Rabbits in the Foxes in the Wolf's Den

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#24 of Commissions

Part 3! Of sorts. This is another one for Noble06/Combat (https://aryion.com/g4/user/Combat) that takes place in the same world as the previous fox/rabbit digestion adventures.

In this one, we've got a new cast. Andy, the chubby, rather underconfident wolf, and three vixen sisters who he's always admired. They have a BIG surprise for him, and he better be hungry for it!

Contains: multi-vore, prey within prey, plenty of sex, mild incest, and after the *** marks, graphic digestion and disposal.

This series might very well continue soon!

Andy was just turning on the oven for dinner when his phone blew up. Almost literally. It vibrated and dinged wildly on the kitchen counter, and he had to lunge to catch it before it rattled its way right to the floor.

Four new messages. The white wolf gave a sigh, until he saw who they were from. First was Shay, that arctic vixen he'd known since school. He tapped on the text with a claw.

Supper plans?

The next was from another white-furred vixen, who happened to be Shay's twin sister. Audrey's text was pretty much the same.

Busy tonight?

And then two more, both from the same person. A third vixen, twin to the other two, though that was easy to forget. Ayla's tone was considerably more straightforward.

We're coming over.

Do NOT cook supper.

He blinked at that. Ayla was always the oddest one of the triplets. And though he was happy to hear from any of them, just getting a text from her in particular made him blush a little. A glance to the oven, and he did as told, clicking it back off before he got started.

That left him confronted by his rumbling belly. He clutched it, giving it a rub. A gurgle came in response. He'd hardly eaten all day, thanks to this stupid diet of his. Or at least it felt like it. Supposedly he had all the nutrients he needed, but he was hungry enough he wanted to just double over. But, that was the way he had to do it if he was going to shrink down that jiggly, chubby belly of his and get into shape.

He hoped the vixens would bring something tasty. He hadn't told them about the diet so it'd be an excuse to cheat a little. Just this once. Just today. Padding away from the kitchen, he flopped into a chair and continued rubbing and tapping on the great round expanse of his fat gut, feeling it gurgling in protest.

Just to be sure, he checked those texts again. Nothing new, so he could only presume they were on their way that very moment. He pressed his hands together and glanced around at his living room. It was typically tidy, not especially interesting. He kept his nerdier stuff in his bedroom, leaving this room mostly just chairs and tables. Good enough for hosting three cute vixens.

But in looking around, he forgot all about himself. He jolted in his seat, and then promptly dashed off so suddenly he almost fell. His body wasn't exactly built for running. Off went his lazy lounging robe, and he flung himself into the shower, taking his phone right with him lest he miss any updates.

Standing naked under the steaming water, feeling it streaming through his thick white fur and matting it to his body, he considered himself once more. He looked better naked. It was hard to find the right clothes that fit him without making him look heftier than he was. There were some good parts of him to emphasize, even! He'd been working out, lifting things and all that, and his arms and legs were starting to show it. But now matter how strong he got, how healthy he ate, and he just couldn't seem to slim down that big fat belly of his, and he prodded it with annoyance as he watched the water and soap running down its shape, seeming to highlight it even more.

Thinking about his approaching company, he couldn't help but stir in the sheath a little. Each of them was so soft, so perfectly white in contrast to his greyish, dirty snow kind of colouration. Curvy, busty, and with cute, fluffy tails above their thick rumps. His favourite part of them, he had to admit.

It would be a lot easier to focus with them around if he rubbed one out first. He wasn't sure how long he had, but his mind filled with thoughts of just getting right on top of them, one or all of them, starting to hump, grind, buck... making them moan. That was important to him. He wanted them to enjoy it as much as he did. And in his fantasies, they certainly were.

It was enough to get his pink shaft lipsticking out of his heavy sheath, pushing forth to impressive thickness with each squeeze he gave just above his fat sack. Big gut aside, the wolf was nicely-hung, and that was for people his size. For creatures smaller than him like the vixens, he might as well have been a horse. Maybe a zebra.

He was plenty worked up, huffing in the steaming water as it rolled down his shoulders and chest. But he knew time was short, so he just let his sheath drop, half-hard and swinging back and forth between his legs, concealed from his sight by the swell of his belly. Rather than get off, he instead turned his attention to the various bottles of shampoos, conditioners, and fur-friendly soaps in the hopes of smelling good for their arrival.

There was an unopened bottle of strawberry-something on the shelf from Christmas, something that he'd been meaning to try but had never found the right occasion for. This seemed as good of one as any, so he peeled the plastic and the little bow off and took a sniff of the questionable red liquid.

He immediately recoiled at the initial blast of its scent, waving a hand at his nose and shaking his head. But maybe just a little. Maybe the sisters would appreciate it. If they even noticed it. He globbed a bit into his palms and rubbed them together, spreading the fruity-scented stuff into the tufts of fur beneath his arms and elsewhere, leaving the smell rising to the ceiling, filling the room. It was potent, but it was better than just smelling like... wolf, he figured.

A muffled noise perked his ears up, only to get flattened down by the water pouring over them. That sounded oddly familiar, but it was hard to hear over the pitter-patter of the shower. It came again, twice in succession, and he figured it out. Doorbell! He was still standing there dripping away, neither dry nor clothed, and he almost wiped right out as he scrambled in the slippery surface of the tub to get out.

Fur flew in all directions as he dried off as quickly as possible. He had plenty to spare, fluffy as he was. As he scrubbed himself down with that increasingly sopping towel, he heard the doorbell three more times. His phone buzzed once with a message, then kept buzzing as it rang. It was Ayla.

Though he'd set out something nice to wear - a good shirt and slacks, very business casual - he hardly had time to get properly dressed. So instead, he just threw on his bathrobe, his fur still slightly damp, and dashed off to the door. Whoever was on the doorbell wasn't stopping, to the point he was almost annoyed. Or wondering if it was some sort of emergency.

Just as he unlocked the door, he noticed his gut was sticking out of his robe. He was only in boxers beneath it, coming awfully close to being indecent or at least suggestive. But if he was worried about his gut, he didn't have to be.

Every one of those vixens was sporting a stuffed, rounded belly of their own. Rounded, stretched, jiggling bulges that were beyond pregnant size. They were stuffed with something much heavier than offspring. Something clenched taut and outlined as bulges in their exposed fur. And the contents were still squirming.

"Hi Andy!" said the vixens, their voices kind of blending into one.

Each of them was stark white and black, lusciously curved and pretty much the very making of sexy. The sight of them, all together like that, was already making him regret his lack of shower-stroking, already giving a twitch to his sheath. It hadn't even fully softened yet, and if he wasn't careful he was going to poke right out of that robe of his. But more than anything, he needed to know what was going on with their stuffed guts.

