
Story by Imya on SoFurry

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The next week, Maia was trained by her uncle again and again. He let spike take the girl so often, that Maia slowly got used to his mating style and even presented voluntarily to the dog when her uncle asked her to do it. She still got a lot of rest as well, as her uncle looked out for the health of the girl. They made trips to the hot springs, one more tour to the sauna and only once the whole village took the girl in a big orgy one day before Maia would fly back home. A lot of pictures had been taken from the girl, especially when she was being fucked by the dog, and at the morning of her travel home, her aunt helped her to shower off the last traces of the previous day and put on one of the nice dresses she got for Christmas. "Remember to not tell anyone about this." Reminded her uncle. "You will still be my pet, even though you should probably not wear the collar at home. If you need anything, you can call me at any time." It was sweat how caring her uncle was. She would be sure to not tell anyone about this. She knew, that her uncle and the people in the village might have gone against laws and this was one of the reasons she would not speak up, because she really learned to love them, but on the other hand she also feared what everyone would say about her when they found out. In the village they had called her a bitch a few times, but she knew that these comments were not meant harmful. But thinking about the boys and girls in school, she would have to face even harder words or even assaults when this came out. "Yes, uncle Patrick." She replied. "Good girl. I will try to negotiate with your mother to let you come here in spring and stay a bit longer. We can't have them notice your pregnancy, can we?" he chuckled and Maia showed her teeth in an awkward smile. She was still afraid what her mother would say, if she found out. "Get home well." The whole town was there and all men gave her a hug and most of them even a deep kiss on her muzzle to show their affection. The women and Dorothe also said goodbye to the girl and hugged her. After all, the wives of the men in the village forgave her about what happened, maybe because their husband had become even more productive now, after Patrick limited the access to her. Her parents were happy to have her back and the greeting at the air-port, after she landed, was intense. Her mother hugged her so strong, that Maia thought she would break. It seemed they missed her a lot. This had been the longest time Maia had been away from home. "I missed you sweetie." Her mother whispered and Maia closed her eyes to feel the warm embrace of her mother. It reminded her of the goodbyes of the village a few hours earlier. A few weeks went by and January ended. School had started again and Maia slowly tried to get used to her old life. There was no walking around naked anymore. No abuses of many men or of a pet dog. On the one hand this was a big relieve to Maia, but her pussy also felt a bit awkward every now and then. Her body missed the stimulation and pleasure a bit and sometimes it became so strong, that Maia masturbated.

At the end of January, her mother went on a trip for a few days over the weekend. Maia had said goodbye to her in the morning and just returned from her school. It was Friday and so she had a whole weekend alone with her father. She already thought about what she would ask him to do. Maybe some sauna or hot springs. This would be fun, even though they were different here. In the evening some cinema. When Maia entered the house, she heard a weird noise. She knew her father was in the house because of the car on the driveway and so she followed the noises and found her father in his bedroom. He was naked and rubbed his big member with one hand, while the other held his phone and looked at something. Maia wanted to silently steal herself out, because it was quite a shock to see her father like that, but he noticed the noises of the door and looked up. "Welcome back Maia." He said, as if his actions were not weird or did not need any explanation. "What are you doing dad?" she asked and he let go of his dick and waved the girl in. "Come here, I will show it to you." He said and Maia was a bit curious what he was watching on his phone and so came in. Her father even had the cover pulled over his member, which made it easier for Maia to approach him. "Your uncle was so nice to send me a few pictures of your trip." Her father told her and when he turned his phone, Maia saw the pictures of the day before Christmas. She saw herself, presenting, getting fucked, laying in the middle of the pool of cum and blood rushed into her head. She felt light-headed and embarrassed. She realized the touch of her father on her head and before she could grasp what was happening, his member was in front of her face, erect and big, and he nudged her head forward so that her nose hit his tip. "How about you help out your old father with this?" he asked and Maia knew what he meant. Why did her uncle share this photos with her father? She wanted to deny him, but he applied more pressure until her muzzle slipped over his cock and with her training she directly started to lick around the member and suckle on it. Her father emitted moans and let her go but the girl continued to slide back and forth over his cock, until she felt his penis throb and spurt his thick cream inside her. "You are such a good big girl." He moaned while he filled her muzzle with his spunk. Maia closed her eyes and just drank her father's cum. It was different to do this to her father than doing it to her uncle. It felt more forced than in the weeks before Christmas. Maia went into submission mode. She had to obey her father, just like she had done it with her uncle. He stripped the girl and took her multiple times in a row in different positions. Maia moaned, groaned and chirped from his dick and knot. Her womb filled with the juices of her father and he seemed to not care about her as a daughter but only as a pet to fuck. She was reminded of Spike and his insatiable lust. When Maia finally opened her eyes again during their acts, she noticed that her father had placed cameras in some corners of the room and filmed their whole act. They had been at it the whole night and half of Saturday already. She was not sure if she liked this, but her father did not ask. He demanded, he commanded, he just took her without asking for her consent and soon the girls mind spun around the pleasure and the guilty feeling of being used by her own father. He made her cum, he made her present to one of the cameras while suckling on his cock or showing the V-sign. Maia did not even notice that she started to cry and cried most of the time. It was not the act itself. It did not hurt, because the training of her uncle had been very thorough. It was just, that she never wanted her father to know about this, even less do it himself. It was different with her father. He had meant protection, safety and home for her for a long time. She had always been his little princess and never showed any interest in such actions but it was like the pictures of her uncle opened a door inside her father and released a beast. As much as she loved feeling this pleasure again, she hated it, that her father was the one doing it to her. The weekend went on without her father giving her much break. At the end of Sunday, a few hours before her mother would come home, her father put away the cameras and finally let Maia go and take a shower. He reminded her to not tell her mother or anyone else and after she promised this, he kissed her on the muzzle and pushed his tongue into it. Maia thought she was going to puke and after he let her off, spend over an hour in the shower, crying and rubbing off the scent of her father from her fur. She even tried to scoop out every drop of his cum that coated her inside. Later that night she sneaked into her parents' room and recovered the cell phone of her father. She managed to delete the pictures in hope that this would prevent her father to do this again.

