
Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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On a planet called Zoolan there is a race called Zoolonians who are not too different to ours, they have similar technology and are vaguely like us in how they look. There are two crucial differences, for one they choose to use alternate means for modern living such as using wind, water or thermal to power machines. And two they may walk on two feet but they also have animal traits as well, just think of them as humans crossed with an animal. So as a result they have greater strength, reflexes, sight and smell then a normal humans. Anyway that's enough of the background, lets get on with the story.



In the clearing of a forest lies a run down mansion, but that is just a façade, a disguise for what actually goes on inside. Making her way towards the mansion is a 23 year old fox called Ryn, nickname heat because of her bright red fur. She is a very attractive Zoolonian fox with a shapely body, she stands about 6 foot has long legs, nice hips an attractive face, but above all blue eyes the colour of sapphire and a very generous size E bust. All this made her perfect for the mission she was on, to crack down on a slave trading hideout, not just any slave trade either but a sex slave trade witch specialised in female sex slaves either straight, bi or lesbian.

She is part of a secret organisation that deals in infiltration called Secret Zoolonian Protection Force or S.Z.P.F.

Two of the members of S.Z.P.F managed to intercept the latest delivery and rescued the captive as well as capturing her abductors, and have disguised themselves as the traders and Ryn there captive.

"Right, you remember the plan guys, I am your captive and the reason why there was a delay is because I managed to slip free for a bit before you captured me again. Once we are inside you try to blend in and find out as much as you can whilst I check on how many girls they currently have, stay in radio contact and then once we have all of the evidence we radio for the team to strike, got that?

Yeah don't worry your pretty head" said the one to the right of her, a muscular tiger named Tygon "you just worry about yourself what with those slave traders getting there hands on you".

Donn't worry you know I can handle myself, now let's get this show on the road.

They approached the mansion and entered through the broken doors, and then knocked on a slightly different coloured part of the floor. Immediately three concealed auto guns pointed at them and a voice from below grunted "password if wrong your worm food.

Red, Omega, Black, Alpha" Tygon responded and the secret door opened, "bout time you guys got here what took you so long?

Sorry she made a run for it and we lost her for a while but as you can appreciate she was worth the wait.

No kidding the guard said whistling as the guard eyed Ryn up how about I give her a test run" he said grinning reaching out to touch her. Ryns other comrade a well built crocodile pins the guard against the wall and say's in a menacing tone "not unless you want the boss to skin you alive, remember the boss checks all new goods first got that?

Alright, alright fine he shouted, fucking kiss up" he muttered resuming his post.

"Are you alright?" the croc asked Ryn. "I'm alright thanks for back there Louis" she responded in a whisper.

"Welcome back friends a smartly dressed bear said approaching them, I see you're an little late but we have a fine one here. Yes my friends she should fetch a fine price, quite a rare beauty this one" he said circling Ryn looking her over and examining parts of her body. He then groped her breast, "there is certinatly plenty to play with" he laughed. Ryn was about to hit him when tygon seeing her distress intervened. "Perhaps she should rest it has been a long journey and you can check her when she is fresh and rested.

Hm, yes good thinking guards put her with the rest of the females for now but we can not delay much longer the buyers will be here in three days but first of all" he put a collar round her neck, "this shock collar will make sure you behave".

With that he gave her a little shock, "Aaahh" she cried in pain, "so make sure you behave yourself okay" and with that the guards took her away, "hang in there" Louis whispered.

She was led down a dingy corridor and put in a room that four other females in, one wolf, one leopardess one rabbit and the most beautiful out of them all a husky.

"Well time to find out and see if I can learn anything from these girls", Ryn thought to herself. "Um hi names Ryn. Who cares who you are" said the leopardess with a snarl "in three days we're going to be someone's plaything so who cares who is what, we will just be objects to someone in the end". Ryn scowled "that's it give up hope, you never know we could somehow get out of this. Oh and how is that the leopardess said with a cruel laugh every corridor is guarded and to top it off we get zapped if we step out of line, just ask that floozy down there about hope" she said indicating the husky before flopping down on her bed.

"Um hi, my name is"..... she trailed off as she realised the husky was quietly sobbing.