"Wow, hello, I... you all look... um..." he babbled out, and really no one could have criticized him for being speechless in those moments.

"I bet you're wondering what we ate!" It was Shay, chipper as ever. "Say hi to Andy, prey!"

Andy could barely hear it, even with his ears perked right up, but he was pretty sure some muffled voices were saying his name. They came from those shapely bulges in the vixens' middles, squirming around and still very much alive. He wasn't sure, but he thought maybe he could smell a slight lingering scent of rabbit on the foxes' breath, too. Lady rabbits, specifically.

That implied a scene he was quite sorry to have missed out on, and once more his sheath gave a stir, shaft trying to get free despite his straining to keep it under control. Audrey noticed, and giggled, looking right at the bulge beneath his robe.

"Oh, don't worry about that! We're here for you! All of you!"

Andy was still baffled, stuck to the spot and just staring over them. He did wag his tail slowly though, curiously warming up to whatever it was. Ayla did well to spell it out for him in her typical blunt fashion.

"Yeah! We wanna fuck you!" she blurted, provoking sisterly giggles.

"I think it's the other way around," Shay corrected, still chuckling away.

"Whatever! He gets the idea."

Andy's cheeks were meanwhile blazing hot, and he was blinking a lot. He really didn't know what to say, and they were all just grinning back at him wider and wider. Looking just like the predators they proved to be.

"So, you probably still have a lot of questions," Audrey began, twirling some of her long, silky fur in a finger, then stepping close and running a hand down his arm. "Like, why did we see fit to stuff ourselves silly with prey before visiting you? It's not to show you up or anything, we assure you."

Ayla continued her sister's thoughts. "Not at all. We just wanted to show you something you always pretended not to know. Real predators have guts. Big ones. And yours is perfect."

She leaned in against him, and just took two handfuls of his belly, groping and massaging into the fat he carried there. His response was a gasp, robe falling open, cock rapidly pushing free of its sheath to bulge obviously in front of them all. All that time with a crush on her, all those flustered thoughts of her at night, and there she was, rubbing the part of him he liked the least and telling him she loved it. That was the recipe for a big fat wolf boner if there ever was one.

Even bigger when Shay dipped her hand into his boxers and just pulled it right free, exposing it to the hallway of his apartment building, making him squirm and check left and right for anyone coming.

"Shouldn't we...?"

"Yeah," Shay said. "But I wanted to see the look on your face first."

She stroked up and down a few times, working him to a fuller and fuller firmness, knot already starting to firm up to the size of her fist, or bigger. He grit his teeth, huffed through his nose, wagged his tail, whimpered, and all the while the ladies were touching, groping, pleasuring him with a sense of admiration he never thought he'd receive until he trimmed down.

None of them were moving with any particular grace. He for how turned on he was, they for how stuffed their own bellies still were. They sloshed with each step as they all tried to squeeze in at once. But only one of them could fit through the door at a time. Not that they were going to wait patiently to get through, scrambling against one another in a mash of vixen fur and curves, guts gworgling all the while.

Andy moved towards one of his chairs, but Ayla dashed up as quickly as she could with her burden and took him by the hips, guiding him instead towards the hall to his bedroom.

"Nu uh! We're going to need a nice big bed for this."

Andy hesitated, picturing the clutter and the collection of action figures and other nerdy trinkets on display.

"It's not exactly tidy..." he began, though part of him couldn't believe he was hesitating when his dreams were all coming true.

"Don't care!" Shay said, grinning, and licking at her fingers. The same fingers she'd been stroking at him with. "I hope it smells like you, too. Hot, sexy wolf."

He was honestly not sure when the last time he'd been called that was. It wasn't like he'd never been with women before, but it was never exactly... memorable. And he was glad they liked how he smelled. He knew how important that would be for canine noses. Though he still wasn't ready for it when Ayla leaned right in and sniffed at him, getting her nose prodding at up towards his underarm.

"Hot wolf, and... strawberries." She giggled wildly. "Is that for us? Special smelly stuff?"

"That's so cuuuute!" Audrey chimed in.

Andy just had to bite his lip and nod, while the vixens all but shoved him down the hall towards the bedroom. They ended up bursting through the door right with him, squished close, feeling those bellies all around. He felt half a dozen shoving palms on his back, urging him towards his own bed. They gave him one last big push and he staggered onto it.

They were swiftly behind him, pouncing one by one, despite the added weight. He rolled over just in time to see their bellies wobbling as they landed, the tightly-constricting shapes highlighting the rabbits within. Without really thinking, he just went ahead and laid his hands on Shay's belly, rubbing at the outlined shape of living prey. He heard a giggle, both from vixen and rabbit alike.

"Still alive. Not even digesting yet. Just, captive. A treat inside a treat. For you."

Still caressing that gut, Andy perked up, and titled his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, way to blow your load early!" Ayla complained. "We were supposed to build up to that!"

"But I... I still don't know what you mean," Andy continued, softly. They didn't seem to hear him.

"We didn't agree to that!"

"It was implied!"

"Well whatever! You just wanted to be the one to say it!"

Honestly their voices kind of blended together. They all sounded so similar. He laid there, belly gurgling, hunger really burning at him, but he still hadn't caught on. Or maybe he had, but it was just so unlikely, so unfathomable that they were saying what he thought they were saying, he couldn't bring himself to believe it.

"Okay, here's the deal!" Ayla said, her voice loud as she got more and more worked up. "You're going to eat us. Two of us, hopefully. And you get to fuck the last one. All you like. No limits. All yours."

Andy's cheeks continued their efforts to reach new heights of blushing. He would have been pretty much beet red if not for his fur.

"Wait, I... really? You want that?"

"More than want it! We're demanding it. We wanna see your predator side." Audrey smooched him on the cheek, snuggling right beside him.

"Of course, that means you have a big decision to make, mister." Shay laid herself right atop him, her cushy breasts pressing down on his bulge, her chin on his soft belly as she looked up at him. She looked silly from that angle, swishing her tail back and forth near his ankles. "Which of us to eat, and which of us to keep and fuck? All night long, if you want. And you do. Right?"

"I mean, he obviously wants to fuck me, we all know that." Ayla hopped close and gave Andy's cheek a big lick. "He's always had a crush on me!"

Andy wanted to gasp, but really finding out she always knew was one of the least surprising things going on this evening. So he just remained silent, his expression betraying his embarrassment.

"Scents. Can't hide it from a nose like this one," Ayla explained, prodding her nose for emphasis. "Don't worry, it's mutual! Always was hoping you'd say something! But I got bored of waiting!"

"So you ate some rabbits?" Andy asked, starting to smirk, getting over his dumbfounded feeling.

"Exactly! Now you're getting it!" Ayla shot him a delighted expression. "Now hurry up! Pick one of us to gobble down while the rest of us taste your cock!"

