New Territory - by Jeeves

Story by yui_olp on SoFurry

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#12 of Naiad's forest story series

A male squirrel discovers a sexual paradise in the middle of the forest.

Reading the other stories in the series is not required.

Story by Jeeves

New Territory

The squirrel didn't know why he had been so compelled to come here. Why it had seemed so right, so important to him that he venture out of the patch of woodland that had been his home for the entirety of his life thus far, and risk life and limb darting across several fields to the newly sprouted forests which he was all but certain hadn't been there just weeks before. As he explored this new, lush land however, finding bushes laden with berries, trees hanging heavy with fruits and nuts and all manner of delicious offerings that he had never before known to all be present in a single season, in such a compacted area or indeed in such rampant abundance, he soon found himself forgetting all about those initial concerns. Instead his mind turned to other issues, other worries that began to plague him as he gorged himself on all he could eat and began to eye up potential spots to bury some additional food for later. Surely an area as abundant as this with food must already have been occupied. Surely there would be other squirrels who had already laid claim to the prime sites for nesting, for sleeping, for seeking a mate. And surely, in a place so obviously able to support a vast array of animal life with all the vegetation and fruits it had to offer, there must also have been predators in greater numbers.

Despite dashing deeper and deeper into the forest however, the squirrel found himself facing no dangers, no challenges to his abundant feasting. He encountered a few other creatures, a group of mice, a badger, some songbirds flitting through the trees, but if he was honest with himself they all looked just as surprised as he was at just how empty this place was of other life to compete against them. There was so much to offer here. So much food, so much space within which not just any of them but all of them could have lived in the most supreme luxury compared to anything they had ever known in the ever shrinking woodlands that had previously served as their home, farmland encroaching more and more each year upon practically every side. Of course, at first they couldn't possibly have understood why this was the case. They couldn't have known, they didn't have the capacity to yet comprehend what this forest was, or to recognise that it truly hadn't been here just days before. They simply couldn't put together that they were therefore amongst the first living beings to traverse and populate this new section of forest, and thus the ones who got to reap the benefits of this new, verdant land most completely.

They would, though. Each and every one of them would come to understand and to know what a gift they had been granted as they stayed longer in the forest. And the squirrel, just like the rest of them, found himself wandering ever closer to those answers as he explored onward in wonderment, deeper and deeper into the forest's lush, almost impossibly productive interior.

He had been wandering for several hours, beginning to feel somewhat tired not from the exertion of walking but more from the sheer volume of food upon which he had gorged himself as it tempted him with the sheer frequency and lavishness of its presence. That fatigue soon faded however as at last something more than seeds and nuts and fruits captured the squirrel's attention. The sound of chittering from up ahead. A sound of eager excitement that he knew all too well, for it was a sound that he had made himself on many occasions. His lush red tail fluffed up and his ears perked. He rose up onto his hind legs and darted to the nearest tree, scampering up its length before using the newfound height to peer round and attempt to see the source of the chittering. His eyes widened. Up ahead, maybe five or six trees from the one upon whose trunk he was now clinging, he could see light shining through between the various trunks and branches. Not totally exposed and clear light, still tinged with green as it shone through the canopy, but doing so more freely and clearly than elsewhere. And now that he paused long enough to pay attention to his surroundings beyond the more immediate vicinity, he could hear more sounds coming from that direction. More noises that sounded as though they were born of other members of his kind, not just one but many of them overlapping as they chirped and chittered and in some cases made sounds that brought a rush of colour to the squirrel's cheeks. Beyond those sounds though, there was something else. Something besides the squirrels he was now certain were present in that little clearing or grove up ahead. The sound of running water. Of a river, or perhaps just a little stream leading to or from a larger watercourse.

The squirrel licked his lips. He had certainly eaten his fill, but a drink of cool, refreshing river water would most certainly hit the spot right now. And, if indeed the sounds he could hear from the other squirrels up ahead were what they sounded as though they were... well, getting to be closer to that was just a lucky bonus.

