Las Lindas: Alejandra meets Tamati

Story by C443 on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

The busty black and white cowgirl Alejandra Coldthorn from Las Lindas gets introduced to the ever eager Tamati the nine tailed ensues!

Alejandra Coldthorn (or just Alej for short) sat back in her office with a contented sigh, her eyes half lidded as she basked in the glory of another successful workweek. She had completed all of her work and the farm was finally seeming to turn a profit after being so long in the red. Alej was good at her job and she knew it...and she savoured that feeling of power through competence. She smiled and took stock. The books were balanced, the supply orders placed, the payroll was done and everything was in order. She was damn good and to top it off, she was quite the looker too as she stood up in a moment of ego to study herself. She chuckled and savored that moment of self congratulation as she took stock of herself on top of her fiscal accomplishments.

Alej was a Holstein bovine, or cowgirl for short...and she had the physical traits to match that description. Her fur was almost snow white and spotted with pitch black patches across her body, including a prominent one surrounding her right eye, which made her startling blue eyes stand out even more. The top of her head was covered in a well styled mane of black and white hair, tied up in a ponytail and framed by a pair of large curving black horns. Alej was, as many would say, THICC as fuck, with an absolutely massive bust that strained her orange blouse to the absolute limit. That long suffering top was open to the world, only buttoned once at the bottom of her mouth-watering mammaries, showing off a near himalayan mountain scale valley of cleavage and precluding her from wearing any kind of bra due to the raw size of her bodacious bust.

While her breasts were her most obvious feature, her hips and bubble butt were almost on the same level. The curved flare of her hips lead out to an absolutely glorious heart shaped ass that strained the black pants she wore to the absolute limit. Her ass was considered to be, by her, her greatest physical asset and she had caught many a business rival in deals that favored her more than them by dressing to accentuate her robust rump. Traveling down from that perfect butt was a pair of plump thighs and long slender legs that seemed to go on forever and would make any sane male (and a few females) drool.

The rest of her body was trim and fit, with just the right amount of pleasing plumpness on her wondrous frame to give her a nice, "soft" look...despite the immense physical power hidden within her bovine frame. She was gorgeous by any metric and loved the fact that many of her employees would ogle her when they thought she was not looking. That was again, another business strategy. She dressed provocatively to improve morale, because a man who thought he had a chance to be with a gorgeous woman like her would work twice as hard for half the pay for even a slim glimmer of a hope to bed her. She admittedly enjoyed this aspect more than she should, sometimes teasing the staff by bending over to pick up something off the ground, deliberately showing off her bubble butt to them for far longer than she had to, or leaning over their shoulders and pressing just the bare fraction of her mind bending bust against their shoulders. It was a MASSIVE hit with the male workers and encouraged them to reach new heights of productivity.

"...Seem available and be unobtainable," She mused with a grin, her mind flashing to thoughts of her tight bodied assistant Tootsie, "If they only knew," She snickered and flopped back into her chair, a contented smile on her face. She leaned back, her eyes closing as she finally took a break for the first time in what felt like a small eternity, her office quiet, but then a knock at the door broke that pleasant reprieve. A spike of anger stabbed into her heart at her peace being disturbed, but she squashed it and let out a sigh. "Never lasts long enough...Come in!" She said, shifting papers around her desk to make it seem like she had actually been working instead of enjoying a moments rest. "If it seems like you are always working, then the staff will think that they are slacking off." Was what she always said. She smiled at that thought, before the door opened up and in walked on of the new hires, causing Alej to sigh. She hated dealing with the new guys for too long, but she smiled nonetheless and nodded as he entered.

"Hello, Mr. Tamati," She said with a well practiced tone of voice that projected both being pleased at his unexpected visit while also suggesting that she had a lot of work ahead of her...hoping that this would encourage him to come back later and allow her to get back to her episode of self congratulation. "What can I do for you?" She asked with a pleasant smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Tamati smiled back as he entered, his white teeth standing out against his black fur as he did so. Tamati was a male kitsune, with fur in the color of pitch and nine long white tipped tails trailing in a starburst pattern behind him. He was a tall and hulking fellow, with a huge and heavily muscled build that spoke of years of hard work combined with regular and religious trips to the gym...or impossibly good genetics. He was dressed in a tight workman's overall over a simple black shirt and jeans, a standard workman's attire. Alej had seen him working on the farm off and on in the past and she had to admit that she admired his muscled physique and had teased him a time or two, but that meant little in the face of her disturbed quiet time.

"I am here to talk about payroll, Miss Coldthorn," He said with a nod, his eyes hard as he stepped towards the bovine businesswoman's desk. This caused her to let out a sigh, knowing what was probably coming and dreading it all the same. "Please, have a seat," She said with a motion towards the chair across from her and she leaned back, her blue eyes like chips of ice as the hulking fox sat down. "Now...what would you like to talk about, Mr..." She trailed off, her mind blanking on his last name. He had not been around long enough for the busty business bovine to remember it.