"Uh!" Andy shifted his eyes, back and forth. Two lovely vixens on either side of him. One already nuzzling at his belly. Well, it was clear she liked it. So it was only logical that he'd choose her to add to it.

"Shay. Hi." He smiled shyly, but beneath his shyness he just felt... something. Something that made him want to leap up, snarl, drool, howl, claw at the walls. That was probably what instinct felt like. It'd been a while since he was truly wolfish.

"Hiiiii." Her voice was half spoken, half just a moan. Her tail started swishing wildly.

"Yeah. How do you wanna... do this?"

"Oh, you know how. Just let it come to you." She began to climb up along his body, until she was seated right atop his gut. It surely made for a comfy cushion.

The other two vixens left his side, and dipped down below. Their actions were mostly concealed by their sister atop him, but he could see their swishing tails working in imperfect unison with each other as they groped and undressed him. Which was easy, given it was just tugging a waistband down. That meant his thick canine cock was completely free, knot half-formed and getting bigger once he felt their hands immediately seize him.

One set of vixen fingers rolled and massaged his balls, even dug a finger into his taint and just massaged there a while, bringing out a special tingle from him he hadn't ever felt before. The other was all over his shaft, stroking up and down, giving a smooth, heated massage and just jerking at him as if already trying to get him off. He had no doubt that they were going to make him cum, but so soon?

Meanwhile, Shay gave him something of a lapdance. A little high for that, sitting on his belly and all, but he wasn't going to argue with those swinging hips of hers as she rubbed on him. She started with her top, taking it off with agonizing slowness at first, until a particularly loud gurgle from his gut startled her and made her laugh. He looked into her bright eyes at that, then away a moment, then back. That just made her laugh more.

"Hungry like the wolf! I bet it's gonna be so gurgly in there. Catch!"

She tossed her top at him, and he utterly failed to stop it before it landed right over his face. It took him a moment to peel it off, too. Just because it smelled nice. Sweet vixen scent. He almost licked it, before reminding himself that he had the source, not the product, half naked right in front of him.

Though she was still chuckling at him, he didn't feel like she was mocking him or anything. More, she just seemed to find everything he did endearing. Her laughter wasn't helped by the look on his face when he pulled that top away, to be greeted by her bare breasts gently jiggling there atop her swollen belly. He raised his hands, hesitated, and just sort of left them hovering there until she took him by the wrists.

"Oh, don't be so shy. Touch! Feel! Grope! I want it all!" Shay insisted, still giggling away.

Another voice chimed in as well, but Andy couldn't make it out. Shay translated. "They say touch them too!"

Andy really wasn't sure where to start, so he just started from the bottom. He was amazed at just how taut Shay's gut really was. Like an overfilled balloon, with almost no give. He could feel every detail, every curve of the squirming rabbits within as poke turned to rub turned to deep, intimate gropes. They were trapped, couldn't move one bit, and so he just touched them up and down. Slim, feminine meals. Less curvy than the vixens but still with some nice round butts to play with.

The resulting moans just seemed to fuel him, making him press deeper and deeper, more greedy, or more generous, depending on how you looked at it. Shay was hmmming away pleasantly the whole time too, only to burst into gasping, almost musical groaning of pleasure as Andy shifted his grip right up to her chest. He dug deep into her curves there, squeezing, massaging, rolling those soft mounds in his fingers and palms. And just to keep the noise coming from her lips, he teased and played with those black nips of hers with his thumbs, pressing firm and making them perk right up as she closed her eyes and let her tongue hang free.

She was almost drooling just from the pleasure. He thought she looked silly, only to realize he was doing it too. His tongue right out over his lower lip, back and forth as he panted and dripped. Her scent was just doing things to him. Making him focus in on her soft, rounded body. Made him start to lick his teeth, flex his jaw. And throb, throb, throb, dripping pre down his engorged shaft for the other sisters to enjoy.

That laser focus of his found a considerable stumbling block when a pair of wet lips wrapped snugly around his cock. They mingled with a sloppy canine tongue flicking back and forth against his pointed tip, licking off the pre and replacing it with a generous helping of saliva. That went along with a muffled, feminine 'nnnnf' that just sounded so very pleasured. He was sure that was Ayla's voice, and she just sounded like she was enjoying his taste so much.

Audrey was no slouch either, finding a spot to work on with Andy's shaft disappearing into her sister's muzzle. She didn't fight for position, instead going slupping her tongue directly beneath his balls. He gave some sort of embarrassing whimpery noise. He'd never felt that before. It began as a long slurp, but gradually drew closer and closer to his heavy sack, until she could slip one, then the other of his nuts right between her lips to deeply, wetly, drippingly suck on until he had no more flavour to give.

Those suckles tugged in opposite directions, the sisters' eagerness almost too much for him. Not quite being rough with him, but going to town, not caring how much they drooled on him. He was going to be drooling on them plenty in time anyway. It took him near a minute of having his cock and balls sucked to actually steady himself and get back to giving Shay proper attention. Not that they slowed down, but he managed to pull his focus back to her, and her plump, squeezable tits.

As he played with them, pressing them apart, together, squishing them or gently massaging them, she took the opportunity to continue stripping herself down. Seated there on his gut, she couldn't help but make a show of it, even if it was slightly inelegant. Lots of bumping up and down, a little kicking, some squirming, of her legs and her belly alike, and she was fully naked. All the movement got some kicks and wriggles from those outlined captives, nearly crushed by some of the motions she made. She just poked back, and shushed them.

Another garment, this time her panties, ended up on his face before he could catch it. This time he really did sniff, huffing deep and taking in the scent of horny vixen. That provoked an almost jarring throb through his shaft, one that made his hips bump upwards involuntarily. He heard Ayla glurk on his dick a moment, but she barely flinched beyond that, continuing with her constant, driven sucking.

"How do you want to start it, wolfy? Hands? Face? Feet? I'm ready for anything." Shay's voice was so low, so sultry, he didn't even immediately realize she was saying words. It just sounded like deep hmmming and groaning, especially as he worked deeper and deeper into the cushy shapes of her breasts.

All of those sounded good. He could have picked any of the three, and enjoyed feeling her slip down his gullet inch by inch. But he wanted it to be his idea. His thoughts, his control. So he just made a little gesture to her. One finger raised, then tracing a circle in the air.

"Turn around," he said, his voice a low growl. It probably sounded silly, forced, but Shay didn't laugh at him. She did just as he told, and quickly.

That left him with a fine view of her thick backside, which he immediately placed his hands on. He wanted to just rub it forever, spend all night working the finer details of those rounded cheeks with his fingers until he'd touched every single inch a thousand times over. But he was hungry. So he kneaded her butt just a little, before just adjusting his grip to her hips, yanking.