Her hope was betrayed. It went on like this for the next month. Every evening or weekend, when her mother was away, her father advanced on the girl and the cameras were there all the time. Maia began to ignore them, because she could not change all of this being filmed. She did not like the idea, because she never saw her father watching the videos and did not know what he planned with them. She slowly got used to his assaults and did not cry anymore when he took her and asked her to suck his cock. Her mother never noticed anything. Maia was sure to hide it from her as much as her father did. Lately he even asked Maia to wear the collar that her uncle gave her and she had to comply. He put a leash on it and took her around the house naked and on all fours, before returning to their bedroom and fucking the girl into exhaustion. Her belly slowly started to show and her father caressed over her bulged belly and played with her nipples while pushing into her in a way that disgusted Maia. The happiest day for Maia was, when her father and her mother told her that she would go to visit her uncle again. Her father told her later that this was to hide the fact that she was pregnant from her mother, but the original story was, that their parents had more work to do and it also seemed that Maia got more reserved at school and they feared of her being lonely. Therefore, her father, urged on by her uncle, had brought up the idea of sending her in a transfer to her uncle's place and visit school together with Derick. They asked Maia if she would like this idea and without a hesitation, she agreed, looking at her father with a stern face that made clear to him, that she was happy to get away from his assaults. Sure enough, he visited her bed this night, when her mother was asleep, and took her twice while muffling her groans with his paw. He left her leaking and crying in the bed and went back to his wife. "This is a little parting gift." He whispered into her ear before leaving. Maia was just happy, that this would soon be over.

The flight back Maia tried to avoid crying when thinking about her father. Just a few month ago, she loved her father from her heart but now she was not sure if she loved him more than she hated him or the other way around. Her uncle was the one catching her from the airport and she had her collar on already. Her father had put it on her in a moment her mother was not looking before the flight and had her cover it with a silk scarf. Her uncle grinned when he saw it and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Let me see your belly." Her uncle asked her when they entered the car. They were alone and Maia looked outside the car to make sure no one could see her through the tinted windows. Then she lifted the dress and showed her uncle the underwear and her naked belly. He caressed over her nipples, making her moan, and felt the slight rounded belly. "You look so cute!" he commented and gave her another kiss, this time on the muzzle. "Let's go back home then." During the drive she told her uncle all her father did to her and her uncle apologized to her for sending the pictures. "It was only an accident. I attached the wrong pictures when he asked for pictures from your trip here. After I sent him the pictures, he knew directly and I had to tell him the truth. He promised to keep it secret though. I did not imagine he would do this." Her uncle looked genuinely sorry and Maia smiled and kissed his cheek. "I am here now and that is all that matters." She said and both laughed and changed the topic.

