A New Year's Getaway - Part One.

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#1 of A New Year's Getaway

This is a short series I wrote in anticipation of the New Year.

When hoping for a romantic getaway to commemorate 2018, Jamie finds that his date isn't quite the canine he was expecting.

"You should ask Charlotte."

Jamie listened patiently to his friend David as they sat at the back of the pub. The evening had started with the two of them going out for drinks which had then turned into David giving Jamie a long sermon on how to have sex with his crush. "Text her, suggest the two of you go away somewhere for the New Year weekend," the Badger shrugged. "I mean, you talk about her a lot. You have her number don't you?" "I do, I think," Jamie replied. "You think?" "As in I got her number at a party when we were drunk, and copied it into my phone later, and I haven't messaged her since," Jamie sighed. "Do it," David encouraged. "I mean, you said you were the only Alsatian in your class, so she'll want to try something new." Jamie was started to regret coming out for drinks, but the Badger had insisted since Jamie had finished his semester at university and was back in his hometown for a week. He had known David from secondary school and had taken great delight at first in telling the Badger about everyone at university, which had been fun until he had mentioned Charlotte. "Lemme see a photo of her again," David slurred. Jamie pulled out his phone, searched for the Vixen's Facebook page and showed the screen to the Badger. "I wanna bit of that," he growled. "Go on, ask her to go on holiday with you, or I'll ask her out myself." "She won't go out with someone like you," Jamie joked. "You ask her out, then introduce her to me." "Seriously?" "Yes, you need to do this," David insisted which caused Jamie to sigh. "I'll see," he replied, feeling conscious of the fact that he needed the bathroom. "Go on, here I'll do it," David laughed as he reached out and grabbed Jamie's phone. "Oi!" Jamie exclaimed, trying to snatch his phone back as David cackled with glee and scrolled through the numbers. "This is her number, right?" David said, flashing the screen at Jamie. "Yeah, I think so," Jamie replied in a defeated tone. David grinned to himself as he wrote out a text and sent it. "What did you put?" Jamie asked in a withering tone as David handed the phone back. "Nothing rude, I just asked do you want to go somewhere for New Year?" "That's okay, I guess. I'll be right back," Jamie said before standing up to go to the bathroom.

In truth, Jamie also wanted to get away from David for as long as he could. He lamented it was a bad move in retrospect to tell David about Charlotte as pushed his way into the bathroom, dodging around a drunken looking Fox he had never met before who tried wishing him a Merry Christmas. As he unzipped his trousers at the urinal, Jamie thought about how he had got into the whole situation. Charlotte was an attractive Vixen in his class. A lot of the guys at university had said they found her attractive, and Jamie had included himself in this. He was also bothered by the fact that deep down, he knew he wasn't just interested in Charlotte. You could ask Douglas? Jamie shook the thought from his head, finished reliving himself and walked to the sink to wash his paws. As he rinsed them, Jamie couldn't help but glance at his reflection in the mirror; he was a tall, athletic black Alsatian with brown eyes. His muscular build was thanks to the fact he rowed with the university team, but despite his appearance, Jamie was usually a quiet canine and left the talking to David when the pair were together - not that the Badger had much in the way to offer in intellectual subjects. Usually it revolved around what girls he would like to bang or how to hook Jamie up with a lady he knew.

The concern of who to ask out for New Year was still weighing on Jamie as he walked back to the table to find David on his phone. "I'm going to ask this girl out," the Badger explained, showing Jamie a picture of a busty looking Calico. "Then you can bring Charlotte on a double date, and I can have a threesome," he added in a slurred voice. Jamie rolled his eyes. A group of canines at the back of the pub were singing Fairy tale of New York at the top of their voices and howling in between verses. "I'm going to head home, I feel like I'm getting a headache," Jamie said. "Hey, are you not going to stay for a few more drinks? I thought you drank a lot at uni," David slurred. "Not if I can afford a holiday with Charlotte," Jamie replied, gathering his coat and scarf. "Ahh, okay see ya, and ask her out," David said, giving Jamie a wave. "See ya," Jamie replied, hurrying out of the front door.

