Allen and Penny (Episode 9-1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#11 of Allen and Penny Series

This is the first half of Episode 9 of the series...

After returning from their trip, Allen and Penny discover that Maggie and Peter have a relationship somewhat similar to their own. After this, Maggie tells her brother that she's had feelings for him and the two of them let those feelings be known later that night.

NOTE: This story features a cameo appearance by SoulKenshin's character "Check". I don't know if there will be other cameo appearances in future stories, but it is a possibility.

Allen and Penny (Episode 9-1)

Family Ties (Part 1)

After spending the night at the beachfront house where Allen spent his childhood in, Allen and Penny got back into his car and returned to Victoria. He didn't call Maggie to let her know that they were on the way home, but Allen didn't think he needed to. Along the way back to Victoria, Allen and Penny stopped to get breakfast at a "Good Mornings" restaurant in Westmoreland. During this time, Allen took a little bit of time to talk to Penny about what they would do when they got home.

"I think that your aunt and cousin need to do a little something to get their minds off of what happened to them last night. So, after we get home and I help your aunt out a little bit, why don't we all head on down to the Victoria Valley Mall for the afternoon. Then, we can get some pizza from Pizza Palace tonight", Allen suggested.

Penny had been to the Victoria Valley Mall several times with her father in the past. The mall had several hundred shops, an indoor theme park, a movie theater, a large arcade, several night clubs, a mini-golf course, and even a sex club located on the top floor of the mall, in the "adults only" section. In the past when they went to the mall, Allen and Penny spent most of their time either in the theme park or the movie theater. Though, he did let Penny do some shopping every now and then (with his supervision).

"Oh, by the way, when we get to the mall, I think I'm going to let you spend some time with your aunt Maggie. That way you two can do whatever you'd like while I take your cousin and do some stuff that he wants to do", Allen added a few moments later while Penny was in the middle of eating her cheese and bacon omelete.

Penny was a bit surprised that her father didn't want to walk with her while they were in the mall. "But Daddy, why do you want me to go with Aunt Maggie? Can't we go together?", she asked curiously as Allen sighed and put his hand on one of hers briefly.

"Honey, you know Daddy loves you. However, I figured that you might have more fun if you and Maggie got to spend the day together while your cousin and I did the same. You know that Daddy gets a little embarrassed whenever you want to go somewhere in the mall that is geared towards females. If you go along with aunt Maggie, you two can go anywhere you'd long as she says its OK", Allen explained.

Allen's statement made sense to the young vixen. After all, she remembered how awkward he felt that one day when Penny took him into the Teen Fashion store, a store that was mostly filled with females around Penny's age. "Alright Daddy, I understand", she answered calmly as Allen put a hand on Penny's nuzzle and rubbed it gently.

"Relax sweetheart, there will be plenty of time for us to do stuff together later on. It's just that with your aunt and cousin living with us, we need to think of them too", Allen calmly explained to Penny. That was when the young fennec vixen looked at her father with a twinkle in those bright green eyes of hers.

" long is aunt Maggie going to be staying with us?", Penny asked curiously, preferring to have her father all to herself.

Allen figured that he knew what Penny was getting at and sighed. "I don't know...but we'll get to spend some time together...I promise", Allen answered back, trying to be as vague as possible since they were in public. He knew that he couldn't let anyone find out that he was in a sexual relationship with a teenage fennec vixen. Afterwards, the two of them finished with breakfast and then left Westmoreland to continue the drive back to Victoria.

It was around late morning when Allen pulled into his driveway and parked his car, with him and Penny getting out soon after. Allen went ahead of Penny a little bit so he could unlock the front door, which had apparently been locked by Maggie. He thought it was a bit curious for a moment, but soon figured that maybe she locked it because they were out somewhere. Maggie didn't have a car, but he knew buses ran down Inafune Avenue as well as along Puckett Avenue, so she could've taken one of the buses somewhere. This was supported by things seeming pretty quiet at first as Allen and Penny stepped inside their house.

It seemed as if no one was at home at first as Penny made her way towards her bedroom. When she did, her sensitive ears picked up the soft sound of a female moaning in sexual pleasure. Penny immediately went to her father and told him that she could hear someone, making Allen curious as well.

They walked down the hallway together, with Allen listening closely for noises. He definitely could hear the sounds of sexual moaning and the sounds of a penis going in and out of a wet vagina. He also could detect a sweet rose-like aroma filling the room, one that he recognized immediately. The sounds and scent were coming from Maggie, which didn't totally surprise Allen since he knew Maggie worked at a sex club in North Victoria. He didn't really mind his sister having sex while under his roof, but he was a bit concerned about there being random males inside his house...especially with Penny around.

Not wanting anything to happen to Penny, Allen told his daughter to stay behind him while he made his way to the spare bedroom, noticing that the door had been left open. As he got closer, Allen started to hear a male voice as well, one that he also recognized.

"I'm gonna do it, Momma...I'm gonna put it in you again!", the male voice called out excitedly, as Allen realized that it was the voice of his nephew. Allen was surprised to learn this, and so was Penny as she heard Peter's comment as well.

"Peter and Maggie have sex together? I didn't know that!", Allen thought to himself as he made his way over to the bedroom door and peeked inside, noticing his horny nephew going to town on Maggie's pussy as she lay on the bed with her legs spread wide open for her son.

"'re going to cum inside Momma for a third time? You're getting a lot better at this!", Maggie happily told her son in between moans of sexual pleasure. "Mmm...alright, you can do it to me one more time. However, I think after we're done we'll have to clean up. Your uncle and cousin could be home at any time and we don't want them to find out that we're...", Maggie began to answer her son before her blue eyes looked towards the bedroom door and noticed Allen and Penny standing there.

"OH MY GOD! PETER...PULL IT OUT! PULL IT OUT NOW!", Maggie frantically told her son as Peter stopped thrusting and felt a bit confused.

"But Momma, why don't you want me to finish inside you? I thought you said that it was OK if I did", Peter answered, not realizing that he was being watched by an audience, until Maggie pointed it out to him.

Peter realized that his uncle and cousin were staring at them, but didn't seem to mind all that much. After all, his mousehood was feeling very sensitive at the moment and he felt a large load of seed inside him that was about ready to blow. "Please, Momma? Can I finish inside you one more time? I don't mind if Uncle Allen or Cousin Penny watch", Peter begged his mom as Maggie was about to tell him to stop before Allen intervened.