"Just call me Tamati," He said with a smile and leaned forward, steepling his fingers in front of him as he did so, "I am here to ask for a raise." He said confidently, his red eyes locking onto her blue ones. "And I will not leave here until I have one!" He stated flatly, his tails fanning out around him like the petals of some flower as if to make himself appear larger and more intimidating.

Alej smiled at that and shook her head. She knew this tactic all too well, since it was an old trick used by people through the business world. It was the strategy of enforcing your will on your opposition through being imposing and disagreeable. It actually tended to work on those who were of a more meek disposition, but she was not some soft-spined pissant that would roll over just because some musclebound new hire decided to try and intimidate her.

"And what makes you think that you have earned this pay raise, Mr. Tamati?" She asked, her voice like ice and her gaze locked on his, not giving in for a moment as he tried to stare her down. She was an old hand at this and she wasn't going to be intimidated by matter how imposing they might be.

He didn't break away, keeping his eyes locked on hers as he leaned forward. "I have worked for two weeks straight, with no time off and no form of thanks." He said coldly, his lips curling up in anger. "I have worked like a dog for this place and I think I deserve something for it." His voice was hard and confident and his gaze never wavered and Alej couldn't help but admire the stones on him. She let out a chuckle, but her eyes remained hard. "No. Policy is that you have a ninety day grace period before you can get considered for a raise, Mr. Tamati," She smirked as she pulled her greatest weapon, company policy. "And from what I am seeing here," She said as she pulled his file and flipped it open, reading off his start date. "You started here approximately eighty five days ago and thus are not eligible for any form of monetary raise or company compensation," She smirked at him, knowing that she had him over a barrel. "You do not even yet qualify for benefits, but you will in five days," She snapped his file closed and gave him a cold smile, "If you wish to return to me then...then maybe I would consider increasing your pay. Until then you are just a new hire, one with a great record, mind you, but a new hire nonetheless."

"So...youre saying that because I am five days off from my three month anniversary working here, you will not even consider giving me a raise, despite how hard I have been busting my ass for you?" He asked, his voice incredulous as he sat back in his chair, his eyes wide at her cool dismissal of his contributions to the company, "And nothing I can say will change your mind?" He asked quietly, his eyes narrowing as he processed that information.

Alej gave a short nod, not backing down an inch from her stated stance, "Yes, Mr. Tamati, I cannot give you any kind of raise until you have passed the 90 day grace period," She said coldly, a small kernel of satisfaction forming in her stomach as she watched anger and defeat cross his features at her words. "Now, Mr. Tamati...I have a lot of work to do, so could you please show yourself out?" She asked with her best award-winning smile, knowing that there was nothing he could do to force the issue except to quit...and considering his financial state when he started, that wasn't an option.

Tamati stiffened and sat still for a moment, his red eyes hard and his teeth clenched as he took in her cold dismissal of his request and the way she had dismantled his request. He slowly stood up, his body tense as he turned to leave...but he stopped himself and turned back to her, his eyes roaming over her full bust. "You are a cold hearted bitch, you know that?" He blurted out, barely able to keep the anger out of his voice. She just shrugged in response, her blue eyes hard, "I follow protocol, Mr. Tamati, and you should as, please." She motioned towards the door with a dismissive wave of her hand, "Like I said, I have work to do." She turned away from him, focusing on a random file she pulled from her desk, intending to ignore the infuriated kitsune. He had interrupted her quiet time and she had no more interest in dealing with him anymore.

Tamati tensed at that, anger playing across his face as he bared his teeth and clenched his fists. She was completely ignoring him and acting as if he didn't matter in the grand scheme of things and it infuriated him. He had worked his ass off ever since he got this job and had done everything right. He had not taken even a day off in two weeks and he had worked ten hour days for the past month! He let out a snarl...and then something snapped inside his head. His tails spread out in a tide and snapped towards the busty beauty and wrapped around her arms, yanking her out of her chair with phenomenal strength, hefting her not inconsiderable weight as if she was as light as a feather.

Alej let out a yelp of surprise as she was yanked up into the air, her blue eyes going wide as she was roughly manhandled by the Kitsune's unnaturally strong and flexible tails. "What the hell are you doing!?" She screamed, her eyes wide as he brought her down to eyelevel, her blue eyes burning into his red ones. "I will have your fucking HEAD for this," She growled, her normal composure cracking at the sudden and quite harsh treatment she was receiving. He grinned at her and SLAMMED her ass first onto the desk, causing the heavy wood desk to groan in structural agony as her gloriously fat ass smashed into it.