Slowly, quietly the squirrel crept forward until he was just a few trees away from the clearing's edge. There was no doubting it now, he could hear other squirrels clear as day. Calling out to one another, chirping in mirth and cavorting around in obvious glee, all those sounds ringing about amidst even more distinctive, recognisable cries of a more intense, passionate nature. He heard a particularly lengthy, urgent rasping cry escape what sounded to him like a female of his kind, and between his hind legs the squirrel felt a surge of arousal, and felt his manhood beginning to swell and stiffen instinctively before those oh so seductive, pleasurable sounds of squirrely sexuality.

Trembling a little now, his tail raised high and his mind very aware of his large, heavy balls and the shaft of reddish pink flesh protruding out against the fluff of his slightly swollen, food-heavy belly, the squirrel edged closer still to the clearing. Soon he was upon one of the tree trunks surrounding it directly, and he found himself peering out into it. The grove ahead was not entirely clear of trees but those that were present found themselves far more spaced out, allowing sunlight to stream in and warm the trunks and branches with its golden glow while lush meadowy grass replaced the leaf little below. In the centre of the clearing, snaking its way lazily from one end to the other, was a small stream which much like the forest itself the squirrel had no memory of ever seeing from his old patch of woodland. Truth be told though, the squirrel simply didn't waste much time thinking about how the stream had come to be here. Indeed right at that moment all thoughts of how the entire forest had come to be here fell out of his mind, for now there were far more pressing matters at hand.

He had been right all along. He had heard other squirrels at play, and now he could see them. Running, darting, dashing around the trees and leaping around amidst the grass. He saw them wrestling, twitching red tails flailing and little paws playfully batting at one another's bodies before racing away again, darting up trees, back down again, splashing over to the stream and leaping away again, chittering gleefully in amusement all the while. And amidst those more playful individuals, those whose excitement and glee at being here had not yet had a chance to evolve into anything more, there were others. Others clinging to tree trunks, trembling upon branches, whose excitement _had_evolved. Squirrels from whose passions the male watching from the edge of the clearing had heard and felt his own desires being awakened.

He watched, wide eyed and open muzzled, as a female squirrel clawed at the bark of the nearest tree and threw back her head in a chirping, rasping cry of obvious ecstasy. The male hunched over her, slightly larger, tinges of maturing grey to the tips of the fur upon his tail, let loose a chittering cry of his very own, and from beneath their bodies, not thrusting, not bucking, simply pressed tightly together and trembling against one another, the watching squirrel observed a streak of liquids gush forth. An intermingled eruption of their orgasmic juices that at first he thought seemed like a lot, a rather extreme and beautifully intense response to the culmination of their breeding. But then, as he continued to stare and pant and admire the pair's intimacy, something incredible happened. Or rather, something incredible failed to happen.

It didn't stop. The pleasure. The signs of their ecstasy. The outpouring of their shared juices continued from between their legs as two tails twitched, two heads kept on crying out and two entwined, trembling bodies continued to cling to the tree trunk and rest tightly against one another. And now that the newly arrived squirrel had seen it firsthand amongst this initial pair, he began to notice the same pattern amongst the others. Many indeed, those in view at least, already seemed to be locked in this state of seemingly ceaseless orgasmic eruptions. Bodies quivering. Muzzles letting loose strangled, breathless, raggedly fatigued and yet unceasingly euphoric chirps and chirrs of rapturous bliss.

He watched as a pair mounted upon a rather thin branch rocked in such a way amidst their gushing, unending pleasure that the branch began to quiver, then to bounce, the motion of their bodies against one another setting up an ever more volatile rocking motion until even the young, supple branch couldn't handle its intensity. It snapped, and for ten feet or so the pair fell, separating and revealing for just a few moments a helplessly twitching cock spurting cum out into the open air, and a pussy which sprayed and squirted in rich, hot arcs until both the bodies landed, unharmed upon the lush grass below. They squeaked, they wailed, and they flung themselves at one another once more, forelimbs locking around one another and muzzles bumping, nuzzling as they toppled to the ground face to face, belly to belly, and began to breed in that most unfamiliar yet seemingly exciting manner all over again.

