Pred Training

Story by Galaxin on SoFurry

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Toby winced as yet another headshot blew his character to the ground, followed by the rambunctious cheering of the bull next to him. "Damn bro, you really have to step it up if you want to win at this rate!" Jake bellowed. His hearty laughs boomed through the small room.

Toby sat on the couch in his cousin's dorm room, squeezed up against the armrest. He found it nearly impossible to concentrate with Jake's large form pressed up against him. The goat was of the firm opinion that any couch his cousin sat on was a mere single-seater, but he had insisted on the two of them sharing the space. "We're family after all," he had said, his large hand playfully shoving Toby down to the cushion. "No need to be awkward!"

Now, Toby was no slouch himself in the size department. At six-foot-eight, he towered over most furs. However, his family tree seemed to carry a dominant gene for height, and he'd drawn the short stick in the genetic lottery. Jake had nearly two feet over him, and more than enough muscle to match his stature in comparison to Toby's husky frame. People had trouble believing they were the same age, yet alone related.

"Boom, another headshot!" Jake cheered, his elbow striking Toby's shoulder. He winced at the sting of pain, yet kept his lips pinned shut. This would pass soon enough.

As the game continued, Toby failing to overcome his cousin all the while, Jake suddenly spoke up. And for once, not about his utter decimation of the match. "Hey, cous', did I tell you about those two people I brought home last night yet?"

Toby flinched. "Um... no?" Why do you insist on telling me about your one night stands...?

A grin grew on the bull's face, even though his focus stayed on the screen. "Well you would not believe how good it was. I ate out the girl while riding the dude. Then, I got to fuck the both of them right after one another. Best three-way I've had in at least a month!" Toby got the sneaking suspicion that he remembered neither their names nor what species they were.

"Oh, good for you..." Toby muttered in reply.

"Oh but that's not the end of it!" Jake continued, leaning forward. He licked his lips and smirked, passing a quick glance toward his smaller cousin. "See, I get pretty hungry after a good fuck, and you know for a fact my nuts were drained after all that. And guess what?" Toby grimaced, stomach turning. His silence was evidently taken as a 'go on', and Jake eagerly continued. "Both of 'em willingly went down to be fuel for my gut and sack! Can you believe it?" He started to laugh, bellowing chuckles shaking the couch and no doubt echoing through the floor.

Jake paused the game, taking a moment to show off. He patted his stomach through his shirt, grinning widely. "Can you even tell there was a dude churning in my gut all night, bro?" Toby didn't even have a chance to respond before his cousin continued, lewdly cupping his crotch. "And there's a whole girl's worth of cum still swirling around in here.... Or was it the other way around?" His grin grew wider. "Ah, who cares; still a ton of protein either way."

Toby looked away, brow furrowed slightly. Jake could be so... crass about his predatory nature sometimes. Or rather, all of the time. He bragged about every sexual conquest, and especially focused on the ones that ended in him devouring his partners. And sometimes even just people he grabbed off the street. Toby didn't mind it per-say, but he didn't understand how someone could be so casual about something so... odd.

"Best part is, I don't even have to reform 'em for a couple more days," Jake boasted. "Both of them said they wanted to be a part of my godly physique until Sunday. Which means more time to fucking and eating, amirite bro?" He playfully clapped the goat on the back, nearly launching him off the couch. He would have face-planted onto the hard floor if he wasn't used to such contact. Yet, a rather embarrassing bleat of surprise still escaped him.

Finally, Jake relaxed, done talking for a moment to simply rub his abs. "You know, now that I think about it, how was your last meal?" Toby stiffened. "I mean, you're kind of a prude when it comes to sex, but you still eat things beside micros, right?"

Toby's words came out shaky, not wanting to escape his mouth. "Um... not really..."

Jake's eyes went wide, a small gasp escaping his lips. At once he leaned in, stopping just shy of headbutting Toby in the process. "No way dude! You have to have a least eaten someone once since we got into college!"

The hot feeling of panic and awkwardness continued to spread throughout Toby's chest. "Uh, well..."

Jake pressed even closer, alarmed expression etched into his face. "Come on, bro! You've gotta be messing with me! When's the last time you ate someone that wasn't six inches tall?"

A long silence passed before Toby could speak. When he did, it felt as if the word fought against his tongue, desperate to stay within him.


With that, Jake fell back, stunned. He looked as if he'd just walked in on his spouse banging his best friend. His back rested against the armrest opposite to Toby's side, his eyes staring blankly upward. "The guy's never eaten a single..." he muttered after a moment, incredulous.

Toby frowned and stepped onto the floor, straightening up. "It's... really not that big of a deal, right?"

"Not that big a deal?" Jake cried, shooting up. He shoved his face in Toby's once again, eliciting another bleat of surprise. "Of course it's a big deal! Eating people is like, the best part of my night! We've gotta get some meat in you fast!" In less than a moment, he was on his feet, marching to his door.