"Ooh!" she gasped, looking over his shoulder at him. "Just what do you have in mind?"

He thought he heard doubt in her voice, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He met her gaze with open jaws, wrapping lips and teeth right around her backside, nibbling into that soft tush but not quite biting. Part of him wanted to, but instead he just channelled that energy into slurping her from taint to clit, dragging his big tongue hard over her folds. That brought her from wet to sopping, and wasn't just for the added saliva.

Hearing the way she moaned, so blissful, so breathless, and knowing it was all because of him was something he had to linger on a while. He'd fucked before, but he had never quite figured out to make them enjoy it like he wanted them to. That moan was straight from his fantasies. The moan of someone who was getting exactly what she needed from him.

That was the extent of the pleasure he gave though. No more lingering. No more thinking, even. He let his mind turn itself over to the automated, bestial process of feeding. Once just a little bit of her backside was squeezing into his jaws, it was already too late for her. He opened wide, growled, and began to devour her. Shoving, dragging, and gulping, while drool ran down her thighs. Or was that her own juices?

The position was strange and he knew it. A little slip and she'd just end up sitting on his face. Which wouldn't have been a bad thing. But as long as he kept working his jaws, shoving her in from one side, dragging her in from the other, swallowing, drooling, licking, tasting, it was going to work. He'd make it work.

It amazed him just how flexible his gullet really was. Getting her hips sliding down his throat made for a hefty bulge, plenty of squeezing, but she was athletic enough to handle it. Good thing, too, as swallowing her ass first meant folding her in half like a sandwich. Or maybe some kind of stuffed pastry, given just how much filling she had wriggling away there in her middle.

Once her butt was bulging in his throat, he paused to get his bearings. The other sisters weren't letting up on him. They were pleasuring in slow, but firm motions, taking their time with tasting him, not outright trying to make him cum anymore but ensuring he remained at a raging, dripping firmness the whole time. He huffed through his nose, making sure he could breathe right despite the throatful of silky prey, and then he lunged forth.

His lower jaw caught against her belly at first, and for a moment he thought that was just it. He could go no further with such a solid obstacle like that. But solid wasn't quite the right word for it. There was some squish to it. More than he thought. He just had to squeeze his jaws around it, nibble a little, swallow hard, and....


An awful sound came from within Shay's belly, and he flattened his ears, thinking he had hurt her. Sure he was eating her, but that was beside the point. But it was just one of the bunnies within, getting bent all out of shape by the pressure. Cruel as it was that was a relief. The preybunny didn't even seem to be squirming all that much, though maybe she couldn't.

Shay seemed to sense his concern, and just gave a huffy, slightly whimpering reassurance. Her voice was barely there, but he heard just fine. "Oh, don't worry about them. They're not going to feel much. Get as rough as you need to fit me down, wolfy, nnnf..."

The moan beneath her every word made it sound like she was enjoying this process as much as she might a good fucking. He was brimming with predatory pride, and just kept going. Squishing, crushing at those rabbits as he forced the vixen's gut onto his tongue, stretching, filling out his gullet to an impressive bulge while he got serviced by two vixens at once. He was the most spoiled wolf in the world.

He worked his way up her breasts, to her shoulders. More, more. It wasn't unlike shoving a knot into someone, feeling the momentum building, feeling his throat stretch and accept a little more with each shove. He could be as rough as he liked, pressing on Shay's shoulders and trying to just jam her in all at once, but her stubborn gut refused to get fully swallowed despite how much he was compressing it and the prey inside in the process.

Suddenly, there came a pop, and she yelped out as she rushed forward and down, ass-first into his waiting gut. He immediately felt his stomach churning hard, more than ready for meat to fill it. It was long past his dinnertime. And after such a disappointing lunch, he was absolutely ravenous. He couldn't wait to digest her. And there was just a little more to swallow.

Her feet ended up right beside her head by the time he was finished eating her, and he let her have one last look at the world, at her sisters, at the predator's messy room, and then he gulped. The loudest, wettest, most triumphant gulp he ever gave, feeling almost orgasmic the way her soft fur massaged him all the way down. Even better when she popped past the passage to his stomach, and settled with a sloshing thud into his fat gut. Heavy though he was, she still stretched him out even more, rounding his jiggling middle to a bigger, rounder heft.

That forced out plenty of air, and the belch that follow absolutely shook the room as he urrrraaallped forth in a great puff of hot air, jaws open wide as he bellowed it out rudely. Crude as it was to combine the two, it was quickly followed his orgasm as those two sisters sucked him to completion, bobbing their heads faster and faster once they felt him tensing up, felt him twitching, felt his balls going tighter as Audrey worked them between her lips.

It was the first time he ever actually _heard_himself cum. The impact of his pent-up seed finally splashing into Ayla's mouth, all poured out at once in a thick, creamy blast, it made for such a lewd splat against her tongue and teeth he was blushing all over again. And then a second came, his cock flexing taut suddenly and spurting out another torrent of his cum, almost as potent as the first, while he jumped and shook and simply growled his bliss. He was pretty sure that was two orgasms all at once, and it was all directed right into his crush's pretty muzzle. Then he almost came again when she looked up at him, smirked around his cock, and swallowed down his load with a resonating glurk, sending that hot load down to splatter over the rabbits within her. He saw them squirming in response where they bulged from her.

As afterglow came over him and the rush of orgasm died down, he felt the other sensations in his body become more apparent. His jaw was slightly sore, not used to such stretching, but it wasn't too bad. Similar was his belly, pulled taut and bulging, feeling ever so heavy and just a bit uncomfortable. In that pleasant way, like after a heavy Thanksgiving dinner. Part of him just wanted a nap. The rest of him knew he'd have to be insane to fall asleep, or say that's enough when he still had two vixens slurping and kissing between his thighs, wet with anticipation over who was going to be next.

Ayla was pretty sure she was going to be the safe one tonight, and so it crossed his mind to surprise her. All those years crushing on her, only to pull the rug out from under her and devour her on the spot. He licked over his chops, still tasting plenty of Shay lingering there, and looked her over. Then Audrey. Then back. And so on, keeping them in rapt attention, gazing up at him with their beautiful blue eyes, both of them panting a little, one of them drooling a bit of his cum. They didn't say a word, instead remaining under the spell of his predatory gaze as he showed them a wolfish snarl.

That felt good. To growl, to snarl, to show off his fangs and see them react like they were supposed to. It didn't even feel like they were putting on an act. They were every bit as into this as he was. He felt like the best wolf in all the land. The compulsion to howl was intense, but even stronger was his burning urge to feed, to consume. It didn't matter that he was already full of fox and rabbits alike, plenty of nutrition to satisfy him for days to come if he stopped that very moment. There was meat and mates on offer before him, and he was going to eat and fuck until he couldn't move. It was the predator's way.

