Redwall: Cluny's Big Surprise

Story by Magna Vulpes on SoFurry

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#26 of Redwall

The sun slowly sank below the horizon in Mossflower Country, and one by one, the vermin horde of Cluny the Scourge withdrew to their base camp at Saint Ninian's Church. Try as they might, they had thus far been unsuccessful in trying to seize Redwall Abbey for themselves. They had tried tunneling beneath the large stone structure, only to have boiling hot porridge dumped inside the tunnel the moment they had tunneled into the Abbey courtyard. There was also the battering ram, and the siege tower, but that failed miserasbly, with Cluny getting badly burned in the process. Though the wound had been painful, the rat warlord had gotten something he hadn't bargained for out of the deal. After summoning Sela the vixen to heal him, he realized that he was quite taken with the female fox. At first she turned down his advances, but over time, the big rat had won her over. She was the only thing in the world he truly cared about and was always there to encourage his efforts in taking Redwall Abbey.

Cluny entered his army's base camp, and every vermin soldier with even an ounce of intelligence knew to get out of his way. The warlord ruled through fear and intimidation, and after yet another day without victory, he was guaranteed to be in a very foul mood. The rat growled under his breath, cursing the stupidity of his soldiers and wondering how an abbey full of peaceful woodlanders had so far managed to thwart his attempts at conquering them. He was about ready to fly into a rage, when he walked through the opening of his tent. Thee was his lovely Sela, lying on the bed his soldiers had made for them. As usual, the vixen was naked, just waiting for her mate to come in and take her. The sight of the beautiful vixen lying nude on their bed instantly melted his anger away. She smiled at him.

"Good evening, My Lord," she said, handing the rat a goblet. "Care for some wine?"

"Of course I would," said the rat in a smooth tone of voice as he took hold of the goblet. "Thank you, my pet."

Sela's tail swished back and forth sensually as the rat gulped down the wine and handed it back to her. She licked her lips as Cluny removed his armor and clothing before getting into bed with her. The vixen put her head on his battle-scarred, muscular chest. Cluny grinned with pleasure as his vixen cuddled up against him.

"Those idiots," said Cluny. "I swear if they don't take Redwall in the next few days, I'm going to start killing some of my captains."

Sela nuzzled into the rat's chest. "Perhaps that would give them the proper motivation."

"It better," said Cluny. "I'm sick of sleeping in this tent, as I'm sure you are."

"I don't mind," said Sela, lifting her head up and looking into the rat's eyes. "As long as I'm sleeping right next to you."

Cluny closed his eyes as the vixen licked at his face. At least if he hadn't conquered Redwall, he still had his lovely vixen by his side. The rat reached down, giving the vixen's butt a nice squeeze as her licking moved from his face, then to his neck, followed by his chest and stomach before her muzzle reached it's intended destination. Cluny sighed with pleasure as his vxen went to work on him.

Outside of Cluny's tent, rats, weasels, ferrets and stoats sat around the many fires that had been made in the camp. The soldiers, many of them wounded by stones and arrows that the defenders of the Abby had thrown at them, nursed their injuries as best they could. Supplies were running low, and Cluny would not allow Sela to help heal them, thinking that such a job was beneath her, now that she was his mate. The vermin horde had also been reduced to foraging for food, though a small group of them, Cheesethief, Ragear, Fangburn, Redtooth and Darkclaw had actually managed to kill several large birds and seize their eggs. Though they were not as hungry as most of the horde, they were by no means cheerful, even after finding proper food.

"Damn mice," said Cheesethief, rubbing at the bandage on his right shoulder. A mice arrow had grazed him there, tearing off a large chunk of fur and flesh. "If I ever find the one who did this to me, I'm gonna gut him while he's still alive."

"Ha," said Ragear. "If'n we ever take Redwall, I hear we're gonna kill of 'em inside of place."

Fangburn snorted. "That's if we ever take the place."

"We'll take it," said Cheesethief optimistically, despite feeling the pain of his wound.