Snow was falling outside and it crunched under Jamie's hind-paws as he walked away from the pub. The wrought iron gates to the park were still open and Jamie couldn't but smile and wag his tail - he could take a shortcut home. There were still a number of people in the park, throwing snowballs at each other, building snowcanines or walking arm in arm. Jamie felt a little wistful as he passed a couple sitting next to the bandstand, a pair of Wolves who were sitting with their arms around each other. Part of him wanted to heed David's words and pursue a relationship with Charlotte, although he knew the Badger was simply lusting after her and wanted to use Jamie as a way to get into her bed. Jamie rolled his eyes, he sometimes wondered why he was still friends with David. Going away to university for three years had changed his perspective on his old friend and his hometown. The park in his town was pretty enough, but he found himself missing his university; with its gothic spires and old side streets. His hometown was where his secondary school was (a place Jamie associated with boredom and isolation) and David, whose main pastime was getting drunk and telling Jamie off for not wanting to do the same more often. I hope university doesn't turn you into a wanker the Badger said whenever Jamie came home. What's that supposed to mean? Like you're going to become boring, stuck up, I thought everyone at your uni was rich and can afford to go out all the time. Jamie pushed all thoughts of David away and instead thought about university. Charlotte occupied his mind, but he soon began thinking about someone else. Douglas. Jamie had known the Wolf from the university rowing team, and found him to be a quiet, but a very handsome and Alpha-ish canine. Like Jamie, Douglas had a quiet demeanour despite his muscular build.

Jamie reached the other side of the park and walked out of the gates which led onto the street where his parents' house was located. He reached the front door and saw the lights were off, signalling that he had to enter quietly and not wake them up. He fished his keys from his coat pocket and let himself in. The feeling of light-headedness from drinking was still present, so Jamie staggered as quietly as he could upstairs, made his way into his room and placed his phone on his desk. The heating was on so Jamie removed his coat and scarf before throwing them over his desk chair. His shirt and jeans followed and Jamie lay down on the bed in his underwear. His phone buzzed and he rolled over to check the screen, a message and come through from Charlotte's number and he opened it as his tail thumped against the bed in anticipation.

Hey Jamie,

That sounds like an amazing idea. I'm so happy you asked :D, my auntie has an apartment in Edinburgh. I've always wanted to take someone there.

The response seemed more enthusiastic than Jamie had been expecting and his tail beat against the bed with excitement. He texted a message back.

When do you want to go?

His phone buzzed a minute later as a new message came in.

Um, this is last minute I know, but I was going to leave tomorrow afternoon. I work as a caretaker there during the holidays. Is that good for you?

Jamie was taken aback, but didn't see any reason why tomorrow wouldn't work. He had saved up money for travelling from his job working part time at the university, and his parents had spoken about going on holiday during the Christmas period just as a couple. He texted back Yes before reaching for his laptop. On impulse, Jamie searched for Charlotte's Facebook page and looked at her profile picture. The Vixen was sitting on a beach, wearing a short sleeved shirt. She was posing for the camera and smiling seductively, as if she knew how pretty she looked. Jamie took in her figure, her almost perfectly formed face. However, he then found himself searching for Douglas' page. He clicked on Douglas' profile picture and found himself studying the Wolf's features. Douglas had luscious grey and white fur with piercing blue eyes. Jamie found himself captivated by the Wolf's eyes for a moment before he snapped himself out of it. Why are you looking at his page? Jamie lay back down on the bed and began pawing his dick through his underwear. He was wearing a pair of tight-fitting briefs that held his balls firmly in place. They were quite musky after being worn all day. He reached down and began folding his balls through the fabric. In his mind's eye, Jamie tried picturing Charlotte, but the image of Douglas appeared more vividly.

Jamie had seen Douglas almost naked before; getting changed before rowing or in the communal shower block at university. Jamie pictured a fleeting memory he had of briefly seeing the Wolf in his underwear after showering. Why am I picturing this? The image was accompanied by the scent of wet fur. Jamie relented and kept the image in his head while he fondled his balls and stroked his dick. The bulge in his tight briefs was growing and the tip of his cock was already poking free of the waistband. Jamie slid his briefs down a little, gripped his cock and began jerking himself off. He tried again to picture Charlotte, but the image of Douglas grew even clearer. Jamie jerked harder, imagining the Wolf sliding his underwear down and exposing his butt before turning around to show off his cock. Jamie let out a gasp as warm cum splashed over his bare chest. He lay panting for a minute as the afterglow subsided before glancing out of his bedroom door to check the coast was clear. Flecks of cum were about to drip from his chest fur, so Jamie darted into the bathroom and cleaned it off at the sink. He then shed his briefs, climbed into the shower and allowed the running water to wash the last of the cum off. Did I really just have a wank over Douglas? Jamie knew he had done just that, but at the same time he was horrified. I want to be with Charlotte, not Douglas. He knew he was going on holiday with her and hopefully that would push the Wolf from his mind.

Once Jamie felt clean, he shut off the water and shook himself dry. The hallway was still quiet as he snuck back to his room and climbed into bed. There was a message waiting from Charlotte asking him whether it was okay to meet outside Kings Cross train station at 3pm tomorrow. Jamie smiled as he sent a message back.

