White as Snow

Story by Phoenix Sparks on SoFurry

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#1 of White as Snow

With Christmas approaching fast a young malenhusky makes it his duty to bring Christmas joy the young patients of a Mental Asylum, but gets taken hostage by a certain patient who's intentions and powers accede far beyond reasonable Comprehension. Will he be able to escape? Or will he fall victim to the patient's diabolical plans?

This is my first story posted on this website, and I appreciate the time you guys are willing to take to read and review written work. I'm still new to his this website functions, but if I'm missing anything I would be incredibly thankful to be informed.

Thanks again and merry late Christmas and a happy new year!

White As Snow

In a little town that went by the established title of Belmont, December's snowy wrath had finally dawned upon it much to the residents liking. The children of the town enjoyed a days off of school and played happily in the fluffy sheet provided by nature, but unlike the children of the town, not everyone was so lucky to have the day off. Except for one over-excited individual.

The young twenty-three-year-old male husky quickly rummaged through his nightstand looking for the keys to his car. It was finally that part of the year he had been looking forward to the most, he ran a quick checklist through his head, as he tossed his car keys into the air and caught it with the same paw before stuffing it into his pocket.

"Car keys, check. Presents, check. Breakfast, nope." The husky grabbed a brown coat he had hanging from his well-organized closet and brought it over his shoulders and through his arms. He zipped it up to his furry neck and made his way downstairs.

The Christmas tree set up by the husky flickered its beautiful array of lights inside his holiday-decorated living room. He turned his head to admire the artificial pine tree he had worked so hard to set up by himself, before quickly making his way into the kitchen where he had breakfast waiting for him.

A plate of buttered toast sat patiently on the wooden table, waiting for someone to consume them. The husky grabbed a single piece of toast and placed it inside mouth before making his way out the front door.

Once, the young husky exited his house; he turned to lock the front door before turning to face his snow infested yard. He placed his paws on his hips and sniffed the cold air before him. He complimented the perfect day as he walked off to his red sedan.

The husky was a handsome lad with the heart of what many like to call a caring mother; he had nicely kept light colored brown fur with patches of white fur inside his ears and a strip of white fur running down from his jaw disappearing into is thick coat and reappearing below his tail. He also wore a pair of white pants and white sneakers that matched the snow, and like his white pants, he wore a long-sleeved white polo shirt underneath his coat, which he had tucked into his pants. And his eyes were also a beautiful blue.

"Oh man, can't it get anymore colder?" He burred as he shifted inside his vehicle. He looked up at the rearview mirror and adjusted if until he saw a large red sack sitting in the back and smiled at its glorious sight. He had bought the Santa like gift sack from a costume store from a recent trip downtown. His body shivered in delight as he placed the key in the ignition and felt as the sedan roared to life, he impatiently waited for the engine to warm up. As his father always told him: "Let the engine warm itself up unless you're willing to pay a hefty price." Bless his soul.

The husky leaned over to his glove compartment and retrieved a rectangular name tag that read the name "Alex Kane" and had a little picture of the husky smiling towards the camera. He placed the name tag inside a cupholder and decided he waited long enough and put the SUV into reverse and backed out of the driveway and onto the icy road. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and sped off to work.

Family and friends had always told Alex that he was unbelievably kind and the most passionate person in existence and he was happy to agree with their assumptions; he admits his addiction to performing good deeds and always felt complete when a person smiled at his doings, which was why he picked his current field of work. Although many would've thought twice before applying, he saw his employment as an opportunity to bring smiles to people who needed it.

The road was long and bumpy; he passed an old sign that read "Belmont Mental Asylum." He smiled at the sight and watched as an isolated walled-off complex appeared over the horizon along with a checkpoint just down the road.

The Belmont Mental Asylum was a single major complex and was home to over 3,000 patients and resembled that of a prison. The workforce was made up of over 50 doctors and 200 nurses with Alex being one of the unfortunate few, but of course, he didn't see it that way.

Alex approached the checkpoint and slowed down to a stop once he was parallel to a small security box with a German shepherd standing at the ready with a clipboard at paw. "Name and ID." The security guard asked coldly.

"Well good morning to you too Officer Lark."

The shepherd let out an annoyed sigh. "Name and-

"Oh, and Merry Christmas to you." Alex interrupted with a smile hoping to get a Merry Christmas in return, but he instead got yelled at by Lark.

"Just show me your goddamn Name and ID!" Lark burst out in rage. "And it isn't even Christmas yet you idiot!" Lark added.

Alex frowned and handed Lark his name tag, which the officer looked over before flipping through a couple of pages off his clipboard. "Good luck in there, mutt," Lark said rudely tossing the nametag onto Alex's lap.

Alex just drove his car past the checkpoint and into a massive parking lot. He drove down the rows of parked cars looking for a spot closer to the facility's front entrance so he wouldn't have to carry the sack of presents that far, but found it nearly impossible to locate a perfect spot in a place where everyone is in a hurry to leave once their shift was over. So unfortunately for him, he had to park quite a far distance away, but he didn't let that bring down his holiday spirits.

The snowy wind blew furiously in the air as Alex exited his vehicle, burring and hugging himself to nature's cold embrace; he questioned whether it had gotten more freezing or not but disregarded the self-asked question and went on to the retrieve the red gift sack he had laying in the backseat of his sedan.

