Retiring a bitch

Story by simplenessicity on SoFurry

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Story about coming to terms with changes

this story was written by the incredibly talented Joshiah, whohas been amazing in writing this series for me. I hope to get one more to wrap it all up, but I think this is absolutely amazing!

(This title makes a bit more sense when you know the previous stories. They're free to read on SoFurryhere,here, here andhere, and this seems to be the grand finale for Simplenesscity! Jesse has been a female for a few days, and the dominance-inspiring effects of her transforming cocktail have all but disappeared, leaving her a wolfess in body, but the passion to control her lover has been lost. Fred takes advantage of the situation, tops her, and forces her to forget ever being in control...and ever being a male. Can Jesse handle being a bitch forever?)

There weren't many drawbacks to reaching a proper climax, and naturally, Jesse was having trouble coming up with any, as she woke up in a tub, literally and figuratively stuck to the man who'd brought her to the multiple orgasms that exhausted her into a state of sleep.

Fred was still unconscious for the time being, and the anger that lead Jesse to assault him with her body was finally fading. A good night of sleep was just what she needed to help adjust to the changes of her new body, and with a long, pleasant stretch and a heavy yawn, she slowly lifted herself from the warmth of his embrace and stood upright, the slim, smooth lines of her feminine body enunciated by her every move.

There was so much rage before that she felt as if she'd achieved inner peace, and though her gait was a little bowlegged, she was becoming more and more thankful for the poor decisions that put her in the situation she was in. She'd been a male only days before, and there was no timetable for her cock to sprout back out of her body, but she was obsessing less over getting back a 'Y' chromosome, and more over how delightful it would feel to have her breasts pressed to the cool, stone counter around the sink as a proper male bent her over and fucked her silly.

Her womanhood was still aching just a tiny bit from the deep and plentiful strokes that filled it the night before, but there was a certain satisfaction in that feeling, as if her new body delighted in it. It wasn't an outright pain, and it wasn't a dull, obnoxious sting, akin to being slugged in the arm. It was more of a passionate heat, radiating out from her sex and reminding her of just what she was capable of doing when she was given the chance.

It had finally come to pass; the change was every bit as mental as it was physical, and Jesse could accept the title of 'wolfess' just as easily as she could her own name, and though she didn't have anyone to admit it to, she would have been honest, and claimed how much she liked it.

Like the round, smooth curve of her wider hips and smaller, daintier digits of her paws, the title just felt right, and she couldn't help giggling at the thought of how angry she'd been with Fred for turning her in the first place.

"Looks like he bit off more than he could chew, though," she murmured, keeping her voice low as she stood before the large, wide mirror that covered one whole wall of the bathroom. She leaned over into the sink and turned on the water, collecting a small sample in her open palms and splashing it across her muzzle to try and shake the last of the cobwebs from her sleepy mind.

The refreshing chill of the aqua running down her cheeks forced her eyes to open a little wider, and she found her tail lifting in a curious wag, as if it knew something about her situation that she didn't.

Perhaps, the sensitive nerves upon the underside of her tail could feel the stirring presence of a lustful canine in the bathtub behind her. His groans were quiet enough that Jesse couldn't hear them over the rushing water, and finally, the effects of the "Heated Wolfess" cocktail were wearing off to the point that she wasn't overcome with a need to pounce him the moment that she laid eyes on him.

She was at peace with her new body, and her temper was finally soothed; it was Fred's turn to take control of the situation, and from the bathtub, he could see that she was too occupied with wiping her face clean to notice his approach.

Her tail continued to wag back and forth with an alluring sway as she worked a little soap into her fur. She leaned a little further over the counter to make sure that the water wouldn't spill down to the floor, and as she did, her backside stuck out a little further, perking her rump and leaving Fred unable to sit still any longer.

In reality, he didn't have to move so quietly, but the element of surprise served him well across the past few days, and he decided to stay faithful to it as he climbed over the edge of the tub and rolled over onto all fours, staying just below his own reflection in the mirror.

Eyes closed, face wet and ears flat, Jesse had no idea that she was being crept upon, until she could feel Fred's paws wrapping around her stomach and clenching onto her body. She stiffened up in his grasp and squeaked, and her eyes flew open to see Fred emerging behind her, pinning her from behind and pressing her breasts right into the cool stone of the counter...just like she'd hoped he would.

She could still get her way in the bedroom, but Fred wanted to make it very clear who the dominant player was, and from the night before, he'd completely turned the tables.

"You know, you've got every right to stick your little ass out and wiggle it like that if you want to," his voice was already a low, thick growl, "But if that's the first thing I see when I wake up, I'm gonna be too tired to keep my hips from acting of their own accord."

Jesse snickered and wiped the last of the soap from her face. She had just enough time to clear the suds from her eyes before she was forced to press her paws down on the counter to support Fred's weight. "I'm pretty sure you would have pounced right onto me, even if I wasn't wiggling my butt..."