When they arrived, Maia was greeted by the whole village. They waited for her with a welcome back party and she was happy to be back. Here she did not need to make any secrets or feel anxious that someone would find out. At school this had been the worst part because she had been asked why she was so silent all the sudden. Sure enough, the party ended in all the men and boys taking Maia for a welcome fuck but she did not mind it a bit. This felt so much better, emotionally, than doing it with her father and she presented voluntarily to them and even to spike in the end. She did even not mind some of them doing pictures and in the evening, she lay in her bed happily together with Derick. Her uncle told her, that she would get married to Derick at the next Sunday in church. The marriage was only a small one for the village, done by pastor Park. It was not an official registered marriage yet, because both were too young by law to be married. From the day of her marriage, she slept together with Derick and they grew affectionate and close to each other in no time. Her uncle, and now father in law, was still her master and once a week, she went around the village to let some of the men take her to a mating. With the weather getting warmer, Maia ran around naked most of the time, taunting the men with her perfectly sexy body and her growing belly that showed her state clearly now. Despite what her uncle told her mother, she was not visiting school but Derick brought the school material with him and taught Maia in the afternoons.

Then came the day of her giving birth after summer. Her uncle called a friend, who was a doctor, to the house and had him help her with the birthing. It was a long and exhausting birth, but after a few hours she brought live to one small vixen girl with white coat and brown eyes. The species usually followed the father, while some parts were from the mother's side. That the cub was a vixen meant that either her uncle or Derick were the father. Maia did not care who the father was. She took the cub into her embrace and guided her to the teats to drink her milk. "Congratulation!" said her uncle and Derick followed shortly after. They pulled a cover over her body to keep her warm and then let her and the cubs rest. When she drifted to sleep exhausted, she heard her uncle say something to the doctor about an agreement, but she did not care. She was happy with the now sleeping cub in her arm and followed her into the embrace of the night.

"Where are we going?" asked Maia. She sat in the car with her uncle, who was driving. "To Dr. Shire." He replied and Maia wondered why they would go to the doctor. Dr. Shire was the man who helped her giving birth and her uncle told her later that he was a friend of the family. He was a big old Shire horse, his name was probably because of that, with a very gentle character. "Why are we going there?" she asked and her uncle grinned. "Because of your heat." He replied. Maia had just entered her heat this morning and to her surprise, neither Derick nor her uncle had advanced on her yet. Derick was home and watched the cub with his mother. "What do you mean by that?" she asked and her uncle just pulled up the drive way of Dr. Shire. "You see, the doctor was so kind to help us with you giving birth and not telling anyone, even though he would have to report you giving birth. As a trade for that, we offered him your next heat." Maia was speechless and just stared at her uncle. "He wanted to have kids for a long time already but he never found the wife for that. Because I knew that, I offered this to him. You do not mind, do you?" her uncle flicked his finger against her collar and she knew that this meant that it was a command from the master to the pet. "No." she said obedient and lowered her eyes. Her uncle helped her out of the car and led her to the entrance of the house, that already opened. The doctor was very caring and first made them tea and cookies before her uncle approached the topic. "I will stay here, because I have to keep a look on the girl. I promised her to keep her safe after all." Her uncle explained and Dr. Shire agreed after some pondering. Then he disrobed and her uncle also pulled the coat from Maia and revealed her naked body beneath it. "You get her until the end of her heat." Her uncle told the doctor, who now approached the girl with a swinging limb member. Maia directly saw that the doctor was even more endowed than Mr. Holler. His dick seemed shorter but much thicker. She kneeled and started to lick over his member and balls while she noticed her own heat scent picking up. She was not sure if it was her scent or her techniques but the horse was hard in no time and soon pushed his dick inside her throat painfully. She stretched as strongly as she never had done before and he just pulled back far enough to end up in her muzzle again, before his penis erupted hard and his balls pushed gallons of cum inside her muzzle. She gulped most of it but spilled a bit over her own fur. "You trained her good." Said Dr. Shire with a moan, while his member, that went limb for a short time, only needed the scent to get up hard again. "Let's see how good of a breeding bitch she is." And with this he pushed Maia to a crouching position before moving over her. Maia groaned from the thick cock stretching her labia. It was far too wide to fit, but the man pushed with small vibrating movement, wiggling inch per inch into the vixen. Maia saw her uncle holding the mobile phone into their direction and knew he was filming, but she had other problems right now. She just took the thickest penis of her life into her snatch. The moaning of the horse was even stronger than her groans and she felt him push deeper and deeper, ripping apart her insides and spreading her tunnel over the maximum. Her cervix was not completely shut because of the stretching of her tunnel when the shire horse reached her last defense. It only took five jabs of his member against her last door, before it was knocked open and he sank into her womb and flared. His cock tip already filled half of her womb, when she felt a gush even stronger than in her muzzle filling her womb fast and making her groan in pain from the heavy stretching, which made her belly bulge nearly as strong as at the end of her pregnancy. The four days her uncle and Maia stayed with the doctor were a fight against exhaustion for the girl. Her uncle stopped the doctor, whenever she dropped out, but as soon as she woke up, it began again. At night, she slept with the doctor and he rimmed her until she fell into sleep. On the second day she slowly got used to the thick organ pushing through her pussy, her throat and her tail hole and filling her up like a balloon. Her uncle had her even insert the shire horse's member into her pussy by herself, while he was laying on the back. She had to shake her hips and urge his member, that rested deep in her womb, to orgasm. When her heat finally ended, her uncle was so pent up and horny from watching, that he took her for five rounds straight, before he put her into the car, without a shower, and drove her home. Her cub slept already when Maia came home and she had Derick help her to clean her fur before she joined him in bed and cuddled into his warm fur and his loving embrace. The doctor had been very calm and nice to her, but she preferred to lie next to Derick, her husband, and not think about the time she would give birth to some horse fillies in the future.

