with a canine partner in the future.

Alan readjusted his body so that his toned ass was jutting up in the air. He spread his legs, letting his rear loosen up. With a strong movement, Alan lodged the length into his asshole, knot and all. It was tight, and certainly spread out his hole, but it let out a louder moan from the bull. After doing so, Alan felt something on the bottom of the dildo. It was a button. Alan, the curious bovine he was, pressed it with a seductive touch. He felt it shake once, and then felt something thick slowly ooze out the tip. He removed his finger from the button, and smiled. That would be a fun trick for later. Alan rolled over so that he was sitting on his bed, and panted a few times before re-gripping his thick member. Hi balls sagged downwards, hiding the base of the dildo from plain view, but that wasn't his concern. He began to slowly pump his cock, steadily gaining speed as each stroke added to his pent up pleasure.

Alan added a twisting motion, shifting his hands swiftly around his member. The movements were long and tiring, but they helped immensely. Alan realized how much better an alternate method would feel, so he gripped his cock with two hands, doing a double-thrust motion. He let out another moan, accompanied shortly thereafter by a groan. He imagined the dildo being that of a large quarterback riding him mercilessly from beneath, while another man sucked him off from in front. The imagery helped him, and he could feel himself about to climax. As he did so, he saw a face of a friend flash in front of his eyes.

Before he could think on the mater, Alan peaked. His cock twitched suddenly, and a jet of cum flew up in the air. He aimed his cock backwards, and let the next large spray of cum land in his open mouth. The rest splattered uneventfully on either his chest or his face, and Alan let go, panting.