"Because, cow...if you wanna be a bitch...I'm gonna make you MY bitch!" He snarled and grabbed her luscious breasts, sinking his fingers into those monolithic mammaries, causing her to gasp in surprise. Her breath caught in her throat as the heavily muscled kitsune started to maul her bountifully bouncy bosom. "You will NOT do this!" She hissed, her eyes flashing as she strained against his tails, trying to bring all of her bovine strength to bear, but she was helpless against his unnatural strength. "I will fucking BURY you!" She snarled and kicked out, trying to strike the Kitsune in the balls, but two more of his tails caught her legs and yanked them wide, spreading her long limbs wide and causing her pussymound to stand out visibly through her tight black pants.

"Oh, you will not, you fucking glorified milk machine!" He growled, his fingers working across her breasts, pinching the large nipples through her straining blouse. "I am tired of being teased, tired of being belittled by some fat assed cow who thinks she is better than me!" He snarled, his eyes glowing with an eldritch fire, "Time to put this cow back in the barn where she belongs!" He dug his fingers into her blouse and JERKED, putting the long tormented blouse out of its misery and causing a vertibable cascade of tit-flesh to bounce free. Her breasts were truly awe inspiring, as if a fertility goddess had been given life and made to walk the earth. They were perfect, teardrop shaped and full, with a delicious softness to them that defied their perky nature. Each was capped with a long pink nipple that stood proudly at contact with the cool air of the office. His eager hands returned to those monolithic mammaries, kneading and working them as he grinned at the infuriated bovine as she glowered down at him. He worked his hands across those luscious breasts, making sure to pay close attention to her proud nipples as he mauled them, pinching and twisting one of the pink nubs as he leaned forward to latch his lips onto the other, suckling and lapping at one rock hard nipple as he rolled the other.

Alej let out a gasp of surprise, a blush crossing her face as the Kitsune lapped at her proud bust, sending unwanted shivers of pleasure through the busty bovine as she tried to free herself from the supernaturally strong grip of his tails. She growled and let out a bellow of anger, straining with all of her not inconsiderable might, but it was to no avail. She was trapped and at the mercy of the perverse kitsune and she knew it...and so she came up with a new plan.

"I-if I give you a raise...even a promotion...would you s-stop this?" She asked calmly, trying to hide the growing arousal at his rough treatment of her. "If so...maybe we can make a deal, M-Mr. Tamati..." She said, trying to hide the growing tremor in her voice. She could not understand why his rough treatment was causing her to feel like she was a teenager with her first crush, but she couldn't deny the fact that her pussy was starting to boil as he roughly manhandled her tits, his hot tongue and sharp teeth gliding across her nipple starting to drive her mad...and she needed to stop this now. "I can make you a shift manager with full perks...right need for the ninety day grace period." She said, her voice starting to shake as her desperation started to show. Tamati let out a muffled chuckle as he gave a long and languid suck on her right tit, his tongue working in rapid strokes across her proud nipple. He then leaned back, pulling her ample tit into a cone shape before releasing it to bounce back into its pleasing shape, causing her to moan in involuntary pleasure.

Tamati laughed and grinned at the red-flushed bovine, showing the flashing white of his fangs. "Oh, you are gonna give me both, you busty bitch," He growled, his eyes burning, "After I fuck you into a cum coated and mooing mess." He emphasized his point by running his hands down her trim belly, causing gooseflesh to run across her skin, and hooked his fingers into the hem of her tight black pants...and RIPPED them away, revealing her body in its full glory. She wore no panties, leaving her smooth cunt on full display for the eager and horny kitsune. Her pussylips were swollen and puffy with unwated arousal and trails of her juices were already starting to make their way down the insides of her plump thighs. Her clit was proud and erect, a hard little nub of flesh that was begging to be toyed with. He laughed at that and looked up the angered and unwelcomingly aroused Alej with a smile.

"Looks like you are not as against this as you made it out," He snickered. Before she could respond, he dove his head down and ran his tongue across her cuntlips, making sure to pay attention to her proud clit, working his agile tongue across her cunt in broad strokes, his clawed hand coming up and sinking two fingers in her tight snatch as his tongue teased and rolled around her pebble-hard clit. He worked over her cunt, his fingers working deep into her core as his tongue rapidly flicked over her proud nub, causing her to let out a strained moan of pleasure.

"No...please, stop!" She panted, her body trembling as her quivering cunt rippled across his thrusting finger, her fluids running down the insides of her thighs as she let out another deep moan of unwanted pleasure. She wriggled in his tails, her luscious breasts jiggling as she tried to pull free, her breathing coming in short gasps as she shook her head, feeling the pressure building at her core. "!" Her entire body clenched, her back arching as she let out a long and low MOOOO! She bucked in his tails as she came, an incredibly powerful orgasm that caused her to buck and thrash in his grip. She rode out her climax, grinding her soaked cunt into Tamati's eager face as she proclaimed her pleasure to the world with a long bovine bellow. He did not let up, however, as he worked his agile tongue across and into her folds alongside his probing fingers, causing her to spasm in his grip as he slurped at her sensitive snatch.