"I hope that doesn't mean I'm getting predictable already?"

"I've only been a woman for a few days," Jesse pointed out. "I know how the male brain works..."

"Then you probably remember how the male body works, too."

The memories of being male were fading further and further from Jesse's mind, and Fred was intent to keep the process going as he pressed his open palms to the back of her shoulders, keeping her body tightly pressed over the counter. She was bent perfectly to be taken, and she was quick to realize what feature of the male body he was mentioning, when she felt an eager prod against the back of her thighs.

"...Dealing with a little morning wood, Fred?"

"This morning and almost every other."

Jesse might have protested a little bit more than she was, but she couldn't deny how thrilling it was to feel her nipples trying to grow erect, despite the weight of her body against them. The chill of the counter was still tantalizing to her skin, and the contrasting warmth of Fred's body against her back left her eager to feel more of the same...but an exterior warmth wouldn't cut it.

"We can't have you walking around the house sporting that all day, can we?"

Fred locked eyes with her in the mirror, and though he hadn't known it about himself before, he was quickly warming up to the idea of making love to his new partner in front of a reflective surface more often. "Truth be told, I could probably just wait a few minutes for it to go down...but I've got a hot little bitch beneath me, and I can feel how eager she's getting..."

A protest came to mind, but as Jesse's muzzle opened, she paused, able to feel the tip of Fred's cock gliding against her canine folds. It wasn't until he touched against her that she realized how much of a warm, moist shimmer was building on her netherlips, and having that reality forced on her was even more exciting than she'd anticipated.

She could only imagine how much wetter she'd be getting when she felt butterflies in her tummy just from being called a bitch.

"Can you really blame me?" she asked, looking straight up at him to try and capture his eyes, as he loomed over her. "You made me cum so hard last night that I nearly passed out from's easy to get addicted to something like that."

"If that's the case, you'd better be willing to pay up to your dealer."

The wordplay was clever, but it wasn't veiled. Fred was making it clear that he was going to be the one to call the shots from now on, and Jesse wasn't sure that she had the fight in her any longer to resist it. With the aggressive effects of the cocktail all but a distant memory, she could feel her knees wobbling and her legs turning to jelly just from being poked by the tip of his member, and somehow, the sense of need was even greater than it was before.

She was so determined to take him before, but now, she was eager to be claimed, and she was having trouble finding the words to express it.

"You'd really abide my addiction? That's awfully naughty of you, Fred."

The underside of his tip pressed up fully against her labia and began to sink awkwardly, but satisfyingly against her entrance. She knew that he was teasing her to break her, but she couldn't do anything to resist it. She needed to feel the whole of his length inside of her, and recognizing that left her powerless to do much more than tremble beneath him.

If she begged for it, she knew she'd never get the reins back from him, and while that didn't sound all bad, she didn't want to go down so easily.

"If you can't fight it, you might as well enjoy it," he claimed, as precum bubbled up from the tip of his tapered, canine length and mingled in with the glistening juices already upon her folds. "But I'm not interested in a bunch of small fries...I only want one customer, and I'd better be the only place she's getting her fix."

Talking about sex in not quite literal terms made things a bit less awkward for Jesse, who knew that there were still other people downstairs who might be stirring awake to hear what was coming.

If it were up to Fred, she'd be crying to the high heavens regardless of who was awake to hear them, and a quick, tempting prod from his cock forced her to suck in a gasp, and bite her lower lip just to keep it there.

"Y-you're evil..."

"You love it. Just admit that you do, Jesse...and I can pummel your little snatch all morning long, no questions asked."

She kept her fangs digging into her lower lips. Her eyes winced shut, and she leaned further over the counter, grinding her ass up against his hips, but she refused to say anything.

For some reason, she felt like uttering those words would disconnect her from the last little bits of who she used to be, and if Fred was going to take her to that place, she knew she'd never come back from it.

Fred also wasn't the type to play fair, and while one paw stayed against the middle of her back to keep her pinned, the other slipped down the small of her spine and right under her tail. Before he even reached her warm, sensitive pucker with his thumb, she knew that it was coming, but she still couldn't begin to prepare for the lewd, dominant act, and her legs almost gave out as she felt the quickest jab of penetration.

"You gonna be a loyal little bitch, or should I just go take care of my morning wood myself?"

Jesse had no idea there could be so much pleasure in being broken. She didn't think there would be such a great relief in releasing her lip and finally uttering the words, and that left her off guard when she breathlessly gave in to the larger, stronger wolf above her and accepted her place as a bitch, leaving the memories of her old self long gone.


Fred pressed his thumb further against her asshole, spreading it a little wider around his touch and leaving her to gasp once more, her voice riddled with physical need. "What was that?"

She wanted to reach back and grip his thighs to force his manhood into her folds. She wanted to dig her claws in and tug on his body, but she'd lost the domineering force that made her into what she was...and the submissive reality of her personality was taking over, leaving her to gaze back from the counter with weak, lustful eyes, radiating with a need that only Fred could answer.