"Are you okay?" Ryn asked with concern, but the husky just kept sobbing. "You won't get anything from her" the rabbit said, "a pity really she used to be such a strong willed person. Unfortunately she tried to resist too many times, basicly she tried to put up a fight every time they gave her a test drive, that means getting fucked in some way. She got zapped every time she resisted and when she tried to escape she got zapped at maximum voltage when they caught her, and to top it off she got raped by four of the slavers just to make an example of her.

Any idea what her name is?" Ryn inquired. Yeah, I think it is Krystal, don't know about the rest of her name though".

Ryn decided to report so far as to what she had learned using her micro communicator.

"Tygon, Louis are you there? I am with three other girls and one appears to be in really bad shape. I would like to get this case done with before it happens to me so hurry and wrap things up, okay?

Tygon here, me and Louis are just going through there documents, thankfully we spiked the guards drinks so they will be out for a good while, while we search. Just hang in there, won't be too long now".

Ryn decides to try to talk to Krystal and hopefully give the poor thing some hope.

"Krystal, Krystal don't worry we will be getting out of here soon, I know you have been through a lot but just hang on, we will see to it that these bastards are brought to justice.

Sniff do-don't give me false hope there is no escape from here, if you care about me then kill me" sobbed Krystal.

"Poor thing, I know you have been through a lot, but I am a member of a group that will hopefully bring these bastards down, won't be long now" Ryn said trying to be as reassuring as possible despite the nervousness she felt.

"Sniff, do-do you mean that?" Krystal said lifting her head up to look at her for the first time with red eyes from all the crying and tear stained fur. "Yes I do so you keep yourn head up okay?

Okay th-thanks" Krystal said wiping her eyes".

Next day they awoke to the sound of fighting. "Intruders we have been infiltrated. No kidding" said tygon who delivered a heavy blow to the stomach of the guard. "Tygon I'm glad you're here, I was afraid that I would have been next to suffer like the rest of these poor girls if you hadn't taken action soon" Ryn said with some relief. "But where is Louis? Is he fighting with the rest or....."She trailed off seeing the look on Tygons face was enough to tell her. "Our communicators would could not reach anyone outside of these walls so we had to use there own radio to get hold of our people. But then the bastards caught us, we tried to hold off as long as possible but I got careless and was about to take a bullet to the head when Louis shoved me out the way and took the bullet for me. He was a brave person and good friend" Ryn said, "but we have to get going now or his sacrifice will have been wasted. You take the cell further down, I will take the girls from here. Sure you will be safe" Tygon asked. "Now who do you think you are talking to, besides I always have my secret weapon if things get too bad, now lets go".

Ryn turns to look at the girls "alright girls if you want to escape with your lives then follow me". The leopardess scowled "what makes you think that you will be better off then the rest of us. Because" said Ryn "I am trained in unarmed combat and you will be a lot safer with me because I have a secret for if things get too hectic". Krystal stands up "I believe her, she was right about the rescue and I believe she can get us out" she declared looking at Ryn with admiration was it?, no there was something deeper then that in her look but she had no time to ponder that now.

They started making there way sticking to the shadows to avoid been noticed amongst all the fighting that was taking place. They had almost made it to the entrance when the boss stood in there way with an unconscious Tygon under his arm. "If you want to see your friend alive again I suggest that you follow me" he growled. "Never" she yelled and with that to every ones astonishment her fur went on fire and she blasted the big bear with a searing fire blast. "AARRrrrggh" he howled dropping Tygon and desperately tried to put the flames out. Everyone just stared at her dumbfounded, "what the HECK was THAT exclaimed the rabbit in astonishment. Ryn just sagged to the floor looking utterly spent, "I was rescued from a bio lab experimenting on people, looking to create super powered soldiers okay. Just take Tygon and go, I'm too drained from that attack". To her surprise Krystal bent down and helped her up. "I am not leaving you behind got that" she said. They managed to get out of the building with a bit of effort and was greeted by the reserve team. "Alright you four take the captives back to HQ, the rest of you go back up the main squad, they could do with some support. Yes ma'am" they responded before mobilising.