She slowly came down from that unwanted and unexpected high, her body trembling and her breath coming in short and sharp gasps as her half lidded eyes slowly returned to life from the orgasmic strain put on her mind. She shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs that had formed from her brutal climax. She had never cum that hard in her life, and he did that with his tongue alone! She looked down at him, her blue eyes watery and distant as she tried to collect her thoughts, the reality that he was forcing himself upon her slowly returning to the forefront of her mind as the aftershocks of her orgasm faded from her mind.

"Please...stop." She begged, her voice weak from her climax, her eyes screwing closed as he worked at her soaked snatch. "I...will give you a raise...please, just stop." She panted, trying everything to maintain her dignity, because she knew if this went any further...she would be in trouble...because a larger and larger part of her mind was screaming at her to let the hulking kitsune fuck her senseless...and if she did that, she would lose a LOT of respect for herself.

Tamati pulled back, slowly pulling his probing digits free of her twitching cunt, her juices dripping from his fingers. "Oh, I don't thinks so, Alej." He said with a chuckling growl as he stood up, his red eyes locking onto her blue ones. "Because you may be saying you want me to stop, but this..." He held up his femcum coated fingers so the blushing cow could see them, causing her to look away in shame. "...Tells me to keep going...and besides...I am FAR from being done with you!" He stood and slowly began to undress, revealing his body, corded muscle running across his body like slabs of granite and his abs were like rounded stones resting across his stomach as he pulled his overalls free, but what she saw next took her breath away...terror and excitement roaring through her body in equal measures.

His cock flopped free of the overalls and it was magnificent and horrifying at the same time. It was obscene in size, having more in common with a concrete traffic pillar than a reproductive organ. The slick, black shaft was as thick as her bicep and nearly as long as her arm, the near fist sized ebony head drooling long, worm-like strands of precum as it pulsed with his thunderous heartbeat. Underneath that reproductive evolutionary equivalent of a redwood, hung a pair of oversized balls, each the size of cantaloupes and undoubtedly filled to the brim with unimaginable amounts of potent jizz. The massive cock curved upwards and leaned to the left ever so slightly, its pulsing weight visible with each of the hulking kitsune's pounding heartbeats.

Alej's jaw DROPPED at the sight of that tool of absolute sexual destruction, that throbbing pillar of man-meat that sent a shiver of fear down her spine, but it also caused a spark of desire to form in her chest...that voice in her head longing to feel her body stretched out around that monolithic mountain of masculan might. She shook her head, trying to dislodge these insane thoughts from her mind. She couldn't possibly take that cock...could she?

Tamati laughed as he noticed her gawping at his prodigious pecker and grinned at the still bound busty beauty. "Impressive, isn't it?" He asked with a snicker as she gave a shocked nod in confirmation. "This is going in you and you cannot do anything about it." He said with a wide smile, slowly pumping his hand up and down that towering mountain he called his cock. Alej shuddered at that, knowing that Tamati would turn her inside out with that massive pole of a pecker, her eyes closing as fear ran through her in a uncontrolled wave, but a shameful desire as well. Some dark part of her soul wanted that cock inside of her, wanted that massive shaft to fill her up and no matter how much Tootsie drew her eye...a long suppressed side of her soul craved that cock. She was on the verge of giving in, of surrendering to that pillar of pussy punishment...but then a fire lit in her belly and she remembered who the fuck she was.

"No...NO!" She shook her head and glared at him, shaking off the malaise that her recent orgasm had laid over her mind and glared at the obscenely endowed kitsune. "No matter what happens here, you freak...I will make sure you suffer for it!" She said coldly, her blue eyes turning cold as she glared at him, causing his ever present smile to fade a bit...but then he grinned once more and guided his throbbing cockhead to her slick pussy. "Yeah...whatever, cow." He said with a sneer, his eyes burning with irrational desire. "When I am done with you, you will not even be able to think straight, much less do anything to me." He pressed his fist sized cockhead hotly against her soaked labia, causing her to groan in fear and rapidly suppressed arousal. She gritted her teeth, trying to stifle the pleasure of feeling that burning hot cockhead press against her slick folds, but what he did threw any intention of her being quiet out the window.

He THRUST forward, popping that massive cock into her slick folds, spreading and stretching her beyond and form of sanity she could reach, his cockhead slamming into her cervix nearly instantly as he speared the big breasted bovid. She SCREAMED, her body jerking in surprise and near shock as her abused cunt strained to take that obscene cock, her legs jerking in his steel hard grip. It was incredible, her cunt stretching beyond anything she could imagine and the burning pain was real, but the heat of the penetration, the raw feeling of fullness as his cock filled her vaginal canal, the crushing feeling of that massive cock pressing down against her g-spot with its raw size...with all that the normally composed Alej was losing her mind. She bucked against him as he leaned forward, crushing her delicious bust against his steel hard chest as he snaked his hands around her wonderful body to grope into her bodacious bubble butt, his fingers sinking into the wondrous flesh of her perfect backside. She shook her head, clenching her teeth, doing everything in her power to keep herself from moaning in pain and pleasure at that brutal penetration, her pussy walls being reshaped by that mammoth cock. She opened her eyes, tears nearly running down her face as through raw force of will she crushed that unwanted and forced pleasure down...and then he pulled back, causing her to unconsciously suck in a breath of relief...before he thrust again.

