Burning Embers Chapter 1: Old Memories
#1 of Burning Embers
Lilly walked into her house she was a Leafeon he sigh with a bit of relief as she undressed and went into her room. As soon as she walked she drove one of her hand on her panties and fell on the bed. Lilly was in heat in she had been doing her best to keep under wraps at work and around town but it was getting harder.
The past couple of day people asking her, "if she was ok was?" or "is something wrong Lilly?" she had seven been caught stare at some of her male co-workers crotches. Always getting a lustily looks from them when she did so, some had ever offered her a look at it. But she wasn't that type she wanted her first time though to be with someone that she when and not one of her good for nothing co-works.
Lilly started to run her index finger ran over her green slit moaning as she did so. Her panties soaked from her own juices and her nipples poked at the fabric of her bra. She panted and grabbed a hold of the waist ban tugged on it sending the fabric into her slit. Lilly then gave a loud moan as all that playing with herself brought her close to the edge and doing that to herself brought her to what she wanted. Cumming over the fabric her juice leaking out of the side of her nether lip. "That...... was....... Good...." Lilly said while she panted pull off her dripping panties and got off of the bed an put them in a near by hamper along with her bra. Then pulled off the sheets and blanket on the bed an placed them in hamper along with her garments. After that she got out another pare of other sheets and another blanket then placed them on the bed. Lilly then gave another sighed being that she had only given herself a temporary break from this heat.
She then toddled over to the bathroom room to wash up from her little bout. Washing her hair should length hair taking careful care while rubbed the soap covered loufa ran over her slit so not to arouse herself. Washing away the day that she had, images of a boy she had know crept into her mind. Imagining him rub the soap into her fur cover c-cup sized breasts playing lightly with her nipples tugging on them an the twisting them. As she started to become aroused again lowering her right to her without realizing it giving a soft moan. Imaging him lower on of his hand and grab a hold of her clit then giving a hard twist making her moan in pleasure an pain. The boy laughing at her whimpering as he continued to grope her, nipping at her ears while watching her submit to what he was doing to her. She gave a deep on at she came looking down at he wet cunt as the images faded from her mind.
Finishing her shower before the cold water started to come out of the faucet. Drying off the walk over to her bed and laid down happy that tomorrow was her day off. Drifting off to sleep a curling in the in the blanket dreaming of the boy she used to know. Hoping to meet him again one day rolling over in her bed as she fell into a deep slumber