Rain's Lullaby - part 1
Author's Note: I'm fully aware that I'm completely unable to spell and I didn't have a spell check program to help me reduce the damage at this time. I apologize.
So far the story is clean, but eventually I'll add some smutt to it (assuming I continue typing it). First solo smutt but eventually gay sex. I truly doubt this will be a happy story, however.
Dark rain descended upon the small mountain village. The dancing winds sending flurries of cold raindrops splashing against the many windows of the sleeping towns small houses and apartment complexes.
The frame of one particular window groaned under the onslaught of winds.
It belonged to a very small apartment in a rather old complex. No more then 20.5 square meters in seize there wasn't much room but it was quite cheap. "Very good for a first apartment" the parents of it's inhabitant had thought.
There was a TV-shelf, a sofa, a very small table with a computer screen resting on top and a bed with what appeared to be a heap of blankets on it.
Only... There was a pale gray muzzle sticking out from the pile which seemed to be trying to curse.
"Shhit! -ow c-ud I be sho shtu-id?! Wha wash I thinkin'? -amn it!" it rambled, obviously having trouble pronouncing most of the letters.
Rapid thoughts crossed the creatures mind in beat with the even stream of curses.
"What really happened? I had heard a voice... I couldn't find it source. It had asked me what I desired. Thoughts of money and fame had invaded my mind but I dismissed them all. I don't need money and fame doesn't seem that appealing when you think about it.
Then the thought of my fursona had struck my mind, and it wasn't as willing to be declined.
I hadn't said anything but suddenly the voice said "So this is what you want? So be it!" and my body felt like it was set on fire. Then everything went black. I woke up on the floor like THIS."
The blanket slid off, revealing a pale, wolf-like head. Only the nearly white fur flowed over what appeared to be a rather human shaped torso. A tentative paw slid out of the mess, reaching for the cold floor and the creature heaved itself up on two legs.
The long canine wobbled on the spot, finding it hard to balance on his newly reshaped legs and feet... paws. Regaining its balance it stopped its muttering of curse-words. Curses it couldn't even pronounce offered the creature neither satisfaction nor made the situation better.
Tucking the fluffy tail sticking out from its hindquarters away from between it's legs the humanoid took small, careful steps towards the little room that served as both a kitchen and a hallway. Leaving behind the blanket revealed a scrawny, broad shouldered but thin body. It also revealed a sheath between his legs. He was still trying to figure out if he thought that was a good thing or not.
This wasn't quite what he had thought of when he was tempted to look like his fursona, the mystical creature that had formed in his mind ever since he got in touch with the furry community. The pain, not being able to speak properly, to walk properly, his tail getting in the way all the time when he was trying to bend down to the small fridge without falling. It hadn't been in his mind.
And that was only the beginning of it. He had school in just 3 days. He dreaded what would happen then. He could only fake being sick for so long, and that was assuming he could speak well enough to call the school.
He tried to calm himself down. "One thing at a time, Sid, one thing at a time. And right now I have to make something to eat."
Sid gave up on finding anything in the fridge and tried to stand up again, muscles he didn't even knew he had straining to maintain his weight. He tried again, taking a hold of the sink with one paw to ensure success.
Satisfied that he wouldn't fall over just from shifting his weight back to his legs again he reached to dig through the cabinet. Finally settling for a package of noodle soup he got to work boiling water.
Finding the task mindless he started thinking again.
"It's pointless to wonder why this have happened or even how. I have to focus. What will I do? How will people react when they see me? I'll have to go out to buy food soon. What if they think I'm some kind of monster? Focus! I'll have to relearn to speak if I'm going to stand a snowballs chance in hell of convincing them otherwise. And how am I even suppose to get to the store if I can't walk properly?"
Reminding himself to stay calm as he tried to wrestle the noodle package open with his now shorter and stubbier fingers.
Sid was sitting in front of his computer screen. The noise of the old computers fan filling the apartment along with the canines voice.
After having walked back and forth the small distance his apartment allowed him to for over an hour, attempting to curse every time he lost his balance, his legs had finally given in.
He used the computer to recording his own voice, trying to pronounce letters as clearly as he could. He was recording them so he could judge what letters others might be able to understand.