Tamati HAMMERED his cock into her sopping went twat, thrusting forward with all of his considerable strength and slamming his throbbing cockhead against her spongy cervix, seeking to bury his monstrous shaft fully in the groaning bovid. She let out a strained MOOO of pained pleasure, her legs kicking as his cock battered against the entrance to her vulnerable womb, but he didn't give her a chance to recover like he did the first was time to fuck this cow. He pulled back and thrust forward rapidly, building up a pace as he fucked the big titted cow. He savored how her bodacious bust bounced against his chest as he fucked the panting proprietor's pussy. He reveled in her expression, twisted up and scarlet as she tried to keep the rising pleasure of his brutal fucking from showing on her flushed features. Most of all he loved the feeling of her tight twat rippling up and down his throbbing cock, the deliciously gripping and ribbed insides of her boiling hot cunt causing him to groan in pleasure as he FUCKED the bossy bovine.

Alej groaned, biting her lip as she tried to force that rising feeling down, surges of pleasure running up and down her spine as she tried to hold back the unbelievable and unrealistic pleasure she was feeling from such a brutal and unwanted penetration. Some detached part of herself couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with the horny kitsune's nature. He clearly was unnatural, able to use his tails like spare hands, but that thought was chased from her mind as he pulled all the way back, almost popping that fist sized cockhead free of her abused twat...and THRUST forward HARD. His cockhead bashed into and through her cervix, causing her to let out a gasp of surprise as his cock slammed into her womb, bulging out her stomach as the throbbing cockhead smashed into the back of her womb with almost jackhammer like force.

Alej went stiff, her eyes going wide as her back arched, her teeth clenching as she tried to hold it back, tried to keep herself from screaming...but it was hopeless as raw primal pleasure ripped through her body as her baby chamber was invaded by that cunt-crushing cock. She threw her head back and let out a long bellowing scream of pleasure as that brutal thrust drew out another powerful orgasm from the writhing bovine, her juices coating his massive cock and swaying balls as he fucked her through her climax. He didn't give her a chance to come down, slamming the full length of his monstrous member into her spasming slit hard enough to cause the desk to groan with the force of his thrusts. He was driving the usually composed Alej wild, her normal composure lost in the face of his unnatural cock and body-straining ability to fit it in her overstretched cunt. She thrashed in his grip, her white hair lashing left and right as she bucked in his lap.

He fucked her like an animal, no mercy, no gentle lovemaking, it was nothing but raw and primal fucking...and despite it being against everything about her character and her morales...she let out a long and low bellow of pleasure as she was driven from one soul rending climax to the next by the kitsune's savage fucking. Her mind was in turmoil, her body bucking in pleasure as her brain came close to the edge, staring into the abyss as each brutal thrust into her ravaged womb sent her into another height of incredulous pleasure. She teetered on that edge, her eyes rolling in her head as she let out another long lowing moan of pleasure as he propelled her into another mind bending climax, her cunt rippling up and down his throbbing shaft. She tried her damndest to hold on to any shred of dignity, but with each mind bending cockplunge, he eroded more and more of her formidable control away...until she felt something SNAP inside her head, sealing her fate. She felt something give way inside of her, her back arching as her eyes rolled up in her head as she bucked against him, trying to thrust in time with Tamati's brutal fucking.

"Fuck me you, fucking BEAST!" she growled, her eyes rolling in her head as he plunged in and out of her abused twat, a grin crossing his face as the busty bovine finally gave in. "That's right, I am going to fuck you and you are going to be a good little cow and take it!" He growled, his red eyes glowing as he savored her defeat, his heavy balls starting to tense up as his own climax rapidly approached. "YES!" She howled, her back arching as her luscious breasts pressed against his chest, her hips bucking in animalistic pleasure as she writhed against him. "JUST FUCK MEEEEEE!" She screamed, throwing her head back and letting out a bellowing moan of pleasure as she was sent into another gut wrenching climax. Her cunt clenched down on his throbbing cock, causing him to groan in pleasure as her rippling insides massaged his throbbing cock, sending him over the edge in time with the madly screaming Alej.

