Shadow's Bar Experience [Commission]

Story by dashofweak on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

A commission for a long time friend of mine:

Saturdays were always good for Shadow the wolf always found a way to have fun. And why wouldn't he? The wolf pulled on some leggings, covering his black fur. About once a week he headed to the bar and picked someone up for some fun. As he pulled on some arm runners, black to match his fur, he thought back to last weekend, a buff stallion who managed to hit every spot just right. Shadow pulled a shirt that read "Wolf that acts like a fox" on it. The cloth covered the three red diamonds that were on his chest fur, the stallion painted two of the three white. Shadow giggled just a bit as he checked himself in front of the mirror, making sure his ass was nicely covered in the short shorts he was wearing. He always dressed his best to pick out the best of the best in the bar. No overweight part-time gym coaches for this wolf, only the best got into his tailhole. With a slap on his butt he walked out of his apartment, eager to get the night started.

As he walked down the street he could tell he was catching some looks, his red eyes caught the attention but he knew what made those eyes stay on his body were his femboy body, irresistible to anyone who loves to top. His job kept him lean, but he was gifted with never getting too buff or too fat to lose the look.

He rounded the corner and saw his target: Jax. It wasn't a gay bar per say, but it definitely had its fair share of people wanting to try it out. As he walked forward he could tell the bar was going to be a bit busy tonight, silently glad he arrived early, the wolf stepped inside, excitement bubbling in his belly. When the wolf walked through the owner of the bar, Jake, quickly averted his gaze, and Shadow knew why.

The ram had tried to get with the wolf a few weeks back, but he was a bit too chubby and not exactly a great looker, so the wolf brushed him off. He still smiled at the memory, but the ram was too money minded to kick the femboy out over something so small, and Shadow liked to think that wasn't nearly the first time the forward ram was denied something so....enticing.

He sat down at the bar, the last free seat there, he pushed his ass out on the chair a bit, making sure to tease any wandering eyes. Next to him was another wolf and a stallion. Both were ok, but definitely not cream of the crop material. The wolf had clearly had just gotten off of work at some office job while the stallion wore a football jersey. The wolf had a bit of a dweeby look to him and while it's possible the stallion had played football, it must have been in high school a couple decades ago. He nevertheless chatted the both of them up, and like all the others, both quickly bought the wolf a free drink.

After an hour or so of chatting and free drinks, the wolf could sense he was being played but the stallion wouldn't give up, despite Shadow obviously wandering his eyes over all the other patrons. He saw some good picks, but no one yet worth taking home.

The horse was getting a bit agitated though, three drinks down and no closer to a "Yes" to his various suggestions, finally he started petting the wolf's clothed arms and asked, "Come on wolfy, why not come home with me for the night? I'm sure I got what you're looking for."

The lupine finished what was probably going to be the last drink from this poor sap and put it down on the bar. Feeling a bit tipsy, he decided to just break it to him, "Well honey, I'd hate to let you down, but it's because I have this whole bar to choose from!"

He swung his arm out to gesture across the bar, instead he hit a poor gazelle who was carrying an entire table's worth of drinks. His arm connected with the tray, sending cocktails, beers, and a glass of wine everywhere. Glass smashed on the ground, liquid sprayed everywhere, getting himself and several other people wet with booze. The bar went silent and the wolf could only look in apprehension for a second before he heard the owner bellow out over the music.

"ALRIGHT SHADOW! THAT'S IT!", the ram screamed out and walked over to the wolf.

He grabbed the wolf's shirt and dragged him away to a door marked "employees only".

"You're gonna pay for all that you know and for everything else, coming in here every weekends, getting my patrons worked up, mooching off their desperation." There was real anger in his voice.

The door opened and a stairway leading down to the basement opened up, as he was dragged down he could hear the bar picking up again. Down the stairs was what appeared to be a sitting area along with storage and what appeared to be a weightlifting bench that had been modified with loops and claps on each side. Its purpose hit the wolf once he saw the ram pick up a box full of bondage gear, it was to tie down and restrain. A little kinkier than Shadow expected from the ram, but if a bit of kinky sex was what the ram wanted to repay all those drinks and glasses...well there was always next weekend to get a more handsome specimen in his apartment. He resigned himself to getting fucked by the ram, besides he wasn't THAT bad of a looker.

"Alright slut, take off those shorts, but leave on whatever it is you have underneath, you're gonna pay me back for everything, and I MEAN everything."

Shadow gave the ram a little wink, "Sure thing hun."

Always wanting to put on a show he bent down, ass facing the ram as his slipped off his short shorts, sliding them down his legs and tossing them to the side, "What next stud?"