While Alex was busy leaning half of his body inside the car to retrieve the gift sack full of presents, he was suddenly caught off guard when he felt the staggering sensation of someone groping him by the rear, which sent the husky's upper body retreating out of the car and quickly spinning around blushing. He began searching for any likely suspects and even called out to see if anyone was there, but the howling wind only greeted him instead. It almost felt like a ghost had just touched him inappropriately. Alex rubbed his rear and hesitantly reached back into his car this time continually checking over his shoulders.

The haul was long and tiring, but Alex had finally reached the heated interior of the hospital. He was disappointed when he entered through a setof double glass doors to see such little Christmas decorations within the hospital's halls, but hospital regulations state it created equality for all religions within staff and patients in general, which he respected. He gently set down the gift sack and pulled off his brown coat and hung it on left arm before lifting up the bag over his shoulder with his free paw.

Alex made his way past the receptions desk, waving hello at the receptionist, who happened to be a rather mean old female cat wearing the same white uniform he sported and continued on his merry way down the white halls.

Having made a stop to the staff lounge to drop off his coat, he had pinned his nametag to a pocket left of his chest and was finally making his way to his first stop to visit a "Patient 267."

The walk was rather long and uneventful and involved a ride up to the second floor via elevator, but upon 267's cell coming into sight, he smiled in glee, until his smile was dropped when two older nurses wearing the same uniform exited the cell laughing. He held the sack tightly, straightened his posture and avoided eye contact.

"How stupid does that little shit think we are?" One male black panther nurse said, wearing a nametag that read "Jack Lancy."

The other nurse, a male grey fox, with a nametag that read "Mathew Stark" laughed. "She's going to kill you," he mocked in a childish tone. "I don't know whats wrong with that freak's head, but I don't get pay enough to-" Nurse Stark stopped mid-sentence upon noticing Alex standing close to the wall head facing away from them, he merely chuckled at the sight. "Well well well, what do we have here? Has Santa come to town early once again?" He chuckled as he and nurse Lancy slowly surrounded Alex.

"I hope you aren't planning on giving out those presents to the freaks because under hospital policy; we'd have to confiscate them from the patients." Nurse Lancy chuckled as he glanced at the red gift sack mischievously.

"Why can't you just let them be...?" Alex questioned in a low tone. "What did they ever do to you?"

"Huh? What was that-" Stark said gesturing for Alex to say whatever he had just said a little louder.

Alex bit his lower lip as the way older intimidating nurse stood over him awaiting a repeat to his question. "U-uh-"

"Stark! Lancy! I needed you to report to the cafeteria for security 10 minutes ago!"

"Son of a-" Stark reached for a Walkie-Talkie attached to his belt and brought it up to his mouth. "We're on our way, sir." Stark clipped the Walkie-Talkie back to its original location. "I guess we'll be seeing you around, mutt," Stark smirked, as he walked down the hall with Lancy in tow, but not before spitting at Alex's shoes.

Alex clenched his paws into fists as he mumbled the word "assholes" under his breath. If there was anything he disliked the most in this world, it was those two, but he couldn't help but feel that deep down they were caring individuals.

Alex set down the bag next to the cell door that both the nurses had exited and searched through tags for the correct name.


The door was heavy and muffled his knocks. He entered the ill-lit room and was met with a dull cell that only contained a messy bed in a corner, a stack of 5th-grade level books, and a pile of drawings

A lone male wolf pup sat curled up in the middle of the room mumbling words to a purple canine plush sitting motionless facing him.

"What was that? Todays the day?"

"No, I couldn't... Wait..."

"He's here..."

The gray pup eyed Alex as he made his way next to his plushy and knelt down next to it having held a red wrapped box in his paws.

"Hey, Ethan! I hope I'm not interrupting your conversation with your buddy." Alex apologized.

The pup, or "Ethan," shook his head and smiled. "She doesn't mind; she enjoys your presence."

Alex tilted his head in confusion. "She? What happened to Max?" Alex questioned knowing that he had referred to his imaginary friend as "Max."

Ethan was unfortunately diagnosed with schizophrenia soon after he began to form comprehensible sentences, which was around the age 4. At the age of 8, he murdered his three siblings during the night in cold blood, and his intentions were to satisfy the voice in his head reportedly. He was soon omitted to the mental institution where he's been sitting for over a year recuperating with no signs of overall improvement.

"I got a new friend, and she's better than Max."

"Oh? Who is she?" Alex asked.

"She likes to call herself the Queen."

"The... Queen?"

"Yeah and she's nice but can be bossy at times. You know why I like her better than Max?" Ethan said.

"I don't know why?" Alex replied obviously oblivious to the reason.

"Because she's gonna set us free and take the lives of anyone that hurt us," Ethan answered.

"You mean kill?"

"Not you though, she REALLY likes you," Ethan exclaimed. "She's told me how she's always watching you and following you everywhere you go waiting."

Alex was now becoming visibly uneasy about the conversation. "Waiting for what?"

"She doesn't want me to tell you; its a surprise."

Alex glanced at the purple plushy, and blinked his eyes rapidly when he saw that the plushy was now slightly facing his direction when could've sworn it was facing Ethan, he shrugged it off and ran a paw through his head. "Hey, Ethan did you take your medication this morning?" Alex asked.