"We'd better," said Redtooth. "The Chief's gonna start slayin' us if we don't."

Darkclaw shook his head. "You can count on that, matey."

Cheesetheif stood up to speak, but was distracted by the sounds of a female moaning off in the distance. He curled his nose and snorted in contempt. "Would ye listen to that, mates? There's our mighty leader gettin' his rocks off with Sela. It ain't right."

"What ain't right about it?" asked Redtooth. "He's the Chief. He can do as he pleases."

"So," said Cheesethief, turning his attention to Redtooth. "You're just fine with us havin' to paw off if we wanna get any pleasure while Cluny gets a fine piece of tail like Sela?"

"Never said I was fine with it," said Redtooth, glaring back at Cheesetheif. "I just said that's the way it is, and you can't do nothin' 'bout it either."

Darkclaw laughed. "All I know is, I'd give up three days rations to have some fun with that vixen."

"Hehe," laughed Ragear. "Me too, mate."

"Well, maybe we ain't thought about what we could get if we finally captured Redwall," said Cheesethief.

"Whatcha mean?" asked Ragear.

"Think about it, mates," said Cheesetheif, his eyes glowing with hope. "That place has got plenty of females in it. We capture that place, I bet we could each get our own little mouse-maid to pleasure us."

"That'd be nice," said Darkclaw. "Providin' Cluny lets the females live."

"He'd better," said Cheesethief. "Just think of it, mates. Each of us with a sweet, tender mouse-maid. Ha! I can just picture it now, me lyin' around all day while one of them sucks me off as much as I want."

"No mouse-maid would want anything to do with you, Cheesethief," said Redtooth. "Once she's sees that tiny pecker of yours, she'll just laugh in your face."

Cheesethief snarled, getting in Redtooth's face. "Betcha mine is a whole lot bigger than yours, Redtooth. Besides, from what I hear, you wouldn't want no mouse-maid anyway. I hear you like boys."

Ragear laughed. "Hehe! That's sounds like ol' Redtooth alright."

"Shut up," said Redtooth, shaking his fist at Ragear. "That ain't true."

"If it ain't true," said Darkclaw. "Then why'd you suck my dick yesterday in exchange for my rations?"

"I was hungry," growled Redtooth, ready to strike at the rat.

"Yeah," said Darkclaw. "Hungry for dick."

"You son of a . . ." said Redtooth, charging at Darkclaw and sending a punch to the rat's stomach. Darkclaw gasped for air, momentarily dazed from the sucker punch. Redtooth sent a kick to Darkclaw's head, but he wasn't quite fast enough. Darkclaw grabbed hold of Redtooth's foot, and with all his strength, sent him flying back. Redtooth landed on Cheesethief and Ragear, Both rats were now in the fight, sending several pnnches at Redtooth, who in the confusion, had managed to grab Fangburn and throw him to the ground. The entire horde watched, egging them on as the five rats wrestled around on the ground, trying to get at each other.

Sela was on her back, howling with delight as her rat lover's cock pounded over and over again into her pussy. Her legs wrapped around Cluny as he was close to busting his nut. He licked at her face, loving every second of fucking his lovely vixen. Just when he was close to his final thrust, he suddenly stopped. Sela, having been in a state of ecstasy until that point, looked up at him.

"What's wrong, My Lord?" she asked.

"There's a fight going on out there," said Cluny, quickly pulling out of the vixen's opening. "Sorry, my pet, but I have to go take care of this before it gets out of hand."

"Oh," said the vixen, with a whimper. "Come back soon, My Lord."

Cluny put on his clothes and stormed out of the tent. He hated having to discipline when they started fighting amongst themselves, but having been interrupted during sex was even more enraging to the warlord. He saw the five rats rolling on the ground as the rest of the horde howled with laughter at the spectacle.

"What the hell is going on out here!?" yelled the large rat at the top of his lungs.

The howling and laughter came to an abrupt hault, as did the fighting between the five rats. Everyone looked at Cluny in horror, knowing that they had made him extremely mad, even more so than usual. The warlord looked at the five rats who'd been fighting, all of whom had risen to their feet, and stomped over to them.