Underneath the wolf was wearing a pair of pink panties, lacy but cheap. The wolf kept a kind smile and warm tone the whole time. It was probably for the best to get on the ram's good side, if he pulled out a paddle...well the wolf didn't want his perfect behind to be too sore.

The ram jerked his head towards the makeshift bondage bed, "Lay down on that, belly on the seat."

Shadow glanced down at the Ram's pants, they were obviously tented, he bit his lip and complied, not taking off his leggings or arm runners he did as asked, and lied down, his own panties starting to become more...ill fitting.

As he lay down the ram walked over, a few devices in his hand: a collar, a ring-gag, and a weird smaller collar. The wolf was unsure what that last one was for but it quickly left his mind as the ram bent down and gripped the wolf's wrist, tying it to the leg of the bench.

Without another word the ram went to the femboy's other wrist, tying that down too, here the wolf became a little nervous, "So...uh, just so you know, my safeword is pineapple."

"Alright, well I'm sure you won't need it, not going to be hurting you or anything," The ram replied, tying down the wolf's right leg.

That nervousness didn't go away, especially as his final extremity was tied down. He felt the ram's hand caress his back, starting from the top and working his way down, "You know, I've wanted a piece of you for a long time."

As he said this, the ram reach Shadow's ass, giving his cheek a squeeze. Shadow grinned a bit, of course he wanted a bit, who wouldn't? Slowly, the bar owner pulled down on the wolf's panties, letting them fall, but not take them off, so the wolf's sack was covered but his hole was only blocked by his tail.¬¬

"And tonight, you get to pay me back for all the trouble you caused."

Shadow felt a collar wrap around his neck, and click into place, and on his tail he felt the smaller collar. He was confused for a second until the ram brought out a thing length of dark rope. The wolf's ears sank just a little as the ram tied a knot on the collar on his tail, then brought the rope over, lifting it, so he could tie the rope to the collar around his neck. Once done, shadow tried to pull his tail down, but to no avail. His bare hole was open to the world, ready for the taking.

"And now, for the final piece of the puzzle," the ram knelt down and brought the ring gag to the wolf's mouth, "Open."

Hesitating for only a second, shadow opened his mouth, letting the bar owner slip the ring into his mouth. It stretched his jaw and was thankfully had a coating that didn't hurt his teeth too much. The ram stood up, his tented pants were right in Shadow's face. He waited for the ram to zip down his pants and shove his cock in never came.

Instead, the bar owner walked behind the wolf, rummaging for something in the box.

"Oh of course," the wolf though, "He's gonna take me from behind first, dirty but...well better than having to pay for a tray of drinks."

His suspicions were confirmed when her heard the crack of a lube bottle opening and the familiar feeling of cold lube being pressed around his tight hole. He felt a finger behind him, rubbing and pushing the lube into him, getting his tunnel ready. The wolf closed his eyes, and enjoyed the simple pleasure of being spread open.

With his hole lubed up and his tail raised high, shadow expected to feel that hard cock knocking on his backdoor any second, but instead, he heard more rummaging. Now Shadow was starting to get a bit annoyed, what was taking him so long?

He heard the ram walking around to face him, a long dildo in hand, shaped like a stallion's. The ram hefted the cock in his hand once before pushing the tip through the ring gag. Shadow struggled to keep his gag reflex under control as it slid down his throat. Inch by inch it went down, thankfully his deepthroating skills served him well, and he was left there, dildo down throat and tail raised in the air.

The wolf was thoroughly annoyed now, he'd played along but this was too far, he tried to voice his outburst but only mumblings made it through. The ram gave the wolf a small grin before heading up the stairs. Outraged, the wolf began struggling with his bind, trying to free himself with no luck. He heard the sounds of the bar briefly as the ram opened and shut the door, leaving the wolf alone.

He struggled against the tie downs again, trying to break free but had no luck, he couldn't even see the door from his position, his ass was in full few to anyone who wanted to come in¬¬¬¬. He groaned in frustration trying to figure a way out of this when he heard the bar door open and close again. He wiggled and tried to yell for help, but the ring gag would have stopped anything that sounded like words, let alone the dildo down his throat. The wolf hoped whomever came in would see his situation, but instead he felt a hand on his ass, rubbing it.

"Man, owner wasn't kidding, you ARE huge slut, letting anyone in the bar come down here to fuck you."

The voice sounded familiar, but Shadow couldn't quite place it, then he heard the unmistakable sound of pants zipping down. Soon after, a heavy, hot, weight landed on his open tailhole. Shadow knew from..experience that it was a horse cock. Then it clicked with him, this was the same one that was getting him drinks earlier!