Ethan's expression grew sheepish lowering his head he anxiously rubbed his arm as he shook his head. "I-I didn't, please don't get mad..." Ethan sniffed as his eyes began to well up.

Alex quickly moved up next to the young pup and brought him into his arms. "It's okay; I'm not mad," Alex assured the pup. "What did you do with the pills?"

Ethan rubbed the tears from his eyes and reached down into one of his pockets and pulled out two blue pills.

Alex sighed in relief knowing that whatever Ethan may have just explained wasn't true was all made up in his head as a result of him not taking his pills.

"You cant be doing that Ethan, you're lucky it was me who found out because the other nurses would've punished you for it," Alex explained. "You need to take your pills do you need some water?"

Ethan shook his head and hesitantly downed each pill without any water. "She's not gonna be happy with me." Ethan suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Alex questioned.

Ethan glanced up at Alex with baggy sky blue eyes, "She told me not to take them... I'm sorry if I listened to her." Ethan once again began to sob.

Alex brought the red gift in front of the pup and gestured for him to open it. "Don't apologize, that'll make you feel better."

Ethan smiled and once again wiped his tears away as he scooted up to the red box and ripped apart the wrapping. What was revealed was a red firetruck complete with lights and an extendable ladder? Ethan was overjoyed by the sight and almost immediately jumped into Alex's arms thanking him repeatedly.

Alex was more than happy to provide the young pup with such a glorious gift, although he had remembered he still needed to hand out gifted to the rest of the younger patients. He patted the pup on the head before making his way out of the depressing room with the plushy unknowingly eyeing the husky.

As Alex was completing his run around the hospital, he couldn't help but wonder about his and Ethan's little conversation about the new imaginary friend he calls the Queen, who apparently also stalks Alex throughout the day. Although he had debunked it due to the fact of Ethan not taking his medication, yet he couldn't help but sense a strange entity looming over him and watching him with ill intentions.

Although the hospital housed hundreds of mentally ill patients that ranged from your average case of PTSD; it also housed psychopathic murders to the most frightening, patients suffering from mild to extreme predatory disorder. This-as the name suggests-means they refer back to their primitive instincts quite frequently and will prey on the weak for sustenance any way they can.

Although there was a particular patient, who was quite notorious for causing trouble within personnel and by that she's been accused of for causing the disappearance of five nurses and one doctor. Investigators found this impossible since she's been confined to the cell, which has since been relocated to the basement of the hospital to ensure other countermeasures to prevent her from escaping. She didn't talk much, but despite her negative reputation, she wouldn't even hurt an ant crawling up her arm even if it bothered her.

Despite the numerous warnings given to Alex to avoid direct contact with the patient, he was one to set aside these warnings and treat the young teen girl as if she was one the many children he had in his care. She was unique in a weird way and even on one occasion caught the eye of the government after multiple claims she was able to manipulate staff to do her bidding psychologically. Nurses also claimed she had some psionic abilities and had demon-like shape shifting. These claims were later debunked, and she was returned to the hospital with strict orders to separate her from other patients entirely and to have her monitored continuously by armed staff. And if something "intriguing" were to happen; government officials would be scrambled to retrieve her testing. Fortunately, she hasn't done anything out of the ordinary since her return and has just kept to herself.

Alex approached a metal door the was guarded by a lone guard. "Stop, unauthorized staff are not permitted beyond this point." said the armed male brown furred labrador guard that Alex has yet the pleasure of meeting.

Alex lifted up his tag towards the guard, who scanned it over with his brown eyes until he came across the words "Child Care" and allowed Alex entry after he complied to the guard's questions whether he had any weapons or sharp items on him.

Another male guard was standing guard inside a white monitoring room blasting some music off a blue Beats Pill, but unlike the other guard, Alex knew this one quite well.

"Hey, Alex!" greeted the spotted leopard guard. "What brings you down to these depths?" he questioned.

"I've got a surprise for you know who." Alex gestured towards the one-way glass window separating them from the young patient resting quietly inside

"Dude, you shouldn't constantly be interacting with her, she's dangerous." The leopard warned.

"Axel, I've already explained to you that it's my sole duty to- wait..." Alex snapped his fingers and smirked as he pointed a claw towards Axel. He began tapping his foot to the beat of the song Fly by Suger Ray.

"All around the world the statues begin to crumble for me..." he began to sing.

"Who knows how long I've loved you..." Axel sang back.

"Everywhere I go people stop, and they see..."

"Twenty-five years old my mother God rest her soul..."

"I just wanna fly!"

"Put your arms around me, baby..."

"Put your arms around me, baby..."

"I just wanna fly!"

"Put your arms around me, baby..."

"Put your arms around me, baby..."

Alex and Axel continued their exchange of lyrics until the songs end; expressing their love for both the song and the band. They both laughed at their singing and Axel did the honors of opening the metal door that separated the patient from the monitoring room.

Axel bid Alex good luck and remotely shut the door behind him. The sound of clanging metal of the door locking was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine but not Alex. He was used to it and was virtually unscathed by it. Although a strange cold wind mysteriously blew past him leaving the sensation of someone or something gently wrapping themselves around his left arm.

There sat a meditating thirteen-year-old female arctic fox, who's fur someone could only be described as being white as snow. She had her eyes closed, paws resting on each of her laps, and her relaxed breaths echoing within the cell. Her white ears perked and scanned the approaching steps like satellite dishes scanning the darkness above.