"Who started this nonsense?" demanded Cluny, gnashing his teeth in pure rage.

"Redtooth!" said the other four rats that had taken part in the fight.

Cluny ran over to Redtooth and got right in his face. Redtooth quivered in fear as his Chief glared angrily at him. "You started this, Redtooth?" Cluny asked him.

"Y-y-yes . . .Chief," said Redtooth meekly.

Cluny turned as if to walk away, only to turn around and send a huge left hook into Redtooth's muzzle. Redtooth fell to the ground like a ton of bricks. He howled in pain as he put a paw to the iinjured side of his muzzle. Slowly, he got to his knees. He opened his mouth and spat out several teeth that Cluny had knocked out of him, only to fall back down to the ground once more as he writhed in agony. The horde looked on in horror as Cluny sent several swift kicks to Redtooth's crotch, The pain of being punched in the muzzle and having teeth knocked out was painful enough, but having his testicles severely damaged was almost unbearable. Redtooth curled into a fetal position and sobbed uncontrollably.

"What started this?" demanded Cluny of the other four rats.

"Um," said Cheesethief in a small voice. "I said Redtooth liked males, Chief."

"Is that so?" said Cluny. "How would you know, Cheesethief?"

"Cuase . . . cause he sucked off Darkclaw ysterday," said Cheesetheif.

Cluny turned to Darkclaw. "He sucked you off, Darkclaw?"

"Yes," said Darkclaw, wondering what was going to happen to him.

Cluny just curled his lip at Darkclaw. The rat warlord went back to Redtooth, who was still sobbing from the intense pain. Cluny knelt down, getting in the rat's face. "So, you like to suck dicks, huh?"

Redtooth sobbed. "No, Chief."

Cluny got to his feet and sent a heavy kick to Redtooth's rump. "Don't you lie to me, you little faggot. Tell me the truth."

"Alright," sobbed Redtooth.

"Alright, what?" said Cluny, giving the rat another kick in the ass.

"I like to suck dicks, Chief!" howled Redtooth. The severly beaten rat wished he was dead, rather than endure any more of Cluny's brutal treatment. Cluny stopped beating Redtooth, but went back to the other foru rats that had been involved in the fight.

"Anything else you wanna tell me about this?" asked Cluny to the four.

"Yeah," said Cheesethief, suddenly growing confident. "Redtooth told me I got a tiny cock. I'll all of us got bigger ones than he does."

"Bigger cocks?" said Cluny, a cruel, sadistic smile slowly showing on his face. "I think the four of you need to come with me."

The four rats just looked at one another, unsure of what Cluny was going to do with them, but they all knew better than to ask questions of their Chief, especially when he was angry. Cluny walked deep into the woods of Mossflower, with the four other rats following close behind him. The moon was full that night night, and it's rays helped guide them to wear Cluny wished to go. Cluny spotted a small clearing in the woods. He had finally reached his destination. Turning around, he ordered a halt to the march.

"Right here," he said.

The four rats could see their Chief's face grinning at them. It always made them nervous when Cluny smiled; a clear indication that he had some kind of punishment in mind. Still, the four rats said nothing. They just stood there, waiting in silence as they shivered in cold sweat. Cluny loved this, making his soldiers tremble in fear at his wrath. Cluny kept staring down the rats as he slowly pulled his clothes off. The four rats trembled even harder than before, fearing that their Chief was about to rape them. Cluny smiled cruelly as he rubbed his cock.

"You lot are gonna see who's got the biggest cock in horde right now," he said.

The four rats looked on as Cluny's cock grew in length and width. They were convinced that he indeed had the largest cock in the horde, but they had no idea about what was going to happen next. Cluny stopped rubbing his cock. Clenching his teeth, he strained like he was trying to relieve himself, but that wasn't his intention at all. Growling louder and louder, the four rats jaws dropped as Cluny's cock slowly grew to an incredible size. It seemed like there was no end to just how big it would get as the warlord snarled at the top of his lungs. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Cluny's cock looked like it could easily be used as a battering ram to knock down the gates of Redwall Abbey!