Sounds great :)

The Alsatian grinned and thumped his tail. Even if Douglas wanted to occupy his thoughts he was going away with Charlotte instead. The next challenge would be to keep her away from David's paws. David and Charlotte had never met, and Jamie knew the Vixen would probably not be impressed with his school friend. Jamie decided he would bypass the issue by conveniently ensuring they were busy whenever David wanted to meet. With that, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next thing Jamie knew the pale sun was shining in through his window. He yawned and stretched out, feeling thankful that he couldn't feel the lumpy throat and spinning head that marked the sign of an incoming hangover. He checked his bedside clock; 9am. Still time to pack and head to Kings Cross. Jamie grabbed a clean pair of underwear from his chest of drawers and slipped a pair of pyjama bottoms and a hoodie on before making his way downstairs. His parents were sitting at the kitchen table. "Morning Jamie," his father said, glancing up from his newspaper. "Are we all packed Ruth?" he then asked Jamie's mother. "Yes," his mother replied, looking up from her iPad. "I'm going away too," Jamie piped up. Both his parents looked at him. "Oh?" his father said. "With Charlotte, a girl from my class at uni," Jamie explained. Both his parents nodded. "Whereabouts are you going?" his mother asked. "Edinburgh, and I'm meeting her at Kings Cross this afternoon." "You'd better pack then," Jamie's mother said, glancing up from her iPad. "Of course I will," Jamie sighed as he placed bread into the toaster.

Once the toast was ready, Jamie took it upstairs so he could eat and pack at the same time. He put fresh shirts, jeans and underwear into a suitcase and shoved his laptop into his backpack. There is something I'm missing here? Ah yes. Jamie rushed to the bathroom to brush his fangs and take a shower. Showing up smelling slightly musky and in his night clothes was probably not the best way to impress Charlotte. Jamie climbed into the shower and wagged his tail as he thought about the upcoming trip, causing the water to spray everywhere. However, as the water ran over him, Jamie couldn't help but think of Douglas again. He felt his cock stiffen slightly. Stop it! He pushed all thoughts of Douglas away, feeling annoyed that he had allowed the Wolf to interrupt his excitement of going away with Charlotte.

Once he felt clean, Jamie dried himself off and dashed back to his room to get dressed. His bag was all packed, so he hauled his belongings to the front door. "I'm off mum and dad!" he called. "Already?" his mother replied, appearing at the kitchen door and looking surprised as if she had forgotten the conversation they had at the breakfast table. "Yeah, I need to get there by three, I want to make sure I make it in time," Jamie explained. "Well, have a good time then, and text me when you arrive there," his mother replied as his father appeared by her side. They shared an awkward hug before Jamie wheeled his suitcase out of the front door and began walking in the direction of the train station. As Jamie walked down the street he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he fished it out to see a message from Charlotte.

Setting off now, see you at Kings Cross soon :D

Jamie smiled and continued walking.

The train station wasn't too far from his parents' house and he found there was a train leaving the station in five minutes for Kings Cross. After fumbling with the ticket machine, Jamie raced to the platform just as the train showed up. He climbed aboard and found he was wedged between a middle aged Terrier and a female Border Collie. The train was no doubt busy with people travelling around for the holidays and Jamie hoped he and Charlotte would be able to find tickets to travel to Edinburgh. He shook the worry from his mind and gazed out of the window. The snow covered countryside rolled by and soon they had reached the outskirts of London. Jamie felt a rush of excitement in his stomach. I'm going away with Charlotte! But as the thought entered his mind he began to entertain the fantasy of Douglas again. Jamie angrily pushed it away. Now was not the time.

The train slowed as it pulled into Kings Cross and Jamie followed the flow of passengers as they stepped out of the door. He wrestled his suitcase through the turnstile to get off the platform and glanced around the concourse. There was no sign of Charlotte yet. Jamie's phone buzzed and he glanced down to see a new message.

Just getting into the station :D.

Jamie's tail wagged as he anticipated the Vixen's arrival and hoped it would push all thoughts of the Wolf away. He glanced up and felt his heart skip a beat as he thought he saw Douglas walking towards him. Surely this is some kind of daydream gone bad? No, Douglas was definitely walking towards him. It was not a hallucination, it must be a coincidence that the Douglas was at the station. The athletic Wolf had an excited smile on his muzzle and his tail was wagging. "Hey," Jamie said, putting on a friendly tone as the Wolf walked over. "What brings you here?" Douglas looked confused for a moment. "You did," the Wolf grinned. "We're going away to Edinburgh." "Oh, I was going there with Charlotte," Jamie said. Douglas laughed but Jamie felt confused. Douglas sensed his discomfort and stopped laughing. "With Charlotte? But I thought you texted me wanting to go away."

Jamie's heart almost stopped.

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