Alex was unaware of this sudden motion and continued taking small steps towards the young female fox.

"Goodmorning Eva, what are you up too?" Alex asked the still meditating fox.

She remained silent.

Alex coughed nervously into one of his paws as if to grab her attention before setting down a pink wrapped gift to his side. "Well, if you're busy perhaps I should just leave-"

"I'm preparing the mind and the body..." Suddenly came the fox's feminine voice. "And do stay, I've been somewhat... lonely, and your presence is rather comforting, to say the least."

"Oh, sure," Alex replied somewhat surprised and sat down Indian style a few feet away from the fox. "So, how's your day been?"

Eva let out a sigh, "Despite being stuck in a cage for endless hours on end and deprived of both my rights and some much needed... pleasures. And no, my day has been hellish as always; well for a little while longer at least."

"Well, I brought you a gift," Alex said, moving the present in front of his crossed legs.

"Gift? Haven't had one of those I'm while, although the memory is quite distasteful."

"Sorry to hear about that, but I promise you that this gift I bought would make up for that bad memory," Alex assured Eva.

Eva couldn't help but laugh out loud at Alex's assurance; she opened her eyes revealing her dark purple irises. "There are two things I wish for in this world and neither would be in that box."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "What do wish for?"

"Freedom from this godforsaken place and," Eva smacked her lips as her purple eyes examined Alex's sitting body. "Well, it's best that I keep that last wish a secret a little while longer." Eva chuckled mischievously.

Alex chuckled nervously not catching on to Eva's gestures. "Well, as much as I would love to see all the patients here living normal lives, I can only do my best to comfort them during their stay. Including yours."

"Oh? Well, I know a perfect way you could comfort me, my sweet."


Eva slowly stood up and once again licked her lips in anticipation as she approached the still sitting husky. "There have been so many, yet the desired emotions are few. They weren't perfect Alex; they aren't you."

Alex slowly backed away from the approaching fox; his heart was pounding in fear of the fox and his body trembling before her mysterious intentions upon him.

"They will all pay Alex, and you could watch as I make them all suffer." Eva chuckled evilly.

The cell door suddenly unlocked and mechanically opened revealing Axel's silhouette standing there.

"Axel!" Alex yelled towards his buddy, who only ignored his requests for assistance and stared blankly towards the wall in front of him.

Eva chuckled and stopped dead in her tracks; she snapped her fingers and Axel unsheathed a pistol from his duty belt and aimed it towards Alex as he approached him.

Alex's eyes grew wide, and he attempted to shield his face as Axel shoved the weapon against the side of his head. "Axel what are you doing!?"

"Shall I give a demonstration of what happens to your friend if you disobey me?" Eva said snapping her fingers once again and watched as Axel shakingly raised the weapon up to his head instead.

"Wait don't! I'll do whatever you want; I'll get you out if that's what you're asking for." Alex begged towards the smiling female fox.

Eva was now standing over the helpless husky, she kneeled down to his eye level and gently gripped the sides of his head. "Well, I want more than just an easy way out, my sweet. And now that you're at my mercy, we can let the real fun begin." Eva grinned, as she stuck out her wet tongue and slowly lapped the side of Alex's head.

Surprise caught Alex by Eva's actions. "Stop it!" Alex shoved Eva off of him and tried to stand up quickly, but Axel pushed him back down with superior strength.

"You're not going anywhere, my sweet." She hissed as she kept her venomous grin. "Hold him down." She commanded as Axel brought the poor husky down onto his back and dropped a knee onto his chest while one paw held one arm down and the other still holding the pistol towards Alex.

"Time to see how much of a suitable mate you'd be for me," Eva said as she eyed Alex's crotch with extreme content.

Alex desperately tried to break free from Axel's grip, but his eyelids shot open and a gasp escaped his lips as the paw of Eva groped his clothed groin. "D-don't please!" Alex flailed his legs when he heard the fly of his white pants being undone and his button is unbuttoned.

Another sound could be heard, but this one was strange; it sounded slimy and horrifying. He felt something wet wrap around both his legs and hold them down with extreme force. Alex wasn't able to get a glimpse of what was around his legs due to Axel blocking his view of Eva, but he could only imagine something unreasonably horrifying behind the mind controlled security guard.

Eva pulled Alex's pants below his knees without any more opposition revealing red undergarments with a slight budge underneath.

"My, someone wants to say hello." Eva chuckled playfully, as she rubbed the bulge.

Alex felt tears begin to well up in his eyes; he's never been violated like this before, he was just a scared little pup to this young girl. He prayed for it to be over soon but this was only the beginning for Alex.

Eva finally brought down Alex's undergarments exposing Alex's white furred sheath and balls. She sighed in delight and brought her head down to give it a quick sniff.

"So young and so pure, you're the perfect mate." She fondled the young husky's balls in her paw. "So plump with sweet juices, you've never emptied them have you?"

"Just let me go, please! I don't want this; this isn't right!" Alex begged.

"You didn't answer my question, but whatever." Eva moved up to the tip of Alex's sheath, which had the red tip of Alex's penis peeking out calling for her attention. She stuck out her tongue and lapped the sensitive tip getting a moan from Alex as she did.

Alex bit his lip as his body began to betray him over the hot wet licks from Eva's tongue, which stimulated his penis even more until his knot had finally popped out of his sheath.