He didn't say it, he just beckoned. To Audrey, despite his thoughts of switching up their expectations. By her grin, she didn't mind one bit. Neither did Ayla, as she squeezed and rubbed his cock, then popped up right with her sister. She leaned in close, and whispered softly into one of Audrey's perked ears, getting an enthusiastic nod in response.

Neither vixen bothered with a show like Shay did. They just tugged hard at their clothing, even tearing it off in Audrey's case. It wasn't like she needed it anymore. Two more perfect, curvy, white-furred bodies were bare before him in what seemed like only seconds, and then they were upon him. He didn't even have a chance to direct them into position. They'd already chosen.

Audrey's breasts weren't quite as big as Shay's, but her butt was even thicker. He quickly discovered this when she sat right upon his face. Her knees were on either side of his head, and she just smooshed and smothered down tight as she nestled his muzzle up between her cheeks, letting him kiss and lick at her rim all he liked. He was going to eat her entirely before long, so he was happy to eat her ass beforehand. A sloppy, wet rimjob commenced, as he closed his eyes and just savaged her tight hole with his tongue, up and down, side to side, drooling all between those pillowy, slightly chubby mounds of rump.

Ayla sat on him too, her booty plenty tight, maybe the most athletic of the three. Maybe that was just from how she always seemed to be bouncing around the room with energy. Whatever it was, his cock was soon firming right back up between those cheeks as she started sliding back and forth, using accumulated drool and cum as lube to glide over her fur, directing his wet tip right beneath her tail. Not at her pussy either. He was going to get to fuck some vixen ass while he ate another.

Through it all, he felt them squirming, and heard above a deep, wet noise along with some muffled moaning. It occurred to him they were kissing, and he almost didn't like that, but from the noises they were making it wasn't just a show they were putting on for him. More a real, warm, loving smooch. A kiss goodbye, when he thought about it.

Ayla continued bouncing on his dick, just letting him hump her, getting his knot fully formed while he was gliding in the crevice between those taut cheeks. Audrey meanwhile smothered hard, pressing down firm as if to take his entire muzzle. He ate and licked and kissed, but eventually he couldn't just taste. Her insistent motions were met with open jaws, which meant she was shoving herself right between his teeth.

A little voice in his head wondered just how the hell he was supposed to do this. Swallowing was easy, but would his gut hold up to the burden? He wasn't sure how many rabbits he'd ingested right along with the first vixen, but the simple answer was _plenty._Yet as he hesitated in his thoughts, his body continued working without him. Licking, nibbling, and soon swallowing, taking in that fluffy tail first then working his teeth up along the swell of those curvy hips. Ready or not, he was going to eat her, and he could worry about the specifics later.

Once again of no help to his focus was Ayla, who finally found the perfect spot, the perfect angle where she sat atop him to start pushing her ass down on his cock. It was a hell of a tight fit, as it would have been even in her pussy. To shove his fat wolfdick inside of such a tiny hole in comparison was just silly to even attempt. Or so it would have seemed if she wasn't already smoothly, slowly spreading open to accommodate his pulsing, belly-bulging shaft. Just another bulge among the taut outlines of those curvy bunnies, making it even tighter for them.

Not that he could see it. His vision was very much buried in white, as he slurked and chomped his way along Audrey's backside to bend her over like he had with Shay. She wasn't quite as flexible as her sister, not quite able to fold perfectly in two, so he took it a bit slower, letting her get used to the stretch without forcing it. As nasty as digestion was sure to be for her, he wanted the ingestion to be blissful for them both.

Of course, it wasn't going to be the same for the bunnies. With so much fox to fit down his throat, something had to give. And that something was their soft, helpless little bodies. Rabbit had never been his favourite food - that was more of a fox thing - but he was starting to think he was going to have to seek some out after this. He got such grim delight out of feeling them breaking from the pressure, getting squeezed and loudly crunched as he flattened down Audrey's prey-stuffed gut enough for him to swallow her. At least they weren't complaining much, squirming or kicking some at most.

As before, once he was past that swell, past that squishable bump of her middle, the rest was smooth. He took his time, both to savour how she tasted sliding over his extended tongue, and to make sure his gut was ready for her. It wasn't really, but he kept swallowing, needing her, not caring for the consequences. Any wolf would have done the same with so much luscious meat all but begging to be eaten.

The strain was a little much, but that was because he was thinking about it. He knew what to do. He just closed his eyes, tilted his head right back, and let his instincts take over. That meant quite automatically reaching down to roughly squeeze at Ayla's hips as she rode him, bucking up into her, driving his knot to plap hard against her rim as he finished off his prey. Despite being on the bottom, consuming his prey in a lavish, sprawled position, he was impressing himself just how wolfish he could really be when he wanted to.

Thighs, knees, calves, and toes. Those all disappeared into his wide-open jaws along with that sweet muzzle. Audrey cast one last look at Ayla, and Andy opened his eyes just in time to see her waving to her sister, before he snapped his maw shut with a dominant clink of fangs and finished her right off. Bulging down his throat, sighing all the way in what almost sounded like orgasm. He reached from Ayla to his own throat, massaging the bulge down his gullet, past his chest, to briefly disappear behind the layers of pudge on his belly, reemerging as indistinct extra heft and jiggle. Another vixen down.

He was almost too tired to even belch, giving just a soft urrp and then flopping back, arms splayed out beside him. Ayla wasn't letting up of course, bouncing her sweet ass on his lap, thumping down against his knot and putting more pressure on it with each stroke of her hips. She got her hands on his belly, and began rubbing, kneading, admiring it. He couldn't believe how huge it had grown, and her soothing stokes felt wonderful for getting over the initial discomfort of his food settling.

Though he might as well have had an anvil in his stomach, he still felt a certain surge of something. Excitement, partly. He'd had a crush on Ayla since they were kids together, and now there they were, all grown up and grinding their prey-stuffed bellies together while she rode his cock. He could have just laid back and let her pleasure him until orgasm. But he'd already eaten two of her sisters. Already shown the foxes what wolves could really do. And he wanted more.

It was a strain that almost made him give up, but he rose with a deep, growling grunt. Face to face with Ayla now, still deeply shoved in her rump, their bellies mashing together and making it even tighter for the captive vixens and rabbits alike. Then he pushed, humped, and pounced, all at once. Not the most elegant motion, but it meant he was on top of her, pinning her under that tremendous weight. The rabbits in Ayla's gut couldn't hold up to such burden, slowly crushing inwards as Andy planted his own bulge right atop hers. Pressing it inwards, flatter, flatter, feeling his meals and hers squirming against each other.