"I'm sorry if Penny and I interrupted the two of you, we were not aware that you did this together", Allen explained. "Go ahead and finish what you started", Allen explained before turning his attention to Penny. "Honey, I want you to go into your room for a little while and play. When your Aunt Maggie is done, I need to have a talk with her alone", Allen suggested to Penny.

Penny looked at her father, and then looked at Peter, watching as the playful male mouse kept delivering his thick mousehood to his mother. "Aww...but can't I stay here and watch these two? Peter said that he doesn't mind", Penny mentioned before Maggie intervened.

"Do what your father asked you to do, Penny", Maggie answered, insisting on privacy while Allen put his hand on Penny's shoulder.

"C'mon, sweetheart...your aunt and cousin need some alone time", Allen softly told Penny, leading her away from the spare bedroom and bringing Penny to her room as she went inside. Once she was there, Allen stayed by Penny's door, making sure she didn't come back out of the room to sneak a peek at what Maggie was doing with Peter.

Several minutes later, Peter came out of the bedroom, having a handful of his clothes and his crotch soaked in his mother's vaginal juices. He also had leftover seed covering his sheath after he had pulled out of Maggie's passage. He went into the bathroom to wash up after sex, leaving Maggie alone in the bedroom. Since they were done, and since it seemed as if Penny was going to stay put, Allen went back to the bedroom and saw that Maggie was laying on the bed, her legs still wide open and her son's sperm dribbling from her vaginal opening.

When he saw this, Allen couldn't help getting a little excited in seeing his sister this way. Seeing the warm and sticky mouse cum dripping from Maggie's mouse hole made Allen think about what it might be like if he had sex with Maggie...until he came to his senses. "What am I thinking? She's my sister! I can't possibly have sex with her!", Allen thought to himself while Maggie slowly sat up on the bed and blushed intensely. Her mouse ears hung low and she seemed ashamed of herself.

"Allen...please don't tell anyone that I let my son have sex with me. He's the most important thing I have in my life, and if anyone found out that I'm letting my 12-year old son fulfill his needs with me, he'll get taken away from me and I'll end up in...", Maggie started to explain, stammering a bit as she felt very nervous. He didn't know how her brother would react and if he'd tell someone about this incident.

Allen sat down with Maggie on the bed and put his arm around his sister. "Maggie...I'm not going to tell anyone about this. As long as you're doing it because you want to do it, I don't have any problem with it", Allen explained, kissing Maggie on the cheek. "Besides, I know exactly how you feel. I haven't told anyone about this before, but Penny and I have been doing it together for a while now as well. I even went as far as to have my penis surgically altered so I could have a knot on it just like that of a male fox", Allen admitted to his sister, showing that Maggie could trust him.

Maggie looked at her brother and smiled, putting a hand down around his knee. "I'm not surprised. After all, it seems to me as if you're as important to her as Peter is to me", Maggie answered in a soft and sincere manner. "Besides, it's not like we haven't done things like this before. Remember when you and Mom used to have sex together?", Maggie added as Allen blushed a bit. It had been years since he and his mother engaged in sexual intercourse.

"Maggie...that was a long time ago. Sure, I enjoyed doing it with Mom, but I've moved on since then!", Allen sheepishly answered his sister.

Maggie giggled and rubbed Allen's leg a little more. "Come on now, you can't tell me that you haven't thought about it since you left home. After all, I still think about what it was like when Dad and I had sex together", Maggie commented.

"Yeah...I remember. I think Dad mentioned that you were his favorite", Allen commented as Maggie blushed a bit and felt at ease talking with her brother.

"Mmm...yes...but that was a long time ago, and I've gotten used to having sex with males closer to my own age...well, them and my son", Maggie explained as she looked at Allen with her blue eyes and put her other hand on his cheek. "Allen, can I ask you a question?", Maggie asked curiously.

Allen seemed curious when Maggie touched him, looking into her eyes as he answered her. "Yes Maggie...what is it?", he asked back calmly, feeling her hand caress his cheek lightly. Now, it was time for Maggie to drop the big question to her brother.

"What do you think about me?", Maggie asked in a somewhat shy manner, blushing intensely as she kept looking at Allen. "Do you think that I look attractive?", she added a moment later, trying to gauge Allen's interest in her further.

Allen seemed a bit surprised by Maggie's questions. He never expected her to ask something like this. However, he knew he couldn't just keep his mouth shut, so he gave Maggie a look over and saw how much of a MILF she was. Maggie was a "D"-cup, her pink nipples puffing out through her silvery body fur. She had curvy hips and just a little bit of leftover belly pudge from back when she was carrying Peter in her womb. Her pussy lips were a vivid pink and her "love button" was nice and round, seeming noticeable to Allen as he stared at his sister.

He then looked up into Maggie's eyes and saw into them, sensing his mousehood stiffening inside his pants, realizing that he felt sexually attracted to his sister. "Well, certainly are quite attractive Maggie", he answered a few moments later as she noticed the bulge forming inside his pants and reached down there with her other hand to grope it, making Allen gasp.

"Mmm...yes...I can certainly see that", Maggie answered in a soft and playful tone before her blue eyes looked deep into Allen's. "Allen...I was wondering...if I told you that I wanted to have sex with you, would you do it with me?", Maggie asked quite honestly, seeming eager to try her brother's altered penis. Even though she had a lot of Peter's seed in her womb, Maggie felt as if she could use more inside her and wanted Allen to finish what her son had started.

Allen's maleness continued to stiffen, spurred on by Maggie's offer as he looked at the space between her legs again. Part of him wanted to stick it in Maggie. He thought that she was attractive and he definitely loved his sister. However, there were still concerns over what might happen if he did do it.

"Maggie...I don't know...I mean, I do think you're sexually attractive, but I worry about what might happen if we did have sex", Allen explained in a calm manner, afraid of what might happen if Maggie became pregnant from his seed. "Also, I'm not sure if Penny would be willing to accommodate that. You see, she's more than a daughter to me, she's my future mate and I don't know if Penny would want to share me with any other female...even if you're my sister", Allen continued.

However, Maggie knew what she wanted and could tell that at least a certain part of Allen wanted the same. She gave his shaft a gentle squeeze around his bulb and nuzzled up against him. "C'mon, Allen...don't do this to yourself! I know what you really want, and I'm more than willing to give it to you", Maggie answered while groping and nuzzling her brother. "Mmm...besides, I had my tubes tied after I had Peter. I'm not really in the mood to have more kids right now. So, you can feel free to fill me up just like you would when you and Penny have sex. In fact, if your bulb can do it, I'll even let you turn the tie with me if you'd like!", Maggie commented playfully, eager to try her brother's maleness, making Allen blush some more while he thought about what to do. "Plus, I don't think Penny would get left out if you and I had sex a little. I'm sure that Peter might be able to give her some attention", Maggie added a few moments later.