"Poor thing hasn't seen any action," Eva said licking the shaft and knot of Alex's now throbbing cock making sure to lap up any pre-cum that seeped out of his tip.

A strange sensation began to overcome Alex; he shook his head as his body approached its first orgasm. While Alex desperate for a way out, Eva was thrilled to strip such a young dog's virginity away, unlike her past mates, she could smell that they had previously had theirs torn by other females. But this one was all hers untaken by anyone else.

By now tears were already flowing out of the young husky's eyes, he had tried to break his friend out of Eva's trance, but he only stared blankly back into his sobbing eyes. He closed them as the overwhelming pleasure built up inside his body was ready to release itself for the first time.

Eva could sense that Alex was about to reach his peak, and she mysteriously pulled away from his raging penis, which not only surprised the young husky but sent a wave of uncontrollable desire to orgasm after having come so close to cumming. She stood up and walked around next to Alex's head and what Alex saw sent frightened him beyond recognition.

Eva had her creepy yet joyful grin and a set of five meaty tentacles emerging from her back, two of which were restraining Alex's legs, while three others just waved in the air.

"W-WHAT THE HELL!?" Alex shouted in disbelief at what he was seeing.

"Don't be frightened, my sweet; they only want to play," Eva exclaimed as she kneeled down next to Alex's head and placed one paw on Alex's jaw and the other on his upper part of his muzzle. "Open wide!" Eva laughed sadistically as one of the waving tentacles poked at his mouth awaiting entry.

Alex clenched his teeth and jerked his head from side to side, which Eva growled in annoyance to before she had a cleaver idea. "Well, since you aren't willing to open up then perhaps we should try a different route."

The tentacles holding Alex's legs down slowly began to lift them up into the air bending them back above his abdomen. An unoccupied testicle slithered its way towards Alex's rump and poked at his virgin sphincter.

Alex shook his head violently in disapproval of the poking but remained stubborn in opening his mouth.

The tentacle moved back and aimed to prepare for a quick entry inside of Alex, and in a blink of an eye, the long slimy tentacle shot forward straight into Alex's tight asshole tearing at his rectum as it slithered its way up into his colon.

Alex couldn't help but scream out in anguish as he felt his stomach twist and turn inside his body, this, unfortunately, allowed the other tentacle to thrust into his mouth and down his throat. He tried to gag, but the meaty appendage prevented him from doing so.

"No use in fighting any longer, my sweet," Eva said as she began to strip down to nothing. "We'll be happy together; we can raise our offspring and start a happy family." She exclaimed reaching down rubbing the lips of her young, immature clit.

Alex felt himself beginning to faint, but before he could, the deep throating tentacle pulled out leaving a coughing and gagging Alex in its wake.

"Sleeping through this isn't an option," Eva said snapping her fingers. Axel stood up and took a step back from Alex, and Eva restrained Alex's wrists with the two remaining tentacles. "I want you to witness the conceivement of our child."

"N-No p-please..." Alex coughed exhausted by the ordeal.

The tentacles holding Alex's legs into the air began to lower to allow Alex's still erect dick to become easily accessible for Eva's mounting.

"Don't worry, my sweet," Eva cooed to the weak husky. "I know how to ease your mind," Eva said as she aimed her dripping pussy over Alex's throbbing penis. She lowered herself onto Alex and moaned loudly as the red doggy dick entered the warm embrace of her canal.

Alex moaned as well to the strange sensation and eyed as Eva moved up and down his hard shaft with ease sending massive waves of pleasure surging throughout his body.

Eva closed her eyes and extended a paw towards Alex's head and suddenly began humming a toon to Alex. Soon a slow chorus of the song Paint it, Black(Ciara-Paint it, Black) started to play mysteriously inside his head as if he was using earphones.

"H-how the hell!?" Came Alex's muffled voice.

The music muffled out every other sound that entered his ears including his very own moan filled pleasures as his body was about to reach its peak once more and unwillingly impregnate the young teen fox with his fresh seed.

"F-Fuck!" Alex cried, as he lost complete control over his body over the immense pleasure and started naturally humping into Eva as his body craved for an orgasm. He bit his lower lip, squinted his eyes, and clenched his paws into fists as his head tilted back and with a single tear rolling down the side of his cheek he came into the young fox.

Eva shivered in delight as what seemed like gallons of Alex's hot sticky semen shoot into her in spurts; covering and dripping out of her pussy.

The tentacle penetrating Alex had stopped and slowly pulled out leaving behind a trail of both a gaping hole and a mixture of blood and some other strange substance.

Alex just laid there defeated and exhausted beyond comprehension; his pants were fast paced and a small pool of drool collected next to his head. The music was still playing inside his head, and Eva was even singing along to the chorus.

After a minute of Eva waiting for the cum to fertilize inside of her, she leaned forward towards Alex's head and started crawling up his torso moving like a lion stalking its prey.

Alex felt Eva crawling up his chest but didn't care anymore to look; he had just gotten a minor pregnant, and for all, he knew he was dead already. He just couldn't believe someone like himself would've deserved such unspeakable amounts of pain and have his pride stripped away. He couldn't think of anything else that could make his situation anymore worse than it already was.

With Eva's naked body sprawled over the depressed husky, she ran a paw down the side of his head before tilting it to the side.