His monolithic balls pulsed and drew up, causing his cock to JERK inside of her womb as the first jet of his wadd traveled up his cock and spurted against the back of her womb in a torrent of pudding thick cum. The feeling of his wadd splattering into her fertile core sent the mewling Alej into new heights of pleasure as her long empty womb was filled to the brim with thick seed. Tamati just kept cumming, filling her womb to bursting with his wadd until the seal around his cock was broken, sending a torrent of that thick jizz squirting out of her abused cunt to coat Tamati's groin and balls. So much jizz was pumped into the mewling Alej that it formed a small lake of thick off-white wadd at his feet, staining the carpet and filling the room even more with the scent of sex. In their combined pleasure, any thoughts of consequence were blown out of either of their minds as they joined together in matter that he just dumped enough jizz into her womb to fertilize a dozen women three times over...if anything came of that...would be a story for another time.

Tamati groaned as his climax came to an end, his cock throbbing in her well fucked and now utterly seeded cunt, causing even more of his wadd to pour from her well stretched and utterly wrecked pussy. He was nearly weak-kneed from the force of his orgasm, his mind rolling as he somewhat returned to his senses, realising what he had just done...he had, for all intents and purposes, raped his boss...and even though she had a blissed out expression on her beautiful face, he knew that he could be really FUCKED. For a moment he almost panicked...but then Alej smiled drunkenly at him, her eyes fogged in the afterglow of the best sex she had ever had...and his worries were immediately tossed out the window as the fuck drunk cow spoke.

"Please...fuck me again." She panted, her blue eyes rolling in her head as she begged the dark kitsune to sink his still rock hard cock into her gaping cunt. "Please...stick it back in...I wanna feel you in my womb again." She begged, her body twitching in need as she looked up at him with desperate, fuck-drunk eyes. This caused his flagging cock to spring back to life, the turgid shaft now harder than steel as he looked down at her, a feral grin crossing his face as he considered his options. He wanted to thrust back into her eager cunt...but he had other plans.

"Alright, I will fuck you again, but I want to try something else." He shifted his tails, swinging her around and flopping her on her front on the already cum soiled desk, causing her to let out a surprised yelp as her glorious breasts smacked against the table, those monolithic mammaries squashing under her weight as he pressed her down into the desk. This brought her glorious rump into view, heart shaped and full. It was a testament to bubble butts everywhere and he licked his lips at how it bounced with his rough treatment. "Lets try out something else..." He said with a grin, delivering a stinging SLAP to her right asscheek, causing her to let out a groan of surprise and her heavenly butt to jiggle deliciously. "What...what are you going to...?" She asked, but when she felt his fingers sink into her glorious asscheeks and spread them, revealing her tight, pink pucker to the horny kitsune...she knew instantly what was going to happen. She felt his femcum and wadd covered cock press hotly against her anal star, causing her to snap out of her fuck-drunk state ever so slightly.

"No...its too bi-" She was cut off as he pressed his throbbing cockhead against her tight pucker, causing that monstrous shaft to bend under the pressure. There was no way he could fit that heresy sized cock into her way at all...and then he did anyway. With an audible POP, his cockhead sunk into her swelteringly hot and breathtakingly tight butt, causing her to groan in pained pleasure as her anus was stretched further than she could have ever imagined.

Tamati groaned as he sunk his cock into Alej's tight ass, sliding smoothly into her bubble butt. " are tight as hell." He growled, his eyes closing as his shaft was gripped by Alej's tight pucker. "I'm gonna fuck you until your asshole looks like a fucking crater!" He growled through clenched teeth. She was so tight that it was almost painful, her internal walls rippling up and down his throbbing pecker as he sunk deeper and deeper into her.

Alej GROANED under the big kitsune, her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her guts being straightened out by that massive cock. It was supposed to hurt, but all she felt was a delicious burning fullness as that huge cock sank deeper and deeper into her. She shook her head, her breathing coming in sharp gasps as her hair lashed around and she let out a lowing groan of pleasure as Tamati's cock sank fully into her stretched backdoor, his hips and groin pressing against her full bubble butt as he filled the groaning cow's ass with his cock.

Tamati sighed as her almost painfully tight ass gripped his cock like a vice, her muscles rippling up and down that pillar of a cock as he just sat there for a moment, savoring the burning hot tightness of her insides massaging his cock. It was amazing, her ass being everything he imagined it to be...and he was FAR from being done! He looked down at the groaning cowgirl and grinned, loving the sight of her writhing under him as he absolutely destroyed her tight pucker. He reached down and grabbed her hair, wrapping the long tail around his wrist and yanked her head back, pulling her luscious breasts up off the desk so he could see her glorious tits bounce. He released her arms and legs, his tails pulling away from her as her limbs dropped down, freeing her to fight, but all the anally perforated Alej did was grip the edge of the desk and push back against him, her blue eyes clenched shut as she let out a groan of ecstacy. She pressed her feet against the floor, pushing her ass up to give the now maniacally grinning Kitsune easier access.