At next Chrismas a big package arrived from Maia's parents. They wanted to visit them, but some business trip got in between it. They had been informed about the engagement of Maia and Derick and congratulated them, even if her mother found them too young for this yet. "Your father sent some DVDs." Said her uncle when checking the package. "How about we watch them this evening?" he asked and Maia agreed. She was sure it was some kind of video message, but she did not know how much her father had to say to send 10 DVDs. In the evening, after they ate dinner and brought the cubs to bed, they went next door to the shed to watch the movie. Sophie stayed behind to look for the kids and said that they should tell her later. She was sure that it was a movie anyway and no message. Derick and Patrick sat right and left of Maia, and they turned on the beamer to put in the first DVD. It started with a personal message of her father. "Hello Patrick. I wanted to wish you a merry Christmas. This is a special collection that I began to sell over the internet. They are quite popular so I thought I would send you a copy of it. The movies are on this DvD and up to the DvD5 and the rest are pictures." Then the message was gone and a movie started with the title "Small Vixen". Maia felt strangely anxious but she saw what her unconsciousness maybe already suspected, a few seconds later when the movie started. The movie was a collection of the videos, her father had taped while mating with Maia. Maia remembered the cameras all over the room when seeing the tapes from different angles showing how she sucked off her father and later was fucked by him. She cuddled into the arm of Derick, which made her feel safe and avoid starting to cry from the memory of her fear and disgust. When she saw her slightly bulged belly, something that could not yet be detected as pregnancy in the video, she caressed her already bulging belly of her current pregnancy from the doctor. Her uncle and Derick held her in the arm and she relaxed from their scent. She smelled that they got aroused by seeing Maia getting pounded by her dad but when she looked up to Patrick, she also saw anger in his gritted teeth for making Maia cry. Maia returned the soft kindness of their embrace by slowly beginning to rub their dicks with her paw and making them cum when the movie was finished an hour later. "Are you okay?" asked Derick after the movie and Maia just nodded. Her uncle clicked on "next" to play the next video. "Small Vixen 2" was the title this time, but it was not about Maia. Maia emitted a surprised yip when she saw the vixen in the video for the first time. It was a red vixen, one year older than Maia, and from the way she dropped from her snatch while her father forced her muzzle over his dick it was clear that she was in heat. "Tina..." she whispered out of breath. "Who is Tina?" asked Derick and Maia took a while to answer. Only when her father pulled the head of the vixen back and spurted into her muzzle and over her face, she answered. "My best friend from school." She said and looked at the video with big eyes. She watched the crying vixen being defenseless in the grip of her father, when he moved over her and mounted her in a way that the camera got every drop of heat fluid and blood when he deflowered her in one fast motion. He bit down and took the girl, that moaned, cried and groaned at the same time, hard and in the end knotted her. The way his balls were shivering Maia knew that he spurted inside her. The video went on and it was clear that this was not all done at the same day. Sometimes the vixen looked exhausted and then she looked fresh again. With the continuation of the video, she became more and more docile and in the end, he even gave her a collar, very similar to Maia's, and she inserted his dick into her snatch by herself with an already slight bulge in her belly which showed that she was a few weeks into pregnancy. "Do you know this vixen too?" her uncle asked Maia when the third movie was playing. It had the title "Small Vixen 3" and this time a much smaller vixen was shown at the start who cried hard when Maia's father forced her to lick and suck on his member. "Yes." She whispered. "This is Tina's sister Ima. She is 8." Her voice collapsed. She could not believe that her father was doing this not only to her best friend from school but even to her very young sister. The girl cried even more than Maia or her big sister did in the movies before and in the middle of the movie, when the girl finally gave in and let Maia's father take her, Derick and Patrick were at the limit. They demanded Maia to vent their sexual urges and she obliged. While she watched her father mate in many different ways with the small vixen and filling her so much that her belly bulged, Maia moaned under her uncle and Derick and took them one at a time into her snatch. Even though Maia did not have much fun with the videos of her father, they went through the whole collection. Next to Ima and Tina, who appeared as a pair in later movies with the older vixen clearly showing signs of pregnancy, there were other vixens of different ages. Some of them Maia knew from the neighborhood or school, others were complete strangers for her. When the last movie was over, an orgy that her father celebrated with all the girls except Maia from the previous movies, Maia was exhausted, confused and tired. It was very late, nearly 5 in the morning, and her uncle and Derick had been very demanding. The movies had urged their libido strongly and only Maia had been there to satisfy it. They had been caring though to not overdo it and let her get rest, also to make sure the child in her belly was not damaged. Maia still stared at the wall when the last movie finished and the lights went dark, feeling the knot of Derick pulse in her snatch. She could not help but cry now, that all was over. She did not cry because it reminded her of the time with her father, but because she felt so sorry for her friends and all the other vixen in the videos. She hoped that they would get away from her father. She just noticed what kind of man her father had become. She was lucky to have got away from him in time. She was sure her mother did not know anything about this and making videos out of it and even selling them was something Maia could never forgive her father for.