The squirrel's head span as he watched more and more of the chasing, playful pairs beginning to mate, while others who had already been mating crept wearily down from the branches and trunks of their trees to recoup a little energy at the banks of the stream. He observed, still wide eyed and still with his erection straining between his legs, as a female red squirrel whose tail remained raised high in the air and whose visible nether regions were caked in glistening, creamy cum from her partner's copious breedings bowed her head and took a drink from the stream. He watched as her tail twitched. As her back legs shook, thighs quivering visibly even at the distance, and a sharp squeak of surprise escaped the male from his vantage point as without any more warning than that a hot, gushing spray of juices poured from her nether regions. She wasn't urinating, the way she raised her head from the stream and chittered to the heavens made that all too clear. She was cumming. Ejaculating seemingly as a result of drinking from the stream's water.

He didn't know how all of this was possible of course, and couldn't even begin to guess. For all he knew, this group of squirrels were somewhat differently endowed to those around which he had grown up. He closed his eyes for a moment, shutting out the sight of all those squirrels in pleasure even though the sounds of their bliss continued to ring in his ears, and thought back to his own past matings. To the instinctive rush, the satisfaction that came from mounting a receptive female and the warmth, the delicious intensity of feeling her body trembling beneath him as she chirred and whimpered in desire. He thought of the velvety softness of the sensation that inevitably followed, his member piercing her innermost workings. The muscles clutching at him, begging him to remain deep inside of her. Urging him to let loose, to surrender to the pleasure that built as he hunkered down over her and pressed himself deep, to the hilt within her squeezing, milking depths. And then... then the release. The sensation that he had dreamed about at night, waking up with his belly streaked with his own seed. The sensation he had lain in his burrow feverishly attempting to replicate with fumbling paws and his own tongue. But of course, no solitary attempts could compare to the pleasure of that act itself. Just as it seemed like no act of shared pleasure of the manner he knew seemed as though it could possibly live up to what the squirrels of this little group seemed capable of achieving together.

And yet, as his eyes fluttered open once more, he longed at least to try. He found his gaze moving to yet another feverishly breeding pair, clutching at one another upon the trunk of another nearby tree as the male seemed to nuzzle and nip at his mate's neck while she squirmed and wriggled in absolute ecstasy beneath him. The tree trunk glistened in a trail leading all the way down to the ground from where their bodies were pressed together, and in the shimmering sunlight the squirrel watching them could see that those juices were still flowing even now, confirming that they like the others were experiencing a far more lengthy, ceaseless period of orgasmic bliss than anything he had previously believed to be possible. The more he watched them though, the more he stared and trembled and felt his cock throbbing close to the trunk of the tree to which he was clinging, the more he wanted to believe it was possible. His breathing grew shallow and ragged, and on more than one occasion he felt his hips bucking against thin air, very nearly grazing his shaft against the uncomfortably dry, rough bark of the tree in their eagerness to convince him that he was sharing in what this other male had the privilege to find himself doing in that same moment just a short distance away. The squirrel was so driven by what he was seeing, so consumed by it more and more with each passing second, that before too long he was half convinced that he could feel her warm, wet walls around him. Her orgasmic wetness dripping down his back legs and running between his clawed toes down the bark of the tree beneath them. He wanted it to be true, he wanted it to be real so badly that his lust-stricken mind had all but convinced his body that it was.