This certainly gave Allen a lot to think about, and his knotted mousehood twitched strongly for Maggie. The temptation of having sex with her was very strong, but he still had his concerns. He also began to think about what he and Penny talked about on the way home. It was close to Noon and he had made a promise to his daughter. Soon, this won out over his thoughts about Maggie.

" you think we could talk about this later...maybe tonight after the kids are in bed? I promised Penny that we'd go to the Victoria Valley Mall this afternoon and I don't want to disappoint her", Allen explained to his sister, hoping that she'd understand.

Although Maggie certainly seemed to want Allen now, she started to realize that maybe this wasn't the best time to ask him for sex, even though it certainly seemed as if part of his anatomy was telling her otherwise. Still, Maggie eventually pulled her hand out of his pants and then kissed Allen on the cheek. "Alright Allen...we don't have to do it right now. However, I'd really like it if you could have sex with me tonight", Maggie answered calmly. "After all, I could use a loyal and loving mate, and I know Peter could use a father figure in his life. I think you'd be perfect to fill both of those roles", Maggie added before she kissed Allen again, this time on his lips, making him blush a little.

"Maggie...go get cleaned up and then tell the kids that we're going to be going out for the afternoon. We'll talk about this later, OK?", Allen mentioned to Maggie before she left the bedroom to wash up after her sex time with Peter. As she did this, Allen sat in the spare bedroom alone with his thoughts, wondering what he was going to do about all of this.

However, Allen soon put these thoughts to rest for a bit as Maggie got cleaned up and made sure to let Peter know that they were going out for the afternoon. Soon, the whole family was dressed and ready for the trip from Allen's house on the northwest side of Victoria to the southeastern end of Puckett County, where the city of Trinity was located.

Trinity was considered to be a suburb of Victoria, but it was more than large enough to be its own separate city. It had a population of around 1 million residents and the downtown area had several tall skyscrapers, though they weren't as tall as some of the ones in Victoria. The Victoria Valley Mall was located on the northern side of Trinity, just south of the border between the Trinity City Limits and the Victoria City Limits. In comparison, the Victoria Valley Mall was about on par (sizewise) with the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN. In fact, the Victoria Valley Mall was a bit larger around and a couple stories taller than the Mall of America. It was the largest mall on all of Mason Island and the second largest on all of Kapernia (only the Capitol District Mall in Harrington on the Kapernian Mainland was larger).

When Allen, Maggie, and the two young teenagers entered the mall's north entrance, the first place they made a stop at was the food court to get some lunch. Then, from there, it was decided that each adult would take their own child with them for a few hours and meet back at the north entrance around 5 PM. Allen gave Maggie 500 UIC Dollars so she and Peter could go shopping and have a little fun while he escorted Penny around the mall.

Amongst the places where Allen took his daughter were the Teen Fashion store so that Penny could look at all of the latest clothing styles that teenage females like her usually wore. This time around though, Allen simply waited around outside the store for his daughter, instead of feeling totally awkward about being in there with a whole bunch of 12 to 18 year old females. He allowed Penny to spend up to 100 UIC Dollars inside the store, since it had been a while since the last time she had been in there and she came out of the shop about 30 minutes later with a shopping bag filled with a couple of short T-shirts and a pair of stonewashed jean shorts, along with a new necklace that had "Foxy Girl" written in cubic zirconia.

From the fashion store, Allen took his daughter to "Technoholics" so that Allen could look at a new home computer system he had been thinking about purchasing. The desktop tower he had at home was getting old and the operating system it was running on was going to be discontinued at the end of the year, so he felt it was time for a replacement. Penny liked being inside Technoholics about as much as Allen liked being inside the Teen Fashion store. However, she wasn't old enough to go to the mall on her own...yet. So, she had to deal with it and did her best to patiently wait for her father to do business with a store clerk. After about 45 minutes of looking around and making a deal with one of the sales representatives, Allen and Penny left the electronics store and Allen took a moment to look at his watch. It was just after 3 PM, giving Allen and Penny about two more hours to spend at the mall before they had to head back.

The went over to the south entrance near where the main entry to the indoor amusement park was and stopped for a moment. "So...what would you like to do now, Penny? Do you want to go into the amusement park for a little bit...or should we go to the movie theater and see if there's anything you'd like to see?", Allen asked his daughter, wanting to know where she wanted to go.

This time of the year was not the best for movies, especially for teenage females. Since most kids and teenagers were about ready to go back to school, the movie theaters pretty much stopped showing movies geared towards that demographic and mostly had adult-themed films. Sure, there were a couple of holdovers from earlier in the summer, but Penny had already seen the ones she was interested in. There was nothing in the theaters that was new that Penny felt interested in. "Let's go to the amusement park, Daddy. I want to take another ride on "Sphere Factor"!", Penny exclaimed eagerly as Allen shuddered on the inside from the last experience he had on that ride.

Sphere Factor was a unique ride that was only found in the Victoria Valley Mall and in Happyland in Familia. It consisted of a total of 14 different steel cage balls (similar to those found in the game Atlasphere on American Gladitors) with a gyrorotational cockpit inside. Each sphere could carry up to two passengers around a fully enclosed steel track, which was powered by a conveyor system that took its passengers around the entirety of the amusement park. At various times during the ride (mostly during the downhill portions), the gyro controls would disengage, causing the passengers inside each ball to rotate around inside the ball while the ball itself moved down the track. Penny loved the dizzying effects that the ride gave her, but Allen wasn't so thrilled about it. After his first and only trip on the ride, he got sick from how dizzy it made him and he lost his lunch almost immediately after getting off of it. From that moment on, Allen vowed never to ride Sphere Factor again.

"I don't know, honey. You remember what happened to Daddy the last time I went on there, right?", Allen commented to his daughter, right before he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

"Oh, come on now, you big baby! It can't be that bad!", a familiar sounding female voice answered as Allen looked over his shoulder and saw Maggie standing next to him. "How about this, why don't you and I take a ride on it together and let the kids ride in another sphere", Maggie suggested, wanting to go on the ride with her brother. Meanwhile, Peter stood beside Penny, seeming as eager as she was to go on the ride.

"Please Daddy, can we go on Sphere Factor?", Penny begged, still wanting to ride it, not minding having to share a sphere with her cousin.