Alex was faced with the figure of his buddy Axel standing there oblivious to his surroundings and staring blankly at the wall in front of him.

Eva smiled and snapped her fingers leaving Alex to watch as Axel brought the pistol up to his head and shoot himself without any hesitation sending blood and pieces of brain matter flying out of his head.

Alex extended paw towards Axel and yelled as he stumbled to the ground dead and laid in a puddle of his collecting blood. He clenched his fists, and a burning rage began to burn in his eyes, he turned to face Eva who was staring back at her with a shit-eating grin.


As Alex was staring at Eva, his environment was suddenly changed and was now mysteriously standing bare on a snow covered path surrounded by inches beyond inches of snow and dense pine and brush. He shivered and hugged himself in an attempt to shield his naked body from the frigid winter breeze as his body ached in pain from his ordeal with Eva.

The music was replaced with the sound of howling winds, and orange light seeped through thick leaves as the sun rose from the horizon beyond the trees.

"E-EVA!" Alex yelled into the brush as his voice trembled in shivers, and his words dispersed in a frozen white mist. "EVA!" He yelled once more as he dropped down to his knees and fell flat on his side and sobbed quietly to himself as he went into a fetal position. He quickly fell into a deep depression and was soon feeling life itself slipping away, but a strange noise came from down the path. A baby's cry.

Alex was slow to stand on his feet to hear for the crying and sure enough, came the distant sounds of sobbing.

"H-hello," Alex shivered. "Is there someone out there?" The only response that had come back to the freezing husky was that baby cry. Now filled with a sense of curiosity, he ventured down the path towards the crying.

The howling icy wind blew furiously against the pine that it almost sent Alex tumbling to the snow-covered ground, but the sheer determination to escape this nightmare gave Alex the strength to trudge forward and ignore all the pain his body threw at him.

With the cries quickly approaching the light of day became more evident and the brush began to clear until it was nothing but a tree line surrounded by vast fields of tundra and hills covered in white snow.

There laid at the end of the path a white cradle, Alex kept his distance from the cradle and watched as little furry arms flailed inside grasping the air begging to be attended to.

Alex gulped and cautiously approached the cradle to get a better look inside, but after a while, he figured it was safe to approach it and was soon looming over the crib watching most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

Wrapped in a white blanket laid a distressed canine baby crying madly with extended paws and squinted eyes.

Alex reached into the crib and lifted the covered baby into his embrace and cradled it protectively in his arms cooing to it trying to ensure it wasn't alone anymore.

The little pup's cries were soon brought down to whimpers allowing Alex to exam the baby's features a little closer. The baby's face had beautiful brown fur with white patches of fur in his ears that only reminded Alex of himself.

"You're a pretty little guy." Alex cooed to the baby, whose whimpers were soon gone and whose eyelids slowly began to lift up.

The baby eyes fluttered open revealing tired purple eyes staring up at Alex's surprised expression.

"No... It-it can be... those eyes." Alex couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he didn't want to believe it either. It wasn't possible that he was staring at his... Alex couldn't bring himself to think it but was he staring at his... his child?

The baby giggled playfully and extended its paws towards Alex, which he replied with moving his paw over the baby to allow it to grasp at his fingers. The baby did just that and happily played with its father's fingers, grasping and examining each one occasionally bringing one to its mouth and gnawing at them as Alex just watched it do so.

Alex felt tears begin to form in eyes as he watched his very own flesh and blood play in his arms, and soon found warmth returning to his body and all his pain diminish with the wind. A smile formed on his face and he gently brought the head of his baby up to his muzzle and kissed it on the forehead.

"He's beautiful isn't he?" Came Eva's young voice from behind Alex.

Alex turned to face Eva, who stood just a few feet away for him and wearing her white patient attire. "He?"

"Yes, our son." Eva replied. "The one now growing inside my womb."

Alex glanced back down at his son and watched as he yawned and rubbed his purple eyes indicating it was time for his nap. "He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Alex replied.

"I'm glad, my king," Eva replied.

"What do you mean king?" Alex questioned.

Eva chuckled, "Why a queen can't go without a king to call hers." She replied.

The realization soon hit him queen Ethan had mentioned Eva; she was the one apparently stalking him through the day, and he bet she was the one who groped him when he arrived at work.

"I know what you're thinking, my sweet. Yes, I've been watching you, and yes, I've been talking to Ethan." Eva exclaimed. "You care about him yes? You saw what the other nurses do to patients you care about." Eva sighed and diverted her to the side. "Ethan had just recently told me those two nurses who abuse you had just taken his firetruck and stripped him of his books."

Alex frowned, and his eyes wandered over to the snowfields.

"Now you see why they all must suffer and die? All they do is hurt us Alex, and soon they'll take our son." Eva explained. "You must help me bring vengeance to the patients of this horrible place Alex."

Alex sighed and walked over to the white cradle from which he had retrieved his son from and gently laid his yawning son inside the crib. With his tired baby extending his paws a final time towards Alex, they were lowered by Alex as he went to rub the soft fur on the baby's head. The infant's eyes soon became heavy, and eventually, he drifted off into a deep slumber.

"I can't." Alex suddenly spoke out.

Eva's expression turned grim as she snapped her head towards Alex. "What!?" She questioned.

Once Alex had tucked his baby son into his crib he turned and faced Eva dead on. "I can't help you kill those people."