"Where are you going?" Toby asked. Jake shoved past him, knocking him aside with the simple weight his size carried.

"I'll just be a sec." Jake opened his door, and quickly stepped into the hall, squeezing his bulky form through the frame. Toby stood in the middle of his room, a blank stare on his face. What the hell is he doing...?

Nearly a minute passed before Toby regained the sense of self to decide what to do. He wondered if he should go after Jake. None of his ideas ever ended well for him. Usually with him placating some slighted store owner or fellow student. But just as he took a step forward to begin the search, a familiar mass of reddish fur appeared in the doorway. Once again, Jake forced his way in, having trouble with even the specially made door.

"L-Jake, where did you even--" The bull held out a hand to stop him in his tracks.

"No worries, bro!" he announced, stepping aside. "I grabbed you the best beginner meal you could ask for!" Before words could even attempt to escape from Toby's mouth, a much smaller form appeared in the doorway. A cat, no taller than 5'2, poked his head inside.

"Um, hi," he said with a slow wave. A visible blush adorned his orange cheeks.

Toby stepped backward in shock. "Jake...?"

The bull grinned, slapping the cat on the shoulder. It was a miracle the little thing stayed standing from it. "This is Max, your first prey. I told him we could fool around a bit if he let you eat him." At that, Max's blush grew to unbearable levels, soon resorting to hiding his face behind his hands. Not that Jake noticed. "Aren't I a great cousin?"

Toby struggled to speak, words failing him. He had plenty of thoughts swirling around his head, most revolving around Jake being completely insane and self-involved, but not a single one made it to his mouth. It took him nearly half a minute to fill the silence in the room. "N-no way! I'm not just going to eat someone!"

Jake cocked his head to the side. "What? Why not?"

"B-because! What if I, like, choke or something! Plus I'm not big on the thought of digesting someone!"

Jake's lips pursed, and his brow furrowed. Max simply looked away, clearly uncomfortable. "First of all, you're a pred deep down, same as me. It's in your genes, bro! And second of all, he'll be fine. You just gotta reform him later." The matter-of-fact tone he used was infuriating, yet Toby knew he was right. Both of them knew he was right.

Jake sighed, dragging his hand over his face. "Ugh, do I have to promise to sleep with you too? 'Cuz I'm not, like, super into the idea. Unless you are. I mean you do have a pretty big di-"


"Fine, fine. No blowjobs." Jake held out his palms in defeat. "Unless you change your mind." He rubbed the almost forgotten cat's head, ruffling his head fur. "You're still getting one though, don't worry." To Toby, it seemed as if the feline cheered internally. "But seriously bro, just let me do this for you. One time, and if you don't like it for real, I'll never make you eat some dude again, alright?"

Toby's will wavered. His expression fell somewhat. And Jake wasted no time jumping on that weakness. "And I'll even coach you through the whole thing; think of it like family bonding."

Toby knew he was likely going to regret going along with this. Yet, Jake's words had wormed their way into his head. There was no fighting it. The bull was impossible to resists when he wanted to be persuasive. And more so, he'd been forced to skip lunch earlier. His stomach had already made the decision. "...fine."

Jake grinned widely, flat teeth filling the view of his face. "Awesome, dude! Maybe now we'll finally get you to bulk up a little." Toby's cheeks burned at the comment, even as the bull unceremoniously picked up Max without a hint of effort, storing him under his arm like a bag. A squeak of surprise escaped him, having been picked up as easily as a large toy. Though judging by his expression and fixation on the bull's pecs, he didn't mind in the slightest.

"Alright, so step one," Jake announced, pushing Toby back down onto the couch. The goat could tell he did it as softly as he could, more of a guiding shove, but he didn't know his own strength at all. "Getting nice and relaxed. You've got to if you want to shove a guy even as small as Max down your gullet. I know relaxing is pretty hard for you, but we'll just do the best we can with that."

"Next, presenting the prey~" Jake cooed. He put Max down right on Toby's lap, where the cat began to disrobe much to the goat's embarrassment. He easily fit, though his knees dug into the slight pudge of his belly. The cat soon sat naked on his lap, plenty cause for discomfort in the goat's mind. "Max is pretty willing though, so just open up wide and let nature take its course."

Toby eyed Max's form with a bit of apprehension. The cat was adorable to be sure. He'd seen him around the dorm from time to time, and thought he'd make for a cute cuddle. But he never imagined he was into vore... "Are you... sure you're okay with this?" Toby asked. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to back out..."

Max shook his head at once, an awkward smile still on his face. "Of course I want this! I've always wanted to see what it's like inside a goat." He slowly rubbed Toby's belly, fingers digging into his soft pudge. The feeling sent electric tingles up his spine, blood rushing to his face and other places. "Not to mention, I've been wanting to get with Jake all year. He's like, the hottest guy on campus!"