Allen felt outnumbered. It seemed like there was no way of getting out of this, so he did the only thing he could do. "Alright...but if I get sick again because of this, I know who's to blame!", Allen answered, reluctantly agreeing with his sister, daughter, and nephew. After buying a two-hour pass for the four of them, Allen and his family made their way to the Sphere Factor ride, which had a fairly significant line. This was normal, since this was the ride that attracted the most customers, and the average wait time to get on it was about 30 minutes. This gave Allen plenty of time to watch as the steel balls rolled out of "the black hole" near the very top of the mall and then down the final and largest downhill portion called "The drop zone". He could hear other passengers screaming as they went down the nearly 100 foot drop, which made him feel nervous.

Maggie held onto Allen's hand and coiled her tail around his. "Hey...relax...I'll be there for you", Maggie coaxed gently, trying to calm her brother's nerves a bit as they slowly advanced through the line towards the loading area. About every 30 seconds, a steel ball would appear at the loading station, letting the passengers that were on it previously out while the next pair got on. The ride itself lasted about five minutes from start to finish, so the line was a bit slow to move. It took until just before 4 PM when Allen and Maggie arrived at the loading station, being the next ones in line to board a sphere.

After a couple more moments, a sphere arrived at the loading station and made its way to the stop point, before the rabbit couple inside the sphere got out, leaving it open for Allen and Maggie. Seconds later, a second sphere arrived at the station for Penny and Peter to get aboard. Maggie dragged her brother towards the first sphere as the two stepped inside of it and got strapped in. Each 'seat' in the sphere had a five-point seatbelt that kept the riders firmly in place against the gyrorotational interior. At that moment, the gyro was locked in place at a slight upward angle and would remain that way until it approached the first drop.

Soon, Maggie was settled in while Allen continued to feel nervous, wondering what he had gotten himself into. Maggie reached out and grabbed one of his hands, holding it tightly while her tail started to coil around his. "'ll be fine...I'll be right here with you!", Maggie told her brother while the main hatch to their cage was being sealed, locking them inside until their ride was over. A few seconds later, the lock that kept them from moving down the cage-like track disengaged and their ball began to roll down the conveyor while Peter and Penny were getting set for their ride.

The first few seconds of the ride were calm and smooth, under complete control of the conveyor as it approached its first downward slope. At that point, the gyro controls released and the couple began to tumble around inside their ball as it made it to the first drop. "Oh my God-d-d-d-d-d!", Allen screamed as their ball went tumbling downward at a high rate of speed, going down a 25 foot high drop before starting to go back up. After that, there were the "bunny hills", six short up and down slopes that were designed to disorient the passengers even further before reaching a part of the ride known as "The Big Flush".

The Big Flush was shaped like a counterclockwise spiral with a straight 50 foot drop in the center. Then, at the bottom of the drop, which was located in a special underground cavern, their ball was propelled back upward into the park by something called the "Rocket Launch", which took them upward at a 45 degree angle a total of 100 feet before another 30 foot high drop. By now, Allen was starting to feel both dizzy and nauseous, his world seemed to spin around all over as they were caught in the final upward climb before the Drop Zone. When the cage started to climb upward, the gyro controls locked again, leveling the couple back into the same position they were in when they got on the ride. There, they would stay in that position for the remainder of the ride.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?", Maggie commented to her brother as their cage neared what was known as "The Black Hole".

Although Allen and Maggie were in a stable position on their ball, he still felt dizzy and a bit sick to his stomach. "I don't feel so good", Allen answered back, fighting a desire to blow chunks like he did after his first time on this ride. Maggie tightened her grip on Allen's hand and tail with hers and tried to comfort her brother.

"Hey...relax...the worst part of the ride is over. Just think about something that makes you feel good and you'll feel better", Maggie suggested as the couple entered "The Black Hole" area of the ride. The Black Hole was actually a long tunnel that displayed various projected images along its walls based on the mood of its riders. The imagery ranged from pleasant backdrops, to romantic ones, to psychadelic light shows, and (in some cases) something along the lines of "Willy Wonka's Tunnel of Doom". The trip through The Black Hole would last about a minute before arriving at the final downward portion of the ride.

When they got into "The Black Hole", the walls instantly lit up with blue skies with white puffy clouds, giving the impression that they were slowly gliding through the sky. This projection was meant as a way to ease passengers who got too wound up during the ride. "You see...there's nothing to be worried about. I'm right here with you and I won't leave your side", Maggie coaxed as she and Allen rode through the pleasant scenery. Allen felt his sister's hand tightly hold his, making him look over to Maggie as she looked back at him with a smile on her face. "By the way, I love you", Maggie sweetly told her brother, blushing slightly as her blue eyes twinkled a bit while Allen suddenly felt better inside.

He thought back to when he saw Maggie naked and although the seat belt strap covered the area around Allen's crotch, his penis was getting stiff inside his pants to these thoughts he had. "I love you too, Maggie", Allen told his sister while he relaxed and the scenery within the black hole changed to a pink and red backdrop with white hearts, gold stars, and "X's" and "O's" floating around. Although they were strapped to the gyrorotational pivot, Allen and Maggie could move in close enough to where they could kiss for a few seconds before a loud buzzer sounded while the imagery around them faded to black. Now, the only light that was in the tunnel came from the end of it, where the big drop began. Soon afterwards, a speaker from inside the cage recited a certain bit of dialogue from the movie "Aliens".

"We're on the express elevator to Hell...goin' down!", the voice on the speaker mentioned, just as the ball exited the tunnel and rolled down the "Drop Zone" at a rapid rate of speed, causing Allen and Maggie to scream together as it moved. The last time Allen experienced "The Drop Zone", it was the part of the ride that sent him over the edge. The Black Hole had lulled Allen into a false sense of security, only to be dropped down the nearly 100 foot high plunge afterwards. With Maggie at his side though, Allen felt a bit more relaxed. He didn't feel as nauseous as he did the previous time and was able to deal with the final drop a lot easier than before.

After the long drop, there was a long, slow incline that would lead back to the loading station, meaning that their ride was coming to an end. Allen had made it through his second ride on "Sphere Factor" without losing his lunch, although it helped that he had something else to focus on during the ride as well. Maggie held onto her brother's hand and tail until they arrived back at the loading station, with their sphere docking a few seconds later. Afterwards, the hatch opened and the fennec fox attendant helped Allen and Maggie out of their sphere. As they were exiting, Penny and Peter's sphere was arriving at the station and about to dock as well, allowing those two to get off.