"I don't think you understand me, Alex..."

"Yes I do, and as much as I hate those people, they can still change. They don't need to suffer."

"Alex, my sweet. My patience with you grows slim if you really care about our son then you'd help me."

Alex turned his head to glance at his sleeping baby before turning to reface Eva's raging face. "I'm sorry Eva, but I will not help you."

Eva couldn't sustain her rage and longer and screamed into the air. "IF YOU WONT HELP ME THEN, I WILL KILL EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING HOSPITAL! EVERY-FUCKING-ONE!" Eva snarled as six tentacles shot out of her back with one shooting straight towards Alex at high speeds.

Alex couldn't react in time to dodge the incoming tentacle and gasped as it wrapped itself around his neck with the force of an anaconda and lift him up into the air effortlessly.

"YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME NOW!" Eva screamed.

Alex's eyes felt like they wanted to pop out of their sockets as he gasped for air.

"YOU WILL DIE LIKE THE REST OF THESE FUCKERS WILL!" Eva laughed maniacally as she had now gone completely insane.

Suddenly Alex felt the grip around his neck had begun to tear at his flesh and soon after, his head disconnected with rest of his body sending blood flying across the snow.


Alex awoke with a gasp to find Eva in the process of ripping the other security guards limbs off from his body using her tentacles starting off with his arms. He was quick to stand to stand on his feet, but the pain from earlier hit him like a freight train, as he collapsed onto his knee.

"AHHHH- N-NO PLEASE DONT- AHHHH!" Screamed the guard as he got his other arm brutally ripped off his body.

Alex watched this in horror as blood spurted out of where the guard's arms used to be and felt the surge of adrenaline in his blood; he knew he had to get out and fast or he'd die there. So he pulled his pants back up and ran.

Dashing out the entrance to the cell he caught the attention of Eva who snarled madly at him as he made his way out. The second door leading out of the control room was already wide open probably when the other guard had noticed all the ruckus.


Alex ignored her and didn't even look back he just kept running and running until he skidded to a stop once he reached the elevator he had initially entered from and rapidly pressed on the button to call it. But as Alex was busy pressing the button he turned to catch a tentacle about to swing at him and he quickly dodged the tentacle as it slammed into the panel with incredible strength destroying both the panel and the wall behind it.


Fortunately for Alex, there was an emergency stairwell next to the elevator and quickly sped off running up the stairs occasionally stumbling on bus way up. He reached the first floor and met face first with complete and utter chaos; alarms were blaring, and brawls between nurses armed with nightsticks and patients had broken out.

Alex watched as a male nurse brutally smacked a male patient against the head with his nightstick before moving in to subdue the patient, but was suddenly pounced from behind and shanked to death by another male patient with a makeshift knife. After stabbing the already dead nurse countless more times, he slowly turned his eyes towards Alex revealing an insane looking tiger with glowing red eyes.

"There's no where to run, Alex." Said the tiger as he walked towards Alex with the bloody knife at paw. "I have complete control."

The tiger now within inches away from Alex swiped at him, but his massive build made it sluggish, which allowed Alex to slip right under him and dash forward away from the tiger.

Alex heard the tiger roared in anger but was so preoccupied with escaping to turn to look at him.

"Alex help!" Came a distressed tone that sounded familiar to Alex.

Alex stopped and turned towards the voice calling out his name and with a horrified expression saw one of his abusers Lancy laying on the ground in a puddle of his blood with the front part of throat completely ripped apart.

"Alex!" Stark called out to the mortified husky.

Alex turned to see Stark laying on his back pushing the jaws of a feral wolf with glowing red eyes away.

"Get this thing off me!" Stark grunted.

Alex just stood there in shock after had seeing Lancy laying dead on the ground, but when Alex brought himself back into reality, he moved to pick up Lancy's nightstick and quickly swung at the wolf's head with all his might.

The wolf didn't know what hit him; he was sent flying back when the nightstick made contact with his forehead seemingly knocking him unconscious.

"Fuck me, man!" Stark yelled out loud as he quickly rose to his feet and stared down at Lancy's limp corpse. "I-I couldn't save him, man," Stark cried. "I just couldn't."

"Stark, we need to get out if here fast!" Alex said, placing a paw on Stark's shoulder.

"We-we-we can't just leave him here!" Stark replied. "He's my best fri-AAARRRGGGG!"

Alex was caught by surprise when the wolf he had thought was knocked unconscious pounced Stark from behind and clamped down on his neck with vicious strength. Blood gushed down Stark's throat as he gurgled gasping for air, he extended a paw towards Alex for him to grab as he was brought to the ground and mercilessly ripped apart by the wolf.

It was already too late for Stark as whatever life he had left in him drained away leaving behind a cold stare in his wake.

Alex clenched his fists and just continued on with his escape before that wolf came after him next.

Soon enough he could see the moonlight shining through the set of double glass doors from which he first entered, and he felt a sense of joy overcome him.


A scalpel was sent darting through the air like a bullet towards Alex; he cried out in pain when the sharp medical tool struck his left thigh just as he ran through the set of double doors.

Alex was sent toppling face first into the cold snow as a wave of pain shot up his body from his thigh, he rolled to his side and screamed out in pain as he gripped onto the scalpel and made the mistake of pulling it out which sent blood spilling out of his fresh wound. He threw the bloody knife to the side and started crawling towards the parking lot all the while grunting in exhaustion and grasping his bleeding wound which left a growing bright red stain on his white pants.