"That is right, cow...offer that fat ass up to me," Tamati said with a wide grin as he gave her ass a hard SMACK, causing her to groan in response. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard that when I cum it is gonna squirt out of your ears!" He pulled back, her ass seeming to suck on his shaft as he withdrew, causing them to both to let out moans of pleasure as he did so. "Shake that ass for me, cow!" He snarled as he pulled back, giving her ass a hard SMACK as he did so. Alej didn't even hesitate and started to roll her hips, rotating her ass around that throbbing shaft as he pulled back, sending a fresh wave of pleasure through the burly kitsune's cock. Tamati grinned as he pulled back until his fist sized cockhead nearly popped free of her tight ass and then THRUST forward, yanking back on her ponytail for leverage as he drove his cock deep into her bouncy butt. He didn't give her any chance to adjust and started to FUCK the mewling cow's abused butt, causing her ass to bounce deliciously and the sound of flesh slapping against flesh to fill the room. The desk under them creaked and groaned as the panting cow bucked back against the eager kitsune, her luscious breasts bouncing as the bountiful bonered beast busted her bubble butt.

Alej groaned, her eyes fluttering as she rolled her hips as he withdrew, savoring the feeling of his cock stretching her. She had abandoned any kind of reason or sanity and embraced the feeling of the muscular kitsune's cock stretching her. " full." She groaned, her eyes rolling in her head as Tamati fucked her, her tight body bouncing with each hard thrust into her. She bucked back, her big ass wobbling with each deep thrust into her, his heavy balls slapping against her soaked twat with heavy wet SPLATS with each brutal cockplunge. She grinned, her eyes rolling in her head as she felt that pressure building in her stomach, that crushing pleasure that tingled her spine. "Yes...FUCK ME HARDER, YOU BEAST!" She screamed, her eyes rolling up in her head as yet another powerful orgasm ripped through her, her juices flowing in a torrent down the inside of her thighs and across his massive balls as she jerked in mind bending orgasm. She bellowed her pleasure again, her tongue hanging from her mouth as he fucked her through that brutal climax and directly into another. He did not stop, hammering at her luscious ass with a savage intent to fill her guts with his wadd just like he had done to her pussy.

Tamati groaned, his balls tingling as her ass ripped up and down his shaft, her silken and furnace hot insides sending almost painful spikes of pleasure through him as he destroyed her bubble butt. He was having the time of his life, as he had often fantasized about buggering this big butted bitch, but he had never thought he would get the chance...but now, his cock buried deep in the ball busting bovid, he was in heaven. He growled, his eyes clenched shut as he yanked her head back with his grip on her long ponytail, his melon sized balls churning as he rapidly approached his impending climax, but every part of him wanted to wring another orgasm out of her, to make her cum just as much from him breaking open her ass as she did when he seeded her womb. He gritted his teeth, holding back the torrent of seed that would certainly fill her near to bursting. He swore to himself that he would not cum until she was a mewling mess on the table!

Alej groaned, her eyes vacant and her expression fuck-drunk as she bucked back against her burly lover. She was lost to the world, only focusing on the burning pleasure that filled her as that obscene cock ravaged her rectum. All thoughts of revenge or retribution left her mind as she approached another peak, her body tensing as she felt her insides coil. She didn't fight it, embracing her inner buttslut as she bucked under him. "It it's in my stomach!" She groaned, a happy grin appearing on her face as she mewled in pleasure. "Oh full...fuck me...FUCK ME!" She was his bitch now and nothing in the world could have made her happier...unless Tootsie was here to share in this amazing experience...but she could arrange that later.

She gave a cock addled grin as her orgasm approached, the idea of sharing this experience with her favored assistant and closet lover sending a fresh wave of lust through her already sex fogged mind. The idea of Tootsie's tight body being stretched out by Tamati's monstrous cock causing her to MOAN in pleasure as she rapidly approached her peak. She thrashed and felt that tingling feeling in the base of her spine peak, her back arching as she let out a long bellowing low of pleasure, causing her eyes to roll up in her head as she reached an even higher peak of pleasure, her cunt spasming as his heavy balls slapped against her sopping twat.

Tamati felt her ass clamp down on his throbbing shaft as she bucked under him, her next peak driving the burly Kitsune over the edge as he felt his balls clench. "Thats...right bitch...cum for me as I stuff your guts with my...CUM!" He roared, his balls spewing a torrent of wadd into her, stuffing her quivering guts full of his thick and protein-rich baby batter. Each jerk of his cock sent a fresh wave of his pudding thick wadd practically into her stomach as her belly bloated out with the raw amount of cum that was being stuffed into her eager insides by the big balled beast above her. Alej rode her climax, her eyes fully rolled up into her head and her tongue hung from her lips. Her brain was fried and she was in heaven as Tamati stuffed her hungry guts with his wadd.