Allen and Maggie waited for a few moments, until Peter and Penny got out of their sphere, with Peter feeling a bit dizzy as he came out. Penny helped her cousin by letting Peter lean on her as they walked out before Maggie saw how Peter was and touched his cheek. "Poor baby, you got all dizzy from the ride", Maggie softly coaxed before she took Peter's hand. "C'mon...I think we've spent enough time here for one day. Let's go home and relax for a while before we have dinner", Maggie suggested.

The instant his mother mentioned dinner, Peter's hand went to his mouth and he ran to a nearby garbage can, making it just in time before he lost his lunch in it. Maggie watched as her son was blowing chunks into the garbage can and shook her head. "I don't know why Peter keeps insisting on riding this thing. Each time I've taken him on it in the past he's acted like this afterwards...yet he still insists on riding it", Maggie explained to Allen before she went over to her son and did her best to comfort him. Gradually, Peter started to relax as the dizziness wore off and his mother wiped his mouth clean with a small towel she kept in her back pocket for instances like this. After seeing this, Allen figured it was in the family's best interest to call it a day and head back for home, with the four of them going back to the parking lot and getting into Allen's car for the trip home. Along the way home, Maggie gave her son some Que-z-stop and some water to help calm the young male's stomach. It helped out quite a bit and by the time the family returned to Allen's house, Peter was feeling hungry again.

It was close to 5 PM when they got home, about time for dinner as Allen remembered what he had planned that evening. He got onto his cell phone and made the call to the local Pizza Palace, located just a few blocks from their house on Puckett Avenue.

"Thank you for calling Pizza Palace, where we make pizzas that are fit for a king. How can I help you?", a soft feminine voice answered as Allen placed his order.

"Hi, I would like to get the two-for-one vegetarian-style and one meat-lovers with mushrooms and green peppers", Allen answered, getting the usual order that he got when he ordered dinner for him and Penny. "Also, could I get an order of Super Cheesy Bread, and a chocolate chip cookie brownie to go along with that", Allen added, thinking that he'd add a little extra to the order.

The female on the other end of the phone took the order and put it into the computer. "Alright, that's the two-for-one special, one vegetarian, one meat-lovers with mushrooms and green peppers, one order of Super Cheesy Bread, and a chocolate chip cookie brownie", the female repeated. "Would you like anything to drink to go along with that?", she asked, trying to upsell to Allen.

Allen had plenty to drink at home, so he wasn't interested in getting any pop or something like that. "That's OK, just the food will be fine", Allen answered before the female at Pizza Palace totaled up the order.

"OK, that'll be 26.75...would you like to pay with cash or credit?", she asked before Allen told him that he'd pay with cash. "Alright, your order will be there in about 30 minutes", she mentioned before Allen thanked her for the help and they hung up.

About 30 minutes later...

While the kids were in Penny's bedroom, watching TV, Allen waited by the front door, seeing a white and red "Pizza Palace" car pull up to the driveway. The car stopped and the driver got out, carrying with him their order. The driver was a wolf/fox hybrid, with blue eyes and a unique body colorization. His fur appeared to have a checkerboard-like pattern to it, with red and black "squares" on it. He wore a navy blue shirt and jeans, along with shoes that matched his fur pattern. He also had a bracelet around his red-colored arm and owned a collar, but didn't wear the collar while he was on the job.

Allen hadn't seen anything like him before, but he wasn't going to ask questions about it. After all, it really didn't matter what someone looked like on the outside, it's what they do as in individual that mattered. The fox/wolf hybrid came up to the door and rang the doorbell, with Allen answering it promptly. "Alright, let's see here...", the fox/wolf hybrid answered as he looked at the receipt for the order. When he got to the door, Allen noticed that the male was wearing a Pizza Palace name tag. The tag said that the male's name was Check, most likely being named that for the checkerboard-like fur he had on his body.

"So, we've got one large meat-lovers, one large vegetarian, an order of Super Cheesy Bread, and a chocolate chip cookie that correct?", Check asked Allen in a polite manner, doing his best to make sure the order was correct and was being delivered to the correct address. Allen acknowledged that everything was correct and presented Check with the payment. He gave Check a total of 31.75, which included a 5 UIC Dollar tip for Check.

After paying, Check handed them the food, with Maggie taking some of it as she noticed that her brother was paying for the meal. Soon afterwards, Check went back to his car to head back to Pizza Palace while Allen and Maggie brought dinner to the dining room. Maggie then called the kids down to the dining room and the family had dinner together.

During dinner, Allen and Penny sat next to each other while Maggie and Peter sat at the other end of the table. This gave Penny the opportunity to ask her father something. "Daddy, now that aunt Maggie knows about us, do you think that we can go back to sleeping together tonight?", Penny asked curiously, wanting for things to go back to normal.

Allen stopped eating for a second to look at Penny...then at Maggie...then at Penny once again, before he touched Penny's cheek softly and leaned towards her to kiss Penny on the nose. "Sweetheart, Daddy would love to let you sleep with him, and we will go back to doing it together...but I promised your aunt Maggie that I'd do something with her tonight, and I don't think it would be fair to her if I backed out of it. We'll go back to sleeping together tomorrow night...I promise", Allen answered before Maggie had a suggestion of her own.

"Penny, if you'd like, you and your cousin could spend the night together while I'm busy with your father", Maggie suggested while Peter looked at his female cousin and started to get a bit excited. Peter never admitted this whenever he saw Penny previously, but he was a bit attracted to her. Penny felt indifferent towards her cousin in that regard, mainly because she had interest in marrying Allen when she was old enough to do so.

Penny felt a bit conflicted on the inside. On one hand, she wanted to do as her father asked, but on the other hand she also wanted to have him to herself. She loved making out to him and wasn't sure if she wanted a female that was Allen's age getting involved. "I don't know...I really like it when I get to do it with Daddy", Penny answered while giving it some thought.

Allen thought that he knew what was going through Penny's mind and stopped to embrace her. "Sweetheart...relax! Daddy loves you and nothing is going to change that", Allen assured his daughter by kissing her on the lips. "Be a good girl and play with your cousin for tonight...I promise that I'll make it up to you tomorrow night", Allen suggested, hoping Penny would go along with the plan.

Penny felt as if she could trust her father and kissed him on the nose. "Alright Daddy, I'll try it", Penny answered back as Peter blushed a little bit, thinking that he was going to get a chance to do it with Penny that evening. Although Penny was willing to let her father and Maggie have sex together, she didn't know if she wanted to do the same with Peter. She liked her cousin, but was worried about what might happen if she did get sexually involved with him. She wondered if she'd fall in love with Peter, thinking that he was better than Daddy and Penny didn't want to break her father's heart that way.