Crunching footsteps could be heard behind the crawling husky before a slight female chuckle filled the cold dark air.

Alex didn't want to look behind; he already knew the jig was up but maybe just maybe he believed he could still make it and kept crawling forward until one of Eva tentacles grasped onto his injured leg and dragged him back to her. He tried to fight it, but he wasn't strong enough, his claws just tore at the snow, and soon Eva was standing over him; staring at him with angry purple eyes.

Alex already knew his fate at this point and kept his eyes shut waiting for the final move that would ultimately end his life. But strangely enough, it never came

"Look at you. Back where you started, scared, defeated," Eva scoffed. "pathetic."

"Why don't you just kill me already?" Alex asked keeping his eyes close.

"Because that'll be too easy, I wouldn't be satisfied," Eva explained. "But I know how we could make this more interesting."

Alex heard the sound of crunching show as someone else walked up next to Eva. He still kept his eyes closed at this point and prayed for a quick and painless death.

"A-Alex?" Came a young male's voice.

Alex gasped, and his eyes shot open and darted towards the young voice. "Ethan?"

"Ethan, you love me right?" Eva asked the young pup, who appeared to be already frightened.

"Y-Yes," Ethan replied hesitantly.

"Yes, what?" Eva scorned at the pup.

"Yes, Queen." Ethan quickly corrected, as he took a slight step away from Eva.

"Then you'll do anything I say without me forcing you?" Eva said taking that step closer to Ethan.

Ethan was hesitant to answer as he glanced at Alex. "Yes, Queen."

Eva grinned and chuckled menacingly as she wrapped an arm around the younger cub. "Then why did you take those pills?"

Ethan gasped, and his eyes shot open. He glanced at Eva unsure of how to answer the surprise question.

"I-I-I d-didn't mean to d-disobey you." Ethan apologized, as his small legs shook violently in fear.

"I want an answer, not an apology," Eva growled.

Ethan glanced at Alex and back at Eva. "A-Alex told me to," Ethan answered. "Please don't kill him, I should've not swallowed them." He begged.

"Don't worry; I won't kill him," Eva assured Ethan in a soothing tone. "But you will." Eva grinned evilly.

"W-What..?" Ethan said as he felt his heart skip a beat.

Alex shook his head when Eva handed Ethan the bloody medical tool. "Don't make him do this, Eva, please..."

"If you truly love me then you'll obey me, Ethan," Eva said. "Do as I command, or you'll have to face the consequences."

Ethan just eyed the red covered tip of the knife and glanced at Alex, who laid staring at Ethan with wide eyes. He slowly approached Alex, and with every step, he took closer to Alex the more the scalpel trembled in his paw. Ethan dropped to his knees next to Alex and shakingly lifted the scalpel over him. "I'm sorry Alex," Ethan sobbed as he closed his eyes and aimed the scalpel over Alex's neck.

Alex wanted to cry too, but this was the only way Ethan would probably survive Eva's wrath, and he was at peace of the fact that Ethan might get to see another day.

"Get on with it, Ethan," Eva said.

Ethan grasped the handle hard, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it again, he couldn't kill someone who's taken care and watched over him. Alex meant a lot to him and by killing him would only make his already miserable life more miserable. "I can't do it; I don't want to kill him." Ethan threw the scalpel as far as he could and turned to scream at Eva. "I'll do anything you want, please don't kill Alex!"

Eva sighed and shook her head slowly as she crossed her arm. A tentacle then slowly slithered its way up to Ethan, who in response dropped to the ground next to Alex and hugged him tightly. The tentacle wrapped around one of Ethan's legs and began dragging him, but Alex grabbed and held on tightly to Ethan.

"I was hoping for this to be interesting, but it appears I can't trust a little disobedient cub like you." Eva scoffed before a smirk formed on her face. "Guess I'll have to kill you too."

Alex grunted as he held onto the crying pup, he tugged and pulled against Eva but was only slowly sliding along the snow with him.

"No use in trying to save him, Alex!" Eva laughed maniacally. "His death will be slow and painfu- OOWW!" Eva yelped in surprise as something pricked one of her tentacles. She glanced at where the prick came from and saw a dart sticking out. "What the fuck is this!?" She growled and faced the direction in which it came from.

With the opening, a small volley of darts came flying at Eva hitting her all over her bare chest.

Eva began stumbling from side to side as the tentacle grasping Ethan loosened allowing him to escape and with a thump, Eva was laying face first in the snow.

A mysterious figure quickly jogged over to Eva's unconscious body, "Target neutralized, requesting transport," came a deep male accented Russian voice came from the figure standing over Eva. "Got a live one here," he said when he spotted Alex and Ethan laying on the ground with Alex barely conscious.

Alex glanced up at the stranger when he approached and what he saw sent a wave of relief through his mind.

A male arctic wolf stood before the husky and pup in black military attire with a modified M416 hanging over his tactical vest. The moonlight reflected off his single left golden eye as the black eyepatch covering his right eye hid in the shadows.

"Are you Alex Kane?" The arctic wolf asked.

Alex nodded his head in response.

The arctic wolf extended a gloved paw towards Alex, "I'm Captain Feliks Novikov of the Biotech Corporation, and I'm taking you in for questioning..."