"Yes...f-fucking yes! Please make me your bitch, Fred...feed my addiction and t-take me...whenever you want, however you want!"

A verbal contract might not hold up in a court of law, but it was good enough for the bedroom, or in this instance, the bathroom at a friend's house. Jesse wouldn't dare to go back on those words, and even if she tried to, she knew that Fred would never give her the upper hand again.

He was already having too much fun trapping her into a mental state of submissiveness, and though he already controlled her body, there was a greater sense of pride in leaning all the way over her body, burrowing his wet, slippery thumb a little deeper into her tailhole, and finally experiencing the satisfaction of the head of his cock penetrating her desperate womanhood.

There was no way to be sure that it would be better than the night before, until Fred was overcome with the undeniably canine pride of controlling his bitch and putting her in her place. She was overwhelmingly eager, herself, but there was a different kind of pleasure to know that he was pinning her and filling her on his own terms, instead of being treated like a living sex toy.

The slick, messy sight of feminine arousal coating the shaft of his member as he pulled back just slightly spurred him on that much further, and Jesse began to whimper with need, her tail doing the best it could to wrap around the small of his lower back and encourage him to go a little faster.

"W-we're canines, Fred..."

It was a subtle reminder, but a strong one at that, of just how Fred should have been taking her. The pose wasn't a proper doggy style, but the angle of penetration was just right to simulate it, and though their roles were switched from the night before, the end goal was the same.

If either one of them left the bathroom that morning without a completed tie, there would be something left on the table, and Fred simply wouldn't allow that.

"There's nothing wrong with sampling the goods once in a while," Fred reminded her, his voice still impressively calm for the depth of his thrusts. "It doesn't set a good precedent to just give you everything you want on the first go, but I suppose there's no better way to remind you of your place than a good, hard fuck..."

Jesse's ears had only a moment to perk and appreciate those words before they went flat once more in her utter submission to Fred, and the presence of his manhood. He was already well-endowed, and being in control the night before meant that she was able to dictate just how much of his length was used, and when.

Pinned the way that she was, she could only yield to his driving hips and hope that her body was able to handle it, and there was a certain rush in being unsure of just how deep he'd be able to reach.

"My place...u-under you?" she asked, having trouble managing a sentence as Fred's hips began picking up the pace. She could already feel the tip of his manhood brushing at the very depths of what she could handle, but he was just short of causing her a proper discomfort; instead, there was a delightfully deep sensation of being filled, as if that was what her body was made for.

If it was her destiny to be taken like this every morning, she'd start waking up earlier to meet with it.

"Right where you fuckin' belong," Fred voiced his agreement. Her asshole was starting to clench upon his thumb in time with the tight, powerful grasps of her vaginal muscles around his shaft, and he happily yanked the digit free so that his paws could grip around her hips. His weight was enough to keep her pinned over the sink, and with the force of his plowing legs, he was starting to push her onto her tippy-toes, forcing her to stand as tall as she could so that his member still had new depths to reach.

Claws on toes began scratching at the tiles of the floor, and as Jesse curled her digits with orgasmic delight, she felt her body sinking back against Fred, unable to maintain the stance any longer. She was pinned and slumped fully to the counter, and her breasts bounced against the cool material from the sheer force of the canine behind her, pumping her further and further into a state of submissive bliss.

She didn't even notice that she was drooling on the stone as she went lightheaded, and if not for Fred thrusting against her, she might have slumped right to the floor.

"G-good...good bitch," Fred groaned, his paws gripping her hips with an uncomfortable strength as his knot emerged to fulfill its duties. "Hold still for me j-just like that...nnnyeah...take my knot, you little slut...t...take all of that fuckin' cum, right into your tummy!"

The concept of being bred wasn't something that Jesse had ever considered before, but in her new role, it was a jolt of excitement that drew the last vestiges of her orgasm from a few fleeting seconds to glorious, blissful minutes, and each thrust that followed left her crying out with such forceful moans that she could feel her voice echoing against the bathroom walls. Anyone who was asleep before would have been wide awake as Fred continued to drive into her as forcefully as he could, until his knot finally struck the magic spot and drove home, filling Jesse with such a thick and powerful bulge that her labia almost failed to contain it.

She was almost in disbelief at how wonderful a proper tie could feel. Her paws were still trembling, but she moved them from under her body, allowing her breasts to support the full weight of her chest as quivering digits pressed against her pubic mound, able to feel the presence of a pumping knot inside of her, and all of the delicious, splashing cum that poured right into her womb.

Being in control had been fun while it lasted, but it would never compare to Jesse's submissive delights.

Mating for Beginners

MATING FOR BEGINNERS A TG/TF story about love...and lust ;p The wind slowly began to pick up as a colorfully sunny day slowly gave way into a dull colorless grey afternoon. Ward City University, home to one of the many Human and Animi cooperative...

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