And then he just rutted her. It was a snarling, pounding, drooling process. She watched him with a dazed, delighted expression, her mouth hanging open, letting steamy little groans of "unnn" come from her throat with every impact. He made her jiggle, made her rock back and forth on the bed. Grabbing, squeezing, taking a feel for every curve of her body, everything he'd always wanted. Sweating, puffing, drooling, looking like a brute, he thought. But the enamoured look in her unfocused eyes said she loved it.

Part of him was still worried he might hurt her, might overdo it if he really gave in to everything he was feeling. The rest of him was just one loud, inner voice screaming to fuck her, knot her, fill her. Don't stop, for anything. His ears remained perked, listening for any sign of being too much, too rough, but he just kept going. Digging a divot into the bed as he brought his weight down on her, hips pounding away with all the strength his body could manage. And despite his heftiness, there was plenty of strength in his frame, as he pumped her thick ass until the bed was sagging down to the floor, all creaking and complaining.

His knot slapped against her over and over as he fucked her to a murmuring senselessness. A little more give each time, spreading her, stretching her. He shouldn't have. He knew that. Knotting her would probably be too much for her. In his thinking about it, he slowed down just a little. Her reaction was to almost snarl at him.

It was maybe more of a moan, but a complaining one. She shook her head, not bothering with words, just stretching her legs out and wrapping her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his lower back. From there, she squeezed, and pumped her hips beneath him, grinding on that thickened bulb, trying to just force it in herself. Which was impossible from that angle, but he was happy to oblige her if she was going to get so demanding.

At first, it seemed impossible. He thumped, shoved, pounding, but he was stuck around half-knotted, at the widest part of that great, tying bulge. His feet scrambled against the bed as he braced himself, slipping some. She whimpered, but when he shot her a look of concern, she just shook her head. Don't stop, he assumed that meant. He put all his muscle, all his weight into getting his knot inside that tight vixen ass, grunting, snuffling, gritting his teeth. Feeling the slightest bit of give, the slightest extra stretch, inching along, pushing, throbbing, dripping...

And then POP, and he fell forward, nearly tumbling right off the bed in the process. He knotted her hard, stuck deep in her backside and utterly tied there, feeling her rim sealing tight around the last inch of his cock beneath that knot. Stuck. She was nearly screaming, though rather than shrill it was deep and guttural. Her voice reached impressive depths as she just let out one long groan, an overwhelming unnnnngh, and came right there on the spot.

He'd never seen a lady squirt from anal before, but she squeezed down hard on his knot and her pussy erupted with thick juices as she shook and jolted with orgasm. It was impossible to hold onto himself through such a display, so he just pumped one more time, burying his every inch, leaving his balls against her butt, and finally let out the howl he had so wanted to give. Dominant, victorious, and just pleasured. He howled all throughout a splattering, stretching, belly-filling cumshot that gushed deeper and deeper into her, rope after rope after rope, until her belly was rounding out even bigger with the load pumped into her tight ass. Even more slosh for that belly of hers, making it even rounder, even noisier.

They came down from it in rasping, desperate gasps. He slumped a moment, until he heard a certain wheeze in her throat, which reminded him to roll onto his side so that she could breath properly. She'd been half-crushed under his gut for a while. She gasped out and panted a while, before just giving a whimpery little moan, rubbing her belly against his. They were still tightly knotted, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. Every so often, he even gave another little spurt of cum. Not quite a new orgasm, just a little more out of his last one, while he remained utterly engorged, bulging, pulsing inside her.

Once she recovered herself, her hands were immediately upon his belly. She rubbed over that swell of prey with a strange fascination, not even saying anything at first, just taking in its heft, its outlined bulges, even laying her head against it to listen to it glorping on her sisters. There was no real progress yet, but the modest bubbling was turning to more severe churns. It wouldn't be long before he really got to work on them.

"How do you feel?" she finally asked him, her voice soft and soothing. Just hearing it nonetheless was slightly jarring, reminding him that oh yeah, they weren't just animals fucking and eating in the moonlight.

He grunted, shifting some. "Full. Yourself?"

"Well yeah," she chuckled. "Likewise. Stretched. Bloated. Tingly. Like I might just float away on a happy cloud."

"Mmm." He closed his eyes, only to open them and nod down to where they remained tied. "Sorry about the knot."

"Oh, don't be sorry," she quickly said, putting a finger on his lips to shush him. "I want to stay tied. I wanna listen to this gut of yours gurgling all night long. I wanna massage Shay and Audrey until I feel them getting softer. Then I wanna massage them even harder until they're putty in my paws."

"Rrrrf. Sleep first?"

"Well yeah," she said, and was nearly passed out by the time she finished those mere two words.

He felt her lay her head against her heavy gut, snuggling and nestling in. He listened to he murmuring, murring, still breathing a bit heavy. Slower as she settled. He stroked up and down her back, just gently, keeping from disturbing her. And all through it, he had his knot stuck in her rump, and two of the three triplets very slowly starting to digest inside him. To become one with that big belly of his he used to think was embarrassing. Not anymore.


When he woke, everyone was where he left them, more or less. It was very early morning, but they'd fallen asleep in the early evening, so it was plenty of rest. Ayla remained snoozing, softly mmmming in her sleep, using his gut for a pillow. Curious, he reached down and prodded at his belly. For the most part, the vixens still seemed intact, but they were a little softer around the edges.

The poke stirred up something, and he felt a heavy gworgle followed by a firm kick. He didn't' really feel the impact so much as just the shockwave wobbling through him, and it occurred to him that must have been a bunny. That kick woke up Audrey, who wriggled and stretched herself out, waking Shay, and her squirming made Ayla blink awake against him. They were like dominoes. Ayla just gave him a smile, wiggling her hips and tail.

That made them both realize at once, with tiny little whimpers from each of them, that she was still deeply knotted. It couldn't have lasted all night, but he knew he was having pleasant dreams before waking. So she was still stuck, and when she noticed a grin just spread across her lips. She bucked at him a few times, gently, and placed both hands on his belly.

"Ooooh. I can already feel them. Getting all nice and soft! At least a little! How ya doing in there, sisses?"

"Numb but tingly. Hot and soaked. Kinda horny. I don't think I have toes anymore." Audrey was matter-of-fact. "How about you, Shay?"

"Mmmmmmm. Heavenly," was all Shay said at first. "The bunnies say hi too."

"Still kicking are they?" Ayla giggled, and gave an especially firm poke that made Andy grunt a moment. It stirred up even more activity, the vixens' own bulges within him getting wriggly.

"Oh, plenty! Hang on, one of them is talking," Shay said, pausing a moment. "She says... she's not sure how much longer she's gonna last, but she's honoured to be feeding such a sexy fox and wolf alike!"