"aaah... Aa... wb-eee... ee... B-ee... shee... ee... tee... Dee... E... ff-f..."
It wasn't going particularly well. Sid had felt that this would take ages. But he struggled on while trying to suppress the "I'm going to end up killed" toughs in his head.
After a few rounds he had learned to pronounce most of the letters, at least given a few chances. But when he tried to say a word it came out completely unrecognizable. He wouldn't even had understood himself hadn't he been the one trying to talk.
In a growl of frustrated retreat he gave up for the moment and tried to pace around in the apartment for a while instead.
A whimper escaped the black fur-clad lips as Sids groggy mind tried to process the meaning of what he saw.
He had been a good boy and worked with his speech and walking all day, yesterday, and had then fallen onto him bed; feeling his legs, his head and his throat ache, before falling asleep.
After cursing the sunlight waking him up and miserably failed at hiding from the merciless light he had dragged himself out of bed and made his way to the kitchen wobbling. The sight that greeted him was not pleasant. His fridge had a can of conserved green peas in it and all the cabin had a plastic bag with dried mushrooms that his mother had given him.
Sid hadn't really given his parents any thought since he transformed.
"Oh shit... Mom and dad... They will never believe that I'm their son... and with moms temperament..."
Despair took a hold around his throat and turned his aching legs into jelly. Leaning against the door out of the apartment he slid down towards the floor.
Dark thoughts haunted his mind as images of possible scenarios flashed by. Trying to grasp for air he could feel tears churning in his eyes.
As tears started to stain his fur his thoughts were interrupted by a heap of mail being pressed into his neck through the doors maillot.
Sid's darkness turned into seething flames as he fell over and cursed the rude mailman and his fucked up timing. The sudden distraction had however been enough for Sid to compose himself again. This was not the time for thinking of his.. parents...
The tears tried to return but Sid quickly wiped any thought out of his mind. Looking at the cabin they threatened to return once again however. He didn't have any food. That meant he had to go to the grocery shop and buy more. That in turn meant he had to show himself in public, like THIS!
He wasn't ready. He could barely utter a few words, specially while in panic, and he wouldn't be able to run with his sore legs if things went bad. He'd just have to starve for now.
His conviction fell by lunch time as his stomach grumbled and churned.
Sid was sitting bend over in his sofa. The thought of going out was making his stomach cramp. When he was younger he had somehow learned that he didn't have to go to school if his stomach was upset enough. His parents had let it pass at first but gradually grew more and more suspicious and Sid's stomach pains gradually got worse to compensate.
He did actually have a sensitive stomach, which is why he started eating more vegetables and less meat, but whenever he was forced to do something he really didn't want to his stomach would cramp.
He sat there and tried to tell his legs to lift him up but the signal seemed to get lost somewhere near the pain-shrouded hollowness in his stomach.
He needed food. Even if he didn't go now he would have to damn soon unless he was to starve. The temptation of doing it later rather then now tried to grasp hold of him but he was rather pissed with himself by now. Pissed for being so stupid, pissed for being in this situation but most of all he was pissed for being such a god damned coward!
He shot up from the sofa and speed of to the closet for a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Falling onto the bed he quickly feed his legs into the jeans ignoring the discomfort of his fur being forcefully twisted. Thankful of the jeans being rather loose he buttomed up and donned his T-shirt while his fume was still pumping.
Finally reaching the door he took his wallet and stuffed it into his pocket. Casting a swift glance at his shoes, then at his paws. He decided the two was incompatible and turned to the door.
As he laid a paw on the handle he felt all his steam being drained from him. The dark claws of paranoia sank into his flesh. Sid had no strength left to fight it of with.
Somehow he managed to unlock the door and push it open. He took a step out, mortified, holding his breath.
Nothing happened.
So he shoved the door closed and took another step, and another, and another.
Withing seconds he was speeding of at a pace far faster then what was safe. A small part of his mind noted how much easier it was to maintain balance while moving forward fast.
Sid tried to ignore the pain as the gravel bit into the soft pads of his paws and continued of cheer momentum. The grocery shop was within sight.
Edit: Found a way to use firefox to correct my spelling.