And yet, there was one part of the squirrel's mind that held out under the teasing torment to which it was being subjected. It restrained him not because it didn't wish to partake in what was going on, but quite simply because it didn't believe that the rest of the squirrel's mind, body and spirit were going far enough. Thus it was that part of his primally driven mind which awoke the squirrel with a single, simple question. Why was he watching, fantasising about breeding in this way with one of his own kind, when right in front of him he could see the evidence of yet more needy females still waiting their turn, pestering males whose bodies appeared too spent to even carry them over to the stream for a revitalising sip of water, and whose cocks remained flaccid and uninterested no matter how urgently and pleadingly the women nuzzled at them and displayed their glistening thighs and raised, provocatively pleading tails.

The squirrel watching this group still didn't know if he would be able to match up. He still didn't know if he would be able to bring these females anything like the satisfaction he had witnessed many of them experiencing thus far at the behest of others of his kind. But if reality felt anything even remotely close to what he was experiencing right now just watching, just imagining what it would feel like to be with one of these females, he had to try. He had to at the very least tell himself that he had tried to make his innermost longings and instincts take some tangible form.

Trembling, feeling his limbs shake and quiver as he scrabbled his way down the tree trunk and began to creep out into the clearing itself with his body pressed nervously to the ground, the squirrel licked his lips and headed for the stream. Not only did he recall the effect the waters had seemed to have on those who drunk from them, he could see several solitary women clustered around a particular portion of the stream either drinking or having just taken a drink. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared, an intoxicating and undeniably sexual scent reaching them as he entered the clearing and found himself surrounded no longer just by the sights and sounds of sex, but by its presence infusing practically every sense he possessed.

The closer he got to the stream, the more overwhelmed the male became merely by the sight of the other squirrels close by. He watched one solitary female writhing upon her back, head raised, eyes locked upon him as she chirped and begged for his attention, but before he could get to her another of the unattached females seemed to step into the breach. The first squirrel's desperate cries for attention turned to chitters of absolute pleasure as her new companion lowered her head down between her legs and began to lap at her nether regions, gurgling and chirring softly as her face was doused with streaks of liquid ecstasy just moments later. Thus the male pressed onward, but that was okay because it wasn't long before he arrived not only at the stream's edge, but almost directly alongside another female who had just arrived for a drink herself. They regarded one another, bushy tails twitching, and the male continued to watch, to admire the gorgeous specimen of his species as she bowed her head to the slow flowing water and began to gulp down several mouthfuls.

Mere moments later he watched and marvelled at the way her back legs began to quiver, at the way the female altered her stance and raised her tail even higher than it already had been. She was still drinking, but he saw a burst of air bubbles rise up through the water and heard a muffled gurgle from her lips, a gurgle that erupted forth at exactly the same moment as a hot streak of ejaculate poured from her nether regions and lashed the grassy ground in a line as long as her body from nose to tail-tip. Her feet drummed against the ground as she took a few more gulps before lifting her dripping face and wailing to the heavens, and then, with eyes both glazed over and yet laser-focused in their intensity, she looked to him.

By the time he lowered his own head to the stream, breathing heavily in anticipation as he wondered if the water itself really could be responsible for everything he was seeing here, the female squirrel was capering around him with chirps, rasping grunts and whimpers as she continued to be tormented by the desperate pleasure now surging through her body. She bounced back and forth over him, raining her juices down across his back and lush tail. She danced around him, lunging forward and pushing at him as though taunting him, demanding that he pay attention to her and pleasure her, satisfy her immediately just as she could see so many other males doing to so many other females all throughout the clearing. And of course, he wanted to. He wanted so badly to give this squirrel everything she was asking for and more. And he would, just as soon as he took a drink.

His lips touched the stream's water, and as the first mouthful was flicked to the back of his throat by his tongue, he blinked. For a moment, just a split-second, he thought he saw something looking over his shoulder from above reflected in the near still water of the slow moving stream. A figure unlike any creature he had ever seen, but with calm, tender eyes that filled him with peace rather than fear, and an expression upon her features that filled him with warmth even though the squirrel had no real concept of what a smile was by any remotely human-like standards. He saw her. He saw the Naiad as he drank from her waters and welcomed her gift, and in that moment she saw him as well, as clear as day.