Ayla's grin got even bigger, Cheshire cat-like. "We kinda told them about you. They were really excited to think about it."

Andy couldn't help but beam. "What did you say to them?"

"Nothing but the truth." Ayla kneaded deeply into his belly as she spoke, giving a penetrating massage that got through all the layers, even touching the digesting rabbits. "That you're a big, sexy stud of a wolf with a hot, soft tummy and they would look so good as part of it. How's that?"

"Mmm. You really said that?" Her rubs felt so good that he just closed his eyes. He was throbbing inside her once more, but outright fucking wasn't on his mind just yet.

"Of course we did. And it's the truth. I can't wait to see how big you get when you're all done with everybody."

He huffed. "You like me big?"

Ayla nodded rapidly. Even with his eyes closed he could feel the motions. "Big. Bigger. I wanna make you thick with prey. That's how a proper predator looks. None of this lean and mean crap. You're a beast. My beast."

She hugged tight around his gut with that, and he felt shifting and squishing going on inside of it. A little bit of struggling, not against digestion, but just for a better position. And then a sudden shift in weight, and something. someone was twitching inside him. Ayla prodded around.

"Everyone alive in there?"

"I think that's one less bunny," Audrey said. "Something snapped, and she's not moving anymore."

"Mmmm. I wonder if you'll finish digesting them before Andy melts your face off," Ayla teased back.

"Guess we'll just have to see," Audrey said, sounding rather calm about the prospect.

Andy just snurfed wolfihsly, licking his chops. He could still taste the vixens there. It was a curious sort of morning breath. Now that he was awake, his gut was really starting to work, too. Overnight had been an idle churn. Now it was more active, more aggressive, while he kneaded and nearly crushed those vixens in what was just short of a skintight chamber.

Ayla looked so very pleased. She gave his shoulder a shove and urged him onto his back, so she could sit on top of him once more. That position allowed her to start bouncing her ass on his cock. There was less jiggle to her gut that morning, but her butt was feeling cushier. Getting thicker, plumper with all the extra padding she was adding to it.

They ended up grinding bellies together as she rode him, pressing outlined bunnies to outlined vixens, rubbing back and forth. Their shared gurgles became symphonic, or maybe just cacophonous, louder and louder until they filled the whole room with messy glorshes and slorps that went along with bit after bit of their prey sloughing away into sludgy, rising mess. Fucking and growing thicker together.

His gut was clenching hard, and he tightened his jaw in response. At first it seemed foolish to even try digesting those, because they simply weren't going to give. But a few minutes of jostling them around in the rising acids, and he felt a little bit of squish, a little bit of softness collapsing under the constant pressure. Their limbs at first, popping out of joints, then starting to compress and fracture. Every snap and crackle made him flinch at first, but after a few he started to just throb a little harder inside Ayla each time his ruthless stomach broke one of his prey's bones.

"Nnngh... doing okay in there? Is it hurting?"

"Of course it is," Shay said, but she didn't sound upset. Maybe her voice was a little shaky. "Losing my fur. Getting it all over bare skin. Heh. Guess I'm not so pretty anymore."

"You'll be even less so later!" Ayla teased as she thumped herself full of knot, riding that belly-bulging wolfcock.

"How are the bunnies?" Andy went on.

"Not many of them left." He felt Audrey shifting around, rubbing at herself, then just pressing her bulging gut against the walls of his own. That allowed his digestive clenches to crush inwards on the few living rabbits, the rest of them just unmoving meat but for their twitching deep in the vixen's belly.

"We'll snuff them out for you, but it's going to be your job to properly digest them. Right along with us," Shay said, almost moaning out those words.

"Probably not much longer now. Sorry for the pain," Andy softly told them, then turned his attention back to Ayla.

He was almost sore from how hard he was, and not at all ready to cum again. But she wasn't having that. She milked and squeezed and thumped his knotted cock while her belly slowly but visibly shrunk down. He laid his hands on her stomach, she squeezed his, and they fucked out their mutual love of each other's prey-filled look until he felt his balls going tight again.

He wasn't even ready, but she wasn't going to let him hold back. It wasn't an accidental orgasm either - she simply forced it out of him. Throb throb throb, while he painted her insides with even more hot wolf cum, adding to her already bloated nature. As her belly shrunk, he could see the outline of his cock more obviously, all wrapped up by her heated insides, while his fat load made her just that much rounded and gurglier.

She settled down atop his bulge with a sigh, belly against his, head near the top of his bulge, using it like a body pillow. They were still tightly knotted, even more so after another orgasm, and they hmmed and huffed together listening to their meals breathing their last.

He had no idea how long it took. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours. The two of them remained knotted throughout it all, rubbing, admiring, loving on each other's bellies. He was thinking about how much curvier she was going to be after she was done with her meals. As much as he adored her for more than just her body - he had to admit, a thicker, heavier vixen was going to be a lot of fun to spend time with.

Though he had just woken, he felt himself sort of drifting as he rested in that perfect bliss. Only the voices of his prey roused him to complete awareness.

"Almost... there. Fading. Feeling so... numb." Shay's voice was shaky, breathless. There was barely any air in there, and she was burning away, painfully, messily.

Andy's cock had flopped from Ayla's depths, but it sprang right back up to attention as he heard that. Ayla gave a rub against it with her thighs, while excitedly kneading his shrinking belly. "Yes, yes, do it, come on... just a little more. Finish them off. Turn them to wolf fat, predator."

He was starting to snarl, without even really thinking about what he was doing. So many things were awake inside of him, transforming from the shy sorta nerdy type that he was to a real wolf. It was harsh of him he knew, but there was just something so perfect about feeling prey dying inside of him. Transitioning from squirming, to just writhing, to gently twitching as the air escaped their lungs in one last long gasp.

That was it. He'd finished them. Two of his lifelong, childhood friends, and they had become motionless inside his loudly churning gut. Melted and digested alive, soon to just become part of him, like any other food. All of it leading to that moment.

Before he could reflect any deeper on the weightiness of it all, Ayla just gave an excited squeal. There was no other word for the noise that came from her lips. She dug her hands deep into his fat, and it was a lot softer, a lot more malleable with the vixens' bodies breaking down so rapidly. He could feel the rabbits, similarly unmoving, spilling out inside of him as well. From two there came some seven or eight bodies gurgling around inside of him, and Ayla massaged over every little detail.

Whether it was some big rabbit feet, still fairly together, or the curves and breasts of her sisters, or the clinking bones rattling around in there once the meat was stripped off them, Ayla took it all in. All the motion beneath her fingers, while she did her best to massage and soothe that overworked wolf belly. He was breathing hotly through his nose, licking his lips, and he finally just gave a belch that seemed to seal the deal. Not particularly loud or climactic, more just a gentle simmering down towards the inevitable end.