"Guilty as charged~" The bull purred. He cupped his package once again, giving Max a wink. "And it's all yours after your fantastic voyage. So come on, Toby, open up!"

Toby could see he wasn't going to get a way out of this from either of them. He resigned himself to his fate, opening his mouth as wide as he was able. His stomach rumbled under Max's hands, already prepared for his meal. Even so, he was sorely unprepared for the feeling of hands pressing into his tongue.

A heavenly flavor exploded on his taste buds, far better than any food he'd tasted in months. It was like his dad's best home cooking all rolled up into one taste. He could barely hold back, closing his mouth to suck on the two palms stuck into his mouth, moaning slightly. It took only a moment for him to snap out of it though, growing red at his cousin's smug expression. It just screamed 'told you".

He opened up again, making a mental note to not do so again in his embarrassment. Max just giggled and pressed on, his hands pressing into the back of Toby's slick throat. Much to the goat's surprise, it stretched to accommodate them without more than a quick swallow, his body much quicker on the uptake than he.

Soon, Max's shoulders and face followed. "Just keep swallowing, bro," Jake encouraged. "You're doing great!" Toby did just that, gulping around Max's arms as he fed himself into his body. His tongue pressed against his cute face, dousing it in drool. Even that was delicious, and Toby had to keep himself from trying to suck on his head.

As the kitty's face poked into the back of Toby's throat, he felt the odd sensation of something large and long pressing into his first stomach. He could feel it pressing out against him with every swallow, the swelling more pleasurable than he'd ever imagined. He always believed it to be uncomfortable, but it was an almost addictive sort of pleasant. He wanted, no, needed more of it.

His swallows became more urgent, determined. Toby soon even began to shove Max in himself, finding his progress too slow. The cat was all too happy to comply, happily traveling further and further down his esophagus to the wonderful trip of digestion. Toby soon reached Max's legs, where he discovered that he was quite _excited_about the experience as well. A spiny cock poked into his broad tongue, causing the cat further within to shiver. He had long since properly entered the stomach, his face pressed firmly into the firm, sticky walls. He still had enough of him left outside to generate the force to thrust against Toby's tongue, apparently desperate to get off.

Toby continued to swallow, lifting his head upward to allow gravity to help out. And to not break Max's legs along the way. In that position, his progress became even easier. His throat bulged with the last bits of cat as his legs and soon paws slipped down into his maw. Toby felt a strange convulsion within him as something warm splattered inside his throat, soon realizing it to be the cat's orgasm. The idea that simply swallowing was enough to get the student off... it was somewhat intoxicating.

Finally, Toby's lips closed, and with one final gulp, Max was sealed within him. Thin legs slid down into him, soon disappearing into his abdomen. The large bulge in his stomach finally curled up completely, some shapes visible even through the layer of pudge on his form. He marveled at the sight under his fur, a slightly shifting mass sealed within him. Soon he'd pass through his other stomachs, where digestion would truly begin. And then, he'd had completely digested an entire person, made everything useful into energy and bellyfat.

God that was hot.

"You did it, bro!" Toby was shaken from his reverie by his cousin's loud shout of approval. He had been so lost in the zone, he'd forgotten Jake was even there. The bull plopped himself down on the couch, wood creaking in protest, and taking up every inch of space left. "How's it feel? Just as good as I said, right?"

After a moment, Toby nodded. "It's... amazing..." He had to admit, Jake was actually right for once. It was a strange day...

Jake grinned, leaning back. "See, told ya. And this means you're coming out on hunts with me from now on, alright? No backing out!" Toby knew he hadn't actually said anything about that... but he was too content to argue. Having a squirming mass inside him was making him quite relaxed. "Now let's see how that feels~"

Before Toby could ask what he meant, a large hand spread itself over his bulging belly. Toby nearly moaned out loud, stopping himself just in time. Jake began to gently rub along the bulge Max made in his belly, kneading into the fat and meat within. It was an amazing feeling. "Huh, you know, rubbing your belly feels even better than mine. So soft..." The bull noted in surprise. "You've gotta let me do this next time you eat someone."

Toby was barely listening, leaning back on the couch in content. His eyelids felt heavy, the pure calm of the situation making him lethargic. It was like after thanksgiving dinner, when all he wanted to do was pass out for the night and indulge in the aftermath of his gluttony. At the moment, a nap sounded pretty damn good. "Yeah... sure, whatever..." he said, a smile growing on his face.

"Ah, pred nap. Yeah, that'll happen," Jake said, knowing from experience. "Rest up, cousin~" Toby's eyes closed. "I'll make sure you churn him up nice and good."

As Toby slipped into dreamland, he resolved to do this again. Very soon.