Later that evening (NOTE: If you're curious to find out what happened between Penny and Peter, you'll have to wait for the next episode of the story)...

As soon as Penny and Peter were in her bedroom for the night, Allen made his way into the master bedroom and got comfortable on the bed. Since he expected to have sex with Maggie, Allen relaxed while completely naked, watching a little bit of TV while Maggie was in the bathroom taking a shower. While watching the 11 PM news, Allen started to get a little curious about what it would be like to have sex with Maggie. He had already seen her naked, but he wondered how her mouse hole was going to feel around his shaft. He also wondered if Maggie would be willing to take his bulb inside of her when they did it, as well as if he should knot her if she did want it.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Maggie was drying herself off underneath the turbo dryer while thinking about what it would be like to receive her brother's shaft between her legs. She knew that he had a knot on it and she knew it was fully-functional. She was more than willing to let that bulb of his pass through her outer lips and lock them together while receiving a thick load of her brother's cum inside her womb. In fact, the thought of this made Maggie feel quite moist downstairs, with her vaginal lips becoming puffy and sensitive to the touch, along with her clitoris. This inspired the mousette to touch herself a bit while underneath the dryer as a curious thought entered her mind.

Peter was Maggie's pride and joy, she remembered what it was like to feel her newborn son snuggle to her bosom after she gave birth to him and gently suckle on her breasts, drinking the milk she provided for him. However, her baby boy was growing up. In a few years, Peter would be a sexually mature young adult, ready to start a life of his own and pass on his seed to his own sons and daughters. It made Maggie think about whether or not she should consider giving Peter a brother or sister while she was still able to do so. That was when she started to get an even more curious thought about her brother.

Although they were siblings, Maggie was aware of a product she could use to let Allen breed with her without risking the potential side-effects of inbreeding. She figured that if she were going to have any more kids, she wanted Allen to be their father since he was the one who Maggie trusted the most. If anyone was going to make her a mother again, she wanted it to be someone that would love her and be a loyal partner/father to her and any offspring she might have.

That being said, Maggie soon realized that these were just fantasies at the moment and sighed, remembering that her tubes had been tied off. Before she could breed again, Maggie would have to get the tube ties removed and she wasn't ready to go along with that just yet. Nonetheless, it did give Maggie something to think about, as she reached for her soft white robe, covering her otherwise naked body with it before leaving the bathroom and walking down the hallway towards the master bedroom. She figured she'd keep these thoughts about letting Allen impregnate her to herself for now, thinking that she would tell him how she really felt if she decided to go along with it later.

When Maggie arrived at the master bedroom door, she found that it had been closed while Allen was in the middle of watching the local area weather. "We're still keeping a close eye on the tropics as Hurricane Ishmael is churning around just off the Black Island coast. Right now, Ishmael has sustained winds of 125 MPH with gusts to around 150, and a pressure of 947 millibars. Ishmael is moving to the Northeast at 15 MPH and is expected to track towards Mason Island here over the next few days. The storm will weaken some as it gets closer to Mason Island and models indicate that the storm will mainly effect the southeastern part of the island around Dolphin City and Hennepin, but we'll keep a close eye on Ishmael's eye, just in case", the TV meteorologist announced during the weather segment.

"Anyway, closer to home, we'll be under the influence of the high pressure system off to the north of the island for the next day or so, with nice weather and comfortable conditions continuing through at least tomorrow. So, your Newschannel 7 forecast for tonight is calling for mostly clear skies, with lows in the low 60's in the city and upper 50's in the outlying suburbs...", the TV meteorologist continued as Allen curiously listened before hearing a knock on his bedroom door.

"'s Maggie...can I come in?", Maggie called from her side of the door, wanting to go inside to see her brother.

Allen quickly realized that it was time to spend some 'quality time' with his sister and reached for the TV remote to shut it off. He then turned on a nearby lamp to provide just enough light to where he and Maggie would be able to see everything together. "Come on in, Maggie. The door is unlocked", Allen announced, letting his sister know that he was expecting her.

Within seconds, the bedroom door opened and Maggie stepped inside, seeing her brother laying naked on his bed while she kept her robe on over her body. " don't want to waste any time here, don't you?", Maggie playfully asked before she removed the belt from her robe, then taking it off one sleeve at a time, revealing her nudity to Allen once again.

Upon seeing his sister's breasts and crotch, Allen felt his modified mousehood begin to stiffen as it came out of the sheath, growing longer and more aroused as he looked at his sister. "It looks like I'm not the only one, Maggie", Allen answered back, feeling his length starting to twitch a bit as about half of it was exposed just from watching Maggie strip.

Maggie smiled as she approached her brother's bed, feeling the space between her legs becoming very warm and very damp. She grew more interested in Allen's mousehood and was anticipating it being inside her very shortly. She then climbed on top of her brother, putting her hands on his as she leaned in close to him, pressing her breasts against his chest and bringing her crotch to meet with his sheath, letting her warm pussy lips brush against it a bit.

Allen moaned softly to the touch of his sister's warmth along his sheath, feeling his penis growing more aroused for her by the second. It came out of the sheath faster and started to pulse while Maggie looked down at her brother and saw his reaction.

" like the way I feel, don't you? I'll bet that I feel nice and warm down there and that you can't wait to stick it inside me!", Maggie replied happily before leaning in towards her brother so that she could touch her nose to his and look straight into Allen's eyes, all while humping against his sheath some more.

" have no idea how long I've waited to do this with you. Ever since Dad first taught me about sex, I've always wanted to try this", Maggie added in a soft tone, touching her brother's cheeks gently with her hands. "I cannot begin to count all the times where I've touched myself down there while thinking about having sex with you", she continued as Allen listened curiously, discovering exactly how much he meant to Maggie.

It wasn't a total surprise to Allen to hear Maggie say all this. After all, he was her favorite brother and she was his favorite sister. All this talk about how Maggie had been thinking about having sex with Allen only stimulated him more as his knot finally appeared from the sheath and his erection reached full arousal. He was now totally into having sex with Maggie, but there was a question that Allen had for his sister.

"Mmm...Maggie...if you've felt like this about me for so long, why didn't you just tell me sooner?", Allen asked calmly, feeling his mousehood pulse with life as precum began to dribble from the tip of it.