"Cheesethief," said Cluny. "Get your ass over here, now!"

Cheesethief ran over to the rat. "Y-y-yes . . . Chief?"

"Get behind me and give me a good rimming," ordered the warlord.

Tears came to Cheesethief's face, but he did as he was told. Getting behind the the rat, he dropped to his knees and put his muzzle near the rat's tailhole, but couldn't bring himself to go through with the act.

"What are you waiting for?" asked the enraged warlord. "Start licking!"

Trying not to cry, Cheesethief put his muzzle against Cluny's tailhole and licked. The humiliation was bad enough, but the rat warlord ass had a terrible taste to it that made Cheesethief nauseous.

"That's a good little slut," said Cluny. "Keep licking. You three, get over here and start licking my cock before I have you all gutted like fish!"

The other three rats did as they were told. Cluny watched, thrilled at their humiliation and misery. Ragear, Darkclaw and Fangburn licked away at Cluny's massive cock. They hated this, but thought it was probably better than the treatment Cheesethief was getting, which was confirmed when Cluny let out a huge fart as Cheesethief was rimming him. The smell and taste of Cluny's gas overwhelmed the hapless rat. Turning his head, he put a paw on his face, trying hard not to get sick, but ultimately failing. Cheesethief vomited up everything he'd eaten for supper that night. Instead of Cluny getting angry at Cheesethief, he viciously laughed at him.

"Haha!" laughed the warlord. "Couldn't stand the taste, eh, Cheesethief?"

"No, Chief," said Cheesethief, wishing he had something to rid himself of the disgusting taste of his own vomit.

"Alright," said Cluny. "That's enough."

The three other rats watched as Cluny's cock slowly shrank back to its normal size. Still naked, Cluny reached behind him and grabbed hold of Cheesethief, throwing him over to the other three. He glared at the four .

"Now listen to me, all of you," said the warlord. "I better not have to break up anymore fights between you, cause the next time I'll bend all of you over and shove my cock right up your asses and let it grow to its full size."

All four rats put their paws on their rumps, horrified at the thought of being impaled by their Chief's fully erect cock. Cluny put his clothes back on and ordered them to return to the base camp at Saint Ninian's Church. The four rats all ran back to the camp, glad that their lives had been spared, but not forgetting what Cluny had promised them if they fought again.

Cluny walked back into camp, seeing that most of his soldiers were in their tents and asleep. The large rat kept smiling sadistically, proud of himself for having given his captains what he believed to be an appropriate punishment for their actions. He thought about going to Redtooth to tell him what his next punishment would be, which involved him having to suck the dick of any soldier who helped bring him victory, but knew that could wait until morning. He had more important things to do right now.

Going to his tent, he entered, seeing Sela, still naked, lying on their bed. She had been waiting patiently for her lover. Her tail swished from side to side, happy that he had returned.

"There you are, My Lord," she said, patting their bed. "Will you come back to bed with me?"

"Of course I will, my sweet vixen," said the rat, taking his clothes off once again. "Sorry to keep you waiting, but I had some discipline problems to deal with."

"I understand," said the vixen, cuddling up against thr rat's large frame. "Being a warlord must be a very stressful job."

"It is," said Cluny, petting the vixen's bright red fur. "But it's not without its rewards, such as you."

"Thank you, My Lord," said the vixen before licking his face.

Cluny watched as the vixen went back to sucking him off, attempting to get him good and hard before he went back to pounding her pussy. Once the vixen was satisfied that her lover was good and hard, she stopped her sucking and rolled onto her back. Cluny wasted no time in mounting her, ready to finally blow his load into his vixen.

"Speaking of rewards," said Cluny.

"Yes, My Lord?" said Sela.

"I think I'll give you a reward right now that you'll never forget," he said, grinning. The four rats wouldn't be the only ones that night to see just how gifted Cluny the Scourge really was.