Only one month into the new year, a letter came from Maia's mother about this matter. Her father had been found out and her mother directly turned in a divorce and had her ex-husband arrested. The girls were all secure, but three of them were pregnant and it was over the time where they could abort. Her father was put into jail and locked away for years to come. One month later, her mother came for a visit and also brought the young vixens of the video with her. She had told their parents that she wanted to make up a bit of what her husband did and invited them for a summer camp over in Europe where they would be far away from where all this happened and the girls all agreed. So, they all came to the village, where all the men and boys already were big fans of the girls from the movies, that everyone had seen multiple times already now. One of them with a small cub and two with a big belly. Maia's mother was happy to see her and they had a big party at the shed next to Maia's uncles house. This night, all girls and even Maia's mother got a collar and after days of training with the whole village, they all gave themselves in to the fate just like Maia. There was one big difference to all the actions they went through with Maia's father. None of the videos or photos taken from them would ever be shown outside the village and all their lovers were caring and made sure they were not harmed. Even Dorothe, even ahead of the usual time for the tradition, was included into the games and her brothers were happy to teach her all about the actions she had wondered when she saw them at the hot spring. Every one of the girls, as well as Maia's mother, got their own partner and were married by pastor Park.

Ending one The newspaper reported about a bus accident that had an adult vixen and a few cubs crash and fall down a deep cliff, where they could not get to the bus to verify their death, a few weeks later. The girls stayed in the village, never returning to their homes again, but they all learned to like their new lives full of adventure, love and affection, but all this is a different story.

Ending two The newspaper reported about a bus accident that had an adult vixen and a few cubs crash and fall down a deep cliff, where they could not get to the bus to verify their death, a few weeks later. It took the police two more years to solve the whole case. Including a testimony of Maia's father, they found enough evidences leading towards the village and finally they were able to find Maia, the other girls and Maia's mother in the village. They had adapted to the live there, but nonetheless were happy when they were rescued and the adults in the village faced serious charges. The younger boys were not charged because it was found that they had been advised on the action of the men, even though after tasting it they had been just as eager. Another reason was, that the girls now really loved their husbands and wanted to stay with them and the cubs, but there was a psychologist with them for a few years, helping them to form a normal relationship of equal status, love and affection. With the help of a lot of friends, the families of the girls who visited them often and the doctors, they became very happy and caring parents and the traditions soon became nothing like a vague memory that everyone kept silent about. None of the girls had to go through such experiences anymore and their kids never learned that such traditions had existed.