While still on top of Allen, having her nose touch his, Maggie answered his question while caressing his soft cheeks some more. "Because I was afraid of what you'd think if I said that I wanted to have sex with you. I also knew how much you and Mom liked doing it together and I felt that you wouldn't want to do it with me", Maggie answered back as Allen touched his sister's cheeks and gave Maggie a quick kiss on her lips.

"Maggie...I love Mom...but I also love you. If you would've told me about this when we were growing up, I would've tried this with you a lot sooner", Allen assured Maggie as he began to feel spurts of his precum on his lower belly, making it feel a bit warm and sticky to the touch. His mousehood twitched with excitement and his bulb started to pulse, eager to feel Maggie's warmth around it.

When she heard this, Maggie briefly blushed, but then kissed Allen deeply, plunging her tongue into his mouth while her hands stayed on his cheeks. Allen went along with his sister, returning the favor, feeling her tongue in his mouth while his swished around in hers. Gradually, Allen moved his hands from Maggie's cheeks down to her rump, grabbing onto it and moving her forward a bit so that her vaginal lips were now touching his throbbing mousehood. A glaze of Maggie's juices dribbled onto his flesh, making it feel warm and a bit slimy, giving it just a little sample of what was inside his sister's mouse hole. They were both hot for each other, and it appeared that they didn't want to wait any longer to get to it.

Soon, Maggie broke off the kiss and sat up in her brother's lap again, bringing her hands down towards Allen's stiff mousehood and grabbing onto it, bringing the tip of it towards her eager pussy. She let the tip kiss against her outer lips for a moment before looking at Allen. "We'll do it like this for tonight...I know you'd probably prefer to turn the tie with me, but I also know that Penny is important to you. We'll save that for another time", Maggie suggested as she felt her brother's tip pushing just in between her outer folds, with it just outside her vaginal opening as it dribbled juices onto Allen's mousehood. "Oooh...yes! I can't believe this is finally going to happen! My brother is going to be inside me!", Maggie thought to herself gleefully, sensing her vaginal folds quiver eagerly, ready to accept her brother's length inside her.

Allen agreed to hold off on the 'foxy-style' mating with Maggie and let her take the lead, grabbing onto Maggie's hands as she started to lower herself on Allen's pole. The tip of it soon entered Maggie's vagina, slowly slipping deeper inside of it while she moved her hips a little to make sure it fit in there snugly. Maggie's passage wasn't quite as tight or as hot as Penny's, partially because Maggie was a full-blooded mouse and also partially because Maggie had given birth before, but her folds were still quite tight around Allen's mousehood as he sensed them grip his length nicely, contracting inward around it every couple of seconds to give it a harder squeeze. The inside of Maggie's canal was very wet, making passage quite easy, allowing Allen's shaft to get far into Maggie's reproductive tract with the tip of it nearly touching her cervix before she stopped letting it move forward.

Soon, Allen had his mousehood inside Maggie as far as it could reach without his pulsing knot going into it. Maggie intended to let the bulb pass through her outer lips, but not until she felt it was time to let it in. "Mmm...grab onto my hips, Allen", Maggie coaxed as she sat on his throbbing length, ready to give it a ride.

Allen did as his sister asked, holding her hips firmly while he looked and saw where their bodies were connected, watching as a trickle of Maggie's juices ran down his knot along one side of it. " sister is hot!", Allen thought to himself happily as his body signalled his approval by launching a spit of precum into Maggie, hitting her cervix.

Maggie giggled to the warm and sticky precum hitting her insides before responding to Allen. "Don't get too excited yet, Allen. I want you to make me cum, too!", Maggie told her brother softly before she closed her eyes and began to move up and down on her brother's pole. She gasped briefly as she felt his length rubbing against her insides, but it felt good to her nonetheless.

Allen started to moan softly, feeling his length moving through his sister's insides, having it massaged and squeezed by her vaginal walls while he looked at her with significant interest. His eyes first looked down at where they were connected, watching for several moments as he saw Maggie's plump vaginal lips 'kiss' his knot each time she moved downward. She would press against the bulb slightly each time she moved downward, just enough to give him a bit of a tease before moving back up. Maggie had been with knotted males before, she knew exactly how to make them go crazy for her, and a little bit of a tease would help to stimulate Allen to produce more cum for her later on.

Then, after looking at her crotch for a few moments, Allen moved his eyes up Maggie's silver-furred body, soon stopping at Maggie's bellybutton. He started to think about what Maggie would be receiving from him when he came and wondered how much he'd be able to fill that womb of hers. He was certain that she would want him to finish inside of her, but he didn't know how much she'd be able to milk out of him when the time came. He also had a brief thought about what might happen if he did cum inside her. Even though Maggie's tubes had been supposedly tied off, and he did trust his sister in that regard, Allen couldn't help thinking that there could be some possibility that his sperm and her eggs could meet. Then again, Allen also wondered if he would want to pull out if he knew Maggie was receptive.

Soon afterwards, while Maggie continued to ride his mousehood at a moderate pace, periodically squeezing it with her walls as she moved up and down, Allen moved his eyes up Maggie's body some more until they reached her bosom. He watched as Maggie's large breasts moved up and down with her and noticed how puffy her nipples had become from how he was making her feel. Allen couldn't help licking his lips a little when he saw her nipples, curious about what her breast milk might taste like. Of course, it had been years since Maggie last lactated, so there was no milk in her breasts right now. Although, if Maggie got pregnant again, she could make some more and maybe Allen could have a taste then.

The sight of her bouncing breasts tempted Allen to move his hands up to play with them a little, thinking that Maggie wouldn't mind if he did. However, her vaginal walls kept massaging his thick and throbbing mousehood rather nicely and he enjoyed having her in his lap, so he kept his hands where they were for now. As for Allen's eyes, they finally moved up to his sister's face, watching her react as she was feeling his shaft move through her.

Maggie constantly moaned with pleasure, with her cheeks turning pink and a little bit of sweat on her forehead. As she was riding him, Maggie thought about all of the times she and Allen would play together growing up, including several times where they used to play 'house' together, with her being the 'mommy' and him the 'daddy'. This was a few years before they became sexually active, and their behavior was mostly inspired how their parents behaved towards one another. With that being said, Maggie got a good feeling whenever she kissed Allen when they were playing together...the feeling that would later lead to her becoming interested in having sex with Allen.

