[Trade] Letting Off Steam

Story by kiwiBB on SoFurry

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Here's my half of a trade with Buttsaucer. (Don't miss his half of the trade either: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1302095)

Man, are these characters a fun pair to write. Hope to see more of them in the future.

"Hm hm h'hmm~"

Taali hummed quietly to himself, tending to a pot of vegetables bubbling over the fire. The slender deer had spent the past half hour preparing dinner, and now the stew was almost ready. Just in time, too, as his roommate Runa was due back any minute.

The male glanced down at his groin, rubbing his balls gingerly. Runa was a bit of a handful: a goat girl with a strong sex drive and a hot temper. She worked as the village blacksmith, pounding metal with hammers and arguing with unruly customers. By the time she got home each day, she usually had a lot of frustration to work out -- and Taali was her stress relief.

Sometimes, that meant sex: shoving the deer onto the floor and riding his cock, or spending a long evening stroking him to orgasm after orgasm. Sometimes, that meant pain: a hoof slammed up into Taali's fuzzy testicles, or a flurry of violent groin punches that left the poor male crumpled and moaning.

Today had started poorly. Apparently Runa had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, as she had managed to kick poor Taali's nuts into his throat three times before she even left for work. He had spent the better part of the morning nursing his aching ballsac, and even now, his testicles ached to the touch.

But the evening would be better. He hoped so, at least.

Taali checked the pot one more time. His veggie stew had boiled down to a nice thick consistency, so carefully he removed it from the flame, setting it on the hearth to keep it warm until serving time.

As though on queue, in burst Runa. Her face was twisted into an angry scowl. Immediately, the goat girl began shedding clothes -- goggles, gloves, belt, shirt, pants, all tossed on the floor in random directions. She hated wearing clothes, and the sooner she could get home and strip, the better. Within a few moments, she was naked and fuming.

"H-Hey Runa," said Taali cautiously, fidgeting. This was either very good, or very bad.

The female glowered. "Take off your clothes and spread your legs," she demanded, her eyes locked on his groin.

The deer's ears folded flat against his head. That sounded bad.

"Uh..." He took a half-step backwards, one hand hovering protectively over his crotch. "To be honest, my, uh...my balls are still REALLY sore from this morning. Maybe...if you're going to kick me in the nuts again, can it wait until tomorrow?"

For a split second, Runa seemed surprised - but immediately her expression hardened, her hands balling into fists. "RAAAGH!" The curvy little goat stomped towards him, glaring daggers. "What the hell do YOU know?! I was GOING to suck your dick to apologize, but if you're going to be a PUSSY about it then I'll just--!"

THUD. Taali was suddenly lifted onto his tiptoes, as Runa cocked her hoof back and SLAMMED it up between his legs with all of the frustrated force that she could muster. Twin explosions went off in the deer's stomach as his 'nads were crushed flat against his pelvis for the fourth time that day. His mouth moved wordlessly as a deep and wicked nausea tore through his gut, like someone was trying to rearrange his insides.

"...Nnnh?" the male finally managed to squeak, toppling to his knees. Another moment, and he had fallen onto his side and curled into the fetal position, both hands clasped around his battered calfmakers.

Runa wasted no time joining him on the floor. With gruff determination she forced herself between his legs, stripping away his robes and pushing him onto his back. She pried his thighs apart, batting away his hands and grabbing his ballbag in one fist. Taali gave a terrified moan, fresh nutache blossoming in his abdomen.

The naked goat glared down at him. "Now shut up," she growled, "and accept your apology."

Taali trembled as her fingers tightened around his bruised balls -- then gasped as she took him into her mouth, sucking hard. His cock hardened immediately, pulsing against her tongue. He moaned loudly as she swirled her tongue around the tip of his length...then squealed in surprise as her other fist pounded into his ballsac.

Runa ignored his reactions, bobbing up and down hungrily on her prize. Work had been hell today. She needed this.

It was going to be a very long night for Taali.