Together their bellies flattened out about as much as they could. Which was to say, not entirely. His was even bigger than when they started, padded with the extra squishy fat that came from so many digested and absorbed meals. Hers was similar, no longer the flat, toned tummy she used to have. Instead, she was sporting plenty of chub, plenty of jiggle on her middle, while the rest went to her breasts and butt, making them even heavier, juicier. They were thick and well-fed predators, soft and layered with the trophies of their prey, free to fuck and feast together all they liked, on every tender morsel they could get their jaws on.


Of course, the process wasn't finished. All those meals didn't just disappear once drained from stomach and into intestines. Even bones had been broken down to little more than smoothed-over shards by then, though he did feel a bit of them, tickling their way through his body as he packed and compressed them. The two of them seemed nicely synced in digestive processes, laying sprawled and cuddling together, hot and sweaty but hardly caring.

Another while of somewhat tingly digestion, and everything had been stripped down from their prey. Everything their bodies needed, leaving only what they didn't. Andy gave a little snort when he felt a certain pressure, perking up and sitting suddenly, breaking from the enraptured silence.

"What's the matter?" Ayla said, her tone a teasing one.

"You know what," he replied, mumbling.

She grinned with mischief. "Yeah? Do I? Maybe I don't. Maybe you should say it."

"I gotta go to the bathroom." Her grin was hard to resist. He showed her all his teeth, then stuck his tongue out at her.

"No, say it dirtier, you beast," she said, and as much as her tone was still teasy, something about the way she said it was quite serious.

"Well..." He bit his lip, cast an aside glance to the wall, and then just shrugged. "To be blunt, I'm going to go shit out your two sisters and a bunch of rabbits."

"Unf. See, I know you could be naughty if you really wanted to!" She rolled over slowly, and hefted herself to her feet. "Well, let's go!"

"Uh. Let's?" He was also on his feet, feeling collected sweat, drool, cum, and so on running down him.

"Yep. What? They're my sisters! I should be there to send them off!"

"That's so weird. You're so weird." He chuckled.

"You're the one who choose to keep me out of us three! Now you're stuck with me, and my every weird, terrible thought."

"Could be worse."

As much as he would have liked to keep joking around with her, his body wasn't going to wait. So there was no time for protesting her shameless plans. A swish of his tail and off he went, lumbering along with all that added weight, heading straight towards the bathroom to dispose of those vixens.

The seat was a bit cold that morning, but he almost welcomed it given how long he'd spent in that hot bedroom, pressed tight against the vixen's warm body. A lifted tail, a huff, a squeeze, and he was returning what was left of those sisters that hadn't been just added to his hefty gut. They made for a smooth, admittedly pleasant dump, sliding out silky and ashamedly pleasurable. It only made sense for such sleek, sexy foxes like the two of them. He couldn't remember the last time he had outright enjoyed a trip to the bathroom like that.

Ayla stood swishing her tail across from him, just shooting him that crazy smirk of hers, not giving him a moment's privacy despite the crudeness of the situation. He flexed and pushed, dumping log after log of mingled fox and rabbit into the bowl, flushing preemptively when he realized just how much he'd filled it. Pound after pound of lightly bone-laden wolf shit, unrecognizable but for a few strands of fur. The white of the vixen's coat was utterly ruined of course. No one would ever have guessed it used to be them.

He couldn't get over just seeing Ayla looming over him the entire time like that, but it didn't interrupt the process any. It took far longer than he'd ever spent on a toilet. Squeezing, pressing, but never straining. It was like his body was meant to process vixens. And rabbits too, of course. It felt so good he couldn't help but eye Ayla there, with her padded curves, her extra pudge. Even so soon after stuffing himself to near a coma, he was starting to wonder just how it would feel to digest her, too. Send his almost lifelong crush down to the sewers once his body was done with her.

Not yet. Maybe never. He just cleaned up and rose, the massive pile of waste swirling down the drain. As soon as he was finished, Ayla pushed right past him and planted herself where he'd just been. He stepped back, and soon just found himself watching her relieve herself, without even thinking about what he was doing.

She made cute little huffy noises as she squeezed out those rabbits, and he still was just standing there the whole time. Why did she look cute like that? He didn't' stop watching, even as she started to fill the bowl beneath with heavy, splashing logs of former rabbit. More than watched, he started to stroke his mostly dormant sheath to life once more. She grunted and dumped out her prey, and he rubbed himself until his cock was on display once more.

Eventually she just closed her eyes, focusing on that forbidden pleasure of sending once-living people to the sewers. More than just meat, more than just another meal, they were alive just a day before. Talking to her. Accepting their fate, knowing this humiliating mess was their destiny. She piled up those bunnies until she was left just huffing and slightly nnfing. She wasn't afraid to let him know she enjoyed it.

With her eyes still closed, he had the perfect opportunity. Stepping just a bit closer, he was stroking himself hard, fast. Pumping up and down in time to his hips thrusting at the air. She didn't even see it coming. So to speak. And just like he'd always wanted, he laid a few hot ropes of his cum from her muzzle to her breasts, painting her down in seed even while she still remained on the toilet.

That took her by surprise, leaving her giggling away as he marked her. But she didn't mind one bit, giving a seductive lick over her lips to sweep up what she could reach, leaving the rest to just remain on her fur. Nodding to the shower, she set to cleansing herself, while he just went over and started it, turning the temperature extra hot.

It was steaming by the time she flushed and came over, still quite naked and wearing his cum like jewellery. She smiled to him and took his hand, and together they stepped under the streaming water. And then promptly swapped positions, because she was staying completely dry with him blocking it.

"We did it. We're real predators now," she whispered to him, barely audible over the pattering water.

"We did." He sighed, feeling like all was right in his world. "I still can't believe you three wanted that from me. I never thought of myself as..."

She swiftly interrupted him. "Nnn! Nope! Shhh! Shut up! No doubting yourself now. Especially not after proving yourself like that. You're the real deal. And I want to feed you. Find prey for you. Watch you gulp them down and add them to your perfect belly. Make it even... perfecter."

They shared a laugh as she massaged his heavy gut. It jutted out from his otherwise muscled frame even more at that point, with so much extra weight to it, but he was coming around on it. If she said it was the mark of a real predator, who was he to argue? So he just ran his fingers over her cheek and ears and smiled to her.

"Then that's what I'll be. Your predator. To feed and admire." He swished his tail, then perked an ear as he had a sudden thought. "You know, I did get some new cervine neighbours recently, and the doe among them is awfully cute..."

Ayla nuzzled at his middle. "Mmm. Going to make me all jealous. Until you're flushing her away, that is. Sounds like you've already decided. She's doomed"

Andy just picked her up to smooch, and nodded softly. "You know what? I think you're right."