A moment later, a few more gulps and a ragged, desperate gasp for air later as he lifted his head, he understood.

He understood everything now. Where this forest had come from. Why it was devoid of animal life. Why he had been drawn to cross over from his own diminishing woodland into the safety of its borders. And why he had been led here by his instincts, to this very spot, this very clearing where so many other squirrels from the surrounding lands had been led over the past few days.

He was here because he was safe here. He was here because he was loved here. And of course, he was here because she was here.

The squirrel turned sharply, and with a chittering cry flung himself at the female. At the other squirrel who had frozen, quaking in anticipation the moment he lifted his head from the stream and the moment she saw his cock strain between his legs and send a hot, thick ribbon of pre-cum streaking out to the grass below. A release every bit as productive and potent as what might previously have passed as a full on orgasm for the male in times past, but now was only the very first twinge of the almighty, overwhelming pleasure he was going to feel not just this afternoon, but for so many more hours, days, weeks... for a whole lifetime to come.

A lifetime to be spent with her. His mate.

They squealed, squeaked and chittered together as the male tackled the other squirrel and they rolled together, wrestling, writhing, gasping and nuzzling until just moments later they sprang back to their feet, and he launched himself astride her with a desperately eager grunt of exertion. He felt her tail twitch sharply up and to the side, and felt his forelimbs wrap around her torso so instinctively, so naturally and tenderly. She smelled incredible. She felt incredible. She _was_incredible. The other females that this male had bred with in the past, they were... god, he couldn't even think about them. They were gone from his mind, no comparison to be made. She was unique. She was glorious in her own right, utterly unassailable. And she was so ready. So hot. So dripping wet as he felt his straining, dribbling member press at the hot folds of her nether regions, and push their way urgently inward.

Her body tensed beneath him.

His body tensed above her.

He pressed inward, driving himself to the hilt inside her and holding himself there, clinging to her and hunkering down against her as he felt his shaft twitching, throbbing. Her insides milked him. Squeezed, caressed and coaxed him to give her what he was born to give. To fulfil not only his obligation as a male, but to do for her, with her, to her what every moment of his entire life had been leading towards.

Already the pleasure was far and away beyond anything he had hoped or dreamed of. Already he knew that his hopes and longings for what he might feel as he had imagined being a part of this world just a handful of minutes ago was a pitifully pale reflection of reality, and that now he had experienced this nothing he had ever felt before would ever be able to compare. But as incredible as it felt to breed the female squirrel and to feel the pleasure swelling to ever greater, ever more grand extremes, the male knew that there was still so much more to come. So much more he had to give, and so much more he knew in the very heart of his being that he had yet to learn about this new life upon which he was now embarking.

First and foremost though, he had one task that mattered above all others. Far more important than receiving any pleasure for himself, and drastically more important than ensuring that said pleasure went on, and on, and on for the rest of eternity.

He bucked his hips forward, squeaking and gasping as he fought to pleasure his new mate. To grant his new lover, his new partner not only the same ecstasy he sought, but more. So much more.

He bucked again, and again, grinding his hips to her trembling hindquarters over and over again as she clamped down around him and chittered in maddeningly joyous rapture. He fought to stimulate her, to pleasure her to the greatest excess his mind could possibly conceive and so, so far beyond. And sure enough, just a handful of seconds later, an almighty squeal escaped the female squirrel beneath him. Her body convulsed. Her pussy clenched. Her nether regions erupted all around and all over the male's crotch with a flood of her orgasmic ecstasy that he already knew would go on, and on, and on. And as his job was done, as he granted this beautiful creature the heavenly euphoria she deserved, he threw back his head and clutched ever tighter at her trembling, writhing body as he too lost control, and her clutching, cumming depths spasmed all the more deliciously while the male began to unleash the first of countless loads of cum deep inside her.

By Jeeves