Tamati groaned as his orgasm winded down, his balls tensing as he gasped for air His orgasm was so powerful that he felt weak kneed again and his vision swam, but he shook his head and smiled. He looked down at Alej, letting out a laugh as he saw the cock addled expression on her face, her tongue lolling from her lips and her eyes rolled up in her head, and he couldn't help but savor that sight. He pulled back, slowly pulling his semi-hard cock free of her abused ass with a loud POP, causing a torrent of his thick wadd to spurt out in a steady stream to add to the already lake-like pool underneath them, further ruining the carpet of the panting cowgirl's office. He released his grip on her ponytail and let the well fucked Alej flop bonelessly onto the desk, squashing her bountiful breasts against the tabletop as she let out a gurgling moan of pleasure in response.

Tamati chuckled and admired the sight of the well fucked Alej quivering on the desk, her stretched cunt and cratered ass oozing thick dollops of his cum as she laid there. The farm manager had been utterly FUCKED by the burly kitsune and he had savored every moment of it, his cock slowly stiffening again as he contemplated what to do next with his new toy. "Wake up!" He barked as he gave her jiggly ass another hard SMACK, causing the fuck-drunk woman to lift her head, her senses slowly coming back to her as she looked around, her expression dazed and confused as her cock-addled mind tried to put two and two together. He shook his head and grinned, pulling the confused bovid off the desk and setting her on her knees in the rapidly spreading pool of cum and he pressed his rock hard cock to her lips. "" Was all he said and at first there was a spark of defiance in the bovid's eyes, but then she smiled and did as she was told, running her tongue across his still drooling urethra, lapping up the worm-like coils of cum that hung from his still throbbing cock. Tamati smiled as she started to bathe his cock in her saliva cleaning that throbbing pole as he just stood there. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen," He snickered as Alej worked her lips across his pulsing erection. "From calling me a bastard and threatening to kill me to slurping on my is fucking good!"

Alej just smiled up at him, her flushed scarlet features showing just how much she had enjoyed that fuck. She nuzzled his cock as her startling blue eyes gazed up at him in pure adoration. Some part of her knew that she was going to get back at this asshole, but at that moment she only wanted more of that magnificent cock, and so she slurped and suckeled, making sure to pay close attention to the pre-spurting head. Her hands gripped his low hanging balls, working the two (somehow) still cum stuffed orbs, kneading them in her strong grip as she worshipped that near divine sex organ. Tamati grinned down at her, being just as aware as the fuck addled Alej that there would be consequences for his actions, but at that moment he was too satisfied to fucking care. He let out a groan of pleasure as the eager cowgirl tried to work her mouth over the throbbing cockhead, straining her jaw in a futile attempt to get the fist sized cockhead into her mouth. He smiled and gave a shudder as her tongue worked across his flaring urethra, sending shivers up and down his spine.

He could have just stood there forever and savored the feeling of the normally bossy Alej suckling on his cock, but a short gasp from outside drew his attention. He turned his head just a fraction, his eye catching the sight of the now suspiciously open door and he could see a pair of blue eyes staring intently at him....and then he smiled.

Tootsie let out a muffled moan as she worked two fingers in and out of her eager cunt, her eyes locked on the sight of Alejandra slurping on that monstrous cock. The slim grey furred mouse had pulled her business top open to reveal her delicious breasts, her pink nipples standing proud as she watched her secret lover slurp on that tower of a cock. She had pulled up her skirt and pulled her panties aside, revealing her slick pink cuntlips, and was busy jilling herself off to the sight of the absolutely gorgeous Alejandra kneeling in worship of Tamati's pulsing prick. She stifled another moan as she watched the bodaciously busted beauty and boss attempt to get that obscene cockhead between her lips. Just the idea of the normally conservative and reserved Alej sucking off an employee was ludicrous, but the massive pool of cum that she was knelt in showed that they had done a lot more than just a little bit of foreplay. She should be infuriated with Alej, considering the long nights they had spent together, but the display before her had caused her cunt to BOIL.

She worked her proud clit, twisting it in time with the bobbing of Alej's head on that throbbing cock, rapidly building herself to a climax. She had never considered herself to be a voyeur, but the secret thrill of watching them caused her knees to tremble and her hands to shake. She let out an unconscious moan of pleasure as she shuddered in near climax, her eyes squeezing shut as she twisted her clit, sending her over the edge. Her hips bucked as she reached her peak, letting out a squeaking hiss of pleasure as she orgasmed, desperately clenching her teeth in an attempt to keep quiet...but then something happened that chilled her blood.

"...Hello there."

A deep resonating voice yanked her back to reality as her eyes snapped open. She could see that big kitsune was staring right at her. She almost panicked, knowing that if she was caught, she would never live it down, but what happened next completely caught her off guard.

"Why don't you join us?" His voice echoed through her brain and before she had a moment to process that question, the door flew open and a mass of furred tails erupted from the opening, wrapping around her trim and tight body, yanking Tootsie into the room and slamming the door shut behind her.

This was an interesting story commissioned by the quite epic Tamati and I am happy to have had the chance to write it!

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