In the truck Ryn was finally able to relax, "so what are you some kind of soldier or something" Krystal asked. "Something like that yeah, we're an undercover force that looks into bringing criminals like them to justice. Anyway, wake me up when we there" she said dropping off. When she woke up she found that she was in her bedroom and to her surprise Krystal was with her. "Krystal what are you doing here" Ryn asked feeling a bit groggy. "Well I-I was concerned for you and said that I would keep an eye on you" she said very shyly. Ryn sniffed the air and noticed there was a musky smell and then she noticed Krystal's pants where a bit spot soaked. "Krystal, have you been masturbating in here?" she asked. "I'm sorry" cried Krystal "but I-I love you, right from when you reassured me I could only think about you, I know that you will not want to speak to me but I thought-I thought that you should know".

This came as a bit of a shock to Ryn, but instead of been angry or insulted she felt herself attracted to her as she gave her a good look over for the first time.

She was a dark shade of brown and white with a lovely mane of fur, a thick long tail, light blue eyes, a slightly stockier build then herself, and a generous size D bust.

("I have never considered myself lesbian or even bi-sexual before, yet here I am drawn to this beautiful young husky") Ryn thought to herself. "I am not offended, okay? So dry those tears. You-your not?" Krystal stammered completely taken aback by her response.

"No, but to tell you the truth I try to avoid relationships because, well what I do is not exactly normal is it? And then there's no telling what those experiments might do to me in the long run. But if your willing to give it a go then I am willing to as well. Oh Ryn" Krystal cried wrapping her arms round her and pressing there breasts together, "no one should have to be alone, and you have been through so much and I just want to be there with you". Ryn then notices something wet on her bust, "Are you pregnant Krystal?" Ryn asked having caught the scent of milk. "Well" Krystal blushes, "I eh, was pumped full of lactation pills as a cruel joke when I was captured, they called me there milk mare. Do you want me to milk them?" Ryn asked blushing slightly. "Nothing would make me happier", she said blushing as well. They started to undress leaving just there panties on. Krystal lay on the bed and Ryn went on top of her. Taking a shaky breath she lowered her lips to kiss Krystal, she must of hesitated because Krystal gently pulled her into the kiss. Both females hearts fluttered, the sensations and emotions running through her mind where incredible. It just seemed so right, as if they where meant for each other.

They looked into each other's eyes, a warm smile on each others muzzle. They entwined there tails together and went into another kiss, more passionate and deeper now they where both sure about there needs. They slipped there tongues into the others mouth and felt around the others mouth before pulling back, a thin string of saliva connecting the two. "Well my love, shall we get started?" Ryn said looking down at her new girlfriend with a smile. And with that she moved down to Krystal's left nipple and started to suck. "Oohhh" Moaned Krystal as some of the pressure started to ease. The milk tasted delicious as it washed over her pallet. It was warm and creamy, better then any milk she had before. "Oh Ryn, that feels so good" moaned Krystal as she stroked her head. Ryn drank from her bust a bit longer savouring the delicious taste and was about to switch to the other bust, but then she got an idea. She straddled Krystal's lap so her vagina was in line with the nipple. "What are you doing?" Krystal asked puzzled. "Just you wait, you will see", Ryn said and with that she lowered herself onto the nipple and started to gently squeeze. She gasped as the warm milk exploded inside of her, filling her all the way to her core with the warm milk. "Oh, that feels so good" Ryn gasped, as Krystal started panting heavly from the pleasure of been milked and having her long teat in her warm depths. She pulled off when the bust ran dry, but then Krystal picked the opportunity to dive her tounge into her vagina. "Ahhh" Ryn cried out loud and toppled backwards, but Krystal supported her back with one hand and used the other to help get deeper into her vagina, lapping furiously trying to get as much milk as possible. "Ooohhh, Krystal th-that feels sooo good" Ryn moaned panting heavily as cum started to mix with the last traces of milk. "Mmmmm, you taste so nice Ryn, I can't get enough of you" she said pushing her muzzle deep into her depths, licking all over inside and tweaking her nipple with one hand and the clit with the other. "Krystal I-I- Aaaahhhhhnn!". Ryn let out a feral scream as she climaxed filling Krystal's mouth with cum which she swallowed eagerly. "I-I love you" Ryn sighed before falling into a restful sleep. "Good night my love, when you are strong enough again I can't wait till we do it too each other. Sigh, it has been too long since I was properly loved as well". And with that Krystal snuggled up to Ryn with happy thoughts of things to come.


I hope that my first attempt at a story was good enough and I will see if I can come up with anything in the future, if anyone likes it that is.