He tried to moan out for help but that was quickly turned into a moan of pain as that huge horse flare spread him open. Now, the wolf was no stranger to horsecock, but this one was pretty big and he hadn't warmed himself up yet. So as that flare pushed into him, being stretched so far, so quickly did hurt the wolf. His backside stung as it was pressed into him.

The horse behind him gripped onto his shoulders and pushed deep into the wolf, his tailhole opening nicely for the invading member.

"Damn, for a slut you have a pretty nice hole," the horse said after a gasp of pleasure.

The wolve's cheeks burnt, he wasn't THAT much of a slut...only one or two guys every....weekend or so.

These thought were pushed aside when the horse both pushed himself forward and pulled the wolf back on his cock, bottoming out what must have been another 6 inches in once trust. Shadow's eyes rolled to the top of his head, it was undeniably great.

The horse behind him panted a bit, then started moving his hips again. For the horse, pulling out just a bit before slamming himself in was the preferred way to take advantage of the wolf's unfortunate condition. His cock speared through the wolf, who could only wiggle and moan in pleasure as his own cock got hard, after all, it was a horsecock. His prostate was being hammered and soon the femboy wolf was leaking pre on the bench.

Without warning the stallion picked up speed, gripping onto the wolf's shoulders harder and really pounding that tailhole open. The wolf's breath was fast, panting, barely able to hang on with all the pleasure rushing through his body. Then, after a few more quick, hard, thrusts the horse came. Spilling his seed into the wolf, the stallion let out a loud whinny as his balls clenched, emptying their load into that hot tunnel. Shadow felt each spurt, every rope of cum filled his backside with warmth and he could even feel it leaking out of him now.

They stayed like that for a minute, both trying to catch their breath. Shadow started to slump down onto the bench, until the horse pulled his cock out, sending sensations through the wolf once more. As the softening flare was pulled out the wolf's hole gaped a little, a river of white spilled from the wolf's insides and onto the bench.

That zip was heard again, going the opposite direction, "Wow, thanks kid, that was probably the best fuck I've had in quite awhile."

The horse gave that black, spattered white ass a pat and said, "I'll send down the next one."

Shadow was roused from his exhaustion, "the next one?!?!"

Those words run inside his head, he tried to call out to the horse but only mumblings made it past that dildo lodged in his throat. Thrashing around would help nothing and only tire him out, the wolf needed to pace himself, so he waited.

And waited

And waited awhile longer

Time was a mystery here, the wolf had no way of knowing if he'd been left alone for thirty minutes or for five. Then, the door opened.

Shadow waited in anticipation, his tailhole now cold but still wet. After a minute, he heard soft footsteps close to him, and once more the sound of a zipper. When he felt the head of a stranger's cock push against his hole, he no longer tried to wreath and struggle away, but instead relaxed, at let the stranger have his way with him.

Whoever it was, they weren't very skilled...or particularly big. Shadow couldn't place what type of cock was slowly being pushed into him, but it was absolutely smaller. A warm body pressed up against the wolf's back, as the unknown fur laid on him, thrusting his hips forward sharply but widely. Shadow whined around the dildo in his throat, but he barely got time to enjoy it as he heard a shuttering moan above him not half a minute after penetration.

"Trigger finger eh? long as he enjoyed it." The wolf thought as the stranger pulled himself off the lupine and headed back upstairs.

There was no denying it now, the wolf was a slut for just about anyone who came it. Gods it was so much better to just lay down here, let the cock come to him rather than sniff around for the best one in the bar. Who cares if they aren't all grade-a or even grade-c material? They all filled him the same.

With that thought he heard the door opened once more, he wiggled his butt in an enticing way and closed his eyes, waitin gto be penetrated, instead, what he heard was a bit of chuckling from a familiar voice...the bar owner.

Opening his eyes Shadow saw the ram, who thankfully pulled the dildo out of the wolf's throat. He took a lungful of air and looked up at him.

"Wow, only two fucks down and you were turned into a cock-whore huh?"

This made the wolf blush, if he could have looked away he would have.

"Well, tell you what," The ram unzipped his pants and a hard 8-inch cock sprung in front of shadow's face, "I'm gonna keep you locked down here the rest of the night, but, if you ever want to do this again, all you have to do is ask, and I have a funny feeling, that you'll find your way down here again."

The wolf wanted to deny it, but as the ram gripped his ear and pushed his hips forward, sending that ridged member down his throat, the wolf couldn't deny that he loved every second of it. The lupine opened his throat and let himself be faced fucked as he smiled ruefully at himself, he will absolutely be coming back.