With Allen's knot bumping against her outer lips and clitoris and his pulsating shaft moving deep inside her passage, Maggie felt her walls becoming more sensitive to touch after a little while, and began to ride her brother at a more vigorous pace. Not to be outdone, Allen started to join in, humping upward while Maggie was riding his length. Allen's shaft became thicker and more sensitive to touch, while his bulb kept kissing against Maggie's outer lips, pushing against them a bit more as they became more excited. The inside of Maggie's mouse hole started to become warmer around Allen's shaft, partially due to the friction between their genitals, but also because her thoughts about Allen were causing her hormones to act up. She knew that her tubes were tied off, but Maggie couldn't help herself. If she was going to give Peter a brother or sister, she wanted Allen to be the one make her a mother again.

She started to ride him rapidly, sweating more while a loud squishing sound filled the room. "Ahh...Allen...I don't much longer...ahh...I can hold back!", Maggie exclaimed, sensing her orgasm nearing.

At the same time, Allen felt his balls churning strongly, all while his knot kept pushing against Maggie's outer folds. They were starting to open around the bulb, bringing it closer to Maggie's warm and wet folds, where he could push it in and let it grow, bonding them together while he came. " too! I...really want to...get it inside and...fill you up, Sis", Allen told Maggie in an excited manner, sensing his own orgasm nearing.

Maggie could feel Allen's bulb starting to push against her vaginal opening, causing it to widen a bit with each downward motion, all while copious amounts of her sweet nectar made it easier for Allen's length to probe deep inside Maggie. She felt strong spurts of precum hit her cervix and even pass through it, getting into the lower part of her womb as she felt very warm all over. She knew she was going to ovulate as soon as she felt Allen's cum hit her uterus and she had no intention of stopping it.

"Ahh...don't hold it back, Allen! Let it out for me!", Maggie exclaimed, craving a thick filling from her favorite brother while her ovaries felt ripe and ready to release fresh eggs into her tied-off tubes.

With Maggie's invitation, Allen humped upward vigorously, feeling his knot push against Maggie's opening several more times before it finally got inside her. "AHH...YES-S-S-S-S-S-S!", Allen called out excitedly as his climax hit, his bulb growing into Maggie's tight mouse hole while the tip of it (which was now kissing Maggie's cervix) launched a steady torrent of his mouse cum deep inside Maggie.

Maggie accepted his growing bulb and started to clamp down around it, feeling the thick and creamy mouse cream filling her womb as Allen's tadpoles swam around inside of it. This was enough to cause Maggie's hormonal desires to reach their peak and cause her to respond to Allen's climax. "AHH...YES...FILL ME-E-E-E-E-E!", Maggie squealed with delight as she both climaxed and ovulated at the same time. Her pores exploded with hot vaginal juices around Allen's shaft, washing over it and the knot, causing the bulb to grow more rapidly inside his sister.

Allen felt Maggie's heat spike, he knew that it meant that she had ripe eggs inside her fallopian tubes. However, it was too late for Allen to pull out of Maggie now. He was stuck to his sister firmly by his bulb and it would stay stuck inside her until he finished draining them. "Mmm...I thought that you said that you didn't want to have more kids right now, Maggie", Allen mentioned in a calmer tone, starting to bask in the afterglow of his climax while his shaft kept sending in spurts of his sperm-filled cream deep inside her.

Maggie chuckled and looked down at Allen, touching one of her hands to his chest, tracing a heart in the spot where his was. "I don't...but that hasn't stopped me from thinking about it whenever I've had sex at times", Maggie replied before she gave Allen's knot a firm squeeze. "Especially when you're the one who's filling my womb!", she added, showing her desire to get pregnant from Allen, not caring about the fact that they were siblings.

Her response made Allen think about what he was doing for a moment. While he definitely enjoyed inseminating Maggie and he wanted to have kids the natural way at some point, he was worried a bit about what might happen if his sperm and Maggie's eggs were to meet. The only thing that prevented this from happening was the material that the surgeon who tied off Maggie's tubes used. If that surgeon made a mistake, it was possible that his seed could meet with her eggs and create an inbred son or daughter.

"Maggie...I'm not sure if we should be doing least not without some other form of protection", Allen suggested to his sister.

Maggie chuckled again and gave his knot an even tighter squeeze. "Well, I think it's a little too late for that this time, Allen. We're stuck to each other and I already feel your cum pooling in my womb!", Maggie reminded Allen before she put her hands on his cheeks and leaned in towards him again. "Anyway, I think we'll be alright...I've ovulated several times before after I've had my tubes tied off and I haven't gotten pregnant yet!", Maggie told her brother before kissing Allen on the lips. "Still, if it'll make you feel better, I'll make an appointment with the doctor and get tested for yiffberries", Maggie added after the kiss.

Allen trusted his sister. He felt that if she told him that she had ovulated during sex before and nothing happened to her that they'd be OK. However, Maggie soon nuzzled against her brother and giggled once again. "Allen...if I found a way where you and I could safely breed together and I got my tubes untied, would you be willing to make me a mom again in a few years?", Maggie asked, thinking of something she heard of before, a special kind of scroll that would allow blood relatives to breed without any risks of side-effects caused by inbreeding.

Allen listened to Maggie's question and thought about the idea of Maggie being pregnant with their son or daughter. He felt it would be like it was when they played house as kids, only this would be for real. "Maggie...if there was a way that you and I could breed together, I would be more than happy to give you another son or a daughter", Allen replied, touching his sister's belly with one hand, giving it a gentle tickle, making Maggie giggle once more while he gradually emptied his balls into her womb. By now, Allen was definitely into the idea of having Maggie as a surrogate wife, but at the same time he also knew that Penny still wanted him as well. He wasn't sure how Penny would react to the idea of him wanting to have Maggie as his mate in addition to her.

"Anyway, I think we still need some more time to discuss this...not just amongst ourselves, but with our children as well. I know you want what's best for Peter...and I want to make Penny happy, so we'll have to see how willing they are to accept this if we're going to be mates", Allen added, just as the flow of his cum into Maggie subsided.

Maggie agreed, knowing that Peter would probably still be interested in having sex with her in the future. Although, Maggie also hoped that maybe Peter and Penny could become a couple so that it could free Allen up to spend more time with her. Though, regardless, Maggie wouldn't get in the way of whatever Penny wanted from her father, just like she knew Allen wouldn't interfere with her mating with Peter.

The two siblings stayed stuck to each other for a few more minutes until Allen's knot returned to its normal size and pulled back out of Maggie, leaving behind the vast majority of his payload within Maggie's womb. When they were done, both Allen and Maggie felt tired and stayed together on the bed, with Maggie sleeping on top of him while both of them were naked.

End of Episode 9-1 (NOTE: Episode 9-2 will feature what happened between Penny and Peter earlier in the evening, before Allen and Maggie's first time together)...